Monday, April 11, 2011



在砂拉越以及马来西亚以外,安华拥有一套他时常使用的颇为高明的言论传播手段。只要有需要的时候,他就会使用这套手段,而且脑子里从来都只有一个极 具机会主义者色彩的目标,那就是毒害他本国竞争者的声誉以及推翻马来西亚民主选举的政府,从而把总理的位子据为己有。马来西亚前首相马哈迪·莫哈末上世纪 九十年代曾经向他承诺过总理的职位,后来安华却发动政变企图推翻马哈迪,以失败告终。
在国际公关方面,安华取得了一系列的成功。2003年他提出上訴,大马联邦法院推翻其鸡奸罪名,而安华借此博取国际舆论同情,企图树立终身的烈士形 象,如今他又故伎重演,希望获得国际媒体的同情。如果你相信安华对这些这些事件的操控的话,你也许会把他当作是马来西亚的昂山素季和纳尔逊·曼德拉。然而 安华不过是在做白日梦。
Yes, bro, dream on. Nobody can fool everybody all the time. And the Sarawakians, they aren't your fools, baby.
Go here to read the rest of the story. If you need English, click this.  


  1. Anonymous1:03 am

    Another piece of crap by ammo ass-licker.

    And the Sarawakians are ready to kick the shit out of that Taik & Najis.

  2. Anonymous1:26 am

    Latuk, u think the Sarawak people care who de fcuk Anwar is?

    And they too doesn't give de fcuk when Najib says Taib is not going to stay !

    It's too late & it doesn't matter anymore !

    They had had enough of 30 years of drinking rainwater !

    They demand & want changes, they want Baru Bian !

  3. ...SarawakReportS could have used a better Mandarin Chinese translator. Just sayin'.

    All politicians have their own...shady history.

  4. Anonymous2:04 am

    how much taib paying u to spin?
    u must be retarded. But then, people who are bought often are.

  5. Anonymous2:04 am

    I rather be "fooled" by Anwar than be fooled by the BN government.


  6. If people still willing to vote for anwar a homo and slept with prostitute etc that just show that how much the people despise bn...

  7. Dear Rocky Bru

    This articles is by Sarawak Reports not the real Sarawak report at

    How about you do us Sarawakian a BIG service and do some article about Taib. As a Man and Malaysia Rakyat, what do you think about Taib?

    Be frank and speak your mind if you still dare.


  8. Anonymous6:58 am

    Tak pahm baseeh cina

  9. Anonymous7:01 am

    Datuk, if you're not a Sarawakian, please do NOT simply comment..

    It seems like you UMNO bloggers are the ones trying to fool Sarawak. We, the people of the state, know the current conditions here, and unlike you people over there, we are neither pro-BN nor pro-PR..

    It just so happens that BN has the most corrupted/uncaring leaders in Sarawak. They are good BN (and PR) candidates, and we will support them.. unfortunately, a vote for BN means a vote for Taib.. we are in a dilemma..

    My goodness Datuk, I wonder a lot how you have been spinning about Sarawak lately, 'protecting' Taib.. Do you really follow the teachings of Islam which espouse fair and good governance?

    and do not answer this by your same old "if youre not with BN, then youre with Pakatan" thinking.. we will say the same if PR leaders have been plundering our land for 30 years...


  10. Anonymous7:01 am

    Najib, ask Taib to resign now and be investigated on his wealth including his families and cronies. 100% of SCORE projects given to his family's companies and cronies. He approved it by giving directives to Heads of Depts and Agencies. In the meeting he declared his interest and let other people chaired the meeting. And I am in some of the meeting.

  11. Anonymous8:45 am

    When Anwar takes over you better run for your life !

    You are the failed chameleon, sadly

  12. Anonymous8:50 am

    Anwar is only interested in under aged Chinese girls.

    He could not give a damn about any other things in life. Not even the Omega watch.

    No wonder the Chinese voters love him.

  13. The Sarawak Reports with the "S" is yours. My Sarawak Report without the "S" has been hacked and is down.

  14. Rocky I am sure some of your comments are being churned out by people from the Red Dot side! Pretending to be a normal people making comments don't you think!?

  15. Anonymous9:19 am

    bro, the batu kawah opposition rally is an indication of what will happen on the 16 apr. Feel the ground lahh... tapi apa nak takut kaannnnn. PR kan tak relevan... the same thing, the media was harping before 2008.

    Lama Bian adik kepada Baru Bian

  16. Anonymous9:27 am

    You got to be kidding? What happen to your standards? Well maybe in bolehland being awarded datukship and spinning with your arse than your brains makes sence to be an umno stooge!

  17. anekkinchai9:50 am

    There is an old saying "unlike drinking & gambling, no hand-brake to stop for corruption".

    Sang Taik masih tak kaya2 walaupun sudah diberi kesempatan selama 30 tahun....

    hiss.. hiss... kesian Cikano

  18. Anonymous10:20 am


    DSN better have Plan B, or perhaps Plan C even.

    Look at TM's face & body language's a sign of a man who knows he's roundly beaten. But it's too late now coz he's ( & DSN by extension) crossed his Rubicon.

