From Zhou dynasty to multi-racial Malaysia. If you are looking for solid counter-arguments re DAP's Middle Malaysia concept, your search should end with Shamsul Akmar's commentary Middling Value in 'Middle Malaysia' in the New Straits Times today.
Of if you'd rather Barking Magpie's rendition: DAP = Middle Malaysia = Middle Kingdom = Chinese Domination!"DAP'S new remedy for the nation -- Middle Malaysia, sounds quite ancient and feudal -- very much like the Zhou Dynasty's Middle Kingdom."Even if the Middle Kingdom is attached to that which is Egyptian, it is still very feudal, a period when rulers were divine and a law unto themselves. But for most Malaysians, surely Middle Malaysia will echo that of the Chinese Middle Kingdom and not that of the Egyptian.
"As it is, it has already been pointed out in the blogosphere that DAP's departure from Malaysian Malaysia to Middle Malaysia is an attempt to beguile the Malays who had rejected the former as a subtle chauvinist agenda."
Read more here.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Middle-fingering Middle Malaysia
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Very good planning by the MBA and Rocky's troops.
ReplyDeleteYou all must have worked overnight at the expense of the Rakyat's money splurged out to make you 'think tank' experts to burn midnight oil and come out with such views/news.
But then what else you all can do, when your telors have been squeezed tight by the enforcement agencies and also have been rewarded with lucrative jobs?
Good luck in your ventures.
Middle Malaysia is taboo, but 1Malaysia which saw churches, Sikh temples and suraus being the target of arson - is OK with you fellows?
That is not a barking bird but a barking dog.
ReplyDeletekeep'on spinning's good for you !!
ReplyDeleteHow about Anwar go'in to jail soon ... time for celebration mate !!
ReplyDeleteYou should ask them to read 7 times
"The Chinese Dilemma" by Yu Lin Sheng.....
I wonder if they still sell this book in Malaysia ?????
This is what i called middle fingering DAP Middle Malaysia..
Fuck those DAPigs racist chingkies desperados..
come lick my ass for my vote if u want now..
Opps, sorry, i'm voting using my brain..not my ass.. Beeep..!! you idiots got that one wrong again..hahaha..maybe it worked well with those PAS ularpukimaks .. but not the rest of smart silent majority out there..keep on dreaming looser..
:D muhahahaha
-anti hindraf & ultra chingkies-
Part 1
ReplyDeleteI have said this all along and been lambasted for highlighting this ineffaceable truth. My Malay/Muslim brethren, the pig has always a devious way of achieving his nefarious goals so much so that a farmer has to wield a big stick to herd this truculent beast lest it takes off and causes mayhem. Old hoghands like Lee kuan Yew, Chiang Kai Shek, mao Testung and the CCP knew the score and acted accordingly for they came from the same stock and knew the perils of inaction.
It is a method of control inscribed in stone since the days of Chin Shih Huang, a mode of control perfected through the tools of torture, massacre, the obliteration of dissent, the torching of ideas, the annihilation of free thought and the imprisonment of intellect.
his is the only way to keep the recalcitrant beast from testing the limits of its leash and attempting to break away from circumscribed limits. Feed it with offal, serenade it with wine,women and song, pamper it with comfort and you will find a fawning, obedient beast minding its own arse, licking away its shit and mucking about in the quagmire. But only awhile, folks for if denied its swill and its trough of urine watch it create a ruckus, being the ultimate fear of many a weak Emperor, a hapless party apparatchik or a helpless one-party-state cadre.
It is a genetic defect that is further aggravated if it comes under the yoke of a foreigner for nothing riles a pig more than to be subjugated by another species. In Indonesia, it tried slyly to change the inevitability of demographics and ended up being reduced in numbers through mass scale culling. It need not do the same in the non-Moslem Thailand, Phillipines or Myanmar for the terrain allowed for easy camouflage, infiltration into and ultimately usurpation of the indigenes' food chain. Trace the lineage of the ruling classes there and you will see what I mean.
But a brickwall does it encounter in Muslim MALAYSia as stuck as it is in the double jeopardy ecology of a different race and religion (both of which it detests viscerally), it had no choice but to pursue devious means of subterfuge - deceptions conceived after the humiliating repulsion of the full frontal assaults of 1945 and 1969 with minor insurrections interspersed in between. Yoked to a heavy bridle of obedience and penned within the benevolence of Ketuanan Melayu, the pig guttered by crashing humiliations, lay down and frolicked about the muck as a rapidly expanding economy satiated its gluttony for all things material and unleashed its greed for all sins, kiasu.
Warrior 231
But wait, while affecting to lick its arse and enjoy the shit, it was actually plotting away while the locals, oblivious to the threat, assiduously developed the land for the common good. For a pig would never kowtow to a foreign species of superior intellect as it would constitute the ultimate comeuppance, the self-admission that the "barbarian" is indeed superior. For isn’t the emperor. the son of heaven, and his kingdom the fortress of the civilised. What is the world if such cultural icons like pigtails, bound feet, concubinage and all sins like cheating, thieving, whoring, gambling and gangstering are rendered uncivilised by the “barbarian”. Oh what fate awaits the chingkie pig if his centre cannot hold and his sense of superiority and arrogance be plunged into a Yeatsian phantasmagorical protean universe of chaos, subjugation. And thus awoke in his heart a nagging, troubling and ultimately soul cannibalising question: How come have the Malays trumped us for 50 years or so?. Were we not once their superiors now reduced to inferiors? Are we to bear this humiliation for perpetuity?
ReplyDeleteSlowly but surely, silently but perniciously, the seed of doubt flailed itself through the inner sea of despair, penetrated the membrane of revenge and embraced its soulmate of vengeance before tethering itself onto the womb of hate to be fed by the corpuscles of prejudice and oxygenated by the air of dominance. In every sow in the land, grew piglets with the DNA` of revenge indelibly singed into their genes. Birthed, into wealth raised in the comfort of a foreign land, suckled and grown on a life of ease and fattened by the spoils of wanton kiasuism and all things illegal, the new generation of pigs stood on the threshold of their small kingdom, surveying the vast expanse beyond and dreaming of vast riches and easy pickings ….but not through a suicidal frontal assault this time. Rather, infiltration, brainwashing and eventual usurpation of a group of indigene zombie cretins would do for they would be stormtroopers of the New Order…oh what moronic chingkie cocksuckling, arselicking and cuntsmooching basrard indigenes were they, led by an ageing truculent douchebag of an arsewhore …….
(to be continued with fact/evidence to demonstrate this "lick" endeavour by the Chingkie arsewhoring pigs)
Warrior 231
ha ha aha...1malaysia is but what??
ReplyDeleteFuck you Still!!!!!!!
A more interesting question is how long it'll be before Najib decides to rip this slogan off too?
First it was Malaysian Malaysia. But since it was similar to One Malaysia, DAP now decides to drop the hot potato.
ReplyDeletePerhaps the Najib administration will adhere to the DAP's call and change the theme to Balanced Malaysia?
Then what?
read their idology before linking it to Chinese donimation etc...
ReplyDeleteu could tell others not to draw conclusion about murder of TBH and torched churches... but you wouldn't with hold ur guns for anything out of DAP ..
just too obvious :)
Giving it the chinese slant spin is indeed very naughty. But, as always, its your blog, so must accept it lor.
ReplyDeleteEvery argument unalloyed by the steel of fact is susceptible to effects of chemical weathering that renders it ultimately an ugly rusty hulk. We have many rustbuckets littering the landscape of this blog an those of cyberspac in general. Worthless pieces of metal, the remnants of innuendoes, halfbaked analysis, pure calumny and outright lies peddled by imbcile twatlicking and arsefucking Chingkie, Hindulen and their loyal clitleeches, cuntworms cocksucklers and arseticks, the now pseudo-Malay lovva trannie boys and whorehags. Led by a still virile arsewhore, Mr Brokeback Anuswar, the recently consecarated Father Hardy, Friar Caled, Bishop Nik, the lawyer sons of Padre Abraham and ageing saggy breasted, bone dry cunted Sister Azizah and the twiceover cockblasted imbecile whoregirl Izzah and the rest of the pseudo-Malay imbecile wenchgays and slutgals.Their phallic object of veneration being none other than the murderously rapacious Chingkie boy-emperor a shitfaced bastard whose name echoes Guano nd his dowager (read: dead cock) pappa dicernible by the acronyms of Lim Kok Shit and his arsefucking, wahe guruing Singh bastard pimp coterie.
ReplyDeleteWanna evidence as to how Middle Kingdom is effected, here are some rock-solid evidence taken from the bastards' mouth:
Fact 1.
LGE commands, the PKR and PAS whoreboys and slutgirls grovel and lick his rase in submission even to the extent of harakiriing their religion in the process:
"At the press conference after his speech, Lim affirmed the PR’s stand in taking the middle, moderate ground with specific regards to the on-going “Allah” controversy.
“We are speaking for the decent/silent majority. We must occupy the middle ground. I am happy that PAS and PKR have decided on a common ground too on this issue.
