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Doing a Pak Lah on Najib |
In a chatroom of about a dozen bloggers, whose combined online traffic is bigger than the Edge's, someone popped the question: "So, whose side are WE on?"
Many of us who took active part in the so-called revolution that brought down Abdullah Ahmad Badawi have refrained from taking sides, at least not openly. We can't be doing this again, can we? For many of us it is a torn-between-two-lovers kind of situation. We love Dr Mahathir and we think Najib Razak is still the best man in BN and in Malaysia to be PM, which is something the Tun has openly disagreed [To save party and country, Najib must go, Straits Times Singapore, 4 April], and which is why we are asking each other the question that will divide us: Lu gang siapa?
Wisdom kicks in. "Let us be guided by our respective conscience," says the anonymous Jebat Must Die in the chatroom. I concurred. "But whoever side you want to take, be respectful."
Something Parpukari, a blogger with an impressive following in the Malay-reading cyberspace, must find it hard to heed to in the face of A. Kadir Jasin's latest posting [Crystal-balling Malaysian politics post-Mohd Najib, 6 April] on why taking down Najib Razak as Prime Minister won't be as easy as sending Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to pasture in 2009.
Showing Pak Lah the door in 2009 was a lot easier ... Pak Lah did not have an ambitious wife ... Mohd Najib has an ambitious determined wife who would want him to stay at all costs. On the other hand, Pak Lah’s wife, (Tun) Jeanne, is not ambitious woman and it was said that she urged him to resign.
Read also FMT's interview with Kadir, Rosmah won't let Najib quit, 6 April
Parpukari says his respect for the veteran journalist has gone down a notch. "His attacks on Najib I can understand but why lash out at Rosmah? She is just the wife of the Prime Minister .. Have they lost it?"
Serang Najib saya faham la sebab dia PM tapi serang Rosmah untuk apa? ...
Dia hanyalah isteri kepada Perdana Menteri sahaja, saya nak tanya sama AKJ dan semua yang dok suruh Rosmah berundur la, ada cita-cita besar la. Nak tanya sikit apakah Rosmah ni ada jawatan ke? Dia menteri besar ke? Dia menteri ke? Dia Ketua bahagian ke? Nak suruh dia berundur dari apa? Dari menjadi isteri Perdana Menteri ke? Gila ke korang ni?
Read what made Parpukari see red in Betul ke Rosmah mempunyai cite-cita besar? 6 April.
When I read Parpukari's original entry last night, I asked him if he could use "Saya" instead of "Aku". It sounds more respectful. And if you know Parpukari the person, he's a sopan-santun chap. As for Kadir's mention of Rosmah, which was highlighted by FMT because it was juicier than anything esle he had to offer in the interview, I wrote recently: To bring down Najib, first bring down those closest to him, 12 Feb 2015.
So, whose side am I on? The same side as Annie's [The Right Side 6 April].
Face it Bro...
ReplyDeleteBeing a licker you will only be on the "Winning Side". At the moment it is Najib Maaa...
Jangan perkecilkan peranan wanita di belakang lelaki. Ramai pemimpin dunia jatuh kerana wanita.
ReplyDeleteSatu contoh hebat, Revolusi Perachis yang akhirnya raja dan permaisuri dijatuhkan hukuman mati di 'kacip' seperti cerita dalam filem Lela Manja!
Cerita Samson and Delilah satu lagi contoh walaupun tidak pasti cerita ini cerita benar atau rekaan!
I have no hesitation or qualm in making my firm stand .....
ReplyDeleteI am on TDM's side, not him as an idol or maksum but his wisdom after 22 years as PM.
UMNO can continue loving Najib.
ReplyDeleteThey can still continue loving Najib when they have no country to run.
A significant number of fence sitters will not vote for BN anymore because he is not transparent on a lot of issues; especially the Billions of losses.
Re: FLOM: Behind a great man, there is a great woman. Behind a failed man, there is .....
Parpukari can go figure this out..
ReplyDeleteThe whole of Malaysia knows how ambitious Rosmah is!!!! So pak kadiaq is not asking Najib to let his wife go but merely stating the fact that Rosmah is very influential in Najibs decision. Almost every one close to Najib have seen how sometimes Rosmah treats Najib. She can go ballistic if she feels offended and for some reason or another is not happy wth her husband. Again this is a fact. Let us not pretend we do not know this. Najib is afraid of Rosmah and as results certain decisions he made is indirectly influence by Rosmah.
