Sunday, February 05, 2012

Muhammad S.A.W

Maulidur Rasul [Birthday of Prophet Muhammad]

A mosque in Muar, Johor

JUST a little over three decades ago today, I was a student in Muar taking part in the annual procession to mark the birthday of the great Prophet. A most peaceful public gathering.

I will be passing by this riverside town again later today, to meet up with a couple of Johorean bloggers at Tanjung by the Sungai Muar, in our pursuit of the Ghost of Johor and other matters pertaining to the betterment of the state. If I'm lucky, I might catch this year's Maulud Nabi procession there .. 

100 Most Important People in History (and their religious affiliation)


  1. Anonymous2:48 am

    Salam Maulidur Rasul kepada semua Umat Islam yang benar2 beriman .

    Semoga kita ikhlas beriman kepada Allah Azizan wa jala walaupun diri tidak maksum. Jangan kita Islam pada nama tetapi kafir lovva secara zahir dan hati.

    As for the socalled Perkasa gaffe, I say that's a minor piffling issue blown out of proportion by a bastard immoral beggarly bunch of born racists. Yeah, maruahless pigs who take the free money and complain afterwards.

    Kalau dah tau suey tak usah ambil. Jangan komplain lepas dah syok habis dengan duit itu, bangsat!

    What an arsefucking, cockslurping, whorepiss drinking fuckedup bastard race.

    Good job,Perkasa! Jangan peduli bangsat2 tu!

    Warrior 231

  2. Happy holy celebration to you Rocky.
    Meeting with old friends ...class a joy too.
    Killing two birds with one man.
    Printing business OK?
    My Malay neighbor was living an expensive high life...owning a magazine..selling millions by the year...mostly to Govt MAS..Tourist Ministry..and all of a sudden...two new cars pulled back....for months...owners just sneaked home late at night to see children left to the care of a maid.
    House for takers...for he spent huge sums decorating his house that is worthless to others.
    Now back...small car and start all over gain.
    This is a classic case of a Malay from the kampong...drunk with easy money...easy gone.
    Chinese smarter...they earn and gamble...double or nothing...lost's their hard earn money...start again and again gambling ..never depend 1 sen help from Govt.
    Indians ...mostly salary RM100,000 household things with a RM2000 salary. Use RM1200 every month to pay on water and roti cannai...working...but Indian friend come visiting...they too look like so successful as "Logistic Representative"..Van Driver to be exact.

    1. The Chinese are the cause of all the fracuss of corruptions beyond control now permeated at all levels.Most Malays were government servants. The Chinese were mostly businessmen. To get business from the Givernment the Chinese gave ang-pow and that was what started it.

  3. SukaSukaIkutApsal?11:26 am


    Wa lepak di Jeddah almost 2years, Ive never seen any maulid or other islamik Malaysia ritual's celebration accept for EID Mubarak(Raya Posa] and Hajj Mabrur [Raya Haji].

    Both occasions they have a rest day for 5days rest n picnic tepi laut merah with family.

    No kompangs- No berarak-arak-No ngaji-ngaji.. No berzanji-zanji..

    So siapa lagi islamik ni? Malaysia or Saudi? or meLAYU?

    Ulamak dan Ular dlm semak di Malaysia ramai duk sesatkan rakyat especially meLAYU dengan benda BIDA'AH..



    1. Anonymous10:21 pm


      All because sana pemerintah wahabi. Asri tu sedikit sebanyak wahabi lah.

      Semua orang salah dia aje yang betul.

    2. Anonymous10:13 pm

      And yet the saudi prince drunk a good champange during eid

    3. Anonymous10:58 pm

      Spot on.. Why condemn each other? Kalau dh islam ko bagus sgat then ko masuk la sorga dulu dgn geng saudi

  4. Tomorrow...CNY last day...yam seng...yam yam yam seng
    Thereafter..Indian Thaipusam day...Happy Thaipusam to all Malaysian Indians.
    Muslim Mamaks are the luckiest of all...celebrating all three.

  5. Anonymous3:02 pm

    bro,ghost of johor ni memang gang gua...perompak 'river of life' and duke highway.

  6. dato,

    singgah makan rojak petis ke? atau pun mee bandong atau pun asam pedas ikan mayong?

    pagi tadi sarapan sate tak? jangan lupa bawa balik apam kacang yang terkenal tu kat belakang toko buku manap (lama) atau kat perhentian bas pagoh.

    orang muor

  7. dato,

    singgah makan rojak petis ke? atau pun mee bandong atau pun asam pedas ikan mayong?

    pagi tadi sarapan sate tak? jangan lupa bawa balik apam kacang yang terkenal tu kat belakang toko buku manap (lama) atau kat perhentian bas pagoh.

    orang muor

  8. Anonymous6:32 pm

    May the Prophet teaching guide you in every walk of your life on Mawlid Al-Nabi,,,and always.

