Election violence, or just poor acting/make-up? In silat, the Malay ancient and mystical martial arts, to master the art of kebal (invincibility) is the exponent's ultimate goal. The Unspinners, who are in Bagan Pinang covering the otherwise dull by-election, think this chap who claimed to have been slashed by a parang panjang is kebal.
Click here for more pictures of Z Z Z, the mark of the Original Zorro. I hope the cops get the attackers.
Dear Rocky,
ReplyDeleteWow, the offender must have been some sort of an amazing SWORDSMAN! The t-shirt has slash marks on the back , but there were no wounds inflicted on the Actor's back.WOW, it doesn't jive at all!
What a load of crap from PR. Obviously, more sympathy/publicity and sensation would be garnered if there were facial wounds as compared to injuries elsewhere.People will want to know who the victim is right? I believed the Actor has parlayed with his employer not to SCRATCH his back :P
Instead of politics, PR should join the world of theatre instead. Hey, they would be truly successful!
PR = Pakatan Rakyat
PR = Public Relations (IMBA)(You got to give it to them)
Unless there is evidence you can't really believe anyone during by-elections these days.
ReplyDeleteOur UMNO Putra fella claimed he was assaulted and was standing one day - and the pictured in hospital the next.
This other fella also seems to have odd coloured blood running down his face and where is the cut flesh when his shirt was slashed...
I wish all of them would focus on debating the issues rather than doing all the stunts.
Although not a political fan of Tun he is right - having Isa as the candidate just sends the wrong signal to the country about where UMNO is going. UMNO may indeed win this Buy-Election - but at the expense of losing the war for public opinion.
A hollow victory indeed...
Kalau PAS memang satu undi pun sudah kira menang besar.
ReplyDeleteDUN Bagan Pinang berhalangan besar bagi PAS kerana terdapat 4000 undi pos yang boleh 'dipermain' kan oleh UMNO.
Selain dari itu DUN Bagan Pinang juga kubu kuat UMNO selama ber kurun2.
Kita cuma berharaf agar rakyat tersedar supaya tidak mengundi calun "RAJA RASUAH" - Isa Samad.
kena sesah dgn pedang samurai....tapi baju yg koyak.... setahu aku pedang samurai ni mmg tajam , dah sah sah mmg tersiat kulit atas tu....
ReplyDeletetapi pelik gak... atau org tu dia pakai susuk kebal or pedang samurai tu cap pisau kot sampai x lut....or ni saja nak buat kelakar.....
hai politik2 ....apa yg pasti semua tergadai...
Good, excellent. welcome back to Gerombolan Bro.
ReplyDeleteHow much ur salary now? =P
calon RAJA RASUAH tu, anwar ibrahim beb. Siap ada SD lagi ngan datuk murad. Tp kerana anwar sesumpah, dia pandai nyamar. atau kene sumpah.... mmmm..
ReplyDeleteThe Indonesian media alleged that Malaysia had dispatched expired food products to quake victims, sparking some heated scenes, Utusan Malaysia reported yesterday.
ReplyDeleteA photographer from the daily was confronted by several Padang residents over the supposedly expired goods, it said.
Residents also reportedly threw stones at the Royal Malaysian Air Force plane that brought rescuers and aid for victims.
But Malaysian officials said the food packets had been packed into boxes that still had old labels on them indicating that their contents had expired last year. New labels that said the food would expire in November and December this year had apparently fallen off.
Aiyoh kita BUTOH-kan Najib!!!!
I know that injured guy who has been attacked. Ya indeed he is kebal. I saw him eat 'ikan parang' with eyes close at the mamak restaurant. You know what 'ikan parang' have many bones but this guy can easyly swallow it. That why I called it kebal...
ReplyDeleteP/S : bangang punya plakun igt kita ni oku ke nk kencing.
ReplyDeleteni orang Pas complain pasal undi pos kat bagan pinang ni apahal sebenarnya? last general election Pas menang kat DUN Beseri, Kuantan - ada dekat 1,000 undi pos kem tentera laut kat situ. it is a fact that more than 80 per cent dari undi post navy tu pegi kat Pas punya calon. apasal yang tu dia orang tak complain? kalau tak percaya pi tanya kat Adun Pas Beseri yang ada sekarang, ni betul ke tak betul yang aku cakap ni.
Big Cat....
