Kong Hee Fatt Choy. Selamat Tahun Baru Cina saya ucapkan kepada semua pembaca yang budiman dan juga sahabat handai serta sedara-mara Cina saya, moga Tahun Harimau membawa ngauman yang lebih besar dan bersepadu kepada semua, sihat walfiat jua hendaknya.
You sure got the nerve to post this "wish" after what you've posted about the so-called 'racist' job advert..
ReplyDeletetell me in all sincerity that your postings lately have no 'hidden' agenda or subliminal messages intended to divide Malaysians (especially fanning non-Malay sentiments among the peaceful Malays), and i will retract my opinion of you. Not that it matters much to you, eh "Datuk"?
and tell me as a Muslim, do you ever feel guilty for the 'damages' you've done through your blogging lately? I'm sure you'd find some way to dodge the issue with some 'clever' and 'sarcastic' answers to justify yourself....
Najib's 1Malaysia has no place for the likes of you, Rocky..
SHAME on you Rocky--
While we are wishing prosperities with each other, do not forget to sue the bejesus out of Ng Sue Lim. Here's a blatant law-disregarding, drunk diving politician who is supposed to safeguard the wellbeing of his rakyat but end up crashing into one and putting him into coma instead.
ReplyDeleteLet's advise his family and teach this CIFUT once and for all, and reap in millions along the way.
Marking Bagpie
Ah, Anon, still mad about the job advert posting?
ReplyDeleteBut why? My posting was a simple statement of the fact that here was a job vacancy with Earnst & Young in Malaysia where proficiency in Bahasa Malaysia, the national language, was not required at all.
Surely that's an eye-opener for a "peaceful" Malay like you.
There was nothing racist about it. It's a language issue, mate. And as a Muslim, surely you'd understand that this is not a religious issue either.
Now, I visit Chinese friends and in-laws for Gong Xi Fa Cai. 1Malaysia is not a new concept for me, Anon.
Go chew on a Mandarin orange bro. It has a cooling effect.
ReplyDeleteshame on you whoever you are.
Malaysia has no place for the likes of you.
Rocky bro...don't mind him. He's probably someone you know and who is damn scared of you.
This anon guys is talking cock. Can't make sense of what he is saying.
You mean Rocky is wrong in posting that job advert?
by the way, Rocky -- Earnst and Young one of the many-lah. Sometime you see "racism" in another direct form
You know that a boutique, PROMOD in One Utama told my niece that they do NOT hire Malays. And a representative of COACH - a handbag brand name -- (i think in Mid Valley) boutique said the same thing to another niece that they don't hire Malays.
Happy new Year, Rocky!
Rocky thank you. Happy holidays to you !
ReplyDeleteGood to see your response regarding the E&Y Ad post. I had just posted another comment there.
Me, I think I'll have a Tiger tonite at my wife's reunion dinner.
Kong Hee Fatt Choy
۞ ♥*´ *• ¸▒ 合 家 平 安 ▒¸ •*´ *♥ ۞
۞ ♥*´ *• ¸▒ 吉 祥 如 意 ▒¸ •*´ *♥ ۞
۞ ♥*´ *• ¸▒ 身 体 安 康 ▒¸ •*´ *♥ ۞
Dear Rocky!
Yeah I agreed it is a Language issue! Nice to know you clear the Air. What is your view on the Sub that does not dive?
Shiok Guy
ReplyDeletetell that anon#:11PM to fly kite.
he doesn't know you.
forgive his ignorance and imbecility.
bro, have a good chinese new year. kong hee fatt choy to you and your family.
we know you celebrate CNY. your mum-in-law Cina, bukan?
