Police arrest 8 in connection with church arson. Three of them have names starting with "Raja", that much I was told (Raja as in Raja Petra Kamaruddin, not Rajasekaran). Let's hope the cops get all of them, including whoever were behind the gurdwara and mosque attacks of the past week.
Talk about cops, a newspaper wanted my comments as interim president of the All-Blogs on the statement made yesterday by Abu Seman, the deputy Home Minister, of
"rogue" bloggers who have been posting articles just to tarnish the image of the Royal Malaysian Police.
I told the newspaper that there aren't many of such bloggers, and most of them are probably inspired or sponsored by their political masters. Indeed, more politicians have made more damning remarks about our cops than these so-called rogue bloggers, so Abu Seman should stop worrying about us bloggers and take his fellow politicians to task.
Sdr Rocky,
ReplyDeleteItulah yang dikatakan matlamat tidak menghalalkan cara. Budaya ini perlu dikutuk dan dibendung segera. Pihak polis perlu dipuji kerana berusaha keras untuk mengekalkan keamanan negara dengan dedikasi walaupun dicemuh dan dihina.
Kesalahan tetap dihukum walaupun ada nama Raja's baik Raja Ahmad; Raja Gopal atau Raja Ho. Keharmonian kehidupan masyarakat majmuk yang unik di negara ini yang menjadi kemegahan dan contoh serta dikagumi oleh pelbagai bangsa dan negara seantara dunia perlulah dikekalkan tanpa tolak ansur.
Secara peribadi saya sebagai orang Tionghua beragama Buddha mersakan tiadanya keperluan bagi penganut agama Kristian terus mendesak untuk penggunaan kalimah Allah. Kebebasan beragama di negara ini adalah sesuatu yang unik. Kenapa? Sikap keterbukaan orang Melayu dan Islam adalah boleh dibanggakan. Jika kita lihat kepada upacara pemujaan `Latok Kong' iaitu patung yang berpakaian Melayu yang dipuja pun dapat diterima oleh mereka. Kerana setiap tahun kami mengadakan sembahyang `Latok Kong' dengan sembelih kambing dan perlu disembelih cara islamik. Tidak bahan-bahan masakan berasaskan khinzir digunakan tapi mereka tetap menghormati upacara tersebut.
Seperti kata paderi Australia kalau tak silap Balan yang mengatakan bahawa bolehkah penganut Hindu di India menerima sekiranya perkataan Tuhan ditukar kepada Brahma pula?. Ada logiknya pandangan beliau ini.
Slogan demi Agama; Bangsa dan Negara kerap dilaungkan oleh kita semua tetapi adakah kita menghayatinya. Ramai pemimpin yang hipokrit sehingga mempertikaikan bantahan penganut agama Islam bila membantah penggunaan kalimah Allah. lihat saja Kit Siang dan ramai pemim DAP, dahulu kecoh bila upacara mengangkat sumpah di Istana memerlukan memakai songkok. Masih ingat lagi. Begitu kecoh yang saya rasakan menunjukkan pemikiran mereka yang dangkal. Pemakaian songkok hanyalah istiadat dan bukannya berunsurkan agama tetapi ditentang dengan begitu hebat. Di manakah sikap dan keterbukaan mereka? Kenapa pemimpin Melayu dan Beragama Islam dalam Pakatan Rakyat tidak berusaha menjelaskan isu ini kepada rakan DAP mereka.
Kami yang pernah berkhidmat di dalam pasukan keselamatan negara tidak pernah mempersoalkan cara atau kawat semasa pembacaan doa atau pemakaian songkok dalam upacara pertauliahan. Sebabnya ianya adalah istiadat.
Kepada rakan muslim yang bersikap terbuka kami menghargainya tetapi bersimpati dengan anda kerana seperti kata Tun Mahathir kenapa kita tidak memperjuangkan isu pengharaman pemakaian tudung di Perancis dan larangan upacara keagamaan di Switzerland. Bukankah ianya bertentangan dengan HAK ASASI MANUSIA yang begitu diperjuangkan oleh Barat dan diterimapakai oleh PKR.
Janganlah Nak Jadi Jaguh Kampung, bila masuk gelanggang jadi gayat.
Kami hidup aman damai dan harmoni di Malaysia. Secara ikhlas saya harap biarlah dapat dikekalkan selama mungkin.
Apek Kampung dah naik HOT ni.
8 arrested ?? could it be a 'staged' by some party ??
ReplyDeletePossible ?.........
Madey has just announced to the whole world that 9-11 was "staged" by the US and in order for the US to 'hit' the Muslim world!!
