The guys at Taikors and Taikuns, a new business blog, are really on the roll. Their latest scoops are being aired by Business FM, everybody's favorite station, and I've been asked quite a few times if I knew the person/people behind An inquirer asked if the site was run by people linked to the tycoon Syed Mokhtar al-Bukhary!
I've been following the blog for a while (it's been on my blogroll and I've made an earlier posting here). The latest "scoop", which will be published by a business daily tomorrow quoting the website, is on a said proposal by Syed Mokhtar's MMC to buy the entire stake in UEM for RM15.6 billion.
The site has also reported a couple of weeks ago that the Prime Minister will launch the RM15 billion Matrade project to be undertaken by Naza-TTDI on November 11. Yes, they were specific on the date and so far, as far as I know, this hasn't been denied.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
BN's candidate for Galas by-election on TV3's Soal-Jawab tonight?
Sheih Azidi aka Kickdefella was one of the biggest socio-political rebels to emerge from the Malaysian blogosphere during the retentive period of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's short-lived term as prime minister. About a year before the fall of "de fella", Sheih went on to work for PAS' Husam as a media adviser and set up a state-of-the-art comm infrastructure aimed, among other things, to defeat Tun Dol's army. It was not to be a happy outing as, after the general election of March 2008, Sheih discovered all sorts of hanky-panky going on around Husam and in the party. Inevitably, Kickdefella re-emerged except this time the "punching bag" isn't Tun Dol but Nik Aziz, the so-called spiritual leader of PAS. Thanks to Sheih, many of us now know better. Before Sheih's series of exposes on Nik Aziz and his son-in-law, many thought the PAS vet really was a saint.
Now, I'm sure that Sheih has not spent all bullets against Nik Aziz. You see, this blogger is also a seasoned politicians, having been a local Ketua Pemuda for years until he was disillusioned by Tun Dol. If there's going to be a by-election in Galas, Kelantan, which has just lost thier Adun, I don't see why Sheih Azidi should not be considered.
This guy, for sure, will scare the hell of the holy men in Kelantan.
Sheih will appear tonight on TV3's Soal-Jawab at 11 pm. The talk show is hosted by seasoned journalist and blogger Ahmad A. Talib. It will be an all-blogger affair, with Dr Ridzwan Bakar, who blogs as Doctor 2008, and Munirah Hanin, who blogs on parentingm as the other guests on the show.
Now, I'm sure that Sheih has not spent all bullets against Nik Aziz. You see, this blogger is also a seasoned politicians, having been a local Ketua Pemuda for years until he was disillusioned by Tun Dol. If there's going to be a by-election in Galas, Kelantan, which has just lost thier Adun, I don't see why Sheih Azidi should not be considered.
This guy, for sure, will scare the hell of the holy men in Kelantan.
Sheih will appear tonight on TV3's Soal-Jawab at 11 pm. The talk show is hosted by seasoned journalist and blogger Ahmad A. Talib. It will be an all-blogger affair, with Dr Ridzwan Bakar, who blogs as Doctor 2008, and Munirah Hanin, who blogs on parentingm as the other guests on the show.
Friday, September 24, 2010
It's Malay Empowerment, Stupid
Not supremacy, maybe primacy, probably leadership, certainly empowerment. The article by Rashid Yusof on Ketuanan Melayu, the concept coined by an ex-ISA detainee and today championed by another ex-ISA detainee, is refreshing. The NST Associate Editor's attempt to come up with an exact definition of the phrase "ketuanan Melayu" is brave and noble but I'm afraid he won't have the support of many, certainly not from those who are gaining (political mileage) from the misunderstood concept and certainly don't want anyone, least of all the Malays, to know any better.
Excerpts from his column that appeared in the NST on Wednesday:
During the early days of Perkasa circa post-March 2008, there was already a concern that the phrase "Ketuanan Melayu" might be used against the Malays. In one Perkasa forum that I covered, a professor (now deceased) told his audience that the concept did not mean Malay Supremacy. "Try Malay primacy, it's perhaps a more accurate translation," he said.
Syed Zahari, one of the longest ISA detainees in Singapore or Malaysia, once told an interview that it's not Ketuanan Melayu that the Malays (or UMNO) should be concerned about. It's Kepimpinan Melayu (Malay leadership), he said.
Read Rashid Yusof's The realities of politics and race.
Excerpts from his column that appeared in the NST on Wednesday:
The term "ketuanan Melayu" has had the misfortune of attracting the English translation of "Malay supremacy".
Malay supremacy tends to be loosely and harshly associated at some levels with white supremacy and that of right-wing movements across the world.
Really, the overarching, unifying theme of ketuanan Melayu had been "empowerment" or, as an inspiring writer from a different time defined it, Malay sovereignty -- chronicling the self-determination of a people brought under colonial rule for four centuries.
Perhaps the equal of ketuanan Melayu is Black Empowerment that greeted the end of apartheid in South Africa.
During the early days of Perkasa circa post-March 2008, there was already a concern that the phrase "Ketuanan Melayu" might be used against the Malays. In one Perkasa forum that I covered, a professor (now deceased) told his audience that the concept did not mean Malay Supremacy. "Try Malay primacy, it's perhaps a more accurate translation," he said.
Syed Zahari, one of the longest ISA detainees in Singapore or Malaysia, once told an interview that it's not Ketuanan Melayu that the Malays (or UMNO) should be concerned about. It's Kepimpinan Melayu (Malay leadership), he said.
Read Rashid Yusof's The realities of politics and race.
Monday, September 20, 2010
A newspaper with balls/Awang Selamat's last article?
Updated belatedly on 21/9, 8 pm.Nazri writes "open letter" to Utusan Malaysia's Awang Selamat in the Malaysian Insider, which I have retitled Nazri: I, Me, Mine. It's all about Nazri by Nazri. My favourite is the part where he claims credit for Pakatan Rakyat's loss of 5 MPs:
"Awang will never understand this because he is not an elected MP, put in the House by the voice of the people. Anyway did Awang ever think of how five PKR MPs could cross and be independents, if not for the civility shown by me to them as parliamentary affairs minister?"
