Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Operasi Sulu

Taken from the blogger Apanama who is in Lahad Datu. May the Almighty be with us.

Kenyataan Akhbar 
Sejak pencerobohan oleh kumpulan bersenjata di Lahad Datu pada Feb 12, kerajaan telah mengambil pendekatan untuk menyelesaikan konflik ini tanpa pertumpahan darah. Pihak polis telah mengadakan pertemuan dan rundingan dengan harapan penceroboh akan bersetuju keluar dengan aman tanpa dikenakan sebarang tindakan undang-undang yang serius. 
Semakin lama pencerobohan ini berlanjutan, jelas kepada pihak berkuasa bahawa penceroboh tidak berniat untuk keluar dari tanah Sabah. Pada hari Jumaat lepas mereka telah melepaskan tembakan ke arah anggota polis yang bertugas di kawasan tersebut menyebabkan dua anggota kita terbunuh, sehari kemudian enam lagi anggota polis dibunuh oleh penceroboh di Semporna. 
Setelah serangan yang pertama, saya telah menegaskan bahawa penceroboh mesti menyerah diri dan jika mereka enggan pihak berkuasa negara ini akan bertindak.

Sebagai negara Islam yang cintakan keamanan dan mengangkatkan perjuangan penyelesaian konflik scara perundingan, usaha kita menggelakkan pertumpahan darah di Lahad Datu tidak berjaya. 
Sebaliknya, anggota pasukan keselamatan kita diserang dan dibunuh, rakyat Malaysia khususnya di Sabah bimbangkan keselamatan mereka. 
Kerajaan mesti mengambil tindakan yang sewajarnya bagi menjaga marurah dan kedaultan negara sebagaimana yang dituntut oleh rakyat. 
Pada jam 7pagi ini pasukan keselamatan telah melancarkan serangan di Kampung Tanduo. 
Dato Sri Mohd Najib Tun Razak


  1. JohorMali8:12 am

    Bro ,
    To all the armchair generals who criticised the manner our govt. handling this ongoing crisis, let me say that we are not like the IDF (Israel Defence Force) and totally proud the way our police and army top hats going about doing their business.
    If we go by the IDF way, the whole kampung will be obliterated on day one, and Malaysia will be condemned world wide for the killings of innocence bystanders.
    As of 0700 today, semboyan telah berbunyi, semuga Allah pelihara perwira perwira kita, Amin

    1. Anonymous7:16 pm

      Ameen..semoga Allah tempatkan arwah2 penyelamat d tempat yg tinggi sekali d syurga firdaus dan dalang2 d sebalik kejadian ini d neraka jahanam yg paling bawah sekali. Ameen ArRahman ArRahim.

  2. Anonymous8:43 am

    May Allah blessed our Warriors

  3. ATM GAGAH BERANI9:34 am

    Stupid umNONONO men still labelled these Sulus as "intruders"...

    They are well-trained seasoned Militant Terrorists LAH!!!

    Syabas ATM, kasi tembak mereka semua mati pi neraka!!!

  4. LAYMAN9:36 am

    I am very sure that the government has got good reasons to avoid bloodshed in the first place. The bigger picture in terms of peace and stability in the region and its outcome/repercussions is more important.

    In light of the intruders refusal to withdraw and their willingness to go into combat mode, I support our authorities decision to weed them out as it is no longer practical or make sense to negotiate.

  5. Anonymous9:41 am

    My prayers for our security forces. This is our country. You come here to make trouble you will get more than a bloody nose. We dont owe anyone any explanation.

  6. Anonymous9:43 am

    They should have done it tree week ago.You must teach thei Fake Sultan Sulu we are soveraigh country.We give shelter and citizenship to many Sulu people and now you wantto invade us.
    I think we should used drone plane to attach his house(palace) in Sulu.They are terrorist.

  7. Anonymous10:08 am

    Selamat Berjuang kpd semua anggota keselamatan. Pada hari ini penceroboh yg menjadi musuh di Lahat Datu Sabah akan sentiasa ingat bahawa Malaysia adalah sebuah negara yg berdaulat & rakyatnya cintakan keamanan serta keharmonian.

  8. Anonymous11:54 am

    May Allah protect the Malaysian policemen and army defending our country. I do hope for minimal damage and loss of lives and for sanity to prevail.
    As Malaysians, let us unite and give our men the moral support they need.


  9. Anonymous11:55 am

    Dear PM,

    I give you my full support.

    As for the fucking PKR honchos, we all know what they stand for now, don't we?

  10. Anonymous1:49 pm

    To Old Fart, Monsterball, and the rest of PK sympathisers:


    Don't you dare write anything here!

    Wira Negara

  11. Anonymous3:44 pm

    My prayers:

    Allah please protect ALL the brave and patriotic security personnel so that they can return home to their wives and young children, parents and siblings

    Please also speed activate the HIV cells of buttman so that peace and harmony will prevail in blessed Malaysia

  12. Anonymous6:58 pm

    judge it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9esQPSR-u8&feature=youtube_gdata_player

  13. Anonymous at 1.49....Don't want to pretend to understand what is written. But it was funny reading what you wrote. I wonder why! Is it because when you chronologically put together all the statements issued officially, someone out there begins to look like a clown? Or is it because you too find it hard to believe the PM's statement there? You just hate for people like me reminding you of the stink that is coming out of there..Don't worry...being the old fart that I am I am quite used to my stench.

    Just in case, if you want to know my own emotion about what si happening. More than sad...I am angry.

  14. Anonymous1:18 am

    sultan sulu dajal ni mesti di *silentkan*. Belajar lah dari Mossad. Ada masa tabiat sebuk nak tunjuk baik tu hanya akan binasakan diri sendiri aje. Harap K'jaan buka mata dan ambik masalah kawasan itu dgn lebeh serious lagi. Intelligence patut tak sekali pon let their guard down.

  15. Anonymous4:17 am

    Old Fart
    Ko Shut dup aje laaa with all your nonsense!



  16. Anonymous11:15 pm

    Hi Old Fart

    Hope you know the meaning of word BANGSAT!!!

    Rumah kata pergi kubur kata mari!

    Tobat lah!!