    The most BN will get from their "donations" is "tabik basa" (TQ) but not their votes by a long shot.

    Worse, it could be "Anang Ngacau"!! ( buzz off )

    P.s E&O with translations if any with apologies.



  19. all those projects given to the Taib family were done in open tender?
    How is it that the richest state in the country has the largest proportion of rural poverty?

    How come the MM has not looked at the real situation in Sarawak?
    When did you stop being a journalist and become a lazy propagandist?

  20. trifling-jester10:59 am

    rocky, just out of curiosity, whats your price?

  21. Anonymous11:56 am

    at 1st i tot ur blog kena hack.. hehe. anywaynice issues.

    calling for RCI for the sex video issues pun cun.

    remember the girl ketuk ketampi naked? ada MP yg call for RCI said that China girl - victim? Now where are those MP's? for me the girl looks like a China doll. Tak mau siasat ka? Tak mau push menteri say sorry to the govt of China? ok, we don't know who the hell is that old man with a sagging boobs, but we know that, somethings not right.

    Kesian kat amoi tu.. geli.. Terasa C**k org tua..
    kesian kesian kesian

    oh yie

  22. u should read this...

  23. Anonymous12:26 pm

    First, only shameless people copies the name of another, like Sarawak Reports.So shameless, its willing to polish apples at whatever cost.
    Its not about Anwar anymore, many people are tired of reading dirt dished out by BN, and it has reached a point that whatever is written, people would not believe it anymore, or worse, the perception BN has lost the confidence of many Malaysians.
    Rocky, you tell us something new, please. Maybe, you can vouch that every BN leaders are clean as a whistle and nothing in their closet?


  24. Anonymous1:03 pm

    Dato Rocky,dah seminggu blog Tun M kena attack.not safe to access. Are u aware what Tun is doing about it.

  25. Skilgannon10663:21 pm

    I raised a couple of questions in another thread which no one has apparently, up to now, been able to answer satisfactorily. Even the wonted Perwira, in spite of all the histrionics, chose to maintain a discreet silence. Let me repeat those questions:

    1. What has been the growth in Sarawak's per capita income from the time Taib took office as Chief Minister till, say, 2010?

    2. Why are Sarawakians, especially from the indigenous tribes, still working as unskilled labour in countries such as Singapore, years after Sarawak joined the Malaysian Federation?

    And here's a supplementary question: are the indigenous groups in Sarawak the poorest and most-deprived Sarawakians in terms of per capita income, education levels and access to basic facilities such as healthcare, schools and public transport?

  26. Anonymous4:05 pm

    Mr Najib, we know how score projects are awarded without following normal procedures. But you as MoF and top ranking officers in your MoF know more and better than us of the hanky fanky in the award bcoz the money is released by MoF. Good luck to BN.

  27. Anonymous4:08 pm

    We dont care anwar fucked china girl for a few ringgit. But Taip Mahmud and BN are fucking Sarawak people for billion ringgit. Just think about it.

  28. BIGCAT6:36 pm

    Skilganon, let me try to answer,
    1. not sure of the figures, but I think Sarawak is doing better than Kelantan.
    2. because the pay in Singapore is better. That's why such jobs in Malaysia r done by Indons and Banglas. (note: my in-laws also works n live in Singapore, they r Chinese from Kluang, Johor)
    Supplementary question : yes they r the poorest, same as the malays n other bumiputera being the poorest in Semenanjung. Thats why we had the NEP which DAP and gang r trying so hard to get rid under the Malaysian Malaysia concept(which happened to be the battle cry of PAP, the parent party of DAP before Singapore was kicked out of Malaysia).

  29. Anonymous8:57 pm

    Solli. Me no read Cainis.

    Oso, we know Sarawak ReportS is tipu website, not Real McCoy to Sarawak Report.

    There is an asS behind Sarawak ReportS, know wat I is saying?

  30. Anonymous10:25 pm

    Beware!!!!!Do Not to Vote Anal Sex Advocate and their Goons.. You vote will turn Sarawak into Sodom and Gommorroh. The Almighty will turn the state upside down....

    Pastor Alex Luping

  31. Anonymous11:15 pm

    Alamak Dato Rocky,

    Ingat tadi tersilap buka blog dari PRC!

    OK ler tu, otherwise the other half of the DAP residents there cannot understand what ebelibodi is talking about..

    Banyak isteri2 Apek kat Sarawak are HongKong citizens..cannot understand BM wan..



  32. haha rocky, you dont feel us the sarawakian la rocky. we dont care anwar chameleon ke homo ke apa ke, it doesn't matter for us now. we have experienced 30 years with Taib and if PKR wins, 5 years is nothing compare to 30 years. Change is inevitable how hard you try to spin the story. Kami dah fed up tau tak rocky. Kalau you pergi kat Sarawak baru you tau tanah tanah sepanjang jalan, hutan2 atas nama sapa skrang nie. rasa nak nangis, rakyat kais pagi makan pagi, pemimpin dan kroni makan sedap2 kat istana.
