KL's de facto Mayor? The MP for Wangsa Maju (pic) is calling Shafie, Abdullah, thepolitical secretary to the Prime Minister [not to be confused with the eminent lawyer], the de facto Mayor of Kuala Lumpur. Nothing complimentary in that, in case you didn't get the drift, not for Shafie nor for the real Datuk Bandar. Wee has actually accused Shafie of interfering with City Hall's daily activities and this, he said, is not in the interest of the PM (bertentangan dengan kepentingan PM).
Gerak the NGO smells jackpot and has immediately demanded that Wee goes to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission to formally lodge a complaint of corrupt practices against the PM's pol sec [read here].
YB Wee, however, is not expected to do that immediately. He told aides he will raise the issue again at the parliamentary committees this week.
In his last statement implicating Shafie, the KL Mayor, and the FT Minister, WCK spoke of a "4th floor syndrome" that he says exists in Najib's administration. That alone will make Wee's next move worth the wait. Throw in talk that Shafie could be Wee's opponent in Wangsa Maju come PRU13, and the prospect of a duel now becomes mouth-watering.
Well, YB Wee, ball's in your court!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Wee Choo Keong vs Shafie Abdullah
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ReplyDeleteDalam gambar ngan Wee tu, hang minum air apa tu ? Saja tanya la kan bukan ada apa apa.
get lost lah Wee Choo Keong !!
ReplyDeleteOmar Goh
ReplyDeleteSo it's true what Zul Kulim have mentioned about anwar's plan to attack Najib with the reappearance of Bala The P.I.
To divert his sodomy case ????
2 x 5 aja depa ni.
salam bro....
ReplyDeleteMP PKR Wangsa Maju Wee Choo Keong merupakan seorang Yang Berhormat di kawasan Wangsa Maju ini. Namun Wee Choo Keong ini sesungguhnya bukanlah orang yang terhormat. Malah lebih jelek lagi beliau ini adalah PARASIT yang menghisap darah rakyat yang berada di sekelilingnya. Tidak cukup dengan itu, mana mana pemaju, tauke kedai, penjaja pun hendak MP PKR ini disogok. http://www.papagomo.com/2009/11/edisi-siasat-wee-choo-keong-mp-pkr.html
Tujuan WCK mengetengahkan isu palsu ini adalah tidak lain dan tidak bukan adalah kerana takut akan keadaan dan senario politik di WM.
ReplyDeleteWCK secara coincidence telah menang kerusi Parlimen WM hanya dgn majoriti 150 undi. Berdasarkan kpd perlaksanaan dan strategi bijak Dato' Shafei bersama penyokongnya, pelbagai aktiviti telah dilaksanakan dengan jayanya dan mendapat sokongan rakyat diakar umbi.
Secara tak langsung telah meninggalkan WCK dan Parti Kalut Ronggeng (PKR) sungguh jauh kerana tiada aktiviti besar yg dianjurkan oleh WCK dapat membantu rakyat akar umbi. Tambahan pula semakin ramai ahli PKR di WM mula bertindak keluar parti di Caw2 tertentu kerana bosan dgn isu nasional dan tempatan Parti Kerat Rakyat ini.
Sehubungan dgn itu, bagi menjatuhkan Dato' Shafei maka WCK cuba mengadakan alasan tidak munasabahnya bagi mengelakkan dia daripada jatuh terduduk ditimpa tangga. Dahle tak pernah turun padang menjenguk masalah rakyat, kerjanya hanyalah duduk di ofis dan mengadap Laptop.
Majoriti rakyat di WM masih merasakan UMNO/BN lebih berhak memimpin WM berbanding Parti Kuat Rusuh.
Faizal Setiawangsa
WCK should focus and emphasize on his job rather than find fault on his opponent. You are wasting a lot of time in WM and till date nothing has been change except our perception previously has now become reality. It is worst compare to BN/UMNO. BN/UMNO still deserved the MP seat in WM.
ReplyDeleteLKS, WM
This Wee Choo Keong is the worst MP my constituency ever had. We have never met him since elected. We only met him virtually online in his blog. Real arrogant! Could not even reach him over the phone. News is around that he demanded a shop unit from a Developer to run his service centre! At least the previous YB Datuk Yew Teong Lok was always and is still available when we needed him.
ReplyDeleteWe will go out all the way to make sure that he gets ejected in the next election !
It's true, allegation was made nothing but to tarnish the name of Dato Shafei. Why?
ReplyDeleteBased on current political scenario in WM, WCK is now too desperade. Because he knows well about his performance compare to Dato' Shafei and additional to that he won the MP seat with a majority of 150 only.
Furthermore, he was just an actor in this constitution and any film maker or director should recruit him to be hero in next movie call Desperado Malaysian Version.
Fendi WM