Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Journo to Journo: How Low Can You Go?

Updated, 12.45pm: Wong Chun Wai, the Star's chief group editor, spoke to the reporters at Kosmo to hear their side of the story.
"They pointed out that they had paid their tribute to Yasmin, pointing out the many stories recognising her talent. The article on her past, they said, was merely to inform readers of the other side of Yasmin, which the readers were not aware.
"The editor took my call politely and thanked me for my views and criticism. That's their side of the story. I do not think there was any malice but ..."

Read his posting on Yasmin Ahmad: Journos Angry Over Kosmo!'s Article

Original article:
A very angry letter to Kosmo! On the Facebook, one of my own journalists at the Malay Mail has started a thread dedicated at slamming the Malay-language tabloid Kosmo! for the crap they wrote about Yasmin Ahmad the day after her death.
Later this afternoon, a group of journos will be sending a letter to Utusan Group chairman Hashim Makaruddin, a former journalist himself, to express their disgust with Kosmo!'s editorial policy. I agree with Marina Mahathir here that Kosmo!'s take this instance was really appalling, even by its own standards.

The letter to Hashim, below (pls click to enlarge), and the e-mail from the group of journos seeking the support of other journos against Kosmo!

From: Rose Ismail
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 2009 19:41:04 +0800
Subject: Letter to Utusan Chairman about Kosmo! Story on Yasmin
Dear friends,

We have written a letter to the Chairman of Utusan -- Tan Sri Hashim Makaruddin -- to express our anger and disgust at the story that Kosmo! ran on July 27th, 2009.

This letter of protest, which will be translated into BM, has been written on behalf of practising and former journalists.

It will be copied to the the editor of Kosmo! and the Home Minister.

If you would like to be a signatory, please reply this email with the subject "Count Me In".

We hope to send the letter at 5pm tomorrow (Wed, 29th July), so please respond before then.

Let's uphold the kind of journalism that this country so desperately needs.

Rose Ismail
Fatimah Abu Bakar
Shareem Amry
Sharon Nelson
Caroline Yap


  1. Anonymous4:13 am

    Kita perlu sedar apabila seseorang itu meninggal dunia, beberapa perkara dituntut oleh Islam terhadap seisi keluarga, sanak-saudara, rakan-taulan dan sekelian peminat yang masih hidup. Ia adalah jenazah perlu dimandi dan dikapankan, disembahyangkan dan akhir sekali dikebumikan.
    Islam pula telah menetapkan cara dan bagaimana ketiga-tiga tuntutan itu perlu dilaksanakan. Kalau jenazah seorang lelaki tentunya tuntutan dimandi dan dikapankan, disembahyangkan dan dikebumikan berbeza dengan jenazah seorang perempuan/wanita.
    Misalnya, kalau jenazah itu seorang lelaki, hanya waris atau orang lelaki boleh memandikan dan mengkapankan jenazah. Begitu juga kedudukan imam dan niat mengerjakan solat jenazah berbeza antara jenazah lelaki dan wanita.
    Fardu kifayah ini adalah tuntutan kepada semua yang hidup terhadap mana-mana orang Islam yang meninggal dunia. Bayangkan balasan yang akan kita terima dan roh si mati jika tuntutan-tuntutan ini tidak dilaksanakan atau salah dilaksanakan.
    Setiap kebaikan dan kelemahan seseorang itu di bumi ini akan dibalas setimpal dan seadilnya oleh Allah di hari akhirat nanti kerana itu janji-Nya. Namun sebelum seseorang itu memasuki alam barzakh dalam perjalanan ke hari akhirat, apakah kita telah menyediakan hamba Allah itu sebaik-baiknya dan sesempurananya. Apakah aib di dunia lebih utama daripada aib di akhirat nanti?? Cuba fikirkan.
    Masih Hidup

  2. Anonymous5:42 am

    is the story worth telling?

    the answer is yes.

    is it the right time?

    the answer is yes.

    so what is the beef?

    Mrs. Puchong

  3. What is so wrong about what Kosmo has written?

    In the spirit and the standards that the Utusan Group has maintained and been supported all this while what Kosmo has written should be perfectly acceptable.

    The hypocrisy of the journalistic profession is so incredible. When they can tolerate the kind of stuff Utusan perpetuates week after week, this write up on Yasmin is no different. It falls within the same descriptive very much approved by those now finding their Yasmin tribute insensitive and vile!

    The Utusan chief should just rubbish away whatever complaints or censure he receives from this or any other group! After all when they find your usual farts smell so sweet, what difference is there now that you have eaten some durian?

    Rocky, by the above, by no means do I subscribe to the trash that Kosmo has written about Yasmin. But I think I am more qualified to vent my anger, disappointment and distaste for this act of insensitivity than the rest of you lot. All of you had the opportunity to vent this same anger and disapproval over Awang Selamat's writings and every other racist articles published by this group. But you never did! And now you want to? Seems more like a joke to me than anything else!! Sounds more like a Yahoo saying the eulogy!!

  4. bro..

    please check back on the first paragraph at "they wrote about Yasmin Ahmad the day after his death.". :)

    and i think you should censor the email account or else spam will eat the inbox alive! make it something life rose dot ismail [at] gmail dot com or something like that...

    sending a "Count me in" email soon!

  5. Count Me In
    Puteri Kamaliah

  6. Anonymous7:59 am

    Why are you surprised and shocked that Kosmo! did this? Given their track record ...

