Friday, June 24, 2011

"Social Media and the GLC"

Panel discussion at the GLC Open Day
Saturday June 25 at 530pm
at the KL Convention Centre

Ever since they were created, blogs have been one of the biggest critics of our GLCs. Today, the Facebook and micro-blogging, esp Twitter, could be a pain in the neck for these corporations. Sometimes, this new media would carry great exposes. But other times, the half-truths and unverified "news" do more harm than good. How can the GLCs win over the Social Media? Or can it?

The Panelists, to be moderated by Khazanah's Dr Nong Sari, are:


  1. I guess that's you on the top right, and not Ramli Sarip. :)

  2. Anonymous3:10 am

    is that tony pua? i thought he's company bankrupt already in singapore?
    tony pua presence will do more damage to the GLCs image than actually improve it.
    don't they read the blog?
    Cik Khaleb, the most hated person in the blog world and years in a row brought minue profit to TNB.

  3. Anonymous5:02 am

    Change it back to BLC.LelahWi screwed up the Malays and at the same time making tons of dough for his family.

  4. Anonymous1:33 pm

    Raja Nong Sari cakap merapu. Kalau pergi presentation dia, dia seorang sahaja yang syok sendiri, mumbling ntah hapa2. Hopeless!

  5. Anonymous11:27 pm

    Let the PEMERINTAH and the CIBAI talk COCK,,!!!!

    Come 30th JUNE Market gonna collapse!!!

    Kita tengok,,,KLSE akan bertahan at what level!!!????


  6. Anonymous9:53 am

    Dartmouth, New Hampshire, USA.

    The Dartmouth College here Saturday has decided to fire two of their prominent Professors of Computer Science, Professors Hany Farid and Lorenzo Torressani for what they call as "substandard jobs" in works in computer graphics. In their stead, the university board members have instead created a special chair in the computer science department entitled "Chair in Virtual Cybernetics and Fractal Polygraphs", a new field invented by a most prominent super scientist in Malaysia called Professor Joe Bedul.

    "We are very impressed with the way this most distinguished of all Computer Scientists could transform himself to look like a long-dead performer with nary a distinguishing difference as far as one could tell", said Dr Johnny McGobbledegook, Chairman of the board.

    "Imagine what this means to the entertainment industry. Miss Jimi Hendrix's sizzling axeworks in person? Want to hear Elvis Presley croon once again? Like to see the innards of Marilyn Monroe's leotards? Never fear. All of these will become possible again. And the person that will bring them to you? Professor Joe Bedul from Malaysia", continued McGobbledgook as he snorted in a few LSD-laced weeds.

    "And in these regards, we are very disappointed with our own dons Dr Farid and Torressani. They couldn't even do simple tasks, like proving that the images of a certain video that was brought was not that of a man leading Malaydia's main opposition party right now. I mean, I am sure if given Prof Beeul to the task, he could have done in in the twinkling of an eye", continued McGobbbledgook.

    "It is in this spirit that the board has decided to terminate the services of Professors Farid and Torressani"

    Reported by

    Marking Bagpie
    Loiter News Agency.

  7. Wah, Bangsar dilanda ribut. Did you deliver a sermon in thunder? Mahdi! Mahdi! Mahdi!

  8. Hi Anon 1:33 PM,

    It is Dr. Nung Sari Ahmad Radhi. We used to go to the same university.

    Dr. Nung used to teach at UUM and was MP for Balik Pulau.

  9. Had planned to be at the GLC Open Day specifically for this one. Unfortunately, my wife needed help at her treatment centre. There was a problem with the water drainage system, affecting the hydrotherapy (mandi ais) treatment. Guess who was the kuli batak who had to bail out the water from the bathtub with a pail?

  10. Tabung Uji8:02 pm


    Are you going to wait until Tabung Haji suffered massive losses due to the abuse of power by the CEO and his cronies or start taking action?

    KUALA LUMPUR, Jun 21: PAS vice president and Pokok Sena member of parliament Mahfuz Omar has cast suspicion in the purchase of the 38-storey Platinum Park by Tabung Haji from TTDI Development, saying there was a conflict of interest.

    Speaking in parliament yesterday, Mahfuz pointed out that TTDI's director Johan Ariffin (right) also sits as director for Tabung Haji's two other subsidiaries Tabung Haji Properties Sdn Bhd and Tabung Haji Technology Sdn Bhd.

    Mahfuz said some RM466 million was exchanged in the sale of the building in 2009, at the rate of RM1,298 per square foot. The property boasts a total space of 360 thousand square feet.

    Mahfuz said Tabung Haji, which acts as a fund for Malaysians wishing to perform the Hajj in future, could have asked its two subsidiaries to carry out the construction of the building themselves.

    “Why did Tabung Haji not give the contract to develop the building to its two children companies?

