Sunday, September 05, 2010

Malaysians against Racism

"... if you still say ‘saya api kereta naik mari’ or ‘saya naik keleta api mali sini.”. It is not cute anymore. Actually it is quite embarrasing. Please lets speak the language the way it should be spoken." - Language by Syed Akbar Ali
Original article
"Balik China" and "Balik Tongsan", dudes, are racist remarks. You can't claim not to know, OK.
A police inspector who allegedly told a snatch theft victim to go back to China if she could not speak in Bahasa Malaysia is being investigated after the housewife lodged a complaint. If the cop did utter those words, it is totally unacceptable and, as KL police chief Muhammad Sabtu Osman said, "disappointing". Even if a Malaysian can't speak or write Bahasa Malaysia, that's not an excuse to tell that person to go back to China or India or Indonesia. No excuses. “The police force will not defend and protect any policemen, if they are guilty of wrongdoing,” he added. (Read the article here).

I think we have enough racial slurs and words considered derogatory to start a pocket dictionary. Some of us may need as reference. The K word (the only time it's not a slur is in the case of Tanjung Keling, a historical attraction in Melaka) is one of them. Bukit Cina (also in Melaka!) is perfectly alright but "Cina bukit" (a slur also widely-used by the Malays and Indians in Singapore those days) smacks of racial intolerance. To associate the Malays with "kampung mentality" reflects bad upbringing and not just poor journalism, same if you say - even among yourselves -  the Malays are lazy, NEP-dependent, etc. But "balik kampung" is fine, especially in the spirit of Hari Raya. 

I'd like to take this opportunity to wish "Selamat pergi dan Selamat kembali" to those hitting the highway to "balik kampung". If you happen to pass by a road crash along the way, don't gawk and obstruct traffic. Say a prayer for the victims. And I hope you won't be asking, even to yourself, "Cina ke?", "Malay, ah?" or "Indians?".


  1. Anonymous4:06 pm

    pendatang,oppss lupa..perkataan pendatang sensitif sekarang ni.ok la,mari kita sebut penghijrah

    penghijrah nepal,myanmar,bangladesh duduk malaysia tak sampai setahun dah boleh fasih berbahasa melayu - bahasa kebangsaan

    kenapa cina yang kononnya warganegara malaysia,ada IC biru pulak tu...tak boleh fasih berbahasa melayu walaupon dah duduk 40,50 tahun di malaysia?

    kadang-kadang terfikir juga,alasan "tak faham cakap melayu" ini cuma untuk mengelakkan diri daripada ditanya oleh pihak berkuasa

  2. Anonymous4:07 pm

    Bro, memang tak patut kita cakap macam tu tp kalau dia tak peduli langsung bahasa kebangsaan dan cuma tahu cakap "tak tau" baik jangan jadi rakyat malaysia.
    Ada golongan yg angkuh sampai perlekeh dan pandang hina bahasa kebangsaan kita.
    Jadi org macam ni memang patut kita "kurang ajar" aje sehingga mereka terima hakikat dan ambil peduli tentang bahasa kebangsaan kita.


  3. Anonymous4:18 pm

    You Tube for Namewee

  4. Anonymous4:44 pm

    bila lagi perkasa nak jadi parti politik sebab aku dah muak dan mual dengan umno dan pas!

  5. Anonymous4:55 pm


    Apa kita mau buat, Dato? Takkan diamkan saja. Perlembagaan pun kata Bahasa Malaysia number 1.

    No doubt two wrongs don't make a right. But vernacular schools being allowed for over 50 years doesn't mean it's right. Melampau tak boleh cakap Melayu lagi sekarang.

    Gomen must do something lah. Implement satu sekolah untuk semua or SSS.

    And enforce the Language Proficiency Test before issue of Mykad. Bahru diorang menggelabar nak belajar cakap Melayu betul betul.

    The rules and regulations already there. Only a matter of enforcing.

    Kena cari leader yang ada bola sikit berani & sanggup enforce.

    Hope cakap bola tak rasis or seditious, haha. Ooops, forgot joke pun tak boleh sekarang. Macam ni kena pegi betapa kat gua la.

    Anyway, Selamat Hari Raya kembali.

  6. Anonymous4:59 pm

    apakah bezanya antara Malaysian atau org Malaysia dgn org bukan Malaysia atau pendatang atau penghijrah.

    adakah ini bermakna Penghijrah/Pendatang Asing Dengan Izin (PADI) vs PATI org Malaysia?
    Tak. Sebab dia pakai paspot dan bukan IC dan sijil kelahiran yg SAH.
    jadik saper tak de IC dan sijil kelahiran SAH bukan org Malaysia.

  7. Anonymous5:04 pm

    if that cop was a of the other races, i think this news would not even known to blogger. and of course the ketua polis would say something like
    "ini berita perlu ada penyiasatan lebih terperinci. jgn terburu buru" and than STERN warning by the KDN minister.
    and then suddenly everything become quiet.

  8. Anonymous5:06 pm

    Jawabnya 1Sekolah. Buat macam Indonesia, Thailang dan Filipina. Mana ada sekolah Cina.

  9. Anonymous5:07 pm

    Takleh cakap penghijrah pun, nanti orang cakap nak tak hormat dengan Hijrah pulak dah.
    Tak tahu cakap Bahasa Kebangsaan takpe, bila tegur jadi rasis.
    Kalau begini-lah lama lama ada dua negara dalam Malaysia ni.

    Bukan Cina

  10. Anonymous5:17 pm

    I don't care:-


  11. Anonymous5:26 pm

    Sebagai warga negara Malaysia, kita tidak perlu takut dan tidak salah digelar rasis bila mengungkapkan "balik cina" kepada cina-cina Malaysia yang tak tahu berbahasa Malaysia. Nama lagi cina Malaysia, bukannya cina Cina. Kalau cina Cina tak faham atau tak boleh cakap bahasa Malaysia, itu wajar, tapi kalau cina Malaysia yang duduk di Malaysia lebih dari 53 tahun tak tahu berbahasa Malaysia, bukan rasis malah wajar untuk menghalau mereka balik ke Cina.



  12. Seolferwulf6:16 pm

    Just goes to show that there are racist $&@wipes amongst all of us.

    Whether I choose to make a police report in Tamil, French, Mandarin or English is my own damn business and no one else's. Unless they rewrite the laws to make the use of Malay mandatory in all communications with the police.

  13. Anonymous6:20 pm

    Sapa tak tau cakap bahasa malaysia, jangan duduk malaysia!!!!

