Thursday, November 26, 2009

Raya Haji

Salam Aidil Adha to all my Muslim brothers and sisters, whether they have performed the haj or going to. And to my fellow Malaysians enjoying the holiday, especially those on the road, take care and have a great holiday.

I haven't performed the Haj but it is my dream to make that journey one day.


  1. rocker9:26 pm


    selamat hari raya aidiladha. i pray that the same time next year, u n spouse will be able to perform hajj. amin.

  2. :)

    Bro, you should take a break some time soon. Malay Mail is finally improving and in order. I used to buy MM when I was in young. But the paper turned dull soon after.

    Now, with you back in place as Editor, the paper is fast changing with the taste and preferences of the current generation.

    So, yes, you deserve a break and you should perform your Haj. Maybe next year ?


    Keep up the good work.

  3. Salam AidilAdha Tuan Rocky, Not too late to congratulate you as the new editor of the Malay Mail. Turn your dream for Haj into a reality. Easy. Just fill that form at Tabung Haji as the first step. Your turn may be in six years time from now, InsyaAllah. If your wait to fill that form in six years time, your turn may be in 12 years time. That time, lutut pun dah sakit sakit nak tawaf dan saei...

    Haj is mostly the practical part that needs our enegry, the younger or the earlier we go the better.

    May Allah swt bless you and your family.

  4. Anonymous9:56 pm

    Salam Aidil Adha to you to brother.

    We share the same dream.

    Be brave brother as we cannot please everyone.

    Ikhwanul muslimin


  5. Hi Rocky,

    A resident of Bangsar wishes us to talk to you regarding MM's party.

    Email below is referred:

    Recent developments at BSC have caused me and my family concern. Last night was a case in point where a party held by Malay Mail disturbed all the residents in the local apartments and houses. Bangsar is not Bukit Bintang and BSC should be politely requested to stop holding such events late at night. The music was shaking the apartments and in an area with young families, BSC should be more considerate.


    From Lembah Pantai Parliamentary Office

  6. Hai bro,
    Selamat Hari Raya Haji.
    Mudah-mudahan u cepat dapat haji
    hmm... "Haji Rocky"...
    My dream, haji mabrur.

  7. Salam Aidil Adha untuk Sdr Ahirudin dan semua Muslimin dan Muslimat pengunjung blog ini.

    Ikhlas dari Saya Se Keluarga.
    Johor Bahru.

  8. Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha untuk Rocky sekeluarga dan semua muslimin/muslimat.

    Hopefully your dream will come true, Rocky. Insyallah.

    Ikhlas dari,

  9. info tentang kebaikan cara sembelih kat sini - Kelebihan Menyembelih Binatang

  10. Anonymous8:04 am

    becareful what you wish!hj rocky?huhu..

  11. Arethenone10:22 am

    Dear Rocky,

    Allahu Akbar
    Allahu Akbar
    Allahu Akbar
    Walillah ilham.

    Alhamdulillah. I too have the niat to perform the haj one day. Who knows we might be on the same flight to Bless Land of Mecca, one day, InsyaAllah.

    Serambi Mekah - Kota Bharu

  12. skilgannon10664:00 pm

    Hi, Pak Rocky

    Here's wishing you a "Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha".

    May The Almighty (whatever the Name by which we pray to Him) cast a benevolent and forgiving eye on our human efforts, foibles and mistakes and give us the faith and hope to believe in a better tomorrow.

  13. Anonymous4:06 pm

    firstly, Salam Aidil Adha...

    secondly, take a minute to reconsider what you wrote...but it is my dream to make that journey one day...

    is that what it is to you?

    if it were so, then I'm sure it'd be your dream to:

    1. recite the Shahada
    2. pray 5 times a day
    3. fast during Ramadan
    4. give alms

    well, may your dreams come true, then! your dreams, Rocky!


  14. mahasuci5:14 pm

    may i, bro rocky,

    nurul izzah,

    oh goodness!

    perhaps you should look into the MANY problems in bangsar...trafffic congestion, people double parking, snatch theft cases....

    for those few hours, want to complain? petty petty petty.