“The principle taken by PAS especially shows the consistency in the PR,” stated Lim.
lokk at the unabashed joy )I am HAPPY, indeed!!)of the emperor at this capitulation to Shirik by the laknatullahs.Observe, how the pig sets the agenda and how PAS and PKR kowtow effectively revealing their Kaffir credentials.Yes, my Muslim brethren now you can see how the Almighty has uncloaked the actual munafuckings and murtads in our midst. All this despite the fact that a certain Abdul Hadi Awang (no relation to Faher Hardy for the name is generic amongst the Malay speaking world since timme immemorial, i guess, hahahaa)in his book "Aqidah Muslim" (pustaka Antara, 1989) has strictly asserted several times that to ascribe partners to the asma and husna of Allah SWT is tantamount to shirk and renders one effectively a murtad. The selfsame Hadi asserts elsewhere that the teachings of Islam were repeatedly corrupted by early murtads, the followers of Noh(as) Ibrahim(as), Musa(as), Isa(as) who were all Muslims. This view dovetails with various verses in the AlQuran (esp. Ali-Imran and Al-Maidah) that assert that only Islam has and always been the Addeen since Adam (as). Folks, using your logic what would these Muslims have called the Almighty? Pakiam...hahahaha LOL. And there are a lot of other evidence that I have which will put pay to the myth propagated by Brother Anuswar, Father Hardy, Friar Caled and Bishop Nikki, worthless maruahless chingkie cocksucklers out to please the Emperor.
(to be continued)
Warrior 231
Salam to all.
ReplyDeleteni saya nak cerita sikit, sikit saja, kalau marah dengan DAP pun, tak payah lah heret Chinese or whatever Chinese history in your attack. ingat semua Cina kat Malaysia ni DAP punya supporters kah?
guna otak sikit, jangan kerana nyamuk, kelambu dibakar. There you go, gua Cina, tapi gua suka guna pepatah Melayu to prove my point because thats the way i respect the Malay culture.
flush your political spinning in the public toilet and middle-finger yourself, you go-to-hell racist!
1Malaysia :One Israel, hence Jewish Domination?
ReplyDeleteCry ,bitch and whine like a hog about chinkus but at the end of the day we hold your balls!Hey you and muslims brethrens just cannot resist money lor and we dont mind paying for it for we know your greed!
So who controls who???Forget it you racists that day of ketuanan melayu is gone. Money is the chinese ketuanan you get the drift?
ReplyDelete"Middle Malaysia is taboo, but 1Malaysia which saw churches, Sikh temples and suraus being the target of arson - is OK with you fellows?"
whhaattt? the learned param shallowly surmised that it is 1Malaysia that caused the religious arson.
wwoooii, how can jump quickly to conclusion one??
1Malaysia will see non-Malays becoming Malaysians in the mould of the majority, heh heh
Hi Rocky,are you trying to mislead the masses here or you get a big kick out of playing out these idiotic comments about Middle Malaysia meaning Middle Kingdom, etc etc? If those guys here don't understand English, just write in Bahasa Melayu la!
ReplyDeleteMiddle here means sederhana, meeting in the centre, you meet me from your end and I from my end. We meet in the middle & carry on from there. Nobody wins & nobody loses.
Or you trying your luck with those buggers here????
Hi Rocky,are you trying to mislead the masses here or you get a big kick out of playing out these idiotic comments about Middle Malaysia meaning Middle Kingdom, etc etc? If those guys here don't understand English, just write in Bahasa Melayu la!
ReplyDeleteMiddle here means sederhana, meeting in the centre, you meet me from your end and I from my end. We meet in the middle & carry on from there. Nobody wins & nobody loses.
Or you trying your luck with those buggers here????
Dear Rocky,
ReplyDeleteIf you are FAIR and BALANCED as an esteemed chief editor of a major news paper should be,
Then you should also provide a link to this article which is a brilliant counter-argument to Shamsul Akmar's commentary on 'Middle Malaysia'.
To read this, please go here.
Any further comments and arguments would only make sense and be complete if readers READ this article AND THEN value 'Middle Malaysia' and the worth of Shamsul Akmar's arguments.
I repeat, Rocky: Add this in your post as (as a 'Read More Here' item).
Middle finger?! Ha ha ha very nice man.
ReplyDeleteMight I suggest you and your cronies at the NST spend some time reading some of Anthony Giddens' books.
Middle Malaysia a.k.a. The Third Way is a very simple concept successfully employed by Bill Clinton and Tony Blair in their campaigns. It resonates with the moderates which you probably are not since it does not resonate with you.
Now for you and your friends to extrapolate MM to China is quite mind boggling.
If you do not have a copy of Giddens' book, it is available in Amazon.
It is one thing to be pro UMNO but surely you and your cronies don't think we are that stupid?
Accuse DAP of being unoriginal but it is a shame that they thought of it before APCO did. RM20m does not get you much in terms of advice these days.
Middle Malaysia ke, Right Malaysia ke, Left Malaysia ke, Malaysian Malaysia ke does not hide the fact that the DAP is still a Chinese Chauvinist party.
ReplyDeleteDAP squandered a great chance to show that they really meant to appeal to all races after the March 2008 GE, they failed big time. Just look at the composition of the Penang Exco and the former DAP led Perak Pakatan Government Exco. Middle Malaysia? Too little too late, majority Malaysians can see through the DAP and what it stands for.
Unless rocky bantai BN/UMNO, these ppl will always accuse you to be partial.
ReplyDeleteOrang indonesia kata...'dasar....'
no matter what happens, malays have to stand together and don't fall for any shits from dap.
ReplyDeletesad to see why malays can't see dap is just using pkr and pas to divide the malays to gain collateral power. this is an aged old strategy, divide and conquer, the former british empire's favourite tactic.
in other words, they just want the malay to fight each other. why? because when the malays are fighting each other, they cannot unite, and when they cannot unite, how to protect themselves?
you think dap wants liberal? see those top two father and son teams sucking the party like draculas? are they trying to portray that they are the smartest among the entire dap members and dap can't survive without their only rule? or merely displaying dictatorship through their iron fists?
remember, they preach what they won't do. forget their version of freedom of speech? they are barring newspapers and reporters that don't play to their tunes! forget their version of blasting cronism? they elected their children to the ruling posts!
there is only one way to treat a party like dap, stand united and 'middle fingering' them together and watch their every moves, not what fart out of their mouth.
whatever slogans the DAP used to try to win the minds and hearts of the mainstream or fence sitter malaysians (read Malays), the party will always fail to get their support (read votes)if it continues to have ill feelings or hatred toward the Malay community and their leaders, anti Islam, anti Bahasa Melayu, anti Bumiputera, anti nasional, and anti Raja-raja Melayu!
ReplyDeletethe middle malaysians see the DAP as a staunch Chinese party, practising nepotism, double standards, has different sets of laws - one for them and for the establishment -, fighting the cause of the Chinese mainly, trying to destroy the Malay unity, looking down at the Malays, and so on.
Good *uck to you DAP
from me
Rocky, I would like to offer my MIDDLE-FINGER to your and people of your ilk. From the onset, you have been a strong UMNO supporter masquerading as an impartial dickhead bigot. To me, DAP and PKR are the saviour of the nation besieged by corruption and nepotism. In this country,UMNO can get away with cold blooded murder and idiotic people like you will just turn your faces as though nothing is happening. You are racist through and through...a visceral being given a top post in a Muzium-negara newspaper which cannot even garner a decent sale so much so it has to be given free. To me, give your paper to a Chinese and Mat Salleh as it is only fit to be used to wash their arse...and the same goes to you as the Editor of that paper.PTTTTTUI!!!
ReplyDeleteThe Rock
'Middle Malaysia' is more like the 'DA Piggy Code'. So much hidden messages, hidden agenda.
ReplyDeleteSame old same old DA Pig on a sheep skin.
Samsul Akmar is an okay fellow, with large feet
Ini semua angkara tenguk cerita Avatar, habis semua diawtarkan!
ReplyDeleteSaya harap Tuan Rocky jangan tenguk cerita Avatar,takut Hang pun kena penyakit sama dengan kawan Hang.
Hey have you watched the ad on tv1??
ReplyDeleteThe Malays talk about making friends with all races
Guess what the chinese said. She said she can enjoy all types of food like nasi lemak, mamak food
anon 9:57..
ReplyDeletehey fuckhead chingkie....try throwing your money in front of us and see whether you can turn around and walk away in single piece after those insults to our race & religion..
You soul-less piggies are the only one that worshipped money as your God around here..
When your 'God' is no more, you fucking chingkies will all end up dying like JE infected pigs..slow excruciating death..pity you pigbrain...chingkies are so pathetic thinking everbody else is similar to them pigs..they are what they eat..pigs..kah..kah..kah...!
