10,000 attend Perkasa assembly
Umno perlu kembali mendengar aspirasi orang Melayu by Dr MahathirBig Dog reports on his blog that while Dr M is confident that Najib will bring transformation, especially to the Malays, the PM needs to provide more space for the aspirations of the Malays and Umno grassroots to be heard.
Speaking at a press conference later, Dr Mahathir stressed the need for a focused study to show how the New Economic Policy or Dasar Ekonomi Baru has benefited the Malays (and the non-Malays). "Ini kerana banyak pihak termasuk golongan liberal dan professional dikalangan orang Melayu sendiri secara simplistiknya menyalahkan dasar ini dengan tanpa mengemukakan asas untuk menyokong dakwaan mereka bahawa hanya orang Melayu sahaja yang menikmati pemberian dan penganugerahan Kerajaan seperti kontrak, peluang perniagaan dan taraf keitstimewaan bagi apa apa program dan Bukan Melayu dinafikan sama sekali."
At the risk of being accused of trying to compare my intellect to the great statesman's, at a closed-door briefing on the New Economic Model last night I said there's need for the authors of the NEM to stress in their analytic that the new model is premised on the successes of previous policies, especially the NEP and the National Development Policy. Without the socio-economic progress achieved under the NEP and NDP, it would have been impossible for Malaysia to now dream of joining the elite few that are today known as high-income economies.
Original take:
Serious turnout. According to Parpu, some 10,000 people attended the Perkasa assembly at the PWTC in KL today. Looks like Ibrahim Ali's seriously trying to give Umno a run for its money as champions of the Malays.
Click here to see the pictures and live reporting from PWTC, which happens to be Umno's headquarters. Dr M, the VIP, is an Umno member.
Perkasa wasn't born yesterday. It was created by a group of Malay NGOs in response to what they saw as a threat to the special privileges of the Malays and the Bumiputeras as enshrined in the Constitution.
Revisit Mahathir's address last year here.
Dear Rocky
ReplyDelete10,000 is an impressive turn out, and Dr M still the pulling power.
Just have a quick look at the picture and different report from other blog online. We have report ranging from 2000,4000, 5000 and 10,000 reporting here.
We are not keen in the figure as per se, but we do want to estimate how the Younger and moderate Malay are supporting this.
I estimate ONE BLOCK can seat 20 chairs x 16 row = 320 (assuming fulling occupied chair)
To have 10,000 people, you will need to have 32 Blocks. Meaning 32x 320 = 10,240.
I don't have a overall view of the venue, but so far I see only 6 blocks at the front which estimate 6x320 = 2000 people. Do we have more block at the back and top to make up the total block of 32?
My two cents worth..
Shiok Guy
Shiok Guy's Opinion
10,000 ke?really?or is it because i dont count in inglis ea?-hatta
ReplyDeleteSebenarnya Perkasa Harus dakwa Pemimpin UNMO/Barisan yang telah gagal menyerpurna Pasal 153. Tak payah nak beri amaran pada BUKAN MELAYU. Apa banggang sangat pemimpim perkasa. Kenapa biarkan Ibrahim Ali jadikan pekakas untuk capai cita2 peribadi.........
there's still some empty seats at the front of the pic..i wouldn't say it's 10,000 people...more likely about 5,000-6,000 only...
ReplyDeleteDapat Duit subsidi,,,mestilah pergi and the most important hendak menakut-nakutkan BANGSA lain di Malaysia.!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAhli UMNO and PERKASA all DUPLICATION,,!!!!!!
Tubuhlah PERKASA 1 sampai PERKASA 1000,,,the same old story,,,MELAYU masih tak ada DUIT,,,,!!!!!!
APA sudah jadi dengan ASN,,ASB and whatever you clled the scheme,,!!!!
Lihat saja NEW TOWNSHIP dibuka SEMUA kedai CINA,,mana kedai MELAYU,,???? Yang ada warong jual NASI LEMAK,,itupon dalam satu minggu bungkus,!!!!!!
WHY cant the UMNO in every cawangan BELI 1 KEDAI untuk buat BUSINESS or sewakan,,,BARU lah nampak HARTA Melayu,,,,,MASAKAN Melayu ada DUIT,,silap-silap yuran TAHUNAN Kerajaan SUBSIDI,????
APA dendan CIUM keris PERKASA ke MELAYU,,?????
ReplyDeleteDah tiba masanya orang Melayu bangkit bersatu, berbincang tentang masa depan kita, susun pelan tindakan, pantau kemajuan pelan tindakan dan pastikan semua matlamat perjuangan yang diancarkan menemui kejayaan. Benchmark kejayaan itu juga perlu ditetapkan selaras dengan erti kata sebenar dan seiring dengan standard dunia. Kalau kita mampu laksanakan ini semua, barulah Melayu boleh menjadi bangsa berjaya.
Satu lagi, kalau dah berjaya, jangan lupa, agama, bangsa, negara dan keluarga. InsyaAllah kita boleh lakukan.
10,000.....heheeeheee..... seems nothing happen outside.....no jamp....no people at PWTC walkway.....where's this 10k people come from...
ReplyDeletewho care there are 10,000 or 100,000...
ReplyDeleteamno malay like yipbrahim, mamak kutty, bog dog still saying malay are cacat & desperately need all the cruches & be spoon-fed?
PERKASA dilahirkan setelah semangat orang Umno kelihatan lemah. Kehadiran Perkasa tepat pada masa seakan istiadat jemput semangat. Kehilangan majoriti 2/3 di parlimen sukar untuk diterima setelah begitu lama Umno/BN dibuai kemenangan demi kemenangan dari dulu hingga PRU 12.
ReplyDeleteApakah tugas dan peranan Perkasa selepas mesyuarat agongnya. Bolehkah Perkasa berjuang tanpa menyentuh hati dan perasaan kaum lain hingga Umno/BN kehilangan undi kaum lain diluar BN.
Perkasa perlu dinamik,progresif,
berani dan konsisten dengan hala tuju yg diperjuangkan. Jangan hangat2 taik ayam. Ramai jumlah orang melayu meletakan harapan pada Perkasa dan janganlah hendaknya harapan berkecai ditengan jalan. Kepada PERKASA saya ucapkan selamat berjuang.
A good turnout is a good start. There are significant numbers out there who didn't make it to the venue. The initial figures of thousands is impressive enough to gather more strength for future gathering. Non malays should not feel threaten by Perkasa. Our target is the well being of the malays not the downfall of others.
ReplyDeletePerkasa backs the government of the day so long as the needs of the malays are well protected. I believe,the right of the non malays will not be deprived as what they are enjoying today. A little sense of respect, tolerance and practical understanding of each others need
can make this country a better place for all.
