Thursday, July 10, 2014

Stop being trashy, Umno SoPo blogs told

SoPo blogs beating the tabloids at their own game?
A good advice from The Unspinners, probably the most influential pro-Umno social political blog (27 million hits and counting), I must say. It is true that too many Umno and pro-Umno blogs are resorting to tabloid-ish news and postings, especially after last year's general election, in order to maintain their readership or just to remain relevant. The Unspinners say if these Umno cybertroopers want to dish out gutter postings on people's private lives, they should focus on scandals involving politicians and not celebrities like Awie. 
"... there are so many hypocrites among our politicians, (they) claim to be holy when in actual fact they are far from it." - The Unspinners (Usah masuk hal rumahtangga artis untuk kejar ranking, 10 July 2014)
Gunning for him or his dad?
Sometimes the two worlds do collide, though. As in the high-profiled divorce case involving the sister of a local jazz diva Sheila Majid and the son of a former Sarawak Chief Minister and the Opposition's No 1 Enemy in East Malaysia, Taib Mahmud. It's the kind of story I thought Harian Metro would have lapped up especially in view of the BM tabloid's dwindling circulation. Thanks to The Benchmark, which not your typical sopo blog, we learn about how dirty divorce cases can be when they involve the world of celebrities and politicians.

Read all about it in Jailed Conman and a Syariah-compliant partner. I can't vouch for the accuracy of the claims made in the posting (check out the super-dodgy Canadian connections, for example) but as far as trashy tabloid stuff goes, you can't get any better! 

p.s. In the spirit of The Unspinners' very good Ramadan advice, I hope no Umno or pro-Umno sopo blogs would put up the Benchmark's article.


  1. Anonymous8:29 am

    Adakah anda tahu bahawa rakyat Malaysia yang punya Otak tidak baca proUMNO Blogs?

  2. Anonymous7:07 am

    Kebanyakan blog pro UMNO sekarang dah hilang arah....posting benda yang tidak bersangkut paut dengan politik dan penulisan pun setaraf dengan budak sekolah rendah.Penulis-penulis pun tidak dapat menyampaikan fakta dengan penuh analisis dan kritis.

  3. Anonymous8:11 am

    The Mahmud-Shahnaz post has the trappings of a great plot for a Malaysian TV script, rather than the mundane predictable thrash churned day-in day-out. Journalists should also investigate the depths of this case. Makes newspaper reading interesting.