  7. Anonymous8:14 am

    I have long stopped reading that tabloid

  8. Anonymous9:07 am

    Kosmo was just stating the fact that Yasmin Ahmad was, at one time, Zulkifli Ahmad. When the changeover occurred is immaterial.
    What is wrong with stating the fact? You jornos always preach for free press and "news" should be written based on facts and not "analysis" which will be biased on certain side.
    I see Kosmo is doing just that.
    A fact is a fact. Some people may not like the fact, some dont care, some will appreciate the fact.

  9. Anonymous9:11 am

    There might be some truth about the story, so what's the beef?

    Not many celebrities die peacefully.

    Even Michael Jackson had his share of restless death.

    But some wisemen said that "A person is never dead lest he or she is forgotten".


  10. Isu ini telah pun dibincangkan semasa arwah masih hidup dan seingat saya tiada sebarang komen daripada beliau. Kita memang harus hormat kepada yang sudah tiada tetapi kita juga harus akur kepada kebenaran dan kesahihan.

    Oleh itu jika yang diberitakan BENAR maka ianya adalah bukan isu yang perlu diperdebatkan. Jika sebaliknya kita serahkan segalanya kepada ALLAH yang Maha Esa.

    Namun begitu saya rasa yang lebih afdal a kita sedekah Al-Fatihah kepada Arwah Yasmin dan kita banyakkan doa semoga Allah tempatkan dia di antara orang2 yang beriman dan kita yang hidup ini harus insaf dan perbetulkan cara hidup kita agar tidak menyelweng supaya orang tidak akan berkata2 apabila sudah tiada nanti. Kita pun juga akan ke SANA juga. Tiada yang kekal melainkan Allah.

  11. Pune Deck9:20 am

    Shut the fuck, Old Fart? Fuck off and die!

    Can you ever live without being cynical or sceptical or sarcastic?

    How do you sleep everyday?

  12. Anonymous9:21 am

    the pot calling the kettle black? The real question is how low can Rocky goes? Don see any difference between the article by Kosmo and the one in MalayMail on Teoh. You guys are from the same family. the apple don't fall far from the tree

  13. Anonymous9:21 am


    Kenapa "Mengamuk"?

    Sejak bila wartawan kita dan anda semua ada etika...?

    Semuanya ada self-interest!

    Bagaimanapun, ALFATIHAH untuk yang dah "Pergi"

    Din Sepet

  14. Anonymous9:37 am

    is basic decency more important than freedom of information? I don't think so. It's a story that everybody wants to know and since the deceased is a public persona, the masses have the right to know. Are we suggesting KOSMO start practising self censorship? is the story factually wrong? So, what is the problem? basic decency? Hogwash.


  15. Shariff9:47 am

    Do you think Utusan (and Kosmo) hav ever cared what the mainstream cares about.
    The article they wrote is just one of many rabid stuff they have printed time and time again.
    They did the same regarding the Teoh death a week earlier.
    And despite our current anger they will still write the same rubbish about someone else next week and the week after that ad nauseam.
    The only solution to this sort of garbage is to hit them where it really hurts - their pockets.
    just don't buy their rags.......

  16. Anonymous10:14 am

    Anon 4.13, apa yang anda cakapkan tentang tatacara mandi jenazah memang lah betul. Tetapi tak ada kena mengena dengan pendedahan KOSMO. Mana awak tahu yang jenazah itu dimandikan oleh siapa atau orang yang tidak sepatutnya.

    Never met Arwah but I know she would have forgiven KOSMO and those heartless journos.

    Compassion is apparently not their virtue.

    -The Lordship-

  17. Anonymous10:40 am

    ramai orang tau. Tapi ramai yang berotak dan berhati perut untuk terima seadanya la. Terima arwah sebagimana dia. Dia tk kacau sapa2 pun termasuklah kosmo. apa yang kosmo dok sibuk2 ni? dpt apa? macam gossip mak cik kiah kat tepi longkang jek.

  18. Anonymous10:45 am


    Please do not worry bro., the truth is;

    Devils of truth= politicians
    Angels of truth= professors, theologists, judges, journalists and bloggers.

    Prof Awe Kecik

  19. Anonymous10:46 am

    Islam teaches respect for the dead. Thus when a person dies it is not approriate at all to reveal about the late person's dark past, if any.

    On that note i'm pretty sure Mrs. Puchong, Old Fart and a few Anons who've commented thus far hold dear of their religous faiths that condone disrespect for the dead, cynical about death, thinks that they will never die or probably don't have a religion at all. Heck they're all lowlife pigbrained. Yep that's what they are!

    Al-Fatihah to Yasmin.

  20. Anonymous10:52 am

    Sangat sedih bila wartawan yang menjerit, menyalak dan sebagainya kerana dinafikan hak untuk menulis yang benar, setiap apa yang di tulis di spin, di tapis tapi bila KOSMO berbuat demikian untuk untuk semua orang maklum hakikat sebenar, kenapa perlu di bantah. KOSMO telah melakukan sesuatu yang betul dan bertanggung jawab terhadap arwah malah. Kepada wartawan yang tandatangan surat tersebut, anda semua amat memalukan agama anda. Balik jumpa ustaz.


  21. Anonymous11:31 am

    If KOSMO is telling the true facts...WHAT"S WRONG??