ReplyDeleteDUN Beseri di perlis la... bukan di Kuantan Pahang... hahhaahah
big cat
ReplyDeletebayangkan kalau telus spr ni(miracle kalau bn perintah) dan bn tak main tipu,pr12 dulu bn dah bungkus dan korang semua menagis 3 hari 2 malam
dari kutuk mamat ni, baik pergi menuntut drp dia - at least kalau geng BANDERA datang cuma koyak baju aja
Tak tengok muka dier ke? Darah meleleh sampai ke dagu, masa tengah berlaku ada kemungkinan dia sanggah dengan baju dia,tu pasallah baju koyak sebab kain tu tidak berada di bahagian itu, bila keadaan reda, barulah nampak luka kat lain, koyak kat lain. Ada kemungkinan ke penyokong PAS tu sanggup mengapak kepala sendiri? Cuba awak sendiri..ambik kapak dan tang kepala hang tu, ada berani ke?
ReplyDeleteMemang dah agak dah, akan ada manusia sama bahlolnya dengan Mahathir yang menuduh kecederaan di mata Anwar Ibrahim dulu kerana perbuatan menumbuk muka sendiri!!
Habis yang sorang lagi sampai lebam biji mata, bengkak-bengkak leher dan badan tu agaknya pukul diri sendiri gak ke?
Big cat....kalau dah rasa boleh menang kenapa adakan juga undi pos? Di palestine nun pun tak ada undi pos walaupun negara dia sedang berperang! Kita mempertikai undi pos kerana sistem pengundian itu sendiri tidak telus dan mudah dimanipulasi. Di kuantan setahu saya undi kem tentera kat situ dapat kat Pekan bawah najib. Tak sedar ke majoriti najib lebih 26 ribu undi? Dulu Kem itu dibawah Kuantan sebab nak menang punya pasal najib arah masukkan di bawah pekan. Dia sedar kelebihan undi pos..sebabnya undi pos boleh ditipu!
ReplyDeleteDesperado.. take beer!
:D muhahaha
-anti hindraf & ultra chingkies-
so i suppose the other foto yang ada darah di kepala tu sos tomato la?
ReplyDeletei truly hope Allah give you what you deserve and your family will suffer the shame when bumi tak mau terima your carcass when you depart
Rocky, pergilah buat laporan polis pasal orang yg kena ZzZed tu main tipu, tambah pula membuat laporan polis palsu yg dia kena serang !!
ReplyDeleteRocky pon pandai buat wayang cerita jugak !!! apa2 saje berita pon dapat dia spin !! memang lebai hebat !!
ReplyDeleteThe T shirt with the two slash marks was made on a table lah! Its too straight. Not while he was wearing it.
And where are the kesan calar on the guys skin?
This is getting more ridiculous than Raja Petra saying Rosmah shot Altantuya.
What does this all mean? It means the PR are really running out of ideas. These are street urchins. They do not belong in Government.
hehhehhe....I tot I'm watching 'Disney world!!'....:)
ReplyDeleteperhaps u'd like 2 read a doctor's perspective of d pics. another doctor commented on the dr's article too...
perhaps u'd like 2 read a doc's perspectv of d photos. another doc commented on d article posted too.
sorry 4 reposting rocky...
Why the Police hanya berdiam diri sahaja,,Walhal berita tersebar luas pada hari tersebut,,ada yang kata Timbalan Ketua Polis PD akan keluarkan kenyataan,,,,Tapi diam sahaja,,,!!!!
ReplyDeleteKalau berita tersebut fitnah why the POLICE did not take action on RUMOUR MONGERS,,!!!!!?????
BANGSAT betul BANGSA MELAYU ni,,,whatever it is tentu ANWAR di SALAHKAN,,BOLEHKAH MELAYU bersatu kalu ANWAR MATI!!!!!???
IMAGINE dalam BULAN SHAWAL bukan bermafaan tapi BANGSAT MELAYU menjatuhkan MELAYU,,,!!!!
SEMOGA,,BN ranap d BAGAN PINANG,,sebelum itu PORAK PERANDA MCA on the EGM and MIC bungkus with the formation of a new PARTY,,,lalu BUBARKAN UMNO during the PERHIMPUNAN,,,SLOGAN MELAYU BERSATU,,,,FUCK YOUR MOTHER,,!!!!baru lega hati RAKYAT,,!!!!
RAKYAT tetap bosan dengan BN,,JAHANAM BN.
God bless PAS if they win because of this low quality politics.
ReplyDeleteYeah, the electorate can celebrate and sit at the kedai kopi and continue watching outdated Hulk Hogan matches making an issue if the referee did not see the opponent pick a stool into the ring.