    "disturbed ALL the residents"...please-lah.

    tell the complainant not to exaggerate. Bangsar is a very happening place. so, please don't start to temberang.

  15. Salam dan Selamat Hariraya Aidiladha utk Sdr Rocky dan para pengunjung muslim. Saya betul kecewa hari ini menunggu anak, menantu dan cucu untuk beraya bersama kerana penerbangan fire fly dari Subang ditunda dari 2.40 ptg ke 7 malam dan ditunda lagi ke 9.40 mlm..dan entahlah tertunda lagi...penerbangan kecil begini tiada jaminan ,pengguna rasa tak berguna , tiada pembelaan..jawapan kerana masalah teknikal, walhal kekadang macam airasia kalau tak cukup penumpang dia boleh cancel begitu sahaja penerbangan dan di gabungkan dengan penerbangan lain. Saya pernah tertunda sampai 5 jam dengan airasia kerana pernerbangan dibatalkan dan dalam janji airasia akan membayar ganti rugi sebanyak RM200 sekiranya tertunda melebihi 2 jam, tetapi sehingga kini lebih dari 3 bulan tuntutan tidak dilayan..dah lah nak buat tuntutan begitu susah hanya melalui e-mail sahaja.

    Sdr Rocky, masalah , complain airasia ni ditutup rapat, contohnya dalam ruangan forum diakbar tidak pernah disiarkan kerana akhbar takut tak dapat iklan dari airasia..mengambil kesempatan melalui blog sdr yang dapat pembacaan luas dan kini telah melebihi 12 juta pengunjung..luahan saya harap akan dapat pembelaan dan mungkin sdr nak tulis tambah lagi...begitu juga dengan perkhidnmatan broadband 3G Celcom tak pernah dapat penuh dan asyik sangkut sedangkan bil dibayar penuh setiap bulan, Pengguna merasa tidak terbela untuk menghadapi syarikat yang power begini.


  16. Anonymous7:27 pm

    Breaking News: CIMB bank reports RM8.4Billion in NPL. This is the best raya korban for us.
    Habib RAK

  17. Pak Zawi, Selamat Hari Raya Haji, baru tengok entry ni ..tengah baca semalam anak perempuan saya telefon ..laptopnya hilang masa tengah makan tengahari..saya hanya meminta dia bersabar ..bukan rezeki dan kalau kena ganti..gantilah kepada company..kerana laptop tersebut company punya. Kepada Pak Zawi samalah harapan saya..bersabar..walau pun dalam hati nak marah kepada pencuri, kepada anak kerana cuai. Setahun lepas saya pernah mengalami rumah dipecah masuk..dalam keadaan terkejut saya sempat ingat dan bersyukur kerana semasa kejadian saya dan keluarga tiada dirumah..kalau tidak perkara yang tidak dijangka berlaku. Saya raya di Kelantan ni, raya posa tak dan ..harap raya ni dan beraya ngan Pak Zawi. Wassalam

  18. Anonymous9:08 pm

    I like you, Bold offense to Rocky and nothing to do with him.

    I like your style. Been a fan for long time.

    Bold Anon fan

  19. dear Rocky bro,
    may I too,
    what the...
    and calling urself theBOLDanon?
    what is your problem?

  20. Salam Eid..let's take the lesson can be learned from haj...

  21. Insyaallah, Rocky. Semoga niat akan menjadi kenyataan soon enough. Selamat Hariraya Iduladha.


  22. Kalau you jemput MP Lembah Pantai tak ada lah jadi issue, kesian you ketepikan dia, dia pun nak jugak enjoy sikit sikit, a cry for attention for all you know it, and I am very sure there was not such complaint! Sigh!

  23. Rocky I suggest you go visit Amsterdam and Munich or the Azores first(I am going there soon)before you go to the Holy Land? Sometimes I don"t understand when Melayus will go to the Holy land sampai lima enam kali! Lawat lah bumi Allah yang lain macam Siberia, Budapest, tapi pegi haji sampai lima enam kali, my cousin is one of them! Bila balek Malaysia mereka lebih menjadi jadi jadi orang Arab! I no understand Melayu no more!