    We Malaysian need to know the truth!!!

    same with other sensitive cases...just the TRUTH!!

    so I can say is that in Malaysia there is a lot of swept under the carpet and YOU journalist if the stories involved your friends so better don't tell the public???


  22. Anonymous11:52 am

    And to think the chairman is a tan sri.

    tan see

  23. Mr Ironman12:31 pm


    it is so fascinating (haha) to read comments by the likes of Old fart and his pro-Pakatan friends (i read your blog, so i know what i'm talking about) lambasting you for your double-standardness.

    i mean -- can't they tell teh difference between political articles and the report on the late Yasmin. DUUH!

    So, Utusna should take responsibility for the crap its tabloid publishes.

    The contentious articles by Utusan on Theresa Kok, are political. That's fair. Theresa has the DAP behind her to promote DAP's politics. Utusan is an Umno-paper. So? They have been for yons. They helped fight for merdeka. Today, they're fighting the DAP. So?

    You may think that Utusan is racist. Utusan thinks that Ms Kok is racist and part of a racist anti-malay party. So?

    And the Old farts in cyberspace cannot see the difference in what was written?

    Shame on you! Theresa can fight Utusan...and what shame? she is a politician. She ahs no shame.

    And Yasmin????

    You can be Pakatan supporters or sympathisers for all anyone cares...
    but don't sound stupid or don't be TAKSUB-lah!

  24. Anonymous12:32 pm

    What right do you and the other "journos" have to criticise Utusan and Kosmo now??? When they write racist articles, do you guys stand up for your millions of other Malaysians offended by the articles? So, just because its about your "friend" Yasmin, u jump up and down?? The hypocrite you are rocky!

    And when Nades and Terence of the Sun keep writing journalistic rubbish for their own personal vendettas against BN... it is ok?? No body complain??

    You and the likes of Rose and Nades are rubbish honestly. Malaysians can see through all that, you hyprocrites.

    Real Zorro

  25. Childish!. People wrote that Michael Jackson was black before he turn to white does anyone border?. Its a fact right. Wy kosmo? If not mistaken The star or Mstar wrote that one of her achiement is Naib Juara Bintang RTM1975.Shoud we also boikot them? Even they did not mentioned the name, surf the web for naib juara RTM and we shall knew. The truth is those pondan has been mistreated especially by those religious authority. To change sex salah tak change pun salah and most of them get lost on the way to find happiness ended at the back lane of Lorong Haji Taib(Dont know why DBKL still retain the name Haji where so many maksiat take place). Jika babi dan anjing berkawin dan anaknya mempunyai mirip kedua dua jenis binatang, jika seupamana nya sifat sifat anjing itu melebihi babi macam treat is as a dog otherwise (if its 50-50) use your wisdom. So what wrong with a sex change? Either you are a man,women or pondan you are human and as a human you have the same right as others.If you have to go for a sex change that will avoid you ended at Loring Haji then why not. A simple solution made difficult by arrogent men! Al Fatihah to Yasmin Ahmad may Allah recognise your contribution

  26. the papers guys need to sell paper and keep their master(s) happy but master happy is number uno lo. so they will do what they need to do including spinning things or revealing details that is not nice regardless of sensitivity or truth.

    some of us know about yasmin but doing it the very next day is a bit too much la. but then they need to sell the story while it is hot.But I do hope these people are houlier than thou cos the same thing will happen to them sooner or later.

    Allah will judge at the end of the day but hey these people need to have a last say ma, so let them be cos we won't be able to stop them.

  27. Purple Haze1:14 pm

    The comment by "Real Zorro" that no body complains about the investigative reporting of Nades and Terence in the Sun is misplaced.

    I believe that these journalists are providing a great service to the rakyat by bringing information to the public domain of potential misdeeds and waste of public funds.

    Unless "Real Zorro" does not pay taxes, all Malaysians should make the politicians and other federal institutions accountable and answerable to the rakyat.

    Hence, the media has a role to play in protecting the public interest.

    As for Kosmo, it does appear that they just want to serve their shareholders interest.

  28. Anonymous1:25 pm

    This is such a non-issue. What does it matter whether someone is a man or woman? The most important thing is that person was HUMAN. Who cares what sex or race as long as that person was a humane being.

    Nickname: HUMANITY

  29. Anonymous1:26 pm

    Salam. Isu ini isu tentang tanggungjawab yang hidup terhadap yang meninggal. Yang meninggal tetap akan pergi dan kita juga akan mengikut, entah esok atau lusa.
    Apa yang Yasmin lakukan di dunia, baik yang baik dan buruk, Allah akan nilai dan balasnya. But, that's not the question.
    Hatta, orang Islam yang meninggal sebagai pembunuh atau pembesar negara termasuk sebagai anak seni, jenazahnya perlu disempurnakan sebaik-baiknya sebelum jenazah (dalam soal ini roh beliau) melangkah ke alam barzakh.
    So, ask the question, apakah kita (orang Islam yang masih hidup ini) melakukan yang terbaik untuk yang meninggal dunia?
    Now, add another senario. Kalau kita (hanya untuk orang Islam sahaja) ada adik lelaki yang membesar dan kemudian bertukar menjadi perempuan atas alasan hak asasi manusia dan individual freedom, apabila dia meninggal, apa yang harus kita lakukan sebagai abang/kakak?
    Now, another senario. Bayangkan kian banyak orang Islam (khususnya yg benar2 bukan khunza dan hanya bercakap "saya ni khunza" tanpa bukti perubatan kerana alat kemaluan bukan satu-satunya penentu jantina) meninggal dlm keadaan kecil jantina lain, membesar jantina lain.
    Benarlah, hari kiamat kian hampir.
    Masih bernafas.