Dato', feel free to join me & uncle monsterball for yee sang this evening.On the table we gonna have unlimited flow of remy martin..so come & join us in Bangsar Village this eve.
hitman has left a new comment on your post "Jobs in Malaysia":yes, the job requires travelling to far east... but they can say only that in the advert, can't they?before my present employment, i have to endure numerous emloyment interviews, look up so many advertisements and in all of them "ability to speak chinese" means other race than chinese (were and still) need not apply.come on guys, admit the fact that this is the reality of this issue. rocky might want to portray it as a language issue, but all the while, its about HIRING CHINESE ONLY!stop all this bullshit about meritocracy because if hiring is based on meritocracy, this language requirement is not needed, travelling to far east or not
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 3:11 PM is probably TRULY disappointed that you are no longer "attacking" the government.
ReplyDeleteThey always use a Malay to attack and divide Malays. They do not want to "dirty" their hands, so let the Malays destroy themselves.
Anwar is one such guy - he is so used to having the "goodies", as long as he plays by the rules of their game.
That is why they don't care if anwar is morally corrupt, is he's capable of doing the job, fine.
To all those who object and insist that to advertise that only for those who can speak or write Chinese is racist need apply.
ReplyDeleteIf you can only read the side of a racist then can I ask do you why ? How come so many Chinese has the command of the Malay language and may I ask how many Malay has the command of the Chinese language ? Is it because of your inability ? Go to China and see for yourself how many foreigners are there just to learn the language.
People in China are busy learning English, only the old chinaman doesn't speak english nowadays, the Chiness yuppies all speak English, and most Chinese corporation dealing with international trade and businesses, hire chinese-speaking yuppies. I visited Beijing just before the Olympics, I have no problem whatsoever dealing with chinese businesses. So, this so-called mandarin requirement is just a cover-up for not wanting to hire smart non-chinese speaking Malays (and Indians). It's pure discrimination. For those who support such policy by private organisation, you have no moral ground to argue about racial discrimination in Malaysia. Wake up and be HONEST, who's the biggest culprit when it comes to discrimination. I'm in the midst of writing about Chinese hegemony in Singapura (Temasek). We'll see how the so-called meritocracy ala Chinese Singapura (and many other policies) actually lead to the under privilege Melayu Singapura into a second class citizen, and yet these Melayus did not even realise they were hegemonised into believing that the Chinese Singapura's policy is a fair policy. For the educated Melayus Singapura go read the writing of Antonio Gramsci (and the likes) to understand, why the Melayu singapura supported the Chinese Singapura's policy.
ReplyDeleteCong Xi Fa Cai...
ReplyDeleteXin Nian Kuai Le...
And to everyone else,
It seems like there are sizeable numbers of people who still think that the job advertisement is racially discriminatory.
ReplyDeleteIt really isn't so.
Let's say you own a restaurant and you have a job opening for a cook/chef. Tell me, would you employ someone who doesn't even know how to boil water?
Ok, maybe that's not quite suitable as an example.
How about this:
You have a shop in the tourist belt and you find that most of your customers are from the Middle East who mostly speak Arabic. Now, you have two applicants for the post of Salesperson who are equal in every way except that one can speak Arabic fluently whilst the other can't. Tell me, isn't it a no brainer which of the two applicants you will hire?
And when you put out the advertisement for the said job isn't it more thoughtful and considerate to specify right at the outset that preference would be given to the applicant who is fluent in Arabic? Surely this will save time and effort for those applicants who do not meet this qualification - they can just decide not to apply.
You can easily imagine how annoying and depressing it is to go for the job interview only to be informed by the would-be employer that he cannot hire you because you can't speak Arabic.
Therefore, employers who are being upfront and frank in their recruitment advertisements about their requirements will save many job seekers unnecessary disappoint and heartbreak. It has absolutely nothing to do with race. It's all a matter of market place demand and supply.
SHut up & learn chinese,. so you can truly wish your neighbours a HAPPY NEW YEAR in their language.
ReplyDeleteCome on stop being such a prude.
Xin Nien Qwai Ler.
LOw Sang.
BM is insignificant.