Loose talk among bloggers is that the Minister in the PM's Department has acquired some shares in the pro-Opposition Insider but one thing I know for sure is this won't be the last Utusan Malaysia-Malaysian Insider encounter. There's bad blood there ...
Original Article, Mon 20/9/2010
"A school kid knows that, Nazri". The mainstream media are supposed to kowtow to the Est, right? They are supposed to criticize only the Opposition and those who are anti-Est? Well, here's one reason why so many hate Utusan Malaysia. It's MSM as MSM gets, and it has enough editorial guts to take on the Est. They once took on Dr Mahathir and they even took on the entire Umno machinery (the outcome was bloody and did not favour Utusan, of course), so who is Anwar Ibrahim, Lim Guan Eng, and Niz Aziz? And if you are a newspaper who dares to take on these Big 3 on a daily basis, wtf is Nazri Aziz?
Here's the Utusan's response to Nazri in its Sunday edition yesterday. In this article, Awang Selamat asks Nazri who his boss is: Najib, Anwar or Kit Siang?
Anyone needs a translation?
Alahai Nazri...
Bisik-Bisik MingguanUTUSAN pernah dikritik oleh Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Nazri Aziz sebelum ini. Awang melihatnya sebagai perkara biasa. Perbezaan pendapat bukan suatu masalah lalu Awang memilih untuk berdiam.
Namun Awang terpanggil menjawab tindakan terbaru Nazri yang lantang mempersoalkan Utusan berhubung isu Perkasa.
Seperti biasa, melalui portal berita pro-pembangkang, Malaysian Insider, Nazri sampai ke tahap menuduh Utusan mempunyai agenda untuk membawa balik Dr. Mahathir Mohamad sebagai Perdana Menteri.
‘‘Saya tidak boleh faham Utusan. Siapa ketua mereka - Najib atau Dr. Mahathir?,’’ kata beliau dalam laporan bertajuk Nazri persoal agenda Utusan perlekeh dasar Najib.
Awang hanya senyum sambil geleng kepala. Tafsiran Nazri begitu liar dan hairan mengapa seorang menteri boleh berfikir sebegitu.
Untuk pengetahuan Nazri, ingin ditegaskan bahawa Awang dan Utusan adalah penyokong Perdana Menteri. Jika hilang jawatan di Utusan sekalipun, Awang tetap akan menyokong Najib. Tiada keraguan.
Maka tidak timbul sama sekali kononnya ada agenda untuk menjadikan Dr. Mahathir sebagai Perdana Menteri. Budak sekolah pun tahu hakikat itu.
Awang boleh faham mengapa Nazri melemparkan tuduhan itu kerana beliau sememangnya anti -Dr. Mahathir. Itulah yang menjadikan beliau tidak objektif. Awang bukan seperti Nazri yang sanggup biadap dengan negarawan yang banyak berjasa. Sebab itu, Awang tidak hairan mengapa akhbar Cina ghairah memperlekehkan Dr. Mahathir. Ini kerana ada pemimpin Melayu sendiri yang membuka laluan.
Kalau suatu hari nanti, Nazri bersara, insya Allah, Awang akan menghormati beliau sebagai seorang veteran dan tokoh berjasa, walaupun jasanya tidak sebesar negarawan-negarawan kita.
Nazri juga menghentam Presiden Perkasa, Ibrahim Ali seolah-olah Ibrahim musuh UMNO. Nazri lupa, ketika UMNO diserang bertubi-tubi terutama selepas PRU12 dan pemimpin UMNO difitnah habis-habisan, siapakah pemimpin NGO yang lantang mempertahankan UMNO jika bukan Ibrahim.
Beliau berada di banyak pelosok tanah air berceramah melawan kerakusan pembangkang bagi membela UMNO dan BN. Awang tidak ingat apa yang Nazri lakukan? Apakah beliau seberani Ibrahim dalam menghadapi pembangkang?
Dengar cerita daripada beberapa pemimpin UMNO, Nazri sudah banyak berlembut dengan pembangkang yang motifnya, mungkin beliau tidak mahu dijadikan sasaran kritikan atau mahu ambil jalan selamat. Menurut cerita lagi, kerana strateginya itu, kini Nazri disenangi oleh ramai pemimpin pembangkang. Kalau benar andaian itu, Awang juga boleh bertanya siapa sebenarnya ketua Nazri. Najib atau Anwar Ibrahim atau mungkin Kit Siang?
Mengenai Perkasa, Nazri harus menerima hakikat Perkasa hanyalah sebuah NGO. Orang Melayu tahu membezakan antara parti politik dan NGO.
Awang sesungguhnya tidak berminat berhujah panjang dengan Nazri. Beliau berjawatan menteri, lagi pandai dan bijaksana. Biarlah orang ramai dan pembaca yang menilai. Awang takut menjadi orang yang riak. Jika Awang dilihat silap perhitungan dan terlanjur kata, Awang sedia menerima apa sahaja hukuman. Tiada penyesalan.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Where will the Umno wolves, tail between their legs, run to now?
Updated, Sunday 8.30pm
Perkasaphobia, the latest posting by Demi Negara, is tailored for anti-Malays, anti-unity and anti-Article 153. But even if you aren't any of the above, read it to be reminded that Perkasa's raison d'ĂȘtre was simply to uphold constitutional provisions impinging on the rights and special position of the Malays and other Bumiputras.
Original Article:-
UMNO elak konflik dengan NGO
KUALA LUMPUR 17 Sept. - Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak berkata, UMNO akan sentiasa mengelak daripada mewujudkan sebarang konflik dengan mana-mana pertubuhan bukan kerajaan (NGO).
Perdana Menteri berkata, UMNO akan sentiasa mengambil pendirian itu termasuk dengan Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia (Perkasa) walaupun ada NGO tertentu yang mengemukakan pandangan tidak dipersetujui oleh parti itu.
"Kita tidak mahu ada konflik dengan mana-mana NGO dan bagi UMNO, Perkasa seperti NGO lain.