  30. Hey, you know what? It was bound to come up sooner or later.

    The question isn't whether Kosmo was right in posting the story or not -- they can furnish their sources, show the documentation, and then what are you going to say? That it's libel?

    No, the question the Malaysian public (and I don't have anything to say about the journalistic community -- whatever, man), is that: why is it that revealing that a person is a transwoman make that person less of a good person to you?

    Does knowing things about that person make them less of a person? If these revelations damage your perspective of that public figure... what does that say about you?

    That you would treat transwomen as a "lesser species of humanity", or that to you, the only good people are those that conform to your standards of normativity?

    That, in essence, the difference between you and the most bigoted examples of Malaysians out there is a matter of degree, not of kind?

    Or are you going to learn?

  31. Anonymous2:10 pm

    Malaysian Jounos are already low. So Kosmos must really be shit. So much for this country.

  32. Anonymous2:41 pm

    If KOSMO is telling the true facts...WHAT"S WRONG??

    We Malaysian need to know the truth!!!

    same with other sensitive cases...just the TRUTH!!

    so I can say is that in Malaysia there is a lot of swept under the carpet and YOU journalist if the stories involved your friends so better don't tell the public???


    - tru tru tru absolute'vodka'true!

    -true believer-

  33. Anonymous4:33 pm

    U-Umno asslickers


    That's Utusan Malaysia for you guys.

  34. Anonymous4:34 pm

    Fakta dan sejarah tidak boleh diubah...

    Pelik sangat, tiba2 antara org yang paling marah pasal write-up Kosmo bukan orang kebanyakannya dikalangan ex-ex reporter...

    Oh ya itu kawan mereka...Mereka marah sebab write-up itu bercerita tentang kawann-kawannya...

    Bagaimanapula sewaktu mereka menjadi reporter mendedahkan aib arwah Norita yang digambarkan tidak ubah seperti pelcaur dan giler seks...Ada mereka pedulik...Tidak ! Sebab itu bukan kawan2 mereka...

    Kosmo menyatakan fakta dan sejarah yang tidak boleh diubah...Sebagai pembaca akhbar saya difahamkan, apabila seseorang tokoh/selebriti meninggal dunia, media menulis belasungkawa...

    Kosmo dan sebuah paper berbahasa Cina, memilih menulis belasungkawa keseluruhan hidup Yasmin..sedangkan orang lain (baik blogger, news online -malaysiakini or Malaysian insider atau semua media lain) hanya bercerita belasungkawa separuh hidup Yasmin...

    Sebagai pembaca saya melihat Kosmo lebih ikhlas menerima Yasmin baik sebagai Yasmin atau sebagai Zulkifli, sedangkan orang lain menerima Yasmin tetapi 'membunuh' Zulkifli...

    Makhluk Allah

  35. Anonymous4:39 pm

    I have read the Kosmo article. I must say it puts the late Yasmin in a good light unlike the one writen by Mahaguru58.

    Al-Fatihah bagi Yasmin

  36. Anonymous4:44 pm

    Fakta dan sejarah tidak boleh diubah...kenapa kecoh bila Kosmo melaporkan yang benar..bukankah itu yang anda perjuangkan masa jadi wartawan dlu ...

    Opss..mungkin masa anda londehkan keburukan/aibkan orang lain...anda tidak kenal mereka....

    Orang kampung

  37. Anonymous4:48 pm

    Short, terse, concise and precise take on Yasmin.

  38. Anonymous5:14 pm

    i think the fact is not about what was YA's past but the timing it chose to do so. utterly stupid on their part. being a journalist and telling the truth is not an issue - issue of empathy

    after all these time, when YA was alive, no media wrote about that part of her life. so why now? why the need to do that now??!! stupid kosmo.


  39. Utusan showed disrespect at the death of Kugan, Beng Hock and Yasmin. Look at their positioning in their articles. It is just an oversight?

    Anyway bro, I support the stand and came here to read your thought. I am however quite surprised at the composition of your readers nowadays. Guess they have been reading Utusan as the truth. Well, I grieve the loss of another talented Malaysian.

  40. Anonymous5:24 pm

    Only those, who is without sin, shall cast the first stone.

    -black velvet-

  41. Anonymous5:30 pm

    Hey, thats Utusan's Job to write
    Shit about everyone, thats what they do best all these years. Those people in Utusan, from the Top to the Office Peon are one Big
    Oxidation pond, so why give a shit about their articles ??


  42. Anonymous5:41 pm

    wait a minute here. What about freedom of press that everyone is harping about? Are we asking for double standards when it does not suit you?

    Freedom of press means you take the good as well as the bad that comes with it. It's the same freedom that allow ppl to bitch about Kosmo!'s article and for Kosmo to publish it. Quid Pro Quo.

  43. The last line of Rose Ismail's email reads, `Let's uphold the kind of journalism that this country so desperately needs.'

    If this is the true intention of going after Kosmo, then I hope you journalists have the balls to see it through. Don't just do it because it involves Yasmin Ahmad. Be fair and consistent.