:D muhahahaha
-anti hindraf & ultra chingkies-
Part 4a
ReplyDeleteThe concept of Middle Malaysia is purportedly based on the notions of moderation, the acceptance of diversity, the embracing of the middle path, of consultation and consensus rather than confontation and discord blah blah and more bloody blah.However, the cold hard facts do not seem to support those warm high-falutin pronouncements. Instead, the DAP is not only in the forefront in dissing the fundamentals of Islam (as i have shown in my previous comment), but also the cultural constructs of the majority race. Here is a sample and yet another middle finger to Middle Malaysia:
"NST Online: 2008/06/19
DAP Bentayan assemblyman censured for not donning ceremonial attire
JOHOR BARU, Thurs:"......he refused to wear the ceremonial attire for the occasion. Instead of donning the white Nehru collared tunic and songkok ceremonial attire worn by other assemblymen, Gwee chose a dark blue business suit without a songkok............
Warrior 231
Part 4b
ReplyDeleteLest we forget, in 2008, the DAP showed its deep reverence and respect for a venerated Malay institution that underpins our weltanschung. As they say the proof of the pudding is in the eating while as i say, the proof of hypocrisy is in the doing:
"Then Strike Three hit us full in the face. The 3 winning parties in Perak submitted recommendations for Menteri Besar to the Regent of Perak to be passed to the Sultan for HRH to make a choice. They all stated that they would accept the Sultan’s choice. The official announcement was that Perak royalty had selected the PAS condidate as the one most qualified to lead the state. DAP objected to the choice. Lim Kit Siang has called upon the Perak DAP ADUNs to boycott the installation ceremony, in the process, insulting the royalty of Perak State. And so the true colours of the BA are revealed. I understand the Sultan/Regent selected the PAS candidate because he was the most qualified to rule the state. I have not heard why DAP has objected. Was it because PAS has the smallest representation in the State Assembly? Was it because PAS already rules 2 states? Was it because DAP still does not trust PAS and suspects a hidden Islamic agenda? If so, why did they agree to the submission of the 3 names? Was that a smoke-screen to conceal their real purpose? So what happened to the much vaunted meritocracy proclaimed by DAP? Does it apply only when criticising BN? Why is it so important to allocate places based on representation or power distribution or whatever? How is this different from the BN model of allocation based on race?
I do not know whether this is a problem of the Lim dynasty or is endemic to DAP. Perhaps it is a reflection of the entire Chinese community."
There, a gem from the very blog that promotes the Ayah Pin variety of "I-slam"
Study the extract above, folks. Note who is throwing tantrums and calling the shots. Any surprises as to why Ngee Char then proceeded to issue those millenial leaseholds. Look at how the Malay constitutional monarch is insulted and even denied his discretion to nominate whom he deems fit based on certain provisos in the state constitution. Observe too, how the avaricious pig in his haste to assert dominance conveniently overlooks provisions providing for the appointment of a Muslim only. In one fell swoop, the pig reveals his disdain for all things Malay and Muslim, dont you agreee, folks?
Any wonder as to why hardly 9 months later, the same Sultan is lambasted for exercising his discretion by a mob of imbeciles helmed by cocksuckling, arsewhoring Malay PRistas (term coined to describe Melayu Kristian berlagak Islam) who roadrolled themselves into infamy for the pig's cause goaded by the chingkie pig himself
Yeah, the very same Malay PRista "jihadis" who wont raise a finger when the asma and husna of Allah SWT is calumnised by 3D obsessed Catholic catatonic, alcoholic pigs. For that matter, why should they for after all those catechism classes conducted by Brother Anuswar, Father Hardy, Friar Caled, Sister Azizah and sponsored by the Koks and Guanos of this world must have sure lulled them into thinking that the schizophrenic Christ will soon lower his haunches, stretch his arsehole and drop some manna into their agape oral orifices, the smell and taste of which will give them an instant epiphany of doomdom come. Hey, the bugger must sure have had a fucking good time, wanking away in the spiritual sphere, given free blow jobs in the human realm and being throat rammed by them wraiths in the spirit world. What a 3D (dicking, dildoing, deepthroating) mutt, no wonder the Laurel and Hardys of this world are so enamoured........hahahaha LOL.
That will do for now. I will be back with more later for Banquo's ghost is at the door and me Macbeth the thane of Cawdor have to get some chowder....have a nice day folks.
Warrior 231
Salam to all.
ReplyDeletealso to dear Rocky, i think enough have been said about you and your middle-finger, and quite a silence from you.
for whatever reason, people may disagree, but we all have the right to agree to disagree.
bottom line, satu nasihat saya panjangkan untuk pertimbangan cik Rocky, kalau dah sampai masa untuk ambil CAT scan, please take one. Who ever paying you to take potshot and how much, itu you punya rezeki. tapi jangan pulak kamu cuba nak incite sentiment just because you benci dengan satu parti politik tertentu.
dalam hidup ada had dan batasan, lebih lebih lagi isu kaum. Kalau kamu rasa ada sikit nilai tanggungjawab sebagai seorang blogger yang tersohor dan ramai peminat, mungkin sampai masa kamu lihat middle-finger sendiri dan merenung sejenak apa jenis manusia you have turned into
having said the above, your blog still is one of the best reference for issues because you are just that informative. Just, sesama umat manusia, i have to say how upset i am of your way of approaching the middle malaysia issue because u must always remember, DAP actually tidak dominasi chinese supporters, in fact, ramai yang menyampah tengok muka Guan Eng, tapi because of misguided generalization that chinese are as chauvenist as DAP, DAP won.
you should know better on which kind of human being are contributing to that misguided generalization.
Rocky the dark knight:
ReplyDeleteLike the say in Indonesia, "sudah bisa curi" is the phrase for your UMNO masters. Don't talk about 1Malaysia or Middle Malaysia or Middle Kingdom. Talk about theft, incompetence and downright dishonesty amongst your friends in power.
Warrior 231 is always fingering himself...and of course those that he feels contributed to his poor genetic material. Too bad those like him will die out due to the limited gene pool.
The Rock @ 8.11 AM,
ReplyDeleteYou still use newspaper to kesat (don't use the word wash la) your arse ha? Aiyoo, so dirty one, la. They did that sort of thing ages ago, man. You will get piles doing it, old boy. No wonder you sound angry and agitated - they say piles-suffering fellows are often like that.
But the good news is Anwar won't go dicking for your arse, la. He goes for the washed ones, I'm told. But he might just middle-finger you with a clinical glove. Watch out, man.
As usual Bro anti, you are spot on my soul brother. These pigs want to throw away their money hahahaha what a bunch of lying thieving bastards, they even cheat their dead by burning fake dollars for their idiot ghosties. Come to think of it, who holding whose balls. With one fell swoop, we can exproporiate all Chingkie wealth, nationalise their commercial assets and mow down the scum into mass graves. And having done that their scaws will do our bidding, massaging our balls and suckling on our schlongs ..that is.... So don pray pray ah!
ReplyDeleteWarrior 231
As usual Bro anti, you are spot on my soul brother. These pigs want to throw away their money hahahaha what a bunch of lying thieving bastards, they even cheat their dead by burning fake dollars for their idiot ghosties. Come to think of it, who holding whose balls. With one fell swoop, we can exproporiate all Chingkie wealth, nationalise their commercial assets and mow down the scum into mass graves. And having done that their scaws will do our bidding, massaging our balls and suckling on our schlongs ..that is.... So don pray pray ah!
ReplyDeleteWarrior 231
hey hey godfather
ReplyDeletethe purest breeds usually are the hardest to care for
WEEDS on the other hand spread/procreate/breed like pigs
~Warrior fan~
rocky or whatever fuck you are,
ReplyDeleteyou do not dare to post my comments, yet you post your brother 231 and anti ( otherwise known as malakies donkies I and II. I got the feeling that you are actually the one writing all the racist comments but no guts to use your own name. yoiur chinkie friends ewoon, jeff ooi deserve to be called chinkies because they are so blind and misguided to deem you a friend and think that they are malay sian. fuck you, inbreed. don't bother posting this, it is meant for you.
warrior 123
"And having done that their scaws will do our bidding, massaging our balls and suckling on our schlongs." What low-life dreams some mental cases have!
ReplyDeleteAnd so that tranny fixated and raped racist and religious bigoted scumbag Warrior 231 surfaces again!
This time he shows real fear that DAP is gaining ground over MCA and UMNO/BN. So out comes the same bag of filth and obscenity which are his only lame weapons against those better than him who do something real to improve the nation.
Added on is his dream sex fantasy. Not getting enough at home Warrior 231, pervert? He fantasizes about "Chingkie" blowjobs while rubbishing their kind at the same time!! What a loser! Get help soon at Tj Rambutan, Warrior 231 or it's game over for you! Yeah, the only celebration you'll be doing is in a strait-jacket! Muahaha!
We are all of 1 race, the Human Race
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteRocky the dark knight:
Like the say in Indonesia, "sudah bisa curi" is the phrase for your UMNO masters. Don't talk about 1Malaysia or Middle Malaysia or Middle Kingdom. Talk about theft, incompetence and downright dishonesty amongst your friends in power.