    Anyway esok 3 Tahun,,BN RAMPAS kuasa d PERAK.


  9. Anonymous10:38 pm


    Syukur Alhamdullilah. Dipanjangkan usia dapat kita menyambut sambutan Maulidur Rasul. Pelajari, fahami dan hayati serta amalkan setiap ajaran Muhammad S.A.W untuk bekalan kita di dunia dan di akhirat buat selama-lamanya.

    Terlalu banyak pancaroba untuk kita jalani urusan kehidupan harian ini lebih-lebih lagi yang membabitkan soal-soal yang boleh menjejaskan aqidah.

    Pada kesempatan di hari yang mulia dan penuh barakah ini, saya mengingatkan diri saya sendiri, cubalah kita pelajari, fahami dan hayati isi kandungan AL QURAN dan AS SUNNAH supaya kita terus tersesat dan akhirnya menjadi umat Islam yang rugi.

  10. Skilgannon10668:48 am

    Well, it didn't take long for the warrior feller to make a reappearance.

    After being bested in the Senai Airport debate, he chose to beat a cowardly retreat by accusing the Brumeister of censoring his posts.

    And, now, he's baaaack....drum roll, please!

  11. Anonymous11:37 am

    muo bandar diraja...harap2 jgn ler Maharani ditukar nama. Maharani is such a powerful name for the Muar Town and should be retained ..

    muo mari

  12. So, why is the support given to Dr Mahathir being withheld from Najib now?

    Isn't the BN leadership not capable of more imaginatively responding to Opposition demands than just reaffirming them with petty handouts?

    Where is the intergity of vision that drove Dr Mahathir's actions?

    Meanwhile we have this glib talker pledging allegiance to Israel and America holding sway over our God-forsaken minds.

  13. Anonymous12:40 pm


    You guys should ride down to Muar then JB in your Harleys.
    Mohon the Sultan to revive the Kembara Makhkota just like the old times,when you used to join him in the superbike convoy.
    Will be good for the Rakyat.
    Daulat Tuanku!!


  14. Anonymous8:58 pm

    Warrior - you sound like an inbred retard.

  15. Anonymous11:30 pm

    so when will you see the LIGHT?

  16. Salam Bro Rocky.. BBQ tadi yum yumm.. tadi seated same row as you.. welcome to Muar. Hope get good PR about Muar in your Blog. Thank you again Bro..

  17. Melayu Islam12:25 am


    You postulated that our Maulidur Rasul celebration is bidaah just because it's not practised in Saudi Arabia. So what do you make of our practice of the talkin reading at the conclusion of burial rites of a Muslim dead? Or for that matter, of the kenduri arwah and its accompanying tahlil recitation? Or, of the imam-led post-prayer doa? All these, and more, are not practised in Saudi Arabia.

    Have you ever heard of the credo: If an act is not specified as extra-legal or haram then it must be legal or halal?

    But I don't think very much of your postulations. After all, for the two years you claimed you had been in Jeddah, you still think eid mubarak is raya puasa and eid mabrur is raya haji. Then what, to you, is Haj Mabrur? Haji haji?

  18. Anonymous10:23 am

    try fishing at Tanjung Mas, mighthy big siakaps are some times caught among the hordes of duris and gelama.

    Salam maulidur Rasul......:)

  19. SukaSukaIkutApsal?, tak taulah jika perarakan Maulidul Rasul diklasifikasikan sebagai bida'ah. Sekadar memperingati hari kelahiran pesuruh Allah yg terakhir tak menjadi kesalahan jika tak mendtgkan mudarat. Ada ke? Tak salah mengaji, berzanji, bertasbih pada hari cuti awam termasuk berselawat ke atas Rasulullah spt yg disebut dlm Surah 33:56.

  20. Anonymous5:55 pm


    Anon 10.38PM - how to send Maulidur Rasul Greetings and make people respect and appreciate you. Tahniah.

    Anon 2.48AM (kes makan diri..tak boleh tidur malam) Warrior 231 - How to be a munafik...islam celup!!!

    Spot the difference.

  21. Anonymous9:09 pm

    10 million USD is alot of money brooo


  22. Anonymous10:58 am

    Dear Br Rocky..plse also answer for us who is the ghost behind the thousands of lorries..long crappy lorries thats been hauling those thing called sand aka silica sand to that small island state that is pro Israel and whom we lost Batu Putih..
    Plse let us know..