    Maybe it has taken this incident to spur some journalists to wake up and see some of the crap that's been floating around within their midst. If this will improve the journalism standard in Malaysia, well and good. Otherwise, you guys are back to square one.

  44. Harap Kosmo dapat menyiarkan lagi cerita siapa Yasmin/Zulkifli. Selepas mendedahkan bahawa Yasmin dulunya lelaki yang dikenali sebagai Zulkifli, maka kali ini saya syorkan supaya Kosmo menyiarkan pula kisah Allahyarham sebagai wanita. Tetapi, saya syorkan juga Kosmo menyiasat sama ada Yasmin/Zulkifli itu adalah khunsa (orang yang memiliki dua alat sulit). Kerana jika dia khunsa, maka dia berhak untuk menjadi wanita atau lelaki.

    Pendedahan Kosmo itu juga tidak salah kerana seperti yang kita juga baca dalam akhbar arus perdana yang lain, termasuk di akhbar yang Rose Ismail and the geng kerja juga pernah siarkan kisah hidup orang terkenal yang mati dalam ruang "Belasungkawa". Apa bezanya dengan "Belasungkawa" yang dibuat oleh Kosmo untuk Yasmin.

    Bagi mengelakkan kekeliruan umat Islam dan demi masa depan anak cucu umat Islam, maka wajib bagi keluarga (ibu bapa) Yasmin menerangkan duduk perkara sebenar. Jika Yasmin adalah khunsa, maka Alhamdulillah, dia sudah memilih ketentuannya. Tetapi jika dia lelaki normal dan mengubah dirinya menjadi wanita maka ingatlah ayat al-Quran ini yang bermaksud: " - dan akan aku [syaitan] suruh mereka [manusia] (merubah ciptaan Allah), lalu benar-benar mereka merubahnya." (Q4:119).

    Islam mengutuk lelaki yang berdandan seperti wanita dan wanita yang berdandan seperti lelaki. Ini disebut dalam hadis Rasulullah bermaksud: "Rasulullah melaknat lelaki yang berpakaian seperti perempuan dan perempuan yang berpakaian seperti lelaki." (Hadis riwayat Abu Daud daripada Abu Hurairah).

    Dalam hadis lain Baginda bersabda: "Rasulullah melaknat lelaki yang berkelakuan seperti perempuan dan perempuan yang berkelakuan seperti lelaki, dan kata Baginda halau mereka dari rumahmu." (Hadis riwayat Bukhari daripada Ibnu Abbas).

    untuk maklumat lanjut layari


  45. is being a man was a dark side of Yasmin Ahmad (used to known as Zulkifli Ahmad)? if not, why bother?

    it same goes to YB Anwar Ibrahim. everybody talks and writes about his odd sexual behavior but no one come with a petition yet

  46. Anonymous8:07 pm

    Assalammualaikum Semua
    Saya setuju benar dengan komen "masih Hidup"

    Saya juga telah bertanya dengan guru ngaji anak saya iaitu Iman Ke2 Surau As-Syakirin Bandar Utama. Beliau berkata tidak ada jalan tengah dalam Islam melainkan simati adalah seorang Khunsa (mempunyai dua alat kelamin) maka dibolehkan membuat pilihan untuk mengekalkan yang mana satu.

    Berdasarkan sejarah beliau adalah seorang pemain bolah yang handal dan alhi sukan maka saya rasa mempunyai cukup sifat cuma seperti kebanyakan orang mungkin mempunyai naluri wanita..

    Kita yang hidup ini kena lah membuat tindakkan yang betul. Jika dilahirkan lelaki semestinyalah dimandi dan disembahyangkan sebagai jenazah seorang lelaki begitiu juga sebaliknya.

    Mungkin lapuran KOSMO itu mengaibkan tetapi lebih aib si sisi Allah jika yang hidup membiarkan ia berlaku.



  47. Ah Rocky, so the people from the Utusan Group, which you so defended... have turned their guns on our friend, even after she has passed on. Now you know...

    Not that this would be the first time that Utusan Group (and other MSM) had fired personal attacks on Yasmin.

    Kosmo! is just being Kosmo!, being a publisher of bullshit news to sell papers. Just make sure the MM doesn't go down that route...

  48. Just liek to add that I'll support this open letter to that Kosmo! drivel-machine who tried to heap more trash on Yasmin's name... perhaps at the urgings of some jealous dude with a PhD.

    PhD = Perasaan hasad Dengki

  49. Cerita ini mengigatkan saya ketika aruah Sudirman Arshad meninggal dunia dahulu. Sehari dua selepas dia pergi, sebuah akhbar tabloid (dah tutup pun) menyiarkan laporan allahyarham mati kerana Aids. Bagi saya, walau apa laporan sekali pun, jangan sehingga kita mengaibkan orang, tambahan lagi selepas ketiadaannya. Allah telah memperingatkan hamba-hambanya, sesiapa yang membuka aib seseorang, Allah akan membuka aib orang itu...beringatlah ya kalau membuat laporan...tambahan lagi dalam akhbar, blog dll...

  50. -Second cousin of Yasmin-10:08 pm

    Not everybody knows that Yasmin was born special.

    She has chosen her way of life and we must respect it. Plus that is between her and God to settle with. Her family accepted it, so who the hell are you to judge her?

