With updates on the somewhat even more bizarre move to have the book launched by Anwar Ibrahim's ...

To all my Dear Readers:
Selamat Hari Raya,
Maaf Zahir & Batin
A blessed Ramadan, nearly spoilt only by cute doggies said to be insulting Islam, not-so-cute Alvivi actually insulting Islam, and a series of previews of a book supposedly written by Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and foolishly entitled Awakening!
Frankly, I wish the former Prime Minister had not awakened from his slumber to rewrite history but there you are: these days everybody from Chin Peng to the producers of The New Village to Abdullah Badawi wants to "set the record straight".
Some say Abdullah's faithfools have timed the book nicely with the Umno general assembly, but really I don't see what good it will bring to anyone. Like I said on twitter earlier today, Abdullah's greatest contribution as PM was to unite Malaysians from both sides of the political divide - plus many fence-sitters - to unite against ... him! Now his book, not even in bookstores yet, is promising to bring back that rare phenomenon!
My favorite review of the book is the Malay Mail's teaser,
Pak Lah: Pro-Mahathir bloggers were out to get me where Abdullah writes that "many bloggers were "richly"rewarded with money and titles and that "a lot of money was spent" in the campaign against him". The former PM cited one blogger from Kelantan who was paid RM4 million by PAS "to write articles to topple my administration". Lol, how still detached the man is.
This book will be eaten alive by the critics partly because the editors Bridget Welsh and James Chin were not part of that exciting period and movement, and partly because the author has yet to come to terms with how he'd gone from hero to zero in the blink of a term. If it's any consolation, though, I look forward to getting a copy of Awakening. Perhaps even a signed one, if I'm lucky!
Till then, Salam Lebaran and safe journey. Make sure your driver doesn't doze off behind the wheels.
Nurul Izzah to launch Pak Lah’s book in Singapore
Dorothy Cheng
PETALING JAYA (Aug 7, 2013): Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar will launch former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's book "Awakening, the Abdullah Badawi years in Malaysia" in Singapore later this month.
She said she has accepted an invitation to launch the book on Aug 30.
"I believe the Malaysian launch will be presided over by Abdullah himself and (former deputy prime minister) Tun Musa Hitam," she told theSun.
In Abdullah's tell-all book, which will contain more than 35 essays, he defends his tenure as prime minister and accusations that he slept on the job by revealing that he had been suffering from sleep apnea.
During that time, photos were circulated ridiculing him, and even his predecessor Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had criticised him.
However, in an excerpt from the book, Abdullah claimed Mahathir had known about his condition all along.
"I did tell Mahathir of my condition so for him to say I doze off because I am not interested in the job is most unkind.
"He knew the problem and yet he chose to say all these things," he said.
He has since undergone surgery and no longer suffers from the condition.
Abdullah, 73, was prime minister from 2003 to 2009. He resigned from his post as Umno president and as prime minister after the BN's lacklustre performance in the 2008 election.
Sudah lah, Rocky. You got rewarded with a datukship for being an UMNO stooge, didn't you ? Pak Lah was accurate, and 51 pct of the voters support his views. Your views are supported by the minority, so it would be wise to stay quiet.
ReplyDeleteZheng Ho Abdullah
In what part is Pak Lah right? Like Pak Lah you pak lah supporter and Pakatagoon are as said by datuk rocks detached from reality and living in make believe story of theory and conspiracies.
DeleteMister zizou
Terima kasih Mister Zizou,
DeleteFunny Anons like Zheng Ho trying to link Abdullah with the 51% popular votes that were lost by the coalition he used to sleepily lead. In 2008 Abdullah lost about 50 parliament seats and five states, he was considered so God sent that the Pakatan jokers contemplated moving a vote of confidence in him as PM of Malaysia after PRU12, Petronas' funds would have dried up today and we would be a muflis nation for sure.
I am interested to know did Pak Lah really wrote the book. Or did Bridget and James Chin approached him and told him Tun it's time for you to redeem youself. That the duo asked him to provide the salient facts and they will do the rest.
ReplyDeleteMacam tak percaya he can write like this. Or you know who is the ghost-writer.
Awaiting sparks to fly with Mahathir furiously attacking him. And what will be the fate of KJ when he is riding high now?
Hmmm, kacau-kacau.
