Tuesday, April 19, 2016

3,954 duped by the propaganda against Tabung Haji

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Bangsar, 19 April: Ever since the anonymous blog Benchmark cried "bailout!" at Tabung Haji's purchase of a piece of TRX land from 1MDB back in May last year, 3,954 depositors have decided to close their accounts with the Malaysian pilgrimage fund, either because they were against the deal or because they believed the propaganda that Tabung Haji was going to go down following the purchase (together with their money, of course). Out of these, 3,105 also cancelled their Haj plans.  
Well, neither the 1MDB nor the Tabung Haji Fund is bankrupt today; on the contrary, both are doing quite well: the former has announced a RM2.3 billion surplus and the latter paid generous dividends.  
Tabung Haji has some 8.8 million depositors, so the 3,954 loss is negligible, really. However, the Fund must try and bring back each and every one of these depositors who had been duped by the propaganda against Tabung Haji.  
So far, I was told that 45 of them have re-registered (for Haj and re-opened their accounts) after having realised their folly.  


  1. xnakdedak4:13 pm

    Well, it's pretty much over now.


    Let's talk about serious money. Mr "Chosen One" was working hand in hand to defraud both the UAE and Malaysian taxpayers of a mere 3.5 billion USD.



    A clapped-out hack journo like me is going to peck the last bits of dedak from the dirt, and then go on a long bike ride to clear my head.

    Wait for the new farmer in town.

  2. tebing tinggi5:12 pm

    Tabung Haji, should apologize to the depositor ,for allowing such lost of trust to happened .

  3. Datuk,

    Macamana boleh termakan kelentong Klang Kirim ni!

    Tu lah. Kalau hati tak bersih, mudah sangat terpengaruh dengan cakap-cakap yg berlandaskan bahan-bahan yg dirasakan bukti penyelewengan (padahal secara kebetulan, seperti keputusan untuk membeli 67,954 kaki persegi tanah TRX) dan bertindak tanpa usul periksa.

    Penghabisnya, buta-buta kena kencing!

    Ikhtibar untuk semua.

    1. Jangan mudah percaya khabar angin, terutama yang ada 'bukti'
    2 Bwersihkan hati dari segala buruk sangka sebelum membuat keputusan strategik, seperti menutup akaun Tabung Haji
    3. Bersabar dan tunggu perkembangan kerana tidak semua khabar yang ujud belum tentu asal-usulnya itu, ada bahan untuk menunjukkan sebenarnya kisah (terutama salah laku) yang cuba dipaparkan itu sebenornyatulin (genuine).
    4. Kalau tak tau, bertanya! Kalu tak, sesam jalan. Ata dalam kes ni, sesat aturan untuk peluang buat kedja haji.
    5. Hakikatnya, pendeposit 3,954 orang yang terjejas ini termakan hasutan searing Keling yang masuk Islam

    Kepada penghasut pen deposit TH, taubatlah. Allah teirma taubat semua, termasuk mualap.

    Hentikan nah semua perbuatan menjaja fitnah dengan niat menghasut dan menimbulkan kebencian dan mengapi apikan kemarahan, hanya kerana dibutakan kepda fanatism seseroang yang dalam keadaan obsess untuk menggulingkan PM Najib.

    Ianaya saja 3,954 pendeposit yang tutup akin ni!

  4. Rameli2:56 pm

    Saya pun termasuk dalam kelompok yang menutup akaun Tbung Haji dan YaPIEM baru baru ini. Itulah keputusan yang telahpun dibuat. Walaupun merasa kesal karena terlepas giliran menunaikan fardu Haji, tapi saya merasakan telah membuat keputusan yang betul.

    Berkenaan dengan tabung amal Yapiem pula, tiga orang Kelantan (mak, ayah dan anak) yang leech duit Yapiem sebanyak $ 81k sebulan, saya tak berniat nak mederma lagi. Kelakar betul

  5. Ibu saya pergi TH mau update akaun tabung Haji opah tp orang TH xbg. katanya kna tggu bla dpt dividen bru buat. Pelik je.

  6. xnakdedak6:38 pm


    Based on this.....


    .....what is the minimum number of chins for a Geng Dedak bloga?

    I count 5 chins, shared among 3 people.

    The guy in the centre, at age 90, is the only one with a single chin and no perut buncit.

    Go figure....

  7. Anonymous7:44 am

    What's the percentage?

    Do they include the opposition politicians?

  8. Saudara Rocky,
    3,954 yg menutup akaun di Tabung Haji ini memamng pasti menutupnya kerana beranggapan Tabung Haji telah dicemari atau sebab kerana telah menunaikan haji/kematian maka tiada sebab untuk mereka menyimpan didalam tabung haji lagi?