Many believes Madey came to his conclusion and got confused after watching 'Avatar' !!
(Hope those 9-11 victims family would not be disturbed by our great Madey remarks.)
Madey also said "Jews" survived to continue to be a source of even greater problems for the world. "The Holocaust failed as a final solution.".... final solution for what ??? extermination of particular race ??
See, Nazri was right after all, Madey is truly a 'bloody racist' !!
So can we ask you this question as well and hope you can answer it honestly.
ReplyDeleteQ: Are you, Rockybru sponsored by your political master: UMNO?
Yes or No?
Are you sure that the rajah are Selvaraja, Punitharaja, Nadarajah as there are easy meat and fodder.
ReplyDeleteIt is so true....
ReplyDelete"They're saying that Muslims in Malaysia are so stupid they can't tell the difference between a mosque and a church, just because the Word "Allah" is used by both! "They're saying that Muslims in Malaysia are so stupid they can't tell the difference between the Quran recitals and Christian hymns. They're saying that Muslims in Malaysia are so stupid they can't tell the difference between the azan and church bells. Between the Imam and the priest. Between the Bible and the Quran. Between...you get the idea. The list just goes on and on!"..
Maryanni M
Are you trying to say RPK's son, Raja Azman is involved?
ReplyDeleteChances are it is PKR that sabotage it. Most youth have preference for PKR.
Anwar already started to accuse Govt in started conspiracy in kalimah Allah in Bukit Sentosa night before.
Raja as in Raja Petra Kamaruddin?
ReplyDeleteWhy him? What is the drift now?
How come you can't remember names like Raja Tan Sri Mohar or Raja Nong Chik Zainal Abidin?
i say bro, as much as i would like to be on your side, your reference to rpk was below the belt lah. what happened to you man? or was i that naive? shit man...
ReplyDelete1st of all ratava mahathir not madey u musibat donkey! 8 arrested ha..what about the pig head issues? Did the police get the junkers to be arrested..and how about negarakuku what happen to the stupid cowdang, racist statement done by pakatanist leaders, bersìh? Cmon. dont just when come to the malays it was a very quick action taken by the govt..malays ad had enough with this pilih bulu..to Umno out patient got limits...dzul pekida melaka
ReplyDeleteu posted- "Three of them have names starting with "Raja", that much I was told "
ReplyDeleteemmm.... since when u getting first hand reports....oppps... since 'malay' mail? Or do u have HIS number too?
ALAHai ....
If that old fox Dr M can say 911 was staged than this 8 arrested cannot be discounted as not a wayang play.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to Bolehland, the land where racist UMNO want to build a special race and have no answer to it.
I'm proud of the Apek Kampung orang Tionghua beragama Buddha above who expressed very responsible and peace loving views. If only there are more of such Apeks and not so Apeks (the younger ones) in this country of ours, we can have very good prospects of continuing peace and harmony.
ReplyDeleteOn the other hand we have the Cina Bukits who criticised and find all sorts of faults with the Police, the MACC and anything that represents the Malays by their majority composition. Look at those views expressed in Malaysian Insider, Malaysia Today, Lim Kit Siang and related blogs. They are flagrant and blatant at times. Most of those are Chinese of the DAP kind.
I strongly agree that the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs should be looking at politicians in the DAP rather than the socio-political bloggers who mostly write in reaction to words and actions of the anti-establishment chauvinists and those whose policies allow such chauvinists to naik tocang.
Maryanni M,
ReplyDeleteRasa aku yang terlebih lagi stupid dari Malays are those who sailed all their way and landed here from god knows where to menyelit himpit masuk kesini benda2 pelik tu semua!
Mula2 kulit putih ajer, puak kulit putih belayar pulang, tinggal sekarang macam jenis kulit bawa macam2 cacamerbak kat sini!
So yang duk menyelit terhegih2 tu ler semua lebih stupid dari Malays!!
ReplyDeletePegawai Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) menyerbu pejabat exco kerajaan negeri, Yaakob Sapari di Shah Alam tengah hari ini.
Dipercayai pegawai SPRM telah mengarahkan setiausaha kerja exco tersebut, yang dikenali sebagai Hussein Ahmad, datang ke pejabat SPRM Selangor untuk disoalsiasat.
Menurut sumber-sumber, satu laporan telah dibuat kepada SPRM terhadap Hussein berhubung dakwaan rasuah membabitkan penjualan pasir.
kah kah kah... NGOOOOOK ! ...kah kah kah
Kehilangan enjin jet yang bernilai kira-kira 100 juta ringgit Malaysia ini digemparkan pada hujung tahun 2009, bagaimanapun berakhir dengan pendakwaan terhadap seorang sarjan dan seorang pengarah syarikat sahaja di mahkamah, pada 6 Januari tahun ini.