  14. Anonymous6:39 pm

    ban DAP, its a racist party.

  15. sape yg kata : “I feel like, stupid, if I speak in Malay” ... melayu jugak ... tak pulak disuruh keluar Malaya.

  16. Anonymous7:11 pm

    apa yang rasisnya suruh balik cina?bukan ke dia nak sayang sangat dengan identiti cina dia sampai nak cakap bahasa kebangsaan pon tak reti..

  17. Anonymous8:06 pm

    Tak puas hati balik cina ah...

  18. dreamy8:11 pm

    so it's not right to say to certain people who've no respect and pride for the national language to f*** it?

    how do we embrace the spirit of being a malaysian if we can't even speak a smattering of bahasa malaysia? i'm equally against racists as i'm against people who're too ashamed to use bahasa.

  19. Anonymous8:27 pm

    Great finally you are reverting to the Person I liked when you first started blogging.

    But more importantly please remind people to drive safely. Take breaks, if u can drink coffee, please do so.
    If u r fasting, then plz nap for 15 to 30 minutes.

    I worry for the motorcycle riders. So many of them fall becoz they are sleepy. If u visit the Emergency Wards of the Hospitals, u will find many people who are on their way home who met in an accident. I once listened as a police officer was questioning a patient, and he could not remember what happened. But it was clear the chap was tired and sleepy. He was riding from Johor, heading towards Kedah on the North South highway.
    Please ride and drive safely. Be Safe.

  20. Anonymous8:30 pm

    There was this one time our Malaysian badminton doubles won a youth title. The Negaraku fills the air, but not sung by the pair.

    There are things which are optional. And then there are things which should be embedded in every citizens.

    But anyway, I do not think what the policeman allegedly did was right.


  21. Anonymous9:02 pm

    depa ni kurang ajar and kurang asam lah.

  22. Anonymous9:04 pm

    Orang cina atau India bila di Negara Brunei dipanggil Dyg Teresa Koh, atau AWang Lim Guan Eng, begitu juga kalau mereka ini di Indoensia langsung diberinama indonesia eg Lim swee king, Rudy Hartono, Monika. Diharamkan bertutur bahasa mandarin apa tah lagi mendirikan sekolah vernakular cina.

    Orang India di Thailand begitu juga akan sedaya upaya bertutur bahasa Thai. Saya agak tergaman mendengar singh bertutur fasih bahasa thai.

    DiMalaysia, orang melayu terlalu mengalah kepada orang cina bawa masuk bahasa mereka, dirikan sekolah, bawa budaya mereka beri status kerakyatan, beri kuasa politik. Oranga melayu bermati matian menentang Malayan Union sehingga diberi hak menubuhkan persekutuan Tanah melayu.

    Dan sekarang orang melayu sendiri beri sokongan padu untuk mereka memijak hak ketuanan melayu ,hancurkan DEB hak orang melayu dsbnya Pas, budak Nurul menidakkan DEB dan hak orang melayu.Mana budak ne belajar sejarah huh?

    Kita tak pernah belajar dari sejarah negara.Singapura kerajaan Johor empunya begitu juga Pulau Pinang tanah kerajaan Kedah. Jangan sampai nanti hak orang melayu hilang terus.

  23. Anonymous9:10 pm

    Tak payah duk suruh balik, jiran saya setahun 2kali, senyap2 balik..

    Baru ni satu clan, 30 of them family members balik ziarah tanah pusaka kat sana, planning to bangunkan 20-storey apartment.

    Mengada2 aja yang sensitif tu!


  24. tak boleh angkat aku rap 'helo namewee' rasakan kau namewee, bole jawab tak!

    hahahaa, dasyat, Melayu pun bole rap dengan baik!

  25. Anonymous9:48 pm

    dulu dulu nyonya dan baba sibuk sibuk "masuk melayu" sampai makan sireh pun dia orang ikut

    bila dah kaya kebaya dan sentel pun dibuang termasuklah lemak buah keluak

    depa mula menyoal hak bumi, lupa hormat raja raja, tak indah Bahasa Malaysia, syak pada agensi Melayu

    jadi masa dah sampai utk meraih kembali hak bumiputra - naikkan 30% pada 65%

  26. dato' rocky

    i have no qualm to say outright to chinese (especially chinese la... indian normally can at least speak broken malay) that they suck ass really bad when they fail even to speak broken malay.

    What kind of citizen that cannot speak the official language of the nation? To make it worse, even the speak English, their English is worse than me. That horse shit!

    They like to refer to American, but they conveniently forget that American Chinese can speak English well.

    So, to all of you, just hit them hard (with words la... don't use baseball bat eh) when these arrogant Chinese Chinky failed to speak Bahasa Malaysia miserably.

  27. Bro, saya setuju sangat dengan komen 2 anon pertama. Rasis tu salah. But, siapa tak marah kalau duduk sini lama tapi tak tahu nak berbahasa melayu dengan baik. Tak perlu la nak berbahasa bunga2, tapi perlu la untuk berkomunikasi dengan baik. Saya pernah jumpa ramai bangla yg lebih pandai berbahasa melayu dan lebih pandai budaya melayu berbanding pemegang IC Msia yg ada degree.

    Saya cadangkan, kita wajibkan saja sesiapa nak masuk U kat Msia, mesti dapat BM dengan baik. Mungkin 2 ke atas. Dan, kita tambah lagi satu kertas di U msia dan org yg baru balik dari oversea tu. Kalau english kita ada MUET, kita buat lagi satu. Mungkin bukan utk kerja, tapi utk 1Msia. Siapa tahu???

  28. Anonymous10:54 pm

    Mereka rasa hina bila bercakap bahasa melayu?

    Ramai dari kalangan mereka yang bekerja dan bermaustautin di-Singapura yang sangat fasih berbahasa melayu tiba-tiba jadi p"pelupa" apabila di-tanya oleh melayu Singapura: "do you speak malay?"...jawapan mereka: NO I don't" apa yang membuat mereka mengambil pendirian begitu? Ini bukan "rocket science" dah teranglah beb!!

  29. Anonymous11:30 pm

    The first two anonymii above have some points. Besides the lowly police man, the authorities must also question AND investigate the lady in question, along these lines:-

    (i) Why couldn't she speak malay? What sort of education had she undergone that had resulted in her being like this?

