Update: So who is spinning here? by Sinatra Z, comparing differing reports from the same source by the Malaysian Insider, Malaysiakini and MStar.
Zakhir Mohamad explains why Pas needs the diversion in "Pas terdesak ..."
Original article:So why is his Spiritual leader saying something else? Going by the statements made by some of our ulamas, the Malay-Muslims of Malaysia are one confused lot. Or they are one race that will do anything i n politics.
Pas president Hadi Awang says his party is OK with the Catholics using Allah to refer to their God. He appears to caution these non-Muslims that they abuse/misuse that right at their own peril BUT his point is that Allah can be used by non-Muslims.The same Harakah, however, had quoted Nik Aziz, or Tok Guru the Spiritual Leader of Pas, as saying something else here:
Excerpts:Yang mana satu nak ikut?“Setiausaha Politik Menteri Besar, Anual Bakri Harun berkata, wartawan silap memahami apa yang disebut Menteri Besar kerana perkataan Allah hanya boleh digunakan bagi mereka yang telah menerima Islam.
“Bagi memahami konteks yang disebut Menteri Besar dengan lebih jelas kita kena memahami maksud surah Al Ikhlas iaitu Katakanlah (ya Muhammad), Dialah Allah yang Maha Esa, Allah yang dituju (meminta hajat). Dia tiada beranak dan tiada pula diperanakkan. Dan tidak ada satu pun yang menyerupaiNya.
“Oleh itu jelaslah nama Allah hanya wajar digunakan bagi mereka yang telah beriman dan tidak boleh menyalahi sifat 99 namaNya,” kata beliau di sini.”
Get the whole analysis and context from On Da Street h e r e.
Pic of The Malay Mail front page yesterday.
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Pas' Hadi says OK to non-Muslims using "Allah"
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allah, ni pekara remeh aje.... di Malaya, semuanya beriman, patutle, gejala rasuah kian meningkat di Tanah Melayu. Baguilaah, kalau semua pendusta nak kelahi guna nama allah, tapi tak ikut ajaranya. Aduh, harga gula naik, ko org ni duk lupokah??? najib, pun samo mcm pak lah, barang asyik naik aje.
ReplyDeleteWhat a total disappointment against the party calling themselves bastion of Islam. This is not about politics and semantics.. it is about fact of Malaysian life. One can argue to their heart's content about what it has been in the land of the Arabs today and centuries ago, but we are talking about Malaysia today here in the present and its historical and cultural context, the Malaysian muslims (read Malay muslims) and the reality of the Malaysian non-muslim who have been calling their Gods with various names but Allah.
ReplyDeleteMy guess is, it is again politics against principle. Maybe PAS is worried to ruffle the feathers in the PKR coalition. Then they can just justify blasphemy with logic. One thing I am certain of, one can find justification for anything using one's intelligence and perhaps (perceived) authority, but be reminded that the view and feeling of the mass is also important. Again I remind all the wise men and women of Malaysia's authority of any kind and form, of history and please do learn from them for the sake of our beloved Malaysia.
- the Concerned -
Rocky, I read TGNA's statement and also PAS official statement and they are consistent. So is the statement by Dr Asri which is consistent with PAS. The name Allah can be used by non muslims and it shall not be misused by anyone. Surah Al-Imran verse 64 does provide clear explaination. I must commend PAS's maturity and leadership in this matter.
ReplyDeleteya allah, are we still on this issue ke?
ReplyDeletecome on rocky get a grip la... we all know u are with that fat boy & fat mama and will use anything to spilt up pas... even to the extent of using the word allah.
come judgement day, these s**thead will have to answer to allah
Brader Rock,
ReplyDeleteWhat do you expect from the Fuckatan Rakyat?... If the Christians have the Trinity concept i.e. "God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost", the Fuckatan Rakyat must also have "3 Allahs" to survive... Allah PAS, Allah DAP and Allah PKR.
Binasa mereka semua.
Rockybru yg 'Confuse'ataupun yg 'sengaja' confuse kot ???
I'm a muslim and believe in one God, i.e Allah...so Allah is for all, even if some people believe in other "gods".
ReplyDeleteAllah knows best.
Mudah2an puak Christian memahami surah
ReplyDeletedengan mendalam iaitu Katakanlah (ya Muhammad), Dialah Allah yang Maha Esa, Allah yang dituju (meminta hajat). Dia tiada beranak dan tiada pula diperanakkan. Dan tidak ada satu pun yang menyerupaiNya.
Dari situ akan terbuka hati mereka dan ramai2 turut serta menjadi saudara2 baru kita Islam, Insyaallah (dengan izin Allah)..
Alhamdulillah, ramai dari jiran2 Christian aku (yg terjun masuk Agama mereka pasai lari dari Kasta Hindu) dah duk tunjuk minat nama Allah.. dan surah Al Iklas kat aku..
hmmmmmm... Kita Muslim amat jelas, yang duk nak jadi celaru keliru puak depa... biaq pi ludah mereka tempek kat muka sendiri.
Dulu ramai dari mereka nih terposana kerana diberi imported Cheese dan roti kalo kelaparan (kat sekolah mission aku dulu tahun 60'an), sekarang sudah pandai nilai sendiri tanpa disuap!!!
To Habib Rak,
ReplyDeleteWhat do you expect Rocky to do? is is his job now to spin this matter, He writes for his ricebowl now, not his conscience. Sigh, how the mighty have fallen
my understanding of pas' statement is simple: it can be used, but cannot to be misused. "Can be used" means the defination of allah means god in catholism, nothing more, nothing less. "Misused", means the catholics cannot equate catholism's allah is to islam's allah. That's my understanding.
ReplyDeleteFed Up Too
Saya sedih dgn pemimpin PAS, nampak benar mereka tak faham dengan konteks perundangan negara Malaysia yang termaktub sejak 1957 dan juga implikasi jangka masa panjang ke atas generasi anak cucu kita pada akan datang.