ReplyDeleteNot needed.
All my malay high-class friends send their children to International Schools. Or better still - they send them to UK or US (US a bit difficult now because of our bad reputation) at a tender age.
All business should conduct their business in English. Full stop.
Not learning mandarin for a post in China is akin to not learning Japanese if sent to Japan. You will die standing if you don;t know Japanese there.
But for some jaguh kampongs - stay in the kampong dah. And, hop into a tempurung lebih bagus.
Jaguh Kota.
Dato' Rocky,
ReplyDeleteYou tahu tak Saiful "the accuser" tu ada darah China? Nenek dia Chinese convert. Saya paste suatu conversation dlm Facebook Sdr Saiful:
"Saiful Bukhari Azlan Had Yee Sang on New Year's Eve(yg halal) Sedap! ;) Happy Chinese New Year. Maaf, excited skt, sbb saya ni ada darah cina sdkt, nenek asal Chinese, convert Islam. Selamat bercuti, hati2 ketika memandu. Salam"
Mari kita ramai-ramai ucap Gong Xi kat Saiful tanda sokongan moral.
p.s. Kak Wan pun ada darah Cina sikit, tak salah?
and china should also learn to conduct international trade in English otherwise they will be left behind
ReplyDeletefar far east ooops behind
Anak permatang pauh
ReplyDeleteNot all Malay Singaporeans are unaware of this veiled discrimination in the name of meritocracy.
Many Malay lawyers are also frustrated and they term it as the 'system'.
You would need a lot of resources to fight this 'system'.
The educational assessment REWARDS hard work ala memory NOT real talent.
So no prizes for guessing who will be rising to the TOP.
Anon 3.11
ReplyDeleteWho the fuck are you.
And you sure got to fucking nerve to talk about honesty. That word never and ever be in your circle friend!
Stop blaming others. Jacky Chan is very very right. You need to be controlled.
It is time and very good time indeed, this new year of yours to pass a new resolution. BE GRATEFUL and CONTROLYR SELF.
sorry to disagree with you Rocky... but Chinese is NOT a language.
ReplyDeleteMandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien, to name a few, ARE languages... but, Chinese is NOT.
so, if a company advertises something like, "...Excellent command of spoken and written English and Chinese..."
what does this imply?
racism. period.
furthermore, Honkongers speak and write in Cantonese and Taiwanese speak and write a different version of Mandarin as that of P.R.C.
so, if the advert isn't racism, albeit cloaked in propriety to fool idiots who can't differentiate between language and ethnicity, then I rest my case.
knowledge is King.
Anon 3:11
ReplyDeleteComment is way out of order. You are upsetting a lot of people. I agree with Anon 4:13, knowledge is power.
Now what can we make of the numerous chinatowns all over the world set up by the overseas chinese??
ReplyDeleteThat they are very exclusive - a nice term for clannish leanings or simply put racist
They live close to their own kind, heavily reluctant to integrate even with the host citizens
coach dont hire? good thing i buy coach by postal fr US . to hell then if they dont hire my mothers race !
ReplyDeletePlease tell me more of these company so I can avoid spending money on them please
Strange the Chinese community I live with.. Time CNY, semua senyap2... hilang holiday keHongkong, Australia, Taiwan, Mainland China n Singapore.. 10HARI PINTU KEDAI/RUMAH TUTUP RAPAT...
ReplyDeleteFor the last 15years, never once see them hold any open houses..
Whereas we Malays around this community, HRaya.. siap jemput dengan mulut, invite them all to our open houses.. ramai datang..
No wonder time elections, never see them go out to vote, always tembak me their centres are this place and that place..
hmmmm ramainya APEK2 dalam diam menyamar kaw kaw they are Malaysians citizens agaknya, tapi kalo pasai hentam Kerajaan, mulut berbuih2 sampai bibir terlondeh2...
Now what can we make of the numerous chinatowns all over the world set up by the overseas chinese??