    (ii) Was it really she had not been having formal education or was she in actuality a foreigner disguised as a Malaysian? Did anybody care to check the authenticity of her IC/passport? How about ask her a few questions: what is the capital of Pahang? What was the name of the first agong? Name all the Prime Ministers from the first to the last? Recite the Rukunegara? What was the name of the hospital in which she was born? Which city/town? etc etc?

    (iii) If she didn't know any bahasa melayu how come she could understand what was being spoken to her, albeit in a derogatory manner? And enabled her to make a report on the policeman?

    (iv) More subtly: could it be that she DOES know bahasa melayu but due to her chinese pride, arrogance and the general ambient sentiment provided by the opposition at the moment, it would not be cool to kowtow to anything malay, anything governmental?

    (v) In short, is her inability to speak malay attributed to her unwillingness to be patriotic (by which case it's a serious case of semi-treason) or to her really being not malaysian at all (in which case there's a serious immigration breach somewhere).

    In like manner, even that Namewee and that headmistress wassername also warrants some re-thinking and re-questioning. Namewee spurted out obscenities about his country to the entire world, prodded by what he thinks of as the unreasonableness of ONE person? What about the headmistress: could she have said what she had said due to the accumulation of many years of emotional abuse and affrontry in dealing with rebellious and non-respective subordinates?

    I am not implying anything. I am just inviting everyone to re-question news like these before jumping to conclusions.

    Marking Bagpie

  30. Ir.Malaysian 202011:48 pm

    HISTORY always teach us something,even though things had happened in the past.
    MALAYSIA should make the subject of HISTORY or SEJARAH MANDATORY like in the USA,where even foreign students has to pass the subject in order to pass the exam, just like we impose a pass in BAHASA MALAYSIA and ENGLISH...!!!(DPM take note!!)

    There is NO question of Malay "fear"with regards to protecting one's interest in the country that one loves!!!If you read back HISTORY,the start of the Malays presence in Peninsula Malaya(or the Golden Peninsula,term by the Hindu Kingdom and the Chinese China,1000AD),was after Parameswara the Prince from Majapahit,Java landed in Muar,Johor in 1399/1400 AD(or earlier 1250?) and later established the Malay Sultanate of Malacca from 1400 to 1511.
    From 1511 to 1951,Malaysia evolved from being ruled by the Portugese(from Portugal),the Dutch(from Holland),the British(from UK).Between the rule of the Dutch and the British,Malaysia was nearly ruled by the French,if not for the deals between the Dutch/British that resulted in the British taking Malaysia and the Dutch taking Indonesia.Then there was a short stint by the Japanese(1942-1945) and the failed attempts by the Communist(1946-1989)....These are HISTORICAL facts,which have already HAPPENED..!

    From 1946 to 1955,the Malays again,rose from their awareness that they have to determine their FUTURE DESTINY,in taking care of Malaya,FOUGHT for Malaya's independence from the British rule.

    Finally between 1955 to 1957,the British agreed,but on condition that the other races,the Chinese and the Indians,BROUGHT in by the British in the late 1890s,(to work in the rubber plantations & tin mines )are to be included in the INDEPENDENCE of Malaya process,whereby there were a few conditions;

    like CITIZENSHIPS of those who were already in Malaya by the year 1955;LANGUAGES;EDUCATION; RELIGIONS and the Malay's SPECIAL RIGHTS and the SULTAN SPECIAL POSITIONs.
    THESE,again were and are HISTORICAL FACTS,some are written,some are mutual understanding at that
    time,some are unwritten understandings...

    So,the MALAYS have to always ASSERT themselves,time and time again to ensure that their INTERESTS
    are ASSURED and PROTECTED,just like what the Chinese NGOs,(Hua Zong,Chinese Chambers of Commerces,etc),the Indian NGOs(Hindraf,Sangam,etc)are doing for their own race..!!!

    or you would rather want to see the MALAYS be like the ABO in Australia??or the RED INDIANS in the US
    or the South Americas..??or the Africans in the South Africa during the APARTHEID regime..???..Then you
    DEFINITELY see another AWARENESS rise of the MALAYS,like you see in some parts of the world currently.......THINK DEEPLY AND SINCERELY ABOUT THE MALAY'S FUTURE DESTINY in our BELOVED MALAYSIA...!!!!for PEACE and HARMONY....!!!!!

  31. Anonymous11:54 pm

    Datok Rocky,

    DSN should call for a cabinet meeting to put up the political correct words that can be used by the front line Malay Civil servants (teachers, police, immigration officer, JPJ officers....etc) in scolding "True Blue Malaysians" when they flout basic civil law ( e.g wearing flip-flop and pagoda sleeveless under garment when attending garden tea party at Istana Negara), when they could not utter a single word of Bahasa malaysia when they deal officially with civil servant....and so on...

    Prof Awe Kecik.

    P.S I am sure words like "Apek, lu tak tau undang-undang kah?" sound very derogatory to some of us Malaysians.

  32. Ex-teacher12:23 am

    All the more reasons we support the Satu Sekolah movement. Kedegilan bangsa Tionghoa untuk tidak manu belajar dan guna Bahasa Melayu adalah manifestasi perasaan perkauman yang menebal di kalangan mereka. Kerajaan perlu dasar yang lebih tegas berkenaan dengan penerimaan dan penggunaan Bahasa Melayu di semua peringkat.

    Saya lihat berita di NST hari ini, bangsa Tionghoa berduyun-duyun memohon jawatan sebagai penjawat awam/pegawai kerajaan. Saya harap, jangan ada `olang tak tau cakap Melayu di telima kilija sama kelajaan. Suluh itu olang ah pi minta kilija sama itu supermarket cina ma.."

  33. Anonymous12:26 am

    kalau majoriti org depa bolih cakap mengapa kita tak bolih politik cakap ok ke

  34. Ada yang memang tak reti. Nak buat camana? Bahasa Malaysia ni senang nak belajar, tapi bukan semua orang pandai belajar bahasa.

    Takpa. Tak rugi pun. Relaks je.

    Biar orang lain racist. Kita - tak kisah la sapa - jangan racist. Last-last, yang racist tu nampak macam siamang. Kita tetap manusia.

  35. Anonymous12:40 am

    Besuk lancarkan kempen ludah namewee

  36. Anonymous12:44 am

    I don'k know who is more racist. The woman who thought she is a MALAYsian who don't know how to "cakap bahasa MALAYsia" or that policeman who stated the obvious...

    Allo auntie, INI BUKAN CHINA!

  37. MIM X- RASIS1:03 am

    How come asking someone to go home is a racist remark?

