updated 06Jan:
Maszlee asked to quit for going against Cabinet
That's what the news portal TMI claims, according h e r e to rival news portal Malaysiakini, which qualified that it was "unable to independently verify the authenticity of the article".
Well, in this country we'll have to take it as true until someone officially denies it. Ball is in the PM's court.
Original article
Puchong, 04Jan2020: The most fascinating thing so far about Maszlee Malik is the fact that the very next day after he said he'd resigned, more than 300,000 people rushed to sign an online petition to bring him back as Education Minister. Fickle-minded Malaysians? Nah, I don't think so. More likely, these online signatures belong to Maszlee's haters and detractors, ie 1. Umno or/and 2. DAP who were out to mess with Maszlee's mind and make this Government looks worse than it already is. The 300k couldn't have been Maszlee's supporters because it is widely believed that he hasn't got more than a classroom of fans ever since his black shoes policy (a major school shoes maker claimed to have lost RM30 million instantly as a result of Maszlee's love for black shoes). In any case, any such petition amounts to nothing because the Prime Minister has accepted Maszlee's resignation. Of course, there's always a chance of a U-tun but, sincerely, I doubt it.
As I see it, Dr Mahathir has plenty of choice for a Maszlee replacement, even if he limits that choice to his own party, Pribumi.
I have a few names myself:
1. Akramsyah Muammar Ubaidah Sanusi, 46
The son of the late Sanusi Junid is, like his father, a clever chap but has been an unlikely underdog all his political career, and one who's never afraid to take on the bigwigs although he's not enjoyed a winning streak that many thought he deserved (he's contested against Khairy Jamaluddin, fought Syed Hamid Albar and stood against giants for the Jerai seat only to lose by the narrowest of margins in the last general election). Akram is now MARA Corporation chairman. He graduated from the prestigious Imperial College London and was a chemical engineer for about 16 years.
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Akram with the then MoE |
The founding member of Bersatu is known to be loyal to the leader but also - more importantly - to his principles and will suffer no fools who might stand in the way. An example, perhaps, of this quality is found in this Nov 2019 article by the Malay Mail: MoU with Lynas without your consent? You attended Board meet on decision, MARA Corp chairman tells Council
2. Danni Rais, 33
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Danni the day he joined Bersatu |
I'm not sure if this picture with this MOE (Minister of Everything) will do him any favours but Danni, really, is a young man with great ideas and the heart to push these ideas into tangible results. He had always been a bit of an "outsider" when he was in Umno, despite the fact that his dad Rais Yatim was a party strongman for decades. So Danni turned to NGO work, even back then, focusing on youth development and held a 9-to-5 job like the average Joe.
In an interview with rage.com.my in 2016, the Aberystwyth University graduate was asked on the country's education system.
“You have to go deep into the system to see how children at a young age interact with their peers and the impact it has as they develop. We (must) realise the magnitude of the task ahead, it's not as simple as simply asking Malaysians to be united." - Danni Rais, Power to the people
3. Tariq Ismail Mustafa, 41
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Dashing cucu of "the best PM Malaysia never had" |
The grandson of former Deputy Prime Minister Tun Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman did not have the full support of the Clan when he decided to join Dr Mahathir's party in 2016. But he went ahead and joined Bersatu because Umno, he said, was no longer progressing. A close personal pal (from political foe Umno) said Tariq has "so many ideas" he thought Bersatu could implement. You can get an idea or two about what makes him tick googling Aura Merdeka.
Tariq would have been an MP today if he had contested in GE14. He was supposed to but was dropped at the last minute. Many thought Dr M would field him at Tg Piai when the seat fell vacant last year but once again, Tariq was overlooked.
Maybe he shouldn't have said "Reformasi is dead".
"About PKR and Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah), they do not iget it. When we spoke to the people about it, we found that 'reformasi' is dead and spaced out, but when it came to Bersatu, it is viewed as another voice for Malay people within the coalition. There wasn't one anyways." - Tariq Ismail Mustafa (Former DPM's grandson to join Pribumi)
There are many other potential candidates, of course. A seasoned journalist told me last night he would very much like to see the Tun appoint someone from outside his own party as the new MOE (Minsiter of Education). The vet had Shahredzan Johan in mind.
See, the PM's so spoilt for choice ...
Read also:
Sarawak CM wants next MOE to be strong on science, maths, English
Nurul Izzah top pick for MOE, says Insight poll
See, the PM's so spoilt for choice ...
Read also:
Sarawak CM wants next MOE to be strong on science, maths, English
Nurul Izzah top pick for MOE, says Insight poll
There are far more qualified and original than those been talked about.
ReplyDeleteI think u r wrong maszlee do hv alot of supporters.... u can c it in social media plus whatsaps group. he’s from gen x , that is y younger generation prefers him
ReplyDeleteI am not a fan of mazlee or ph.but i have want jawi to be implemented. I have 4 children.. 3 engineers and 1 docter. Semua tak tahu tulis jawi. Read of because all of them khatan quran but writing zip. Me and wife went to english medium school and at early early age zip to oversea for our education. So we also have zero skill to write in jawi. I do not want our grandkids missing this.