Monday, June 29, 2009

Is it Constitutional, Sir?

Merit-based Scholarship. The Prime Minister's proposal to introduce a "merit-based" scholarship system where "only the best, irrespective of race" will be granted JPA scholarships from next year may not be constitutional, or so says a pro-Najib blogger.

In his posting Is the Merit-based Scholarship Constitutional?, Zakhir Mohamad, a life member of Umno, said Najib Razak can't implement the proposal unilaterally.

This is because, provision for scholarships has been enshrined in the Federal Constitution solely for the Bumiputras only, he wrote. "When scholarships are being dished out based on merit, that means Malay privileges as provided in the Federal Constitution inadvertently has been withdrawn."

The blogger also said Najib will need to refer the proposal to the Malay Rulers and should have gone to the party for feedback. Read more, h e r e.

Read Bernama's report on the proposed scholarship, here.


  1. Anonymous11:19 am

    Another blooming umnoputeras so worrid about his shitty rights again!Dont they know what shame is?If Najib wants to expand the cake so be it ,and at least he is trying.It's no wonder the foreign investors are wondering till today!


  2. Anonymous11:19 am

    If there has been so much hassle in creating a harmonious country here, why not each of the race make a tolerate move

    Chinese and Indians start wearing songkok and speak only Malay language

    We can do that.

    But what about legalizing pork selling every where?

    Can u do that?


  3. prowaris11:20 am

    If in the end,the merit based scholarship awards more scholarship to the Malays,I don't want to hear the non-Malays complaining..I believe this the the chance for students from boarding school who scores 10A's in their SPM to get the scholarship..We have the numbers and yet many Malays can't get JPA scholarship because of the quota..

    Just look at the scholarship to further studies overseas this year?The additional 200 plus places all went to non-Malays..
    Jangan sampai yang dikejar tak dapat,yang dikendong berciciran Mr Prime Minister

    We are watching sir..

  4. Anonymous11:21 am

    Since when a special right become a unchallengeable privilege?


  5. Anonymous11:23 am


    Malay being asked to revert to learning science and mathematics in Language of Peasants and the let loose to compete for National Scholarship with chinese who are going to learn science and mathematics in Mandarin instead of their mother tongues language of tin miners and pepper farmers i.e Hokkien, Cantonese, Foochow. The only suiable profession for next generation malays are oil palm estate general workers and amah only replace indons and to become serfs to middle class chinese and malay elites. Elok bonar lah tuh...

    Prof Awe Kecik.

  6. Iskandar11:37 am

    Kita asyik bagi saja ..

    Diorang asyik terima saja.

    Baguslah, esok telor 2 bijik yg ada ni pun kita bagi jugak

  7. Anonymous11:53 am

    If it's not constitutional, change the constitution. Najib has to do the right thing but it is clear that the years of reliance on crutches have made people resistant to change.


  8. Anonybro12:05 pm

    Saudara Rocky,

    I think we should not panic too soon. Najib is just testing the waters ala Omar Ong scandal. There will be a hidden side to this and it would be an interesting game to guess what's the hidden outcome ;)

  9. Anonymous12:19 pm

    En. Najib cakap sahaja untuk meraih undi. Dia berkata begitu untuk memuaskan hati pengundi-pengundi Tong Shan and Keling. Kan ada pilihanraya tidak lama lagi?

    Apa yang perlu diungkitkan? Kita tahu perkara seperti biasiswa hanya kepada mereka yang benar-benar berhak kerana cerdik akalnya tanpa mengira bangsa dan agama tidak boleh berlaku di Malaysia. Indah khabar. Tidak ada apa-apa yang akan berlaku. Jadi kenapa mahu cepat melatah?

    Saya juga mahu bertanya kepada mereka yang pro-sangat hendak membela nasib bumiputera tu ; apa faedah yang telah anda lakukan kepada pribumi di Sabah dan Sarawak? Kebanyakkan masih hidup merempat. Kehidupan jauh daif berbanding orang Melayu. Sepi je? Kenapa tidak tukar sahaja perlembagaan negara kita tu kepada orang Melayu sahaja? Senanglah. Sebab bila melaung-laungkan hak bumiputera, balik-balik orang Melayu. Kadazan, Iban, Bidayuh dan lain-lain tu kat Sabah/Sarawak bukan bumiputera ke? Fikirkan lah.

  10. tayar pancit12:19 pm

    cakap macam ni sebenarnya nak tarik balik undi bangsa cina..itu saja..mana dia ngo-ngo melayu??tak komen pun..takut kat najib atau dah jadi ngok..buatlah demonstrasi macam masa mb selangor suruh buka kuota uitm dulu tu..kata nak pertahan hak melayu sampai titisan darah terakhir..ini isu biasiswa isu serius nih..takkan diam ja..ibrahim ali mana??