ReplyDeleteSatu analisis yang tersiar di Gong Zheng Bao, atau Suara Keadilan edisi bahasa Cina (keluaran 15-30 Januari 2010), telah menyenaraikan 10 soalan yang tidak terjawab sehingga kini berhubung misteri kehilangan dua enjin jet pemintas F-5E TUDM ini. Antaranya,-
1. Iran menyelidik model pesawat F-5 ini mulai tahun 1995. Model asal ini ditampilkan buat kali pertama pada Julai 2004, malah cubaan penerbangan dilakukan pada September 2007. Menurut laporan, enjin jet TUDM hilang pada tahun 2007, iaitu tahun yang sama dengan cubaan penerbangan yang berjaya di Iran. Persoalannya, apakah ada hubungan antara kedua-duanya?
2. Setelah isu kehilangan enjin jet ini terdedah, Amerika Syarikat meminta agar laporan dikemukakan. Menteri Pertahanan Malaysia pula menjawab bahawa laporan akan diserahkan. Persoalannya, mengapa Amerika Syarikat begitu cemas dengan kes kehilangan ini, dan mengapa pula Menteri Pertahanan "cukup bekerjasama" kali ini?
3. Pendedahan ini dilakukan lidah rasmi, iaitu Berita Harian dan New Straits Times. Perkara ini cukup meragukan, memandangkan pendirian kedua-dua akhbar ini amat konservatif, dan biasanya hanya melaporkan apa yang positif terhadap kerajaan. Persoalannya, mengapa pula media ini membuka pekong di dada kerajaan?
4. Sekali imbas, kejadian ini berlaku pada tahun 2007. Mengapa Berita Harian dan New Straits Times memilih untuk mendedahkan kejadian ini dua tahun kemudian, apabila orang sudah tidak ada pada tempatnya? Bahkan, wartawan New Straits Times mendedahkan kejadian ini setelah menemuramah Menteri Pertahanan, Zahid Hamidi (gambar kanan), selepas tamatnya persidangan mesyuarat Dewan Rakyat musim ini. Persoalannya, mengapa wartawan tidak mengajukan soalan ini dalam tempoh ketika dewan rakyat bersidang?
5. Menteri Pertahanan, Zahid Hamidi adalah orang kanan Perdana Menteri Najib Abdul Razak, yang sepatutnya tidak akan mengaibkan PM dengan mendedahkan skandal yang berlaku ketika zaman beliau menerajui kementerian tersebut. Namun, setelah Zahid Hamidi melontarkan sesuatu yang menggemparkan, berita ini pula dikendalikan secara sambil lalu. Persoalannya, apakah tujuan beliau sebenarnya?
6. Kedua-dua Menteri Pertahanan dan Perdana Menteri tetap menafikan penglibatan pegawai tinggi dalam kerajaan atau TUDM dalam kejadian ini. Tetapi, dari peringkat mengeluarkan enjin, mencari pembeli sehinggalah dibawa ke luar negeri, kesemuanya memerlukan tandatangan pegawai tinggi sebagai lampu hijau. Malah, pembelian dan penjualan enjin jet yang sebesar ini semestinya akan menarik perhatian perisik antarabangsa. Persoalannya, apakah pegawai bawahan dapat bertahan untuk menanggung risiko yang sebesar ini? Betulkah tiada pegawai tinggi yang terlibat?
7. Penyelenggaraan pesawat dipertanggungjawabkan kepada syarikat tempatan. Jadi, semua kerja penyelenggaraan dilakukan di dalam negara. Menurut laporan Berita Harian pada 28 Disember 2009, syarikat penyelenggara pesawat mudah menggunakan sesebuah pengkalan tentera, malah tidak perlu membuat pengisytiharan kastam ketika dibawa keluar negara. Tetapi, kelengkapan tentera adalah maklumat sulit untuk negara. Persoalannya, sejauh manakah benarnya kejadian enjin hilang ini hanya melibatkan Kementerian Pertahanan, tanpa melibatkan kementerian yang lain?
ReplyDelete8. Menteri Pertahanan mendakwa bahawa enjin jet telah diseludup ke Amerika Selatan pada 20 Disember 2009, dan dilaporkan oleh Berita Harian. Pada 4 Januari 2010, Peguam Negara, Abdul Gani Patail (gambar kiri) pula mengumumkan bahawa enjin jet yang hilang telah diseludup ke Uruguay.