"Kita mempunyai banyak NGO dan kadang-kala kita bersetuju dan ada masa kita tidak bersetuju. Lebih mustahak UMNO merupakan sebahagian daripada kerajaan dan apa yang diperkatakan oleh parti ini adalah lebih penting," katanya. - Utusan Malaysia, 17/9/2010 (Klik sini utk berita penuh)
The Umno president has said it again [he's said it here in April - Perkasa bukan pelampau ekstrim, as reported by Malaysiakini, and also here that Perkasa and Dr Mahathir are not against Umno, in an interview with CNBC Asia.
I was reading about WOLVES IN UMNO over at a promising new blog the other day, just before Najib made his statement. Looks like the ball is in the wolves" court now. Will they dare speak up against the BOSS or admit that they made a mistake and scoot off to a dark, quiet corner with tails between their legs?
After Najib's interview with CNBC, I said my piece in The Irrational Fear of Perkasa. Lawyer Art Harun, who is opposed to Perkasa, has attempted to respond to this with DO WE FEAR PERKASA?
"To many, Perkasa is not feared. Let alone irrationally feared.
What is feared is what Perkasa and its ilk represent.
And I don't think there is any need for me to spell out what they represent."
But if, after having read Art Harun's well-written article, you are still wondering what it is that Perkasa and its ilk represent that is feared, I think the answer lies in these paragraphs:
"And of course we have Dr Mahathir Mohamad who is dead against the Prime Minister's well intent moves. And Perkasa - like Dr Mahathir - is also dead against it. in fact, personally, it is my perception that Perkasa is just echoing Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
"No, not echoing. But parroting him. Yes, that's more apt."The fear of an 85-year old man. At least that explains why Nazri Aziz and KJ are dead against this NGO. We know how they feel about Dr Mahathir, and why. And most Malaysians don't share their feelings.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Ah, the irony, Gopal Sri Ram!
(Another) Too late the hero. What is it about people like former judge Gopal Sri Ram, who suddenly found the voice of righteousness to criticize their own profession only after they have safely retired from whatever it was they were happily doing? By all means, talk on as talk is cheap. People like Gopal Sri Ram should have rebelled against the system, they should have gotten out or die trying like a few actually did.
Yesterday, this former judge took a bitter (angry?) swipe at the Judiciary, which he served (and which, I'm sure, served him very well). Read H E R E. He condemned the Judiciary for being "too executive-minded". In one instance, he vilified his former brother Judges for "reversing decisions through the Federal Court to accommodate the wishes of the federal government".*
If the system was as rotten as he claimed, why did he suffer it and stayed on? To try and change things from the inside?
Some will be hoping that Gopal Sri Ram will speak up more against the Judiciary. Well, good luck. I think the only one that will be exposed is Gopal Sri Ram himself. You see, he was not just part of the system, he was in a position to influence the system and change it if it was as bad as he'd painted it to be. Or maybe he did and if so, I stand corrected.
Judges are people of honor, wise men and women whose actions and words are supposed to lead the rest of us ordinary folk. Their judgment can send you to the gallows or render the ruling party illegal. If the Judiciary is not what it should be, they should do something and not go through the motions like normal people do. Say your piece now or forever hold your peace.
* Gopal Sri Ram, I think, is also referring to the Federal Court's decision to reverse the Court of Appeal's decision on UEM vs Genisys. Vested interest? The said Court of Appeal was chaired by Gopal Sri Ram. I happened to have written about the case on my blog and the business papers covered the case closely, too. Yes, it was thought to be a bizarre decision. No, not the Federal Court's judgment BUT the RM87 million decision by the Court of Appeal. In fact, the Federal Court found some aspects of Gopal Sri Ram's judgment "disturbing". Read my most recent posting on that case H E R E.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Postcard from you to Najib
POS KAD HARI MALAYSIA UNTUK PM. The Malaysia Centre for Public Opinion is organizing a month-long campaign to encourage Malaysians to send postcards to their Prime Minister. It's your postcard, so you may write anything, but what Macpo is really hoping to get is you wish list of things you want the PM to do to improve your lot and place the nation in better stead.
You have until 15/10/2010 to send your post card. The Malay Mail, that paper that cares, will publish selected postcards. To send your postcard NOW, click H E R E.
Selamat Hari Malaysia!*
* Could not blog earlier. The whole day was spent looking for a charger for my Ferrari. Finally found it at Low Yatt, which was just buzzing with people looking for the latest computers, mobile phones, PC games, or laptop chargers.
Malaysia doing good, but where's the party?
Doing better than Singapore, tau! Op-Ed, the prolific sometime Malaysian, sometime Singaporkian journo-blogger, wonders why the Opposition (i.e DAP and Co) are so quiet about the latest state of the Malaysian economy, which shows a massive capital inflow and, as a result, the significant spike on the Bursa during the first 10 months of the year.
Well, it's not just the Opposition who are quiet, Reme.The loudest-mouthed MPs of the Barisan Nasional are also quiet. Instead of working themselves up in a frenzy and foaming from their mouths and their asses whacking a green (as in setahun jagong) NGO like Perkasa, the Quintuplets in UMNO would be doing constituents and their Boss (Najib Razak, last I checked) a favor by explaining to the Rakyat and the Pakatan Rakyat, which are two very different entities, what these figures mean and why Malaysians should pat themselves on the back for doing a good job.
The Opposition leaders are not going to praise you when you or the country do well. You kena belajar angkat bakul sendirilah ... .
Check out Reme's blog here.
Well, it's not just the Opposition who are quiet, Reme.The loudest-mouthed MPs of the Barisan Nasional are also quiet. Instead of working themselves up in a frenzy and foaming from their mouths and their asses whacking a green (as in setahun jagong) NGO like Perkasa, the Quintuplets in UMNO would be doing constituents and their Boss (Najib Razak, last I checked) a favor by explaining to the Rakyat and the Pakatan Rakyat, which are two very different entities, what these figures mean and why Malaysians should pat themselves on the back for doing a good job.
The Opposition leaders are not going to praise you when you or the country do well. You kena belajar angkat bakul sendirilah ... .
Check out Reme's blog here.