  24. Anonymous10:50 pm

    I do not think Bold Anon is accusing Rocky of not praying and all laaa. Merely making us aware not to be cavalier with our words. Many think its a small matter. It's not.

    Haj is an obligation like all the other pillars, and equating it with a "dream' as in "I dream of Jeannie or "I dream of going to Disneyland" one fine day is equating ourselves to one day "dream of praying" et al...when it is an OBLIGATION upon all Muslims as are all the other pillars of Islam.

    Perkara betul kena terima la kalau orang tegur. Words as well as actions bring us to cross fine lines between belief and disbelief, without us realising. Sebab many of us have been educated in the western/secular system.

    Good reminder for us all.

    (for the Muslims who want to seek God's Mercy and Pleasure, that is, coz we are definitely in need of it)

    Bold anon fan

  25. Anonymous2:12 am

    Wah Rocky that boldanon has an issue with you maybe....He is making himself as God's QC (Quality Control) lah, he decides who can enter heaven who goes to hell..that is why he is kinda mocking you with his bold comments...One thing Rocky, people like these are worst off than the people that they commented, macam lah diaorang ni bagus sangat kan.....entah entah si bold anon ni buat lebih banyak maksiat...ngata orang pandai, action lebih dari Pak Lebai ..holier than thou konon, he should ask himself before he asks others ...poddaaah!!!

  26. Anonymous7:24 am

    dear rocky,

    you start by stop taking all the ARAK which is HARAM, start praying 5 times a day.....cuci hati dulu, baru cakap pasal hendak pergi ke mekah. kalau hati dan perut masih kotor dgn benda-benda yg haram, ALLAH tak akan terima ibadah kita.


  27. Anonymous9:08 am

    Anonymous said...

    "I like you, Bold offense to Rocky and nothing to do with him. I like your style. Been a fan for long time."

    My my, anon 9:08. You must have very low perceptivity, low intellectual acumen and low everything. They say small minds are attracted to small things but must low-substance content cause great admiration to feeble minds too?

    I don't find any particular worth of boldanon's comments there. What is he trying to do by throwing in some cryptic remarks. Trying to tell us that Rocky doesn't recite the shahada, doesn't fast in Ramadhan? If that is your meaning, then say it out loud. If you dont mean that, then what are you trying to insinuate? Dont be a boldCoward.

    Rocky is not a religious person, I know. Well he's not a Yusof Qardhawi if such warrants some respect from you guys. But when I read Rocky publicly broadcasting his dream of wanting to go to Haj at one later time ... somehow I am touched. Somehow I feel that such a declaration sounds so very much 100% sincere.... much more sincere than some people's act to give an alms or sadaqah but makes sure that the photographer should be there during the checque-giving to record and broadcast the event.


  28. Anonymous4:21 pm

    Isa yang definitely kontot (in all aspects),

    I won't waste my time trying to reply to your "highly intellectual" crap typed from a tiny safe space in a dark, dark, lonely room on this vast earth. (Oh, ok, I will lah,takes only a minute for you kontot fellas)

    I stand by my admiration for one - bold anon, not you :)- who still can say it like it is supposed to be said.

    And good for Rocky that someone cares enough about him as a fellow Muslim to get it through his big hair to be more selective about what he says/means rather than just buttering him up aka bodek without actually caring for his welfare/fate.

    And your content? See, no use spouting intellectualized crappola just for the sake of gaining admiration when no one can actually understand what you are trying to convey...well, maybe only 0.0000001 percent of the population of your elk, errr...ilk, sorry.

    Our beloved Prophet SAW did not need to resort to such embellished, contorted (kontot) language to entertain or elicit awe and admiration as you are prone to doing. He was a simple man and he reached all levels of society with his honest and straightforward methods.