11:57 AM
He he wakeup la...... that Ronnie Liau just learned to curi or "sudah bisa curi"??
Talk that to your Dapigs.
Fuck you.
Dear Rocky,
ReplyDeletePost with racist overtone tend to attract racist bigots commenting. Its terrible isn't it, the nature of man and its racist tendency and capability of expouting evil deeds to other fellow men. Men is really a terrible creature. Do wonder why violence in the world never cease as long men still exist.
man tough decision.... Middle finger or Wang malaysia
ReplyDeletei guess being shown a middle finger is better than being sucked dry of my $$
Middle Malaysia = Middle Finger = DAP
ReplyDeleteDei Guan Eng, bila lu punya bapak Kit Siang mau suruh gomen buat Royal Commission untuk siasat Dragon Boat?
Middle Sea
ReplyDeleteYou still dont get it into your belachan head ,we chinkus will still survive no matter what and still hold you by the balls!Hey you can get anything with just money and we still hold the country's ECONOMY by the balls! It's only money and this is like a drug which you moolayus cannot forgo!
If you are true muslims hell the country will be free of corruption and we chinkus will have an added bonus!
The Rock 8:11 AM
ReplyDelete...To me, give your paper to a Chinese and Mat Salleh as it is only fit to be used to wash their arse... nation besieged by corruption and nepotism...
Sad eh, Those golden days, you and your Mat Salleh..together hoodwinking the locals and making tons of money! So how now? Member sudah tarak, tinggal lu orang terkial2 tak boleh senang lenang macam dulu dulu?
Anyway! Shocking new discovery The Rock dearest, I thought today you people are using recycled newspapers (that comes in rolls) to calit taik? Old habits die hard.. so the saying goes..
ReplyDeleteWhy are you so tense here?
Kalau nak cari menantu, mesti kena merisik asal usul dari mana datang keluarga dia right? Surely you want your bloodline to be of pure breed, right? Kalau dalam keturunan dia terdapat 3generasi yang berpenyakit mental, atau leper, masakan you nak ambil dia jadi menantu?
Sama juga, kalau nak cari Ketua Pemimpin.. mau tau jugak ambil kisah latar belakang keturunan dia..
Warrior 231,
ReplyDeleteI think you have your "weltanschung" shoved so far up your arse that you are cumming out of your mouth fantasising about how smart you think you are.
Pathetic fucking moron. It is people like you that prevent the realisation of "1 Malaysia". Appropriating "Chingkie wealth". Ha, that's what you and your parasitic UMNO scum have been doing (or trying to do) for the last 40 years. But you know what, we are bigger people than you because we helped to build up this country and will continue to do so despite your hate-filled monologues. We are true Malaysians and are here to stay.
You know, I once saw a Malay man on a motorcycle with a Nazi swastika sticker on it, with the words "All Jews and Chinese out". What the fucking moron didn't realise is that Hitler would have gassed you lot immediately as scrawny little untermenschen. But that's the thing about you Malay ultra douchebags - you never see the big picture and content yourself masturbating into an orgasm of hate while not realising that the roof is about to fall in. Not because of the pendatangs or the Middle Kingdom or whatever fucking DSAI, LKS, LKY (I am no fan of PR), but because you have been too absorbed in your hatred to ensure that the edifice housing you is actualy solid.
And pray tell me what a "scaw" is? Or is that another fictional word concocted from the murky stewing depths of your syphilitic, alcohol-afflicted brain?
With kind regards,
One more proud Malaysian
The Rock, FUCK YOU and MIDDLE FINGER to you too...
ReplyDeleteFuck you too you apathetic imbecile
Nampaknya Rocky takde teloq nak paparkan respon kepada hujah Shamsul Akmar yang mengkritik Middle Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteJadi saya link-kan kepada semua para pembaca rencana yang menapis satu demi satu hujah Shamsul Akmar.
Baca, jangan tak baca:
Memecahbelahkan dan mencincang hujah Shamsul Akmar
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Saya ingin membalas petikan Shamsul yang telah dipaparkan di New Straits Times hari ini. Anda boleh membaca teks keseluruhannya dibawah. Bahagian-bahagian dalam kurungan (Point nombor 1, 2, 3, dll) adalah ditambah oleh saya sendiri untuk memudahkan rujukan anda - supaya anda tahu ayat mana yang saya ingin tujukan.
Point nombor 1: Mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad selalu menyebut masalah orang Melayu. Daripada surat-suratnya yang telah dihantarkan kepada Perdana Menteri Pertama Tunku Abdul Rahman (yang terbitkan oleh saya di Internet pada tahun 2001-2002) dan dalam bukunya, The Malay Dilemma, menunjukkan bahawa beliau telah mempunyai pandangan tersebut mengenai masalah orang Melayu pada tahun 1960-an lagi.
Dalam salah satu sidang UMNO, Mahathir menangis, kerana menurut dia, dia kecewa dengan sikap Melayu. Ketika ditanya oleh seorang wartawan tak lama selepas beliau bersara, penyesalan terbesar beliau dalam masa 22 tahun sebagai Perdana Menteri, Mahathir menjawab penyesalan yang paling besar ialah beliau tidak dapat mengubah sikap orang Melayu.
Sikap Melayu manakah yang membuat Mahathir begitu sedih? Beliau telah menyatakanya dalam surat-suratnya yang dihantar kepada Tunku Rahman, beliau telah menyatakanya dalam bukunya, The Malay Dilemma, dan dia juga selalu mengungkitkan selepas itu.
Melayu terlalu feudalistik, kata Mahathir. "Mengapa Melayu tidak boleh menjadi lebih pragmatis seperti orang Cina?" Tanya Mahathir. Dan salah satu alasan (saya kata salah SATU alasan) Mahathir mengheret kerabat diraja dalam dua Krisis Perlembagaan semasa 1980-an adalah untuk 'mematahkan' mentaliti feudalistik orang Melayu.
Tapi ia gagal. Orang Melayu telah bersatu dibawah payung Sultan, bukannya dibawah UMNO, maka Mahathir terpaksa berundur.
Jadi mengapa Shamsul boleh menyatakan DAP itu feudalistik apabila orang tua politik Malaysia telah menyatakan itulah masalah yang dihadapi orang Melayu? Perkara ini adalah seperti seorang pelacur telah mendakwa Paris Hilton sebagai orang yang tidak bermoral.
Point nombor 2: Shamsul, menuduh DAP menjadi parti chauvinis orang cina. Adakah Parti DAP bermaksud Parti Cina Malaysia sebagaimana 'M' dalam UMNO yang bererti Melayu, 'C' dalam MCA untuk Cina dan 'I' dalam MIC untuk India? 'D' dalam DAP adalah untuk Demokratik, bukannya Cina.
Point nombor 3: "Keserdehanaan Malaysia' bererti bertemu di tengah. Ini tidak bererti 'Kerajaan Tengah' seperti di kuno China. Dalam erti bahasa Inggeris, ketika kita mengatakan kita mencari jalan tengah, itu bererti kita mencari kompromi. Kami bertemu di tengah jalan. Anda mengambil satu langkah ke arah kami dan kami mengambil satu langkah ke arah anda. Itu adalah cara bagaimana kita mencapai jalan tengah.
Ringkasannya, bukan pemenang yang akan memperolehi kesemua kemenangan manakala yang kalah akan kehilangan semua dalam apa jua jenis situasi. Dalam hal ini bermakna anda memberikan sesuatu dan saya juga menyerah sesuata. Kami berdua mengorbankan sesuatu demi kompromi dan demi pertemuan di tengah, iaitu jalan tengah.
(Bersambung di bawah...)
Point nombor 4: Sudah tentu DAP tidak akan melakukannya sendiri, seperti kata Shamsul. Malaysia bukannya hanya mempunyai satu bangsa atau satu agama. Malaysia terdiri daripada kepelbagaian kaum dan agama. Tetapi bagaimana anda mencapai perpaduan dalam kepelbagaian? Nah, anda mencipta sebuah 'melting pot' untuk etnik dan budaya. Jadi jelas DAP tidak boleh melakukan perkara ini persendirian tanpa sokongan yang lain.
ReplyDeleteAdakah ini salah? Bahkan, itu adalah sebalik daripada kesalahan, walaupun Shamsul cuba untuk menggambarkan hal ini dalam keadaan yang negatif.
Point nombor 5: Sudah tentu, slogan DAP dulu ialah Malaysian Malaysia. Tapi DAP menyedari bahawa rakyat Malaysia tidak begitu mengerti apa isi kandungannya. Jadi ia telah ditinggalkan sejak dulu lagi. Bahkan, itu telah ditinggalkan dalam satu jangka masa yang panjang, bukannya sekarang.