Bini aku yang selama ini tak sibok pun pasal politik tetiba jer kata dia pun nak join PERKASA! Ditanya kenapa dia kata PERKASA is important to protect Malay's rights...Dlm hati aku kata apa selama ni UMNO,PAS PKR tak protect Malay Rights ke?
ReplyDeletepada pendapat saya, persidangan ni tak ubah sekadar nak buang masa. apa ada pada pembelaan melayu kalau bangsa melayu makin terpinggir. tgk saja duit zakat, berjuta dapat tiap2 tahun, siap boleh melabur lagi. tapi asnaf yg dapat macam bagi org mintak sedekah, jgn crita la yg kene halau pulak. beribu lagi org miskin kat malaysia nie. tapi ade ke yg membela?
ReplyDeletepada yg taksub, mmg dorang akan sokong membabi buta, tapi pada yg berakal, mereka boleh lihat sape barua pemimpin melayu yg bermuka2 dan sape yg benar2 pejuang islam sejati. kita hidup dalam negara yg majoritinya melayu, tpi pelik parti yg dah lebih 50 tahun memerintah, masih tergugat dgn bangsa melayu.perlu dilihat sape yg mencorakkan ape yg dah jadi sekarang. adakah parti pembangkang?
melayu perkasa opinion...
Hail Hitl... Madey!!!
ReplyDeleteAccording to Parpu there is 10,000?
ReplyDeleteYou believe Parpu?
And why in the gambar ada banyak kerusi kosong?
kah kah kah...
The more accurate turn out is 4000 according to more reliable sources.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful photo of our new Sultan Mahathir, right here.
aiya Rocky, 10 ribu ke atau 4 ribu ??
ReplyDeletelagi itu parpukari boleh caya ke ??
cakap betul2 Rocky, jangan hang nak kelentong dengan pembaca !!
wondr if rocky is the guest of honour sited in the front.. must rub shoulders with I.Ali and Mahathir lah
ReplyDeleteshock guy
Shiok Guy
ReplyDeleteWhether its 10,000 or 2,000, at least Perkasa is doing something to shake you all up enough for you to write in and comment about it. That's only 10,000 people who wants to be seen. What about the rest of us behind the scenes waiting at the sidelines, watching and waiting, quietly biding our time.
Have you thought of that?
Let's not play around with figures. The real truth will shock you.
Because of Perkasa, Malaysia will not make it as a high income country.
ReplyDelete"Perkasa chief Datuk Ibrahim Ali today claimed Bumiputeras should rightly own 67 per cent of the nation’s economic wealth, as it was the majority group in Malaysia".
ReplyDeleteThen work harder la! asshole!
negarawan mahathir mohamad...
ReplyDeleteHuh?!? Shiok Guy, what is your impediment? Your brain stuck ka? In mathematics, we can choose to round up or round down, though habitually most of the time we round down, however under special circumstance, we have the right to round “it” up. Don’t believe me, ask any accountant and statistician.
ReplyDeleteBtw, don’t show all the numbering in your comment in future, it is damn confused and complicated.
I have to agree witht he first commenter...
ReplyDeletefrom just that one pic, I counted out the rows and chairs..
Its like 22 chairs in each row,
and there are about 20 rows (from the pic) in each column.. (only to be seen in the pic, dunno if there is further extension).
Then I could see 5 columns of these rows..
so it is like (22*20)*5=2,200
One more dude tweeting live from twitter, claimed der r about 3-4K..
Just wanna know, what is the actual capacity of the hall?
Can it actually accomodate 10k?
ka ka kah... wow! banyak kerusi kosong dalam gambar... ka ka kah
ReplyDeletewoit, 10000 betoi ke...? ka ka kah
ka ka kah... sultan tak mari, memang X jadi... ka ka kah
wei, ada bagi orang tapau makanan yg dikater ke?
kalau tak banyak makan yg bazir, sayang ooi...
boleh kasi satu kampung setinggan makan kenyang..
atau bagi satu bik mama alas perut.. ka ka kah...
Bro, dun follow ParpuKari...
ReplyDeleteParps is a liar...
he will dent ur credibility!
As the saying goes "teach someone to fish then they can sustain. Giving out freebies and handouts just creates a subsistence mentality".
ReplyDeleteAll I hear from Ibrahim Ali are complaints and conspiracy theories about the Chinese.
What we want to hear are serious and long term solutions. The NEP did not succeed because it only enriched a few Malays - and created a large pool of Ali Babas.
Malays who have migrated overseas have shown that they can compete globally if given a global education.
Ibrahim Ali seems to be someone who is more concerned about his own welfare than Malays in general.
As for Tun - it was under him that most of the Chinese Towkays prospered and only key UMNOputras kept the large pieces of the pie.
Bro Rocky,
ReplyDeleteactually its only 2000 as reported in the press.
Steven Seagal
rocky -- according to some people, at most, 4,000 people.
ReplyDeletetak sampai 10,000.
Perkasa is the vehicle for Ibrahim Ali to rejuvenate his political career and to champion his personal interest.When he left Umno together with KU LI to form SEMANGAT 46, HE CRITICISE Tun M and the BN govt.After disagreement with KU LI,he "LOMPAT MACAM KATAK" back to Umno.Subsequently, he has problem with Umno Kelantan and was ousted as Ketua Bahagian Pasir Mas.Immediately,he LOMPAT from Umno and Tok Guru was stupid to give him permission to fight the Pasir Mas Parliament seat under the PAS ticket.Now,he has problem with PAS and his intention is ti rejoin Umno through his activities in Perkasa.ON record this man has NEVER contribute anything towards nation buliding and like all KATAK YANG MERUPAKAN LOMPAT EXPERT,Ibrahim Ali main aim is to rejuvenate his political and personal ambition.
ReplyDeleteWhile we quibble about the numbers, what is pertinent here is that the Malays WILL RESPOND in reaction to hindraf, suqiu and dong zong (whateva).
ReplyDeleteTolerance and good manners have its limits.
Tun Dr M cares and is still contributing and that is a great feeling ...
10000 ultra racist Melayu?
ReplyDeleteLook at the most successful race is the surface of this world and non of them speak like this racist Melayu. Ibrahim Ali does not have any idea where went wrong with the race and he is pulling in the No 1 racist who wasted 22 years of this country, if being a PM for 22 years and you can't change the thinking of your people this speak little of his ability.
apa hal dengan Ibrahim Ali ni ?? kegagalan orang-orang Melayu di segi ekonomi salah pulak orang2 cina !!
ReplyDeletesatu hari nanti orang2 cina dah tak ada dlm Malaysia, ibrahim ali akan salahkan siapa pulak sekiranya kaum Melayu masih miskin ??