For certain, Badawi could not have written this book for he would have dozed off after writing the first alphabet. Just like his name Bad-awi which sounds like bad vibes/soul in Tamil, Malaysia lost four good years under him. His administration was nothing but pontificating without sense and managing malaysia using his son-in-law and his tingkat empat boys.
DeleteBadawi was a disaster for Malaysia and he should have ukur baju dibadan sendiri. I doubt he could run even a school canteen and yet he accepted the big task of running the country which he failed miserably. Thank god for the bloghouse boys who got rid of him ( now, boys how about getting rid of the present?).
So, how would I rate Badawi? In one word - idiot.
The man, bapak pretender spent big time playing behind the scene as a wise and clean fellow during all his political life. So much of such game would cause paranoia to oneself. We hardly hear of his ejaculations anyway.
ReplyDeleteAwakened perhaps after serani itu cipap to borrow blogger Another Brick in the Wall.
He is already down and out, on the ground, and despised by public.
ReplyDeleteStill he cannot read the ground and keep coming out with the same stupid story
This well not help KJ. Is anyone taking him on?
It's a real bizarre Awakening? Why launched at this moment?
ReplyDeleteOnly Pak Lah knows the reason. It's a bad 'fitrah' indeed, manipulating such move...
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
Maaf Zahir & Bathin.
Salam Raya Aidilfitri to Bru and famili. Insyaallah, you and family be showered with His good blessings always.
ReplyDeleteDogs : as Jakim has reaffirmed that Ahli Sunnah wal Jamaah is the official and only acceptable mazhab in Malaysia then they should not be hypocrites.
As all ASWJ ( as do the Shia) unequivocally accept that dogs are najasat , and najasat cannot be associated with all things sacred to Islam, the doggie lover must be prosecuted and punished for insulting Islam no questions about that.
Also those who spoke or attributed lies to the Syariah namely Mohd Asri, Anwar Ibrahim and the ignorant Hanafi preacher. They should be punished for demeaning Islam, period. No questions asked.
Alvivi : very obvious open and shut case of demeaning Islam which is automatically seditious. The same applies to Namewee but will there be action. I doubt that from the wimps we have now.
Abdullah Badawi: Awakening is apt. He is after all the ultimate sleeper and for him to write his awakening from a long sleep is simply great for science. And when you have been through a comatose sleep like his, not only will one find that one is four years late to reality but also that any recall of a comatose memory will be a garbled hodgepodge of imaginary incidents, deluded rantings, schizoid reflections and demented observations. So you should excuse Mr Awakened for his crackpot shit.
Awakening also aptly alludes to his awakened cock. Yeah the same filthy crumpled pecker that was also comatose until stirred into action by the sight of Jean. So I guess that Awakening is also referring to sexual awakening, you know the type where the little boy in a dirty old man gets all so frisky, perky and pesky. It's the Second Cumming of his cock that Badawi the Bedouin is talking about, its resurrection after having his lust crucified by breast cancer.Whatever bread and wine he dines on, his public masturbation of his filthy thoughts bespeaks lowly of the scum: one whose limp meager ejaculate aptly sums up his weak cockmuscles in more ways than one and explains why we are now 10 years in the wilderness. And guess who will be launching his book in Singapork? Why a brainless ugly looking she-man of a slut. As they say, birds of a feather flock together.
This is one bastard Malaiyoo whose grave I promise to pee on, insyaallah. A shameless arselicking, cocksuckling, throatfucked wimp whose abject performance can only be topped by another pondan, his hand picked successor at that!
Warrior 231
DeleteJln Reko
Hahahahaha on the dot.
DeleteAlso not forgetting all my Perkasa friends,
ReplyDeleteSalam Aidilfitri.
Teguhkan saf, kuatkan iltizam dan marak kan perjuangan. Insyaallah, kemenangan kita dah hampir.
Warrior 231
Sleepy Dol, go back to sleep laaaaa......
ReplyDeleteDatuk Rocky,
ReplyDeleteSelamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to you and your family.
Pak Lah should have set the record straight when he was still PM.I guess much of what he said in the book was afterthought.
Below is what I posted on Facebook on his premise that Mahathir is bankrupting the country
(Pak Lah, you are wrong, any revenue generating projects won't bankrupt the country, both the double tracking and the crooked bridge are revenue generating projects.The Penang bridge was an example of Mahathir's foresight and vision and the same ridicule was said by his detractors then.Today, Penang need more bridges and the state is even going to build undersea tunnel, costlier than a bridge, to ease the horrendous traffic problem. Mahathir can see 100 years ahead, while you, other politicians and those of his haters can't see beyond
the nose)
Another one on his sleepiness.