ReplyDeleteMasalah utama ialah org kristian dan yahudi bangsa arab dengan orang kristian dan yahudi Malaysia/Indonesia adalah kedua-duanya berbeza. Orang kristian dan yahudi Arab mungkin lebih faham maksud Allah tu refer kepada tuhan yang Maha Esa berbanding dgn orang kristian disini yang mengambil konsep mudah 'God/Gods = Allah'.
Nak tanya kepada pemimpin PAS, agama samawi yang ada pada masa sekarang ni benar2 wujud dan diiktirafkan kecuali agama Islam. Apa yang berlaku sekrg ni, agama Kristian dan Yahudi pada masa skrg adalah agama ciptaan manusia bukannya agama tauhid asli yang diturunkan oleh Allah yang diutuskan kepada umat Nabi Musa A.S. dan umat Nabi Isa A.S.
Saya sedih dgn perangai pemimpin PAS yang tak konsisten kerana mereka ni lebih rela utk mendapatkan simpati & sokongan dari golongan radikal atau fanatik Kristian drp mempertahankan kesucian dan memelihara nama tuhan mereka iaitu Allah swt itu sendiri.
Saya secara rasmi tidak mengundi PAS di dalam PRU yang akan datang.
Allahu Akhbar
helo Habib RAK.
ReplyDeleteSurah Al IMran ayat 64:
“Katakanlah: “”Hai Ahli Kitab, marilah (berpegang) kepada suatu kalimat (ketetapan) yang tidak ada perselisihan antara kami dan kamu, bahwa tidak kita sembah kecuali Allah dan tidak kita persekutukan Dia dengan sesuatu pun dan tidak (pula) sebagian kita menjadikan sebagian yang lain sebagai tuhan selain Allah. Jika mereka berpaling maka katakanlah kepada mereka: “”Saksikanlah, bahwa kami adalah orang-orang yang berserah diri (kepada Allah)””.”
Say: “O People of the Book! come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but Allah. that we associate no partners with him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah.” If then they turn back, say ye: “Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to Allah.s Will).
Where in hell did the ayat say that Christians who believes in Roh Kudus, BApak Dan Anak Tuhan can use Allah???
In fact the ayat clearly says one must not worshipo none other than Allah. No other else.
Are Christians now can be called Muslims?
You are a total idiot HAbib.
Surah al imran 64:
ReplyDelete“Katakanlah: “”Hai Ahli Kitab, marilah (berpegang) kepada suatu kalimat (ketetapan) yang tidak ada perselisihan antara kami dan kamu, bahwa tidak kita sembah kecuali Allah dan tidak kita persekutukan Dia dengan sesuatu pun dan tidak (pula) sebagian kita menjadikan sebagian yang lain sebagai tuhan selain Allah. Jika mereka berpaling maka katakanlah kepada mereka: “”Saksikanlah, bahwa kami adalah orang-orang yang berserah diri (kepada Allah)””.”
Say: “O People of the Book! come to common terms as between us and you: That we worship none but Allah. that we associate no partners with him; that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah.” If then they turn back, say ye: “Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to Allah.s Will).
Read carefully the verse. Where in hell does it say that christians who believes in son of god and holy ghost can use Allah?
Habib Rak is too stupid too save his own life.
So when christians pray to the patung jesus on the cross in a church, that patung is now called Allah?
ReplyDeleteAllah being hanged on a cross?
ReplyDeleteAnd Munshi Abdullah was nobled as sasterawan negara by the British for translating Bible into jawi malay.
you got the point.ain't you.
The issue of using the word stems from the B Malaysia usage (and not English usage as some people believe), principally in Sabah & Sarawak.
ReplyDeleteIf the Muslims in Sabah & Sarawak are not confused by this, why are there people in Peninsula Malaysia so worried about the spread of another religion ? The Constitution protects Islam's position as the official religion of the Federation while assuring the freedom of religion.
ReplyDeleteyou're asking yang mana satu nak ikut?
Orang Islam kan ikut Al Quran, Hadis dan sunnah........
I don't think that leaders of political parties are right all the time. We never knew of their political agenda.
Only Allah knows, bro.
Kalau akidah kuat kenapa nak takut kepada perkara macam ni? Strengthen the akidah 1st laaa
ReplyDeleteStone guava
Pas is still playing politics at this stage.
ReplyDeleteSehingga sanggup mempersoalkan kenapa rayuan lambat dibuat - jangan mudah terpedaya dgn hujah seperti ini sbb kita berjuang atas dasar Islam; kena bersatu dan jgn pecah belahkan solidari umat Islam spt ini. 1. Jumaat sehingga Ahad adalah hari cuti; semalam notis rayuan dimasukkan, hari ini permohonan utk menangguhkan keputusan mahkamah dimasukkan - adakah ia lambat? 2. Jgn terburu2, lebih baik pandangan pakar2 diminta, kalau terburu2 - ambil sambil lewa, jwbnya nak kalah lagi la kes rayuan, ini bukan kes politik, kena tengok penghakiman hakim dulu - klu tak kita tak faham why kita kalah sebelum ni. Jgn guna alasan murah kerana yg kita letakkan dlm bahaya adalah aqidah Muslim!!! Sgt tak bertanggungjwb!
I've written on 3 versions of Pas sttment on this issue in my blog -
Terdapat tiga versi kenyataan rasmi Presiden Pas, Datuk Seri Hadi Awang mengenai pendidian Pas dalam isu Allah seperti yang dilaporkan oleh Malaysian Insider, Harakahdaily dan sebuah blog, Segalanya Aku. Adakah setiap versi yang berbeza disasarkan untuk pembaca yang berbeza?
Bagaimanakah reaksi seorang penganut agama Islam apabila dia membaca berita yang dilaporkan oleh Malaysian Insider? Tajuknya saja "Pas backs use of Allah by Christians".
Tajuknya amat menyelesakan penganut agama Kristian (di baca Gereja Katolik Malaysia) dan symphatiser mereka. Bagaimanapun kandungannya meresahkan penganut agama Islam.
Tidak ada di mana bahagian dalam laporan ini yang menyatakan dengan tegas bahawa Pas menentang terjemahan perkataan `God' kepada `Allah' oleh Gereja Katolik dan tiada langsung desakan agar kerajaan membuat rayuan yang kukuh terhadap keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi; apa lagi untuk memohon campur tangan Raja-raja Melayu dalam isu ini.