Minggu lalu, sebelum Raya, akhbar saya tulis besar-besar bahawa dalam Lapan Bulan pertama tahun ini (Jan-Ogos) - the first page of the Money section in The Straits Times, the biggest English-language newspaper in Southeast Asia. Di sini
Beginilah kedudukan wang keluar-masuk dan kedudukan bursa saham masing-masing:
wang masuk indeks naik
(US$juta) (peratus)
China 1,946 Shanghai -17.7
Korea S. 655 Kospi 6.24
India 551 Sensex 6.64
Indonesia 285 Composite 26.9
Thailand 158 SET 26.6
Malaysia 117 FTSEBursa 12.75
Hong Kong 113 HangSeng -2.1
Philippines 23 Phil SE 23.7
Singapore -138 STI 4.4
Japan -204 Nikkei -12.5
Taiwan -323 Taiex -3.7
Asia 3,314 MSCI Asia-Pac 1.1
(ex Japan)
[Sumber EPFR, Citi Investment Research, Bloomberg]
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Syed Mokhtar's DRB getting Proton?
1. Syed Mokhtar's DRB-Hicom defers Proton stake plan
by Business Times
2. Proton not anxious to merge: Dr M by Business Times
1. Syed Mokhtar's DRB-Hicom defers Proton stake plan
by Business Times
2. Proton not anxious to merge: Dr M by Business Times
Original article:
Syed Mokhtar al-Bukhary is n the news again. According to business news portal Taikors and Taikuns, which named him their Taikor of the Month, he's going to be new owner of Proton, which owns Lotus (pics above). And Proton's Syed Zainal doesn't know it yet? Sounds fantastic, the last time some of us met Syed Zainal, he said things at Proton were starting to really happen.
Something for the MSM to pursue ...
Private Eye >
Proton Folds into DRB
Our very own private eye!Information posted on this page are collected from opinion pieces sent to us. To find out more, visit us more often and you might just get the scoop that you have waited for!
The nod has been given for DRB Hicom Bhd to take over the embattled national car company, Proton Hioldings Bhd, marking the end of several failed attempts to bring in a global automotive partner to arrest Proton’s declining market share at home and its miniscule exports abroad.
In a rare case of a component supplier making a successful buyout bid for its car manufacturer client, DRB Hicom together with several ex-Proton managers had formally submitted a bid to buy 32 per cent of Proton in September 2009.
Since then, behind-the-scenes negotiations have been held on-and-off, without the involvement of Khazanah Nasional Berhad or Proton management.
Proton group managing director Datuk Syed Zainal Abidin Syed Mohamed Tahir is reportedly still unaware of the deal having been concluded, though sources say he is likely to keep his job, while reporting to a new boss, DRB Hicom group managing director Datuk Seri Mohd Kamil Jamil.
Read More H E R E.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The letter the Sultan was not told about
Dear DYMM Sultan Ibrahim Ibni almarhum Sultan Iskandar .... The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has in its
possession this letter from Syed Mokhtar al-Bukhary to the Sultan of Johor. The letter was found on the 54-year emissary who was detained at the Istana Tanjong in Muar for allegedly trying to bribe the Sultan.
In the letter, which the emissary could not pass to the Tuanku on the night of his arrest because he was not allowed an audience with the Sultan by the advisers, Syed Mokhtar states his intention to set up a Foundation in the name and memory of the Sultan's late father.
Syed Mokhtar, a great philanthropist, commits in the letter a contribution of RM5 million a year for five years to the Foundation.
The MACC found RM1.01 million on the emissary on the night of his arrest. The emissary was met at the Istana by two of the Sultan's aides and a businessman from Kota Tinggi. I'm not sure if the three knew about the letter, or if they failed to inform the Sultan of it, for some reasons only known to them.
Monday, September 13, 2010
The irrational fear of Perkasa
CNBC: Why is former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, and now Perkasa, why are they so upset though?Why KJ & Co should engage Perkasa. This is as good as Umno's official stand on Perkasa as you can get, for now. And said at a time when several Umno leaders (actually just a handful of them, namely Khairy Jamaluddin, Nazri Aziz, Ku Nan and Khalid Nordin) are starting to attack Perkasa the way the DAP has been attacking this NGO, I say it's a timely statement from the Umno president to let his little mavericks know where the line should be drawn and avoid a "power struggle" wished for by Sin Chew, the newspaper that has lately been critical of anything too pro-Malay.
NAJIB: (Dr Mahathir and Perkasa) are not against us. They are talking more about bumiputra rights. But actually we are not taking anything away from the bumiputra, but we are saying that let us do it differently. Let us get better results. Let us achieve a more equitable society. But at the same time, being fair to the non-bumiputras as well. Because we want to build a One Malaysia.
Actually, if you ask me, Umno does not need to make a stand on Perkasa. It does not need to openly declare support for Perkasa and Perkasa is also not asking for Umno's support. However, as a political party that represents the interests of the Malays and the Bumiputeras it is incumbent for Umno to engage all Malay, Bumiputera and pro-Malay/Bumi NGOs and bodies.
I asked @daxmuhamad on twitter this morning: "... ever wondered why people who are so supportive of the racist (anti-Malay) Hindraf are so against Perkasa? Eg Kit Siang and Anwar Ibrahim"? [Remember, a Hindraf leader even stood for elections in March 2008 under the DAP's banner, which means he had the support of the Pakatan Rakyat!]
The fear of Perkasa, which has posed no real or serious threat to the Malaysian status quo, is irrational and starting to really irritate more and more people who know that this fear is being inflicted by some politicians for their own political expediency. It's just a matter of time before everyone realizes it.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The difference between intelligent and wise
"He may be an intelligent young man but he is not necessarily wise." - Foreign Minister Anifah Aman on Khairy Jamaluddin's suggestion that Malaysia recalls its ambassador in Jakarta
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Sultan and the philanthropic tycoon
(n) Bribery is the practice by which a person who can take decision or action on behalf of others by virtue of his authority or position is influenced by paying or offering monetary benefits for influencing him to take an action or decision which he would not have done otherwise. Eg. Offering money to the police officer to record a wrong verification report
With updates at the end of the story!