Tak Mau Ibrahim Ali
I was there, bro. And what a gathering!
ReplyDeleteKak Nuraina is correct -- tak sampai 4,000 la bro.
Anwar Ibrahim can fill out a whole stadium -- excess of 10,000, easily. Doesn't even need a special occasion like this.
Just saw The Economist and other international papers, they say Anwar is the most famous Malaysian personality out there nowadays...
We cannot let Anwar stay at the top!!!
I think our supreme leader Mahathir must do something to be at the top again.
I agree that Home Minister should not let Barry Wain's book enter the country. We cannot let it destroy Mahathir's reputation anymore. We must wait until the general elections first. If not, people will know about what he and UMNO did and then we will lose our fight.
Let's keep fighting on bro Rocky, down with Pakatan!
While we see PERKASA rising under Dr. Mahathir, it is very important for us to reflect on the words of our founding father, Tunku Abdul Rahman, in his last years, about Dr. Mahathir.
ReplyDeleteSee here for this rare video interview with Tunku Abdul Rahman.
See here for the second part of the interview with Tunku Abdul Rahman about Dr. Mahathir and his UMNO Baru.
Hitler too, when he started his Nazi Party, had such a huge following. In fact right up to his death and the defeat of Germany he could easily muster millions. I am sure Perkasa would love to emulate Hitler in his achievements as well.
ReplyDeleteAnd by the Bru, you buy the 10,000 figure? When that hall was meant to accommodate only about 3,500, if 10,000 had gone in, do you know that the Insurance company would not have paid a cent if the building had collapsed or if at the time there was a fire and people had died from it?
And we accused MSM for exaggerating the figures pula. I guess after the recent PRess Club Joseph Goebbels Awards now the bloggers too are permitted to exaggerate figures? For 10,000 to be there the majority would have had to mull outside teh hall. Did not read of any such thing happening.
Old Fart,
ReplyDeleteNow everyone tells me I should rely on MSM's numbers! LOL.
As for Hitler, aduh .. You have just made Ibrahim Ali sooo happy.
A-get-together exclusively for warga-warga tua & orang-orang nyanyuk..if Ibrahim Ali really sincere in looking after Malay interest he should have first join his Kelantanese fella in winning over oil royalty battle againts the federal govt. Otherwise just another cause for his political survival.
I must assert this point here...
ReplyDeleteWhile everyone still gauging if PERKASA is popular or not?
It does not matter...
YES!! It is extremist..
But I want it to be there and thriving as long as the Other Extremist spectrum does not die down.. Namely DAP and HINDRAF!!
I may not be rooting for PERKASA openly, and even condemn them to others, but behind the scenes, I want them to carry on.. YES..
and there are many like me..
PERKASA is blunt, harsh and outright racist... Well just like HINDRAF and DAP..
So it has spung out as a direct response to these TWO hooligan organisations that have been spreading scum in this society since the past few years..
If u throw scum.. u get some as well..
I will laugh off my ASS!!
The more the turn out the merrier
ReplyDeletefor the crutch supplier.
Serupa sejak dulu hingga kini-
the motto of the manufacturer.
The longer they remain that way the better.
That's the way aha aha I like it....I did it my way- the reverse way.
The more the turn out the merrier
ReplyDeletefor the crutch supplier.
Serupa sejak dulu hingga kini-
the motto of the manufacturer.
The longer they remain that way the better.
That's the way aha aha I like it....I did it my way- the reverse way.
67% wealth? Where is your clue Ibrahim Ali?
ReplyDeleteYou have to be as rich as the Chinese, not for the Chinese to be as poor as you. So work hard my friend, only wealth from your sweat is worth it pound of happiness.
So my slogan suggestion to Ibrahim for Perkasa to achieve 67% wealth is: Work like the Japanese!
What is Ibrahim Ali contribution to the nation this far? Nothing, nothing.
Nampaknya musuh melayu adalah org melayu sendiri
Tulang Besi,
ReplyDeleteHang bodo ka apa, apa yang PERKASA perjuangkan ada dalam perlembagaan, apa salahnya tegakkan hak yang memang dah tertulis, apa yang EXTREMIST?
Jeng x3;
Baik hang pi tulih blog bola lagi baguih dari dok merapu.
Ano Nymous
Wait. There was a Perkasa assembly? Man, why didn't they invite me?
ReplyDeleteLol'ed at some of the commentators here, they tried very hard to prove that the attendees were actually less than 10K, you know, counting the seats, row and everything, some of them even managed to visualized that the few front rows were vacant!
ReplyDeleteIt is 320px × 240px image dimension! Astonishing!
you know what does this means? THEY are afraid of them(PERKASA).
My twenty five cents worth..
Manyiak Shiok's opinion
Is Ibrahim Ali serious about 67% wealth for Melayu race? I don't think so, he is only kidding & fooling on his own race.
ReplyDeleteHere are some of helping points that you need to know and do so that your race can achieve 67% wealth.
1. Give up your dream of having 4 wives, having more wives only making you spend more and lost your wealth.
2. Know what is opportunity cost. 10,000 Melayu attending Perkasa assembly on a Saturday is wasting a lot of time, this 10,000 Melayu could work on a Saturday and if every one earn to a tune of RM100 than the community would have lost RM1 million. Remember the non-Melayu wealth grow by that amount when 10,000 Melayu attending the assembly.
3. Invest in a good education for your kids. Good education will enable you to stand tall in all 4 corners of the earth, not just tall in your Kampung like Ibrahim Ali. If Malaysia is rich, the world is a thousand time richer so the opportunity is the greatest when you know how to earn foreign dollars.
4. Don't spend too much time on religious maters because it generally doesn't help you to earn more. Actually Allah do not help those who doesn't help themselves
5. Work extra hours, avoid holidays as holidays can be the best time to earn even more money.
6. Don't sell off the shares that government offer you, keep them as normally shares will appreciate in value over time. Selling it off will eventually ended up in the hand of non-Melayu and that was a reason why NEP failed.
7. Invest in property as it is the best way to hold wealth, over time property will increase in value. So it came back to hunt you if you have a habit of spending and not saving as the more you spend the less you can invest.
8. You do not expect the non-Melayu to sit under a coconut tree to wait for your wealth to reach their level so during this period non-Melayu will also increase their wealth and the only way for you is to work extra hard, don't give up and don't stop working until the day you accumulate enough wealth like non-Melayu. So no more wasting a Saturday attending an assembly ever again.
9. Don't depend on Government because the population of Melayu is getting bigger and bigger, they are only there to help a few Melayu to get rich. They can't make every Melayu equally rich so don't ask what the Government can give you, ask what you can give to your country.