Perbincangan di alam siber pula menyatakan bahawa model pesawat F-5 ini adalah pesawat utama yang digunakan di dunia Barat, semasa zaman perang dingin pada tahun 1980-an. Pembelinya hanya Malaysia, Singapura, Korea, Taiwan dan Iran. Menurut laman tentera China, Argentina sudah tidak menggunakan model pesawat ini sejak tahun 1990-an. Malah, Singapura, Taiwan dan Korea juga merancang agar model pesawat ini tidak digunakan lagi. Persoalannya, apakah benar enjin ini telah diseludup ke Amerika Selatan?
9. Pasaran enjin pesawat terbatas kepada Kementerian Pertahanan negara, dan hanya Kementerian Pertahanan yang mampu menampung kos penyelenggaran pesawat ini. Jadi, pembeli hanya akan mengangguk apabila enjin telah melalui ujian keselamatan. "Jual-beli" sebesar ini hanya akan dicapai apabila kedua-dua pihak saling mempercayai. Persoalannya, bagaimana sindiket jenayah melakukannya?
10. Ahli parlimen Indera Mahkota-PKR, Azan Ismail pernah mempertikaikan mengapa Laporan Audit Negara 2008 tidak merangkumi laporan dari Kementerian Pertahanan? Ketua Audit Negara Malaysia, Haji Ambrin bin Buang menjawab pihaknya tidak menerima laporan daripada Kementerian Pertahanan. Apa yang berlaku di sebaliknya?
Regardless of whether they come from Raja Brooke or any Maharaja, the ISA must be used on the culprits immediately.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise, our great criminal lawyers will get them off the hook.
Of course, some pretenders will still protect them, saying it was staged, a conspiracy blablabla.
AminGL, you are an IDIOT for asking : Are you, Rockybru sponsored by your political master: UMNO?
ReplyDeleteIf you have determined that UMNO is Bru's political master, the question of sponsorship does not not come into question. By nature of your question, you have a heavy bias.
when utusan & that tee fler wanked, its called free press but when blogger do it they called it lies?
ReplyDeletethis labu fler think the readers are so stupid & can't differentiate between the two ke?
and didn't one of their ex-boss declared that 90% of those shitheads are corrupted ?
so why go after the whistle-blower when this fler should get the macc to do a spring cleaning in peace hill!
Read this shocking letter about the dragon boat tragedy here http://margeemar.blogspot.com/2010/01/pakatan-rakyat-caused-deaths-of-teacher.html#links
ReplyDeletehello maryanni,
ReplyDeletethe muslims are not stupid. the malakie donkies( inbreedies resultie of an unholie liasonie betwie mumies and grankies) are the stupid ones.
warrior 123
Go to www.blatantworld.com and watch documentries on 9/11 planned conspiracy.
I am thoroughly confused:
ReplyDelete1. Are you accusing Raja Petra of the deeds
2. Are we getting Indian names again - like the Kugan case
"Raja x" attacks church and seeks burnt treatment after more than 10days!! The church attack was on Jan 7, 2010. And according to CID Director, Bakri Zinin, the suspect was seeking treatment for burns at KL hospital and this led to the arrest on Jan 19, 2010. Very strange indeed. The delay in seeking treatment after 10days makes me wonder if there is more to this then what we are being told. Im sure Rocky will give us more hints.
ReplyDeleteBy Tun Mahathir's reckoning I would also suggest that this church burning might just be a big conspiracy. And since he is the master of conspiracy theories I suppose he also knows what it takes to work out how to achieve his goals. Can we now start connecting the dots between Mahathir and the church burnings?
ReplyDeleteApek Kampung,
ReplyDeleteLu sudah lupa tarian singa diharamkan semasa Mahathir mula berkuasa di Malaysia. Oh ya, Rocky Bru, talibarut UMNO akan mengaitkan perkara ini dengan Anwar Ibrahim
Kalau orang2 christian yang berbahasa melayu tak boleh emnggunakan perkataan, apa macam dengan orang2 Punjabi?
Apa macam kalau orang2 Indonesia naik marah kalau setengah rakyatnya ditangkap? Apa macam dengan lagu kebangsaan negeri Perak, Selangor, Kedah & Johor
Lu sudah tua lah. Balk kampung tidur lah
ReplyDeleteIt looks like what you are saying is that the perpertrators are Malays.
If you have access to such info (and why not, since that's what seasoned veteran journos are supposed to get), why can't the Police just announce the names? It's got to come out sooner or later and would not be much of a surprise, would it?