Sheesh. Politics has stooped to an all time low for PAS and Lim Kit Siang is laughing at the stupidity of the Malays.
Well done!
pepatah baru melayu mengatakan..bodoh macam pas
ReplyDeletenak buat wayang pon tak reti ka? pi belajar dengan aljuburi tu
11 tahun kena suntik HIV pun dok sihat walafiat lagi
rocky lagi kebal. masa kat vietnam dan di afghanistan, peluru2 semua tak boleh kena dia. kuat rocky mengelak peluru. hebat betul rocky.
ReplyDeletecakap pun terror. mulut senget.
It appears that there are still a lot of people who do not realise that this incident was a fake,a con.
Alf, apo bondo yang Rocky spin? Ketuo ekau altantaik dah kono domam sojuk, tak dapek jawab bilo polis tanyo! Tu lah, jangan dek ashik donga ceramah memfitenah jo.! Baco surghek kabar. Kalau ekau bonci bona kek surghek kaba utusan, bacolah Sin Jiew, Tamil Nesan ko! Nasihat den, sebolum menulih atau bocakap, pikir dulu dan rajin rajin membaco! BUkak kepalo otak tu! MArah tu bulih, tapi jangan macam orang ilang aka!
ReplyDeleteWith stunts like these, no wonder PAS macam lembu di cucuk hidung oleh DAP dan PKR.
ReplyDeleteWith this kind of mentality they(PAS) deserved to be treated as third class members of the Pakatan electoral pact. Buat malu orang Melayu sahja.
Gila kalah drama kill bill die punye koyak. Slash slash banyak sikit jatuh baju tapi takde calar badan. Kaw kaw zorro!.
ReplyDeleteUndilah BN! Some bullshit. But less bullshit than the rest. Muahaha
A very dangerous con by PAS ,designed to inflame passions which could then lead to violence.As usual propagated by opposition websites and bloggers despite the obvious attempt to deceive.
ReplyDeleteMaybe PAS likes to see blood flowing in the streets.
No limits.
Dear Rock,
ReplyDeleteRupa-rupanya pemikiran generasi Melayu sekarang semakin lembap .. berbanding masa dulu.
Melayu jahil gasak bangsanya sendiri . .. sudah menjadi lumrah kehidupan.. . Apa pun moyang aku pernah berpesan, jangan cucu ikut resam 'menang sorak, kampung tergadai'..
ReplyDeleteThot I'd share this with you guys.
Blogger Sakmongkol has the funniest take on this. Do look it up.
Kepada penyokong PAS, tak perlulah nak mempertahankan kerja bodoh tuh dengan pelbagai alasan, termasuk alasan yang diberikan oleh kepada ekstermis Salahudin. Takkan tak ade video ke, nak ditunjukkan. Kalau tidak tu, bukan main lagi dengan youtube la, harakah TV, mana pergi semua tu. Jawabnya benda tu tak ada. Apa susahnya mamat yang pecah otak tu tunjukkan bukti melalui youtube, senang semua orang tak perlu nak buat pelbagai spekulasi. Ini semua cerita kosong, yang menggambarkan kosongnya kepala otak orang PAS. DAPig dok gelak, bagus, bagus, bagus, bodohnya PAS, senang aku nak cucuk hidung. Dekat Perak aku dah cucuk hidung sekor.
ReplyDeleteyang kat Perak tu yang tak tahan tu..belagak bukan main,tak sedaq DAP dok pekuda dia..
ReplyDeleteBerita gempar!!! Temuramah YB Khalid Samad (PAS) menolak sama sekali nasionalisma Melayu!
ReplyDeleteTengok di Youtube... kat sini.
Rocky, apa pendapat kau?
Tak tulis posting ke pasal ni?
Takde teloq nak komen?
my family stay away from pas mot because of the media playing up on their flaws.we had few experience with these pas bigots..those days when pas took over the trengganu government .they become the power over their state companies.one of them was , a @ w there was these dinner we had with the kids at their p j outlet..the whole place seemed to be overunned by their presence.no objection to that.seemed to me, these pas nver had tasted power suddenly found such a great taste of it. we noticed the staff were acting very religious in uniforms ..some kind of weird behaviour..reciting the korans..? i dont know much abt that..just as dinner was to be served suddenly all the staff vanished to some where for prayer? this is scary?? what happened one day , the pas come in power teh country stop 5 times a day and each time 2 hours? that be 10 hours of stop work?
ReplyDeletethis is scary...