  11. Anonymous12:48 pm

    It may not be as unconstitutional as reckoned by BigDog.
    True there's Article 153 of the Federal Constitution touching on the quotas in respect of services, permits, scholarships etc. for Bumiputeras.But look closer -- the Article only spells out the power and preprogative of the Agong to ensure this:
    153 (2) "Notwithstanding anything in this Constitution, but subject to the provisions of Article 40 and of this Article, the Yang di- Pertuan Agong shall exercise his functions under this Constitutions and federal law in such manner as may be necessary to safeguard the special position of the Malays and natives of any of the States of Sabah and Sarawak and to ensure the reservation for Malays and natives of any of the States of Sabah and Sarawak of such proportion as he may deem reasonable of positions in the public service (other than the public service of a State) and of scholarships, exhibitions and other similar educational or training privileges or special facilities given or accorded by the Federal Government and, when any permit or license for the operation of any trade or business is required by federal law, then, subject to the provisions of that law and this Article, of such permits and licenses."

    It is quite clear that the King's power is subject to Article 40 -- he must act on the advice of the Cabinet or the PM. If the PM says scholarships must be merit-based, he cannot say otherwise.
    Thank you

    loyar not so burok.

  12. Anonymous1:14 pm

    Hey Rocky

    1st thing is to revamp the examination format

    Tweak it so that the measures TEST intelligence and real talent

    not sheer HARDWORK

    answers to questions should not rely on memory alone but thinking, analytical and presentation skills (to name a few)

    this means the industry that profits on 10-year series can go kaput

    exams should not just reward memory and hardwork coz answers to real-life problems are NOT found in the 10-year series

  13. From my humble opinion, National Scholarship is a subn category in JPA Scholarship. We still have the main JPA scholarship which based on quota.

  14. Its about time. Let the Malays work hard for scholarships. Sampai bila nak kena manja dan spoon fed?

  15. Mazlan1:53 pm

    I thought the scholarships were awarded on merit anyway?
    Is Najib saying that previous scholars did not merit their scholarships?
    I find the whole thing just semantics?
    Scholarships should always be awarded on merit - but also include a requirement based on needs - as we need to ensure scholarships to those from impoverished or underprivileged backgrounds, especially from the rural areas.
    Again Najib is making a statement without explaining the rationale.

  16. Salam Mr.Rocky.
    Nampaknya Kerajaan BN sudah semakin terdesak dalam meraih sokongan kaum bukan Bumiputera tanpa memikirkan kesan kepada penyokong setia yang sedia ada terutama dari kaum Melayu.Kerajaan janganlah ingat kaum Melayu selama ini berdiam diri dan masih setia mengundi UMNO,tandanya mereka menyokong dan menyetujui dengan semua usaha, perancangan dan tindaktanduk UMNO selama ini.Soal pemberian biasiswa kepada kaum bumiputera merupakan isu asas keistimewaan kaum bumiputera seperti yang termaktub dalam perlembagaan negara.Isu ini adalah isu yang sensitif bagi kaum bumiputera terutama Orang-orang Melayu yang juga mejoritinya AHLI BIASA UMNO.(Mungkin sudah tidak sensitif lagi bagi pemimpin UMNO!!)Usaha kerajaan BN untuk menghakis keistemawaan Orang Melayu
    terutama dalam isu pengagihan biasiswa ini bolih menjauhkan lagi sokongan orang-orang Melayu samada ahli umno atau tidak) terutama yang tinggal di luar bandar. Selama ini majoriti Melayu masih mengundi BN kerana percayakan UMNO untuk membela nasib mereka.DS Najib mesti ingat sokongan orang Melayu kepada BN tidak akan terus berkekalan sekiranya tindaktanduk dan perjuangan UMNO sudah tidak sensitif lagi dengan hak dan keperluan kaum bumiputera.DS Najib dan pemimpin UMNO perlu ingat dan perlu ambil iktibar dengan pepatah melayu ini " YANG DIKEJAR TAK DAPAT YANG DIKENDUNG BERCICIRAN" renung-renungkanlah UMNO ye!!

  17. Anonymous2:28 pm

    Aiyo, Zakhir Mohamad, your team belum start game sudah mengaku kalah. You assume when this is implemented, the Malay will definitely the losers. I think you are insulting your own race. Maybe you think despite 52 years of protection, the Malay CANNOT survive without the protectionism. While everyone think the Malay is as capable as the other races, ONLY YOU insulted the your own race by saying they can't even win on level playing ground, to the extend of raising the white flag BEFORE the game started. You are really a Malay born loser.

  18. Anonymous2:30 pm

    the best solution is to give each race a quota based on ratio of their general population in the country. becos there is the limit how much the government can give in terms of the scholarship. let say the number is 2,000 scholarship with a budget of RM1 billion - then the ratio can be 55% malays/bumis 25%, chinese, 10% indians and 5% the rest, based on the 25 million people. let each student compete with his fellow race to get the scholarship. you must remember each year our schools churn out thousands of A-grade students from all races who are all eligible for scholarships. You can imagine what will be the reaction of the people if the 2,000 scholarship goes to students of one particular race. Just remember, an absolute meritocracy system can't happen in a country such as malaysia. to achieve 1malaysia and not 1race takes all, there should be tolerant meritocracy. or else just look at our nearest neighbour and with its glaring examples of the side effects of meritocracy Singapore-styled.

