Saturday, October 09, 2010

Who gets Santa Rais' RM1 billion handout?

Christmas is stll over two months away but the talk is Santa is already in town in the form of Rais Yatim, our Information + Telco ministry. How much? Close to a billion ringgit, courtesy of existing telco players, including Telekom Malaysia. The money will go to three out of nine companies which have been awarded licences to operate Wimax and 3G. Why three companies? Dunno. Which three? Dunno, but Big Dog heard some disturbing rumor about a Minister's son being part of the nine, or three. There's also talk about a D-G's son or KSU's son being involved. But talk is cheap and gets cheaper by the day. The business site T n T also has the story, here.


  1. Anonymous6:06 pm

    Amigos, one of the lucky company is the YTL Group. Already 3 of their received substantials sum from the ministry. KSU , or is it dep KSU, how was your trip to the US of A ? How is your son doing? Something tells me she goin to be YTL chairman. Maybe the sumting is your son. Wow YTL owners are so religious, the report on Wessex bribery are malice. Like Phil Collins says do as I say, not as I do. Jesus, he loves you.

  2. Anonymous6:19 pm

    Yes, 3 grants were given to ytl group by ministry this year. Whats the big deal. Only when given to a Malay company, its cronyisme. But when Malay politician son or ksu son involved as a broker, for a Chinese company, then its an arms length deal. Expect NST and Star to come to the aid. Heaven forbid if it was Syed Mokthar, NST and STAR will tell you why its a bad deal

  3. The Chinese employers are so racist. The other day I went to a shopping mall, I saw the Malay workers already wearing Santa's hat when Christmas is so far away still.

  4. Anonymous6:25 pm

    Rais Yatim Piatu apo daa jadi dgn hang?

  5. Anonymous6:39 pm

    YTL is one of the luckiest company?

    YTL group is also an independent power producer who refuses to reduce the capacity charges.

    What do we do with YTL? Give them the handout after they refuse to reduce their capacity charges.

    The government should link the handout and their refusal to reduce their capacity charges in any negotiation with the Government, TNB and Petronas.

    I can't see any benefit of giving preferential treatment to YTL.


  6. Anonymous6:59 pm

    Bro, I got confused. I thot u were referring to the desktop and laptop computers that Rais handed out, also worth RM1.0 billion. Who are the lucky suppliers who got the contract to supply those computers?

    More importantly who got the computers bro? I did not get any.

    Bro its long overdue for a cold one.

    Hj Hoegarten.

  7. Anonymous9:31 pm

    Quick..quick! They better be fast. GE is coming. New sharks may surface..


  8. After we are just another third world country with "predatory economics" high on agenda.

  9. Karim7:47 am

    Amigos, one of the lucky company is the YTL Group. Already 3 of their received substantials sum from the ministry. KSU , or is it dep KSU, how was your trip to the US of A ? How is your son doing? Something tells me she goin to be YTL chairman. Maybe the sumting is your son. Wow YTL owners are so religious, the report on Wessex bribery are malice. Like Phil Collins says do as I say, not as I do. Jesus, he loves you.

    Bro, don't hit an run. Show proof.

  10. Anonymous9:57 am

    En Ahiruddin, I plea for you to remove the posting by loyar buruk about the so-called intimidation of policemen against a women driver. It was obvious from the comment's received, the policemen were just doing their job.

  11. Anonymous10:04 am

    IMalaysia did it again. As much as the country needs to meet the challenges of this globalised world,there are still cheaper and practical ways of achieving this target. Tier 1 companies deserve to get grants but based on whose plans?

  12. Anonymous11:18 am

    1 billion only, so whats the big deal...

  13. Hey, why sound so envious? Or should it be jealous? Surely cannot be anger! After all as UMNO bloggers are you guys not in support of all these "boleh" things? They have been doing all this for so long already as it is. A lot of past Minister's sons and DG's sons and cronies and relatives have gained already, so why not current ones? In the context of whats acceptable amongst the ranks in UMNO what is so wrong about Rais Yatim playing Santa? O.k. la, I got to agree, Christmas is still quite a while away. So what's gonna happen when Christmas comes, right? Will there be anything left to give?

  14. Anonymous1:20 pm

    Why are we still on this failed Wimax experiment ? Who the hell needs wimax when you have mobile broadband?
    this is a joke. I am from the telco industry and this 2.6Ghz spectrum is a big joke.
    Firstly, it interrupts the mobile spectrum allocation, making site planning and commissioning extremely difficult. Heavy infrastructure is needed to deploy and even till now, the biggest player P1 has not even penetrated MOST parts of the klang valley!!