  23. Anonymous4:13 pm


    It's a pity to see monsterball's racist remark on your Maulud Nabi greeting posting.

    May Allah open his heart.


    Muo rian

  24. Anonymous5:08 pm

    Pahhh.... Muhammad would be disappointed with us. He was reeeaaalllly hoping that he won't be celebrated, venerated and revered, his grave marked and with people taking the day off to remember him. All he asked of us was to remember the words of God and his teachings/guidelines, which we compiled into the Quran. Like he stressed, he's just a messenger, so no need to promote him, write books about him, cry for his passing and such...

    - Azlan.

  25. Anonymous10:25 am


    Is the new mmail good to buy? Are you still in mmail editorial?

  26. Anonymous1:29 pm

    Tuan, dalam bulan yang mulia menyambut hari kelahiran saidina Rasulullah Salallahu alaiwasalaam, ada juga puak yang cuba menghina dan merendah-rendah umat Isalam satu Malaysia menyambut dengan selawat, berzanji dan lain2 pujian kepada kekasih ALLAH. Ni samdol ni duduk 2 tahun di Arab Saudi, tak ada hidayah, terikut-ikut perangai biadap wahabis... pei mengaji kat pondok2 mana2 di Malaysia ni baru hangpa timba ilmu sikit... Saidina Rasulullah Salallahu Alaiwasalaam tu siapa banding dengan hang.. bingai punya manusia!... Maaf tuan bahasa keras sikit.

  27. Anonymous12:48 pm

    With regard to the Saudi citizen under custody, I think it is best if the authorities extradite him back home. While his comments tantamount to personal heresy and blasphemy, it is only fair that this is affirmed in a court of law in the country where his crime was committed. Moreover, since what he uttered is deemed a criminal charge in his country, it is perfectly in order to expedite his extradition as technically, he is undoubtedly a fugitive of the law, global opinion notwithstanding.

    The government''s extradition of the fugitive will also be welcomed by the Muslim majority here (as ground vibes suggest) since it will serve to reiterate the gov's resolve to protect the sanctity of Islam as well as serve as a warning to copy cat provocateurs in our midst.

    Warrior 231

    Warrior 231

  28. Skilgannon10668:50 am

    Heh, heh

    The courageous and vaunted warrior is now deigning to comment on the case of the luckless Saudi citizen who was deported posthaste back to Saudi Arabia.

    Funny concepts - heresy and blasphemy.

    Another set of funny concepts - mercy, love and forgiveness. Absurd and impractical, even.

    Oh, yes - wisdom, too!

    Seems to me that, from my albeit limited knowledge of the Christian faith, that heresy and blasphemy can be tolerated and forgiven there (the dark days of the Inquistion and the auto-da-fe are long past).

    That much is true in the Roman Catholic faith, in the various Christian denominations and even amongst the evangelical Christians (although there is the sanction of excommunication for persistent recalcitrants).

    As the Christian Bible says: "But if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and he will be given it" (James 1:5)

  29. Jasper Bloodstone2:00 pm

    "copy cat provocateurs", eh?

    Could you please define just who falls into this category?

    Would this include those who denigrate or insult ANY religion and the followers thereof?

    It's necessary to be absolutely precise about this so that there is no room for misunderstandings or misinterpretations.

    After all, the Almighty's ways are not human ways and the Almighty's thoughts are not human thoughts.

    And the gift of faith is bestowed on all, not on just the select few who regard themselves as already justified!

  30. Anonymous6:25 pm

    Alhamdullilah that sanity prevailed and the government decided to deport the fugitive who now has to reap the chaff he has sown with his self-inflicted heretical blasphemy. Credit too to the government for not succumbing to the illogical caterwauls of a bunch of anti-Islam extremists guised as human rights activists attempting to suborn legal procedures to humiliate Islam.

    It is also an assertion on the part of the authorities (at long last, given the kids glove treatment accorded to the Sikamat Chingkies, the inconsequential but dangerously incendiary Namewee and the rationally brainless and spiritually clueless Christo bastards who have been ceaseless agitating to besmirch kalimah "Allah", a blasphemous act that will NOT be tolerated by Muslims)that those who blaspheme Islam will suffer dire consequences. Lets hope the same firm line is applied to the pighead culprits and proselytizers of other faiths who court Muslims. I suggest these perpetrators be given the rattan on top of mandatory 5 year jail terms to be followed by citizenshiop revocation.

    As my reform proposals pertaining to Islam (in the KJ-RR thread) implies, let no indigenous heretic or pendatang infidel, pagan or idiolator nor atheist etc ever entertain the idea that Islam and by extension, muslims, are easy meat to trifled with.