Bagaimana pula dengan slogan UMNO's yang bertukar selalu? Sekarang 1Malaysia. Tidak lama daripada itu Islam Hadhari. Dan, sebelum itu, UMNO mempunyai pelbagai slogan seperti Malaysia Inc, Dasar Pandang Ke Timur, Boikot Baragan Inggeris, dan entah apa lagi. Begitu banyak sehingga saya tidak dapat mengingati kesemuanya.
Point nombor 6: Ini dakwaan menarik yang dibawa oleh Shamsul. Adakah Polisi DAP iaitu 'keserdehanaan malaysia' adalah untuk mematahkan dominasi Barisan Nasional? Saya berharap begitu. Saya akan kecewa sekiranya DAP memulakan strategi 'keserdehanaan malaysia' tanpa mempunyai niat untuk mematahkan dominasi Barisan Nasional. Menghancurkan Barisan Nasional adalah tujuan utamanya. Tiada apa lagi selain daripada matlamat itu.
Point nombor 7: Sekarang Shamsul menyesalkan bahawa PAS telah berkompromi dengan rakan-rakan lain dalam Pakatan Rakyat. Ya, baik untuk PAS. Aku ingat ketika UMNO selalu menuduh PAS begitu ekstrim dan tak kenal kompromi. Sekarang UMNO mengeluh terhadap semangat komprominya?
Point nombor 8: Mungkin ada yang bersetuju dengan pendapat pemimpin tertinggi dalam PAS dalam isu Perkataan Allah sementara ada juga yang tidak setujyu, Shamsul menuduh. Jadi? Adakah kamu tidak pernah mendengar perkataan demokrasi? Adakah kamu tidak pernah mendengar bahawa setiap orang berhak untuk memberikan pendapatnya masing-masing? Adakah kamu tidak pernah mendengar tentang hak untuk menyatakan pendapat anda tersendiri? Dan kau kata semua ini buruk? Saya katakan itulah kelebihan PAS. Ini menunjukkan bahawa demokrasi muncul dalam PAS dan ahlinya berhak untuk menyuarakan pandagan mereka, bahkan tidak bersetuju dengan pendapat kepimpinan tertinggi.
Point nombor 9: Ya, Shamsul sangat berhati-hati di sini. Khalid Samad tidak 'membenarkan' sokongannya dan perpaduan dengan DAP dan PKR dengan mengungkapkan ayat-ayat dari Quran. Jika Quran mengatakan demikian maka Quran mengatakan demikian. Anda tidak 'membenarkan' apa pun dengan mengungkapkan Quran. Anda hanya menjadi Muslim yang baik. Dan ini adalah jenayah?
Point nombor 10: Ok, mari kita bicara tentang Ahli Parlimen untuk Kulim. Saya mengenalinya. Begitu juga isteri saya, seorang Cina yang telah memeluk Islam. Dan pada suatu hari ketika isteri saya mengenakan Zul Nordin di depan orang umum.
ReplyDelete"Islam macam apa kau ni?" Tanya isteri saya. "Anda adalah munafik. Anda adalah aib bagi Islam. Anda perlu menanggalkan kopiah putih di kepala anda. "
Zul Nordin berjalan tanpa mengatakan apa-apa. Dia tidak mampu untuk membalas seorang Cina yang tidak dilahirkan sebagai seorang Muslim, tetapi menjadi seorang Muslim di kemudian hari. Anda akan melihat kesenyuman di muka Datuk Kamarul Bahrin ketika seorang Cina yang memeluk islam telah mengenakan seorang yang dikatakan mujahid Islam.
Jadi, Shamsul, saya tidak akan menggunakan Zul Nordin sebagai contoh yang 'baik' jika anda ingin berdebat dalam kes anda. Dia adalah badut yang terbaik. Kopiah putihnya mungkin sudah terlalu ketat sehingga menyekat aliran darah ke dalam otaknya.
Point Nombor 11: Ada dua point di sini. Salah satunya adalah tentang pemimpin yang telah 'usang' atau 'expired' dalam Pakatan Rakyat. Saya bersetuju dengan Shamsul disni dan telah mengatakan hal yang sama berulang kali. Pakatan Rakyat perlu melakukan beberapa pembersihan. Begitu huga dengan UMNO dan Barisan Nasional yang mempunyai masalah yang sama, bukan hanya pihak pembangkang sahaja.
Dan point kedua ialah mungkin PAS, DAP dan PKR harus bubar dan bergabung dalam satu parti, ini adalah idea yang baik dan aku tidak akan kritik saranan Shamsul ini. Tapi Barisan Nasional harus melakukan hal ini dulu kerana semangat 1Malaysia. Saya yakin Pakatan Rakyat tidak akan beridir terlalu jauh di belakang selepas Barisan Nasional berbuat demikian. Adakah Barisan Nasional berani mencabar Pakatan Rakyat dengan melakukan pekara ini dadulu?
Point nombor 12: Dan pada bahagian akhir daripada Shamsul, aku ingin membetulkannya. Pakatan Rakyat BUKAN berasaskan parti pelbagai kaum seperti Barisan Nasional. Ini adalah pakatan yang tidak mengira kaum. Pelbagai kaum masih dikategorikan sebagai perkauman. Pakatan Rakyat tidak berasaskan kaum, yang bermaksud perkauman, bahkan pelbagai kaum, juga tidak wujud.
Dan inilah yang Shamsul dan majikannya UMNO tidak mengerti. Dan kerana mereka tidak mengerti maka mereka tidak tahu cara untuk 'berputarbelitkan' propaganda anti-Pakatan Rakyat.
Sudah habis kata!
ReplyDeleteRaja Zurina Zaman,
Memang la kamu ni Raja - Raja Spin!
Posting kamu tu memang panjang dan terlalu panjang tapi habuk pun tarak. Pusing jangan tak pusing.
Slogan DAP kamu tu sama macam Carefour la.
Kamun ni Raja kerabat mana? Kerabat negeri Samar-akhan?
Raja Bunian.
Great link RZZ, for RPKs rebuttals help demolish SHAMsul Akmar's pointz bitbybit. And the magpie's too, whos article is all nothing but hyperbole.
ReplyDeleteand what we have here too? the warrior fellow going mad again? has he seen Banquo's ghost at the restaurant table and scare other diners by yelling at the chair?
And how apt he compare himself with mad king Macbeth. as The Bard wrote, in the End things shalt not go his way for a pogrom in the program for the First Folio of Malaysia.
Yess for indeed the Trees of the stone forest has come against him and his likes, holed up in their mental castle.
And too as The Bard wrote... "none of woman born shall harm Warrior Macbeth".. no but our deluded king and his likes will meet his end at the ballot.. in spite of spiels by minions to forestall with chucking bombs and piggy heads.. finally decapitated by a movement made from a mass of citizens.
for Ideas are not just of woman born...
V: "Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is 'An Idea', Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof."
ps. next time don't take advise from 3 female bomohs in flet pekeliling. pity Dato' Banquo
Cik Puan Raja Zurina Zaman,
ReplyDeleteRPK - Anak darah daging waris jantan dia sendiri sekok tu pun tak mampu nak reform..
RPK is nonsense!
Well done Raja Zurina and RPK
ReplyDeleteIf you oppose someone's idea or view, the mature and educated thing to do is to explain why you believe their idea or view is wrong.
Unfortunately for Shamsul Akmar and all those UMNO supporters (as well as Rocky for posting this), you guys are only good at mounting personal attacks and deriding the sincerity of the proponent but are empty when it comes to debating the actual idea itself.
You guys want to show your middle finger to DAP's Middle Malaysia concept, so please explain why you think the concept is bad for Malaysia and Malaysians. Shamsul conceded that the concept of "taking the middle ground" is reasonable, unfortunately he lacks the sincerity and maturity I might add to explain further why this "reasonable" idea is bad. Instead his article is mostly to throw doubt on the ability of DAP and its partners in working together.
That's the problem with many Malaysians, you don't use your brain to think wisely, instead you just let your emotions take control.
Kelang mali
Yeah Perwira
ReplyDeleteRPK should start the reform movement from his home first.
To quote MJ - start with the man in the mirror.
Dear Dreamcatcher,
ReplyDeletesalam. your language is not winning you any respect. if you still have anything left between your legs, try to argue like a Malaysian who has substance.
takat nak fuck ini fuck itu, bagus lah tu, memang confirm anak yang baik diajar oleh kedua ibu bapa nya.
i offer you my most sincere sympathy.
The usual cliche from the so-called warrior, read again RPK piece, we clearly know difference between true warrior and imbecile.
ReplyDeleteHow come you didnt put the link of 'Memecahbelahkan hujah Shamsul Akmar' on your posting?
You provide links to the supporters of Shamsul Akmar, but you did not provide a link to detractors who have valid points also.
Why are you so once sided, Rocky?
Are you really a good editor?
Anon 11.24
ReplyDeleteDei fuckbeest, a demented subspecies of wildebeest foraging for shit in our sewage tunnels whilst slaking his thirst for a Whorholian fix by gulping pools of gutter water. On some arsefingering Shakespearian whimsy ah? quoting the Bard like some arsefucking idol worshipping padre spewing Psalms of mindless shit to a snoring schizoid whoreson nailed to a cross and crowned with thistle while the congregation, burping shitgas after stuffing themselves with shit sandwiches (read: bread) and whore piss (read wine), "ahmengs" his gutter filth like some catatonic bunch of Alcoholics Anonymous with nary a thought or even a touch of conscience.