Duit raya, Tuanku, atau tumbuk rusuk Raja? On the eve of Hari Raya, the Sultan of Johor granted an audience inside the Istana Tanjung in Muar to a Malay Dato' who came as emissary of a gentleman widely known for his great philanthropic ways.
This emissary, a 54-year man from Taman Melawati, KL, carried with him a briefcase. Officials from the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) summoned to the Istana later discovered RM1 million in cash inside the bag. The unfortunate and bewildered gentleman spent his Hari Raya in detention.
A statement was later taken from the philanthropic tycoon, who could be facing a charge of trying to bribe the Sultan.
A story involving the Royalty such as this one, however, can never be so straight forward: there is always a story within a story, a sub-plot, or a history of bad blood, perhaps.This blog has reported several incidents involving the Palace - all with great caution, of course, and all without fear or favor - and has never failed to be amazed with the players, and the outcome of each one.
I've learnt, for example, that the emissary told investigators that the Istana had prior knowledge that he was coming with the "duit raya" for the Sultan to disburse to his Rakyat. (Duit raya has become customary for Aidil Fitri celebrations: Prime Minister Najib Razak, for example, is said to have attended to 100,000 well-wishers during the first day of Hari Raya and gave angpows to children and the elderly among them and a Yang di Pertuan Negeri said he gave out ang-pows to some 10,000 people who came to wish him Selamat Hari Raya. So you can imagine how busy a Sultan would be on Hari Raya, especially if the Sultan is as people-friendly as the Sultan of Johor).
The philanthropic tycoon has also told investigators of his "good intentions". In fact, his emissary had on his person a letter from him to the DYMM Tuanku Sultan stating the tycoon's intention to donate a certain amount of money for a number of years to a Fund in the name and memory of the Sultan's late father.
So was it really an attempt to bribe the Sultan? If so, what was the purpose of the bribe? To help the businessman get a project, a piece of land, a valuable license in return? To get him a title bigger than his Tan Sri-ship?
The Sultan's official powers and duties are confined to the business of Islam and matters pertaining to adat-istiadat Melayu. The Sultan does not have powers to grant business projects or licenses or land. He cannot influence the Police, the MACC, the courts of law, etc. (Note: The Sultan of Johor does have its own army, though, and this is provided for under the Johor constitution).
So what kind of favors could anyone possibly hope to get from a DYMM Sultan?
This is the question the MACC is asking. This case will set the precedence as to whether one ought to be charged with bribery if one meets the Sultan bearing gifts. See the definition of bribery above.
Either way, unfortunately, this case will also train the limelight once again on the conduct of the Palace vis-a-vis the business world, the administration of the State, etc. God knows there have been quite a few controversies lately already. But at least, what's clear (to me) in this case is that the new Sultan of Johor is establishing himself as an absolute no-nonsense when it comes to situations which may raise suspicions about his and the palace's integrity. That is awesome.
It also means that if any businessman is approached by anyone claiming to represent the Istana and demanding favors on behalf of the DYMM Sultan, call in the MACC. Because Sultan Ibrahim is not that kind of Sultan.
Adakah angkara "Tuan Penasihat"? oleh Zakhir Mohamad, blogger anak jati Johor ...
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
A big frog in a small pond
Here's my piece in today's The Malay Mail on Zaid Ibrahim and Big Frog in Small Pond, revised and edited. Enjoy! Dan ....
The Original posting:-
Have you ever bought something on the sheer strength of a marketing gimmick?
Here's my piece in today's The Malay Mail on Zaid Ibrahim and Big Frog in Small Pond, revised and edited. Enjoy! Dan ....
The Original posting:-
Have you ever bought something on the sheer strength of a marketing gimmick?
I think I might just have. I purchased a copy of Tom Plate's
Conversations with Lee Kuan Yew at the MPH outlet in Bangsar Village upon reading Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's sleeve notes [click here to see sleeve notes] on the former Prime Minister of Singapore:
Conversations with Lee Kuan Yew at the MPH outlet in Bangsar Village upon reading Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad's sleeve notes [click here to see sleeve notes] on the former Prime Minister of Singapore:
"He is a big frog in a small pond. He is not satisfied with what he has. He had ambitions to become Prime Minister of all Malaysia .... But I think he will go down in history as a very remarkable intellectual and politician at the same time, which is not a very often thing."
Half an hour into the book, and I realize that I may have bought the book half-expecting Dr M himself to write chapter, if only to indulge in calling Kuan Yew names, or for him to admit that Lee Kuan Yew was indeed too clever for the Malayan politicians back then, etc.
But I am not disappointed; the book has been a great read so far.
I have a feeling that Datuk Zaid Ibrahim may have fallen for a powerful gimmick when he joined the Parti Keadilan Rakyat, which is headed by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, the de facto leader of the ....
Clash of the Tycoons Halim Saad's "return" to the limelight has given rise to several mouth-watering speculations but this one by a relatively new site deserves mention as the write attempts to bring Halim Saad at loggerheads with Syed Mokhtar al-Bukhary, one of Malaysia's richest men.
Read the Clash of the Tycoons.
"... While we acknowledge Halim’s contributions towards the realisation of the North-South Highway , the current era of good corporate governance and transparency dictates these two organisations remain in the Khazanah stable," said a Kuala Lumpur based banker."
Khazanah sandwiched between tycoons? Be afraid, be very afraid.
Or place your bets now!
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Can anyone deny Azmi Ali his place beside Anwar Ibrahim?
Zaid Ibrahim Boleh! Or he thinks he can. By proposing that PKR members consider a future with Anwar-Zaid Ibrahim as their leaders instead of Anwar-Azmin, Zaid Ibrahim is going for broke. And by issuing this press statement that lashes out at "some PKR MPs" for trying to discredit him and bury him, Zaid is going for the jugular. But while it might have worked when he was in Umno, especially when Tun Dol was the PM, Zaid is not likely to get far in PKR. In fact, the backlash from his actions may cause him his own jugular.