  29. Anonymous5:17 pm

    Bold anon fan:-

    "Haj is an obligation like all the other pillars, and equating it with a "dream' as in "I dream of Jeannie or "I dream of going to Disneyland" one fine day is equating ourselves to one day "dream of praying" et al".

    Kalau non sequitur I boleh tahan lagi. Tapi totally out of league, out of context, out of everything? I am left speechless. Why not we next equate every other procedural adjective we use in our day-to-day talkings to conjecture and point towards anything heinous and diabolical, as long as it is people like Rocky (and me) who are using them?

    I Dream of Jeannie!! Heheheh. I wanted to laugh, but then I realised this is no Comedy: this is Tragedy, and I wept instead! What have you people been reading that have pushed you to such spiritual gutters?


  30. kacangpol5:36 pm


    so amusing to see your commenters taking a big jab at you.

    confirmed...these guys are malicious. they don't even know you.

    BOLDANON -- you just committed fitnah. and may you go to hell.

    you obviously tak kenal brother rocky. simply batai. sakit hati, kah?
    you don'tknow rocky's background, iut-lah macam bodoh nak bantai.

    Gua lama tak jumpa Rocky tapi gua sudah lama kenal dia. Gua panggil dia DIN. Orang kampung semua kenal dia sebagai DIN.

    Nama Rocky tu, panjang cerita. Bukan dia nak nama tu, tapi orang panggil dia, Apa dia nak buat.

    Gua kawan lama dari Singapura.
    Din pandai marhaban. Sudah khatam quran (pandai baca quran, dengan "lagu" yang merdu).
    puasa tak tinggal.

    hello. orang yang jahat di sini.

    mungkin sekarang Din ada tinggal solat. gua tak tahu.

    mungkin dia buat ini itu.. gua tak tahu.

    yang gua tahu, Din de best!
    Sahabat yang taat dan setia.

    tapi lu orang semua yang sudah tuduh dia yang bukan-bukan...memang lah suey!

    Din...gua tahu lu ketawa baca mangkuk-mangkuk ni semua!


  31. jambul5:37 pm

    poor Rocky.

    these scumbags here annot let you go for anything.
    You express your wish to perform that journey (to Mecca), they JUDGE you.

    Now we know who the assholes are.

    NOT you, bro.

    These phucking Pakatan asslickers...

  32. Anonymous10:25 pm

    to the "bold anon fan..."

    there's a verse in the Holy Quran that says something like... all Muslims are brothers!


    but, please don't use that nick again because that is the surest way to corrupt an individual... idolatry stems from idolizing, which, comes from the root word idol.

    ... and, lastly, to the thing that wrote..."What is he trying to do by throwing in some cryptic remarks. Trying to tell us that Rocky doesn't recite the shahada, doesn't fast in Ramadhan? If that is your meaning, then say it out loud. If you dont mean that, then what are you trying to insinuate? Dont be a boldCoward.

    there's nothing cryptic about anything, IF you understand the English language... but, then again, people like you only speak England.

    (IF it WERE is NOT what you think it is... but, then again, you speak London... or, is that England.)

    there's an awful lot of truth in the words of Alexander Pope, ...a little knowledge is always dangerous.


  33. Anonymous12:18 pm

    Dear Rocky,

    Hopefully next year kot bersama TGNA. You should war-war that your goodself is available untuk tajaan next year. Mana tahu kot-kot ada Awei 200 ke Awei 300 nak sponsor?


  34. Anonymous10:58 pm


    orang yang terlampau pandai selalu akhirnya terjerut dan terjerat dengan kepandaiannya sendiri.

    is anyone really impressed with your spouting Latin, quoting Revoltaire or Despocartes and some obscure scientific equation here and there?

    does it make sense to like 99 percent of the people here?

    keep your syok sendiri under the table.

    yeah, Bold Anon we wouldn't want this to turn into a Muslim Idola competition. thanks for the reminder, appreciate such reminders, always.

    we don't want any kind of competition, come to think of it.

    some people just cannot stand being one upped :), even if its dealing with the TRUTH.