That is what Pak kadiaq meant when he says Rosmah is a bad influence on Najib.
Please do not deny this fact!!
none. which side is not important. the end result is. in this case, Najib must go.whether tun bring it up or not.
ReplyDeleteSusah hendak buat sokongan. Macam RB kata, dua-dua pun kita hormati sebagai pemimpin Malaysia, Melayu Islam. Yang melayu munafik, "to hell" - mereka menikam dari belakangl dan musuh dalam selimut, wajib di perangi !
ReplyDeleteSama ada PM Najib perlu lakukan anjakan pradigma atau Tun M sendiri turn padang satukan semula perpecahan Melayu...
Kadangkala dalam hidup berpolitik, orang-orang berkenaan yang berkuasa dan berpengaruh kena akur dan jujur dengan diri sendiri demi rakyat Nusa dan Bangsa. Ada nya Islam itulah pilihan terbaik kerana kita punya Allah yang tentu sahaja untuk panjatkan doa munajat. Syifa untuk nafsu-nafsi jahat melawan fitrah. Tidak boleh dabik dada, riak dan mengaku diri paling terbaik sehingga menghina yang lain yang kita tidak tahu "kelebihan" mereka akibat "kekurangan" yang kita sering cop dan "dungukan!" Bila mereka pergi dulu meninggalkan kita, siapa yang paling hina di sisi Tuhan, laku nya ? Tentu sahaja yang memakan daging saudara nya, betul ?
Kata PM Najib, peristiwa helikopter beberapa hari sudah, sebagai iktibar atau "example" yang perlu di ambil ingat (bukan saya kata, tetapi PM sendiri sebutkan)
Semoga Melayu Islam itu sentiasa dalam landasan nya. InsyaAllah.
byk blog mmg dari dulu keliru dengan kebenaran...tapi xley salahkan sbb dah dibayar kan so kena cam xda pendirian sikit....yg tak bebayo tue leh teruskan agenda masing2....
ReplyDeletepada aku najib better than paklah at least ada mrt...paklah habuk pun aku xnampak.....tapi bila tun m mula serang aku cuba maintain "keadilan" aku so kalau tun m nak kita semua hentam najib tun m kena namakan pengganti sbb aku rasa takder pengganti dah yg tak kurang sama dengan najib...at least for me najib is better in uniting UMNO....esp "kader2" politik dia boleh tahan juga laaa....cuma kader ekonomi dia ada masalah sikit ini aku dengar dari mulut hishamuddin sendiri pada 2010
TAPI....samada tun atau najib...yg perlu kita lihat untuk sokong bukan berapa ringgit kita dibayar....bukan sbb kita suka atau tak...bukan sbb ada pilihan atau tak....tetapi sbb cuba kita lihat keadaan negara hari ini>?????kalau kita rasa baik maka baiklah kerajaan ini tak perlu risau...kalau kita rasa tak berapa baik.....ekonomi jatuh...peluang kerajaan kurang......kos sara hidup naik....lamabakan pekerja asing,...hubungan sesama kaum runcing dll...maka tak baiklah kerajaan ini dan kita ada hak untuk kritik......
kita cuba bg peluang pada najib.....apanama mpn..perpaduan negara???makmal?????mana hasilnya?????kita dengar 1malaysia dilaungkan untuk satukan rkyat last2 jadi entiti perniagaan dengan hutang berbilion2..ada lak samakan dengan temasek so khazanah sama dengan apa??khazanah???..gamaknya semua rakyat dibdohkan....macamana ngan tppp.....gst dll....apa langkahnya...apa janji najib bila gst mula dikutip????apa penambahbaikan hidup rakyat...apa kemajuan perkhidmatan atau kita masih kena meengemis simpati dari pejabat kerajaan lagi yg kita bayar cukai setiap hari skang???
kalau gst setakat mengutip pastu bagi br1m 900 yg tak sebanding pun penggunaannya dengan kutipan gst dari kita....(saya penerima BR1M sbb saya blogger tidak dibayar/kerja siapa nak upah saya boleh pm saya)...