    Pak Kadok Naik Junjung

  19. The Constitution clearly says words to the effect that the King shall secure a REASONABLE provision to protect the 'special position' of the Malays and Natives of Sarawak/Sabah, as regards Scholarships and jobs in the Civil Service. Nowhere in the Constitution is a fixed percentage stated.

    No non-Malay has an issue about these provisions!!

    Thus, if at any time, the King (obviously through advise from the incumbent Government of that day) is satisfied that a level playing field has been established, there will be a case for totally merit based Scholarships and Civil Service jobs.

    I think many did not read what Najib said carefully. He said a 'NEW' category of merit based Scholarship will be created. I take this to mean that a certain level of affirmative action based Scholarships will stil be maintained (as of necessity to protect the special position of Malays/Natives of Sarawak/Sabah in East and West Malaysia in addition to the new proposed system.

    Thus the reactions from Zakhir Mohamed and others is of the predictable variety - the knee-jerk kind.

    So, what's the beef? Let Najib flesh out his proposal in detail before the self-appointed ultra patriots start getting restless and talk about unsheathing the keris on stage again!!

    And make no mistake, the King has a right to suspend the Constitutional provisions on Scholarships and Civil Service jobs, if he is satisfied they are no longer required. The provsions were not meant to be applied forever regardless of true and actual progress!!

  20. pinsysu3:07 pm

    pickled mentality & marinated brains ... nothing fresh!

  21. Anonymous3:07 pm

    If you think about is shouldn't scholarships be given to those who really need it? As a Malaysian who can afford to fund my children's education I would not want them to apply for a scholarship even if they obtained the requisite number of As. In doing so they would be depriving someone who did not have the means of furthering their studies (i.e. those with the required As but from poor backgrounds).

    Maybe this is just my socialist way of thinking.

  22. Anonymous3:24 pm


    take the fucking scholarship and shove it up where the sun don't shine la!

    Most of the true success stories in this country didn't come by way of scholarships. Kudos to all those hardworking parents who, despite the lame-ass govt discrimination, still managed to get their kids a damn good education and also imparted survival skills - malays, chinese, indians and lain2 included!

    We've been screwed in our arses by this shithole govt in terms of quality education, proper infrastructure, better household income and a host of other areas. All in the name of rights, privileges and political patronage.


    Bring it on assholes!

  23. Anonymous3:26 pm

    Scholarship is based on merit and nothing more. Scholarship means excellance in the feild of education. This has got nothing to do with race. If based on race then everyone who is qualified to enter a school of higher learning should be by constitution must be provided bursership. If the constution says only malays are to be provided scholarship, other races be it iban,melanaus, dayaks, kadasans and other races residing in Malaysia should not be provided with scholarship not only by PSD, but also other charitable organisations like Lee Foundation, Genting Group or any other organisation can provide scholarship to anyone except Malays.


  24. Anonymous3:30 pm

    Blah, blah, blah, ... It will never happen it's just a fishing for votes speech. Don't worry everyone and don't waste valuable bandwidth talking about this. Lets talk about Michael Jackson..owww!

    MJ Fan

  25. sallehudin3:31 pm

    OMG WE RE DOOOMED!!!!we are sooo f..ed!!!!how the hell we going to survive!!lol;) wat people should concern is when rich people got scholarship

  26. Anonymous3:44 pm

    This bugger is navel gazing and looking for his privileges. Reading his comment, made me sick.

    If we still continue to talk about bumi and non-bumi rights, soon, there is nothing out there left for us. Other countries would have taken them.

    In this century, Malaysia can only survive of we develop our human resources.

  27. Anonymous3:50 pm

    buatlah ikut suka engkau najib

  28. Anonymous3:54 pm

    Apalah kecoh sangat orang-orang Melayu ni? PM tu cadang satu lagi jenis biasiswa untuk semua rakyat Malaysia berdasarkan merit. Beliau tak cakap pun biasiswa sedia ada yang berdasarkan kuota itu dihapuskan.

    Maknanya di sini ada DUA jenis biasiswa yang akan disediakan oleh JPA. Yang PERTAMA berdasarkan kuota untuk memenuhi kehendak Perlembagaan. Yang KEDUA pula berdasarkan merit untuk mengelakkan isu biasiswa JPA ni tidak habis-habis menjadi isu politik.

    Kalau ikut logik akal, dengan ada kedua-dua jenis biasiswa ini akan memberi kelebihan kepada anak-anak Melayu dan bumiputera. Itupun kalau ibubapa Melayu dan bumiputera pandai didik anak sehingga terhasilnya anak Melayu dan bumiputera cemerlang yang boleh menerima biasiswa (dan yang boleh menguasai bahasa kedua terutamanya English).

    Oleh itu diminta agar orang Melayu jangan terlalu sibuk bermain politik yang akhirnya mengganggu kestabilan, kemakmuran dan kemajuan negara.

