Monday, July 05, 2010

Pictures of the May 4 ambush of Sultan Kelantan

On whose orders? Bujai has the pictures, here.
Details of what actually happened on May 4 this year have remained sketchy. The UTK may have acted in the interest of the Sultan, who was very ill then, or they could have acted on behalf of others.
But the point is if they can do this to the Sultan of Kelantan, they can do this to anyone.

Pix courtesy of one of the Sultan's bodyguards, it seems.


  1. betul ke UTK ni? kalau ada yang menyamar jadi UTK bahaya ni.

  2. Anonymous6:48 pm

    Dont blame the police because they are used by royalties to solve the family dispute.Tg Temenggung vs Pemangku Raja.Does it ring any bell?.

  3. Anonymous7:16 pm

    Stale news many people bother about the Sultan, except maybe a few with their self-interests in mind.

    sri hartamas

  4. Dalam pertikaian dua gajah merebut tebu, jangan kesilapan dan kesalahan cuba diletakkan pada semut2 yang sekadar diberi upah gula.

  5. Patik Yg Hina8:41 pm

    Don't take sides. Read what MBakri Musa has to say about Malays and Royalty

  6. karipuley9:02 pm

    who used the police is immaterial but a raja melayu dont deserve this kind of treatment. he is harmless and defenseless. whoever issued the order must be questioned. after all, the sultan has every rights to seek treatment at any hospital he likes.

  7. Anonymous9:25 pm


    sama la mahathir using police to ambush anwar in 98 dulu

    bodoh punya olang

  8. Anonymous11:28 pm


    for ur info, 99% of de rakyat don't give a sh*t about dem ok....

    don't fcukibg believe, den do a poll la on ur site & lets c whether where they stand!!!

  9. Dont blame the police.

  10. Anonymous11:51 pm

    Rocky... i'm just curious!

    Thousands & thousands of Malaysians knows the name of the President of USA & also the coach of Argentina FA!

    But how many of you malays really know the name of your Agong!


  11. Perhaps they act in the interest of protecting the Sultan.

  12. Anonymous12:05 am


    their sendiwara sucks!

    sex in the city, anytime rock! ok!

  13. Anonymous1:24 am

    Salam Dato',

    Sebenarnya kita tidak perlu terasa gusar atau menyesali apa yg belaku keatas kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku Sultan Kelantan seperti yg dipaparkan didalam gambar itu.Hakikatnya Baginda tidak dikasari dan tindakan itu dilaksanakan atas titah perintah dari pihak Istana demi untuk menjamin keselamatan Baginda sendiri.Yg pasti pihak polis tidak akan bertindak tanpa arahan rasmi dari pihak yg berkuasa.Jika anggota polis kelihatan aggresif barang kali mereka itu bertindak mengikut kaedah dan gaya kawad operasi yg biasa mereka lakukan didalam melaksanakan tugas mereka.

    Dalam hal ini penglibatan pihak Polis tidak perlu dipersoalkan.Pokoknya DYMM Tuanku Sultan Selamat dibawa kehospital dan telah diserah kepihak Hospital USM di bawah jagaan para doktor pakar.Habis cerita.

    Berita ini menjadi begitu kecoh kerana di sensasikan oleh pihak yg berhajat membawa Tuanku Sultan kehospital di Singapura atas sebab-sebab tertentu.Sebenarnya kejadian ini adalah berpunca daripada masalah keluarga.Orang ramai tidak perlu heboh dan risau.Lagi pun keadaan sudah reda dan tenteram.Tak perlulah digembar-gemburkan berterusan.

    Askar Tua

  14. Anonymous2:30 am

    "But the point is if they can do this to the Sultan of Kelantan, they can do this to anyone."


    At which pub have you been holed up and getting sloshed all these years, Rocky?

    - Azlan.

  15. Anonymous10:26 am


    Can't help but feel sad that power can break siblings apart...Imagine fighting over worldly the end of it all, mati jugak, tak bawak mana2 pun...
    And the irony is that it's not like there's not enough to be spread among them...
    Sad, pathetic...

  16. Mazlan11:15 am

    Dear Rocky,

    Remember - a former DPM in police custody and was in handcuffs was brutally assaulted by the IGP.
    And the PM at the time suggested that Anwar beat himself up.

    So your memory is very short or you choose to forget....

    This has happened before and goes to show that there is no idependence of the police and thus no proper rule of law.

  17. Anonymous11:22 am

    Extremely high handed move by the police. Police shouldn't be deploying balaclava clad personnel for such an action.

  18. Anonymous3:31 pm

    hehehe... cerita ni tak menarik la rock... orang tengok and say "hmmm... lantak la, keluarga dia nak bergaduh. Tak payah sibuk2."

  19. Anonymous4:01 pm

    this really leaves one person where the Buck must stop at and its none other than Hishamuddin for he controls those UTK Beasts.


  20. Anonymous9:58 pm

    awat tiba-tiba je mendung color blog hang ni rocky? tak rock la... hampeh betul web designer kau nih..

  21. Anonymous8:04 am

    Vote BN and this is the consequence.

  22. Rocky : perlu diingat polis berisiko memasuki Istana Kelantan kerana pengawal juga bersenjata.

    Dalam hal ini tidak ada sesiapa pun tercedera.

    Sungguh biadap sekali sesiap cuba politikkan isu ini

    ini pandangan peribadi saya.

    Penembak Tepat

  23. Ahli rombongan11:08 pm

    Askar tua,

    Membahasakan diri sebagai aku kepada Tuanku adalah sudah dianggap KURANG AJAR, inikan pula menghunuskan senjata ke kepala dan tubuh Tuanku..Apa GELARAN yang patut kita berikan kepada manusia-manusia ini?

    Saya ada bersama Tuanku semasa di tahan pada petang 4 mei itu.

  24. semut pintar11:12 pm


    Semut itu semestinya BODOH jika dia pun turut serta dalam pertikaian 2 gajah tuuu...

    Gajah tu anak beranak... dan pepatah mengatakan air yang di cincang takkan putus... maka saya takut semut tu akan TERPENYEK selepas gajah-gajah tu berbaik semula.

  25. Happy husband11:17 pm

    Shahrin Yusof,

    I don't think police was protecting Tuanku. Tuanku was shouting to police at that nite requesting to go back to Istana Mahkota.My wife who on duty was in Royal Ward at that time.

    Rocky Bru will show the detail of the VIDEO. Please wait!!!!

  26. Askar Muda11:23 pm

    Askar Tua

    kalau saudara baca TRANSISI keluaran UUM edisi 1, 2 dan 3. Tidak ada langsung elemen sengketa yang boleh di lihat di dalam interview ekslusif bersama raja perempuan dan doktor tuanku.

    saudara mendapat informasi dari siapa yang menyatakan ada sengketa di istana?

    Janganlah saudara percaya jika saudara hanya mendapat informasi di kaki- kaki lima. Dapatlah informasi yang terus dari sumber yang boleh di percayai... mungkin saudara TIDAK percaya ada konspirasi untuk menjatuhkan Tuanku seperti yang di hebah-hebahkan di Kelantan.

  27. melayu moden11:25 pm


  28. Ore Kelate11:29 pm

    Bukan masalah vote BN tetapi MB yang telah di titahkan oleh Tuanku untuk mengembalikan kuasa Baginda tidak menjalankan apa yang telah di titahkan.

    Abang saya yang bertugas di istana ada gambar tok guru tu.... dan tape ucapan Tuanku sekali.....