Hei Bastard Pig, I will ram this right betwen your fucking eyes so that it gets plastered into that blob of shit underneath your skull you call a brain and which I call a toilet.
Warrior 231
Part 2
ReplyDeleteThe new millennia Macbeth is totally different on one crucial score. While Ye Olde Macbeth cuckolded action with a guilt wrecked conscience, this modern day version aint gonna let no conscience neuter his iron intention. This is what the New Age Macbeth will do about them trees as rendered in medieval + plus a bit of mod’ Bardspeak (here is a sampling) :
Macbeth (gazing from the windows of his castle): Hark, what a fuckin blooming forest before mine eyes. Verily,the bogs of Arsemuir have bloomd in unholy haste during the past summer days . Oh, how they hath ruineth my view of Loch Ness where comely bodies rest to be blest by the Great Blaze that swimeth across the haze. (swearing in ancient Gaelic) Celakat punya stone trees, kaninama chibai! Sekalang gua tak boleh tengok bikini and g-string clad women plus the busty topless ones too!! (switches to the local Highlander dialect)Pundek kalathais chunis, this must be the work of the blardy chingkie pigs. Give them a millennial lease for farming ease and they plant trees on the land and log them for illegal export....(in Kelante)....puki mak Cha ya nun alip........I will deal with you for surely thou are doometh for thine uncouth ways and thy thieving craze.
( to kinsman whilst pointing at the trees) Fie, Thane of Stirling........get the serfs to lop off their heads and chop off their limbs . Cut off their boughs and , break every twig for a free swig of ale midst the violent gale ..ahhh...what a feast to mine eye would such slaughter amidst laughter be, for the gormless bee and the unholy See can never free Satan’s tree. Once thine job is done, kindle a public byre and toss every head, limb and spare tyre into the pyre to feed the greed of Hell’s fire.
(soliloquy): Perchance, I spare the flowers and enjoy the blooms for a few moons .Oh what joys will those milk white pansies,roses , daffodils afford me. Ahhhhhhh,,,the intoxicating aroma of amethyst, the giddy ecstasy of fantasy as they suckle nectar from my royal loin. Hark Macbeth!perchance they breed new ghosts from old tombs. Nay,no fear..for I will cut every issue from their accursed wombs lest the catacombs stir anew with thoughts of glories aplomb.
And once their beauty fades surely their heads will I behead to adorn the stakes of their pathetic graves.............................Hahahahaha
Read it metaphorically and literally bastard that is if your mum’s gynae left your piddling pissing, bawling, nappie swaddled self with a scoop of brains! whoreboy of a now spayed bitch.
And don’t threaten the likes of me with your asinine talk of ideas of no women, decapitation blah shit, for from the looks of it, bastard, you think thru’ your arse. An idea does not conceive itself in the ether of ur arsehole or in ur pet gorilla as you frantically suckle its frigid cock. It is conceived in human minds meaning unless you are the by product of some infernal Frankenstein experiment (gone wrong to produce a moron like you), every human is of woman born ( even the chap in the original Macbeth, only he was delivered via a different route). Now cuntworm, that puts u in a spot ‘bout ideas and the empty braggadocio about V etc. Makes you look kinda stupid doesn’t it, kinda like a pigcock suckling idiot! Not to worry, I will put you and people of your ilk at ease by decapitating your head thus removing the cess pond from which the filth and evil your kind spew emanates. A simple and pat way of forever “indahwatering” the Malaysian social landscape of sewage you bastards generate .
So scurry up and hide deep in mooma’s or grandma’s cunthole for when I lead them forces of good to cleanse this Tanah Melayu of you evil scum, aint no wispy bearded gangsta tin ingot, or skull necklaced elephant headed stone gargoyle o even a 3D crazed maniacal Christo on a return mission gonna save you from going six feet under.
Warrior 231
Rhan @ 8:34 AM says ...
ReplyDelete"The usual cliche from the so-called warrior, read again RPK piece, we clearly know difference between true warrior and imbecile."
Yeah so do we - the warrior stays HOME and face his enemies head on
the imbecile, perpetually provoke - thinking he can't be touched, then RAN AWAY coz he's afraid to face the music, yet still taunting from afar
~Warrior 231 fan~
ReplyDeleteRPK cannot even handle his son? What is there to read about what he has got to comment?
JUST SKIP IT LA... Buang masa.
Izinkan idiot ini menjawab nukilan yang maha arif Raja Petra Kamarudin yang menjadi hero pejuang munafik dan murtad Islam serta sudah tentunya , kaffirun. Saya akan mnjawab satu per satu, kekadang tidak mengikut urutan:
ReplyDeletePerubahan slogan DAP yang dikatakan sudah lama terkubur oleh Raja yang maha Arif ini. Maka pacal melayari laman sesawang DAP dalam versi English dan mendapati ini terpapar jelas:
a. Malaysian Malaysia concept by forging Malaysian race with
universal moral values,(
Setelah mengurut dada , pacal melayari pula versi Bahasa Melayu bagi memastikan gerangan apa matlamat baru disana. Di pautan ini pula, pacal mendapati tidak ada sekelumit pun rujukan kepada Malaysian Malaysia. Apa kejadah ini pacal bersungut sambil mengorek dubur, hairan bukan main kepalang. Oh baru pacal ingat , Malaysian Malaysia itu ciplak 100% seruan keramat PAP (pemisah Tanah Melayu berbangsa Cina) sepertimana gema seruan PKM yang masih berdengung di telinga. Sila layari bukti:
2. Orang Melayu telah bersatu dibawah payung Sultan, bukannya dibawah UMNO, maka Mahathir terpaksa berundur.
Amboi, pandai berdusta pula keturunan kerabat ini . Bukankah berlaku di zaman era negarawan ulung, Dr M yakni buat pertama kalinya, raja tertakluk kepada tindakan mahkamah (Pindaan Perlembagaan 1993). Sejak bila orang Melayu melatah.Untuk brsikap adil, kita biarkan seorang anjing pembangkang menukilkan kebenaran:
The Prime Minister’s campaign continued. He silenced the Rulers over the issue of the 1987 ISA detentions; staged a hostile debate on the monarchy in the 1990 Umno general assembly after the loss of Kelantan to PAS; removed the Rulers’ immunity to prosecution following the constitutional crisis of 1992-93; stripped away their flights, outriders, and special hospital wards; and in 1994, with little opposition, finally removed the need to obtain the Rulers’ assent for State laws.
Orang Melyu melatah dan merajuk ya wahai RPK?
Baca buktinya disini serta bahagian 2 kisah ini yang dinukil seolah2 untuk memburukkan Dr M pasca Mac 2008:
Dan otak udang seorang genius terserlah jua dengan argumentas ini:
“Jadi mengapa Shamsul boleh menyatakan DAP itu feudalistik apabila orang tua politik Malaysia telah menyatakan itulah masalah yang dihadapi orang Melayu?”
Shamsul tidak mempersoalkan tentang orang Melayu wahai bangsat, Ia mengutarakan sikap feudalistic kepimpinan DAP yang berpaksikan ideology supramis dan dominasi mutlak bangsa Cina, Ideologi yang bertumpukan pengabdian diri kepada seorang yang bersikap emperor, dictator (mmtik Zahrain dlm Star 30/01/10) ataupun generalissimo Bukankah LGE menzahirkan PAS dan PKR telah tunduk akur pada kehendak DAP dalam isu “Allah”. Begitu jua PAS dalam soal hudud, PKR dan PAS dalam soal pentadbiran Akta Arak di Selangor. PKR dalam soal KM2 di PP dan banyak lagi...............
Warrior 231
Part 2
ReplyDelete3. 'D' dalam DAP adalah untuk Demokratik, bukannya Cina.
Ya demokratik sungguh DAP ini. Mari kita perhatikan nukilan K. Baradan yang diambil dari laman sesawang seorang tokoh DAP bernama Tunku Aziz Ibrahim( ya allah, bunyi macam kerabat lagi). Ini dia nukilan Baradan:
“The DAP national convention in Ipoh on Sunday will showcase a political party maturing from a Chinese-based, urban centric political organisation into a national political organisation representing Middle Malaysia — that growing clientele of Malaysians, irrespective of race or religion, desiring a merit based, just and fair performance democracy build around a secular constitution and governance by Rule of Law.
Dan di satu lagi perenggan:
Sunday’s gathering will also see more Malay faces among the delegates, a rare sight because previous DAP conventions, forums and meetings had come and gone without the participation of a single Malay.
Dan ini : According to DAP’s national organising secretary Teresa Kok, the party had only a little over 1,000 Malay members, which is just 1 per cent of its total membership nationwide.
