Damning ni.
Because it is Wikileaks, more people will believe that Saiful was buggered. Right?
By the way, I haven't signed the petition to support Wikileaks.
Caught in political sex trap
Philip Dorling and Nick McKenzie
December 12, 2010
Australia's Office of National Intelligence also states the conduct was the result of entrapment by Dr Anwar's enemies.
The cable is one of several that deals with the highly explosive private views of senior Singaporean officials, including claims that:
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>Malaysia is in a ''confused and dangerous'' state due to its incompetent politicians;>Thailand's political elite are dogged by ''corruption'' and the country's crown prince is ''very erratic and easily subject to influence'';
>Japan and India were struggling to deal with China's influence due to their ''stupid'' behaviour;
> and some Asian leaders wanted the junta to retain power in Burma to ensure the country's stability.
The cable that deals with Dr Anwar's sodomy case, dated November 2008 and released exclusively to The Sun-Herald by WikiLeaks, states: ''The Australians said that Singapore's intelligences services and [Singaporean elder statesman] Lee Kuan Yew have told ONA in their exchanges that opposition leader Anwar 'did indeed commit the acts for which he is currently indicted'.''
The document states the Singaporeans told ONA they made this assessment on the basis of ''technical intelligence'', which is likely to relate to intercepted communications.
The ONA is also recorded as saying that Dr Anwar's political enemies engineered the circumstances from which the sodomy charges arose.
''ONA assessed, and their Singapore counterparts concurred, 'it was a set-up job and he probably knew that, but walked into it anyway','' the cable states.
Sodomy is illegal in Malaysia and carries a jail sentence of up to 20 years.
Dr Anwar, a former Malaysian deputy prime minister, was jailed in 1999 on charges of corruption and sodomy after a falling out with then prime minister Mahathir Mohamad.
He later had his sodomy conviction overturned and was freed from jail in 2004.
In 2008 he was charged again with sodomy. Dr Anwar has maintained the case against him is fabricated and trumped up by his political enemies who fear his political resurgence.
The case against Dr Anwar has drawn widespread international criticism and has included some bizarre twists. Earlier this year, a prosecutor in the sodomy trial was dropped after she was accused of having an affair with the star witness.
The witness, 25-year- old Mohamad Saiful Bukhari Azlan, worked as an aide in Dr Anwar's office. He has accused the 62-year-old of sodomising him in an apartment in Malaysia.
Earlier this month, Australian politician Nick Xenophon travelled to Malaysia to observe Dr Anwar's ongoing court proceedings, which were adjourned.
In December 2009, a month after ONA's brief assessment of Dr Anwar's case, the Malaysian criticised Kevin Rudd for not meeting him during his visit to Australia. He accused Mr Rudd of appeasing Malaysia's ''corrupt leaders'' by snubbing him.
''He [Mr Rudd] was too obsessed with interests of getting the two countries together [and therefore] appease Malaysia's corrupt leaders,'' Dr Anwar said at the time.
wonder when the kiasu flers & lky will release the sordid tales of najis & the mongolian...
ReplyDeleteAfter getting Pedra Branca and the railway land it is the least the Singaporeans can do in return for UMNO. After all what is an opportunistic Najib compared to a homo Anwar? Strangely, you UMNO bastards seem to think the 'Kiasus' whom you spit on and curse are now speaking the truth.
ReplyDeletejeng jeng jengggggggggggggg
ReplyDeleteanwar seperti kura-kura dalam perahu
ayoyo.. susah la ini macam mau pi putrajaya
ReplyDeleteBehold bro....Wikileaks soon gonna release a cable transmission about Scorpene submarine deals. Expect more shits been exposed about your paymaster.
ReplyDeleteBut this so called US cable in not in the Wikileaks's site. It is only claimed to be sourced from Wikileaks. Check it for yourself and tell us.... this can easy be established... dont you agree?
Rocky, the same source also had this to report:
ReplyDeleteAccording to one cable detailing a meeting in September 2008, Mr Kausikan told US Deputy Secretary of Defence for East Asia David Sedney that ”the situation in neighbouring Malaysia is confused and dangerous”, fuelled by a ”distinct possibility of racial conflict” that could see ethnic Chinese ”flee” Malaysia and ”overwhelm” Singapore.
”A lack of competent leadership is a real problem for Malaysia,” Mr Kausikan said, citing the need for Najib Razak – now Malaysia’s Prime Minister – to ”prevail politically in order to avoid prosecution” in connection with a 2006 murder investigation linked to one of Mr Razak’s aides.