    The non-Malays went berserk when they heard how the Principal of a school,told the Chinese to go back to China and the Indians of wearing dog-chains.
    I am not a racist.But with the racist sentiment filling up the air uncontrollably, lately, Something must have triggered the words & I believe,she was provoked into saying it just like what the DAP and MCA is doing to the government,UMNO,ISLAM &the Malays.
    We're already choking & it looks like nothing could be said or done could purify the air for now.
    I didn’t know that coming from China is something insulting. Asking someone to go home is not at all a racist remark.

    Esp when the Chinese made it clear how proud they are to be Chinese from China.They look up upon Mao Tze Tung & the great warriors of China and never share the same proudness towards our Hang Tuah,Tunku Abdul Rahman,Mat Kilau and other Malaysian heroes just becoz these Malaysian heroes are not of Chinese ethnic.
    The Chinese despise Malaysia, Malays,our Kings,Bahasa Msia & everything MIM.It is just natural for the teacher to tell their kids to go back to China,where their hearts and souls belong.

    Only in Malaysia,we see people go crazy,stomping their feet, insisting that they are Malaysians but at the same time don’t want anything to do with Malaysia
    Only in Malaysia,we see people who want to be treated equally as the original settlers but cunningly try to re-write the Malaysian’s history and constitution.

    Only in Malaysia,we see people who claim to be Malaysians but couldnt speak BM & cannot even sing the National Anthem!
    Only in Malaysia,we see people who fight for equality but insist on going to vernacular schools.
    No other multi-racial country in the world would tolerate vernacular schools except Malaysia.
    No other multi-racial country in the world would give equal privilege, rights or recognise the importance of other culture and language.
    Only in Malaysia we see minority own 81% of the economic cake and THAT still not enough.

    Only Malaysian Chinese would ask for Namewee to be forgiven & look up upon the person and even set up a fan club.
    And only Malaysia,would forgive someone like Namewee.
    The fact that Malaysia has come this far and that the Malaysian Chinese have achieved SO MUCH doesn’t seem important anymore.

    Of course there are few Chinese students who didn’t get scholarships despite being poor, but there are Malay & Bumiputra students who are poorer too.The problem lies in the implementation of the system,not the race!We have to STOP looking at things from the RACE pt of view.
    Maybe the Chinese 1st need to look from the non-Chinese pt of view: WHAT if you didn’t get promoted even when you have proven to be the best employee just because the Chinese management wants only Chinese to hold top posts?
    Or you did not get the job even when the interviewer admitted that you are the best candidate & tell you to your face that they can’t hire you becoz you are not Chinese?
    Only Malaysian Chinese can hire a new,dumb guy to become your boss, rather than promoting you to the post because the new,dumb guy is a Chinese and you’re not.
    Only Malaysian Chinese who want to hold top posts in government sectors but will never ever open top posts for other races in the private sectors dominated by them.

    Only in Malaysian Chinese we see a clear practice of double standard and bias when questioning about the positions and employment opportunities in government sectors as compared to private sectors.
    Only in Malaysian Chinese, we see zero tolerance,total greed and unlimited hatred.
    Only in Malaysian Chinese we see that greed, intolerance, hatred and double standards are acceptable values.
    So, how do the Malaysian Chinese interpret equality, actually?

    How do the Malaysian Chinese prove that they deserve to be treated as Bumiputras or even call themselves Malaysians?
    Could I get a straight, simple answer to these simple questions?

  38. Bro, pelik betul manusia inikan.

    Cuba lihat anak-anak dan cucu cicit orang-orang imigran yang berhijrah ke Amerika Syarikat samada mereka dari negeri Itali,Ireland, Iran, Kuwait, India, Vietnam atau People's Republic of China dan Taiwan sekalipun kalau keluarga mereka sudah menetap di Amerika dan menjadi rakyat sana boleh pula mereka menguasai Bahasa Inggeris siap dengan Slang American lagi.

    Kenapa agaknya segelintir rakyat Malaysia tidak dapat menguasai Bahasa Kebangsaan Malaysia ia itu Bahasa Melayu dengan baik walaupun mereka dilahirkan di Malaysia. Sedangkan pekerja impot dari Bangladesh ataupun India dengan senang bertutur dalam Bahasa Melayu walaupun baru duduk di Malaysia tidak sampai 6 bulan.

    Jawapannya adalah kurang integrasi dan asimilasi diantara kaum. Kalau rakyat Malaysia yang dilahirkan disini tidak fasih didalam Bahasa Melayu ini adalah satu symptom perpecahan yang perlu dikaji dengan mendalam oleh Kerajaan.

    Saya cadangkan satu Suruhanjaya DiRaja untuk mengkaji dan memberi cadangan membina untuk menangani kenapa selepas Merdeka 53 tahun ada lagi rakyat Malaysia tidak fasih didalam Bahasa Kebangsaan.

    One more thing, there must be a preset code what can and cannot be said or done in private and public that would harm and cause tension between races. Since we argue among ourselves what is racist/racism and what is not and never agree what it is. I now strongly believe that its about time that we have a Race Relations Act to ensure that this great and prosperous multiracial country does not turn into a muliracist disaster.

  39. q0l0p1:21 am

    Rakyat Malaysia apa tuh kalau tak reti berbahasa Kebangsaan... ini lah hasil sistem persekolahan DwiSistem.. Cadang dhapuskan sekolah2 cina ni. kalau dah generasi kedua atau generasi ketiga tak reti berbahasa Kebangsaan, maknanya mereka tiada semangat sebagai warganegara Malayisa. Memang patut disuruh balik Tanah Besar China.

    point to ponder: ada ker Rukun Negara dalam bahasa cina di ikrarkan oleh anak2 sekolah cina ekh? KPM jawap.

  40. A few years back in the month of Ramadhan in the wee hours while driving from Kuala Lumpur to Kuala Terengganu, there was a nasty accident involving a lorry and a car in front of me. A couple of victims were lying motionlessly beside a wrecked vehicle. I rushed out to attend to the victim. Seeing me cladded in kain pelikat, a singlet and a kopiah, one chinese driver drove by and asking, melayu ke china?. I responded, does it really matter?. he just left and drove off. No need to tell how I felt. Anyway, I rushed one of the victim to Hospital Kemaman accompanied by a victim companion. She was screaming hysteriacally throughout the journey seeing the victim was getting weaker and weaker. The victim was rushed straight in upon arrival at A&E. While walking back to my car in a blood soaked pelikat, I wonder what would have happened if the victim were malay, and the only passer by was THAT DRIVER.