We M'sians are a mature lot and will not condemn all Malays for the wayward actions of a few (8) of them!!
We are all of 1 race, the Human Race
ReplyDeletesurf here dude!
And Ah Lah, you need to prove this arrest as wayang first before exposing your stupidity. Do you have any?
ReplyDeleteKesian kan, korang? Anonymous of 7:45 aka TukarTiub aka Lelaki Komunis Malaya Terakhir. Merempat ke sana sini minta diperdengarkan when clearly his time has long gone, menyamar sana sini hoping someone could lend an ear, and at last finding a home in the chingkie dissenters wherever they are in the blogosphere.
Kesian kan? Umur sebaya Anwar. Dua-dua revolusionerlah kononnya. Tapi sekurang-kurangnya Anwar could dupe billions for his aid. Kawan ni … nak beli minyak motor pun kena tunggu royalti buku dulu. Setiap kali dia masuk SpeedyVideo dan didapati filem dia “Dari Jemapoh ke Manchestee” dijual 5 ringgit selonggok, terencat tulang som-som dia.
I have dealt with him before here. But then let us all be merry lah. What for susah-susah. Let me dedicate the following Jethro Tull song (the same one he listened to when he was a much younger lad pushing grocery boxes di Edgware Road about 30 years ago).
Too Old To Rock 'n' Roll: Too Young To Die
The old Rocker wore his hair too long,
wore his trouser cuffs too tight.
Unfashionable to the end --- drank his ale too light.
Death's head belt buckle --- yesterday's dreams ---
the transport caf' prophet of doom.
Ringing no change in his double-sewn seams
in his post-war-babe gloom.
Now he's too old to Rock'n'Roll
but he's too young to die.
He once owned a Harley Davidson and a Triumph Bonneville.
Counted his friends in burned-out spark plugs
and prays that he always will.
But he's the last of the blue blood greaser boys
all of his mates are doing time:
married with three kids up by the ring road
sold their souls straight down the line.
And some of them own little sports cars
and meet at the tennis club do's.
For drinks on a Sunday --- work on Monday.
They've thrown away their blue suede shoes.
Now they're too old to Rock'n'Roll
and they're too young to die.
So the old Rocker gets out his bike
to make a ton before he takes his leave.
Up on the A1 by Scotch Corner
just like it used to be.
And as he flies --- tears in his eyes ---
his wind-whipped words echo the final take
and he hits the trunk road doing around 120
with no room left to brake.
And he was too old to Rock'n'Roll
but he was too young to die.
No, you're never too old to Rock'n'Roll if you're too young to die.
Tulisan bersama,
Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull
Aku dah agak dah, tapi malas nak buat teori konspirasi. Bila dah terdesak sebab kes 2feb ni, apa saja sanggup di buat untuk lari dari di hadapkan di mahkamah.
ReplyDeleteSdr Anon 1.40pm,
ReplyDeleteTua atau muda tak penting tetapi biarlah WARAS. Tarian Singa adalah satu kebudayaan Dan bukan keagamaan. Saya tak berapa pasti tentang adanya pengharaman semasa zaman Tun M tetapi seingatan saya Ada larangan pembakaran mercun yang saya rasakan lebih kepada langkah pencegahan. Lihat sajalah Cara sambutan Tahin Baru di Pulau Pinang baru-baru ini sehinggakan tidak terkawal menyebabkan kemarahan Dan kerosakan harta benda awam.
Berkenaan lagu negeri Perak; Kedah; Selangor Dan Johor mungkin sdr merujuk kepada penggunaan perkataan Allah dalam liriknya. Apa yang pasti ianya adalah disebabkan negeri tersebut diperintah oleh Raja/Sultan yang beragama Islam, jadi ianya adalah bersesuaian dipakai. Takkan nak guna Jesus lanjutkan usia Tuanku, bunyinya juga janggal kan. Kalau dilihat dalam lirik Negaraku, pula adalah Tuhan kurniakan Raja kita selamat bertakhta jelas menunjukkan bahawa bukan semua negeri di Malaysia ada Raja/Sultan. Maka ada Yang Dipertua Negeri.
Berkenaan isu pembaca yang membaca tulisan Bahasa Melayu seperti masyarakat Punjabi di sini saya hendak Tanya saudara satu soalan. Adakah selama berpuluh tahun mereka membaca penerbitan berbahasa Melayu dengan perkataan Tuhan telah memesongkan pemahaman Dan anutan mereka? Adakah dalam semuka risalah Herald yang dibaca tidak dapat difahami hanya tanpa menggunakan kalimah Allah? Saya rasa jika perkataan tersebut dikeluarkan atau ditinggalkan "blank" pun mereka Akan faham. Isu yang lebih besar perlulah dilihat iaitu keharmonian Dan keamanan masyarakat majmuk haruslah dipertahankan. Kenapa? Sebab implikasi negatifnya adalah terlalu besar sehinggakan berlakunya kejadian membakar rumah ibadat baik gereja mahupun surau/masjid. Jangan terlalu mendesak hanya untuk satu perkataan sehinggakan tergadai keharmonian Dan keamanan.