”Najib Razak has his neck on the line in connection with a high-profile murder case,” Mr Kausikan said.
Pelanduk memang terkena jerat sebab tak tau yang mana satu jerat! Tapi pelanduk yang sekor ni dah tau jerat masih terjerat jugak sebab terlampau horny.... tatak boleh tahan!
ReplyDeleteSo, there's more ammunition to delay the case even further.
ReplyDeleteDr. Anwar's favourite lawyer should take this opportunity to bring Wikileaks, Singapore and Australian officials to court and this will add at least one year more to the delay tactics.
What are they waiting for?
The Australian source is:
Well, Rocky bru would never be rocky bru if he does not put this headline
ReplyDeleteIndeed SNAP poll is coming very very soon. Salute to APCO!
Check out for new whistleblowers site at for more bare all stories.
Ouch that gonna hurt PR's ego someway and definitely not the good way i'm sure. Anwars' only reply on tweeter was " whose the source ? SB? haha ". Anwar should know this is EMBASSY cables leak and not some Bukit Aman leak- gezz.
ReplyDeleteBro, on the other note there is another cable how the our neighbor looked down on our politicians, calling our PM opportunist. Do you have any view on that ?
There is over 1000 cable-gate yet to be released too later hehehe heard there is submarine cable too on it.
i've told you so....
ReplyDeleteRocky, bila Malaysian Insider dok start publish cerita pasal company Malaysia yang diexpose dalam Wikileaks, saya dah start tersenyum. Tindakan mereka tu bakal merugikan tuan-tuan mereka sebab mereka seronok sangat pasal Wikileaks ni konon-kononnya boleh dedah pekung kerajaan, walhal lebih 1000 kabel diplomatik dari US Embassy Malaysia dan US Embassy Singapore rasanya lebih menceritakan tentang keburukan pembangkang. I am really sure akan ada lagi cerita menarik especially bila semua cable dah release dan bolehlah check cable tahun 1997 dan 2008.
ReplyDeleteFantastic! and bet you how the Gerombolan wants to destroy a man.
ReplyDeleteEveryone knows how the power that be can do in this country.
Surely there will be Atantuya in the Wikileaks and you bet Rock!
See if it ever comes out and how the story is presented and we know whose job- simple!
What is the problem, just wired a news and let it be exposed in Indonesia or Aussie and then we take it on here!!! Rocky on ice would love to do it for press freedom.
Never doubted for a moment that Anwar is guilty of the sodomy charges.
ReplyDeleteIt does not matter if the Wikileak say or didnt say it.
ReplyDeleteKalau yang ni tanya Tony Pua (Oxford Grad) and CM Penang sure depa tak caya punya apa idola depa Singapura cakap. Yang lain-lain depa agung-agungkan betul-betul apa aje "Singaporean Model" cakap.
Yang kata Malaysian Politician stupid, Tony Pua (Oxford Grad) and CM sure caya tapi tak termasuk DAP politician lah. Tapi PAS and Anwar rasa masuk sekali dalam list stupid politician tu.
by confused Rakyat
ReplyDeleteWhat will Nurul Izzah say now? "My father's sexual preferences are not up for discussion. Its his business. However if my husband wants to screw another man, I will bite off his cohones with my bare teeth".
What about Wan Azizah? She will say, "Shit. Its bad enough that suami saya preferred that bitch whore Syamsidar to me, now everyone knows he preferred male assholes better than mine. I will just have to make do with an Islamic d*ldo."
Saya tak tau sampai bila lagi this family is going to continue acting and playing their drama. They think they can fool the public. They only fool themselves and their stupid supporters who cannot think. The estate Indians in Ijok, the PAS members in Baling and other kampong people will believe Nurul Izzah and Wan Azizah lah.
Hj Hoegarten
In other words, UMNO made the entrapment....Anwar knew about it, and walked into it deliberately to see what UMNO would do....
ReplyDeleteLike in chess, the next move is UMNO's.
ReplyDeleteI thought Wikileaks also made referebce to PM in the Antantuya case. Why no mention in your blog? Funny eh?
“A lack of competent leadership is a real problem for Malaysia,” said Kausikan, citing the need for Datuk Seri Najib Razak to prevail politically in order to avoid prosecution in connection with the murder of Mongolian model Altantuya Shaariibuu...
so its najis & saifool did indeed plan the trap!
ReplyDeleteand he told the nation saifool came to see him for a scholarship?
jeez now we have a great liar for a leader !
and did he said he never knew that mongolian woman? think we believe him now?