  41. Hmm thats funny, xtau cakap Bahasa Malaysia tapi rakyat Malaysia?tahu cakap Bahasa Malaysia tapi rakyat Bangladesh, Filipina, Nepal, Myamar, Vietnam ... hmm pelik tu... lagi pelik apsal yang komen nie mostly orang Melayu(assumption only).. lagi pelik ...

  42. Anonymous3:44 am

    Who are we kidding? We want this but they dont want it as is very clear from their actions.The test is in the Satu Sekolah. Tungu apa lagi?

    Do or bust

  43. If you are a communist that comes from Singapore or China, why would you feel offended if someone asks you to go back?

    You don't even regard this country as your motherland because you are still keeping your vernacular schools.

  44. if Malaysian cannot speak Bahasa Malaysia then they are not Malaysian , valid comment...

  45. Anonymous7:25 am



  46. ZXamani8:04 am

    Bukanlah niat saya untuk menjadi 'racist' hari ni, tapi saya rasa agak typical untuk bangsa cina untuk berasa selesa di dalam komunitinya sendiri.

    saya pernah melawat negara di eropah dan amerika dan pernah tinggal di negara mat salleh. pernah dibawa oleh tour guide berbangsa cina.

    apa yang saya perhatikan, mereka ini juga sukar berbahasa inggeris dengan baik, malahan bahasa komunikasi kita lebih baik daripada mereka.

    di negara-negara yang menekankan asimilasi (suatu pendekatan semua bangsa menerimapakai suatu identiti bangsa, seperti bangsa amerika, bangsa indonesia dan lain-lain), kita dapat melihat 'chinatown' hidup subur. orang-orang cina ini tak perlu keluar daripada kelompok komuniti mereka kerana segala keperluan harian boleh didapati daripada kedai-kedai di dalam chinatown ini.

    tetapi, kita boleh juga membaca daripada perspektif lain bahawa mereka ini juga boleh berdikari (self-dependent), maka mereka boleh hidup untuk komuniti mereka sendiri.

    saya berasa tanggapan bahawa orang melayu ini lebih 'katak di bawah tempurung' daripada cina adalah tidak benar, malahan, kita lebih senang bergaul dengan bangsa lain, dan dengan itu lebih rela menerima rakan-rakan kita dari bangsa lain ke dalam Malaya demi berkongsi kemerdekaan.

    sekadar pandangan peribadi.

  47. Anonymous8:17 am

    Yang tak tau Bahasa Kebangsaan tu semua dari golongan generasi PATI;

    Ada sembunyi dalam tong ikan menyeludup masuk sini,

    Ada dari ibu sini kau kau prostitute,

    Ada yang gunapakai surat beranak yang dah mati

    Ada yang sogok beli surat beranak..

    Ada yang mai sini as "bride of convenience" lepaih tu beranak pinak..

    Today thousands of PATI Indons, are doing the same tricks..

    Pi check restoran India dan Cina, berlambak, memang tak tau Bahasa Kebangsaan because some just arrived!!


  48. Anonymous8:45 am

    If we want the fix this race problem before it get even worse, start with the biggest issue. The govt. Fix that and most problem will be resolved.What we see today are reactions to the policies. Get 1Malaysia going and fast. No more talking.

  49. Pendatang lewat9:03 am

    Yes, we all pendatang should go back to Indonesia, China & India and return this land to the Orang Asli.

  50. Tajuk blog ini ialah "Malaysians against Racism"... Tapi orang-orang yang buat komen disini kebanyakkannya rasis. Kalau tidak boleh foham kenapa suruh orang balik Cina itu rasis... tengoklah video ini:

  51. Dato' Rocky

    Sit among the crowd in a badminton match where MALAYsia is playing China, who do you think the so-called MALAYsian chinese cheer for?

    Likewise, in a hockey match where MALAYsia plays India, what do you hear the Indians cheering? "My countrymen! My countrymen!".

    We have been so tolerant, speaking Bahasa MALAYsia with a chinese accent to the chinese and speaking with an indian accent to the indians. We should be speaking in perfect Bahasa, and have them speak like us instead. Have we been too magnanimous?

    I fail to understand, in one same Petronas commercial, the Malay man speaks in Bahasa MALAYsia, the chinese in chinese and the indian in english. What's the rationale here?

  52. Anonymous12:50 pm

    i really happy if this country become like yugoslavia and and we will have our own country seperate from the federation like "bosnia' and "croatia"! when i studied malay in malay primary school in northern state during the 80's ,the malay teachers are real racist i.e they will condemn other races and make a stupid racist joke during lessons and if you really wanted to learn their languange they wont teach you all,so how can other races get interested to be fluent in malay? in indonesia the chinese there are fluent in indonesian languange yet there are still racial riots there???? i am very fluent in BM like Prof dr khooo kay kim and some of the malays are jealous of me when i have marks higher than them during exam and ask me what's the point for a chinese to be fluent in malay languange? want to become PM ahh? can become perak menetri besar ahhh? can become director general of government department ahh? as for me let the malays have their DEB cause it will lead them to become hitler's shit cause other country will not help them with their racist policy and certainly we chinese wont help these racist malay.the police who take oppurtunity to scold this chinese woman to "pulang tongsan" shows that he was not even interested to do his job in the first place.

    Lau C Hun

  53. Totally agree Bro, this slurs will only make things worst as our opportunists politicians take advantage of it to fish for votes, thus blowing the issue out of proportion, creating a democracy centered on such frivilious issues while the poignant ones go unnoticed. We should try to make the vision of 1Malaysia a reality, and that can only be done if we all play our part in living and breathing and practicing the vision. The major stumbling block to it's realisation will be our racist tendencies, thus saying no to racism is key towards removing that block. Let's be united in our sense of humanity that when we see an accident, the humanity in all of us will offer prayers to the victim irrespective of race and so on. Let us be united in the common humanity in all of us.

    Lastly Selamat Hari Raya to you too and maaf zahir dan batin...:)

  54. Dato',

    saya rasa apa yang pegawai polis tu buat bukan lah rasis, tapi patriotik, sebab bahasa melayu adalah bahasa rasmi negara ini. Jadi kalau dia orang tak tau berbahasa melayu bermakna dia orang tak patriotik la. Jadi, pergi lah ke negeri dimana bahasa yang dia tau atau fasih itu.