Sdr Anon, USIA membuatkan kita lebih matang. Kalau orang agama perlu jadi lebih Warak tetapi sebaliknya berlaku. Rasuah dikatakan sedekah, sehinggakan sondol buntot nakkan 4 Saksi yang Baligh. Kalau benar waras Dan warak buatlah sumpah laknat Dan saya rasakan semua penganut agama didunia mengamalkannya untuk membuktikan kepada Tuhan kepercayaan kita bahasa kita tidak melakukannya.
Jika kalimah Allah dibenarkan penggunaannya, apakah terjemahan yang hendak digunakan bila FREETHINKER mengatakan "God is Dead" . Esoknya terpampang di muka depan akhbar "Allah Dah Mati". Janggalkan tapi itulah hakikatnya. Janganlah nak tunjuk open minded bila berarak bawak kepala lembu pun dah melompat macam orang gila. Orang kata kalau suci sangat binatang itu taklah sampai sembelih Dan eksport dagingnya ke Malaysia. Macam bela binatang kesayanganlah katakan kalau ia mati kita tanam Dan mengingatinya. Kata suci tapi sembelih Dan jual pulak dagingnya, itulah keluhan Pakcik kampung yang berjuran dengan Apek.
Apek Dah tua tapi masih waras Dan warak. Masih sembah "Kuan Koong" hari-hari doakan rakyat Malaysia Aman damai Dan harmoni.
Oit old fart... Hang mangkok ... Father of conspirasi teori Al-juburi la ... Kah kah kah kah kah kah kah kah kah
ReplyDeletekepada dzul pekida melaka,
ReplyDeleteaduuhh.. sakit jiwa baca komen kau. berteraburnya bahasa. buat malu orang melaka lah kau ni.
bang, tulis la dalam bahasa melayu, kan lebih elok. kalau ayatnya sedap, pasti ideanya mudah difahami dan disokong.
sebenarnya saya sokong komen tu, tapi aduss... harap terima teguran membina.
bro rocky,
harap polis berlaku adil. tangkap jugak orang yang baling arak, air kencing, kepala babi dalam surau. takkan orang islam jer yang kena bersabar? jangan di biar orang islam tambah marah. kalau tak takde orang sokong bn lagi.
Hello Ratava,
ReplyDelete911 official version have been challenge by the experts. We talking about scientist, aviation expert and prof from reputable universities. Main contention are that there is no way steel structure like twin tower can collapse like that and no way pentagon can be hit by plane in such angle. All the conversation between those in plane and their love one thru cell phones are also not possible ... technology limitation. It just a pretex to justify attacking Iraq (eventhough saddam has nothing to do with al qaeda). Open yr eye la..dont take thing with bias view. Can this church burning part of Anwar plan? It might be possible since he is desperate for support in Sabah and Serawak.
ReplyDeleteThose who play with fire
Are most likely to get burnt
When they wrongly express their desire
Due to deviant lessons they have learnt
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 210110
Thur. 21st Jan. 2010.
"Old Fart said...
ReplyDeleteBy Tun Mahathir's reckoning I would also suggest that this church burning might just be a big conspiracy. And since he is the master of conspiracy theories I suppose he also knows what it takes to work out how to achieve his goals. Can we now start connecting the dots between Mahathir and the church burnings?
12:19 PM"
kepada anonymous pertama...
ReplyDeletesir i salute you sir... if there is more non malay and non muslim like you this country surely will be more harmony and full of understanding..
the problem is in this country more and more people become super ultra kiasu and having own agenda to change the status quo in fundamental of this country
my hat is off to you sir the frist anonymous
-marhaen malay-
to people who condemned dr m about 911.. im also dont really like dr m so much..BUT
ReplyDeleteonly a moron who is blind that will keep denying the facts of irregular and odd activities occur before.during and after the 911.. each day more and more evidence come out of whats really happen on that day of reckoning... even more than half of US citizens admitted that their gov is hiding something about the incidents.. and a big percentage of US Citizens beleive that the 911 is a conspiracy... who are we to deny that???