    Unlike 3G broadband, it is static. And depends on network infra on coverage area VS the 3G wide mobile coverage plug and play feature.

    Look at it this way, if this service was much sought after, then why after 3 years since the award of license holder we have yet to hear about Redtone or AsiaSpace Wimax? And this 2 are one of the original companies awarded. almost 4 years ago.

    USP is a social responsibility and 1b could be spent in many other better ways than this. Most of our Klinik desa has yet to be connected. Not forgetting the rural schools - still low on penetration.

    Mr Chakep Oreng Puteh Yatim needs to get himself better advisors. Dont turn malaysian telco industry into the laughing stock of the industry

  15. Anonymous4:09 pm


    kesian betul tengok PM. Jual tanah sana, jual tanah sini nak selamatkan negara.

    Tiba2 rais yatim bagi spectrum free kat syarikat2.

    ada apa2 ke menteri boleh bagi free?

    katanya spektrum yang diberikan pada syarikat2 ini bernilai berbillion RM. Kat singapora, kerajaan singapura jual spektrum berbillion untuk negara.

    di malaysia, menteri bagi free saja. macam ada udang sebalik batu.

    kalau jual spektrum ni dengan harga RM100 juta kat 9 syarikat ini, kerajaan dapat RM900 juta.

    Tak payah PM susah2 jual tanah RRI & TUDM sg besi nak tolong negara.

    pelik tengok menteri penerangan ini. Jabatan penerangan entah buat apa kita pun tak tahu. RTM tak ada orang tengok langsung

    tup2 menteri penerangan jual spektrum. Pas tu pulak buat skim 1 juta komputer.

    wow.. senang betul buat duit kat kementerian penerangan, ya.

    kaya2 belaka lah org2 kat kementerian penerangan.

    Tengok2 lah sikit PM. Jgn jadi tunggul saja.

  16. Old Fart,

    When it comes to exposing the wrongs in Umno and the government, the so-called pro-Umno bloggers have done quite a bit actually. But aside from a few, I can't say the same about the anti-Umno bloggers. Not only are they incapable of exposing the wrongs by Umno, they have closed their eyes on the ills by their own political masters.

    Same goes with the journos. Look at those who were so critical when SElangor was under BN, exposing every little thing (which was good of 'em). But now, you hardly read half an expose from them with regards to Pakatan's SElangor. In fact, you hardly hear of them anymore.

    The likes of Big Dog, A Voice, Syed Akbar and many others have continued, till this day, to rip open scandal after scandal, and provide criticism after criticism. And all of them do so without haivng to hide behind pseudonyms. You've got to give credit where it's due, bro.


  17. En Ahiruddin, I plea for you to remove the posting by loyar buruk about the so-called intimidation of policemen against a women driver. It was obvious from the comment's received, the policemen were just doing their job.

    9:57 AM


    Dear Anon,

    I'm glad you think that way. The website Loyar Buruk usually has my support and uploading that video is good BUT LB should be a little more neutral and not accuse the police of intimidation. People who watch that video can decide who was trying to intimidate who. Just read the comments.

  18. Anonymous12:44 am

    Anon 6.19pm

    dont you realise it is the same Chinaman making money?

    It has always been YTL, Vincent Tan and whatever,

    dont u realise that?

    Other China also want to make money.

    But problem is it is the same China making money. Not u and me.

    Ok bro.

    this is not about attacking chinese businesmen

    dont tell me only YTL and vincent tan shud be allowed to make money.

    use your head la bro. dont be a cow

  19. Anonymous12:44 am


  20. Anonymous11:40 am

    Datuk Bro...
    1 Billion tuh..banyak tuh..jangan main hentam saja..kang dapat Polis Report ...

  21. Anonymous11:48 am

    just rumor, u must give evidence. then u can talkkkkkkk

  22. Anonymous11:50 am

    Show proof please!

  23. Anonymous12:02 pm

    kt mmg boleh tulis mcm2 tp bro klu xde bukti kukuh jgn ckp byk bro....tunjukkan bukti dl...