Dan ini : Surprisingly its PR ally PAS, despite having been perceived as an “extremist Islamist” party for many years, has far surpassed the DAP in looking more moderate and tolerant of the other races.The PAS Supporters Club, which was established in 2004, today has some 20,000 non-Muslim members nationwide.
Oh ya, kejadah apa DAP tidak didekati Melayu bak najis mughazallah? Pelik bin Ajaib kan bila PPP boleh mempunyai bilangan Melayu lebih ramai:
PPP has a membership of more than 500,000 with a network of over 3000 branches throughout the country..............As of 2006, 48% of the PPP's membership is Indian, 32% are Chinese, 13% are Malay, and the rest are of other ethnicities..................
mmmmmm..... 65000 Melayu. Fulamak ; kalau sahih 10% pun, masih 6500 lagi kan begitu pukimak ? Dengan parti nyamuk dan pijat pun boleh kalah,,,,hahahahaah
Point nombor 3: "Keserdehanaan Malaysia' bererti bertemu di tengah.
Ya selagi disulam oleh keikhlasan, rasa hormat dan mengotakan janji. Janji yang termaktub dlam perlembagaan yang menisbatkn pembentukan budaya bangsa berasas bahasa, budaya dan bangsa pribumi. Sanggupkah Cina meninggalkan sekolah aliran Mandarin untuk menerima gagasan satu sekolah untuk semua. Sejak bila Cina mmperakui BM sebagai Bahasa Kebangsaan apabila beria2 nak mendirikan Universiti Merdeka dahulu . sejak bila Cina mengiktiraf kedudukan Islam sebagai agama resmi Negara tanpa mempersoalkan kewujudan institusi prlaksanaan syariah, tatacara pengurusan jenazah muaalaf, masuk islam da keluar dsbnya. Sejak bila Cina berkompromi dalam hal berkaitan bahasa, dan budaya mereka. Jangan nak berdusta, sanggupkah Cina mengorbankan sistem pendidikan mereka
warrior 231
Part 3
ReplyDeleteJalan pertengahan bukan jalan pertemuan, ia dalah seperti yang dinukil shamsul, lebuhraya kearah dominasi. Belum apa2, lim Guan Eng telah berteriak dengan megah bahawa DAP “is happy” tentang kompromi pengecut PS dan PKR berhubung isu Allah. Belum apa2 lagi, LGE telah member amaran kepada pengecut Yusmadi Yusuf agar dia tarikbalik kenyataan kenyataan pengongsian kerusi KM di PulauPinang, belum apa2 lagi LKS mengarah DAP memboikot upacara angkat sumpah exco Perak gara2 calon DAP tidak dipilih Sultan kerana tidak memenuhi syarat perlembagaan agama Negeri Perak, belum apa2 lagi exco Johor buat hal kerana enggan pakai songkok untuk upacara resmi, belum apa2 lagi LGE mengertak sibacul Mujahid Rawa agar PAS tidak bertanding dikerusi Penanti dan melondhkan keaiban Fairus, belum apa2 lagi LGE menyalahkan JPN Pulau Pinang berhubung kes Chung Ling walhal ada bukti kukuh Danny Law exco DAP cuai secara tidak langsung , belum apa2 lagi Namewee dan Kok menghina azan, belum apa2 lagi Hassan Ali dituduh dalang UMNO dalam kes bir Selangor, belum apa2 lagi dan banyak belum apa2 lagi.... jalan tengah haram kejadah apa ini?. Sanggupkah sebuah bangsa pribumi yang bermaruah menggadai prinsip dan persetujuan Sosial 1957 hanya kerana mengambil hati kaum pendatang. .
Tidak ada jalan prtengahan dalam kamus ideology supremis rasis kaum Cina. Yang ada adalah dominasi, pengabdian, pengahncuran bangsa dan budaya lain (lihat Xinjiang dan Tibet). Dominasi mutlak yang dicari dengan berselindung dibelakang manusia pepatung yang lunak bermadah, indah berbicara, alim kucing yang sanggup menggadai maruah dan kepentingan agama dan bangsa demi nafsu serakah ingin berkuasa. Kamu nak tahu apa sebenarnya DAP itu, lihat ini :
For example, during the debate in May 1946 arising from the Malayan Union proposal to grant equal
citizenship rights to Chinese in Malaya, the MCP, while welcoming the move, argued that
Chinese in Malaya be entitled to dual Malayan and Chinese citizenship. More damaging to its
image in the eyes of Malays was its contention that while dual citizenship obligated Chinese to
be loyal to Malaya and China, ultimate allegiance should be owed to China in the event of
conflict between the two countries [Heng 1988: 42J.
Dan lihat bagaimana ayat ini bergema berulangkali dalam sejarah politik Cina tempatan:
While the party was theoretically committed to the establishment of a multiracial Communist state, its Sino-centric outlook and policies held little appeal for non-Chinese................
Poin No 7 : kompromi utuk mengaibkan dan melondehkan martabat Islam adalah sunat muaakad yang baru dalam kerangka bidaah hasanah kalangan ulama salaf PAS. Maka menghina asma dan Husna Allah azza wa jalla adalah satu perkara yang perlu di banggakan. Peliknya seruan supaya Ummah bersatu yang berkumandang diseantero Malaysia pada tahun 2008 dianggap satu bentuk kemungkaran sesat kerana mereka yang mengucap kalimah syahadah adalah musuh yang wajib diperangi serta didoakan terhumban kedalam perut neraka jahanam sementara golongan kuffar pemuja salib merupakan bakal penghuni syurga Firdausi yang baru...wa nauzibillah....
Poin No 8 : Abdul Hadi Awang seorang ulamak tersohor dewasa ini pernah menukilkan dalam 3 bab berasingan pada kitabnya bertajuk “Aqidah Muslim” (Pustaka Antara 1989) bahawa ajaran Islam adalah deen pegangan para anbiah sebelum Rasulullah (saw)yang telah diselewengkan pengikut mereka. Beliau turut menisbatkan bahawa adalah shirk kubra menisibatkan zat Allah azza wa jalla dengan makhluk dan disana termasuklah golongan yang zalim, mereka yang mempersekutukan Allah setelah kebenaran gamplang depan mata. Hadi juga pernah menghasilkan Amanat Hadi dimana disebut sebarang kerjasama dengan Kaffir sekaligus mengkafirkan seorang Muslim dan menjadikan darahnya halal.
Warrior 231
Part 4
ReplyDeleteDidalam Al quran, surah Ali Imran dan Al Maidah dengan jelas mengisyaratkan addeen disisi Allah adalah senantiasa Islam sejak azali dan di sana dalam peristiwa mubahalah (tafsiran IbnuKathir) jelas bahawa Rasulullah dengan tegas mematahkan fitnah da dusta besar yang dibawa kaffir Kristian Najran berhubung zat Allah. Perbuatan Nabi menyabung nywa diri dan keluraga baginda (saw) atas firman Allah jelas menunjukkan betapa wajibnya seorang Muslim mempertahankan kesucian yang Maha Esa hatta dengan nyawa sekalipun bagi mengelak Islam dari menjadi alat permainan licik Kuffar. Ini diperkuatkan lagi melalui surah2 Al-Kafirun dan Al-Ikhlas. Tetapi seorang bernama Abdul Hadi Awang, Presiden Pas dan manusia laknatullah bernama Anwar. Khalid beria2 menjual agama Allah untuk kepentingan duniawi. Soal demokratik tidak timbul kerana sekiranya roh demokratik pendapat didokong mengapa Zul Nordin dizalimi semata2 kerana cuba menegakkan kebenaran. Bukankah roh demokratik seharusnya diterimapakai bila Zahrain membidas LGE jadi kenapa ia dituduh dalang UMNO seperti jua Hassan Ali lwn Ronnie Liu.
Poin No 9 : saya pening baca benda ini kerana jelas Khalid Samad melampaui batas dan menzalimi diri dengan perbuatan kejinya mengiakan pengunaan “Allah” oleh kafir kristian berdasarkan dalil-dalil tidak logik yang jelas menampakkan kecetekan ilmunya dan ketandusan iman di kalbu Malah Khalid mengusutkan keadaan dengan meremehkan undang-undang yang ada serta memperlekehkan akida umat Islam lain. Saya telah pun mendedahkan bagaimana Khalid adalah pendusta tegar di kala lain diblog ini. Cukup saya nyatakan bahawa Khalid Samad mendakwa dirinya sebagai Tipu Sultan moden.Gerangan siapa Tipu Sultan? Tidak lain tidak bukan maknusia yang mengorbankan harta bendanya untuk membantu penyembah berhala :
“The Srikanteswara temple at Nanjungud was presented with a jewelled cup and some precious stones. To another temple, Nanjundeswara, in the same town of Nanjungud, he gave a greenish linga; to Ranganatha temple at Srirangapatana he gifted seven silver cups and a silver camphor burner.