such a moron who believing that Malaysian gov conduct conspiray on Anwar trial and other things dont believe about US gov 911 conspiracy??? hahaha such a species make me laugh out loud of their blind, hypocrisy and stupidness... what a pathetic useless brain peoples you are
at least Dr m brave to say the truth about 911 that affecting Millions of muslims worldwide
i see so many stupid malaysian with brains like katak dalam tempurung... the whole world knows about the jews even large portion of western
ReplyDeletethe jews only supported by the elites in power in the western governments... jews know the western people are now awaking into religion and against them and now exporting zionism into singapore and malaysian political factions
what a moronic moron you peoples are are thou dont see it? what do you do with internet? just for surfing pornoghraphy website and reading malaysiakini only?
rense.com is good for people like you all to open your coal black brain..
so called maryanni... dont be cowar to use that muslim names we know you not a muslim or u are the murtad ones
ReplyDeletethe muslims are not racist...they only against a group of people who is conspirator like UMNO,DAP and PKR (thats are the trinity of conspiracy head)
such a brainless faggot like you are better to be the murtad to face god hell consequences in afterlife.. that place better suits you
i believe ure not muslims just a coward try to be batu api... that useless police should investigate culprits hiding in Malaysiakini and malaysiakini related links so that people will not called police takut pembangkang!!!!!!!!
To Anti Hidden Agenda,
ReplyDeleteIf you a muslim per se, then, I, as a muslim, is very disappointed with you. Although I have been in a foreign land, United State, for 10 years, I've also travelled to many places, and I've never met any religious person that would say the use of certain words would confuse them of their religious belief...and for sure I don't mean muslim are racist, as I am one, but if you ask me, if UMNO is racist, I would say yes, although my parents are loyal members of UMNO Seberang Prai.
Since young, I have seen many of my good friends, Chinese, Indian, obtaining better result than I do, but unable to get scholarships, and how fortunate I am that my parents help me to get govenrment scholarship to study oveseas, which obviously not my preference, especially I have to leave my home country, my family and all my friends behind. And, if I have a choice, I am willing to share half of my scholarship with my best friends and I don't mind as I can always study in local University...I guess you are totally blinded by the sweet-talk from your very own, beloved political party, I would believe you are a fanatic supporter of UMNO which I hope I am wrong...if you are...then sya fikir...wak mungkin culprit yang bakar surau dan geraja orng gut...
Maryanni M
more and more people are connecting the dots since the whole episode begin last year and see it slowly that there is a huge possibilities of Anwar involvements of Allah issue... he's the most benefit from the incidents... we should hire profesional free investigator from US if you people dont believe it
ReplyDeleteday by day the logic become clearer..
kenyataan maryanni m is a seditious word yg berunsur hasutan... polis patut menyiasat Maryanni M sapertimana siasatan hingga tertangkapnya petualang pembakar gereja
ReplyDeleteboth of them should be into ISA for life!!!
police please act fast!!!
Aku cakap terus terangla... Aku sebagai melayu islam yang tidak memihak mana2 parti politik aku nak bagitau rata2 org melayu dan islam sekarang dah bosan dengan Pakatan rakyat..
ReplyDeletesudah terang lagi bersuluh pakatan rakyat membawa malaysia ke hala tuju yang bahaya lebih2 lagi terhadap melayu dan islam...
sebab apa aku kata mcm 2?
sebab aku baca malaysiakini dan malaysian insider hampir tiap2 hari..
aku baca komen2 semua dan aku percaya malaysiakini dan malaysian insider adalah lidah umum dan rasmi PKR dan DAP peoples
dan aku dapati secara constant 80% non malay dan non muslim hates malay dan muslim... malay are going to be palestinian and i believe the malay are already has been like the palestinian..
mcm ni pakatan nak harap sokongan org ISLAM?? jgn harap!! goodbye Pakatan!! we have enough!!
kesabaran muslim dan melayu kepada kamu telah pun tamat!!!
everything that UMNO said, you believe;
ReplyDeletewhen they said Anwar involve in Allah issue, you believe eventhough Utusan has been flaming the issues;
when they said Anwar involve in sedomy, you believe eventhough the Saiful guyz is so big and tough not to stage a fight against an old guy likes Anwar;
When UMNO said charging GST is necessary to help the poor, you believe even when it does not as the poorget poorer and only UMNO get richer;
When they said Teoh Beng Hock is killed by Gangster, you believe,eventhough no one would belief a gangster would be that stupid to go up a government office and killed him;
When they said F15 Jet engine has been smuggled by 2 low rank personnel, you believe eventhough you know low rank office can't have that high influence...