  24. Anonymous12:05 pm

    bro rocky...terima kasih sebab info nie..tapi masih sanggsi dengan berita nie.Dari mana bro dapat?pada saya,cerita boleh dibuat(tidak katakan bro buat cerita nie)tapi apa kata tolong keluarkan 'evidance' atau lebih tepat 'visual evidence'yang mampu meyakinkan otak saya yang biasa-biasa nie untuk yakin dengan cerita bro...kalau bro dan bigdog boleh siasat dengan apa sahaja cara termasuk dokumen,video,sms,call atau apa sahaja yng boleh dijadikan bukti.Saya akan percaya dan akan hilang respek pada Dr Rais jika benar beliau terbukti bersalah dan terlibat.Entah kenapa dalam blog ini wujud cerita sedemikian sedangkan kesahihan tak pasti.Sy sentiasa mengikuti blog bro sebab bro salah seorang penulis yang saya amat hormati.

    Soal Dr Rais terlibat sukar nak percaya,takde lagi bukti yang boleh masuk dalam kepala saya nie.Bagi saya kalau betul pun dia terlibat,itu dia sendiri jawap.Tapi dah pasti jika kita mencadangkan atau menyatakan sesuatu sudah pasti ada tersurat dan tersirat yang Tuhan je tahu.Tapi bro ,thanks dengann info nie,walaupun sukar nak percaya.

  25. Anonymous12:05 pm

    Quoting your sentence, 'But talk is cheap and gets cheaper by the day'...I feel just the same about your posting! Your talk is CHEAP and its very much as I view it as a BASELESS ALLEGATIONS!! C'mon man, could you feed us with some fact or just don't bother CRAPPING! people are no longer in position to accept arguments without facts..

  26. Anonymous12:06 pm

    Santa Rais..jangan main-maian nanti kena saman bro...Kau nampak cam tak puas hati nga Rais..ada udang sebalik mee ke bro...

  27. johnsilver12:12 pm

    betul ke apa yang u tulis tu. sepanjang pengetahuan kita, dato' rais ini bukan jenis menteri yang begitu - balas sana balas sini. check betul-betul dulu sebelum buat tuduhan. jangan percaya sangat dengan info orang dalam yang tak berapa suka sangat dengan dia. kita tak fikir dato' rais sebodoh itu kalau nak balaspun. dia ada doctorate in law bro!

  28. Anonymous12:17 pm

    bro, good expose la but do you have the facts all correct ka? ada evidence ka the three jokers that you named are involved or their sons are involved? this is a serious allegations bro unless you have all the proof. using blogs for personal vendetta is a norm now to demonise or tarnish the credibility and image of anybody especially those in power or cabinet but one must also remember, without hard evidence one has to bear the consequences of one's action. in this case, you might burn yourself if you don't have the solid evidence and proof. i think majority of the people know your style where you may get some one else to write about something you hear and you pick up the issue as though it is not yours but you are merely highlighting it. it is a smart act but if the matter ends up in court, you will also have to appear and made to answer. you may not fear this but one thing is for sure, your attitude is no different from those who do not care about the truth for the sake of personal vendetta. so bro, provide proof la so that we all can know whether you are telling the truth.

  29. where did u get the information? Please prove it to us....

  30. Anonymous12:36 pm

    Bro, takkan la nak kena buka kamus kot dekat bro nak bagi paham maksud rumors tu ape kan??? rumors will always be a rumors unless you can shows us some PROVE. takda bukti jangan cerita..... o.0???

  31. Anonymous12:44 pm

    Bro...apa yang cuba diperkatakan mungkin benar ,tetapi ade sedikit musykil la bro..mana datang kebenaran cite nie?...Kalau betul KSU dan Menteri terlibat,mungkin bro dan big dog bleh buat report polis atau pun buatkan email atau surat terbuka kepada PM dengan mengaitkan menteri tersebut terlibat.Tolong dapatkan bukti dan paparkan dalam blog.kalau betul menteri ngan anak beranak dia terlibat elok dibuat report polis atau ke SPRM gak.Sebab ini semua duit rakyat nie,walaupun projek tu untuk rakyat juga tapi kalau mcm nie terus terjadi dah tentu tak best dan hilang respek kat menteri yang disebut nie.menteri yang lama mcm menteri yang bro dan bog dog cakap tu amatlah mendukacitakan.Tapi saya pasti perkara ini akan ditutup secara senyap.Tapi ape2 pun bukti yang paling penting.baru saya akan percaya dan yakin.PM Najib cuba menyelamatkan kerajaan dan menteri yang ada,tapi kalau betul menteri-menteri dan mana2 orang kerajaan terlibat dah tentu sangat mendukacitakan saya.Sudah pasti perkara ini ada kepentingan sendiri dan cerita ini wujud demi kepentingan yang bro atau sapa2 perjuangkan.