Malaysian Insider meneruskan pembohongan apabila mengaitkan bantahan dan laporan polis yang dibuat oleh pelbagai NGO sebagai 'UMNO-linked organisations'. (Mungkin sekarang ABIM dan PKPIM juga sudah dituduh menjadi UMNO-linked organisations?)
Dalam Harakahdaily pula, tajuknya adalah "Jangan kelirukan atau politikkan kalimah Allah". Kandungannya hampir sama dengan Malaysian Insider, tetapi dilunakkan sedikit agar kelihatan seolah-olah Pas tidak menyokong tuntutan Gereja Katolik ini dan menawarkan diri untuk memberi penjelasan kepada rakyat. Sama seperti laporan Malaysian Insider, tiada sebarang pernyataan tegas bahawa Pas menolak terjemahan God kepada Allah dan sebarang desakan untuk rayuan yang kukuh serta memohon campur tangan Yang Di Pertuan Agong seperti yang mereka lakukan dalam bantahan mereka terhadap isu yang tidak berkaitan aqidah umat Islam seperti Program Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Matematik dan Sains dalam Bahasa Inggeris (PPSMI).
to read more -
Selepas ini, adakah perkataan "ALLAH" akan berada di mana-mana, termasuk di kedai Arak, kedai perlacuran, casino, kedai babi dan sebagainya.
ReplyDeleteDan adakah selepas ini, masjid dan solat juga akan dijadikan perkataan Am dimana agama mana juga di Malaysia juga boleh mengunakan.
Siapalah kita untuk menghalang kan?
Very dissapointed with PAS leadership, with the President, the Deputy President, the Mursyidul Am, the Timbalan Mursyidul Am giving conflicting statements on the issue.
ReplyDeleteI think obviously Hj Hadi had made a political statement when he said its allowable to use the word "Allah" by non Muslims based on the Perlembagaan but the usage must strictly be monitored and enforced by the authorithies.
This kind of statement by PAS President Hj Hadi does not help diffuse the current situation at all it is akin to say that a citizen can carry a rambo knife in public but must be careful when to use it and the authorithies must strictly ensure that the usage of the knife is not abused. I had expected more of PAS when it has intentions to be the alternate to UMNO.
Perjuangan PAS lebih kepada mendapat bilangan undi nampaknya.
Dear All,
ReplyDeleteReading from this and other sites it seems that one of the arguments is that the muslim god is one whereas the christian god is a trinity and Allah is not a trinity. Therefore Christians cannot refer to Allah. This is despite the fact that historically this has been going on for years until a minor official decided to detain the bibles and from there publicity made other officials join the fray.
We must also not forget Isa to the muslims is a prophet whereas to the christians he is the son of god and part of the trinity. What do we do about him then.
Going further isnt the bible just a distorted version of the Quran. What are we going to do about that?
enough talk , lets pantun memantun =D
kalau tuan turun ke pasar
belikan hamba sebungkus maggi
kalau tuan ingin berjasa
mengapa di kira untung dan rugi
kalau jauhari saja yang mengenal permata
mengapa dirujuk saudagar kaca
kalau mata yang ada tak mahu di buka
mengapa disalah dunia yang gelap gelita
ditanya ikan di jawapnya makanan
ditanya nelayan katanya umpan
di tanya yang tahu jawapnya sama
di tanya yang bebal semuanya berbeza
kalau terlalu lama di kedai samsu
pokok yang bergoyang pun digelar hantu
kalau sudah di bibir mendakwa satu
mengapa di hati mengaku dua
enough talk ...lets pantun =D
ReplyDeletekalau tuan turun ke pasar
belikan hamba sebungkus maggi
kalau tuan ingin berjasa
mengapa di kira untung dan rugi
kalau jauhari saja yang mengenal permata
mengapa dirujuk saudagar kaca
kalau mata yang ada tak mahu di buka
mengapa disalah dunia yang gelap gelita
ditanya ikan di jawapnya makanan
ditanya nelayan katanya umpan
di tanya yang tahu jawapnya sama
di tanya yang bebal semuanya berbeza
kalau terlalu lama di kedai samsu
pokok yang bergoyang pun digelar hantu
kalau sudah di bibir mendakwa satu
mengapa di hati mengaku dua
kalau tak tahu cubalah percaya
kalau percaya
ReplyDeleteWhy are you so confusing or are you the one and only one from UMNO who is so confused? PAS has made a clear stand that non-Muslims can use Allah.
Nampak gaya sume komentar siap bg ayat Quran lg nak kuatkn fakta. Takat faham terjemahan bab had ni org kita mmg terer. Tp time ayat yg lain x plk nak diikut. Mcmnila sy setuju penggunaan nama Allah bg agama langit yg lain krn mmg agama itu diturunkan oleh Allah. Tk bleh nak sangkal lg. Allah utk semua makhluk bkn utk org islam shj. Dgn berebutnya kita dgn perkataan Allah ini boleh menyebabkan kita hampir syirik kerana dgn tidak semena2 kita akan menganggap Allah itu adalah sebagai satu entiti yg boleh direbut2 antara satu sama lain. Yg penting akidah tauhid umat islam itu sendiri kena kuat dan dapat membezakan Allah yang benar (islam) dan Allah yg lain. Sekeliling kita penuh dgn maksiat, hiburan, sosial itu yg utama kita basmikan barulah betul. Semasa dioversea ada satu sahabat sy ini telah dgn sngaja meminum air Holy Water kerana ingin mengetahui benarkah air itu kuat sampaikan kita boleh tinggalkan agama asal kita. Ternyata meleset sekali sahabat sy itu skrag ttap maintain dgn islam. Pokok pangkalnya akidah tauhid seseorang.
religious people are so funny, at best they argue about what their imaginary friends are about and when they get heated up about it, they use religion as a basis to kill and maim.
ReplyDeleteit is behaviour like this that keeps me away from koran reading, bible thumping people.
Lets not get confused.
ReplyDeletePAS is posturing to say that Christians and Jews can use the term ALLAH as God.