ReplyDeleteThat they are very exclusive - a nice term for clannish leanings or simply put racist
They live close to their own kind, heavily reluctant to integrate even with the host citizens
exclusive konon here.
Ohh another Anon Jaguh Kampung.
Don't la be like saiful and speak thru your arse.
I don't know which Cinatown you are referring to - mainbe the one in guangzhou. lol.
Here in NewYork and Buffalo, the martial art studios are frequented by many mat sallehs and blacks.
Just had lion dances downtown today - even many of the lion dancers are from the wushu studios are whites.
We know how to mix with them & they know how to mix with us. We are very forward looking people who can mix with anybody any race any where in the world.
>They live close to their own kind, heavily reluctant to integrate even with the host citizens<
RUBBISH. our children attends all the top ivy league universities. The top classes and law and medicine and engineering faculties in New York are all chinese, koreans, indians. Our neighborhood in the small town of Newport is mostly whites.
We don't stay inside a shell and wait for falling durians.
Bruce Lee
from msiaKini:
ReplyDeleteby maximus - Yesterday
Malaysia will be a developed nation in 2020 and will probably be invited to join the OECD shortly afterwards. We will heve a growth rate of 8 % annually until 2020, making us the second fastest economy in Asia after China.
We have a world class education system especially after the recent spate of reforms, thus ensuing that we have a sufficient pool of highly skilled labour. The brain drain of 300,000 last year is good riddance to unpatriotic traitors thus leaving behind a pool of loyal Malaysians who will work their butt off to ensure the success of our nation..
Bandar Iskandar will become the Asian hub of education, R & D and services. We will become the global hub of halal products and Islamic finance, attraction billions of Arab funds.BN will win a landslide victory in the next election, ensuring political stability, and increasing our PERC rankings.
hmmmmmm what you think ah? my fellow detractors.
I think it is possible. Afterall our DPM just taught risk management 101 to those learned people in Hong Kong.
Also we constantly sent our best of the best to OECD countries to help them in the area of Education and commerce so they can catch up with us - MALAYSIA.
Malaysia - truly unbelivable good. We will be the Premier country in ASIA. MALAYSIA BOLIH one. 1MALAYSIA pon bolih.
A BolihPatriot.
Anon 4.13pm
ReplyDelete“sorry to disagree with you Rocky... but Chinese is NOT a language.”
Are you sure? Why don’t you “bing” and “google” the term Chinese and see what come out? Shall we every time says Chinese language? In the Malaysia context, term like Malay and Chinese usage is quite distinctive while confusing.
“so, if a company advertises something like, "...Excellent command of spoken and written English and Chinese..."
what does this imply?
racism. period.”
You mean the implied here is that the “Chinese” mean Chinese the race and not the language? What about English? Doss it imply something else?
“so, if the advert isn't racism, albeit cloaked in propriety to fool idiots who can't differentiate between language and ethnicity, then I rest my case.”
I will not says you are a fool idiot but you knowledge toward language and ethnicity in certain context is shallow. You should rest your case.
so, smart-ass, answer this question...
ReplyDeletewhat is Chinese language?
p/s when a Mandarin-only speaker meets up with a Cantonese-only speaker... how will they communicate with one another?
double duh!
double duh!
ReplyDeletep/s when a Mandarin-only speaker meets up with a Cantonese-only speaker... how will they communicate with one another?
My answer from my daily observations.
They dont speak to one another, because they don't fliend fliend one, aloso vely suspicious of one another!
Because if a Malaysian Chinese cannot speak or write in Mandarin, they are definitely not educated (according to lia standards)or
Because those who don't speak or write in Mandarin at all are mostly those who attended SK schools, able to speak fluent BM and BI, so they vely jealous one. Thats why they don't want to aloso fliend fliend one.
The contractor who did up my shop for 2months, speaks fluent BM/BI/Tamil and few Chinese dialects.