  32. Anonymous12:45 pm

    We need proof and evidence, not just make assumptions

  33. Anonymous12:45 pm

    We need proof and evidence, not just make assumptions

  34. Anonymous12:46 pm

    Hot news...But any proof bro?

  35. Anonymous12:55 pm

    tindakan yang memalukan! tanpa bukti dan ia seolah-olah "bersifat peribadi"....

  36. Rice Yatim3:27 pm


    Banyaknya komen yang sama dari the same commenteror. Rais punya cybertrooper?

  37. Anonymous3:38 pm

    Rocky Bru, Salam. :) Cerita menarik, tetapi hanya setakat 'cerita' maka tak cukup untuk dijadikan bukti. Sebagai bukti kepada artikel mengenai Rais Yatim, tonton video pembongkaran yg paling tepat ini.

    Selamat menonton :D

  38. Why are the Kementerian Penerangan funded cyber troopers jumping high and low if the 'rumours" are not true?

  39. Anonymous4:05 pm

    Some commentators are desperately trying to defend their boss (the minister and KSU) without any knowledge of the issue at hand.

  40. Anonymous4:06 pm

    Awat pejuang cyber Datuk Rais nampak cuak sampai sanggup hentam Dtk Rocky dan BigDog? Posting Rocky dan BigDog ni berasa kottttt....

  41. Anonymous4:07 pm

    Datuk Rais and most importantly the KSU must come clean and not try to hide behind their cyber troppers ...

  42. Anonymous4:19 pm

    Hey Rocky

    You are just "PURELY ROCK" with no proof. Writing something with no solid proof is a work of a coward.
    I suggest you better remove this before any involved party lodge a police report and you will get all the return of these unreliable accusation. Sometimes, writing unsolicited information in the blog will result in unexpected actions from nowhere and in the end, you may end up with "MERENGKOK" in jail.

    Believe me, and in Islam this is "FITNAH" and if you die you will also end up in the HELL.

    So before any damage, I exterely suggest you remove this immediately.


  43. Anonymous4:20 pm

    Hey Rocky

    You are just "PURELY ROCK" with no proof. Writing something with no solid proof is a work of a coward.
    I suggest you better remove this before any involved party lodge a police report and you will get all the return of these unreliable accusation. Sometimes, writing unsolicited information in the blog will result in unexpected actions from nowhere and in the end, you may end up with "MERENGKOK" in jail.

    Believe me, and in Islam this is "FITNAH" and if you die you will also end up in the HELL.

    So before any damage, I exterely suggest you remove this immediately.


  44. Anonymous9:19 pm

    It is ever so easy to pin some one for perceived misdeeds, but then again most of you guys here would rather run the man down further without regards to proof of misconduct.

    Imagine yourself in that position.

    And Rocky, it very unlike you to do this...what gives, man?

    -bro journo-

  45. Anonymous9:57 pm

    rocky, whilst it is noble that you leave this blog open for comments, it can also be taken advantage of by others to spread damning rumours and lies.

    what proof is there of rais or YTL? i could sit here and name Syed Mokhtar, Ananda and Vincent Tan as the lucky 3 and who wouldn't believe me?

    Aziz Halim

  46. Anonymous11:13 am

    who is RICE Yatim. You got a great sence of humour

  47. whoever or whenever was it stated that the spectrum would be given free? Please strive to read more about these things to those not in the know.

    As for someone asking why penerangan folks are jumping over this issue, sensibly I would say, why not since it is their boss at the receiving end.

    Whatever it is, I'm sceptical about DS Rais having his family embroiled in this. Others, maybe, but him?

  48. Anonymous6:11 pm

    Esok kena panggil ke Dato bagi statment pasai transperency.

  49. Seolferwulf7:25 pm

    Anon 4:09 PM

    Better check yr facts - in 2001, the 3 telcos in Singapore each paid S$100 million each for their 3G licences. Not billions!

    And just recently, the remaining 3G spectrum was allotted to the same 3 telcos at S$20 million each.

    Incidentally, Axiata has an equity stake in Singapore's M1 telco.

    And didn't YTL announce plans to start 4G mobile phone service in Malaysia before the end of the year? Beating the start of commercial 4G service in Singapore!

  50. There's no smoke without fire. If this so called rumour is untrue, why Santa Rais made the police report at the blink of the eye?