    Jadi apa yang nk di gembar gembur dan nak politikkan. Itu yang tak paham.

  55. Anonymous1:52 pm

    Kenapa Aso marah pula bila polis beritahu dia suruh balik China sedangkan dia tak tahu cakap bahasa Malaysia dan masih agungkan bahasa China. Itu satu contoh masalah negara yg selalu dijumpai...mungkin kalau generasi tua tu..tak de lah nak marah sangat. Tapi sekarang ini ramai saya jumpa generasi muda pun dah tak tahu cakap bahasa malaysia..contohnya Namawee tu le. sedangkan dinegara lain spt Indonesia, Filipina , Thailand, USa, Briatin , Australia..etc boleh pulak Chinese ethnic bercakap bahasa kebangsaan dgn lancar. Kepda sesiapa yg nak kan samarata sgt tu..mari ...ujudkan sistem sekolah satu

    Tun teja

  56. Anonymous2:02 pm

    Gomen, sila jangan pertimbangkan langsung mereka yang ingin memohon jadi warganegara Malaysia jika mereka tidak tahu cakap bahasa kebangsaan.

    Bagi warganegara Malaysia yang tidak tahu cakap bahasa kebangsaan, anda sebenarnya memang tidak layak jadi warganegara Malaysia. Anda boleh blah dari negara ini.

  57. Skilgannon10662:33 pm

    MIM X-RASIS 1:03 AM

    Your posting shows an ignorance of global realities.

    Nobody gives a **** when Hu Jintao speaks in Mandarin, Nicholas Sarkozy speaks in French, Angela Merkel speaks in German, Manmohan Singh speaks in Hindi or Naoto Kan speaks in Japanese!

    But their countrymen and women scouring the world for business opportunities, or when addressing political forums, speak English, the almost universal lingua franca. Or, if they choose to speak in their native language, there will be armies of translators on duty.

    Sure, we can tell every "language offender" to go back to their country of origin. It is one sure way of hollowing out the Malaysian economy.

    Me? I don't really care. Because I can spout Malay with the best of them, but I choose to conduct my business in English, read books in English and watch English-language TV shows, concerts and musicals.

    I only wish that I was equally fluent in Mandarin and one or more of the modern European languages (like French or German) so that I could maximise my travels in China, France and Germany.

    Though English has worked just fine for me in these countries.

  58. We may be piqued by this odd statement by a policeman here or the teacher there.

    But are these representative of the Malays (or the Chinese or the Indians or the Malaysians as the case may be)?

    Secondlly, the ones in positions of leadership such as the MCA and DAP are the ones who should be free of racial slurs and yet they are the ones who have nothing constructive or respectful to say of the other races. What 'abad' do these leaders represent or exemplify? We know the Chinese better than these Chinese leaders, that they are generally a fine people.

    So, our problems are racism at the highest levels unchecked by a Government who doesn't know the traditions well.

    Don't blame the policeman or teacher.

  59. 1Malaysia-sia5:13 pm

    Hmm... GE13 must be near, what with all the racial slurs in the "trustworthy" mainstream media, and the 1st ever govt scholarships to UEC students. Mesti mula dapat sokongan awal-awal maah...

  60. MIM X-RASIS5:47 pm

    "Orang cina atau India bila di Negara Brunei dipanggil Dyg Teresa Koh, atau Awang Lim Guan Eng, begitu juga kalau mereka ini di Indoensia langsung diberi nama indonesia eg Lim swee king, Rudy Hartono, Monika. Diharamkan bertutur bahasa mandarin apa tah lagi mendirikan sekolah vernakular cina.

    Orang India di Thailand begitu juga akan sedaya upaya bertutur bahasa Thai.Saya agak tergaman mendengar singh bertutur fasih bahasa Thai.Di HK,org Pakistan boleh bertutur dlm bahasa Cantonis!

    DiMalaysia, orang melayu terlalu mengalah kepada orang cina..."
    From Anon 9.04PM

    "Kenapa agaknya segelintir rakyat Malaysia tidak dapat menguasai Bahasa Kebangsaan Malaysia ia itu Bahasa Melayu dengan baik walaupun mereka dilahirkan di Malaysia..? Sedangkan pekerja impot dari Bangladesh ataupun India dengan senang bertutur dalam Bahasa Melayu walaupun baru duduk di Malaysia tidak sampai 6 bulan.

    Jawapannya adalah kurang integrasi dan assimilasi diantara kaum...! Kalau rakyat Malaysia yang dilahirkan disini tidak fasih didalam Bahasa Melayu ini adalah satu symptom perpecahan yang perlu dikaji dengan mendalam oleh Kerajaan."
    From eddy..1.11AM

    2 COMMENTS above indicated that the policy of allowing vernacular schools is a FAILED POLICY as far as ENCOURAGING INTEGRATION and ASSIMILATION is concerned.And more so with products like Namawee,you can see that this guy went to Chinese vernacular school(if in Muar,probably,Chung Hwa..)and then went to Taiwan.Came back,NO JOB, want to be a singer,a Chinese RAP SINGER...!!!BUT..his THEMEs are RACIST..!!His Critism are RACISTs!!
    That showed in his mind or PSHCHOLOGICALLY,his line of thinking is HENTAM,HENTAM,HENTAM, the ESTABLISHMENTs,those in Authority,WITHOUT caring a hoot that he is aiming at the MALAY people in Malaysia...!!This is EXTREMISM..!!The same line of thinking during the era of the KOMINIS 3-BINTANG,mah....except that his weapon is NOT GUNS,but his LASER-MOUTH,and Electronics facilities that he has...!!!so...
    WE HAVE TO COMBAT this kind of EXTREMISM,just like we combatted Al-MAUNAH,Deviant Sects and self style terrorrist..!!!!

    So I hope Skilgannon 1066,would understand,that since you are the Global-type,Its not the question of global language ONLY,but of being able to get by and COMMUNICATE locally as well as not to be SELF-CENTERED,NOT to be a RACIST!

  61. Anonymous7:15 pm

    Tak tahu cakap BM? Then you are not Malaysian lahhh easy as peanut.

  62. Anonymous8:48 pm

    When Sarawak and Sabah joined to form Malaysia, as early as 1967, my college classmates from these two states (even just few years after forming and being part OF US) use BAHASA KABANGSAAN fluently, with SO MUCH PRIDE..

    Because we all belong… that sense of pride of being MALAYSIANS.