10. Don't give fish to your children, teach them how to fish. You have lost 53 years under UMNO so you have a lot to catch up, really you must not waste anymore time.
So the day you know your race has achieved 67% wealth is the day when your race is contributing 67% tax to the country.
Anon @ 7:38 PM says, "Then work harder la! asshole!"
ReplyDeleteHey gundu, no need - just don't buy from chinese and indian owned business
Perkasa will help Malays/Bumi set up business to offer alternatives to chinese shopkeepers/retailers
BMO campaign will start sooner than later
BUY MALAY/MUSLIM ONLY - halal certification can only be ISSUED to Malay/Muslims only
"So my slogan suggestion to Ibrahim for Perkasa to achieve 67% wealth is: Work like the Japanese!"
ReplyDeleteAnon@12:38 AM
...and sleep in "coffins" and suffer low fertility rates, high elderly ratios ...
Why not work like the chinese -
rob kids pocket money in tikam tikam
steal intellectual property and claim it as their "sweat"
make money from pirated DVD CDS at backlanes
grab quick bucks from ah long money lending business
employ thugs to harass poor people with super high interest rates
yeah work hard like the chinese
produce pirated
"Just saw The Economist and other international papers, they say Anwar is the most famous Malaysian personality out there nowadays..."
ReplyDeleteYeah they should know, anwar's supporters are employees with vested interests, dearie
Being famous does not necessarily mean he is effective, he has lost A LOT of credibility
...and more dirt will be blasting soon
Kepada mereka yang anti-DAP atau yg senang-lenang sebut DAP tu 'pelampau/ekstremis', sedarlah betapa bodohnya kenyataan kamu itu.
ReplyDeleteTidakkah kamu tahu DAP disokong Melayu dan ada ahli-ahli Melayu Muslim, termasuk pemimpin Melayu Muslim?
Tidakkah kamu tahu PAS dan DAP sangat akrab perhubungan mereka sebab PAS tahu DAP tu sebenarnya bukan anti-Melayu dan bukan anti-Islam?
Bangkitlah daripada tidur kamu.
Rakyat dah sedar, kenapa kamu masih lagi termakan propaganda UMNO Baru ciptaan Mahathir itu?
Hairan sungguh bagaimana begitu banyak melayu yang ingin memberi kepercayaan kepada orang seperti Ibrahim Ali - walhal track record nya sudah tentu jelas kepada semua. Nak kata banyak melayu bangang dan tak boleh berfikir - takkan lah sebanyak itu. Agaknya banyak melayu ni memang bangsa syiok sendiri - tak kesah lah agenda sebenar asalkan dapat tunjjuk yang dia ni gah, hero, berani, ada telor, boleh main keris dll. Padan lah melayu dah 50 tahun tak boleh berubah.
ReplyDeleteDear Bru,
ReplyDeleteYou were missing in action cos i didn't see you. I was there with my very old comrades Tan Sri Abdullah Ahmad and also Datuk Idris Tulis at the Perkasa launch by mantan Tun Mahathir. Surprising there were many notable UMNO present and past leaders, includiing some UMNO warlords, wanita and puteri were there to support the launch. They came from all over the country, though Ibrahim Ali must have gathered bus loads of his Kelantanese supporters.
Tun Mahathir's presence together with Tun Siti Hasmah and Mukhriz caught the eyes of at least 10,000 audience added up to the aura and excitement of the launch, in order to remind us that "bangsa Melayu" is still a force to be rekoned with as the nation move forward to be a developed country by 2020.
As one of the invited audience among the front liners, I am now more convinced of the powerful Perkasa movement nationwide under the dynamic leadership of Ibrahim to spearhead our national agenda, as an alternative force to UMNO. Perkasa has the legitimate right to be a Malay based NGO, though it certainly is not to be construed as another political power in the making.
Perkasa's agenda is to neutralize all forms of extremism, but at the same time provides a check and balance to the government in power. If for the last 50 years,other political parties could pursue and protect their community interest, there is no reason why Perkasa's movement is under suspicious, especially by the other non Malay communities.
I certainly share with Tun Mahathir's advice that Perkasa's noble vision to protect and uplift the Malays, should not be too extremist in their agenda that may damage our national resiliance to live as one nation in harmony.
Having said that, I opined that the opening remarks by Ibrahim Ali, the elected Perkasa President was not only relevant to the struggles of the Malays and bumiputra, but at the same time served as a direct warning to the other opposition parties, notably DAP and PAS to be pragmatic in their political approach and agenda.
However, Ibrahim being an ex UMNO stalwart and now a prominent independent MP did not mince his words, when he blasted at DAP's "Malaysian Malayia" slogan that had failed to capture the heart and minds of the people. Being a true nationalist and supporter of the BN government, I would have hope that my old friend Ibrahim could have elaborated on the 1Malaysia initiative, which is now being politically exploited by anwar to camouflage his desire to overthrow Najib's leadership and an impressive administration.
Like many others who had supported and contributed to the development of this wonderful nation, I believe that if anwar in his past attempts couldn't overthrow Mahathir and Pak Lah's leadership and government, how could he ever dream to derail the powerful leadership of Najib Tun Razak, who is another Malaysian leadership icon after Tun Mahathir!
Anwar and PKR is in a political limbo now and even God is on BN's favour when he took away the precious life of the late PKR MP Zainal of Ulu Selangor last Friday.The late Zainal that I had known was a light hearted grassroot UMNO politician, who had inspired to be the BN Menteri Besar instead of Khir Toyo.We knew that Zainal had left UMNO not because of he didn't love the party, but he was pissed off by some of the UMNO warlords in Selangor.
Zainal's departure is now history and we now look forward to recapture Ulu Selangor, with the best BN candidate but not necessary Palanivel from MIC. My advice to Samy Velu is that he shouldn't have pre-empted BN's choice within the hour's of Zainal's death.Don't haggle over the candidate issue and let Najib as the BN's leader be given the final mandate and choice.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeletewho care there are 10,000 or 100,000...
amno malay like yipbrahim, mamak kutty, bog dog still saying malay are cacat & desperately need all the cruches & be spoon-fed?
As a Malay, I say, YES! Malays are weak and need even MORE money.
Now more than ever.
Isn't it FUNNY?
ReplyDeleteKita ingin memperkasakan BANGSA kita, supaya lebih mantap, berkembang dan maju, demi mempertahankan WARISAN masa depan anak cucu cicit kita....
Tapi, ada juga orang rasa tak senang dan tak suka?? When what they should do is to give us all their SUPPORT.
Orang2 jenis apa macam ni?
Jawapan... ORANG GILA..
You still have the title of 10,000 at the Perkosong assembly, when it was just over 2,000!! You shoud not allow the "over enthusistic" but naive Parpukari to mislead you and others.