None of the neighbours here approached him or spoke to him all those 2months!!..
Oh, finally you didn’t want to rest your case?
ReplyDelete“What is Chinese language” – In the Malaysia context, Chinese language is HuaYu (华语或华文). Term like Mandarin, Putonghua is used mainly in Mainland China and the so-called Greater China.
“p/s when a Mandarin-only speaker meets up with a Cantonese-only speaker... how will they communicate with one another?”
How will a Malay-only speaker meets up with a English-only speaker communicate with one another? Gesture language I guess? For your information, there are very less Cantonese-only speaker in the world nowadays, most of them can speak at least one or two additional language, either English or Putonghua. Therefore to answer your question, most probably they will communicate in Putonghua, if you do understand what the term Putonghua mean in the first place.
Though you raise some “interesting” question, and resort to name calling, that still doesn’t make you sound less shallow.
someone wrote, ..."In the Malaysia(sic) context, Chinese language is HuaYu"...
ReplyDeleteso, in the Malaysia context, Cantonese, Hokkien, Hakka, etc, are NOT Chinese languages?
someone also wrote, ..."For your information, there are very less (sic) Cantonese-only speaker in the world nowadays, most of them can speak at least one or two additional language, either English or Putonghua"...
obviously this is a misinformation!
in simple words... a biiig red lie.
you should get out more, dude.
anyway, what about the Mandarin-only speakers... do they speak English as well?
give it a rest... you lost this argument.
p/s sensitive, aren't you?
“so, in the Malaysia context, Cantonese, Hokkien, Hakka, etc, are NOT Chinese languages?”
ReplyDeleteYou haven’t hears the term dialect? Actually Mandarin is also a northern dialect. Both China and Taiwan adopted Mandarin to be their official language, hence term like Putonghua and GuoYu. While in Malaysia, we normally refer to Mandarin as Chinese (language), this is why I say the advertisement “Chinese” is to mean Chinese language. We may blame this on precision level of language use, but to conclude that it is racism is to me over “sensitive”? Don’t you agree?
“obviously this is a misinformation!
in simple words... a biiig red lie.
you should get out more, dude.
anyway, what about the Mandarin-only speakers... do they speak English as well?”
So can you first tell us how one Mandarin-only speaker communicates with one Cantonese-only speakers? I am also curious to know which part of my writing suggested that I were misinformed and lied.
“give it a rest... you lost this argument.”
I am here looking forward some rational debate, can you debate and put in your arguments base on fact instead of being judgmental on who is winner. I don’t mind losing as long as your have your fact well presented.
“p/s sensitive, aren't you?”
I think you are, I am merely tying to correct some untruth and misinform.
“Because if a Malaysian Chinese cannot speak or write in Mandarin, they are definitely not educated (according to lia standards)or”
ReplyDeleteThere are many Chinese who cannot speak and write Mandarin but with extremely fantastic education. The best that happen in Malaysia is that everyone is given choice/rights to pick what suit them. Hence “lia standard” doesn’t apply to Chinese in general, unless you are referring not to Chinese? Who knows?
“Because those who don't speak or write in Mandarin at all are mostly those who attended SK schools, able to speak fluent BM and BI, so they vely jealous one. Thats why they don't want to aloso fliend fliend one.”
SK school is merely a school open for all, why does anyone get jealous? Most people will only get jealous if they are not allowed to enter certain school that reserved for the unusual. Forgive my ignorant, may I know is there any such school exists in Malaysia?
“The contractor who did up my shop for 2months, speaks fluent BM/BI/Tamil and few Chinese dialects.
None of the neighbours here approached him or spoke to him all those 2months!!..”
Perhaps this contractor looked like one thief and robber? Don’t we know most of the gigantic thief and robber today speaks fluent English with professional outlook, speak a little dialect just to trick the gullible, this happen all the time during election. Seem like your neighbors were cheated too many times and decide to ignore all this lowlife.
somebody is tripping over him/herself when trying to defend the "undefendable."