(Hahaha!I know something even worse than what was written here, but won't say.Why took him years to disclose his sleep apnea problem?There are machines that treat sleep apnea, and these CPAP machines are dirt cheap.Why did he not use the equipment then?)
Unlike Pak Lah, known for his elegance silent, which he has foolishly broken now, I am sure Mahathir will not keep quiet on this new development.
Paklah is ignored where ever he goes.
ReplyDeleteAt functions, people shun him and ignore. He looks dumbfounded and sad.
There will be at least on good soul who will show mercy to him (permission from ya rabb), and go and chit chat with him.
This book is sinister. But lets get it straight, the only people who will rejoice are kj and his gangs. Wannabe white apes but in reality brown bonobos.
Selamat hari raya.
hahahaha siyottt ... this article kinda cheer me up ,1st sarcasm of the day
ReplyDelete"Dato Azeez Rahim Chairman Tabung Haji Keling Penyamun Duit Umat Islam.
ReplyDeleteBagaimana seorang yang kaki SPA boleh diangkat untuk menjadi Chairman lembaga Tabung Haji? Mengapa Azeez Rahim yang memang cukup terkenal dengan kegiatan Conman dipilih untuk menerajui satu badan yang cukup sensitif dengan umat Islam?
Sudah tidak ada lagi mereka yang layak didalam Malaysia ini sehinggakan kaki melanggan pelacur ditempatkan dikerusi yang sepatutnya bersih imej nya. Dalam bergelar chairam Tabung Haji Azeez Rahim masih melanggan pelacur dengan meletakkan moral yang rendah serta mencalar imej tabung Haji.
Siapa pilih Azeez Rahim menjawat jawatan terpenting didalam Tabung Haji? Makan gaji buta nampaknya Jamil Khir Baharom menteri Agama bila meletakkan penyamun tarbus di tabung haji. Pecat Jamil Khir yang bodoh dan makan Gaji buta. Azzez Rahim dipilih Jamil Khir nampaknya jamil ni takde otak jual agama agaknya.
Chairam Tabung Haji Azeez Rahim mamak keling penipu, curi duit cina dan sapu pelacur untuk hidup mewah. Curi duit tauke cina meniaga haram lepas tu beli tilam dan basikal konon nak tunjuk duit dia. Dasar penyamun tarbus Azeez Keling. Lepas ni habis duit tabung haji keling ni samun.
Azeez Rahim Chairman Tabung Haji perguna nama Tun Mahathir untuk diletakkan di Tabung Haji. Jangan jual nama Tun M, keling macam Azeez Rahim penyamun tak sama dengan Tun Mahathir. Lingkup lah tabung haji kalau dibiarkan Azeez Rahim terajui Tabung Haji.
Sejak bila syarikat GLC dipaksa menyalurkan sumbangan secara paksa kepada Tabung Haji? Azeez Rahim tak fikir dan ambil kira duit derma tu halal atau haram? Syarikat glC bagi derma secara paksa kepada tabung haji tapi si Keling Azeez Rahim curi separuh duit derma.
Pilih lah orang lain jangan pilih aziz. Jamil khir takde otak pilih kaki langgan pelacur jadi ceo tabung haji.
Dah berapa banyak org bagi duit bayar azez nak dapat projek. Kalau aziz kena tangkap dalam lokap sah akan ada 50 lagi report pasal aziz pasal ramai geran aziz ambik duit. Ramai yang tunggu nak buat laporan pasal Azeez Rahim Keling." ---@ betul ke ni? nilaikan lah
"Ramai yang tunggu nak buat laporan pasal Azeez Rahim Keling".
DeleteDaripada meracau tak tentu arah pakai nama "anon" kenapa kamu sendiri tidak tunjuk kejantanan dan membuat lapuran memandangkan kamu mempunyai begitu banyak bukti salah lakunya. Cukuplah dengan fitnah kamu. Masih dibulan mulia tau.
Untuk makluman sekarang ni, jawatan-jawatan tinggi dalam kerajaan dari Ketua Setiausaha Negara ke Pengerusi Tabung Haji dan GLC syarat utama ialah mestilah dari golongan India Muslim/ Mamak.