When they said Atlantuya murderer are not link to any hi rank person, you believe evne though you know C4 Bomb can notl be access to and approved by people like Minister of Defence;
When they said they want to help the citizen and give RM5000 rebate to any old car trade in for new proton, you believe eventhough you know you will have to pay installment for the new car every month onwards...
When they said facebook, twitter, etc are undermining our tradition and culture, you believe eventhough you know its actually bring advancement and global information to us
When they said they can not buy back the High-way as it is too expensive, you believe even though governemnt has already owned a big part of the company
When they said all protest must be organized in stadium, you believe eventhough Allah protest was held in a sacred place...and police did nothing...
When the police said they have found the suspects for church arsons and case closed, you believe eventhough no one is charged yet...and if they have proof, they would have bring them to court immediately!
you believe whatever they said....and never use brain...too bad...that's why they wana keep Malay as lowly educated as possible..so that you don't think...you just listen and believe...
Steven Seagal
Steven Seagal,
ReplyDeleteYou are only good in spinning and twisting facts. You are only good in telling lies.
You are pundek.
We declare that we don't believe YOU. Only pundeks will believe you.
James Bond.
James Bond, Did I hit the button of truth underneath you and UMNO..? oh yes, I almost forget, UMNO supporter will always believe what UMNO said and never use brain to think...Opps...then, dont worry, I hope what I have written give you something to think about and no longer manipulated by UMNO..be smart Malay please. thank you.
ReplyDeleteSteven Seagal
This blog is becoming a Big Joke! Even Patrick Teoh's blog attracts more readers than this one.
ReplyDeleteAs the interim president of the All-Blogs, I wonder how many friends you still have from the early days of All-Blogs.
Rocky, money can buy you all things but you lost everything....Where are your friends now?
steven sengal..
ReplyDeletewhile asking people to look into certain issues i think it is you who need to take a look in the mirror. you're too gullible to believe in all the stories written by RPK pengecut, Anwar peliwat, and DAP chinese chauvenist.
"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteJames Bond, Did I hit the button of truth underneath you and UMNO..? oh yes, I almost forget, UMNO supporter will always believe what UMNO said and never use brain to think...Opps...then, dont worry, I hope what I have written give you something to think about and no longer manipulated by UMNO..be smart Malay please. thank you.
Steven Seagal
11:15 PM"
Steven Sengal,
Did I hit your spin and lying buttons instead? Pundek!
Accusing all malays are supporters of UMNO? A very simplistic pundek's brain that is. You are out of touch!
If you look at the mirror, you will see that you are the master manipulator! And master spinner. You expect malays to use your kind of pundek's brain to believe you?
Only a moron like you wish to think that malays are brainless.
Pundek, you be smart instead!
James Bond.
Oops...Mr. James Bond has just showed us how an UMNO Malay supporter behaves...which will never happen to Pakatan Malay supporters...now we have a comparison and now we learn the differences...UMNO (the Orang Utan) vs. Pakatan (the modern thinking)...
ReplyDeleteI am certainly hope I am wrong about UMNO but Mr. James Bond has just proven it with his word...Cheers...
Steven Seagal
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteOops...Mr. James Bond has just showed us how an UMNO Malay supporter behaves...which will never happen to Pakatan Malay supporters...now we have a comparison and now we learn the differences...UMNO (the Orang Utan) vs. Pakatan (the modern thinking)...
I am certainly hope I am wrong about UMNO but Mr. James Bond has just proven it with his word...Cheers...
Steven Seagal
1:49 AM
Steven Sengal,
Ha ha, now only I know that this so called Steven Sengal (the moron thinking) is .pundek..man.
Wake up from your slumbering. You better run pundek.
The Orang Utan is going after you.
James bond
Steven Seagal @ 4:02 PM says ...
ReplyDelete"you believe whatever they said....and never use brain...too bad...that's why they wana keep Malay as lowly educated as possible..so that you don't think...you just listen and believe..."
Hallo laut-pompuan,
I do believe that you are describing the PKR supporters
I hope you are not suffering from any serious diseases coz you might just drop dead if yu were to discover true MALAY intellectuals - definitely no match for the pendatang descendants
comments from both camps lead to this conclusion - that UMNO led by Najib is doing better that the pkr had expected
ReplyDeletec4, altantuya, hindu, submarines, jet engines, etc etc have gone down the DRAINS ...
"They're saying that Muslims in Malaysia are so stupid they can't tell the difference between a mosque and a church, just because the Word ......bla...bla..bla..
ReplyDeleteand who are 'they'
'U' yourself?
AsingleBullet 4