ReplyDeletethe confused Rhan wrote, "...You haven’t hears (sic)the term dialect? Actually Mandarin is also a northern dialect..."
so, if all are dialects, what was the point?
and, the irony of it all is when the confused Rhan wrote, ... "I am also curious to know which part of my writing suggested that I were (sic) misinformed and lied."...
my advice to Rhan is to learn to write better English, cause your grammar/spelling suck... then go read some more... then come back here.
but, by then, hopefully you'd realize the misinformation and needn't bother coming back.
you see, you'll always be misinformed if you can't read/write well in the language of your choice.
there are times when silence is golden.
“so, if all are dialects, what was the point?”
ReplyDeleteDidn’t I wrote "Both China and Taiwan adopted Mandarin to be their official language?" If you have problem comprehending ENGLISH, get a tuition teacher.
“my advice to Rhan is to learn to write better English, cause your grammar/spelling suck... then go read some more... then come back here.
but, by then, hopefully you'd realize the misinformation and needn't bother coming back.
you see, you'll always be misinformed if you can't read/write well in the language of your choice.”
So you do not have any more facts and information to enhance your view point, and now resort to trick commenting my English and grammar? What a waste of bandwidth cause (because / cuz) I first thought encountering one caliber ANON that have some understanding of the topic he is talking about. Hey, remain as ANON la, don’t bring shame to your friends and family.
“there are times when silence is golden.”
Hahahahahahahahahaha. I agree.
PS/ misinformation and lie?
I am referring to our “Smart Anon” comment on CANTONESE-ONLY speaker and later changed the subject to whether a mandarin-only speaker can speak English and pretend he never asks the first question. First pray tell what this “Smart Anon” English word “ONLY” mean? Otherwise the exchanged become meaningless if he himself is clueless on the subject he is talking about.
Cantonese is dialect of China southern province such as Guangzhou. It is the official language for Hong Kong and Macau. As migration to overseas in the past is mainly from Guangzhou and Fujian, therefore many overseas Chinese is Cantonese, this include SEA, Northern America and UK.
As we are talking today in 2010 (I hope we don’t divert it to Mao ZeDong and Qin ShiHuang era or some same old grandmother story), is that wrong to presume most overseas Cantonese can speak a little English or Mandarin? In Malaysia, most Cantonese could speak Mandarin due to government policy in education that allow the learning of Chinese (language), even the short-sighted Lee Kuan Yew that closed down Nanyang University promote the speaking of Mandarin. With the opening up of China economy, more and more Chinese are learning Mandarin to the extent that some can’t speak their original dialect. In China, perhaps there is 30% to 40% Chinese that could not understand/speak Mandarin but most of them are reside at the internal part and not the coastal area like Guangzhou. Do I need to elaborate HK and Macau that adopt bi-language education system? So may I know which part I am being misinformed when I say most Cantonese speak a few other languages?
To answer “Smart Anon” “question does mandarin-(only) speaker speak English”, I would says the number in term of percentage is far less compare to Cantonese due to Mandarin is both the officer language and Guanhua, it is the most common among the many dialect for the past many century. As happen in many other major sizeable languages like English, German, French and Arabic, the native speakers tend not to learn other language apart from their own as their native language is sufficient enough to communicate and to absorb knowledge, generally speaking.
someone wrote, ..."Didn’t I wrote (sic) "Both China and Taiwan adopted Mandarin to be their official language?" If you have problem (sic) comprehending ENGLISH, get a tuition teacher."...
ReplyDeletethe truth of the matter is, there's no problem in my comprehension of the language, but, the problem lies with the erroneous way you write them.
Thanks Rocky for hiring us a grammar and spelling checker. If it is not too costly, could bring in a English comprehension checker as well?
ReplyDeleteI think we need it.