Since when was Anwar a doctor? Why the Dr in front of his name?
ReplyDeleteTrap or not, he lied to us. He said he didn't do it, yet he did.
Let us find out how the Singaporean get the information.
ReplyDeleteIf it is a set up trap the people want to know who did it?
Simple, if it is true Anwar did it, who set the trap? Mat Monggol, Bik Mama, Mat Sembab, Tukar Tiub or Rocky himself.Punish all!
PM must be interested since he too is being labeled as incompetent as well as tainted with Altantuya mystery? Singaporeans must be dammed smart.
Bet your ass he did. And I don't mean literally, of course.
ReplyDeleteIntercepted communications?
ReplyDeleteWhere was our Special Branch and military intelligence personnel when all this Singaporean monitoring and surveillance was taking place?
Or were they too preoccupied in surveilling the domestic opposition?
You forgot to mention that the current Malaysian PM was also mentioned in the leaked US diplomatic cables!
How about allegations about Najib Rocky? You seem to choose what you want to write!
ReplyDeleteThe same Singaporeans also told the Americans that Najib is mirred in the scandal of Altantuya murder and he need to survive politically in order not to get caught in this murder trial?
Why not no comments about this serious matter? Singaporeans are holding someone by his balls and that someone recently surrendered our prized prime land in Singapore
Anwar oh Anwar, even Singapore knows u loves 'store kunyit' hehe, God is great, in the end, the truth prevails
ReplyDeleteYes now its the mat salleh Wikileaks and the Cina Singapork who are saying it.
ReplyDeleteSo Wan Azizah apa macam? Ini sikalang bukan itu Tuan Melayu cakap tau.Lagi tamau picaya ka..
Mau tunggu itu Laja petola cakap jugak baru lu mau picaya ka...aiyoo..
Jangan marah...ah waah manyak syok la ini hali.
You can fooled someone sometimes but you cannot fooled everyone everytimes.
ReplyDeleteNothing can be gained by the singapore with this leaks more than seing their ally, PR in Putrajaya. What is certain now is that, LKY's hopes of forging and manipulating the prospect of affiliating with Anwar as PM and Lim Kit Siang as DPM in Malaysia lie in tatters now, though this leaks will not convince everyone's yet, it will surely catch the heart and mind of sensible malaysia throughout now than ever.
patutlah Karpal Singh suruh Anwar bertaubat
ReplyDeleteAnwar Ibrahim harus bertobat
Risikan Singapura pun tahu pasal depa baik dengan DAP la.Peguambela utama peliwat ialah Karpal Singh.
Semua rahsia aktiviti songsang Anwar ada dalam poket Karpal - pisang saiz berapa...pakai KY Jelly atau tidak...sapa top,sapa jadi bottom semua Karpal dah tahu
Pasal tulah Anwar awal-awal lagi dah lantik Lim Kit Siang jadi TPM kalau Pakatan menang PRU 13
Mesti dia dah kena ugut "kalau tak bagi jawatan TPM pada DAP rahsia bukak haaaa"
bilamasa pulak anwar ni 'Dr'
ReplyDeleteHahahahhahaha... wikileaks!
ReplyDeleteWell done APCO and now Jibby can hike the price of the petrol and many more items, while PAKATAN are busy and the people are confused.
Then Rocky can start his press freedom on the wikileaks ALtantuya and the incompetent!
ReplyDeleteand anwar thought the red dot is his friend
Aduhai Uncle Nuar.
ReplyDeleteNak lari ke US lagi ke?
Tembelang dah pecah be.
Allah maha besar.
Bukalah mata dan telinga siapa yang tak percaya.
halo apa fasal semua orang jadi bengap dan bodoh....apa pasal bila singaporean cakap lu orang mesti percaya...apa fasal bila wikileak...cakap lu orang mesti percaya.....? Kalau tu macam ...semua orang luar cakap lu kena percayalah....bodoh punya olang....tak ada otak sendiri...
ReplyDeleteheh heh
ReplyDeletethey had hopes in him as a "friendly" leader of malaysia but then his own ego stroked by many vested interest had grown too large
thinking his powerful friends will protect him, he began a life laced with lust, always accompanied by vvips, he began to feel like the KING of the world - the only one who can bring Tun Dr M down
ignoring good advice, and tempted by lust and glamour, anwar chose this route
and now his friends and sponsors have written off this failed investment
How Singapore knows so much about Malaysia? They have AWACS lah, the spy plane. They had it for a long time now to spy on their neighbours. Betcha they fly very, very high in Malaysia's airspace and listen to everything that goes on below even when Najib flushes his toilet, they know it. Plus they are goody-goody with the A'cans and the Israelis, they can always 'borrow' the spy satellites of these 2 countries.....Maybe that is what they call 'technical evidence' or whatever.