itu antara sikit dari banyak yg perlu kita selami sbg rakyat....apa yg tun ckp betulll rakyat dah menolak bn umno dan akan kalah ge 14....
saya tak paham kenapa ramai blogger pro bn n najib masih nak ckp umno bn dapat sokongan rakyat....kalau kita masuk dalam FB merewang seharian kita akan tahu ramai dah tak sokong kerajaan....ingat undi selamatkan bn pada pru 13 adalah undi luar bandar yg takda internet....org kampun takmo tahu rosmah pakai beg berapa ribu....jet baru berapa juta tapi dengan barang yg mahal kita sudah tidak mampu pertahankankerusi tue lagi,,sejarah sudah buktikan pun....
so apa yg tun buat sbb dia sayangkan umno..apa yg kita buat kalau sayangkan UMNO...ke kita yakin 100% UMNO akan menang...pada aku, aku rasa mahathir pun sama...aku bukan nak najib resign tapi nak najib lakukan perubahan dengan cepat..i mean asap..kalau najib buat mahathir puun lembut hati cam 1mdb bila org tua tue "mememkak" najib hantar org explain terubat hati dia sebulan dua....pastu tatau apa yg "utusan" tu janji mahathir hilang sabar lagi....
pkkan...kalau UMNO kalah PRU 14...cakap je la Mahathir akan kena penjara sbb tu dia takut.....harta anak dia suma akan dirampas...ckp macamtue pun boleh mahathir pun kasi cakap....tapi kalian fikirlah untuk diri sendiri since korang pun mmg pentingkan diri...kalau UMNO kalah apa yg akan jadi pada korang........?????????????????????????????????????bagi yg setia akan mati tapi dalam UMNO ramai yang sembah duit orang ini akan hidup dan dapat tuan baru xgitu bloger upahan???>??
haikikinya...saya amat setuju...umno kalau kalah pru 14 tidak akan bangkit lagi.........selain naluri.. fakta saya mudah...mca dan mic bukan sahabat tapi hanya kawan atas pentas kemenangan(kita pun ramai kawan camnie kan)....atas pentas kekalahan tiada siapa mahu memilih umno sbg sekutunya.........habis
Its look like many still don't see the "power" of a women and that is why they still questioning why Rosmah !
ReplyDeleteSalam Bru,
ReplyDelete1. You are a man; so, be a man. Man Up! You have to take sides. Annie is a Lady; hence, she is entitled to ‘play it safe.’ I am not a big fan of KJ, but I see ‘a Man’ when I see one. I respect his stand for asking Putrajaya to reply to Dr M’s questions rather than keeping quiet!
2. In fact, all of you ‘play safe actors’ should emulate KJ’s stand! You should ask Putrajaya to answer those questions. Do not stay quiet or support blindly, like those half-past-six politicians that had come out in support of Najib with various idiotic answers that were irrelevant, totally!
3. This is about national integrity, and not about a certain personality. We have a duty to address these issues now, or be damned if we did not, as our children and our children’s children would suffer due to our irresponsibility or inability, today.
4. ‘Do not shoot the Messenger!’ If you are loyal to Najib/UMNO/BN, help answers those questions, if Putrajaya refuses to do so! Dr M is asking those questions on behalf of us ordinary Malaysians. What was so wrong with it?
5. As it were, Malay youths are already working for Indons, Banglas, Pakis, Indians, and Nigerians to boot (and they might even be PATIs too!) under UMNO/BN. How worst could it become Malaysia is under the Opposition? Did you ever wonder about it? We know who the dominant partners in the Opposition are, and you could sample their administration in few of our States already.
6. Would you be contented when your children and their children's children remember you as traitors to your own kind?
7. Take a stand now, please!
You could say you are caught between a rock and a hard place.
ReplyDeleteThus best not to take sides - duck and hide until its over.
However maybe you can give your insight what exactly has pushed Tun Dr M over the edge on Najib
Whose side I'm on? The "Right Side". Bukan sebelah 'Kanan' tapi sebelah yang betul.
ReplyDeleteThe "Right" side which will eventually lead BN to win GE14. But I don't think Najib is the Right person to lead.
Betul kata Parpukari.