While the Government is firm on dissalowing the use by The Herald in their appeal to the court.
We will see which side the Malaysian Muslim public will take on this issue.
Oit Rocky,
ReplyDeleteNot writing about the defamation suit your mamak friend up north filed last week?
Surely you can't just be knocking Pakatan Rakyat all the time.
Even if you are not impartial, janganlah buat sampai obvious sangat.
Saya amat setuju dengan penggunaan perkataan Allah untuk orang2 Katolik.
ReplyDeleteSaya juga amat bersetuju supaya Herald menggunakan Isa untuk menggantikan Jesus untuk konsistensi.
Juga John kepada Yahaya, Abraham kepada Ibrahim dan Santa Claus kepada Saidina Kelaus...
Yep, just like the justification that it is no big deal to use Allah for non-Muslims, then it should not be a big deal to convert these names to the Malay-nised versions.
Melayu bukan bodoh, Islam bukan buta. That is plain and simple in any kind of language....
PS: I'm waiting for some idiot to point out the obvious - Santa not a biblical character. It's sarcasm, just in case you miss it. Or just in case you want to also change it to sarkasisma untuk majalah Herald yang berniat suci itu...(the word doesn't exist. sarcasm is an accepted Malay word, btw. just italicise it...)
PS2: What about changing the Pope to Paupa in the Herald? Maka Paupa Yahaya ke 2 (John Pope 2), misalannya...kenapa? tak senang kena persenda? And he's just a man, not the Surpreme Being...
PS3: The real issue is this: why go through the trouble to hurt people with the usage of the word?
People jumped at the cow-head incident as it was painfully insensitive...and yet, you have idiots trying to justify this?
Marilah terus memperbodohkan diri sendiri...Cheh...
PAS tiada daya pertahankan Islam.
ReplyDeleteSetakat isu nama Allah pun kelam kabut antara mereka.
Di selangor masih buat dan jual arak.
Tak satu pemimpin DAP masuk Islam tapi masih kafir setelah lebih setahun berkawan.
Isu Hudud dah tutup.
Kandang Babi di kawasan Melayu boleh do runding.
Bina kuil di kawasan Melayu boleh dirunding.
Kawan dengan Melayu ISlam dalam UMNO,TAK BOLEH RUNDING.
Apalah PAS ni.
Baik tak payah wujud.
Anon 6.40 pm,
ReplyDeleteKalau Rocky nak impartial ke, nak knock Pakatan Rakyat ke, sukahati dia lah. Apasal, Pakatan Rakyat tuh maksum sangat dah ke? Freedom of speech, no?
Go and read pro-pakatan blogs lah kalau tak sanggup nak tengok.
Saudara Rocky, Sebenarnya kita di kelirukan oleh satu kumpulan Christian yang benar benar mahu menggunakan kitab mereka di dalam bahasa melayu.Mereka telah mendapat kebenaran dari Mantan PM yang lalu untuk mencetak kitab injil mereka kedalam bahasa melayu dan kini mereka minta pulak nama Allah di pakai di dalam kitab mereka. Semenjak dulu lagi kumpulan Christian ini dari Sabah dan Sarawak telah menggunakan nya tetapi tidaklah begitu terang terang. Tun Mahathir pun ada berkata dia ada pernah dengar kumpulan Christian di Sabah dan Sarawak telah menggunakannya.Persoalan saya disini adakah pihak gereja katholik atau gereja yg dari Sarawak/Sabah yang mahu mengggunakan perkataan ALLAH.?sila buat research!.
Hujah mereka adalah "bible berbahasa Malaysia", masalahnya God dalam bahasa Malaysia bukan Allah, tetapi tuhan.
ReplyDeleteKepada orang yang ingin mengeluarkan ayat-ayat Al-Quran atau Bible atau apa-apa penjelasan dari negara luar; soalnya bukan pasal itu, ia pasal dakwah Kristian kepada orang-orang Melayu.
DAKWAH KRISTIAN KEPADA ORANG MELAYU ISLAM, (I.E., MURTAD, pemudahan keluar Islam masuk Kristian, menyenangkan faham konsep Kristian kepada orang Melayu Islam).
Cuba pergi melawat web dakwah kristian, "the Malays have the right to know jesus... bla, bla, bla" itu perkataan mereka.
Ini sepertimana telah berlaku di Indonesia di mana anak2 muda terutama yang moden dan bersosial secara suka2 menukar2 agama dari Islam ke Keristian ke Islam ke Keristian, semata2 kerana anggapan yang silap itu. Ini terjadi kerana pengaruh pergaulan, keinginan berkahwin berlainan agama dan status kemodenan kononnya. Tetapi inilah kenyataannya akibat penggunaan kalimah yang mengelirukan.
ReplyDeleteMalah, ada ramai suami/isteri di Indonesia walaupun sudah berkahwin tapi masih berlainan agama, salah satu puncanya kerana kepercayaan Allah tuhan yang sama.
Memang mudah untuk Pas mengatakan dan memberi sejuta amaran supaya kalimah Allah ini jangan disalahgunakan. Tetapi, bagaimana hendak mencegahnya 10-20 tahun akan datang apabila pemikiran para remaja telah tepengaruh sedikit demi sedikit dalam tempoh tersebut.
Ini baru permulaan. Kelak golongan Kristian ini akan secara halus dan tanpa kesedaran akan berusaha memanupulasi kebenaran yang disokong oleh Pas ini. Ini sedang berlaku secara berleluasa tetapi senyap di Indonesia.
Islam di sana semakin liberal. Sepertimana disiarkan dalam blog Anwar Ibrahi berbunyi "Change Is Coming To Islam" ?????
Nasi akan menjadi bubur.
Pendirian Pas amat keliru, kabur, short-sighted dan meremehkan kepercayaan umat Islam berbangsa dan berbahasa Melayu.
Manusia mudah lupa...Ini pemerhatian peribadi saya kerana sering ke Indonesia sejak 15 tahun dahulu.
Even international Christian against the use of Allah by the another Christian, read here;-
For a simple reason of different theological concept.
Now what they will say?!