    Ni yang bangsa yang keturunan dari Negara Asal kut ceghok mana, menayap bberlabuh meghata ceghok dunia, menempek sekadar duk nganga macam naga nak kikis harta benda Negara lain, bangsa2 PARASITE ni ler yang;

    1.Tak faham cara nak hormati Perlembagaan Negara mana saja
    2. Tak faham cara nak hormati Bahasa Kebangsaan mana Negara
    3. Tak faham cara nak horma Agama resmi Negara orang lain
    4. Tak tau nak hormat Raja2 Negara sendiri (pasai tak tau hormat diri sendiri)
    5. Mai duk belagak tunjuk budaya asal samseng mereka

    Ni semua asal usul dari keturunan orang yang tiada arah hala tujuan hidup..

    Teliang nak migrate Negara yang lain, susah, pasai Negara lain cekap sekat kemasukan mereka.

    Macam sekok kat sini, bagai pungkok rindukan bulan, duk berangan nak jadi Aussie, American, Singaporean, French..bla bla

    TAPI TAKLEH pi, pasai tak payah introduce, just apply your gods given 5senses, satu dunia tau where their place of origin, and what they are made of!



  63. Anonymous9:44 pm

    See this is proof that skewedmoron has very low IQ

    "Nobody gives a **** when Hu Jintao speaks in Mandarin, Nicholas Sarkozy speaks in French, Angela Merkel speaks in German, Manmohan Singh speaks in Hindi or Naoto Kan speaks in Japanese!

    But their countrymen and women scouring the world for business opportunities, or when addressing political forums, speak English, the almost universal lingua franca. Or, if they choose to speak in their native language, there will be armies of translators on duty."

    This chinese ah soh is in Malaysia and can't speak the national language

    hullo she is not looking for a job lah dodo - she is conversing with a fellow Malaysian

    bodohnya sibangang ni

  64. Anonymous11:30 pm

    Are you sure all Malays of the 50 or 60 years old speak BM? I don't think so.

    As for the Pendatang, the 1st Sultan of Malaka was from Indonesia, wan't he?

  65. Anonymous6:46 am

    Chinese can't be trusted. Bullshit species only (like Sillymoron.) Don't believe, read here

    Pray hard before boarding a Chinese piloted plane......Sure die one! Pilots use fake CVs. In a country of fake this and that, it is normal to have fake CVs.

    So much for Chinese supremacy and arrogance!

  66. PRsamdol8:27 am

    I think it't really the time for ISA...
    just wish Tun Mahathir were still at helm...

  67. hey bodoh... engkaupunya bahasa tu bahasa longkangla bodoh... siapa nak cekap bahasa longkang...??? hahahaha.... NAH!!!!!

  68. Anonymous1:38 pm

    Hello saudara saudari tak kira keturunan yang kini menertap di Malaysia :

    a) Kebanyakan rakyat bukan Malaysia lebih kurang 45 tahun ke bawah sudah boleh membaca and bertutur dalam Bahasa Melayu sebab sistem pendidikan yang mengutamakan penggunaan sejah 70an.
    Ah-Soh mungkin berkecuali.

    b) Berkemungkinan banyak seperti saya sukar bertutur dalam Bahasa Melayu yang sekarang lebih "glamor" dengan adaptasi bahasa inggeris seperti produk (untuk benda), potensi (untuk kebolehan), situasi (untuk keadaan) dan sebagainya. Bila saya bercakap demikian dengan orang Melayu yang berusia, mereka kata saya "action" sebab tak tahu guna bahasa baku ! Sedangkan RTM & TV3 sekarang suka pakai bahasa adaptasi ?

    c) Untuk memajukan penggunaan Bahasa Melayu secara meluas; jangan "Paksa" tapi seharusnya menunjukan kepada dunia bahwa Bahasa Malaysia/Indonesia (serumpun ?) itu ada gaya kerana kebudayaan yang bersejarah, indah dan berhasil di gunakan di medan perniagaan dunia (global economy). Gunalah secara tulin tanpa dirojakkan dengan perkataan "pinjaman" yang diubahsuai seperti disebut diatas.

    d) Bahasa Inggeris (guna luas di Amerika), Bahasa Peranchis (dinikmati kerana ada unsur keseniannya seperti di wayang gambar artistic), Bahasa Jepun kukuh kerana istilah teknikalnya dalam pembangunan 60an-80an sampai Look East jadi tauladan, Bahasa Cina yang lehih 5 ribu tahun sebagainya. Janganlah kita asyik tak senang hati bila Bahasa Melayu tidak ditutur secara luas di kalangan rakyat kalaulah kita tidak menyempurnakan keistimewaannya secara praktikal.

    e) Akhirkata, harap Saiful Apek lebih berhati-hati bila memegang watak orang bukan-Melayu. Patut cakap dengan style sekarang (Ridhuan Tee bukankah orang Cina yang bagus cakap Melayu ?)bukan waktu sebelum Merdeka bila bukan Melayu memang cakap sebikin rupa.

    Selamat Hari Raya. Minta maaf sekiranya silap tulis.

  69. Anonymous1:49 pm

    1Sekolah dimana kesemua pelajar Malaysia belajar sekurang-kurangny a 3 Bahasa, tetapi Bahasa Malaysia diutamakan.

    Bahasa selain daripada Bahasa Malaysia ialah Bahasa Inggeris (supaya boleh faham Bahasa Globalisasi sekarang), Bahasa Arab (supaya lebih memahami kebudayaannya), Bahasa Sepanyol (supaya lebih memahami selok belok bolasepak Latin), Bahasa India atau China(supaya lebih memahami kebudayaannya juga kerana negara ini akan mengglobalisasikan dunia dalam masa akan datang).

    Mampu atau sanggup kak kita ?

  70. Anonymous3:15 pm

    Ramainya orang bodoh di sini, makcik cina yang berusia 53 tahun itu adalah tidak berpendidikkan, malah mungkin tak pandai baca pun. Yang saya tahu, bukan sahaja dia tidak pandai cakap bahasa kebangsaan, dia tidak pandai bertuturan bahasa mandarin juga... dia hanya fasih dengan dialek puaknya sahaja. Itu mungkin hokkien, hakka, ataupun kantonis.

    Jadi kalian yang suruh dia balik ke cina tanpa mengambil kira hakikat pendidikan makcik tersebut adalah rasis dan bodoh.