For PKR politics 101 and why Zaid is dreaming if he thinks he can deny Azmin, read Syed Akbar Ali's excellent analysis, `1Malaysia Absent from PKR.
New turf war?
The sometimes rocky road the PDRM and MACC tread. The good news is, crime rate is significantly down. According to Idris Jala, who was hailed by the Opposition for his honesty in predicting the country could go bankrupt by 2019, the OVERALL crime rate in the country dropped by 36.9 per cent! Street crimes alone declined by 14.2 per cent. Don't you feel it safer already?
Now, the bad news is there's concern of a renewed turf war between our cops and our anti-corruption commission. The outgoing IGP, Tan Sri Musa Hassan, has taken pains to bridge the relationship between the two agencies, marred in the past by investigations and counter-investigations into each other's officers. The latest probe into 4 top officers from MACC, some say, could be a deliberate test for incoming IGP Ismail Omar.
In any case, kudos to the police and Musa Hassan for the growing success in combating crime. If those "third parties" - which include people from the Home Ministry, according to the outgoing IGP - hadn't interfered with police ops, the success rate could have been even better. Read Outgoing IGP takes swipe at third party interference by Bernama yesterday. And Bujai's less discreet Musa Hassan blasts KDN.
Let's hope there's no basis for fear and that Hishammuddin Hussein is, indeed, the best man for the job at KDN.
Monday, September 06, 2010
Fed Court to decide on bizarre case, perhaps today
Fed Court rule reverses Gopal Sri Ram's Court of Appeal's decision. "The disturbing feature of the judgement of the Court of Appeal is that, it had relied on some disputed documents ... how could the Court of Appeal accept and rely upon a document in toto without even considering the issues of its authenticity, when its authenticity had been expressly challenged in the High Court as well as in Court of Appeal ... (?)"
Original Article:
Original Article:
UEM vs Singapore. The Fed Court was supposed to have decided on this intriguing case in January but the lawyer acting for the Singapore company, Genisys, had to go on MC and suddenly we're nearly in the last quarter of the year! Still this is one judgment to wait for. How a Court of Appeal led by Gopal Sri Ram in July 2008 reversed a High Court decision that had been in favor of UEM and on top of it ordered the Malaysian GLC to pay its former Singapore partner RM87 million in Malaysian taxpayers' money is something that has spooked many in the Malaysian corporate circle.
The Fed Court's decision today will either put things right or set a precedent that will carry with it broad implications. Of course, in the light of Halim Saad's recent return to the limelight here, the case becomes even more intriguing. Genisys, after all, happened as he was allegedly squeezed out of Renong-UEM by Nor Mohd Yakcop.
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Malaysians against Racism
"... if you still say ‘saya api kereta naik mari’ or ‘saya naik keleta api mali sini.”. It is not cute anymore. Actually it is quite embarrasing. Please lets speak the language the way it should be spoken." - Language by Syed Akbar AliOriginal article
"Balik China" and "Balik Tongsan", dudes, are racist remarks. You can't claim not to know, OK.
A police inspector who allegedly told a snatch theft victim to go back to China if she could not speak in Bahasa Malaysia is being investigated after the housewife lodged a complaint. If the cop did utter those words, it is totally unacceptable and, as KL police chief Muhammad Sabtu Osman said, "disappointing". Even if a Malaysian can't speak or write Bahasa Malaysia, that's not an excuse to tell that person to go back to China or India or Indonesia. No excuses. “The police force will not defend and protect any policemen, if they are guilty of wrongdoing,” he added. (Read the article here).
I think we have enough racial slurs and words considered derogatory to start a pocket dictionary. Some of us may need as reference. The K word (the only time it's not a slur is in the case of Tanjung Keling, a historical attraction in Melaka) is one of them. Bukit Cina (also in Melaka!) is perfectly alright but "Cina bukit" (a slur also widely-used by the Malays and Indians in Singapore those days) smacks of racial intolerance. To associate the Malays with "kampung mentality" reflects bad upbringing and not just poor journalism, same if you say - even among yourselves - the Malays are lazy, NEP-dependent, etc. But "balik kampung" is fine, especially in the spirit of Hari Raya.
I'd like to take this opportunity to wish "Selamat pergi dan Selamat kembali" to those hitting the highway to "balik kampung". If you happen to pass by a road crash along the way, don't gawk and obstruct traffic. Say a prayer for the victims. And I hope you won't be asking, even to yourself, "Cina ke?", "Malay, ah?" or "Indians?".
Saturday, September 04, 2010
SOS: Monkeys and Morons are watching us
"There's still time for good sense to prevail.
Don't make a monkey of yourself!"
- Nuraina A. Samad's The Satire is Lost on the MCMC, the A-G ...
I am waiting for someone to send me a logo that we bloggers can publish in support of Hassan Skodeng and in disgust with the AG's move to criminalize satire on the Net. WATCH THIS SPACE!
DUREX Survey: Malaysia's AG Chambers ranks highest in the world!
Friday, September 03, 2010
Did NMY create the Halim Saad scandal?
Final Update:
A study in contrast with Lehman Brothers' Richard Fuld by The Edge, here.
A case for the government to set up a financial/corporate mystery inquiry committee to find out the truth?
With updates!
UPDATED 12.30am 4/9/2010:
Halim's revelation of Nor Mohamed Yakcop's "sin" against him and Renong opens a Pandora's Box as A Voice unleashes other sins in Feeding Burung Kanari out of protected birdcage.
The Malaysian Insider, which is said to be backed by people close to NMY aka Top Cat, fires back on behalf of the Minsiter in the Prime Minister's Department in Halim Saad opens up to soften ground for UEM, Plus?
Don't ask me how I know, but I know that's not the case but TMI's spin is interesting, nonetheless, if you consider that the very ambitious Asas Serba proposal to buy out the toll concessionaires, which was linked to Halim Saad, had been rejected by Nor Mohamed Yakcob even before the proposal had been seen by his bosses. Read my Oct 2009 posting How to Preempt Your Boss.