ReplyDeleteFrankly, it beats one's mind to ponder on why a small country want to spy on their neighbours. No other job to do maybe...
well maybe some of the reader might think this is conspiracy.. but do please think with all your mind, is it this is trap to a person which fighting for democracy, think twice dude.. ANUwar is still ANUWAR whatever out from he's mouth that's will be catastrophic for us...
ReplyDeleteu sure its from us cable or from apco cable...
ReplyDeleteaiyah, latuk check first la! like dat also you want us to teach u ?
We are all being buggered by Singapore. They even called Japan and India "stupid".
ReplyDeleteU know I heard one more Wikileak cable coming soon. Kiasu Singapore in response to repeated flooding at Orchard Road wants to build SMARTer Tunnel. Don't play, play.
Bugger Off
look at the face of Brader Anwar Bin Ibrahim carefully,at the nose area between the eyesbrow.
ReplyDeleteCan any 'face reading'master tell us something about it?
I saw a **tey inserted in a **le....correct me if i'm wrong
With these two chinese & a indian s'pore officials remarks...
ReplyDeleteit just goes to show that LKY & his colleagues think the malay leaders here are useless & immoral.
You pro-dUMNO bloggers are funny buggers.
ReplyDeleteAll these years you buggers keep saying Lee fcuker cannot be trusted but now all the sudden you buggers believe every single words of his???
Anwar disebut sebagai Dr. Boleh jadi betul juga kerana dia pakar "inject" orang. Mampuslah kalau dia jadi PM Malaysia. Tak tahulah sama Ada rakan- rakan pembangkang nak dia jadi PM kalau menang PRU akan datang. "phew"
ReplyDeleteThe same report also states that Najib is an "opportunist" and alludes to the fact that he could be prosecuted for Altantuya's murder if he does not go on to become the PM. It also mentions explicitly that Malaysian politicians are nincompoops. The Singaporeans are damning everybody. That's how I see this "leak".
Mana Bocor
"Singapore : All the malay leaders in M'sia are stupid & full of scandals."
ReplyDeleteSo, when Ibrahim Pendek & all the mamak ngo want to demo at Singapore embassy ?
Anwar ni doktor yang pakar tentang selok-belok bontot.
ReplyDeleteWhat's new?
ReplyDeleteIs this how Najib plan to win 13th GE?
Good for Najib.
Lets ROCK n Roll.
Bro, I suspect Lee Kuan Yew knows that silence is the best option now, Singapore Government will not deny or confirm the leak so will the Australian and US Government.
ReplyDeleteIn the absence of a denial or confirmation on the Anwar sodomy leak, for want of a better phrase:
Anwar Ibrahim is fucked;
PKR is fucked;
DAP is fucked;
and worse of all PAS is well and truly fucked.
Summarily, Anwar is a homosexsual before, and the trap is made to get the homosexsual.
ReplyDeleteApalah orang PR ni asyik sibuk cakap Rocky tak keluarkan apa yang Singapore cakap pasal Altantuya, atau pasal Najib, orang boleh baca sendiri lah kat AFP atau google saja. Yang panas sekarang adalah kes Anwar, nak sangat pasal Altantuya, buat blog sendiri lah. Tahulah kau memuja Anwar.
ReplyDeleteKesimpulannya, Anwar pemain bontot sebelumnya, dan dia punya musuh perangkap masa dia tengah main.
-kiu kiu
Putrjaya? Sungei Buloh is the right place for this fraud.
ReplyDeleteIt also said Malaysia is in "dangerous decline," fueled by incompetent politicians, that Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak could be prosecuted over the gruesome 2006 murder of Mongolian translator Altantuya Shaaribuu if the ruling national coalition were to lose power, and that the situation in the country is "confused and dangerous," fueled by the distinct possibility of racial conflict that could see ethnic Chinese fleeing Malaysia to "overwhelm" Singapore
ReplyDeleteHmmm I am going to visit Universal Studio la...
Orang Kulai
Kalau as so indicated the reports, the Singapeople believed that a trap was set bla bla...
ReplyDeleteBahagian tu, sikit tak caya.
Rocky! Y dont u refer some information about Rais to wikileaks !