    To Kosmo, whoever the writer was; you can rot in hell.

    Rocky, I understand the journalists intention on this issue but the best way is to keep it lay to rest.

  51. Anonymous10:55 pm


    Senget kot dunia ni. For me Yasmin saga tells only one thing. It is ok to trasexual as long as you are doing good. Is it not?

    Well i think, gays, lesbians dan same sex marriage (and many more) are few examples of currently accepted in Malaysia.

    Mak cik-mak cik pencen, duduk diamlah. Buat ibadah banyak-banyak matik kang macamana?

  52. at least kosmo has done justice to zulkifli whom for years has been denied of his achievements that he started. one must remember if there's no zulkifli, no yasmin. zulkifli also had his remarkable success story (as told by kosmo).unfortunately, since the existance of yasmin, zulkifli has been buried before it's due. and ever since his right to share the success story of yasmin were denied. and if it is not of the kosmo story, zulkifli would have never had the chance to deserve what he deserved about.

    alfatihah to zulkifli

  53. Anonymous11:58 pm

    my dear rocky,

    how come when UM wrote shiat in the papers trying to fan racial sentiments u kept quiet as a fellow journo? NOw here sikit make a big deal (but yes, respect shld be given to the dead)

    Come on, dont be bias. UM has been writing crap for so long and yet they can get away with it.

    So now with Kosmo, who the heck cares! Another shiat gossip paper for the dungus!


  54. Anonymous11:59 pm

    Wartawan adalah seperti mana-mana jua bidang pekerjaan iaitu ada yang bekerja sendiri dan ada yang makan gaji; ada yang bersifat bebas, ada yang belandaskan kebajikan dan ada yang mengenakan bayaran untuk perkhidmatan yang disumbangkan (jual "paper").

    Kalau mahu dibuat perbandingan dalam konteks 'epal dengan epal' ambillah bidang guaman kerana setidak-tidaknya kedua-duanya adalah bertaraf profesional. Dalam bidang guaman, dari sudut perkhidmatan, ada pihak yang tidak mengenakan bayaran dan ada pihak yang mana perkhidmata mereka tidaklah percuma. Bagi bidang yang menjanjikan pulangan lumayan sudah tentulah ramai yang tertarik lalu banyaklah persaingan dan banyklah ragamnya. Ada yang dikategorikan sebagai sihat dan ada yang tidak.

    Dalam aspek mencari makan, ada pihak yang sentiasa mengikut landasan yang lurus dan ada pihak yang mengambil jalan yang bengkok. Namun, dalam konteks menilai sama ada seseorang dari sesuatu profesion itu diklasifikasikan sebagai lurus atau bengkok, terdapat perbezaan ketara antara tanggapan umum dan tanggapan rakan dalam sesama profesion.

    Contohnya, umum biasanya tidak berapa berkenan lalu membuat pelbagai tanggapan negatif kalau misalnya seorang peguam itu dilihat berkali-kali berjaya dalam membebaskan penjenayah2 tegar daripada pertuduhan melakukan jenayah berat. Walhal kalau diikutkan, dari sudut pekerjaan, apa yang dilakukan oleh peguam tadi masih berada dalam ruang lingkup yang dibenarkan.

    Tetapi, bagi rakan sesama profesion, tanggapan dalam isu sebegini adalah tidak seperti tanggapan umum. Kejayaan rakan mereka ini meskipun dicemburui tetapi tidaklah sampai sanggup mengumpul tanda tangan atau menghantar surat terbuka bagi tujuan cemuhan dan kritikan terhadap rakan sesama profesion. Ini kerana bagi mereka yang profesional, sebelum rakan sendiri dicemuh, penilaian terhadap kepincangan rakan sendiri harus dibuat secara objektif (seperti perlanggaran tataetika ke, rasuah kje dsbnya) tetapi bukan secara subjektif (disebabkan iri hati, sakit hati dsbnya).

    Oleh itu kewartawanan dan guaman meskipun tidak sama dari segi tugasan hakiki tetapi dalam konteks menilai perilaku dan membuat teguran terhadap rakan sesama profesion, perlukah bidang kewartawanan menyimpang jauh dari adat dan tradisi yang dipraktikkan dalam profesion guaman?

    Kesimpulannya, isu ini tidak banyak kaitan dengan tahap profesionalisme jurnalistik per se tetapi lebih kepada perasaan yang berbuku dan selebihnya adalah tekanan akibat persaingan menuju puncak kejayaan.


  55. Anonymous1:37 am

    ramai yang mengkritik tetapi tidak mengetahui kebenarannya. sebagai seorang wartawan akhbar yang tuan, puan katakan sampah, adalah amat mendukicitakan apabila hasil titik peluh kami untuk membina akhbar tersebut selama ini dilabel berdasarkan satu artikel.