  35. Anonymous11:43 pm

    "I wanted to laugh, but then I realised this is no Comedy: this is Tragedy, and I wept instead! What have you people been reading that have pushed you to such spiritual gutters?"

    Oh Isa Kontot,

    Save the melodrama. The real tragedy is when people fail to see the message brought by Bold Anon and lambast him instead.

    Spiritual gutters? The question should be asked of you really.

    May Allah protect us from the seal He puts on hearts.

    In the Arabic language the word ‘heart’ is also used to connote one’s centre of understanding.

  36. Anonymous3:45 am

    This goes to prove that it is indeed true that there are idiots amongst our lawyers and judges.


  37. Anonymous8:29 am

    jambul jambu,

    hek eleh, balik2 pasal pakatan, bodoh la ko ni.

    ni apa kena mengena ngan pakatan atau politik?

    emotional brainless idiot. cuba ko takafur jap tgk apa ko punyapemimpin2 kesayangan buat, songlap sampai 100 billion.

    itu yg patut ko jadik emotional.

    "bukan ahli mana2 parti politik"

  38. Anonymous8:48 am


    "there's nothing cryptic about anything, IF you understand the English language... but, then again, people like you only speak England."

    Then say it out loud la. Rocky, you tak sembahyang. Rocky, you tak puasa. Rocky. You tak ucap shahadah. Susah ker?

    Untuk the one "who stand by my admiration for one - bA, not you :)- who still can say it like it is supposed to be said":

    Err.. that is the problem, you see. He didn't say it like it was supposed to be said. Nak kata dia tuduh directly, tak jantan enough. Nak kata cryptic, dia marah org kata dia cryptic. Ker........ sebenar-benarnya...... kawan ni tak paham apa erti cryptic ni .....?

    Kacangpol, inilah namanya mainan hidup kan? (Chewah macam cerita P Ramlee). Sesiapa kat sini yang boleh gerenti org2 macam Rocky ker, IsaKontot ker sesapa laaa... (yang kurang alim laa gitew) waktu mati besok di gerenti tak masuk syurga atau tak dapat keredhaan Allah, sila bagitahu alamat penuh. Saya nak pergi buat bai'ah dengan anda. Dan ceraikan bini sekali.

    Kah kah kah. Lawaaaaak, lawak.

    (Kacangpol aku setuju din ni memang best tapi masa nyanyi malam hari tu suara di sengal2 sikit macam katak tengah mengawan. Heheheh Rocky jangan marah.)


  39. Nzain9:47 am

    So now we're arguing whether Rocky should go for Haj or not?!!

    How low can you go people?

  40. Anonymous10:28 am

    Ada satu keajaiban mengenai suatu umat bernama Melayu ini. Nak tahu apa dia? Mari saya bagi tahu.

    Jika dalam sesuatu kampung itu kan, adalah Mat ni sorang. Tetiber menjadi kaya raya. Tak kisahlah dia menang loteri ker, terjumpa harta karun ker, anak menang AF ker, dapat durian runtuh Felda ker. Tetapi tiba-tiba menjadi kaya.

    Anda semua pikir kawan ni akan menjadi kesayangan semua orang kampung itu ker, atau menjadi seteru atau objek untuk cemuhan. Kalau anda kata kesayangan, anda tak kenal lagi umat melayu ini. Pada dia, adalah sesuatu yang tidak dapat diterima jika seseorang dari mereka, yang sama-sama buat lawak bodoh, yang sama-sama ke bendang, yang sama-sama main dam waktu minum kopi di warung Pak Usin, boleh menjadi lebih dari dianya. Dia akan terasa lebih sedap untuk menaruh perasaan hasad dan cemburu daripada dia meng-kowtow pada OKB Amat tadi.

    Apa yang saya baca dalam ruang Rocky di sini adalah manifestasi fenomena ini yang telah terbawa-bawa dan di ekstrapolasikan kepada alam cyber, alam digital, alam minda melayu kurun 21.