-BODO2_9:35 PM memang bodoh. yang di persoalkan ialah tindakan (tiada tindakan) polis dan tidak mempersoalkan bos-bos PAS pemfitnah yang menabur fitnah. Kalau betul ada insiden, mana Mamat yang pecah kepala tu. Oiii, PAS bengong, tak ada video ke kali ini. Biasa bukan main hebat sebarkan video. Ini sekeping gambar yang entah bila, dimana dan siapa mamat pelakon handal. Akui PAS, korang memang ramai pemfitnah. Hidup di Kelantan selama ini dengan fitnah. Di negeri sembilan, rakyatnya cerdik, tak macam orang kelantan yang tertutup hati dek ceramah sonsang penuh dengan fatwa-fatwa palsu. Pergi cari mamat pelakon dan tunjukan kepada polis dan hospital. Pegi mampus PAS. HamPAS!
ReplyDeletePuok-puok PAH (PAS) memang bengong-bengong. Biarlah setakak oghe di negeri kelate hok keno bbodo ko PAH, oghe negeri lain tolok PAH ke dale laut, biar mapuh habih. Molek kalo kita atar gi peghe di Afganiste, kalo doh beghani sangak. Ni dok ghalek behe samo nayu, nga cino DAPig takuk nok mapuh. Baso nate PAH bengong! Mu ingak tokpek nok tulung ko mung nati. Bilo dia kuat nga mung-mung mapuh behe ko tokpek.
ReplyDeleteFirst, they were told to lie down on the streets of Perak, and they did, then they were to beat themselves up till ZZed, and they did it too wholeheartedly, perhaps next time they'll be asked to blow themselves up? They gonna do it??
ReplyDeletePAS, PAS, please use your grey matter.....who is actually your enemy? Are fellow Muslims your enemies? Are people who recite the same "kalimah" as you, your real enemies?
How are you going to justify this act of 'harming' fellow Muslims when you're asked later on in the afterworld? oh oh sorry, you don't need that 'cos all of you are going to heaven, ain't it?
Btw, this act of "fitnah" is also a kind of violent act. Don't deny it....oh, oh sorry again, I forgot that all Tok Guru's followers do not have any "DOSA" even when they do sinful things like being together with non muhrims in a room or its equivalent,practising free sex, corruption of the highest order etc ....
Don't deny it....you guys are no better than UMNO, maybe worse than UMNO....!!!
anak perlih,
ReplyDeletesorry ya, aku nak tulis beserah, kuantan, tertulis beseri. aku pun dulu duduk perlis kat jawi, tu yang terkonpious. kat beserah tu memang ada kem navy. memang undi pos kat situ dekat nak 1000 orang. hampir semua dapat kat pas pilihanraya umum lepas. kalau tak percaya, engkau check la dengan kawan pas engkau yang duduk kat situ. memang ada kem askar kat kawasan najib tapi masa last general election tu ada juga undi pos yang dapat kat calon PKR yang lawan dia, especially yang kat kem TUDM kuantan. aku ada sembang dengan orang-orang askar, dia orang kata memang kalau army dengan polis biasanya sokong BN tapi navy dengan air force punya orang banyak sokong Opposition. yang pentingnya, tak semua undi pos tu pergi kat BN. SPR buat fair and square. kalau dah majority askar dengan polis rasa hidup dia orang ok bawah BN suka hati dia orang la nak undi BN. contohnya - mungkin sebab BN tak da kutuk polis anjing lah babi lah etc.
Bro Rocky,
ReplyDeleteNo need to insinuate...
Just say it loud and clear that the "Bernard Zorro Ciplak Khoo" memang tak boleh pakai.
This is not the time to be diplomatic with our enemy.
lagi satu - kenapa diadakan undi pos? sebab askar dengan polis tu kena bertugas jaga keselamatan kita. tak kan sebab dia orang tak boleh tinggalkan post dia orang kita tak bagi dia orang mengundi. cuba lah engkau orang Pakatan pikir sikit. cuma sebab nak kuasa, orang yang jaga keselamatan kita semua di nafikan hak. dah la engkau orang tak appreciate kerja polis askar ni, hak sesama rakyat dia orang pun engkau orang nak nafi kan. dah la tu siap hina dia orang lagi kata dia orang tu diprogram suruh jaga kepentingan BN. engkau orang ingat askar polis kita tu tak de otak ke tak faham hak dia orang. memang betul lah engkau orang ni hipokrit dan pentingkan diri sendiri je.
ReplyDeletekah kah kah kah kah.......aku tak boleh nak komen...memang lawak gila
ReplyDeleteHaha PAS really auta ....