It's just Nazri so why get so excited, right?

Ordinarily, I wouldn't give a damn what Nazri says. The pro-Umno bloggers think he scores own goals too often and my Barisan Rakyat blogger friends would only support him when he has something nasty to say about Dr Mahathir.
But when I was told that Anwar Ibrahim's top campaigner Raja Petra Kamaruddin himself was in Washington last week to sabotage a forum that Nazri was addressing, I got a wee bit interested.
It turned out that someone else from another pro-Anwar news portal (not Malaysia Today) was there reporting on behalf of RPK. The Malaysia Today editor never left London, his home since he escaped from a series of lawsuits in Malaysia, at all.
So why was it so important for Anwar, RPK & Gang that the forum was stopped or at least disrupted even though it's "only" Nazri Aziz who was talking to the Americans? Why was it important to make believe that RPK was there in Washington to report the forum?
In Cloak and Dagger, 3 Stooges in Washington, blogger Sakmongkol (who made it quite clear that he wasn't in Washington) provides some answers.
What impressed me is that Malaysia's news portals are beginning to send their reporters abroad to cover political assignments like this one. It's not cheap to send reporters to places like Washington DC.
Read also Sak's earlier postings:
On the circus that got to America
The circus that got to America - 2
Malaysian circus in DC - 3
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ReplyDeleteAs far as I know RPK never claimed he attended the CSIS do in Washington DC. He clearly said he had eyes and ears everywhere (which he often says), not that he was physically there!
ReplyDelete"So why was it so important for Anwar, RPK & Gang that the forum was stopped or at least disrupted even though it's only Nazri Aziz who was talking to the Americans?"
There was no attempt by anyone to disrupt or stop the forum. That must be a figment of some Govt press agency rep's wild imagination!
By all accounts, Nazri, Ambassador Rabaraba and ex-CJ Hamid needed no outside help for a disastrous and embarrassingly underwhelming performance. Wakaka! They managed to achieve shooting themselves in the foot all by themselves and wasting a lot of the Rakyat's money in the process,once again.
And why was the MACC head there when the forum was mainly to counter the negative publicity re the DSAI trial vis-a-vis 50 Oz MP's and US Senators letters?
And why Wee Choo Keong (already 1 freebie earlier for the UN GA)and Zahrain also gaji buta in USA?
You pay peanuts, you get moneys; you employ monkeys, you lose Pedra Branca! Lol!
We are all of 1 race, the Human race
These Pakatan people overrate themselves. Without Anwar, they will be nothing.
ReplyDeleteFurthermore, never underestimate raba2 dan woof woof.
if we can tell the 50 aussie mp to fucked off...
ReplyDeletewhy should we give the fuck what that black guy in the white house & all the monkeys in washington think.
hmm, you sound like you know for a fact that rpk is in london. apasal our gomen tak pi cekup depa?
ReplyDelete"What impressed me is that Malaysia's news portals are beginning to send their reporters abroad to cover political assignments like this one. It's not cheap to send reporters to places like Washington DC."
ReplyDeleteWhy not, Rocky ?? Malaysians are not stupid you know !!
Lesen untuk pergi jalan-jalan je tu. Ini la masa nak menghabiskan apa-apa duit "sponsor" yang ada atas nama demokrasi.
ReplyDeleteWell I didn’t fall for it when reading from Malaysia Today and I didn’t think anyone would. Someone obviously present at the meeting passed the information to him and that ''By Raja Petra Kamarudin in Washington'' was just mocking the Gov.
ReplyDeleteI am surprise that you couldn’t notice the sarcasm!
>>>So why was it so important for Anwar, RPK & Gang that the forum was stopped or at least disrupted even though it's "only" Nazri Aziz who was talking to the Americans? Why was it important to make believe that RPK was there in Washington to report the forum? <<<<
Perhaps the question should be, why is it so important for you to portray that these people as the villains with the intention to sabotage the work of government?
Also, why is it so important to portray that a particular state has no right to claim oil royalties?
Also, why is it so important to portray that TBH’s death is no homicide even the 2nd report didn’t say so? (*apology, if you were at the scene)
And lot more if I don’t stop typing...