    Dalam mengomen mengenai Rocky yang menyuarakan keinginan hatinya ingin ke Mekah, ada pula melayu-melayu lain yang bukannya mahu memberi semangat atau dorongan, malahan mengutuk pula. Seolah2 mengatakan, “Hoi Rocky: tak usah cakap pasal nak ke Mekah laa… kamu pergi sembahyang dulu laaa…” Yang sedih sekali, ada pula yang mendambakan dan mengagumi idea penulis tersebut!

    Cuba pula baca komen penulis bernama “IsaYangShouldNotFlaunt…”. Terangnya dia ni mengomen mengenai tulisan “IsaKontot” yang, saya rasa, agak munasabah. IsaKontot menulis dalam bahasa Inggeris yang tegar (maaf saya pun kadang-kadang susah nak faham juga. Almaklum bukan dari golongan intelek). Tetapi kalau anda mencari point-point yang ditulis oleh kawan ni (yang nick panjang tu lah) anda tidak akan menjumpainya. Dia sibuk untuk merangka dan mengarang ayat-ayat Inggeris yang setanding (lagi laa saya tak faham), yang sinis dan bermain dengan perbendaharaan kata tinggi tetapi tandus dalam isi. Apa yang cuba ditonjolkannya bukan sangat fakta-fakta untuk menoktahkan hujjah IsaKontot itu tetapi lebih kepada untuk menonjolkan dia juga, seperti Isa tadi, seorang melayu yang berwibawa keinggerisan.

    Teringat saya kepada Allahyarham Tan Sri Ani Arope yang keluar berita satu hari dulu. Dia mengeluh kerana ada graduan-graduan Melayu yang tidak lulus interview kerja kerana memakai setokin putih! Alahai Pak Ani …. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmatNya kepada roh tuan. Kami ni, anak pesawah dan penoreh dari kampung, manalah tahu tahap tamadun minima yang diperlukan. Bukan kah Tuan, yang sudah berada di menara gading atas tu, ditugaskan membimbing dan mengajar kami? Sanggup Tuan dan sahabat-sahabat Tuan yang lain menyusukan anak kera di hutan sedangkan kami ini digagalkan hanya semata-mata sarung kaki yang tidak berwarna?

    M. Busro

    ... bersambung

  41. Anonymous10:28 am

    Still not too late... Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to you Rocky. And i'm sure one day the right time will come for you to perform the Haj.


  42. Anonymous10:30 am

    Tetapi ada satu lagi yang menarik dalam umat melayu ini: pola persepsinya mengenai agama dan alam akhirat. Biar saya bagi contoh lagi untuk menerangkan maksud saya.

    Anda ingat pelakun Salleh Kamil? Pernah dia berlakun dalam satu filem melayu: kalau tak silap “Isi Neraka” (atau mungkin “Sumpah Orang Minyak”? sila betulkan jika salah). Dalam filem itu, dia diminta untuk melafazkan kata-kata yang sangat kufur, seperti “Mana ada Tuhan” atau “Tunjukkan dirimu wahai Tuhan” atau yang sewaktu dengannya, saya tidak pasti. Setelah selesai berlakon, dia telah merasakan dosa yang amat sangat atas lafaz-lafaz tersebut. Walaupun ianya hanya lakunan, tetapi setiap hari dia terbayangkan kesalahannya sampai penyesalannya terbawa-bawa hingga mati. Hanya kerana itu, dia menolak semua tawaran diwaktu tuanya untuk berlakon dan mengakhiri baki hidupnya dalam ibadat dan istighfar.

    Anda juga tentu ingat misteri yang menyelubungi kematian penyanyi Sudirman Haji Arshad, bukan? Ketika puncak popularitinya, dia pernah ditegur oleh alim ulamak negeri ini: kalau hendak menyanyi itu, berpatut-patutan sedikitlah. Sekurang-kurangnya malam jumaat, kurangkanlah sedikit, hormatilah malam yang mana perlu diperbanyakkan ibadat. “Oh tidak”, katanya. “Malam Jumaat ituuu lah suara saya menjadi paling sedap.”