Original Article
“In no uncertain terms are you to continue with your proposed GO or proceed with the put option.” - Nor Mohamed Yakcob aka Top Cat to Halim Saad sometime in 2001
Nearly 10 years later, Halim Saad tells us of what, or rather who, created the one of Malaysia's biggest corporate scandals that has since been credited to him time and time again. "I'm sick and tired of it,' he told some people over post-terawih coffee several nights before the NST came out with this EXCLUSIVE interview.
The question on many people's minds is, Will Halim stop there or will he tell ALL?
Read HALIM SAAD'S REVELATION, NMY'S GAMBIT for NST's exclusive and Big Dog's analysis
The Skodeng Satire: What the MCMC's OWN Content Code says
TAK BUAT HOMEWORK KE? According to lawyer-blogger Art Harun, the MCMC's own "Guideline on Content" [Item 7.3 of Chapter 2] states that:
"Content which is false, is expressly prohibited except in any of the following circumstances:
(a) satire and parody;
(b) where it is clear to an ordinary user that the content is fiction."
So, Art Harun continues, satires and parodies are expressly and very clearly excluded from the definition of "false" content. "This is MCMC's own regulation. And yet they are charging Hassan Skodeng."
Read his posting Holy Mother Crap! Why is Hassan Skodeng smiling?
So what's up, MCMC? AG's Chamber, any idea?
WHO ARE THE LITTLE NAPOLEONS OUT TO UNDERMINE NAJIB? Meanwhile, Pasquale has named THREE individuals he thinks are responsible for this latest circus. Find out who they are H E R E.
Kickdefella's asking, "Che Khalib makan pisang ke?"
A petition against criminalizing satire on the Net
Criminalize WAR, not SATIRE! Please sign this petition in support of Hassan Skodeng and satire on the Net.
"I guess not everyone's contribution to the nation is remembered"
Gone and Forgotten. This picture was emailed to me by a reader yesterday, taken on Merdeka Day, with the accompanying caption, "I guess not everyone's contribution to the nation is remembered".
Thursday, September 02, 2010
The [allegedly] criminal satires of Hassan Skodeng who had a flat on his way to court this morning
Watch the vid! Hassan Skodeng in Court.
WHEN the reporters asked me at the PJ Sessions Court this morning what I thought about this Government of Malaysia
vs Hassan Skodeng case, where Irwan Abdul Rahman, 36, aka Hassan Skodeng is being charged of sending out false information on the Internet with the malicious intent of annoying another person, I said that as a blogger I was truly annoyed by the fact that the AG's Chamber or the MCMC or TNB saw it necessary to turn this into a court case.
I said: "I thought only the past Administration under the previous prime minister was capable of such @#*! action. Obviously, under this Admin and this Prime Minister, we haven't changed that much".
I added: "I wanted to say this is a waste of the court's time and taxpayers' money but I won't say that. (I'd say) let's hope this case will help educate some people on what satire means".
24 Nov 2010 is the next court date for Hassan Skodeng. PJ Sessions Court, 8.30 am. Mahaguru 58 told me in the court house the time has come for bloggers to unite again because obviously the "authorities are not done with intimidating us".
"They have not learned anything from March 2008".
Yeah, easier said than done. The Malaysian blogosphere is so fragmented, Mahaguru. Divided and ruled by politicians.
But I'm soothed by the fact that Hassan Skodeng is determined to fight this attempt to intimidate him (I'm not sure who's trying to intimidate and who his satire annoyed - the AG, Rais Yatim the minister, or Che Khalib the mighty TNB ceo; past cases against bloggers/commenters using Section 233 (1) (a) had been against the Sultan of Perak and the Sultan of Johor).
And happy to note that another blogger - Jahabardeen - will be defending Irwan against his accusers.
And my own lawyer Edmund Bon has been sending tweets on how this one should be dealt with.
Happier still to note that Art Harun had sms-ed to offer his services if Skodeng is without counsel, although he "doesn't usually do criminal cases".
And plain happy to see some good old bloggers there this morning: Sheih Kickdefella, Syed Akbar Ali, Big Dog aka Zakhir Mohamad, Shamsul Yunus of the Marahku blog, Nuraina A. Samad, Jebat Must Die, and Mahaguru 58.
Zorro I-will-walk-with-Hassan Unmasked sms-ed to say he couldn't make it. Shanghai Fish was also there in spirit.
All in all, just like the good old days. Well, almost.
To Hassan Skodeng, all the best. POWERRRRRR ... EXTREEEEME!!!
In case you've missed out on how Hassan Skodeng had annoyed on his blog that has disclaimers everywhere to tell you that his is about satire, fiction and parody, read Hassan Skodeng, he started a joke
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
IGP Musa Hassan to retire after 41 years with PDRM
Ismail Omar is new IGP.
Tan Sri Ismail Omar (pic, right) will have a tough act to follow. In his 4 years as IGP, Musa Hassan has set the template for the rebranding of the PDRM. He's had to battle not just corruption within the force but also growing contempt from politicians - both in the government and the opposition - and a pressing need to improve the lot of the policemen. Musa remains an unpopular individual to some politicians but to the cops, especially at the grassroots level, he is a hero respected and loved.
To the rakyat, an IGP is measured by his track record of fighting crime and making their environment a safer place. And to Musa's credit, the crime rate has dipped tremendously, especially in the last one year. One of the highlights during Musa Hassan's tenure as IGP is the capture of Mas Selamat, the alleged terrorist who escaped Singapore's inescapable prison. Mas
Selamat was planning an attack against targets in Singapore from his hideout in Johor when Musa's men arrested him. Johor, of course, was where Musa made his name as a CPO earlier this decade, during which he launched a massive crackdown on crime, especially gangsterism and made-for-Singapore vices in and around JB.
Ismail will be assisted by Hussin Ismail (pic, left), who'll filled the position as Deputy IGP.
14 million UVs
Salam Bro
Congratulations for hitting the 14 million mark. Proof that your unflinching dedication to ethical, factual and truthful blogging is paying huge dividends. Truly enjoy reading your blog and all the comments therein, inane or otherwise. As surely as this blog makes my day, it also makes nightmares for the haters, the cynics, the hypocrites and all other types of lowlifes.