    Penerima Biasiswa JPA

  29. Anonymous4:02 pm

    Merit based are not constituitional

    then forget about kpi
    forget about performance
    forget about one malaysia

    to the malays i know how you feel

    but its really time to grow up

    compete like a MAN.

  30. Anonymous4:04 pm


    There is a difference between spoon feed and breast feed.


  31. The Penquin4:04 pm

    I don't think the PM will use the present 'cake' for the new category of students who have outstanding results. A new 'cake' or an 'enlarged cake' will be used for this purpose. At least the PM is going to do something to reduce the brain drain.

  32. Anonymous4:13 pm

    Does it matter whether it is unconstituitional when the country is in crisis ?

    The constitution is like RTM broadcasters outdated, outclassed, outnumbered by modern standard.

    If we still let go education that standard we let go alot of other standards.

  33. Bro,

    Nampaknya kita asyik memberi sahaja sejak kebelakangan ini....

  34. hi guys...
    imo, we already have a good system in giving scholarship to students. Its a matter on the implementation of it.

    We could keep the quota as what we have now. But the question is, those students who awarded with the scholarship are really deserve it?

    We don't need to change what we have now. The most important is the IMPLEMENTATION. It seems that Najib really work hard to get back the votes from non Malay.

    Btw, i like to look in deep opinion given below :

    "Sebab bila melaung-laungkan hak bumiputera, balik-balik orang Melayu. Kadazan, Iban, Bidayuh dan lain-lain tu kat Sabah/Sarawak bukan bumiputera ke?"

    What do you think people??

  35. Anonymous4:39 pm

    Salah ke betul,,itu hak dia,,DIA kan PM,,dia punya suka lah,,,

    1 Malaysia,,,slogan dia,,1 Malaysia ni BODOH,.,DIA aja pandai,,

    MELAYU LAGI BODOH,,buat apa Scholorship,,bagi kat Melayu,,bukan dia orang bole pandai,,


  36. I only hope that all Malaysian will prosper. I love the Malay, Chinese, Indians and everyone else.

    We must be strongly united to show to the world that we are one strong nation.

  37. Anonymous5:26 pm

    Zakhir Mohamad,

    Tak ada cara lain lagi kah mahu jadi hero.

    Sikit-sikit cakap pasal constitution pulak. Sekarang soal biasiswa ni bukan lagi masalah kaum tau kah.

    Suruh dia balik belajar bagus-bagus la. Buat malu saja orang yang nak jadi hero ni.

  38. artchan5:31 pm

    bloody farking politicians....

    if we can provide education for everybody up to secondary level..why can't we provide university for everyone that wants to further studies. Build enough universities...end of story...every one that meets the criteria goes to uni.

    Becos not enough uni..the people are fighting..and the politicians try to score points.

    Fark the politicians.....

  39. Anonymous5:35 pm

    Zakhir Mohamad & supporters, are you saying Malays are forever not good in studies and lost to the other race? That is why Malays cannot accept based on merit?

    If not than what is the problem?


  40. Anonymous6:09 pm

    Dear Pals,

    Kalau tak puas hati dengan plan PM beritau PM secara rasmi. Kalau dia berkeras juga hendak teruskan dan kita tak suka hak Melayu dirampas...tunggu musim pemilihan, jangan letak dia di kerusi yang dia duduki sekarang.

  41. Anonymous6:45 pm

    Everyone is talking about scholarships and yet not a single person is touching on the subject of offering places in the Malaysian varsities many non Malay students applied to study in the first place !

    Do you want to study geography when you applied to study some other subjects !
    Soooo many applicants were not offered to study the subjects they applied for in the first place or even the second preferences as stated in their applications I might add.
    A good example were my two children who completed their HSC with the best possible marks some years back. They applied to the Malaysian varsities to study medicine as their first choice and dentistry as second.
    Guess what ? They were both rejected on the subjects they applied for and were given to study geography and education when a bumi class mate with far worst results was offered to study medicine. Must the faster runners be excluded so that the slower ones will win ? Is this what NEP is all about ?
    I had to send them abroad with borrowed money to do their choices and they both graduated as doctors. Subsequently they became medical Specialists and stayed on to practice in that country. A few years ago the Malaysian government sent a delegation to 'beg' them to come back to serve in Malaysia. I must add that they were also offered a lot, a lot, of incentives to come back to serve in Malaysia.
    Needless to say they never accepted the offer when Malaysia was and still is so short of with their kind of skills.
    Who at the end is the loser ? The Malaysian public and the sick !
    So much for the NEP !

  42. Anak Parit Buntar7:06 pm

    Something is very wrong with the mindset of some people in this country. There is no success without hard work, period. Is the Bumiputera policy Islamic? Shame that Malays are giving Islam a bad name.

  43. From the news report, I think the PM is going to introduce another category of scholarship and not to substitute the old/curent scholarship which gives priority to bumi.
    Please don't simply jump the gun la.
    I think this is good so that our youngsters will work harder and learn to be competitive.