Bro Rocky, Sooner the marriage between muslim and christian would also be made legal. Why not? This is also the teaching of the Abraham. PAS has rightly said that all abrahamic followers can adopt abrahamic practises. Haji Hadi and Mother Theresa could have been a prefect couple.
ReplyDeleteI think Wak Segen(6:22pm) made the best observation about PAS's President media statement on the issue. Yes PAS is posturing and positioning themselves to get the best political benefit out of an issue which offends the sensitivities of Malay Muslims which could threathen the security and stability of this country. This was the very argument that the KDN (Government) put before the learned High Court Judge when they banned the Publisher of the Christian Herald Weekly Magazine from using the word "ALLAH" in their Bahasa Melayu Section. Unfortunately the Learned Judge cannot see beyond her Chambers what anger and chaos and confusion that her decision had invoked among Malaysians especially the majority Muslims.
ReplyDeletePAS comforts themselves today by saying to the effect that the word ALLAH should be controlled and restricted, but how could a "magazine" be "restricted" in this age and time where a paper copy of a document can be scanned and converted into digital pdf file and downloaded into the internet for the whole world to read in less time than I can finish typing this comment.The order for restriction for a magazine such as the Christian Herald is obviously archaic and impossible to be enforced.
ReplyDeleteThe truth is that PAS has the maturity and facts to back their agreement not like those ranting umno fellows who lacks confidence(read MM recent take on idiots).For PAS its not politics but for umno they are using it as a tool!Look even Nasri is saying the Judge is wrong!Umno even has no faith in the judiciary and thats a joke !
The malay muslims are just shooting in the dark !There are more pressing problems in todays world like drugs abuse ,AIDS on the social scene, corruption of the highest order in present day government ,leakages all round and you know the majority of the race here!Again the malays are clueless of what they see in a name!
Why is Islam so afraid of other religions converting it? Is islam not the truth? If islam is the truth in peoples' hearts no matter what muslims will keep to their god. Our God given conscience will keep us strong in faith. So why be afraid of one little mere word "allah"
ReplyDeleteHabibrak, baca ayat yang anon 2.53 tulis dan hayati sebaik mungkin. Orang2 xstian dan yahudi yang hidup selepas nabi Isa s.a.w. adalah yang mereka yang memesongkan agama mereka. Itu sebabnya mereka sebarkan hingga sekarang bahawa nabi Isa s.a.w. itu anak tuhan. Sudah terang lagi bersuloh, bahawa Allah tidak diberanak dan tidak diperanakan. They want everything what the muslims want, have and even God's name they want it too from the Islam. Apa punya manusia macam ni sengaja nak kelirukan fahaman orang2 muslim. They do not have any sincerity in this matter, period, ada yang tersirat dan tersurat. Kalau di beri jalan untok mereka mengunakan name Allah, they will mis-used it, that is a guarantee.
ReplyDeleteml/kak din
Saya nasihat kepada pengikut2 Islam, tolong lah jangan anda sendiri mempersendakan name Allah. Dan mengikut rentak orang2 politik seperti hadi dan nik aziz atau pon dr asri. Dan anon 1.04pm perkara ini akan menjadi remeh dimasa hadapan untok anak2 bangsa kamu yang berugama Islam, kalau tidak diselesaikan dengan bijaknya. Ada yang tersurat dan tersirat didalam hati2 orang2 katholic, mereka tidak ikhlas dengan niat yang mereka tujukan dimahkamah tinggi. Bagi saya, mana yang rasa diri tu liberal konon, sebenarnya anda sendiri tidak bela Islam, sayang sekali seribu kali sayang, lemah di negara sendiri. Pope Paul pon tidak berani nak guna name Allah kerana dia sendiri tau penipuan yang dia akan lakukan.
Habibrak, you read carefully what anon 2.53pm wrote dan hayati dengan hati yang jujur dan ikhlas. Don't play with what the politicians are saying on this matter. Alangkan Pope Paul pon tidak berani guna name Allah sebab dia sendiri tau betapa banyaknya penipuan didalam gereja dia sendiri. Berdiri lah wahai khalifah2 Islam dengan dada yang gagah dan penoh keimaman kepada Allah Yang Satu, Yang Tidak Beranak dan Yang Tidak diPeranakan. Siapa lagi yang akan membela NYA, kalau tidak khalifah2Nya.
Habibrak, kamu baca betol ayat yang anon 2.53 tulis. Alangkan pope paul pon tidak berani guna name Allah digerejanya kerana dia sendiri tahu betapa banyaknya penipuan.
ReplyDeleteml/kak din
Can I say 'alamak' or is that also not allowed? I am not a Sunni.
ReplyDeleteA.G.D.T..... Any God Damn Thing.
ReplyDeletePAS is swaying like a lalang in the wind. Today they say ok, tomorrow something else. Can't blame them. They have to please the more Islamic Indians and Chinese than the less Islamic UMNO Muslims.
This is what you get by mixing religion with politics, akin to mixing oil and water.
Now, there are two bodies involved. Religious councils and Court of Law. It literally means that a Khalwat case tried by Syariah may draw different conclusions from the Federal Court.
In any case, it's just a name and it's not registered for exclusive use.
Very soon, some bright fool may register the name and you will need to apply for a licence to use it, with royalties attached. Just like the music industry, religion is heading the same direction.
Kebanyakan orang yang komen-komen dan tahu sangat pasal agama Islam dan langsung tak paham tentang agama Kristian ni tapi buat-buat paham, sila dengar:
ReplyDeleteKristian sentiasa menggunakan nama Allah untuk merujuk pada Tuhan yang satu - Tuhan Maha Esa, Pencipta sekalian Alam. Orang Arab pun tau yang ni diorang tak pernah keliru pun.
Bila masa pula orang Kristian guna nama Allah untuk merujuk pada Nabi Isa atau Roh Kudus? Dalam agama Kristian sendiri pun tak diajar sebegitu.
So read and understand both religion, baru boleh buat smart comment dan rasional.