Am sure more million hits are already winging their way here.
Warrior 231
12:54 PM (Sept 1)
* Sila baca Beza antara hits, page views dan unique visitors oleh Remgold
The Skodeng Satire: PJ Sessions Court, Thursday 2 Sept, 8.30am
Updated: Blogger Hassan Skodeng to face charge tomorrow, The Malay Mail, Sept 1
Bloggers For Satire. Many people have been asking me, who is Hassan Skodeng?
Well, Skodeng is a journalist and cartoonist who started a blog not too long ago to help readers not to take themselves too seriously. You may have seen and enjoyed his cartoons published by The Malay Mail. He is no LAT but he's as easy-going, unattached (to any political party), and right now quite down. As an executive editor of The Malay Mail, he also writes the column Uncommon Sense for the afternoon daily.
Last night, we found him a lawyer willing to take up his case for almost nothing for now. The whole of today, Skodeng will be busy trying to raise money for bail tomorrow. But money is not what he's asking from you. He needs you to lend him support with your physical presence tomorrow at the PJ Sessions Court.
I'll see you there.
Skodeng is being charged under Section 233 (1) (A) for sending out false news/info with the malicious intent to hurt. He could be jailed for ONE year and fined up to RM50,000.
Bloggers have come out strongly in support of Skodeng and satire.
1. Holy Mother Crap! by lawyer Art Haron (read also his posting earlier this year No Joke please, We are TNB)
3. Are Brit-educated Che Khalib and AG and MCMC officers too "bodoh" and insular to understand satire? by A Voice aka Husin Lempoyang
4. Cyber Police Running Wild! by Apanama
6. No Joke! by Op-ED
Bloggers For Satire. Many people have been asking me, who is Hassan Skodeng?
Well, Skodeng is a journalist and cartoonist who started a blog not too long ago to help readers not to take themselves too seriously. You may have seen and enjoyed his cartoons published by The Malay Mail. He is no LAT but he's as easy-going, unattached (to any political party), and right now quite down. As an executive editor of The Malay Mail, he also writes the column Uncommon Sense for the afternoon daily.
Last night, we found him a lawyer willing to take up his case for almost nothing for now. The whole of today, Skodeng will be busy trying to raise money for bail tomorrow. But money is not what he's asking from you. He needs you to lend him support with your physical presence tomorrow at the PJ Sessions Court.
I'll see you there.
Skodeng is being charged under Section 233 (1) (A) for sending out false news/info with the malicious intent to hurt. He could be jailed for ONE year and fined up to RM50,000.
Bloggers have come out strongly in support of Skodeng and satire.
1. Holy Mother Crap! by lawyer Art Haron (read also his posting earlier this year No Joke please, We are TNB)
All are classic Malaysian-esque display of moronic orgies. It's like we are all living in a porn of stupidity, where everyday, everyone of us tries hard to outdo each other's stupidity.For God's sake, that article by Hassan Skodeng WAS A JOKE! Which part of the word "joke" which we do not understand? Have we all become wet blankets? Or incorrigible kill joy?I hope the Judge would see the light and dismiss this utterly laughable, ludicrous and not to mention ridiculous charge.
2. When Satire is crime, Comedians beware by could-be-lawyer Shamsul Yunus
Did he say that TNB is a corrupt monopoly? No
Did he say that YNB victimised Malaysians? No
Did he take personal potshots at TNB bigwigs? No
Anyone with any ounce of intelligence would notice that the blog header indicate it is not a serious blog. Immediately upon reading any of it's postings, one can sense Nose4news is a satire blog, just like Husin Lempoyang.
Yes, let me admit that Husin Lempoyang is mine. It is for that not so serious moments. Go ahead Monsterball, go after me if you are still around!
I bet you could laugh over and over again, over this latest fiasco by our very own Cyber Police plus the supporting act of the Attorney General's chambers.
5. AG's inconsistency or version of parody by Big Dog
... Hassan Skodeng’s charge is about inconsistency and probable the practice of selective prosecution. Unless, probably the AG is doing his version ‘parody’. It is not likely. Neither it is funny.
I remember in mid-1990s enjoying on video the Instant Cafe comedies - someone recorded them for posterity. One was making a comedy out of Anwar Ibrahim the then deputy prime minister as a girly-man, and Dr Mahathir as a haughty boss. This was before 1998 when Anwar became entangled with the courts with sodomy accusations and Dr M became 'MahaFiraun'. Hearty laughter for the paying audience.7. Lawak Jenaka adalah Jenayah di Malaysia oleh Amin Iskandar
No harm done, except perhaps to make everyone loves politicians more because they seem more human rather than idiotic robots.
Errr but now, I think some people cannot take a joke anymore.
Benda gini pun nak bawa gi court. Are you see-rai-ous?
Apa nak jadi nih?
Sila baca sendiri tulisan berkenaan (maaf, tulisan dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Tak faham? Siapo suruh ekau lawan PPSMI dulu?)8. Sebab nama dia Hassan, kalau nama dia Ah San ... oleh Sheih Kickdefella
Apakah orang Melayu yang duduk di atas-atas sana tak boleh diusik oleh orang Melayu sendiri? Saya tidak mahu ke situ, tetapi nampaknya itulah jalan yang hendak dituju oleh pihak berkuasa kita. Sebelum apa-apa, saya mintak maaf dulu ya. Wee Meng Chee pun boleh berhibur dengan Negarakuku dan mintak maaf….9. Stop intimidating bloggers! by Ashraf Abdullah
Have our authorities lost their sense of humour? Or is this an attempt by the Attorney-General and Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to intimidate bloggers?
10. Neighhhh! by Amir Hafizi
IN A WORLD, where laughter is SIN! ONE MAN, or rather, a baboon, dared to make fun of TNB, and TNB has taken him to court for lese mejeste, or something like that. I don't know. I never studied law. All this French-kissing and Latin terms confuse me. Maybe I should refer to the paginarum fulvinarum.
If TNB can sue this baboon, Hassan Skodeng, they can sue anyone. In the interest of preserving freedome of speechless, I say, neighhhhhh!
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