Apakah paklah di akhir ayat dibuku itu Ada memohon maaf kerana penyakit tidornya itulah yg hampir meranapkan sebuah negara?
ReplyDeleteApakah paklah memohon maaf kerana melepaskan anjing tersepit sepertimana mahathir beberapa Kali mengaku silap Dan memohon maaf dlm pelbagai perkara termasuk kesilapannya melantik paklah sebagai penggantinya.
Apakah di dalam buku itu dia menyatakan kebanggaannya melepaskan jawatan dengan suci hati ketika kuasa dihujung tanduk sepertimana mahathir melepaskan jawatan ketika dipuncak kuasa.
DeleteTepat sekali. Pak Lah hendaklah meminta ampun zahir dan batin kepada kita semua.
I think it is mimpi di siang hari
ReplyDeleteNow the warrior will take on Fitch.
ReplyDeleteLet the games begin and the sparks fly!
Oh, btw - the warrior may want to review LKY's latest book - "One Man's View of the World" - edited by, among others, the Singapore Straits Times Deputy Editor Zuraidah Ibrahim.
And, maybe, lock horns with Daim Zainuddin who praised the book and it's author?
Can't wait to see that ruckus.
Till then, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to one and all. May common sense and good will prevail amongst all Malaysians and residents.
I suspect his son-in-law has to do over this book, especially the Umno AGM is just near the corner.....knowing Pak Lah statures, I felt doubt he would like to do this unless someone closed to him asked him to do so....the only suspect is the former richest unempoloyed youngster, Mat KJ...this idiot is also aiming high.....I think he's not aiming to defend his Umno Youth Leadership but one of the VPs.....not surprising....he'll do that.....then in few years time as he planned..to become the PM before 40.....cunning and dangerous....
ReplyDeleteSelamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. Maaf Zahir dan Batin
ReplyDeleteDear Warrior 231, I too think Pak Lah failed as PM but there is no need to made irrelevant and personal remarks about his anatomy.
ReplyDeleteMelayu got conned by the sinister Mamakthir, they got conned by a Sleepyhead and now they are being conned by a Bugis wishy-washy Bijan. May Allah save this country from these conmen.
ReplyDeleteYou are asshole, before even reading the book you are running it down, typical blogger scum going for the highest price. At least I can criticise you as I have read all your rubbish.
ReplyDeleteWoi,mangkuk 7:41 tak payahlah hang pi segala pelusok blog dengan fitnah hang tu kalau ada sebarang bukti buat aje laporan polis atau sprm.
ReplyDeletesalam Aidilfitri, Bro! ramadhan telah dilalui, cahaya Syawal menjelang kini, semoga dianugerah keberkatanNYA sekeluarga sentiasa.
ReplyDeleteIn Spore.
Can you imagine if Pak Lah had finished the crooked bridge, actually it is a half bridge on Malaysian side and half causeway on Singapore side. The structure would have been a permanent embarrassment to the whole world, how two neighbours who shares a common history and people, just simply cannot get along. I am glad that project was cancelled.
ReplyDeleteLet's be fair to Pak Lah. Read the book first and make a fair review. As for me, I have grievances regarding how he rolled back big projects that already commenced even before he took over. That wasn't right. He should had let them proceed while envisage his vision for the country. He shouldn't interfered with what already going on. And those periodic petrol hikes. I mean if you're not helping by making our life better then why did you made it worst? We almost gone broke during that time.
ReplyDeleteBy then again, he got his own team of advisors as well. Can't really blame him.
This book will further show how weak Slumberjack was as a PM.. When everyone was about to forget him especially his dumb policies, he's now reminding us back all the mess and all that were amassed during his tenure.
ReplyDeleteA foolish move publishing this book. It will only remind us back what idiot we had as a PM before.
Good news for Najib, he wont seem too bad now that everyone is reminded back of the Slumberjack era!!
Contry gone bankrupt for building the crooked bridge and the double track?? Arent there strategic projects that are also incone generating in the long run??!
I rest my case.
Go home and go back to sleep slumberjack!! Dont forget your CPAP.... crybaby.
Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslims
ReplyDeleteI guess you are a person with dawn syndrom. It shows in your rambling articulation. Say what you want about Singapore but here is a man who turned a swamp into a first world country and to become one of the worlds richest country with world class education, and best facilities in the world including making Malays being able to obtain qualifications which is recognised world over and more importantly speak and writes in English bukan macam kamu. You can stay on under your coconut shell. Anyway, there will always be a higher paying job as a pizza hut delivery boy in Singapore should your child fail here. At Sgp $1 -RM2.55, mak oii! !!! banyaknya boleh anak kamu dapat dengan sijil SPM.
ReplyDeleteAnon 12.29
ReplyDeleteSingapig was a swamp alright especially when you don't know history, stupid babi Chingkie.
Singapig was one of the biggest ports in Asia when it gained independence in 1965 . And Babi, its per capita income was second only to Japan in 1965 and its education system already had a English medium university back then.
So much for it being swamp. Maybe you grew up in a shit swamp, Babi that's why you see swamps everywhere, stupid unwashed arsehole of a Babi Chingkie.
The arseholes may be unwashed but they are richer than you washed arseholes and more importantly the unwashed arseholes dont rape their own children.
DeleteNorman fernandez,
ReplyDeleteYou naughty boy haaa.... Amma n appa never teach you manners iz it?
Anyway boy, chairmen of SPNB, Sime Darby, PNB, etc, all mama india muslim iz it?
Better them than any of you serani bast*rds, who are really just bloody tamils with caucasian sounding names...
And you obviously know the state Sime Darby,PNB and SPNB is.
DeleteRugi. . . . . Agaknya siapa yang in charge?
Malaysia Airlines run by sawo matang rugi sepanjang masa
DeleteSingapore Airline tun by chinkies profitable always
Serani Tamil run Air Asia boleh untung. Malaysia Airline tolong punya tolong rugi juga.
So who are the dumb fucks?
Another sad chapter of pak lah's legacy. He is now merely a crocs wearing, wheelchair bound old man. Thank goodness he's no longer pm. I think he's just jealous of Mahathir who is mobbed everywhere he goes. Even children likes ol' che det.
ReplyDeleteAnd to all Babi Chingkies who love to boast about Singapig, swamp and all, here read this
before you pondan Babi Chingk scum come here to talk rubbish.
Warrior is right after all about you Babis.
Mereka yang kaya raya makan babi;
DeleteMereka yang mendapat markah tertinggi makan babi;
Pelajar yang makan babi top dalam univrrsiti;
Mereka yang makan babi maju ke depan dalam dunia.
Mereka yang makan babi jadikan negara Singapura first world dan kaya raya.
Mereka yang tak makan babi negara macam Malaysia 57 tahun masih third world
Justru itu, mungkin ada manfaat memakan babi. Setidak-tidak kamu tidak akan meracau tak tentu hala.
Anon 10.17
ReplyDeleteSyabas mate for a job well done. The data offered in that blog ( though unfortunately dedicated to a dog) encapsulates the Singapore failed story in a nutshell. A place where locals are pariahs in their own state and where international gangsters masquerading as capitalists, financiers etc launder their money to avoid taxes, prosecution for corruption etc.
This is the failed banana republic that Harry created while boozed on brandy and whiskey. Now the Babi is stirring shit to assuage his guilt. Rest assured he has committed major mistakes in his pathetic analysis that I will expose in due course.
Rest assured too that all MALAYsians need not bother about Singapig anymore as enuff revelations and links provided have shown conclusively that it is nothing more than a pariah city state of inconsequence. Folks, just put up the link that anon 10.17 and I provided earlier and the kaffir Babi Chingkies lies will collapse like a fart.
Another point, all these garbage about Harry's, son's first class degrees, are nothing more than shitty garbage. Anyone can get good grades at Cambridge with enough sly cunning but the proof is in their contributions after those degrees. Harry and son like tony Pua and KJ have contributed nothing but shit to the world despite being touted as great intelligent scholars.
To give an example of their irrelevance as great scholars, just observe the degree that this lady got
She got a second class at Cambridge and look at her contributions to DNA research and molecular biology so much so that even Google honored her recently. Ever heard the same for Harry in the field of Law or Hsien Loong in his field or Tony Pua or KJ in theirs. Just goes to show that these Babis are nothing more than show off shitbrains whose degrees are nothing to be crowed about. So folks, don't ever fall for this crap spun by the Chingkie Babi about so called super intelligence.
I bet too if Penang had been separated from Malaysia in2008, the fucking Babi will cite its GDP per capita as a Chingkie Babi success story after all the work done by the BN. Ptui! celaka punya babi kaniniamah chibai.