    Kedua-dua orang ini artis. Kedua-dua orang ini menghabiskan usia muda mereka dalam aktiviti-aktiviti yang tidaklah boleh kita katakan mithali sebagi orang Islam yang tegar. Tidak kisahlah bagaimana jenis kehidupan yang kita lalui, tetapi pertanda bahawa Allah itu redha atau tidak dengan kita ialah waktu pengakhir hayat kita.

    Justru itu sesiapa yang berfikir Rocky patut dicemuh dan keinginannya nak ke Mekah diperlekehkan semata-mata kerana waktu ini, kita berasa kehidupan kita lebih Islamik dari beliau, perlu berfikir sedalam-dalamnya.

    M. Busro

  43. Anonymous11:55 am

    I love the korban part..
    Free beef for the poors..
    No class, no caste, no protocols, no barrier..everybody just get along & share, that's the beauty being a muslim..
    If that is also an issue..well fuck those who turn it into an issue. Mind solving your own issues first.

    Muslims are supposed to be brothers, not just in dream due to some political differences.

    But some fella just love to dream of "memusnahkan" his own brothers just because of some political friction but love to kiss the asses , praises & all the well wishes for the kafirs who co-incidently shared the same platform but did not even share the same faith and far away from sharing a same dream..well, you know who that bastard..

    Of course, that old senile turban lollipop who thought he and only he and his kind hold the tickets to heaven..hehehehe..

    Now you can takbir all the way till Zulhijjah end..don't takebeer..

    :D muhahaha
    -anti hindraf & ultra chingkies-

  44. Anonymous3:30 pm

    kesian kesian,

    Isa Kontot terpaksa berlagak sebagai M Busro plak untuk mempertahankan pseudo-crappolanya.

    Saya tak perlu hujah panjang2, penuh "fakta" macam awak konon dan berbelit macam melayu masuk keling ie: masuk citer Ani Arope atau P Ramlee sampai orang tak paham hujung pangkal.

    No one is condemning Rocky, or saying he is going to hell. ko tu yang tak paham2 apa maksud BAnon, saja nak putar belit fakta/kebenaran. Org Islam macam ni lagi bahaya dari org kuffar sebab dari kalangan sendiri.

    Dah la, tak guna cakap dengan golongan yg terlampau banggakan diri dgn pemikiran pseudo-intelek mereka yg sebenarnya hanyalah macam tong kosong.

    too clever to the point of stupidity.


  45. Anonymous4:51 pm

    Kesian Rocky, niat yang baik pun di'politikkan'...apa lah manusia, kenapa tidak berkata..syukur alhamdulillah Rocky niat nak naik haji....

    Lumrahnya manusia mempunyai niat dalam hati atau cita cita dan kemudian kalau diizinkan Allah SWT, niat atau cita cita itu menjadi kenyataan. Mengapa kita tidak mendoakan yang hasrat/impian suci Rocky ini dimakbulkan olehNYA dari menyoal atau memberi pandangan sinis terhadap apa yang diniatkan oleh Rocky?

    Kita tidak seharusnya menghakimi Rocky, kita bukan Tuhan, kita hanyalah manusia biasa yang tidak lari dari kesilapan. Let his God judge him...

    - JohnSleepyButAwakenDoe


  46. Anonymous5:41 pm

    "orang yang terlampau pandai selalu akhirnya terjerut dan terjerat dengan kepandaiannya sendiri.

    is anyone really impressed with your spouting Latin, quoting Revoltaire or Despocartes and some obscure scientific equation here and there?"

    Baru sat sat saya bagi example melayu tak suka kalau melayu lain quote yang intellek sikit, iri hati, hasad dengki dan sebagainya, tup tup sat sat komen ni pulak yang keluar. Seolah-olah memperkukuhkan pulak argument saya nu.

    Hehehe sian kau geng Isa Kontot. Baru nak quote Voltaire boom! ada melayu lain tak suka plak. tergugat.

    Kalau camni jom kita pakat kita dok asyik quote pendita Za'abaaaaaaa jer nak sampai mati?

