Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Opposing doa(s)

Tomorrow's prayers

It's heartening to know that Malaysians abroad are paying for our safety and well-being. Especially when closer at home you have Malaysians and Muslims who give doa for the destruction of their own brothers and sisters just so they can come into power ...

"Jangan doa tak baik, nanti ia berbalik". - Quotes from my late favourite Makcik


  1. Anonymous3:15 pm

    "It's heartening to know that Malaysians abroad are paying for our safety and well-being. Especially when closer at home you have Malaysians and Muslims from UMNO/BN who produce video lucah targeted at opposition and squandering rakyat money like no tomorrow and for the purpose of destruction of their own brothers and sisters as well as a nation just so they can remain in power ....."

    Woi Rocky, ask you for no more daily bullshit and you give some more shit !!


  2. Anonymous5:09 pm

    "Ya Tuhan kami, kau berilah petunjuk dan hidayah pada golongan yang menggadai namaMu kerana duniawi" Amin.

  3. Anonymous12:17 am

    kepada macai macai PASPISPUS

    tolong copy, translate dan pass pda N.ajis.


  4. Anonymous9:25 am

    At 61 years old, Rocky cannot be trusted at all.
    His bullshits are low class'
    He thinks he can stink like a bee,working for Umno and he still dreams his is "All Blog" President.

  5. Anonymous9:34 am

    Oh my God and my Lord! Nothing is hidden from You, protect Your faithful from the sins of backbiting and arrogance.

  6. Anonymous9:41 am

    Maybe the Malaysians abroad are sponsored by PKR.

  7. Anonymous12:16 pm

    Latok Laky aah..

    Lu punya blog sudah jadi macam itu papaHomo...ooppss...papagomo..soon to be papakedana punya blog la...

    everything is about the rear end news...muahhahahahhahah

    kesian kat lu...sudah tua2 dok mengampu lagi..

    dah tak tahu yang mana betul dan yang mana salah..

    pergi la haji ke umrah ke..

    tak payah la nak bangga sangat dengan aoa yang ditulis itu. Bukan senang nak jawap bro..

    1. Anonymous8:42 pm

      Ai tu lagi bodoh papagomo tu bknnya ada duit nak saman2 mcm gah sgt. Sumpah laknat dah lah tak nak. Tak da kerja lain nak menyaman org aje. Jadi badut atas pentas saja kebolehan yg dia ada. Malu la sikit mcm ni impian hati nak jadi pemerintah negara. Jadi entertainer dlm saturday night live yg mampu dia hidangkan pd rakyat. Malu la lebih lagi pd anak ,bini , rakyat. TETAPI Allah jadikan manusia berpasangan DAN pasangan wan az adala ai. Serupa aje perangainya. Takan la tak boleh hidu perangai suami sudah berkawin byk tahun. Nak masok syurga? Ada syurga khas untok wan az? Sama aje laki bini perangai nya. They r meant for each other...masih boleh bertaubat dan menginsafi kerja2 memorak perandakan negara sendiri. malu ke dah hilang kemaluan. Buang negara tali barut pengkhianat agama bangsa dan negara. Kerajaan terlalu democratic sampai kena uli dgn bangsattt melayu dan bangsa2 lain yg tak sedar d untong.

  8. Bedul3:53 pm

    Doa buruk akan terbalik kepada mereka. Tunggi jelah.
    Yang so peliwat tu wirid dia Putrajaya, Putrajaya, Putrajaya. Betul depa ni ajaran sesat

  9. Anonymous4:31 pm

    Can you blame PAS?
    After many years of putting up with BN UMNO, all they can do is pray...

  10. Anonymous9:48 pm

    Datuk / Sir

    Lowyatt cybermonkey really hates u!!

    Pls carry on Sir...they re just group of monkeys.

    With all the blunders by their so called LEADER (my foot) ini yg terbaik diorang bokeh cakap.

  11. Anonymous11:53 pm

    Memang dah sesat,,dah naik hukum haram dah!

  12. Anonymous11:56 pm


    This low life opposition cyber trooper is really out of their depth now days.. their inability to defend their parties is increasingly showing and comments are just for the sake of getting paid.. their personnel attack at you i can say is very disgusting as disgusting as the character of their leader..


  13. Anonymous9:25 am

    The rantings and angry tirades by PR supporters are just that. They always go into their angry, bitter, and very unhappy mode when they have nothing of value to say.

    PAS has completely turned me off with their unislamic 'prayers'. As far as I am concerned, one vote for PAS or PKR is equivalent to one vote for DAP. Semalam saya nampak lambang PAS gantung2 kat restoren yang jual minuman keras. How apt with all the questionable practices carried out by PAS now.