"Dia hanyalah isteri kepada Perdana Menteri sahaja, saya nak tanya sama AKJ dan semua yang dok suruh Rosmah berundur la, ada cita-cita besar la. Nak tanya sikit apakah Rosmah ni ada jawatan ke? Dia menteri besar ke? Dia menteri ke? Dia Ketua bahagian ke? Nak suruh dia berundur dari apa? Dari menjadi isteri Perdana Menteri ke? Gila ke korang ni? "
Kalau jawapan kepada semua soalan Parpukari diatas adalah 'Tidak', berhentilah 'disuluh lampu limpah' dalam serba-serbi pentadbiran Negara. Mungkin memadai dengan bergiat aktif dalam BAKTI saja, macam isteri PM yang lepas-lepas.
Saya mahu Najib berhenti menjadi PM, serta-merta supaya penganti punyai lebih masa untuk memulihkan keadaan. (Matawang jatuh,hutang Negara yang tinggi, Tidak terlalu boros dengan WANG Rakyat, etc.) Bila Najib berhenti, segala 'baggage' akan turut bersama. e.g. isteri, cronies, broker, penasihat dan consultant yang berpuloh dikeliling pinggang. Jimatlah WANG Rakyat.
ReplyDeleteDon't lose the plot...its about PERFORMANCE on the job (not on bed or golf course, or anything else ok?)...so do the KPI thing on Najib la and be objective...has he performed in the past six years? (look at the economy, security, MH & security things, race relations, rakyat & consumer sentiments, education, etc., etc.)...The answer is NO! So, we can argue on the subjective issues la but the hard fact is Najib has not performed...so if he has some sense left in him, he should just resign la...UNLESS the mem asked him not to la for whatever reasons..but her reasons don't count la...or how?
I am on TDM side....not because he is maksum as pro najib alleged but his wisdom as a great leader, well acknowledged and respected by other world leaders.
ReplyDeleteI am on TDM side....not because we are talking about an individual named mahathir but he speaks what the ordinary rakyat like me would like najib to know. Even umno grassroot members would like to speak as well but would refrain from doing so at the instructions of tight lipped KBUs who have been under the man's payroll.
i am 100% with DS Najib. DS Najid is an honest leader. under him, i'm one of the many that got mybrain15 scholarship to pursue my phd. at least under DS Najib, i got some of the benefits being a malaysian.
ReplyDeleteFor mahathir, he can shut the hell up! the mahafiraun himself is not god and he is also not perfect. i'm kedahan. born and raised there. but as kedahan, i'm strongly against this munafik!
Sure you are a PhD holder? Your command of English makes me wonder....
Deleteaiya. pandai la u all spin. the issue is still the same. duit rakyat berbilion kasi sama itu cina. how the govt manage the tax payers money. beli jet baru etc etc.
ReplyDeleteMahathir. Mahathir all the way.
ReplyDeleteBoth are ok each have their usefulness. Just get rid of Rosmah.
ReplyDeleteAnon 856am
ReplyDeleteDr M has taken on men greater than Najib Razak so excuse me if I find your conclusion re the "winning side" stupid.
Mazlan said...
ReplyDeleteYou could say you are caught between a rock and a hard place.
Thus best not to take sides - duck and hide until its over.
However maybe you can give your insight what exactly has pushed Tun Dr M over the edge on Najib
Thank you Mazlan. You describe my predicament well.
As for the Tun M's last straw, if there was one, I honestly do not know.
Salam Sdr Maae,
ReplyDeleteTerimakasih atas komen Sdr yang waras. Memang yang menangguk di air keruh tu ramai. Terlalu ramai. Tun dan Najib kena pandai2lah. Saya pun heran ... kalau mereka berdua dari dulu berganding bahu. tak kah kuat parti mereka sekarang ni. Tak ke aman hidup kita.
Why are these old men gangs up. Daim, Akj, Ku Li, Dr. M.... They have past their prime. Enough already for them. Don't be like LKY.
ReplyDelete"Parpukari says his respect for the veteran journalist has gone down a notch. "His attacks on Najib I can understand but why lash out at Rosmah? She is just the wife of the Prime Minister .. Have they lost it?"
She is a living, breathing liability lah.
Go and talk to the ordinary Malays and and see how much love that creature gets.