ReplyDeleteAs for Dr.M's speech about countering allegations that the Malays had stolen the country's wealth, my response is, Huh? When did anyone make these allegations other than against the Umoputeras who cornered the NEP (which Dr.M oversaw for 22 years) to the detriment of their brethren Malays?
This is the kind of thing this senile and racist old man has a short memory of. It seems to me Dr.M's real agenda is to drum up support for his son and lay the founadtion for a family dy-nasty!! Dr.M's has miserably failed to appreciate why the Sultan of Selangor would not associate himself with Perkosong. You can't have an inclusive M'sia "..more honoured in the breach than in the observance!! (Shakespeare)"
As for IA who seems keen to create a Klu Kux Klan/Pauline Hanson's 1 Nation/ Hitlers' Blue Eyed & Blonde Nazi Jackbooted Stormtroopers, I can only say history is not with him and that he will fail miserably!!
We are all of 1 race, the Human race
6 Victims of Human trafficking flee Immigration Deport at KLIA,,,angkara siapa,,,????
ReplyDeleteApalagi,, ini semua rasuahlah,,,entah berapak banyak lagi Pegawai Imigresen yang ambil rasuah,,,???
Bangsat betul,,,memalukan,,,MESTI pegawai MELAYU punya kerja,,!!!
Salam, Apa malaun tu boleh buat selain dari hasut dan hunus keris? Dok di Kelantan pun tak boleh buat apa. Kuda kepang ni patut dimasukkan kedalam penjara Taiping - ISA. Tak habis-habis hasut orang. Baguslah kalau BN restu, kerana pemuda UMNO dah hilang taring!
ReplyDeleteWhat a circus! Wahahahahaha.. if this is what the Malays have chosen to represent them, the race is more than doomed! finish! habis! tamat! THE END! without the "and they live happily ever after..."
ReplyDeleteSometimes, I pity these people.. they are so not in touch with what is happening around them and the world. They are so cocoon! They reminded me of the people in China during the pre-communist era.. So guillable and in denial.. and when the communist came into power and smack them to reality, these people had to wake up to reality the hard way. How so many spirit was broken, so many souls stolen. That is what is gonna to happen to the Malays.
The Malays can shout slogan and claim supermacy here or even in public but that is not going to change the fact that they cannot survive a day without their clutches.. They cannot even gasp the simple logic that one has to work hard, sweat and blood to make it.. It is very sad. Simply pathetically sad.
As for the other races, the chinese are versatile.. they have survived thousands of years of hardships and unfairness and they grew from strength to strength. The other races can go else where and yet make it big. As for the malays, where can they go? Without the Chinese, what economy are we talking about? It is sad but true!
So, I would like to say.. DREAM ON BOYS.. man are made of dreams and I sincerely hope that dream is not going to turn into a nightmare!
“Perdana Malaysia ke IV itu juga yakin kepimpinan Perdana Menteri VI Dato’ Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak akan membawa perubahan, terutama kepada orang Melayu. Namun begitu, beliau juga mensarankan agar PM Dato’ Seri Najib memberikan lebih ruang dan peluang untuk mendengar aspirasi orang Melayu dan akar umbi UMNO”
ReplyDeleteJika benar Najib akan membawa perubahan, mengapa Kerajaan Pusat memberi peruntukan sebanyak RM65 juta kepada agensi koridor di Johor, IRDA, bagi tahun 2010?
Semua projek koridor Pak Lah masih diteruskan dan masih menerima peruntukan yang agak besar dari pihak kerajaan. Apakah Najib sudah membuat “perjanjian syaitan” dengan Pak Lah dan KJ yang beliau tidak akan mengacau projek yang tidak menguntungkan itu?
Setelah 3-4 tahun IRDA beroperasi, masih tidak nampak fungsi utama agensi itu untuk membantu pelabur2 di JB terutamanya peniaga2 kecil bumiputra.
Saya harap Najib akan segera memansuhkan agensi2 koridor yang tidak berfungsi itu secepat yang mungkin, terutamanya IRDA.
Dear YM Datuk Rocky,
ReplyDeleteWell actually I don't see any harm with Perkasa, and whether 10,000 or 4,000 turned up, to me its okay either way. There are those who are pro Perkasa and there are those who are anti Perkasa. Whatever the case the ideals seem good, the implementation of said ideals is rather suspect.
However, I need to understand is Perkasa being hijacked by Parpukari for his own agenda? Is Perkasa being hijacked by T.Dr. Mahathir for his own agenda? These are questions that should be answered.
I would rather Perkasa be hijacked by T.Dr. Mahathir than by Parpu, given a choice.
....they cannot survive a day without their clutches..
ReplyDeleteHello Bunnies,
Kerajaan sediakan clutches BECAUSE it wants to help its own people to survive in ITS VERY OWN land.
Surely it will be heartbreaking to see its VERY OWN citizen having to hide in cargo boxes or sneaking off in Tongkangs, snatched or hoodwinked by other FOREIGN powers to be made slaves and coolies, to other FOREIGN lands just for a bowl of rice?
Generations after generations will be haunted having nighmares, cabut or dihalau from own country and "your" government just don't bother to even offer you a tongkat!
hehehe... Itu ler nasib kau orang membebel for generations to come, harapkan hulur tongkat, dinyahkan guna tongkang!
Not wanted there, not wanted here, so membara hele' nak pekena orang lain!
ReplyDeleteJangan cakap macam bodoh. Ko baling duit pun bukannya kita rakyat biasa yg sambut, buaya UMNO macam puak-puak Mahadey, Ibrahim Ali dgn Muhammad Muhammad Taib yg telan dulu.
Yg Rocky ni satu lagi. Pelancaran Perkasa tu tak sampai pun 4000 hadir.... kalu nak tengok betul betul, lebih skit dari 2000. Dewan tu pun bukannya boleh muat berapa sangat.
Tapi kat tajuk blog kau tak tukar-tukar lagi number "10,000".
Rocky, kiter tau ler kau ni penyokong abadi Mahathir. Itu hak awaklah nak sokong dia ke tidak. Tapi takyah lah awak sokong sampai tegamak nak menipu sekali. Mana kredibiliti awak? Kan Nuraina kawan baik awak pun dah tegur, bilangan hadirin tak seramai 10,000 pun. 5,000 pun tidak.
Brahim Ali buat pekasam ni mcm konvensyen bisnes MLM jer..memang itu le tujuan sebnarnya dia pun...nak dapatkan political mileage jer..tapi kenapa mamak2 pun sibuk dengan pekasam ni? Tak faham aku.