  44. Waaa you people like to speculate issue aaaa?? First my death, now the scholarship thing. Dunno heads or tails of the real issue you people already bark like dog !! What laaa!

  45. Anonymous8:37 pm


    Sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit!


  46. Anonymous9:07 pm

    Aiya, still want to be baby feeding on milk? Can't grow one right? When others are independent and some still drink susu, Mana boleh like that.

    Our country is poor, very soon run out of Susu loh, grow up lah!

    You want to make country next Zimbabwe hor, by then sure no more Susu.


  47. Anonymous9:07 pm

    Sesiapa yang bodoh disini hendak melagakan orang Melayu dengan bumiputera Sabah/Sarawak? Pergi mampus kamu, orang Melayu tiada masalah dengan orang bumiputera Sabah dan Sarawak, yang masalahnya selalu adalah orang Cina dengan Melayu, malah antara orang India dengan Melayu pun tak banyak masalah. Cuba tengok di jalanan sajalah, yang mana satu cuba dengan sedaya upaya mendominasi sesiapa? Dengan tulisan cina-nya, dengan wang perniagaannya, dengan bongkaknya (sebagai golongan bos-lah katakan).


  48. Anonymous9:36 pm

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Pak Kaduk Naik Junjung 2:30pm, your comment are certainly pragmatic I agree that an absolute meritocracy system in a multiracial Malaysia is just not possible.

    As reported by Bernama, quote"Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the government will create a special scholarship called Biasiswa Nasional (National Scholarship) under the Public Service Department (JPA) next year based totally on merit.He said the scholarships would be given to the best qualified students irrespective of race, in line with the Education Ministry's decision to review the award of government scholarships." end quote.

    If this is what Najib said then it is brilliant, he is creating another category of scholarship for the best of the best regardless of race without actually contravening the Constitution with regards to the scholarship issues. I think all of us especially the Malays should support this idea instead of screaming for their rights to be upheld, it is being upheld for crying out loud. Some of us simply cannot see the wood for the trees.

  50. Anonymous10:33 pm

    All scholarships should be based on merits, that will ensure the best student are given scholarships. I have little faith in Najib but I am watching for his sincerity. The country will benefit from smart graduates instead of the current system of pushing out idiots who are unqualified and at best mediocre. Race based awards must be eradicated. Lets see if Najib has the balls to do what he preach since his own UMNO party are against it.
    Disgusted Malaysian

  51. Anonymous10:56 pm

    rocky, consider the malays are gone. Only umno leader will gain from this policy. the normal member consider GONE. let vote for PK better.


  52. Anonymous11:31 pm


    no matter what new scholarship is introduced, it will be manipulated to benefit the bumis..
    so why are the non-bumis wasting their breath..
    i have given up on the malaysian government to offer my children scholarship even if they 10 As
    I am starting to save with my small salary..sacrificing on many other things that i wish to do but cannot but see the bumis doing without a care in the world..
    I know even if i saved every penny it will not be enough to pay the full fees of my children's education if i were to educate them where the bumi children are sent with MY taxes..aren't they ashamed when they take pictures of themselves in the back drop of snow, or some foreign countries and publish them in local malay newspapers..? it has to be pointed out that 90% of the non-bumis pay taxes to sustain the 90% of non-bumis..shame on U

    I have to take a bank loan to educate my children for which they will have to pay for the rest of their lives..
    modern day slaves to the bank..probably that is what the bumi-controlled govervment wants...

    Zainal: asik memberi aje??? try giving ur back side..nobody would want it..not even my neighbours 's dog..nothing was ever yours to begin with...u arse hole...


  53. Bumi equity stripped
    Now merit-based scholarship.

    Bring on the challenge. The competition.

    The Malays are ready to play fair. How about the others?

  54. Anonymous12:22 am

    The independence negotiators REALLY MADE a BIG MESS!

  55. I have to say what the PM did is a step in the right direction. Lets not forget this.

    There are also other people who are allowed to voice out their opinions, like this Zakhir Mohamad chap. You may agree or disagree with him, but to me, it feels like a claim of a coward.

    I believe each one of us has enough rationale, common sense and drive to benefit as a whole. Making a claim that such scholarship scheme is unconstitutional is downright selfish. While it is a privilege to the Bumiputeras, it is unfortunately a privilege one should be ashamed of as it robs opportunities from others who deserve as much as Bumiputeras do.

    If Mr. Zakhir would like to expand his vocabulary, I think a much nicer word to replace 'withdrawn' with is 'augment'. And I believe that is what the PM is doing right now.

    I'm disappointed that he ran behind the veil of the Constitution just to prove his point. Just like a little boy who is too afraid of bullies and come running back to the mother.

  56. SPANA HIDUP1:44 am

    Orang-orang Melayu tidak boleh lagi mengharapkan UMNO (Baru), PAS dan PKR untuk memperjuangkan hak mereka. Kerana gilakan kuasa parti2 politik ini telah sanggup menjual agama dan bangsanya sendiri.Bangsa Melayu kini dahagakan sebuah parti politik baru yang berani memperjuangkan hak mereka untuk survive di bumi bertuah ini. Kami mendoakan penubuhan PARTI PERJUANGAN HAK MELAYU ....Insyallah.