ReplyDeleteANwar adalah anugerah TUHAN. wikileaks tidak dpt menjatuhkan anwar. Semua kerje UMNO. UMNO sengaja menubuhkan wikileaks dan berpakat dgn amerika,singapura dan australia serta negara asean lain utk menjatuhkan anugerah tuhan ini kepada umat melayu..
ReplyDeleteA perswon must be a fool if he believes this wikileaks story. It is only an intelligence repor. Intelligence report are based on hearsay evidences and cld never stand up in a court of law. The malaysian SB prepared many intelligence reports which saw innocent men and women being ISAed including that journalist woman and Teresa Kok. All those intelligence reports are a load of bullshit and mere fabrication. Singapore SB must have picked up the intelligence rpt prepared by the malaysian SB.
ReplyDeleteThe wikileak intelligence rpt is true in one aspect only, namely that there was a sex trap laid by Najib and Rodwan whom Saiful met 2 days prior to the incident. In an entrapment case, Saiful has to be a willing participant and shld be prepared to be buggered by Anwar. And during the trap Rodwan and his men must position himself around the area so that when Saiful gave the signal that Anwar is buggering him, they would immediately rush in and nab him in the act red-handed. That would have been a foof-proof evidence instead of that dubious ‘ hide and seek’ DNA and medical evidences. That is the modus operandi of all entrapment cases. Go and ask any ACA/Macc and police officers who are experts in entrapment cases and they would tell you the same modus; and that they would tell you straight away without batting an eyelid that the trap they laid for Anwar as exposed by Wikileak did not materialize. Otherwise Anwar is a goner.. Otherwise on that day itself, Anwar wld have been arrested by Rodwan and his men, Saiful sent for medic exam and a police rpt lodged.
All the evidences that Saiful gave in court is a load of bullshit ie did not shit for 2 days, as it is clear now that it totally contradicted the wikileak exposure. He claimed he was forcefully buggered when in actual fact he was a willing participant in the sex trap. If he had indeed been buggered, then his testimony in court would be like this; ‘ yes, there was a trap laid for Anwar. I was asked and I agreed to participate and the trap area was at the apartment. Once nside the apartment, I stripped naked and asked Anwar whether he wanted to have a go at me. Anwar agreed and we did it’. That should have been his evidence in court. and not those lies that he mouthed earlier.
The wikileak exposure proves beyond reasonable doubt that a sex trap was laid by Najib and Rodwan and Anwar knowing it walked into it. But he did not took the bait. Otherwise on that day itself Rodwan and his team would have rushed in and nab Anwar on the spot. That would have been a killer political blow to Anwar world wide than the sham political trial we are witnessing now.
Karpal will have a field day again in court with Saiful. Earlier, Saiful denied that there was a sex trap. He said he met both Najib and Rodwan for advice. The ‘technical intelligence’ that the Singapore SB was talking about to conclude that it was a sex trap must be ‘intercepted telephone conversation between Saiful, Najib, Rodwan and Musa Hassan’.
vasantha permalink
There is nothing the singapork kiasuians are telling tat we dont know...its anwar. But what do we do with the singapork? Why do US get their views rather than other countries? How cd we have such a crap neighbor? Wgen will mesia build the bridge n not renew water agreements?
ReplyDeleteNo balls.
I feel very sorry for those who feel so deprived being Malaysian citizens -those who feel so marginalised by pro-bumi policies. If I were them, I would just leave this country. What for stay here and be mistreated.I would migrate to the land of great opportunities where every citizen is treated equally. Yes I would. I wouldnt keep complaining and yet still stay put here. People might think I actually like it here.
ReplyDeleteDato Rock,
ReplyDeleteReading some of the comments from the PKR supporters makes me realise how much they worship the Singaporeans government! They should declare themselves as ultra PAP and DAP supporters.
Was there ever any doubt abt Dr A? we dont need other people, esp those from outside this country to tell us that. We dont give a flying fluck what LKY or the Aussies think or say. They are no better than anyone else.
ReplyDeleteOk to be fair to Anwar,Najib or Malaysia....let's put our trust to Wikileaks report. Sodomy, Altantuya or corrupt/incompetent leaders are all unbiased truth.Including Mahathir " throwing stones" at Pak Lah.
ReplyDeleteI put my trust on Wikileaks if I'm a leader of any country. It's a sort of a guideline to foreign affairs and businesses.
Dengarlah nasihat Dr Asri. Zaman Anwar sudah berlalu, Zaman Rais Yatim juga sudah pergi. Nor Mat Yakob juga harus bersara dan Yang paling penting zaman Taib Mahmud di Sarawak sudah habis. Bersaralah dengan cara terhormat.