Btw in case this is so important to you... I am not in the country while typing this comments...
Wow,,!!!!! It seems that everybody bluff each other hanya untuk glamour,,,
ReplyDeleteKalu PAK MENTERI TIPU rakyat,,ngapa rakyat ta'leh tipu Menteri,,!!!!!
Malaysia BOLE,,,bole kena tipu,,konon nak tipu American tapi kena tipu,,,OPEN DOOR SESSION,,JADI CLOSED DOOR SESSION,,!!!!
RAJA PETRA makin gelak,,sendiri,,,!!!,,,DSAI juga jadi mangsa,,!!!!
Yang jadi IDIOT,,,,1 MALAYSIA,,
Malaysian good in making JOKES,,,
MELAYU,,,tipu MELAYU,,,MELAYU diPERBODOHKAN,,,,,sememangnya MELAYU BODO,,,,!!!!
Nampak gaya all the EX PKR representatives kalu resign from PARTY dapat jumpa PM,,,wow,,,AN HONOUR,,,,,!!!!
Bila lagi TAN TEE BENG nak jumpa NAJIB???????
tok.. bagi saya NAZRI HERO.
I so wish Malaysiakini had the funds to send reporters to Washington. The government doesn't invite us to follow and report on their junkets. They don't like our reporting?
ReplyDeleteNo-la, one of our reporters happen to be in town for some other events.
Also, I don't think we gate-crashed as alleged. I hope you can make the corrections in your blog
Nazri is a unique hard headed politician who sometimes send shock waves to both sides of the divide.... no, make it three to include TDM. Equally shocking is Bung Moktar.
ReplyDeleteBut why are there so many busy bodies watching his every move? Either they love him or loathe him, he has a job to do as elected representative, so let him do it his way with minimal disruption.
This is not an election campaign but many are tailgating at the expense of public funds, to pull a line from the PR sin masters.
As elected reps, they should concentrate on issues in their areas. But what are they doing to solve the woes of the electorate?
Go drive around Segambut where the PM to be lives and beyond. See the filth and snatch thieves at work or
squeeze into congested and badly planned roads and ramshackle living. Those voters put these politicians there with a hope for change.
Well, they got their loose change all right.
And the way they continue just to save the fetish of one ungrateful individual can only mean one thing.... Blind fools.
With friends like Nazri - does Malaysia need enemies???
ReplyDeleteSurely we could have someone better than him to "represent" the government.
Everything that comes out of his mouth is likely to piss everyone off.
He manages to screw things up for the government more than the Opposition could..........
Aiya, RPK even have agent in Bukit Aman to report to him so what is there to hooha about? You the late pendatang from SG, go back to your SG la! Don't come here to Cho chok here cho chok there!
ReplyDeleteRocky pls don't spin spite. Your earlier blog on the chap who was murdered in Oz was slanted and full of inuendos that the 'white racists' of Oz killed him. You have not corrected yourself. Here you are implying, that you were not there in US, but at the same time cock sure of what MT had reported of Nazri. Ordinarily I wouldn't waste time reading or commenting on your blog but bigotry and stupidity has a limit.
"What impressed me is that Malaysia's news portals are beginning to send their reporters abroad to cover political assignments like this one. It's not cheap to send reporters to places like Washington DC."
ReplyDeleteAs Premesh says, they happened to have someone there. Bernama on the other hand probably had someone sent there specially to cover this event. If so, it was probably one of the most expensive Bernama reports ever at probably US$5 a word. Assuming there were three reporters, then we can assume it cost Bernama US$15 a word. Not value for money for a report which has no substance.
You also forgot to ask why Nazri told Malaysiakini not to report his reply to the Q&A after changing the event to off record. Was this change after APCO realised that "unfriendly" press were present?
Lastly, if RPK is Anwar's chief campaigner, what does that make you? At least RPK openly criticises Anwar.
ReplyDeleteRPK's byline when writing that story was-
Raja Petra Kamaruddin in Washington
Enough said.
Aik?! Datuk Rocky said he was impressed and some of you guys took offence?! Mighty sensitive for liberals, aren't I?