Warrior 231
Yeah what about your kind? Jadi pelacur. Remember the Malay girl sponsored by government and a child prodigy? Guna talent jadi pelacur. Mantap
DeleteOne good thing is Malaysian qualification can get kerja kat Mc Donald kat Singapore. You know where Singapore universities are and where in the shithole Malaysian universities are. Anyway, we need to keep the universities at that level for your standards.
Delete" Chinkies dont love washing their shit splattered arseholes "
ReplyDeleteYet they are the ones who dont rape the daughters. Now can you tell me what the reason for raping daughters? Washed arseholes or food?
Heh, heh....note how the warrior goes into paroxysms of rage every time Singapore comes into the picture.
ReplyDeleteIt's actually pathetic to read his wails of frustration....that in spite of all his research and citations, nobody gives a flying fig about what he emotes about.
It must be bruising for one's ego to be so thoroughly ignored. Which is what happens when research and citations come up against realities.
I just read what Tun Daim Zainuddin wrote about LKY's latest book "One Man's View of the World".
Tun Daim wrote:"Insightful, well thought, penetrating and visionary. Lee Kuan Yew's assessment and analysis of these countries and the future of Singapore is truly par excellence and could only come from one of the finest statesmen of this region and our time. It will be a much referenced book for those who need to understand where we are and where we will be."
So, let's hear it for the warrior as he takes on Tun Daim. Not that Tun Daim will be too bothered with the rantings of a conspiracy maven who is still peddling a tired and irrelevant agenda.
Oh, btw, the Singapore Straits Time carried a report yesterday about Singapore Ministers making their annual Hari Raya visit to the Sultan and Sultanah of Johor. The photo therein showed much bonhomie and cordiality between all the individuals present.
According to the ST report "A Foreign Ministry statement said the Sultan and the ministers looked forward to boosting ties between Singapore and Johor." (Singapore ST, August 9, 2013).
I think that this speaks for itself.
And the warrior has been wrongfooted again.
It must be tiresome - this happening to him time and again.
slumberjack's book will put Najib in a bright spotlight - a reminder that Najib is FAR better than sleepyhead
ReplyDeletePak Lah may have been sleepy, but I prefer a sleepyhead to a "wise" criminal like Mamakthir. No matter what good Mamakthir did, he will go down in history as the greatest traitor to bangsa Malaysia by "killing" the judiciary, the ACA and the PDRM. When he made these agencies do his bidding, it was because of his criminal mind.
ReplyDeleteCarry on spilling the beans, Pak Lah.
You're a mug aren't you? Jog on son.
ReplyDeleteLooks like someone just came out of the bedroom after fucking his whore mother and found himself all knotted up again.Notice how the bastard sidesteps the challengesi issued. Instead it quotes about the Johor royalty,now and Hari Raya.
ReplyDeleteAs if people are so stupid like itself that normal festive diplomatic conviviality would be mistaken for closer ties. By the way,mother fucker bastard's master, whose arse bastard licks off shit for a living, is clearly on record of disparaging the Iskandar project.
But being born of a prostitute, bastard cannot understand simple things or man up to challenges for that matter, like the typical Chingkie Babi it is. Instead it keeps wrong footing itself as usual and tying itself up in knots.
As I said,bastard does better at tearing his slut mother's filthy cunt up than penning any sensible comments here. Tak dah malu punya Babi!
Go fuck your mother, bastard pig. The whore is waiting for the next round. She can't help being a prostitute all her life even to her bastard pig of a son.
Anon 9.37 and 9.41
They sure dont wash their arseholes. And they sure dont rape their daughters, its not worth it in terms of cash flow They do the ultimate insult instead and little wonder why earnings moral or immoral are immaterial as long as you are filthy(pun intended) rich
They FUCK their MOTHERS. And after tearing her cunt to shreds, they pimp their mothers at the brothel for a few dollars more. Now, go and fuck your mother to keep those traditions alive.
Warrior 231
Dato Rocky, the Red bean army has already begun to flood comments in your blog. You might want to kickout these Pork loving species fast!!!
ReplyDeleteTheyre so predictable... shallow comments with defensive tones... boring!
Sampah 12.26pm
ReplyDelete"Which is what happens when research .......realities"
Tell that to all researchers from Harvard to NUS and watch them laugh. Might as well close down all universities and research labs, waste of time and money.