They are less than impressed.
Tun Siti Hasmah, that's how it should be done.
PS: Latuk, why is it that with the sole exception of your good self, most BN bloggers are f**king grossly fat and ugly? Even the women. Three chins is a minimum requirement ke?
If Najib is so good , why he can't answer and address the scandal that he link to . and also he didn't keep his promise at all .
DeleteI either I am blind or your are stupid rocky . but I think u have been charm by rosmah . and also Pasquale is just and old fart
Dua-dua nak pertahankan dinasti mashing-masing dgn alasan Bangsa, Agama Dan Negara.
ReplyDeleteYang blogger bising-bising ternganga, pasal apa?
Pilih yang menang, habuan menunggu kalau dalam senarai blogger upahan.
Pilih pihak yang salah, balik kampung tanam ubi kayu.
I think Najib should be allowed to continue and at least democratically he is the elected president of UMNO. The least UMNO could do to at least appease Tun is to ensure there will be no postponement to the next year UMNO election.
ReplyDeleteAnd Najib must comes out openly he welcomes any challenger to his post. That way Najib could continue for the time being and Tun be allowed to campaign for other candidates. A win win scenario for both.
As for Pak Kadir. I think he should just focus on Najib. The article about Mrs Najib is a little bit below the belt don't you think. We shouldn't insinuate that's the situation between Najib and Rosmah. Who could know that Rosmah actually wants Najib to resign? So to speculate like that I think its inappropriate. Its like telling Najib he is 'dayus'. It's a no no among Malays don't you think?
Whatever it is. The feud between Tun and Najib will drag the party to the drain if its not carefully solve.
Tun M side.
ReplyDeleteAnnie dah kena jual. Lama dah agaknye. Parpukari suka silat spinning. Nak cover pekong pun agak-agak lah plse.
Mana pi itu billion-billion? Itu yg orang tanya nih. Yg silat pantau terlebih-lebih tu pasai apa. Kan dah nampak kelakar.
Orang melayu kalau dah meluat, cakap lagu mana pun tak jalan beb.
Whoever but not Najib
ReplyDeleteMahathir was a Benevolent Despot, he instilled fear while developing country at the same time.
ReplyDeleteHe tailor-made Malaysian society into his own image; while Najib I would consider as an Enlightened Benevolent leader for he empowers Malaysians after 22 years of "mental imprisonment".
Najib tries and wants to empower Malaysians, but alas the psychological damage is so deep, it is going to take a while to have a real mental change. Basically it is going to be a while before Malaysians can shake of 22 years of "mental Gulag. Malaysians under Najib have gone somwewhat disorientated a bit.
Give him a chance.
Under Najib I find life is genuinely refreshing. I am, of course, with him.
While I very much respect Mahathir as an elder statesman.
ReplyDeleteI think you aren't the only one ducking under cover. I don't see the cabinet exactly rushing to Najib's defence. Even his cousin Hishamuddin has kept quiet... The only vocal one in cabinet has been KJ - and his statement was not exactly endorsing Najib; more like kissing up to Tun.
Saya not aku tak main politik. TM cakap banyak betul.Sokongan kat ground kpd cara NR handle crisis dan masalah almost cloze to 0. NR sendiri mau jawab dgn tegas. Kite tau otak NR avg je, tapi dgn perancangan yg betul dan terancang, mungkin boleh. Tak mau takut, PRK Cempaka pun takut nak tanding, tak de loceng. Mcm2 alasan diberi, fokus pemulihan banjir etc.Dah tak mampu multi tasking, set kpi mcm2. Dah le tu beri peluang bola tanggung kpd PR hentam Umno n gomen. Bile Ade tragedi, pakai ayat sama je .... no stone or balls will b left unturned.
ReplyDeletePergi le mane2 IPTA, u will find most kakitangan n lecturers pro PR. And these people r the bijak pandai Melayu. I notice by uni friends(w were fr TM products of ATU/BTU) also tend to lean towards PR.
Like Arif Sobri said between NR and TM, TM can simply explained difficult/complex issues whilst NR can't even simply explaine simple issues. Suka gune mumbo jumbo phrase spt Pan Borneo hiway in adalah hasil dari ledakan .....Dah tu take deep pause mcm tgh deep thought kononnya this is complex....