  57. rather not state my name cos some christian chink wanna pay me a visit, not that I'm scared more like scare what i might do to him2:29 am

    why don't we remove ISA 1s, then talk about scholarships? we can also talk about selling pork anywhere we like and also of unchallengeable privileges what ever that is. and if we talk about the sarawakian and sabahan bumis', who do we find there controling the economy and reaping the bounties of the land?

  58. hanglipo6:45 am

    i feel that the non-Malays have become themselves racist -- provoking the Malays with challenges regarding and certain provisions for the Malays.

    They seem to want to forget the history of why scholarships were given to Malays and Bumiputeras.

    They become hostile and antagonistic and are militant in wanting to change things i.e remove all "privileges" for the Malays.Not so much the Bumiputeras (which include the indigenous ethnic groups.)

    They question the elgibility of Malays getting scholarships.

    I still maintain that scholarships should be given to underprivileged Malays who qualify to enter institutions of higher learning.

    For a long time the Malays had no support from the system for finacial aid. The Chinese had their guilds and business associations and BANKS.

    The government helped set up institutions such as RIDA (which became MARA), Bank Bumiputra and other authorities.

    These were measures to narrow the socio-economic gap that had long existed between the Malays and non-Malays (i.e Chinese).

    Gp read history.

    Of course, along the way, there were failures...but successes too.

    I digress. The point is that the government should not be pressured by any quarter in its decisions.

  59. Yaya Man7:28 am

    The funniest thing about the argument is, for some reason, the author doubts Malays ability to compete on merit. Instead of saying "Fine, we Malays can compete on merit and its better because on merit we are better", he says "Its our constitutional rights". Which actually means, I'm not very good. In fact I'm so crap that I need the constitution to protect me. I would have thought after so many years of being bashed by other races and being criticized by successful Malays, most Malays would have stood up and said "Screw you. We can compete. Bring it on." Apparently not.

  60. Anonymous7:31 am

    Once a scholar gets on the ship, he will scoot off and join the higher paying private sector jobs.

    Government scholars should rightfully serve the government or else do not bother applying, by merit or otherwise.


  61. Anonymous7:45 am

    Abang-abang & adik-adiik,
    Read between the lines! Why can't they just give scholarship the way it were? Just increase the pool! If they were to create a second Agung position based on merit, would that not a challenge to the provision in the constitution?

  62. Anonymous8:12 am

    When it favors there political agenda,all the Lim Kit Siangs and Tony Puas are quiet. Not concerned about the Constitution. It is always about them.

  63. Anonymous8:58 am


    Agama Rasmi. Official Religion.

    And do you mean that the Chinese hated the Malays because of pork? Wow. No wonder the Health Ministry doesn't want to use the term swine flu. Sensitip beb.


  64. Anonymous11:47 am

    "Just ask get..."

    This, "Dato' Bendahara", is the reason inbred morons like you should be made to study subjects in English. You racist fuck.

    Your father should really knock some sense into you. Oh, wait, you can't figure out who he is. Not surprising given your mother's promiscuity.

    Please don't bother looking up that last word in the dictionary, you might just get offended.


  65. You have questioned the constitutionality of the proposed Merit Based Scholarships.

    May I ask of what honour to human decency is the present scholarship dispersal system?

  66. melayu12:33 pm

    Memang sial si haram jadah yang diberikan kerakyatan Malaysia ni. Termasuklah Melayu sial yang lupa diri ni.

    Ini bukan pasal yang tak layak dapat tapi dapat biasiswa.

    Ini pasal HAK orang Melayu lah SIAL BABI. Hak yang dah ada kenapa nak dibuang?? PUKIMAK.

    Aku tak mintak pun dilahirkan sebagai orang Melayu di sini. Kalau boleh aku nak dilahirkan anak Presiden USA.

    Tapi dah aku ni Melayu. Ini tanah Melayu. Bukan Cina bukan India lah sial bodoh nak mampus.

    Pukimak yang tak sedar diri tu pun satu jugak. Kalau bukan sebab kau jadi presiden UMNO, presiden orang Melayu, tak merasa lah kau jadi PM Malaysia.

    Haram jadah babi sial betul kau orang kat internet ni.

    Kalau tak paham babi sial haram jadah, jangan duduk Malaysia.


  67. Anonymous12:35 pm

    Just channelled it via Sekolah Kebangsaan or anything complying to Dasar Pendidikan Negara when it come to JPA scholarship..its a govt thing lah.. something bound with constitution..just like a contract, whether u like it or not, cannot unwind what has been agreed..the contract applied both ways..if one side goes..the other automatically should follows..but the opposite want it to be selectively to their favour only.. take but no give!

    i don't mind JPA giving scholarship to chinese, indian like what they are doing all this while but the creteria should go to a person who speaks & breath like a Malaysian before expanding the quota..