I hope malaysians are sensible enough not to put a sexual pervert as the prime minister.
ReplyDeleteCan you believe the pathetic obsessed anti-BN commenters here?
When it suits them, they will believe 101percent...
when it doesn't, the rest of the world is a bunch of liars..
so you see, how sickening they are.
Er er er....DR anwar?
ReplyDeleteI downloaded the entire Wikileaks archive and cannot find any file related to this topic. I amy be wrong but the whole thing may be a hoax.
ReplyDelete”the situation in neighbouring Malaysia is confused and dangerous”
ReplyDeleteThat's bad for Singapore with an unstable neighbour.
So they leak to put Anwar into oblivion.
A prosperous neighbour is always good to Singapore
don't you think so? They too had enough of Anwar,
Well, what else can you expect of Singaporean leaders anyway? It certainly suits them fine if they see Malaysia lead by incompetent bumbling fools. Corrupt and compromised it certainly ensures Singapore always getting the upper-hand in any negotiations with Malaysia. Whether it is water, railway land or causeway vs bridge, Singapore always has its way doesn't it? Of course Mahathir made it difficult. So rather than acceding to him, they rather leave things suspended. So we see the review of the rates that was supposed to have happened in 1997 still not reviewed and they continue to pay pittance. Its always a little curious how it is they can get away with them coming better off. Now, just imagine what a nightmare it would be for them if they have to deal with an uncompromised leadership that is not immediately corruptible?
ReplyDeleteSo the position taken on Sodomy II would be in keeping with their interests, wouldn't you say? And what really are they basing their intelligence on? Stuff given to them by the Malaysian Special Branch? Or maybe they have got their own intelligence in Malasia?
oh damn- the headlines seemed to be focused on a retired politicians lust missing the point that the damn country is now run by an idiot !!!!
ReplyDeleteDr? sejak bila dia buat doctorate pulakkkkk...? pening aku dengan si mamat sekor ni...trouble maker
ReplyDeleteSalam Rocky,
ReplyDeleteSaya harap Rocky tak bodoh la. I hv been following Wikileaks from Day One. I'd say it is a BS disinformation conduit set up by whoever. No damage to Israel !&!* Haha WTF Think again WikiLeaks is just a container. You can put garbage in it. RPK pun ada letak barang dlm tuh.
Cmon Rocky. Hang journalist. Pikiaq sendrik la.
The only correct conclusion to draw from the Wikileaks document leaked to the Sydney Morning Herald is that it is objectively likely that Anwar Ibrahim did engage in an unlawful act of sodomy in Malaysia for which he was charged.
ReplyDeleteThe leaked document says nothing about whether the allegation applies to the current charge or the previous one for which he was convicted.
The evidence is based on a confidential document from Lee Kuan Yew to Australia and its intelligence apparatus the Office of National Assessment (ONA) based on communications intercepts by Singapore's intelligence apparatus of official Malaysian government communication traffic.
There is more to be said of that leaked document. Singapore actively spys on Malaysia's government. It is an admission of illegal conduct against a friendly country.
Additionally one has to remember that Lee Kuan Yew was a spy for the Japanese during World War 2 even though the Kepmpetai murdered many of his Chinese colleagues in Singapore and in Nanjing China.
The third and most potent point raised by this leaked document and why it must be used against Anwar Ibrahim is that Anwar was so ready to use the Lingham tape to hang Lingham and the then Chief Justice Fairuz without giving either of them the benefit of a response and before the tape itself could be authenticated.
The evidence of Lee Kuan Yew and Australian intelligence is far more credible than a thousand Anwar Ibrahims.
What's needed now to be determined is whether his daughter and wife can be trusted.
It is going to be difficult for a woman who claimed such intimate and passionate knowledge about this man (a chameleon) a spouse and father when something as intimate as his alleged bi sexuality was always an issue. Anwar and Pakatan have been screwed forever.
Gopal Raj Kumar did an analysis of the Lingham tape in which it warned on the reliance of such leaked documents. Anwar did not listen. It has now come to bite him in his behind.
Anwar's wife was the subject of a blurry film posted once on the internet where she was secretly filmed being intimate with a white journalist. Now whether that was genuine a document of her infidelity or not is debatable because the veracity of the document was not openly tested. The same with the Lingham tapes which Anwar released first then sought to be tested.