Kalau korang rasa keliru sangat, bukankah ini bermakna pengetahuan Islam anda tidak mendalam sehingga mudah sangat keliru? Kalau takut sangat Muslim keliru, bukankah ini peranan badan-badan agama dan NGO yang berteraskan agama untuk menjelaskannya?
Isu ni tak pernah timbul pun. KDN yang pandai-pandai menimbulkan isu menghalang penggunaan nama ALlah ni padahal Herald itu cuma buletin dalaman yang hanya untuk sebaran orang Kristian dan dijual di gereja saja. Apa yang ditakutkan sangat?
Pendapat korang, mampukah kumpulan minoriti Kristian sebanyak 700,000 di negara ini mempengaruhi lebih 50% orang Islam di Malaysia ni?
Jangan biarkan emosi mengaburi mata fikiran. Baca dan faham sejarah. Jangan sokong main ikut suka saja. Internet ni banyak sumber yang boleh baca.
Pikirlah sendiri..
The answer to your question:
ReplyDeleteIts the three media that are reporting their own versions.
The original version must be provided by the person(s) who commented.
Looks like you are quoting news reports and trying to discredit the persons.
Basic thing also you do not know ah? just ask them direct through the IT facilities that you have in hand.
I am sure they will oblige - provided you do NOT take a stand FIRST and then only ask.
The malay muslims are just shooting in the dark !There are more pressing problems in todays world like drugs abuse ,AIDS on the social scene, corruption of the highest order in present day government ,leakages all round and you know the majority of the race here!Again the malays are clueless of what they see in a name!
What are you trying to say fuckhead? Go back to where you originated from either India or China and then you will see a different name associated to the similar problems..
Typical mindset of a pendatang..simply stupid..perasan bagus..at least the only pariah caste we had here are among the indians alone and nobody shit and piss everywhere in public like savage wild animals like in India & China...
:D muhahaha
-anti hindraf & ultra chingkies-
ReplyDeleteMemang betul gua nampak PAS satu kaki sudah kena ikat. Tak bleh nak bincang/ bela hak Melayu/Islam dgn UMNO atau lain-lain grup. Tp itu DAP ha lua2 kaki masih flee ohh. Sama PAS/PKR boleh bincang, sama MCA, Gerakan dll grup lg boleh mincang...
Aiyya ini macam. Manyak untung jd bukan Melayu/Islam dlm ini nageri.
bg saya laa kan, dalam hal ini, parti pas... tidak akan berganding bahu dengan umno dalam memperjuang nama "ALLAH" walaupun berkait agama sekalipun.... tentulah pas ingin menjaga persahabatan antara pkr dan dap.
ReplyDeleteIt sucks is'nt ? and the truth about the malay muslims hurts!
It would'nt be good to be an indian or a chinku hater as you are also a pendatang in historical terms!You should know who are the real indegenious people of this land!Again you are clueless of your stock and its a shame!
Bengali: আল্লাহ Allah
ReplyDeleteBosnian: Allah
Chinese: 阿拉 Ālā, 安拉 Ānlā; 真主 Zhēnzhǔ (semantic translation)
Greek: Αλλάχ Allách, Θεός Theós (God)
Hebrew: אללה Allah
Hindi: अल्लाह Allāh
Japanese: アラー Arā, アッラー Arrā, アッラーフ Arrāfu
Maltese: Alla
Korean: 알라 Alla
Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian: Алла́х Allakh
Serbian, Belarusian, Macedonian: Alah, Алах
Thai: อัลลอฮ์ Anláw
Kharma the pendatang pariah..
ReplyDeleteProve it with facts & figures that i'm a pendatang like your fucking filthy self you stupid asshole..
show me your worth now pendatang..make it bigger than your puny pigbrain and more bigger than your bigmouth.
clock ticking pariah..start now.
:D muhahaha
-anti hindraf & ultra chingkies-
Eh ada banyak PENDATANG pulak yang komen pasal isu Islam/Kristian ni. Macam Kharma Parameswara Hindu India dan bayak lagi Anon Chingkie Taoist, Free THinker dan Atheist Cina.
ReplyDeleteBTW, just because I called you PENDATANG don't feel offended or insecure. Just be a "confident Malaysian" like what Marina suggest.
Now I am going to take my pet dog LimGuanEng for a walk.
ReplyDeleteAnother warrior wannabe ! Go to school and refer where your stock derives.Pundeks like u can refer your DNA of your stock with the orang utang.
ni aku kopipes dari facebook sorg mamat ni..pengalaman dia kat indon pasal penggunaan nama Allah oleh non muslim di indon..
ReplyDeleteJust nak kongsi pengalaman sepanjang lebih 5 tahun tinggal dan belajar di Indonesia. Saya tidak berniat memburukkan Indonesia.. They have my respect, dan saya tahu orang2 Indonesia tidak seburuk yang disangkakan di sini.. (orang Indonesia baik dan ramah, pintar dan rajin.. that's a fact!)
Pengalaman ini saya kongsi supaya orang ramai boleh tahu dan membayangkan implikasinya jika penggunaan nama Allah oleh non-muslim dibiarkan. Di satu sisi memang agak lucu, tapi di sisi lain terdapat keseriusan di dalamnya
Aku ingat satu hari aku bukak TV perdana dia pastu tengok satu program.. Aku ingat ceramah agama lah.. dia punya penceramah punya semangat berkobar2.. "Kita semua sudah berdosa! Allah Maha Kuasa! Allah Maha Penyayang! Kembalilah kita semua ke jalan Allah! (aku dalam hati, Alhamdulillah.. bagus!) pastu tak pasal2 dia sambung "Kembalilah ke Yesus Kristus dan Bunda Maryam!" aku langsung tergolek... astaghfirullah! ceramah Kristian rupanya..
Satu lagi kenangan aku kat Indonesia, kalo baca surat khabar sana nanti ada slot obituaries: "Telah Kembali ke Rahmat Allah, Sdr. XXX pada XXX Semoga ruh beliau dicucuri rahmat Allah" Bila tengok balik nama yang mati Eduardus, Kristus, Paulus, etc. (nama org Kristian) pastu ada salib diikuti tulisan kecik "ash to ash, dust to dust, fade to black"... tergolek lagi aku.. wakakaka..