    I will refrain from responding to uneducated/illiterate idol-worshipping, wine guzzling, flesh eating cannibalistic followers of Christo (allusions to which is replete in all that wine and bread liturgical symbolism balderdash) who have no inkling as to the repercussions of the heretic's mad claptrap. But then again, i dont expect liars, poseurs and charlatans to be honourable in any engagement given that they have hocked their dignity on the altar of prejudice,bartered away their intellect for trinkets of imbecility and sacrificed their principles for the cheap applause of fellow extremists. Rest assured though, Inshaallah when the time comes, these scumbags will receive their just desserts on a day when their cries and pleas for mercy will be nothing more than futile wails against the inevitable. For the time being, I will await that moment in patient anticipation.

    Warrior 231

  31. Anonymous3:22 am

    I am not particularly religious or the kind who wears his spirtual heart on his secular sleeve to show off a hypocritical self. Neither am I into other superstitions (thats what they precisely are NOT religion or faith, ONLY ISLAM is).

    But amidst all their illogical gibberish, convoluted balderdash and hypocritically contradictory baloney, slivers of light do escape those pitchblack hellholes which are the spiritual equivalents of those physical blackholes that dot our universe.

    And the Bible has precisely an appropriate line for the oafs we have on this thread: "Rejoice when the dumb speak." or would Psalm 31:18 be equally appropriate for dumb frauds who cant resist butting their heads up other people's arses uninvited!

    Anway, I better quit pontificating lest I disturb the Mary Magdalene-Jesus fuckfest and throw this solar powered hodgepodge collection of pure crap and podsnappery called the gospel into the dumpster.

    Warrior 231

  32. Skilgannon10668:03 am


    et tu, brute?

    It would be indeed interesting if, for example, your sentiments are reciprocated in kind in, say, the US, UK, EU, Canada, Australia, India, China etc.

    Who would be the losers then?

    Pray, instead, that you do not reap what you sow!

  33. Anonymous1:44 pm

    Munafik putar belit Warrior 231,

    Sorry to disappoint you....Ex-PM Mahathir says "Proper check on Saudi journalist should have been done first".

    Sekarang ada kes pulak pasal contempt against Hishamuddin fro disobeying court order!!

    So how munafik 231...kaki putar belit??

  34. Anonymous1:06 am

    Maybe everyone should relax and read first before commenting instead of twisting the truth to suit their fancy:

    + read the other related articles on the website.

    Anyone know a local "hero" with the very Muslim name of R Kesavan?
    "Cometh the hour crawls out the worm" would be appropriate in the circumstance, I suppose.

    I forgive dunia akhirat those Muslims who call me a munafik or worse for I wouldnt want them to feel the wrath of hell at my expense. May Allah have mercy on your souls, Insyaallah.

    As for those pontificating illiterates and ignoramuses here, the less said the better for as I said I aint the type who will wear my purple spiritual heart on my sleeve to clothe my dark hypocritical self like some pompous pretentious infidel slobs do.

    For surely the arrogant will reap the chaff of their pride for verily they have sown naught but their vanity. No that phrase cannot be found in any mildewed compilation of pure claptrap and hearsay from four different sources....get my drift.

    Warrior 231

  35. Jasper Bloodstone4:52 pm

    Seems that the late Osama Bin Laden reaped the chaff of his pride, courtesy of some US Special Forces personnel, in a remote and dusty Pakistani backwater.

    And he lived his life by the teachings of........?

    Of course, the warrior wannabe conveniently forgets such illuminati....

    Not deliberately, of course!

  36. Anonymous5:38 pm

    Anon 1:06AM..... And here rides Lone Ranger (aka Warrior 231) and Tonto into the sunset....never to be seen until the circus comes back to town!!!

    The Last Post. Amen.

  37. Jasper Bloodstone6:43 pm

    With a heigh-ho, Silver, and away!

    Or was that the Cisco Kid and his sidekick Pancho?

    Or Buck Jones or Hopalong Cassidy?

    Dang it, the memory ain't what it used to be...

    Anyway, it's kinda sad how the warrior dude drags his battered psyche back into the fray time after time to take on the pinko-liberal, crypto-Commie, gay-sympathising anti-freaks that permeate the hallowed shores of Tanah Air...

    Once more into the breach....

  38. Anonymous5:23 pm

    Look at the tail squeezed in between the legs...

    as the warrior dog whimpered and whined and devoured its own faeces...howling thru' the night (@1.06AM !!!)

    what a pitiful sight - how i would love to ram my Nazi National Front boot right in between the region where the sun don't shine! - the bigot perkasa supporter.

    Sid Vicious.