We have to ask therefore who ordered or influenced the judges in Malaysia's Federal Courts to overturn the Anwar sodomy conviction number 1. What is the impact on all of this on Raja Petra Kamaruddin the blogger who swears to what is clearly now a pack of lies. Should he be extradited to face trial for incitement, criminal defamation, treason and other criminal breaches?
It's funny how people are more concerned about Anwar's sexual life rather than about the fact that Singapore's intelligence services intercepted our communications.
ReplyDeleteWhat I understand from this leak is that it was a trap set by Umno to catch Anwar with his hands in the cookie jar. Anwar played along but was too cunning to take the bait. The people who were waiting excitely to pounce on Anwar went home dissapointed. The operation was a total flop. They had to revert back to Sodomy 1 and manufacture evidence.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Rocky is that blur to swallow the story.... hook, line and sink.
Wikileaks do not only leak Anwar's stories but Najib's stories as well.The like of Altantuya and so on. Indeed, Singapore are celebrating it especially after getting the Pulau Batu Puteh, KTM Land,Getting KTM out of Singapore,Twisting the water agreement, the bridge and so on..It seems you too are celebrating it..
ReplyDeleteWHy can't we just accept the fact that Singapore have always look down upon us and can never treat us as equal partners. Therefore why should we give them face and try to make deals with them without covering our own ass. Najib better understand that now because if not he will go down Abdullah Badawi's way.
ReplyDeleteForget about trying to mend relationship with them because there was never a relationship anyway. As proven by Wikileaks, the Singaporeans always want to one up against everyone. That was why they were so piss-off with Mahathir who can always one-up them.
Thats the reality man! So I tell Najib to wake and smell the coffee. F......Singapore thats what I say!
Rocky, let the courts decide who did what.
ReplyDeleteRemember, you too have a case with the department under Rais Yatim?
Can that also mean - In other words, you have wronged too?
Doesnt convince me enough of how the 1st sodomy and 2nd case. Throughout the case presented to the court the outcome was very clear and straight forward, very wrongly ochestrated for instance saiful confess of being sodomised by DSAI but then it appeared 3 DNA were detected. Maybe u Rocky Blue can justify this!
ReplyDeleteWan Jijah,
ReplyDeleteKuan YEw knows what your husband did last summer.
Dr?...Who?...What Dr.?...bullshit...he's bear'ngong..seriously
ReplyDeleteOuchh!!!! It must be very painful to lay a trap on THAT part of your body...
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of 'trap' is it anyway? foothold traps? snares? or must be conibear traps lah ni.
Lee Kwan Yee tahu pasal Anwar sebab dia pernah di liwat oleh Brader? Ouch!
ReplyDeleteDulu aku pun tak percaya Anwar ni pemain bontot, tapi semakin lama bukti-bukti semakin jelas. Kalau tak ada angin, takkan pokok bergoyang.
ReplyDeletehahahaha, this proves that
ReplyDelete#1 - lky has a perpetual phobia of Malay Malaysians
#2 - anwar is a failed investment
#3 - Tun Dr M is still the guy who ward off the evil from the south
#4 - apco and buddies have a field day taking revenge
#5 - Najib is now in the mould of Tun Dr M
#6 - anwar, paklah, kj, zaid, nik aziz have failed the red dot as their chosen ones
#7 - karma and retribution is coming FULL circle
P.S. pity the PR - they are now officially pakatan reput ala pakatan rosak
Ini baru from WIKILEAK... God knows what MAS SELAMAT LEAKED on Singasorepore when he was in Malaysian prison..hehe
ReplyDeleteAnyway, macam mana APEK/NYONYA macam Skillyanon should DrAnwar become PM?
Belum apa lagi dah kasi Dr HOT? Kalo jadi PM, silap2 NANTI dia kasi sumbat belakang semua to satisfy LKY's 'so claimed' opinion about him!..
tell me, what do you expect from a pendatang? you expect them to trust anwar ibrahim when the only and actual interest of them is `digging the wealth' of this tanah melayu hence created a barren land to the core!
ReplyDeleteyours sincerely
since when do we believe on this old, rotten and senile lee kuan yew?
What many fail to realise is how cunning Saudara Anwar is.
ReplyDeletePeople who had worked with or for him would vouch to this. He has this inate ability to scheme.
If the Wikileaks is to be believed (and why shouldn't it when the Lingam video was produced as the truth, likewise the poison letter produced by Gobind in court alleging that certain MACC director had had a hand in Beng Hock's demise), it encapsulates the man's character.
He knew about it, and yet, he went into it. It was that very same charge that catapulted him into martyrdom - and the schemer in him was invincible. He can continue doing what he does without a care in the world - for all that he cares about is to heighten the propaganda.