ReplyDeleteThin-skinned Raja Bohong Kamarudin
Somebody here mentioned about the Malaysian who was murdered in Australia and Rocky's initial 'inuendos' about racists down under. Since then it was revealed he was 'done in' by a fellow pendatang/immigrant whose wife this hapless fella was bonking. This is Rocky's blog and I am realistic enough to realize he can do anything he likes here, including not issuing a correction. Spin la, everybody's doing it already!
ReplyDeleteAnother spin from you , Rocky?
ReplyDeleteI do however want to know why Wee and Zahrain was there? U can ask your UMNO Datuk friends
The fact here is that, there was an attempt to sabotage the forum. My only guess is,
ReplyDelete1) Anwar and his team are obviously striving to build cordial relationship with the west. And this forum was seen to threaten that relationship.
2) Anwar and his team’s strategy are to get as much support from the west because they feel that they can get away with all the wrongdoings.
3) RPK has his own ulterior motive by indicating his existence during the forum.
It is also a right move for media to start covering news abroad in order to provide a true pic about the happenings outside Malaysia.
Can anyone please tell me , why is America so advance in most things ? Were and are things created by the natives or the immigrants ?
ReplyDeleteThe natives demanded privileges and what have they done with their privileges just like the self-claimed natives, not the Sakai or the Head Hunters, what will happen to America if there were no immigrants ? Or what will happen to Australia if there were and are no immigrants ?
Also see in the short time what do the immigrants do to Singapore ! Wake up the self claimed natives !
>I do however want to know why Wee and Zahrain was there? U can ask your UMNO Datuk friends
ReplyDeletesimple. Zahrain already come under the overlords & Wee is the next Kak Tak.
Mr Froggy
Anon 12.03
ReplyDeleteAgreed you are right about the 1st RPK report. It is titled "RPK in Washington."
But in the follow up reort titled "Nazri ied in Washington" on 25/2 he wrote:
"But they did not know that Malaysia Today has eyes and ears all over the world."
We are all of 1 race, the Human Race
Wah, the Fuckatan so excited about this event.
ReplyDeleteYou all got nothing to do ah?
Boring-boring go lah announce that you quit your party-ke or comment good riddance-ke, but heaven forbid, never ever actually do SOME WORK!
Beware of Double Penetrated Pigs
In DC he was? You betcha! Ooo, how scary the idea Bee Ends Archenemy Numero Uno was in the same building, if not same room as Jay Jay and Nazri.
ReplyDeleteHmmmmm.. theres no need to sabo the forum/spanner the works/grease the road. Nazri already did that quite nicely, Jay Jay too did that quite nicely with his tactless behavoir checking bberry and papers, and the other two hmmm.... oh where could they be? Too hungover from last nights party?
Hoo, this Jay Jay sure knows how to show a visiting Malaysian VIP around town.
Nobody needed to stop or sabotage the forum.
ReplyDelete2 of the speakers never showed up ( most like out partying all night with our money) You know land of stripe club, call-girls and beer. No way UMNO men can resist these vices.
Nazri basic tin kosong as he has no points to present.
How can the Malaysian government justify going after the opposition leader based on Saiful Ass getting raped by an old man. And the oldman is denied his right to examine the evidence defend himself. Several doctor's report showing Saiful was never had anal intercourse.
Tell me how is anybody expected to defend against this.
It even obvious to a blind person this is a politically motivated charge against Anwar. UMNO is afraid of Anwar.
kecian org pakatan...sekarg tgh sakit jiwa tahap 7petala langit... lebih sakit jiwa lagi cina2 DAP....punyalah sakit bagai nak gila...rsa mcm nak pecah2kn kepala sdri..sambil gigit bantal sampai koyak!! wahahaha!!!
ReplyDeleteitulah xnak jaga kaum majoriti...sakitkan? hahahah berasap asap hati org2 PR...hangit! iblis pun masuk tiupkan lagi api kemarahan...wahahahaha terbakar-bakar jiwa ahli Pakatan sampai hitam legam
padan muka..suka sgt kutuk org...nah! korg rasalah hati korang buat selamanya
Face it guys...its Karma time