    It will be fucking pathetic if Najib thinking to give it open card to all the like that insult the Negaraku et. al. ..for the sake of just the fucking votes..
    think reap what you sow..1Malaysia may end up to 0Malaysia..

    :D muhahaha
    -anti hindraf & ultra chingkies-

  68. Anonymous12:37 pm

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. Anonymous1:46 pm

    Talking about merit...ehm..look at our good neighbour....Lee Hsien Yang the second son of Singapore’s first prime minister Lee Kuan Yew and who is now the Chairman of Fraser & Neave, was a President's Scholar and an Singapore Armed Forces Scholar. He graduated in Engineering Science from Cambridge University and has a Master of Science (Management) from Stanford University, USA.


  70. Anonymous1:47 pm

    I don't see why not!

    The introduction of the meritocracy a.k.a. national scholarship will open the window for a more just and equitable affirmative action in education. And calling it “national” is neutral and unbiased towards any particular group!

    It can definitely be used to restructure another imbalance in Malaysian society viz the relative shortage of non- bumiputeras in the civil service and in the teaching profession.

    I believe more scholarships should be aligned towards these sectors. In other words there must be more teaching and MCS scholarships for non-bumiputera students to attract the best minds to serve in these professions.

    We can achieve a multiracial mix of the top brains for a better Malaysia!

  71. Anonymous2:42 pm

    if like that...according to that pro-Najib blogger..1Malaysia is just a smokescreen... because obviously there is a first class and second class citizenship in this country. that blogger should be prosecuted for going against the Agung as our Agung had mentioned that we should support 1Malaysia. Daulat Tuanku.

    Proud-to-be-Malaysia (Yes, I'm chinese descendent... but i'm Malaysian)

  72. Anonymous5:10 pm

    To Anonymous 6:45 PM with two children rejected to study medicine:

    It's like that in the UK also la bro.


  73. Anonymous6:51 pm

    The authority instead of giving the slower ones priority should give them motivation,encouragement and inspiration or anything but priority.
    The priority in fact is slowing the Malays down and what they actually need is competition now to improve themselves.
    The BUMI has been given this priority for more than 50 odd years now and it would appear it has not worked.
    Do they need another 500 years ?
    The blame is on Mahathir, he just wanted to make sure that the Malays will never be smart enough to prevent him from robbing this country. So that he ,as an Indian, he is not a Malay (have his DNA tested to show that he is a Malay), will continue to rob this country and leave the crumbs behind for the Malays.
    It is time the Malays especially Mahathir supporters get up from this illusion he has created for all of you. Just remember no one is born smarter than another. All men are born equal and why should anyone be given priority especially the Malays who are claiming to be in Malaya long before the non Malays. Why is it that some of them are so rich and with so many of them, without any government assistance, are so rich and successful ?
    Should not the Malays be way ahead of the non Malays. After all their ancestors immigrated here or were brought to Malaya, with nothing, to work in tin mines and rubber plantations.
    To day a lot of their descendants, without any help from the government, are so rich and top professionals. Just sheer determination and may be some inspiration and some motivation I might add ! Luck has nothing to do with it.

  74. Anonymous9:42 pm

    Saya rasa kebanyakkan orang Melayu tak kisah pasal biasiswa di beri pada orang miskin (asalkan miskin) tanpa mengira kaum, yang orang Melayu kisah sekarang ini adalah sejak beberapa menjak ni banyak sangat "liberalisation" yang menunjukkan kaum Melayu/bumiputera memberi dan beri dan beri sahaja. Tetapi tiada apa-apa pun di buat sebagai timbalan kepada pengorbanan orang Melayu/bumiputera. Kenapa tidak di sentuh sekolah vernakular? kenapa masih ada akhbar cina?/tamil? Kalau macam ini mana boleh, tak dibuat orang. Celaka punya Cina!!


  75. Anonymous10:38 pm

    You will not understand until put through the process. Malays will never understand why the Chinese are so damned pissed off with this scholarship mess. Having to pay a far higher propotion of national taxes than their community size but not getting the same access. Yet we still think its one of the most sought after scholarship. What makes them more pissed is, unlike the Malays, Chinese work hard to get JPA scholarships. They don't take it as some pension fund to study. They work hard to get the results and really try to get an offer even though they know how racist the allocation is. I'm born in this country. No racist son of a bitch whose rights in enshrined in the constitution can say otherwise. If they still think its true, I challenge them to take away my citizenship.

  76. Anonymous7:46 am

    Rocky, as the head honcho of Malay Mail, I think you have to professionally close thise topic which seems to be getting nowhere but towards racial hatred. While it brings good readership, shouldn't it be moderated with caution?

    Mat Jenin

  77. jeplong9:32 am

    Bigdog was wrong.

    The merit-based scholarship proposal does not take away Bumiputera/Malay right to secure funding for further education.

    We still have Mara. I believe that with the new plan Mara will get more funds to send finance more Malay/Bumiputera students including to go overseas.

  78. Anonymous10:10 am

    Dato' Bendahara,

    I'm going to keep things civil here.