ReplyDeleteIni politik semata matanya...DAH BOSAN dengan politik malaysia..Wahai Manusia..bila la nak pikir tentang sistem pendidikan, sistem kesihatan awam, sistem pengangkutan awam..perumahan, kerja raya..ada lagi kerja yg mustahak..negara jiran sendang membangun pesat (Indonesia, Singapure, vietnam)..asyik dok perkauman je...sama melayu cina india.. Majula negara Malaysia...
ReplyDeleteonce there was suqiu
ReplyDeletethen dong zong
then hindraf
and then PERKASA
aallriiigghtt yeah
Perkasa all the way!
ReplyDeletePiss off the racist malay-haters ha!ha!
Give the malays everything and give them nothing.
Call it a crutch or what other we don't care.
Just give.
Cause if they don't like it,it MUST BE RIGHT!
Aku tk paham la ngan org melayu dok cerita pasal ikan la, tk reti mancing la ape kejadah lagi,
ReplyDeleteApe teruk sgt ke org melayu ni? Generasi baru melayu skang kebanyakkannya bijak2 dan kuat bekerja, we are the workforce that is moving malaysia to a better future. Buktinya kalau hang tgk petronas 90% bumiputra di mana kebanyakkannye jugak org melayu, bertanding di peringkat antarabangsa, klu org melayu teruk sgt lama dah jadik cam company oil& gas kt indonesia, lingkup
and aku sokong perkasa kalau depa mempertahankan ape yg tertulis dlm constitution, percayalah rakan2, klu generasi melayu masa kini keeps up their pace, its a matter of time until the playing field is ours.
Masalahnye kadang2 kita tk yakin dgn kemampuan kita, but even with that said i still want my constitutional rights as a bumiputra, and i just cant stand it when some chinese bastard says that we are taking it for granted, budak2 cina zaman skang pun malas, buktinye bersepah je aku tgk yg dok lepak kt starbucks atau mana2 tempat lepak kt KL pretending rich
ReplyDeleteIts wayyyyy beyond me that someone like u insist to associate yourself with Parpukari.
He lied! Twitterist of the country were there and pictures were all over to show that the number aint 10k. Its 5000 tops.
Careful datuk, nanti jadi guilty by association, satu sen pun tak guna!
By the way, melayu berani tak perlukan benda2 macam Perkasa ni.
Jika kebebesan hak bersuara di nafi kan...itu kejam dan maha tak adil..!!
ReplyDeleteApa perlu nak bising2..jika hanya SEGELITIR SAHAJA Melayu yang nak berNGO..!! Ingin meluahkan pandangan berbeza dari apa yang dok ada laa ni..!!
Kalau hanya sambutan nya kurang dari 5000 ke 10000 ke ...bererti kumpulan itu tak mendapat sokongan dari kebanyakan orang Melayu..jadi tak usah risau gulana !!
Tapi hak kumpulan ini menjadi sebuah organasasi berdaftar perlu di hormati..!! Seperti juga Kumpulan "Dong Zong"..tak ada sapa pun bising walau dah 50tahun lebih ia wujud.
Dong Zong menjadi satu kumpulan pendesak kaum Cina di M'sia...walaupun beselindung di sebalik pesatuan guru2 cina konon!!
Jangan Nafi kan Hak berPesatuan sesuatu golongan...seperti juga si Hindraf. Dan PERKASA pun berada di landasan yang sama...itu baru lah ADIL..!
""you know what does this means? THEY are afraid of them(PERKASA). ""
ReplyDeleteActually it mean Perkasa people bullshit a lot.
If only 1-2 hundred turn up, they say few thousand.
If only 1-2 thousand turn up for a big meet, they will say Its Over 9000.
People attend Perkasa not because of Ibrahim Ali neither am Perkasa it self. It' due to Dr M . Anyway, Malasy need Peraksa the same as Chinese need Dong Zao and Indian needs Hindraf. Ask ourselves where are we heading from now on. One of the question to ask now is :-
ReplyDelete1. Will Perkasa follow the way Dong Zoa and Hindraft acted.
2. Will Perkasa act on their own unique way
3. Will Perkasa vanished in thin air after hangat hangat tahi ayam or mat jenin.
4.Will Perkasa be able to change the Malay mind set just to compliment DR M acknowledement of failing to change the Malays mindset?
5. Will Ibrahim Ali abandon ship again after all the hura hura.
Dato', Notwithstanding the condescending comments and sarcastic advise of many sons of pendatangs who probably spent too much time in vernicular schools and never mix with real Malays at work who have made it on their own and without crutches too, who have made it good in MALAYsia, the arguments about the numbers of attendees at the Perkasa assembly or whether Parpukari have hijacked Perkasa or what not.
ReplyDeleteI do believe that Perkasa is a good idea and does not mean to harm anybody in this country but seeks only to ensure that Malay and Bumi Rights under the Constitution are upheld, its never about taking away what others already have but seeks to ensure that everybody have a share of the cake, hell everybody else have their clan association, Suqiu, Dong Zong, Hindraf, the DAP,MCA,MIC, Gerakan which takes care of specific minority interest, another NGO like Perkasa is only good for democracy, Malaysia is after all a democracy isn't it where the majority should rule with minority interest being taken care by the majority.
Malaysia for 53 years has shown that it is a democracy which has taken care of its minority very well and the minority as a whole has prospered much beyond the wildest dream of many who came to Malaysia to start a new life.
Parpu must really have a huge malay following for some to even compare him to Dr M. Hidup Parpu!
ReplyDeletethis blog itself proves how misleading the news was, just like what this PERKASA has been fighting about...
ReplyDeletePerkasa ni merupakan platform terakhir untuk Ibrahim Ali menonjolkan 'hidongnya' sebagai 'wira' Melayu....kalau ni pun tak berjaya maka lepas PRU 13 lenyaplah namanya dalam sejarah Malaysia! Sebagai politikus dia tak laku sesenpun....jadi dia bergantung kepada Perkasa untuk buat 'bising dan sibuk' tak tentu hala macam orang tak siuman....kesian juga tengok dia pakai macam pahlawan dan usong keris tu! Hairan juga mengapa Tun Mahathir hadzir....beliau jadi PM selama 22 tahun apa dia buat untuk orang Melayu yang MAJORITI bukan ahli UMNO? Kita ada masa tu UDA, MARA, PERNAS dll tapi tengok di bandar lepas 52 tahun macam tu juga.
ReplyDeleteInsaflah Rocky... said...
Jangan cakap macam bodoh. Ko baling duit pun bukannya kita rakyat biasa yg sambut, buaya UMNO macam puak-puak Mahadey, Ibrahim Ali dgn Muhammad Muhammad Taib yg telan dulu.