    (saya pasti kebanyakan pembaca blog ini tidak/jarang sekali membuka akhbar kosmo sebelum artikel tersebut keluar dan terus melabelnya akhbar tabloid sampah berdasarkan saiz dan yes, ada kalanya headline sensasi di muka hadapan....kindly flip the whole paper before you judge us.)

    not all of us in the office agree on the article, in fact, most of us hated the fact the story was published.

    the outcome is similar bagai nila setitik, habis rosak susu sebelanga.

    everyone has their opinions, i'm sure the journo who wrote the article has a valid reason why he/she wrote it.

    takkan sengaja dia nak jatuhkan nama akhbar dalam sekelip mata? di manakah rasionalnya?

    ada pihak yang mengatakan bahawa arwah harus diingati untuk keseluruhan hidupnya. bukan sekadar yasmin ahmad, the filmaker but yasmin ahmad yang diingati oleh mereka yang mengenali dirinya yang sebenar. her past.

    namun, ada pihak yang tidak bersetuju atas fakta tersebut.

    walau apa pun, jgn berfikiran bahawa semua wartawan kosmo hina kerana artikel berkenaan.

    kami juga bersedih dengan pemergian arwah,

    like most people, i don;t agree on the article...

    mungkin dilihat tidak sensitif dan bertanggungjawab tetapi sebab mengapa ia ditulis, hanya penulis(atau pemberi arahan) yang tahu....

  56. Anonymous2:44 am

    Malang sungguh orang Islam, moraliti dan tatacara hidupnya ditentukan oleh orang lain. Bergembiralah orang Islam, anda kini yang dilahirkan sebagai seorang lelaki, kini boleh mati sebagai seorang wanita. Terima kasih Marina Mahathir, Rose Ismail dan Fatimah Abu Bakar, Shareem Amry. Hidup 1Malaysia.

    Masih Lelaki.

  57. Anonymous3:15 am

    This comment was send to Wong Chun Wai:

    Based on what you’ve written, we all should also send the same protest letter or the petition to mStar and The Star since you guys also acknowledge that she was a man.

    Check this out:

    In the said article it is stated clearly that she was the “1975 Naib Johan, Bintang RTM '75”. If you do some checking, the “1975 Naib Johan, Bintang RTM '75” was Zulkifli Ahmad. So Yasmin Ahmad is Zulkifli Ahmad. The article was published on the 26 July, 2009 - much earlier that Kosmo!

    Even though it is a Bernama article (should we also now send the letter to Bernama and boycott the news agency), you guys published it with all eyes opened.

    I guess the associations representing the advertising agencies and advertisers should also act against mStar and The Star.

    So, what say you?? If this comment is not published, I guess I know why.

    Rakan Sekerja.

  58. for public interest there's no wrong for kosmo to published the article..
    but for morality i believe kosmo went too far...
    we have to respect Yasmin decision to be yasmin not zulkifli...

    R.I.P Yasmin Ahmad, may God bless you.

  59. Bunnies10:00 am

    Eh, everybody.. dont be stupid la. This is not about press freedom or whatever la. This is about being a human la! It is beyond wicked to go "gossip about the dead"!! Yes, such things are called gossip! What is wrong with you people!?

    To begin with, what is there to inform? For the love of all that is holy, she is gone! What difference does it make if she was a he or she or whatever!? Will you sleep better if you knew? Will you be richer? Will you be a better person as to understand that a person should never be judged?

    So what if whatever was reported is true? Will it change the fact that she is gone? Will it revive Yasmin from the grave to continue to do what she do best and that is to foster unity through love and understanding? Will her work be seen as lousy now that the "truth" is revealed? For me the answer is NO!

    If so, why is there a need to go dig and tell anything about the dead may it be true or not? Why is there a need to hurt those who are already in shock, pain and empty from losing her? WHY? because we are all bitchy? Oh! come on!!

    aiyah.. let's put all these religious talk aside la. She is dead!! Whatever it is, it's between her and the almighty! Why are you people playing GOD's advisers here? Please remember la.. GOD is not petty like you people la. GOD is compassionate, loving, forgiving and whatever you are or was, how your body was handled during or after the funeral has no bearing on how GOD receives you! GET THAT CORRECT!!

  60. Anonymous12:51 pm

    Aiyo... kecoh, keceoh... sudah lah, the family and friends should feel lucky as kosmo has done at least one good thing. The repot tells us about PUBLIC DUTY (fardu kifayah) to tell what wrong (in Islam) is wrong what right, is right (although bitter). Yasmin dying father and mother shoud feel lucky coz kosmo has the balls to tell the truth (and the naked truth). Minta apun lah mak inom dan pak atan! Selama ni (dengan izin) sudah banyak bersekongkol dan bersubahat dengan anak yang melakukan banyak dosa (secara terangan pulak tu).

    And the khusa thing, i dont belive in khunsa. DNA is definite it is either XY for male or XX for female. The extra genetelia (example case of a boy in Perlis) is therefore a type of defromity. 1,500 years ago you can fools around to calim you are khunsa but not with current technology.

    So datin-datin, you should report this case to Majlis Ulama and get fatwa from Muftis of what bad things kosmo has done. Or bring this case to court.

    Kosmo you are so bad! Lets norita again!

    Latipah Nomokario

  61. Anonymous3:30 pm

    maderfaker. to masih lelaki, just shut d fuck up. u dont know yasmin, u dont know how was she born dont just ass-u-me that u know her and came out with such stupid conclusion like, 'now sume lelaki boleh mati sebagai wanita'. for god sake, i hope u will rot in hell for ur short-sighted statement.fuck off.

    -she who knows who yasmin really is-

  62. Anonymous5:00 pm

    Kepada siapa yang mengaitkan isu Kosmo sebagai melanggar nilai kemanusiaan la, adat resam la, dan bla, bla, kalau dilihat dari sudut hujah memang nampak bernas tetapi dari sudut realiti ia hanya mendedahkan sisi hipokrit mereka.