By the way how come Daim is some genius, now?and who gives a damn about his profound views? Pity, Lee Kuan Yew can only find people like Daim Zainuddin to sing his praises.must be some come down to have Daim of all people giving his "wise" counsel. Pretty pathetic to have to scrap the barrel, I say. Plus must be galling no one pays attention to senior minister, not even Karpal Singh.
Sampah, once a stupid fellow always a stupid fellow. No wonder,hiding behind so many different nicks
Cayala Warrior!! Baeknye pedaaasss!
ReplyDeleteOoh, the warrior. So predictable.
ReplyDeleteBut see how he is flabbergasted, frustrated and bamboozled when the multiple targets of his ire refuse to fade away into oblivion.
Poor chap. He quotes chapter and verse, does elaborate research and quotes links like they are going out of fashion....but they don't amount to a rat's ass. Not in the real world, that is.
But, maybe, in a mythic land of ketuanan and maruah, the warrior may find some consolation, shielded from the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune!
So, the more he spews, the more impotent he becomes. Him, and those who share his views.
Let's see if he can remake Umno to support his own views, ideals, dogmas and "truths".
Because, as they say, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.
And if nobody is eating his pudding.....
Salam Datuk.
ReplyDeleteBro, I'm all for freedom of speech too, but when your comment section descends to tadika-level abuse about babis and cunts, may I suggest you do some judicious culling?
Or maybe not.
This entire post (below) encapsulates so neatly the schizophenia inherent in Umno Bru Malays, does it not? Let's re-read the whole work of literature first, shall we?
"Salam Raya Aidilfitri to Bru and famili. Insyaallah, you and family be showered with His good blessings always.
Dogs : as Jakim has reaffirmed that Ahli Sunnah wal Jamaah is the official and only acceptable mazhab in Malaysia then they should not be hypocrites.
As all ASWJ ( as do the Shia) unequivocally accept that dogs are najasat , and najasat cannot be associated with all things sacred to Islam, the doggie lover must be prosecuted and punished for insulting Islam no questions about that.
Also those who spoke or attributed lies to the Syariah namely Mohd Asri, Anwar Ibrahim and the ignorant Hanafi preacher. They should be punished for demeaning Islam, period. No questions asked.
Alvivi : very obvious open and shut case of demeaning Islam which is automatically seditious. The same applies to Namewee but will there be action. I doubt that from the wimps we have now.
Abdullah Badawi: Awakening is apt. He is after all the ultimate sleeper and for him to write his awakening from a long sleep is simply great for science. And when you have been through a comatose sleep like his, not only will one find that one is four years late to reality but also that any recall of a comatose memory will be a garbled hodgepodge of imaginary incidents, deluded rantings, schizoid reflections and demented observations. So you should excuse Mr Awakened for his crackpot shit.
Awakening also aptly alludes to his awakened cock. Yeah the same filthy crumpled pecker that was also comatose until stirred into action by the sight of Jean. So I guess that Awakening is also referring to sexual awakening, you know the type where the little boy in a dirty old man gets all so frisky, perky and pesky. It's the Second Cumming of his cock that Badawi the Bedouin is talking about, its resurrection after having his lust crucified by breast cancer.Whatever bread and wine he dines on, his public masturbation of his filthy thoughts bespeaks lowly of the scum: one whose limp meager ejaculate aptly sums up his weak cockmuscles in more ways than one and explains why we are now 10 years in the wilderness. And guess who will be launching his book in Singapork? Why a brainless ugly looking she-man of a slut. As they say, birds of a feather flock together.
This is one bastard Malaiyoo whose grave I promise to pee on, insyaallah. A shameless arselicking, cocksuckling, throatfucked wimp whose abject performance can only be topped by another pondan, his hand picked successor at that!"
Good stuff.
Starts off with the good Muslim defending Islam BS, then moves on without breaking stride into a very unIslamic tirade about another man's cock, and has the good taste to mention that his wife died of breast cancer. Does he want to read this out loud on Friday at his local masjid?
The point is this is not one deranged blog reader. It's a mentality that extends all the way through that rotten apple of a party, from top down.
The sacred and the profane. The fake piety, and the real sordidness. The token, lip service respect for Islam, and the wanton disregard for its teachings. But above all, the laughable hypocrisy and pettiness.
Umno Bru should survive as a party, just for the laughs!