Gua tak kisah, beb. Janji gua dapat dua juta, sapa-sapa nak cakap gua lemah ke, bacul ke, janji gua dapat dua juta. Free-free je dapat.
Gua tak tamak beb. Kalau puak-puak Mahadey, Ibrahim ALi dengan Muhammad Muhammad Taib nak makan sekali, gua tarak hal. Gua bukan nak semua duit dalam dunia. Gua nak dua juta je. Yang lain, pergi mampus.
ReplyDeleteYou mai visit kawasan I dan buat survey for one week..
You will be shocked to discover, ramai dari kalangan Apek2 kat sini sekadar rajin KELENTONG ajer.
kedai pajak gadai yang berada di malaysia ini kebanyakan nya dikuasai oleh kaum keturunan pendatang.
ReplyDeleteorang melayu biasa nya apabila ketiadaan duit akan memajak barang kemas mereka di kedai2 ini.
tetapi tahu kah anda disebalik pemajakan ini taukeh kedai ini akan mengikis sedikit emas dari setiap barang kemas yang di pajak?
maksud nya disini sebagai contoh jika orang melayu memajak barang emas yang berat asal nya 100gram dan apabila di tebus kembali berat nya berkurangan menjadi 95 gram.
jelas disini unsur penipuan berlaku dan ianya boleh dikategori kan mencuri!
tetapi orang melayu ini sifat nya tidak mahu perkara ini di heboh kan, diperbesarkan kerana ianya mendatang kan aib dan akibatnya kaum pendatang ini melaku kan nya tanpa batasan!
jika dia boleh mengikis 5 gram emas barang kemas dari seorang melayu bayangkan lah jika dia melakukan perkara yang sama ke atas orang melayu yang lain?
adalah diharapkan PERKASA ini dapat membela nasib orang melayu yang sentiasa di tindas di bumi mereka sendiri.
Bunnie Shit,
ReplyDeleteIf Chinese are so versatile, then why are there so many Chinatowns in the world? Without your own race to help you, you die ...so don't be a hypocrite lah ....
We, the Malays, we don't have any Malaytown in the world....We survive on our own, with our two feet anywhere in the world unlike you guys.....Must always stay together, polarise together, that is why you bunnie shit has this type of shitty mentality. Versatile, my foot...
Doesn't matter, leh. When the foreign investors come asking the hard questions, expect Perkasa and the Organization of Former Umno Elected Representatives and their agendas to be quietly consigned to the sidelines, no matter how much Dr Mahathir may emote and fulminate.
ReplyDeleteBecause the PM ain't about to let anyone or any group stand in the way of remaking the Malaysian economy, even if it means inking FTAs with the likes of India, the EU and the TPP.
And if Ibrahim Ali and Tan Sri Adam Kadir haven't grasped this by now, then more fools they.
Now, if you want a laugh, read Mukhriz Mahathir's comments in an interview with the Spore Straits Times that was published March 27. Even the headline the ST chose was risible - "Pro-Malay policy not to blame, says Mukhriz".
He even had the gall to talk about "brutal competition". Hey, Mukhriz - competition in a globalised world for investments and talent is brutal. I am surprised that as Deputy International Trade & Industry Minister, you have not grasped this fundamental fact.
If you have any doubts on this score, you can always go consult a certain Rafidah Aziz......
Yawn...Once your veins flow with a whore's blood mingled with that of an opium addict, triad gangsta, pimp, gambling cheat, counterfeiter (all rolled into one) then there is no hope for the future generations except to spend their days casting slurs and racial epithets on their hosts who rescued them from the tongkangs.
ReplyDeleteBut then again if you can LIE about your ancient history (and run away like a pondan), culture etc and fuck ur mother in the process, I think it is alright by their superior moral standards to have a cheapskate go at the indigenous race. But then again, the MCA results says a lot of them doesnt it...hahahaha.
"Once a whore's son always a whoreson" Mencius
To drink whorepiss and spout pigshit is a noble purpose in life after hoarding the manna : Confucious
P/S : Salute to Datuk Nasir for speaking the truth about them whores....wink wink.
Warrior 231
tak kiralah sama ada 10ribu kah atau 100ribu.yang penting hak melayu dipelihara tanpa menidakan hak orang bukan melayu.hak masing2 dipelihara tanpa prejudis untuk kesejahteraan 1malaysia.tdm dan ibrahim ali bukan sama dengan rodovan karadzic dan perkasa bukan rejim israel.
ReplyDeletedalam memperjuangkan hak melayu jangan ada pihak atau puak dalam perkasa bertukar kulit jadi extreme racialist sudahlah.sebab nanti yang menang dapat arang yang kalah dapat abu. nanti semua habuk pun tarak!
tdm dalam 22 thn memimpin tak ada pun mengambil atau menidakan hak bukan melayu, kalau tak percaya cubalah buka mata dan dan tengok sekeliling (janji buka mata dan lihat)akan terbukti hakikat sebenar.
tapi, sekali sekala bila letak tangan didada terasa juga yang melayu ada salahnya yang buat jadi sampai begini.bukan buatan atau angkara orang lain tapi angkara diri dan orang sendiri.wajib muhasabbah diri. kekadang menanti atau menunggu 'tongkat' untuk berjalan pun tak kena juga, ada yang dah bagi tongkat pun tak nak berusaha berjalan malah ramai juga yang menggunakan tongkat yang diberi untuk memukul tangan dan kepaka yang memberi. mana dan siapa yang silap dan harus disalahkan kalau bukan melayu sendiri. pakat2lah berfikir sendiri mana salah silapnya.
kalau silap ada pada orang ia mudah diambil kembali tapi kalau salah sendiri lagi2 tak sedardiri maka sampai kiamat pun kita tak akan kemana.balek2 ketakok lama juga.
anjakan paradigma untuk menghargai tangan yg memberi dan menjaga serta berusaha berterusan untuk menggandakan kesejahteraan sosio ekonomi melayu dengan budaya saing yang sihat dengan usaha sendiri tanpa lagi mengahrapkan tongkat ajaib.
dalam dunia tanpa sempadan hanya melayu tanpa tongkat yang dapat berjaya meredahnya.
kenapa komen saya dah dua kali tak dipamirkan?
ReplyDeleteBunnies must have suffered some brain damage ...
ReplyDeleteRabbits pass out two distinct types of feces: hard droppings and soft black viscous pellets, the latter of which are immediately EATEN. Rabbits reingest their own droppings.
woiii dpp!!!
ReplyDeletePerkasa has to be seen as free from direct association with the ruling government. And that is also why no Malay ruler should be seen as endorsing the movement.
This will have the effect of bad cop good cop syndrome, bahalol!
How low can an expired accountant's IQ be?