  71. Anonymous6:22 pm


    Bole tak you tolong ciakap lengan lu punyiar sedala mala yang tatak paham BM,


    Tolang jangan shortform jadi


    Banyak beza ertinya, depan budak2 depan orang tua tak manis, maluuuuu, Kesian Ms Eli duk jolt memory dia.


  72. WhackdeBugger12:55 am

    For starters,the national language of the Federation of Malaysia in accordance with Article 152 of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia states that the official language of the Federation is the Malay language or bahasa Melayu . Though one is not probihited to speak in a language other than Malay,the language in official matters remains in Malay or bahasa Melayu . Isn't a police report an official matter? They should be written in bahasa Melayu. A loyal Malaysian citizen should have no qualms in communicating in bahasa Melayu , the official language of the federation.

    Just look at the ethnic Chinese of our neighbouring countries of Indonesia, Phillippines and Thailand. All of them are proficient in the language of their adopted countries. Why Chinese Malaysian or Indian Malaysian be made an exception? Proficient in the Malay language means be able to speak Malay the way a Malay speaks not in the bazaar Malay that the Chinese Ah Pek usually speaks or the Indian Ayah speaks.

    1 Malaysia means that all Malaysian should speaks the same Malay language just as all Americans speak the same English language. Can you u imagine a Chinese American claiming not to understand English?

    1 Malaysia also means that the medium of instruction for schooling should only be in bahasa Melayu as required by the Constitution. Other languages can be learnt in a language and cultural school just like the USA where the medium of instruction of all school is English but one can learn other languages such as Spanish, French and Chinese at a language and cultural school.

  73. Why are Malaysians so obsessed with race and religion?

    What makes you think that your race is the chosen one?

    Many Malays are employed by non Malay business owners. Malays should quit their jobs then and see if they can make it on their own.

    Many non Malay businesses find that the bulk of their consumers are Malays. These businesses should stop selling to the Malays then if these non Malay business owners think that they can make it just by selling to their own people.

    We need each other. Malaysia will only make it when we work together.

    Bo doh la all of you. Bodoh sangat sangat.

    For those who think that non Malay Malaysians should leave Malaysia just because their command of Bahasa Malaysia is poor, then don't complain when non Malay businesses refuse to hire Malay graduates whose command of the English language is poor. You've had your chance to improve over the years. But no, they see other skills and attributes that the Malay Grad can add value to their businesses. It's the same, some non Malay Malaysians may have a poor command of Bahasa Malaysia but look at their other positives la.

    Let's help each other improve la.

    You guys are quarrelling like children but are in fact nothing like children.

    A child sees another and all that child wants is to be friends with the other kid. That child does not know colour. That child grows up to be racist because of his or her upbringing at home which, forms part of the external environment and affects other children.

    When Serbs, Croats and Bosnians started killing each other, I'm sure all of them realised that they in fact had things in common when the massacre started, the blood of their dead loved ones, no matter Serb, Croat or Bosnian, turned out to be red.

    And all of them cried when they lost their loved ones. No matter Serb, Croat or Bosnian.

    You watch TV also in colour, you even subscribe to high definition for example so that the colourful images look even more real to you, it's obvious that colours bring joy to your life la Bodoh.

    I am of Malay-Chinese and Indian-Bugis parentage.

    People I meet always wonder what my race is. I tell them that I'm human. They keep asking me the same question whenever they meet me the next time.

    I've experienced racism in Malaysia because of my looks, my choices in life and the language that I choose to speak.

    Gila la, why so obsessed with race and religion la?

    God created all of us. Why do you choose to hate or kill another fellow human being then, God's creation.

    If you are a true Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Bahai etc., you will not be racist and neither will you be a religious extremist.

    Let's be obsessed on Malaysia's plan instead and make it together.

    Japan is famed for its automotive and electronic industries. So is Korea. India for IT. China for its industry. Singapore as a hub for nearly everything, and it excels in nearly everything it chooses to focus on. All of these countries have a plan.

    What's Malaysia's plan? It's not clear to me. More than 50 years of independence, more than enough time. Maybe, all of us should leave Malaysia then.

    Selamat Hari Raya to all Malaysians.

  74. Nzain9:52 pm

    "Are you sure all Malays of the 50 or 60 years old speak BM? I don't think so." Anon 11.30pm

    If i'm not mistaken my Grandpa speaks bird language and the occasional Russian/kerbau dialect.
    Us young ones find it hard to communicate with him so we just use sign language.

    New Yorkers say this.

  75. Anonymous10:20 pm

    Still in the north beraya. Had breakfast kat kedai nyonya ni who spoke in loghat utara. Sedap telinga ni dengar. Dalam hati, makcik ni kalau dia claim dia orang Malaysia, satu kampung berdiri belakang dia agaknya.

    In my workplace, ada produk-produk sekolah vernacular CIna yang bekerja sebagai pegawai (mid management). Pelat nak mampus, bila sebut zero pun jadi
    'jilo". Yet, my company ni idealistic sikit, 1 Malaysia la katakan. Those anon, tak payah la melompat.

    Suruh la company2 non-malay ni practice 1 Malaysia, mampus tak buat. Yang diorang nak, anything coming from the govt kena 1Malaysia style. Yang diaorang dah kontrol, jangan harap nak bagi.

    Yang 30% bagi kat Bumi ni pun, ntah berapa % goes to them, especially contracts. Bumi contractor just ambik 5% margin. Bukan semua lah. Tapi ramai la.(maybe govt should raise the 30% to 60%. Baru la Bumi boleh achieve the 30% since ali baba ni rama sangat. Haha)

    Saw Andre Goh on TV last nite. Don't expect the non-malay to be like him. But hey, u are Malaysian. We are not asking you to change your mentality, (especially in business and when it concerns money), just speak good Bahasa Malaysia.


  76. Anonymous3:40 pm

    kepada semua blogger.
    adakah org yg tidak tau berbahasa melayu ialah satu dosa? masalah ialah polis sepatutnya jgn panggil perempuan itu balik china atau balik india atau mana-mana pun! perempuan itu seorang warganegara malaysia dan polis tu sepatutnya melindungi hak asasi dia dan sebaliknya melindungi semua warganegara malaysia! apa kegunaan hak asasi???

  77. Anonymous3:51 pm

    to pendatang lewat:
    yes i agree with u! the way we settle this problem is we all go bac our own country, malays go back sumatera, chinese to Tongsan and india to Tamilnadu. this is belongs to org asli! yeah! then see their country accept us or not!

  78. INI negara melayu punya...jangan cakap banyaklah..tak suka balik lay..hahaha