    Ya! mereka ii hipokrit kerana mensasarkan kritikan terhadap sebuah penerbitan secara berpilih-pilih seolah-olah mengiakan saja agenda yang dibentuk oleh pihak lain yang menjadi pesaing kepada Kosmo! Persaingan dalam konteks periuk nasi aja beb!

    Ya, mereka hipokrit kerana berasakan pihak kosmo tidak peka kepada suasana dan perasaan kemanusiaan tetapi apabila apabila ada pihak yang sengaja mengundang Chin Peng menetap di belakang rumah pembangkang, walhal, undangan berkenaan dianggap tidak peka kepada adat, budaya dan perasaan yang dialami oleh manusia ini (waris-waris mangsa kekejaman komunis), kenapakah tidak ada siapa yang mengecam apabila segelintir pihak media begitu galak menyiarkan undangan berkenaan hingga terbit sentimen negatif?

    Isu ini kalau dilihat dalam konteks politik adalah diumpamakan sebagai isu ADUN PKR menyelar DAP terbabit dengan "underworld". Bagi pembangkang yang hipokrit, mereka akan mempertahankan DAP secara membabi buta dan dalam masa sama menghukum "whistle blower" -- Adun PKR tadi.


  63. Anonymous6:54 pm

    Cukup2la cakap pasal yasmin ahmad tu...yg pasti semua warga Malaysia telah kehilangan sebutir permata yg menyatukan kite semua dlm setiap iklannya..terutama yg berbentuk sinis...walau dia xmampu menjadi seorg p.ramlee atau seorg sudirman namun dia telah menjadi seorang yasmin ahmad yg dilimpahi bakat yg terkesan kpd kite semua...
    jgn lupe utk klik link di bawah utk maklumat perniagaan...

  64. Anonymous1:20 am


    aku sikitpun tak heran bila marina mahathir, rose ismail, fatimah abu bakar duk pertahankan YA. mereka ni semua melayu liberal.

    bg mereka nak cegah aids, main kena pakai kondom bukannya Jauhi ZINA!

    Kepada makcik-makcik pencen ni, nasihat aku p lah surau ke masjid ke `menadah kitab' moga lebih faham lagi apa itu islam!


  65. Hipokrit,tidak beretika,double standard adalah motto perjuangan journos di 1Malaysia..mengata dulang paku serpih la tu..

  66. Anonymous8:55 am

    Justice ? easy. Lets run a campaign and stop buying all their publication---like what happened to NST in the last regime !


  67. Anonymous8:59 am

    I will start by refraining from buying any of utusan's publication.
    Those who will follow suit, say 'aye'

    shit for shits

  68. Anonymous12:35 pm

    Ya, boikot adalah kaedah berkesan untuk menyerang pihak lawan. Ya, pembangkang boleh boikot barangan psaing mereka tetapi itu hanya menyebabkan pesaing kepada pembangkang bertindak balas untuk memboikot produk yang ada kaitan dengan pembangkang!! Lagipun buat apa boikot produk halal dari entiti perniagaan yang menyumbang kepada pendapatan negara dan seterusnya disalurkn untuk kebajikan rakyat termasuk pembangkang? Oleh itu bukankah lebih baik diboikot pusat judi haram, karaoke haram, kelab malam haram, kedai runcit haram, produk makanan haram yang ada kaitan dengan aktiviti "underworld". Bukankah itu yang sepatutnya diutamakan?


  69. Dzul Paka8:18 am

    Bagi saya tidak ada salahnya artikel kosmo itu.

    Kenyataan adalah kenyataan dan orang akan memperkatakan apa yang seseorang manusia itu lakukan semasa hayatnya. Samada orang akan mengatakannya kemudian atau sekarang hanyalah faktor penentu masa sahaja.

    Apa yang menjadi persoalan adalah tentang sikap dan perlakuan kita semasa kita hidup. Jika kita menjalani hidup dengan norma-norma murni dan diiringi dengan peradaban yang tinggi maka kita akan dikenang sebegitu sahaja.

    Tetapi jika kehidupan kita penuh dengan populariti , glamor , kontroversi , bekas pemimpin dan apa sahaja label yang boleh menaikkan nama kita maka kita akan dikenang sebagai sebagai salah seorang yang berpengaruh dalam masyarakat. Dan segala cerita tentang perjalanan hidup kita akan diketahui oleh orang ramai.

    Saya percaya jika Kosmo tidak siarkan berita tersebut , akan ada akhbar lain yang menyiarkan nya kemudian atau laman web dan blog akan mendahului berita tersebut.
    Jadi berita tersebut pasti akan tersebar juga. Hanya masa yang menentukan.

    P/s: kalau laman web atau blog yang siarkan dahulu adakah akan ada bantahan seperti ini...?

  70. Errr..."KOSMOS is telling the true facts"??? How sure are you they're true?? Do you know Yasmin Ahmad pesonally?

    And what do you mean "Malaysians need to know the truth"?? Wats is "the truth" to you? Does it matter to you whether you find out if Yasmin is a male or female? Who are you to bother about these things?

    If its not of importance, then why did such a ridiculous article have to be published anyway? What is its purpose?

    To even have it published in the first place is outright humiliating to Malaysia. KOSMOS = Total disappointment.