  51. Anonymous10:26 pm

    Rocky!! Monsterball here.
    Please look into your personal profile and update it.
    It said you are 49 years old.
    This means at least 10 years out dated.

  52. There are a few `good things' about these allegations. One party is definitely wrong/lying: is it the bloggers OR Rais Yatim? Is Rais, through his position, guilty of using the country's money in something that unfairly and unscrupulously benefits/will benefit his son?...OR, are the bloggers guilty of character assassination - Rais Yatim's character?

    I - and probably 99% of the readers - don't know which is true. But our attention is now focused on this matter, and especially on the persons mentioned plus the issues that include the 2.6Ghz spectrum and its allocation. There are side issues here that need to be explored further since the internet has almost become a basic necessity. But for the moment, the main focus is the posts by the bloggers; and Rais' response that include lodging a police report.

    Anyway, some readers here have essentially accused the bloggers - including Rocky - of spreading malicious lies and accusations. That's because the bloggers "haven't provided proof to back their allegations." I'm rather surprised by this - it seems that they expect these blogs to adhere to specifications and standards as used in the courts!... "Where are the documents with scanned copies certified by a Commissioner of Oaths?... Why aren't there information about the shareholders and the directors? ", and similar burden of proof.

    It's not that I'm supporting bloggers or anyone being given the freedom to simply hurl allegations and not having to answer for their actions if these turn out to be false. However, in this matter, I'd place "enough value and consideration" to the persons who wrote these posts. Are these made by anonymous hit-and-run bloggers? "Big Dog" and "Rocky Bru" are pen names of people whose `real' (as in IC/MyKad) identities are widely known. And there will be continuity - unless tomorrow one turns into "Black Dog" as in Led Zeppelin or Treasure Island, and the other posts as "Sugar Ray" or "Rambo Bru".

    More importantly, they have `experience, a certain record and level of credibility'. Yeah, I know some here might try to belittle these bloggers with a sarcastic "The record they have is of lying... low level of credibility, longkang-class" (but they still come to read). These aren't newbie bloggers overly eager to be the next RPK and bask in the glory of being a factor. Like RPK at times, they'd write "brave, without fear or favour" (konon-konon) posts that have the facts... all 33% of it. But for the "Rais Yatim bloggers", my common sense tells me to wait and see (especially the responses of those named)... and put my money on them "having something...not showing all they have yet." Just wait.

  53. (Sorry if this comment is duplicated. Don't know whether it went through earlier)

    There are a few `good things' about these allegations. One party is definitely wrong/lying: is it the bloggers OR Rais Yatim? Is Rais, through his position, guilty of using the country's money in something that unfairly and unscrupulously benefits/will benefit his son?...OR, are the bloggers guilty of character assassination - Rais Yatim's character?

    I - and probably 99% of the readers - don't know which is true. But our attention is now focused on this matter, and especially on the persons mentioned plus the issues that include the 2.6Ghz spectrum and its allocation. There are side issues here that need to be explored further since the internet has almost become a basic necessity. But for the moment, the main focus is the posts by the bloggers; and Rais' response that include lodging a police report.

    Anyway, some readers here have essentially accused the bloggers - including Rocky - of spreading malicious lies and accusations. That's because the bloggers "haven't provided proof to back their allegations." I'm rather surprised by this - it seems that they expect these blogs to adhere to specifications and standards as used in the courts!... "Where are the documents with scanned copies certified by a Commissioner of Oaths?... Why aren't there information about the shareholders and the directors? ", and similar burden of proof.

    It's not that I'm supporting bloggers or anyone being given the freedom to simply hurl allegations and not having to answer for their actions if these turn out to be false. However, in this matter, I'd place "enough value and consideration" to the persons who wrote these posts. Are these made by anonymous hit-and-run bloggers? "Big Dog" and "Rocky Bru" are pen names of people whose `real' (as in IC/MyKad) identities are widely known. And there will be continuity - unless tomorrow one turns into "Black Dog" as in Led Zeppelin or Treasure Island, and the other posts as "Sugar Ray" or "Rambo Bru".

    More importantly, they have `experience, a certain record and level of credibility'. Yeah, I know some here might try to belittle these bloggers with a sarcastic "The record they have is of lying... low level of credibility, longkang-class" (but they still come to read). These aren't newbie bloggers overly eager to be the next RPK and bask in the glory of being a factor. Like RPK at times, they'd write "brave, without fear or favour" (konon-konon) posts that have the facts... all 33% of it. But for the "Rais Yatim bloggers", my common sense tells me to wait and see (especially the responses of those named)... and put my money on them "having something...not showing all they have yet." Just wait.