    Kah kah kalau camni laa kau oranggg ..... sampai bila tak kan maju. Semua mentaliti si Amat yang bermain dam kat warung kopi Pak Usin.

    M Busro

  47. Anonymous6:19 pm

    M Busro 10:28am

    Brother! Tan Sri Ani Arope dah meninggal ke? i dont think so lah bro...

  48. Anonymous8:56 pm

    Kontot Busro,

    dak aih, tak jeles langsung, cuma meluat yg teramat, sebab jang tak kena tempat dan hanya for sake of nak menunjuk2.

    never been jeles of pseudo-inte"yeleks", but ALWAYS intensely envious of those whom Allah has given hidayah and understanding and unshakeable faith.

    even if he be a lowly fisherman, or a sheikh living in a tent in the desert in mauritania.

    tak dengki langsung dgn org yg boleh banyak ilmu dunia, ilmu org kafir, pandangan org kafir tapi zero purity of heart and soul.

  49. Hi YB Nurul Izzah,

    Thanks for the feedback. I hope that was the only complaint you've got!

    The party stopped well before midnight and the music was not loud enough. But sure, I'd hear the resident out. That's part of our job as journos, anyway, to listen to the people.

    Appreciate if you could get someone (Mr Bala, perhaps, as I usually bump into him) to contact me regarding the complaint.

    And Pasquale,

    We tried (successfully) NOT to invite politicians to the party that night, which is why YB Nurul did not get an invite and why Senator Idris Jala did not play in the CEOs band.

    Many thanks, Zurich alQaaf, for the kind offer.

  50. Anonymous12:50 am

    malu tengok kalian berhujah on nothing for nothing!!

    bak kata imam alghazali, dalam bukunya on the section of adab berdebat, scenario dimana, " syok sangat berhujah mengenai akar umbi, sampai hilang pandangan pokok yang asa dan jelas."

    malu tengok kalian berhujah, bila dibandingkan dengan gambaran grafik sifat sabar dan tabah, adik Siti Amynur Ain Putri Rosdy yang tiada ibu, tiada ayah, menongkah hidup, forced to grow up at the age of 12.

    Yaa Allah, baikilah hati hati kami, dari penyakit penyakit yang membutakan.

    Maaf kan lah kami yaa Allah, sayangilah kami yaa Allah.

    tanpa kasih sayang Mu, hancur lah kami, dengan kebodohan dan kebebalan dan kezaliman diri sendiri....

    -dumb deaf and mute-

  51. Anonymous7:13 am


    kita kenal seorang blogger bertudung yang berblog, antara lain, mengenai hadith dan surah.
    Kalau lihat belaiu, nampak macam, waah, alim dan itu ini..

    tetapi, hati dia busuk sebab dia sudah berbuat sesuatu yang "tak molek" kepada se-seorang (atau dua).

    maksud saya -- kamu tak kenal Rocky. Kamu bukan Allah SWT.
    Kamu bukan hakim.


  52. Anonymous2:12 pm

    Rocky ,

    Please helplah grief of people like MAWAR . We sure need media to be more pro active with this kind of inefficiency of AIRASIA . Waiting from 2.30 to 7 is too much.I can imagine for those who brought along their toddlers

    JAMAL jb

  53. Anonymous5:07 pm

    Untuk ada nama,

    Dont put words in my mouth...

    Janganlah spin apa yang saya kata. Saya cakap pasal Rocky aje.

    Kalau dah terang lagi bersuluh tentang seseorang itu, bukti nyata yang terserlah, yang dia ni penyamun, pengkhianat, pembunuh, busuk hati etc etc etc ....then the world is your oyster..Kita ada sistem kehakiman, polis etc ...Yang busuk hati tu, tak payahlah saya cakap macam mana nak 'handle' orang macam tu....

    I rest my case here. Won't answer anymore spinning from anyone.

    A little bit of grey matter and conscientiousness help a long way.


    - JohnSleepyButAwakenDoe