Satu lagi cerita aku kat Indonesia, satu hari aku 'bermusafir' lah ke daerah Jawa Barat naik motor, pastu nak berhentilah solat.. aku toleh ke kiri kanan jalan cari masjid.. Pastu aku nampak ada signboard kalimah Allah (dlm arab!) pastu ada banner "Ayuh kerjakan kewajipan kita kepada Allah dan agamanya!" aku pun pergilah dekat.. tup2 aik, awat lain macam tempat ni, siap ada patung jesus kena salib??!! Tergolek lagi aku.. lah.. gereja Kristian rupenye..
Satu lagi kat sana nak beli buku-buku agama kena hati-hati.. Aku dulu pernah 'usha' buku kat kedai buku.. Ada satu buku aku tak ingat persis tapi tajuk buku dia lebih kurang camni: "Memantapkan Iman Anda Kepada Allah" bila bukak2 browsing per helai aku start confuse, amacam lain macam aje ayat2 dan hadis dia.. Aku tengok balik lah.. ayat2 kutipan dari Bible.. tergolek aku lagi.. lah, buku dakwah Kristian rupanya..
risau gak klu jadi camni kat mesia
ReplyDeleteKalau Al-Pakiam Paderi Gereja Kristian ini meninggal dunia kelak, bolehlah kita sebut dalam bahasa melayu Allahyarham Parkiam....ini tak menyalahguna bahasa kot?
Pas ke Tak Pas cadangan ini?
ReplyDeleteAnother warrior wannabe ! Go to school and refer where your stock derives.Pundeks like u can refer your DNA of your stock with the orang utang.
Spoken like a true pariah being grilled on a hot plate..hehehe.. better refer for yours too pariah..once a pariah forever a pariah..its inherited from where you came from..
You must be a derivative from a cow-dung genome then.. If the Brahmin were the flesh then pariah like yourself must be the shit for sure in term of caste..hahahahah.. pity you poor pendatang soul..so pathetic..
hey pendatang..why trouble yourself with all the fuss in my country..just fuck off to you motherfuckaland and enjoy your pathetic life there..you are thousand of miles lost from your mafuckaland..
Btw my country name is Malaysia..not Chinasia, Indiasia or Pariahsial. ok, ada faham ke keling bodoh? too much eating bullshit i guess, that's why you are so stupid.
:D muhahaha
-anti hindraf & ultra chingkies-
ReplyDelete"Isu ni tak pernah timbul pun. KDN yang pandai-pandai menimbulkan isu menghalang penggunaan nama ALlah ni padahal Herald itu cuma buletin dalaman yang hanya untuk sebaran orang Kristian dan dijual di gereja saja. Apa yang ditakutkan sangat?"
Anda kata tidak pernah timbul? Perkara ni dah lama. Yang mulakan mereka, bukan KDN.
Dan kepada mereka yang tidak kisah kerana yakin akan pegangan agama mereka kuat, dan berpandangan orang yang membantah kerana iman dan ilmu lemah,
alhamdulillah... ini menunjukkan betapa kuatnya iman kamu kerana mempercayai Allah itu Esa, dan tidak akan terkeliru...baguslah..
Cuma, jangan kita lupa.. kita ini hambaNya yang lemah.. dan dikatakan umat akhir zaman ni imannya senipis kulit bawang.. maka, bayangkan betapa mudahnya jika iman dan hati kita diterbalikkan.. nauzubillah..
Sekadar mengingatkan sesama insan..
~ OnDaStreet
ReplyDeleteMelihat kepada komentar yang dibuat oleh orang Melayu Islam yang merasakan diri mereka liberal serta pejuangan politik atas landasan Islam seperti PAS ... rata rata memberi restu penggunaan perkataan Allah ... semua ini menambah kekeliruan pada orang Melayu Islam dan kesannya akan lebih ketara hingga ke cucu cicit.
Aku semakin terasa anak Melayu Islam negara ni akan semakin teruji dan berharap sangat orang Melayu Islam bersatu hati tanpa perkiraan anutan politik.
Now this is a statement from the Islamic Society of North America:
ReplyDeleteThe Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) commends the landmark ruling by a Malaysian Court on December 31, 2009, that affirms the religious freedom of Malaysian Christians. The ruling asserts that Christians have the right to use the word “Allah” to translate “God” into Bahasa Melayu, the Malaysian language. It strikes down a government ban that was placed in 2007 on the use of the term in Christian literature.
The opponents of the use of the word Allah in reference to God have argued that the term “God” is usually translated by Malaysians who follow faiths other than Islam as “Tuhan” in Bahasa Melayu, not “Allah.” They insist that “Allah” should only be used to refer to God in Islam. This argument is contrary to both Islamic understanding and practice.
The Qur’an is quite explicit that Muslims worship the same God recognized by Christians. The Qur’an commands Muslims to declare that the God they worship and the one worshiped by the followers of revealed books, including Christians, is one: “… and say: We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you, and our God and your God is One, and to Him do we submit.” (Qur’an 29:46)
With regards to actual and historical practices, Christian Arabs have been using the word “Allah” to refer to God in their religious sources since the inception of Islam, and have never been challenged by private Muslims or Muslim governments on this ground. Islamic law is clear that followers of the Christian faith have the right to practice their religion according to their own religious teachings.
We call on the Malaysian government to uphold the religious freedom of Christians and to let the court ruling stand. We also urge Muslim NGOs to respect Islamic teachings and long-held Islamic traditions, and to withdraw their opposition to the use of the word “Allah” by their Christian compatriots.
Louay Safi, Director of Communications and Leadership Development
So Rocky and all the others: are American Muslims confused and ignorant?
Or is it a certain minority in UMNO that are teh ignorant ones....