    "If technical expertise was an issue, then why not Tabung Haji passed the project to Tabung Haji Properties which is constructing the Wakaf tower in Jalan Perak, Kuala Lumpur and in the middle of completing other projects such as the USJ Subang police station?” he asked.

    Mahfuz (left) pointed out that Tabung Haji Technology had experience in dealing with similar projects.

    On the rate of RM1,298 per square foot, he questioned whether any independent third party valuer had been consulted.

    Saying the bulk of Tabung Haji's fund was from the Muslim community, Mahfuz called on the government to clear the doubts.

    “We do not want the people’s money in Tabung Haji to be abused,” he added.

  11. Tabung Uji8:13 pm


    Apa rasional Tabung Haji akan membuat pelaburan hartanah di London/Eropah? Di mana "synergy"nya kepada bakal jemaah Haji? Jalan mudah untuk CEO dan kroni2 mendapat "kickback"?

    Tabung Haji tambah hartanah
    Oleh Ahmad Farizal Hajat


    Dana pelaburan lebih besar beli aset di Arab Saudi, London

    LEMBAGA Tabung Haji akan membeli lebih banyak hartanah di Arab Saudi dan London dalam tempoh tiga tahun ini, bagi menambah sumber pendapatan tetapnya, seterusnya mampu memberikan kadar pulangan yang konsisten dan ‘menarik’ kepada pendepositnya.

    Bagi tujuan berkenaan, pengurus dana Islam terbesar dunia itu, akan meningkatkan peratusan peruntukkan dana bagi pelaburan dalam portfolio hartanahnya kepada 25 peratus.
    Tabung Haji yang menguruskan dana berjumlah kira-kira RM28 bilion, ketika ini memperuntukkan RM4.2 bilion atau 15 peratus daripada saiz keseluruhan dananya untuk pembelian hartanah di Malaysia dan Arab Saudi.

    Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan dan Ketua Eksekutifnya, Datuk Ismee Ismail, berkata rancangan membeli lebih banyak hartanah itu juga bertujuan merebut peluang dalam bidang yang menjanjikan pulangan lumayan itu.

    “Tabung Haji kini memiliki beberapa rangkaian hartanah di Makkah dan Madinah secara pajakan. Walaupun hartanah itu hanya dipajak ia mampu memberikan pulangan yang amat baik kepada kumpulan.

    “Bersandarkan kepada prospek itu, kami meninjau untuk mengambil alih lebih banyak aset atau terbabit dalam pembangunan beberapa projek hartanah, khususnya di Jeddah dan Madinah serta di beberapa kawasan di Eropah, khususnya di London,” katanya kepada Berita Harian dan Business Times di Kuala Lumpur, baru-baru ini.

    Ismee berkata, tidak seperti di Makkah dan Madinah yang hanya menawarkan konsep pajakan bagi pemilikan aset hartanahnya, di Jeddah, Tabung Haji ditawarkan peluang untuk memiliki sebarang aset hartanah secara pegangan kekal.
    “Bagi memastikan Tabung Haji meraih peluang yang tersedia ini (memiliki aset hartanah di Jeddah secara pemilikan kekal), kami merancang untuk mengadakan usaha sama dengan syarikat tempatan,” katanya.

    Mengulas lanjut, Ismee berkata, langkah meningkatkan peratusan pelaburan dalam sektor hartanah itu adalah sebahagian daripada usaha Tabung Haji mempelbagaikan portfolio asetnya sejajar dengan persekitaran pasaran semasa.

    “Tabung Haji sentiasa menyemak peruntukan pelaburannya dari semasa ke semasa kerana pasaran sentiasa berubah. Sebagai contoh, pasaran ekuiti boleh menjadi platform pelaburan terbaik, namun apabila ia mendatar, Tabung Haji akan melabur pula dalam instrumen pelaburan lain.

    “Kami harus menyemak struktur peruntukan pelaburan ini bagi memastikan nilai jangka panjang wang pencarum sentiasa terpelihara,” katanya sambil menambah selain bertujuan mengekalkan rekod pulangan lumayan, langkah itu juga bagi memastikan kos mengerjakan haji kekal pada kadar yang mampu.

    Ketika ini, Tabung Haji memiliki 5.6 juta pendeposit dengan jumlah deposit tahun lalu sebanyak RM25.8 bilion berbanding RM21.3 bilion pada 2009.

    Sumber utama pendapatannya tahun lalu adalah daripada pelaburan ekuiti yang menyumbang sebanyak 65 peratus yang mana 19 peratus adalah pendapatan dividen dan 46 peratus merangkumi keuntungan urus niaga saham.

    Penyumbang kedua terbesar pula adalah pendapatan daripada pelaburan dalam sekuriti hutang, khususnya bon Islam yang menyumbang sebanyak 10 peratus.