That makes him an extremely dangerous man.
It tells the story of a man who will not stop at anything to get power, and eventually retain it.
Many forget that some of the bad legacies of BN had his fingerprints on it.
He is a master tactician, having learned from many, including the sifu himself, Tun Mahathir.
Logic dictates that if he gets into power, he will have to resort to keeping his downliners in check.
You think he won't resort to strengthening the Malay agenda? The same "bad qualities" of BN/Umno that he and his family are so brazenly proclaiming as unjust, will not be reinstated but heightened.
You think that he will not be corrupt? Where do you think he and his cronies got their money from? Selling burgers? Legitimate source?
What do you need to retain power? Political clout, divisive politics and tonnes of money.
We all have brains. Use it. Don't think with your arses.
Anon 1:19 PM
ReplyDeleteMahathir one-upping Singapore? Really, ah?
Let's see:
- threat to cut off water supply to Singapore. Backed off when LKY threatened to go to war.
- re-negotiate water rates as provided for in the 2 water supply agreements. Never happened.
- move to build the "crooked bridge" to replace the Malaysian half of the Causeway. Backed off when Singapore threatened to take the matter to the UN and the ICJ.
- implement the Points of Agreement (POA) on KTM land in Singapore that was negotiated and agreed between Daim Zainuddin (then Mahathir's trusted go-between) and LKY. Never implemented.
- comparitive growth in per capita incomes and GDP of Malaysia and Singapore from 1957 till now. Mahathir plays dumb on this one.
- ditto for FDI.
- Mahathir built KLIA to compete with Changi Airport. What competition? Changi is way ahead as a regional air hub.
Seems to me that Mahathir talked the talk, but LKY walked the walk. And foreign investors seem to have backed the latter, not the former.
ReplyDeleteDont talk about water la... One of them put a condition...
Cut the water supplies, make sure Malaysia bungkus pulang all the Msian Chinese and Indians there!!!
Kalau macam tu, better let them have the water la.. least cradle to death, they can never run from the FACT, 90% of their body parts and the blood that flows in their body to keep them alive are all PRODUCTS of MALAYSIAN!!!
Why not refute or rebut the points that Skilly made in her post? Not factual enough for you, ah?
And why not take to task those Malaysian VVIPs and VVVIPs who persist on R&R-ing in Singapore, eh?
ReplyDeleteSudah atak baca Singapore blogs???
Here is one, many more, read and you will know for yourself "what they think" of people the likes of you..
HAIYA... tatak lasa malu ke?
itu Ahso DIASPORA punya otak..
Millions like her floating all over the world, sana sini pandai kentut saja..
PERWIRA is an empty vessel makes the most noise and ..if vessel is is filled with joy juices of different flavours.
ReplyDeleteAll she wants is to get attentions to be fucked...especially by me.
ReplyDeleteTemasek Review, eh? That's a good one!
How many votes did these nameless and faceless jokers secure in the last Singapore general elections? Did they succeed in convincing the majority of Singaporean voters that they had something concrete and substantial to contribute?
And did you mention the fact that the people behind Temasek Review are under notice from Temasek Holdings to change the name of their online forum?
At least the people behind have the guts to stand up and identify themselves. Unlike the guttersnipes behind Temasek Review!
But, like they say, the proof of the pudding is in what the markets think and what foreign investors do. In both cases, Singapore has won hands down over Malaysia.
Or maybe Bloomberg is telling lies when it predicted that Singapore's GDP will exceed that of Malaysia's this year! How about calling Bloomberg out on telling porkies, eh?
But what else can you expect from what passes for intelligence in the likes of yourself and the others who choose to remain anonymous?
Haiya Monsterball lau ren, kasi bawa Ahso Sillyannon jalan2 makan angin pigi Sentosa Island boleh ker?
ReplyDeleteBoth of you desperately need each other's company..ajak dia exercise Taichi, kasi relax relax otak tamau ciakap wang tatak berhenti OK?
ReplyDeletethe joke of the century: skewedmoron is not anonymous
from the nic we can CLEARLY tell that it is a female?
that it is aged?
that it is china-born?
that it is poor?
that it is bespectacled?
Same old stale stuff from PERWIRA respond to me.
ReplyDeleteKeep telling SHE to fuck off...keep coming back ....seeking monsterball's..attention...and why one ball is so big...she want that badly.
Others may have longer tools...round or thin long tools...all she have tried...but one with one big ball......I repeat..she is real crazy for it...hahahahahaha