ReplyDeleteKeputusan Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia
Mengenai Isu Tuntutan Penganut Kristian Terhadap Penggunaan Kalimah Allah
Bil. Muzakarah : Kali Ke-82
Tarikh : 5 Hingga 7 Mei 2008
Tempat : Holiday Villa Hotel & Suites
Alor Star Kedah
1) Ulasan/Hujah
i. Perkataan Allah yang digunakan oleh umat Islam adalah merujuk kepada Allah Yang Maha Esa dan lafaz Allah
yang telah digunakan oleh orang-orang Kristian adalah merujuk kepada ‘Tuhan Bapa’ iaitu salah satu oknum
daripada akidah triniti. Ia berbeza sama sekali dengan apa yang dimaksudkan oleh Reverand Datuk Murphy
Pakiam, Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur bahawa perkataan Allah telah lama digunakan oleh orang-orang Kristian
sejak sebelum kedatangan Rasulullah s.a.w. Selain daripada itu, lafaz Allah juga tidak pernah disebut di dalam
teks bahasa Greek yang merupakan bahasa asal penulisan Bible. Ini adalah kerana perkataan Tuhan di dalam
bahasa Greek adalah ‘Theos’ bukannya Allah.
ii. Perkataan Allah juga tidak pernah terdapat di dalam bahasa asal Perjanjian Lama yang dikenali sebagai Taurat
dan Perjanjian Baru yang dikenali sebagai Bible. Ini adalah kerana Perjanjian Lama ditulis dalam bahasa
Hebrew manakala Perjanjian Baru ditulis dalam bahasa Greek. Perkataan Hebrew
To make me remind myself who hadi pass is, he is now tuan haji loo si ferr, to me.
ReplyDeletetukar jubah dia jadi jubah merah, janggut biar panjang, tambah tanduk skit. gua gerenti, sebijik majam loo si ferr.
after reading what hadi wrote, pas is definitely NOT parti islam,. with a boss like that. i regret 100000000000 times for pangkah pas last GE.
dilingundi Allah, i will never ever pangkah pas again. rasa geli, kotor, when i actually remembered pangkah pas thingking it was parti islam.
seliseh malekat 49!
its a joke that a minority of 9.1% of the population in this country can confuse or convert the other 60% because of a single word that predates the christian or muslim faith.
ReplyDeleteshouldn't it be the other way around, we should be scared of u coz we are the small population..!
someone said that its ok in the middle east that everyone uses Allah coz they understand the difference... so muslims here in malaysia not very smart is it ?
that is just bullshit..
1st NEP for Malays next wat NEP for muslim coz they can't compete in the real world..? Mengarut..!
actually its very sad..wats happening here...!
so much hatred generated by one word.. Allah...! all of you are so keen to fight for his name by abusing each other..
Touch yr heart and ask is this wat his name means...?
we are all being played by Umno as usual.. creat enought Havoc so we the people won't see all those taxes and screw up that they are doing..
who do u think benefits from this hatred being cause ? next election most malays will vote ummo thinking they were defender of Islam ! are they really ?
if we really followed Islamic Law most of our ministers would have had they hands chopped off for corruption...
ReplyDeleteHmm, teringat kisah bila Abrahah dan angkatan tenteranya menyetang Kota Mekah. Bila bala tentera Abrahah hampir sampai ke Kota Mekah, Abdul Mutalib dari Bani Hashim sibuk mengemaskan barangan dan ternakannya untuk dibawa keluar dari Kota Mekah. Lalu ditanya kepadanya, Ya Sheikh, kenapa nak lari dan tinggal kan Kota Mekah dan tinggalkan Kota Mekah untuk diruntuhkan... Jawapannya kerana Kaabah ada Tuannya dan Tuannya akan melindungginya dari kebinasaan... The same apply.
anti whatever
ReplyDeleteLet's put this to the test. The PM is going to make an official visit to India within the next few months. Do you think he will evade this issue when questioned by the Indian media? Or will he tell Manmohan Singh that everything is fine and dandy in Malaysia?
Or are you one of those who sympathise with the faceless cowards who firebombed the Metro Tabernacle church in the middle of the night and tossed a firebomb into the grounds of the Church of the Assumption in PJ?
Yup - I call them "faceless cowards". And I include you in that category because you post your demented rantings under the cover of anonymity. As do other faceless denizens like Warrior/Perwira XXX etc.
Let's put this to the test. The PM is going to make an official visit to India within the next few months. Do you think he will evade this issue when questioned by the Indian media? Or will he tell Manmohan Singh that everything is fine and dandy in Malaysia?
ReplyDelete- who cares about Najib..he's a PM and its up to him of what he want to answer & i do not need to remind him for that..even most of the Christian in India are from the dalit (pariah) group..so what's your big deal there? Hey bodoh, Indian society in India have their own social-caste problem and maybe worse than ours, so why wanna be a kepochi like a typical pendatang babi in Malaysia does?
Or are you one of those who sympathise with the faceless cowards who firebombed the Metro Tabernacle church in the middle of the night and tossed a firebomb into the grounds of the Church of the Assumption in PJ?
- so what about the incident of 'your head'..err i mean pig head being thrown at the UM mosque not long time ago?
..some people asked for it, so they have to start to live with it..this is the price you pay for stupidity, similar to yourself pigbrain....so just let this arson idiot teach the other insensitive idiot the unforgetable lesson..let's tango! Yes, i do sympatized stupidity and typical stupid people like you
Yup - I call them "faceless cowards". And I include you in that category because you post your demented rantings under the cover of anonymity. As do other faceless denizens like Warrior/Perwira XXX etc
If that is the case, you must be a "PIGWARD" then..worst! hahaha..you really are an idiot, aren't you SKILGANNON1066??
At least WE do not have multiple identities like a schizophrenic pig like yourself. If you want to distinguish yourself, have your own blog, a real identity like RockyBru, or like that DPP sissy, ok cinababi bodoh?? Ada faham kah? Lain kali tengok cerminlah bila bercakap..hahahaha..
Aiyoo..memang bodoh macam babi lah ini skilmoron..org cakap dia bodoh mcm babi dia tak percaya.. tengoklah sendiri..this is what you get from the mind of a chingkie pig..a.k.a pigbrain.
skilmoron the fucking looser joker..see, i answered your call..but
you still owe me bitch..so where is it alien bitch? Don't you dare run away this time you pigbrain bitch..
:D muhahahaha
-anti hindraf & ultra chingkies-