Islam lagikah orang ini, wahai pembaca budiman? Jawapannya ada dalam dada masing2. Yang pelik bin ajaib, Tipu Sultan juga anti-kristian dan agaknya Khalid juga mungkin terpinga-pinga atau terkinja2 sekarang????
Poin 10:
Dan pada suatu hari ketika isteri saya mengenakan Zul Nordin di depan orang umum.
"Islam macam apa kau ni?" Tanya isteri saya. "Anda adalah munafik. Anda adalah aib bagi Islam. Anda perlu menanggalkan kopiah putih di kepala anda. "
Zul Nordin berjalan tanpa mengatakan apa-apa. Dia tidak mampu untuk membalas seorang Cina yang tidak dilahirkan sebagai seorang Muslim, tetapi menjadi seorang Muslim di kemudian hari. Anda akan melihat kesenyuman di muka Datuk Kamarul Bahrin ketika seorang Cina yang memeluk islam telah mengenakan seorang yang dikatakanmujahidIslam.
Jadi, Shamsul, saya tidak akan menggunakan Zul Nordin sebagai contoh yang 'baik' jika anda ingin berdebat dalam kes anda. Dia adalah badut yang terbaik. Kopiah putihnya mungkin sudah terlalu ketat sehingga menyekat aliran darah ke dalam otaknya. “
Wah! sungguh beradabnya seorang mujahid bernama Raja Petra. Begitu jua, bini beliau yang sering digambarkan tak cukup kain, bangga juga manusia sekarang kalau dapat menjatuhkan airmuka sesama Islam dikhalayak. Hero2 baru gah muncul yang kiblatnya adalah tepuk sorak manusia lain seperti Kamarul Bahrin walhal menjatuhkan air muka sesama Islam adalah haram dan dikutuk:
Warrior 231
Part 5
ReplyDeleteSaya tidak tahu menahu peristiwa sebenar tetapi RPK jelas bangga kerana isterinya membuka pekung seorang Islam lain dan kejayaannya berbuat demikian menyahihkan dirinya (isteri beliau) sebagai muslimah sejati dimata RPK walaupun Islam baru sepurnama!. Nak kata apa lagi beb? Cuma nak tanya, adakah isterinya ditegur berdasarkan hadis diatas atau dibiarkan perangainya dipukul angin sebagaimana celah kangkangnya dihembus bayu dinihari..............Maka dengan kejayaan isterinya jualah maka shamsul tak berhak menguna contoh saudara Zul kerana bukankah ia telah ditegur Rabiatul Alawiyah alaf baru? Dan mungkin juga Zul tahu akan selok belok adab sesama insan maka mengambil pendirian berdiam diri dari bertindak menjatuhkan airmuka orang lain terutama wanita.
Poin 11: biarkanlah manusia dayus dengan omong-omongnya
Poin 12: keanggotaan DAP menurut pengakuan Teresa Kok diatas jelas menunjukkan siapa yang berdusta berkaitan hal ini. Kalau diandaikan PAS ada 1 juta ahli maka 20K dalam laporan Baradan menunjukkan 2% ahlinya dalah bukan Islam...multiracial sungguh kan gitu?
Akhirkata, pacal hanya idiot yang mengelongsor tinta pena merentas kertas sedaya yang mampu dan segala salah dan silap dari segi ejaan dan tatabahasa harap dimaafkan.
Warrior 231
ReplyDeleteUntuk renungan bersama dan menjawab poin no 10 RPK
((Dan orang-orang yang mengganggu serta menyakiti orang-orang lelaki yang beriman dan orang-orang perempuan yang beriman dengan perkataan atau perbuatan yang tidak tepat dengan sesuatu kesalahan yang dilakukan, maka sesungguhnya mereka telah memikul kesalahan menuduh secara dusta, dan berbuat dosa yang amat nyata)).(Al-Ahzab: 58)
Al-Imam Ibn Kathir (w 773 H), ketika menafsirkan ayat ini menyatakan bahawa: ”Mereka telah menyandarkan kepada orang beriman ini sesuatu perkara yang tidak dilakukan oleh mereka (orang beriman), maka inilah fitnah dan dusta yang besar iaitu menyatakan sesuatu perkara tentang orang yang beriman apa yang tidak dilakukan oleh mereka dengan tujuan untuk memalukan dan menjatuhkan martabat mereka.” (Ibn Kathir, Tafsir Al-Quran al-‘ Azim (Beirut: Dar al-Turath al-Arabi, Ctk. 1,2000), m/s 524).
D utk demokratik
+ dmokratiklah tu bila ayah merencana perkembangan karier politik diri dan anak dengan mencantas pemimpin lain yang tak sehaluan, Rekodnya panjang tetapi dngan sokongan seorang Singh, DAP dijadikan partai sendirian berhad, tanya pada Fan Yew Teng, Chan Teck Chan, Kua Kia Soong, Lee Lam Thye, Gooi Hock Soon dan ramai lagi. natijahnya partai DAP yang demokratik dikuasai kuku besi oleh anak dan anak singh, Ikutilah tayangan demokratik ala DAP dalam siri LGE vs Zahrain
Demokratik sungguh. Poorah shit faced liar.dan seangkatan dengannya. Malang sungguh ada ramai balaci yang sudah dikembiri akal serta menyerahkan mentalnya untuk diperkosa penabur fitnah dan pendusta
Warrior 231
ReplyDeletePerhaps we have a different comprehension of the term “warrior”, hence the diverged of opinion, that is fine with me.
I skip whatever that written in panjang lebar form but lack substance, manyak mencarut, dan memaki hamun. Of course it is your rights to fancy this kind of comments.
Both RPK and so-called warrior rebut the opposite view point by point, this is what I call ada substance and dapat mendorong dan mengalak Malaysian membaca persepsi dari sudut yang tidak sama. Personally, i think warrior core ideology is still lingered around the cold war period, he reads too much Samuel Huntington. Meanwhile, Petra is an old man but with thought 30 years ahead than most of us.
ReplyDeleteYou spout rubbish like some infernal fuckpot out of control. Get a hang of your midget brains or whatever that is left of it before its too late. I am no cold war relic and neither am I an Huntington afficiando. I deal with truth and more no less
Fact of the matter is the "30 years ahead" RPK's post is replete with lies (pray even his DAP's Malaysian Malaysia is debunked by the DAP's OFFICIAL webpage) and ego-stroking innuendoes which facts available over public domain can easily debunk as I have demonstrated in my response. No RPK is nothing but a sleaze peddling fucktart who is only read and admired by lazy morons seeking cheap thrills and some garbage sniffing, certainly NOT by people with brains. Period.
P/s : no wonder Bru was sensible enough NOT to link a charlatan's response to Shamsul's. Would be a waste of everybody's time, barring that of the morons.
Warrior 231
Sorry ol warrior, but your poor attempt to adapt The Bard's play has flopped epicly, with theater critics panning it en masse.
ReplyDeleteFor you cannot even rebutt raja petras points despite such panjang lebar scrawlings. what he does short & to the point, you cant do even verbosely.
ah yes, the raja petra. They call him a coward, insignificant, and try to unravel the mystique behind the man. but over and over again they devote countless articles, endless pages in the papers n godknowshowmany panjang lebar ramblings n demonisations dedicated to him. alas in desperation they too try to get some mona fandey voodoo meister to deal with him.
prepare for the inevitable at Macduff's sword, but you should first lament about Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow in front of the karaoke machine.
o The Bard never wrote what they did to the head of Macbeth but letsay in our local version we pacak it upon a stake with a still bloody pig head above it. a real pinky pig head not a boar from your minions collection
Anon 9.14pm
ReplyDeleteThe very fact this excerpt below from RPK is debunked NOT by me but by the DAP's website itself is indicative of how easily chingkie cocksuckling moronic pigs like you can easily lap up any swill by put out by imbeciles like RPK, no wonder he has assumed a godlike status amongst you idiots (there is no mystique there, just plain hog shit daubed all over which people like you sniff like madarses after a whiff of jasmine).
"Sudah tentu, slogan DAP dulu ialah Malaysian Malaysia. Tapi DAP menyedari bahawa rakyat Malaysia tidak begitu mengerti apa isi kandungannya. Jadi ia telah ditinggalkan sejak dulu lagi."
Nuff said about your shitfaced liar!
That you can write at all and quote from the Bard's arse itself is an abnormality but then morons are also capable of moments of lucidity as research shows. I will do better than you after I had done slitting your throat, decapitating you and throwing that shitfilled, cumswamped chimparse u call a head to the pigdogs.
For u see, a stake will be set up at marketplaces (in KL, at the Central Market) for the likes of you on which your arse would be spreadeagled for arsewhoring pigs to buttfuck for eternity...i guess you will be eternally grateful for that "honour" as you lie barbecued in the pits of hell....
Now scram up momma's cunt and hide real deep as Macbeth is on the prowl..
Warrior 231
Hey anon, don’t look down our warrior, his obsession toward “selection by plebiscite” is at least better than most donkey here. Of course his idealism is nothing more than the thought of Daniel A Bill.