100,000 Malays attendant but 99% of the total wealth is concentrated in one family who has a billionaire and that is the family of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
ReplyDeleteI am sure Tun Dr Mahathir will be happy if his son is able to continue to accumulate wealth so that one day his family and that of Tun Daim plus the brother of Najib alone can represent close to 67% of the country wealth. So will it not be the Malays are as rich as the non-Malays one day?
So now who is the betrayal of the 99,998 attendant?
ReplyDeleteI am Indian and WE DONT NEED Hindraf.
We need a clean and fair government. That's all. UMNO-BN is a dirty and unfair government.
So Malays don't need Perkasa. Chinese also don't need Sukiu or Dong Zong.
We need a clean and fair government like what Pakatan Rakyat has promised.
Well, the NEAC has made it official. It has confirmed that Malaysia is losing it's skilled talent to other countries.
ReplyDeleteWonder what Perkasa will say to that? Maybe "good riddance"?
And here's a thought for Dr M to ponder on? Why are the IT companies that set up shop in the MSC still maintaining their regional HQs and development facilities in Singapore?
What a spin.
ReplyDeleteThe maximum capacity of Dewan Tun Razak 2, theatre style, is 4,000 pax. With about a quarter of the seats empty, maximum attendance was at best 3,000.
The question is not whether it was 2,000, 3000, or 10,000 that attended. The question is why Rocky Bru is so keen to take the 10,000 figure and make it the headline.
Skillyannon ++13,
ReplyDeleteTak payah duk soal banyak sangat.. Depa pun lebih kurang macam hang jugak..duk nganga kat mana saja ada gula, nak jauh2 sangat takut terlepaih..
Hang tunggu apa lagi kat Malaysia ni? Suspense jugak kan pendedahan Tg Razaleigh, kononnya Malaysia ada minyak yang begitu banyak yang belum diterokai...
Hang duk tunggu tu ker? Takut melepaih, duk peghembang kut jauh asyik tunggu nak pelahap?
ReplyDeleteWartawan surat kabar macamtu lah... lebih baik buat ulasan majalah mangga...
Tapi kalau satu untuk engkau.. satu untuk aku.. tak pulak salah kira.. wahahaha...
Where is that poor fellow? One day he was the greatest, most powerful man on the earth, and now you will only hear about him the day he dies, and that too will be on the third, fourth page of the newspapers in a small column. What happens to these powerful people? When they lose people's attention, their personality starts disappearing. I have known many political leaders in this country. Perhaps this country has more ex-ministers, chief ministers, governors than any other country. Once they become "ex" they are finished.
ReplyDeleteThen nobody pays any attention to them, nobody asks them to inaugurate bridges, railway lines, hospitals, schools. No paper even bothers where they are, whether they are alive or dead. And there was a time when they were in the newspapers every day, on the radios, on television. It is not only your problem, that you are a beggar for attention; it is a human reality. And the reason is that you depend on your personality -- which is false, which has been created by the society, and which can be taken away by society. Don't depend on it. It is not in your power.
ReplyDeleteYou are a liar.
We now have information on the maximum capacity and size of the hall where the PERKASA function was held, Dewan Tun Razak 2.
The hall can only hold 4,000 people.
Therefore Rocky I demand a response from you about the following:
(i) Why do you still insist on lying to the public that 10,000 people attended the PERKASA assembly when this is not possible? How do you justify your claim?
(ii) Why do you think you should continue with your position as the editor of The Malay Mail since you are a blatant liar who is not fit to be an editor?
I challenge you to respond if you are a man.
For skewedmoron
ReplyDeleteSINGAPORE : Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew has said Singapore is facing a 'pretty serious' brain drain problem.
In an interview with the United Press International (UPI), Mr Lee said Singapore is losing about 4 to 5 percent of the top 30 percent of its population every year.
More people are going abroad for their degree courses.
The problem is, increasingly, more Singaporeans are staying on in countries like the United States.
Mr Lee said every year, some 1,000 people at the top end are giving up their citizenship. And he believes the numbers are growing.
But Singapore is making up for the brain drain by getting bright Chinese and Indians into Singapore. They are attracted by better prospects here.
But the trouble is, many of the Chinese then use Singapore as a stepping stone to go to America where "the grass is greener".
Still, Mr Lee said, Singapore will make a net gain of talents - even if it only manages to keep 30 to 40 percent of them.
In a wide-ranging interview with the Washington-based news agency, Mr Lee was also asked about US politics, including his assessment of the US presidential candidates.
The interview also touched on geo-political issues such as US engagement in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
P.S. their only precious resource is moving away from "fabulous" singapore
perwira 6:24 PM
ReplyDeleteYour point being what, precisely?
U wanna ask Nazir Razak for his take on Malaysia's lack of competitiveness?
It's amazing how much certain people feel they are "entitled" to - even to the extent of wanting to control 60 per cent+ of the country's wealth because they are the majority race.
Well, the PM certainly put paid to that particular argument!
Datuk Rocky Rocker,
ReplyDeletePlease change the heading.
10,000 pax? C'mon dude!
Your very " best friend " Ms. samad already pointed out the figures.
Si Luncai dan Labu
Hey Skewedmoron
ReplyDeleteIt is 68% not mere 60%. You see the chinese just add value thru hardwork only
But the Malays/Bumis will CREATE value thru REAL TALENT
heh heh ...
10,000 mentally, physically, and spiritually retarded victims, just like the owner of this UMNO-paid off blogsite, turning up for more hand outs. The rest of the world will move on while these retarded rabies infected morons will continue to keep their hands outstretched for handouts till the day the country has nothing left to give. Then total darkness and mayhem will descend on this country. When will we ever learn and accept the truth? Never. Never as long as there are retards like Rocky Bru who continues to wake up every morning & looks at himself in the mirror and is happy with what he sees even though he has sold his soul away. How do the Malays hold their heads up high anymore when even their cousins in Indonesia think shit of them today. This is how far behind the Malays have fallen behind from the rest of the real world out there.
ReplyDeleteItalian Stallion
Perkasa untuk Pribumi Islam sahaja, maknanya Melayu. Hari tu nak hadir majlis Perkasa di Johor Bahru tetapi dimaklumkan oleh emcee..."Majlis ini hanya untuk Bumiputera Islam sahaja". Jadi saya sebagai Bumiputera yang bukan Islam terpaksalah balik dengan hampa.
ReplyDeleteFirst impression was bad. Jelas sangat. No turning back for me. jangan dolak dalih sebab memang dah nyata. Takder perubahan langsung. Katak betul.
this is how they belajar maths :
ReplyDelete5-2=3 five push dua is tiga lah !
BUKAN perkasa BUT perkosa or perdosa lah !
ReplyDeleteUMNO is impotent already.. bila PRU13?