Dec 2: For decades, DAP was a chauvinist party whose raison d'être was to make life for Dr Mahathir Mohamad, when he was Umno president and the country's 4th PM, as difficult as possible. From top echelon leaders to the grassroots, they seemed dedicated to this mission. Then, after the 14th general election, Dr M became the 7th PM and the DAP his strongest supporter. Except for Ronnie Liu.
Today all that changed.
Excerpts of what Dr M said with regards to Chin Peng's ashes:
“Yes, we know the guerrillas fought a war, and they have killed many people in the war. We killed many people too. So what is the point of raising issues like this? Who are we appeasing?“Are you telling us to pick up his remains and send him back (to Thailand)? These petty things are being dug up to cast the government in a bad light,” he said, rubbing his forehead a few times when asked to comment on the issue.
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"For decades, Rockybru was a blogger upahan whose raison d'être was to make life for Pak Lah, when he was Umno president and the country's 5th PM, as difficult as possible. From top echelon dedak eaters to the obese macai, they seemed dedicated to this mission. But then Rockybru decided that being "upah"-ed by Bugis pirates might be more lucrative, so he switched paymasters."
You're making this too easy, Latuk.
Mana ada liwat. Tapi gangguan seksual. Mangsa tak dakwa diliwat tapi cuma disentuh kemaluan dan diminta berbuat seks luar tabii. Selain diberikan ugutan...persepsi fitnah jijik..!!
Cukup2 lah 22 tahun buat persepsi fitnah bodohh...!!!!!
Itu la pasal aku mintak Jijah sebagai TIMBALAN PERDANA MENTERI Malaysia bertindak SEGERA..!!!
Kepada Wan Ajijah kalau hang tak nak tgk hubby hang merengkok dlm penjara 10 tahun... hang sekarang berjawatan TPM Orang No 2 dlm kerajaan Malaysia...!! Hang kena laku kan sesuatu untuk menghalang Tun dari bermaharaja lela.
Kalau hang nak tgk Bang Non jadi PM ke 8 hang kena lakukan sesuatu sebagai TPM Malaysia
Hang boleh pengaruhi PDRM, SPRM, AG dan KDN..
Hang ada jawatan dalam kerajaan orang No 2 di Malaysia... nak selamatkan laki hang sebagai TPM kena gerakkan langkah hang dari sekarang sebelum terlambat.. !!!!!
Kalau hang tak bertindak dari sekarang dengan jawatan TPM hang pun lingkup....!!!
Act Now TPM Malaysia TPM Jijah...!!
Secara amnya, kes ini susah untuk dibuktikan. Sebab tak mungkin perlakuan itu dilakukan di hadapan orang ramai. Jadi, apabila sukar dibuktikan, kenapa masih dibuat tuduhan?
Jelas, tuduhan ini bukan untuk mensabitkan DS Anwar hingga masuk ke penjara seperti dahulu. Tapi cukup setakat membina persepsi negatif terhadap DS Anwar.