Advise:NR don't need third party to defend and attack.Go and see TM, Daim and Ku Li and other power brokers or powers that b and settle d differences. At this juncture, TM got nothing much to loose. On d other hand, Umno n NR will suffer immensely. Not to mention our beloved nation. The other party haprak langsung tak leh pakai.Isu air pun tak leh handle. Nanti IS take over hanchus.
Rosmah may not hold any positions in the govt., but why she had been the target for all the 'excesses', should be asked. Birkin handbags, diamond rings, the carpetman , FLO of the world conference , Jho Lo, New York apartment,new executive jet and lately the masquerade party.
ReplyDeleteNajib being potrayed as a loving husband and caring father , is also President of UMNO and PM of Malaysia.
Malaysia which is unique with multi racial population and yet perennial racial balance issues.Rich with natural resources yet having on going economics problem of rising costs and unemployment and widening income/class gap.
Lately we are witnessing an issue of Islamic resurgent with the timely call of reviving the 'Hudud' laws by TG Hj Hadi and his PAS people.
One academic had called this a secular vs Islamic state issue. But again Malaysia being unique in its diversity, even among the Malay-Muslim you just cannot separate the liberals and the conservative just like that. In between these two main groups there exist a bigger middle ground.Among them there are those that can be more of being liberal than conservative and vice versa.Hence the emergence of of the many different groups or brands(practitioners) of Islam. Among them we have ABIM, JIM , ISMA , PERKASA,QURANIST ,the Hadharis, the Global Moderates, SIS ,G25 etc.
The same goes with the racial balance issue.The 'Ketuanan ' Malays vs the Malaysian Malays.
Tun M on the same day of his bombshell article openly declared his total rejection of Hudud and called for all UMNO members to do the same.This is just Tun M being consistent.
Could there be a link to Tun M's outbursts with PM Najib's elegant silence towards these 2 issues?
Looking at his family background very unlikely that Najib will support Hudud .That makes him on the same side with many of his detractors.But in the world of politics nothing is impossible.
Many questions more need to be asked.
For us the middle ground rakyat, this is our dilemna, to make our stand and choose the 'right ' side.
TG Hadi and his PAS people know their stand,the Kelantan Aduns looked into their consience and made their stand, Tun M and his followers are consistent with their stand, Nazri Aziz ,Zaid Ibrahim and their likes know where they stand, even Helen Ang knows where the Chinese' stand and she is chiding the ultra kiasu's and their Chinese Tsunami with the 'I told you so' look .Many other Malaysians know and have stated their stands.
But one person is still clueless.And he is our beloved ILuvPM Najib.
Before I make my stand , whatever it takes, Najib must go.
I'm on the side who ask the required questions on my behalf.
ReplyDeleteI'm not on the side who says the days of government knows best is over but hides information from the rakyat.
Simple as that.
Parpukari backing Rosmah sebab dia dapat dana dari 'First Lady' untuk run portal Peraktoday. Biasalah nak hidup...
ReplyDeleteTo begin with I am not on the side of either one,
ReplyDeletethey are both from the same factory. The avaricious and repugnant Mahathir started the Umno Baru who has managed to build a whole generation of tongkat dependents. On top he has also managed to fill the civil service of lazy and corrupted servants. He did all these at the expense of the non Malays, he should have ensured that the Malays be educated and trained to become non dependent capable civil servants for centuries to come.
The other is responsible for the half breed in the position as president of Umno Baru when he shifted his support from Tengku Razaleigh to the half bred at the very last minute. This turncoat, as usual, sold the real Malays to the half breed just so he will one day be supported to become the leader of Umno. How wrong he was, instead he is now being 'forced' from the throne by the very person he supported. This is karma !
TM bercakap on our behalf, bukan politikus yg sayangkan negara n UMNO
ReplyDeleteFor you Rocky, follow the money. We know you're cheap, being paid by Najib's propaganda snakes. I read your blog for 100% entertainment as it contains 0% substance.
ReplyDeleteAtas prinsip yang sama, kenapa Najib Razak perlu meletakkan jawatan sebagai Perdana Menteri atas alasan 1MDB ?
Najib is very strong now, at least in UMNO. It will be a big mistake to challenge him (in UMNO).