  55. Anonymous2:07 pm

    Bro, this easy, man.

    Just go meet ole man Rais and explain things. I'm sure he is sensible enough to understand.

    I believe it is a misunderstanding. We need not dwell on this further. The country needs you and Rais a lot at this juncture.

    Can do that?

    - Jerry-

  56. Anonymous12:33 am

    entry ni rasanya agak lain dari yg lain..

  57. Anonymous10:46 am

    Projek NBI, 1 komputer 1 orang
    Projek memberi 1 billion komputer kepada orang yang layak..

    Kos 1 netbook : RM850
    Rais Amik : RM 50
    Untung Pembekal : RM 10
    Microsoft Off : Rm 90
    Total : RM1000

    Dari 50 syarikat masuk tender, 22 syarikat Rais dah pegang. Maknanya syarikat ini akan dapat kuota yang tinggi let say 50,000 netbook.

    Tender kedua melibatkan 870,000 netbook. Tender pertama lebih kurang 130,000.

    Jadi simple math :

    RM50 * 870,000 netbook = RM 43500000

    Ini duit pilihanraya katanya. Ada lagi high profile punya orang terlibat.. Ingat, 50 syarikat yang dapat.

    Syarikat yang dapat tender mestilah mensubkan projek pada syarikat Rais/kroni Rais..

    Just my 2cents

  58. Anonymous1:54 pm


    Keturunan Zulkarnain
    Johor Darul Takzim

  59. Anonymous3:08 pm

    "We need proof and evidence, not just make assumptions"


    "Dari 50 syarikat masuk tender, 22 syarikat Rais dah pegang. Maknanya syarikat ini akan dapat kuota yang tinggi ........"



  60. Anonymous9:06 am

    apa la bro! mcm media cyber yg muda remaja tengok video 'wimax' tentu terpengaroh nak bukti cepat......ngelabah ngelabah

  61. Anonymous1:04 pm

    "We need proof and evidence, not just make assumptions"


    "Dari 50 syarikat masuk tender, 22 syarikat Rais dah pegang. Maknanya syarikat ini akan dapat kuota yang tinggi ........"



    Hello jbranger,

    Are you one of the Dato Seri people?
    Come on, when "we" asked why Dato Seri needs RM50 for each netbook?

    They answered me : "This is for the general election money for his territory.

    You really want a proof? A proof of project needs to be sub out to his crony's company and I earn RM10 while Dato Seri earned RM50?

    The figure written above is the figure in the tender and I've written the REAL AMOUNT THAT GOES TO DSeri.

    "Once a crony, now no more"

  62. SKMM buat Melayu miskin7:53 pm

    While the officials stand is that Malays must innovate to survive, corrupt Government Ministry like SKMM continue to sabotage Government policy.

    Non is more obvious then spending 1 billion ringgit to buy of the shelf laptop when these 1 billion could have been given to entrepreneurs and researches to come up with our own local laptops.

    This is a miss opportunity for Malaysian innovation. For as long as corrupt Government officials like SKMM seek easy money making scheme until then Malays innovation will suffer.

    Innovation needs money and time. And that RM1 billions would have created so much innovations. Does najib expects us to innovate on empty stomachs while Tourism Ministry makes money. and why is tourism minister in charge of the most highly technical telecommunications department?

    Ignorance politicians are the bane of our society with their lip service on innovations... SuruhanJaya Korup Melayu Miskin.

  63. Anonymous3:14 am

    bravo the can opener bringing this santa's handout. i just feel like staying in chinese or indian country. sorry just a bit overshoot from the topic but still relevant.
    actually the non-malays have monopolised the telcos and they know how to beat the nep system and now conquered. this gov put ther ears deaf for the sake of political mileages and personal gains even though realised not many malay engineers and experts working in those telco companies. what i know for sure, they prefer non malays over the malays and would do what ever they can to accommodate non malays execs joining the companies and at the same time leaving the malays engineers / execs to go broke, where many were under non execs or lower execs positions. foreign telco vendors prefered non malays too and of course putting the HR's manpowers with majority of them are non malays . at same time those camponies being awarded hundred millions or billions of contracts from various GLCs - & it is sure real big bucks to anyone who has the conections in their projects.