    You use racist terms like "Chinkies" to refer to Singaporeans who want to take over our country. Yet you also claim to have Chinese friends. Have you considered using a less racially charged word?

    And for your information, I am not a "LKY running dog". I just don't appreciate the use of racist terms to refer to members of a race just because I happen not to like a subsection of that race with particular political or social goals. Especially when that race as a whole has done so much to help build up this great country of ours.


  79. Anonymous12:51 pm


    Are you trying to say that two wrong policies or may be even more wrong policies , are making the Mahathir's programmes right ?

  80. Anonymous3:41 pm

    Aduhai semua,
    berapa kerat sangat dari kalangan Bumiputra yang mampu dapat kemudahan ini semua? All these NEP crap, berapa kerat yang dapat?

    Nak apply for kemudahan pun macam kena bawa tempurung minta sedekah, apa lu olang tarak maruah diri mau jadi pengemis ker?

    Please tolong tunjuk jalan kat aku tongkat-tongkat sakti yang kau olang cakap itu semua!

    Just work la... teach your kids, your family to learn to work for a living la... habis cerita.

    Mana lu pi pun, tiap hari kena cari makan maaaa..nothing in this world is free kecuali udara!



  81. Anonymous7:21 pm

    Rocky, semakin ultra ler u nii...ape, takde sedekah dari bangsa lain? Pro lah sikit. U nii boleh dikatakan dihormati orang ramai. Tapi baru nii u pulak macam ultra ultra yang cuba memperterbalikkan keharmonian Bangsa Malaysia. Kata nak protect Bahasa Melayu, no problem. I agree coz it is our national language. Nak maintain quota based on race? NO WAY BRO...siapa cerdik and mendapat kelulusan seharusnya, dialah yang kita patut masukkan dalam universiti. Competition breeds competancy and effectiveness. Dah lama the major race of this nation blinded by laziness and complacency, that's why the nation cannot move forward, asyik go-stan aje. Asyik talk about race. Tak faham faham. Asik blame Cina this and that. India this and that. Melayu this and that. I am proud of this country and I could not stand it when I see that blasted island of a nation down South dah achieved developed nation status...kita macam going backwards from developing and soon, if not rectified, will become third world country. Uni uni kita nii dah tak larat dah...kerana terlalu kolot and cannot advance with the rest of the world...produce graduate yang tak berqualiti...behave pun semacam aje...arrogant...because of the quota system. Cannot stand lah with all these narrow, chauvanistic and racially tainted mindset of the people. Should be sent to the gulag and torture habis habis...

  82. Anonymous1:56 am

    Whatever happen to tolerance of each other? I think ISA would be quite handy to some of the contents in this blog...but of course that would not happen since Roc is the Propaganda Minister for terrorist-like DN knights...

  83. skilgannon10664:12 pm

    Really, ah? anti whatever got the bollocks to take on the PM over the matter of scholarships?

    Talk about fools rushing in where angels fear to tread.....

    Now, what will anti whatever say to the PM regarding the latest round of "liberalisation" measures? Such as:

    > 30% bumiputra quota for IPO listings abolished
    > 30% bumiputra quota for acquisition of equity stakes, mergers and takeovers scrapped

    The PM described the changes as "transformational" and said that the measures are expected to make the economy "more vibrant and dynamic, and place the country high up on the radar of equity and long-term investors" (as reported in the Singapore Business Times, July 1).

    Even Nor Mohamed Yakcop stressed that more market-friendly policies have become necessary in the light of regional neighbours China, India and Vietnam now fully embracing foreign investments (Business Times report, July 1).

    So, how, anti whatever? Expect a backlash from the bumiputra community?

    It is one thing to use puerile verbiage to assail those who post in this blog, as you and a certain Warrior seem fond of doing. It is another thing to take on the PM and his minders.

    Like I said, do you have the bollocks and the intellectual nous to fault the PM's arguments and logic?

  84. Anonymous5:03 pm

    What kind of nonsense merit system?

    If a system is race-based, creating a new category serves no purpose to convince the world that no apartheid system in Malaysia.

    Scholarship is divided to four categories; national, race, bumi and East Malaysia bumi based on skin color, and Najib shamelessly called it merit system.

    Bumi goes to matriculation class while non-bumi are dumped into STPM class, and then you put them to compete for a same scholarship. This is nonsense merit system.

    Najib shall just admit that bumi is stupid and they need protection forever instead of insulting our intelligence on such nonsense merit system.

  85. Anonymous9:55 am

    so skilmoron1066...

    - patrick ivanhoe (RockyBru)
    - skilgannon1066 (RockyBru)
    - thegreatteadrinkerdownsouth (The Scribe)
    and latest..
    - worf1957 (RockyBru)

    The schizophrenic pigbrain freak has again said his words..

    Now sipping air from your own ass..

    What's your flipping point when it come to Najib now?

    I know..he slowly in to chingkie favour..that's why..

    p/s: Part 2(a) disclosed...tunggu sambungannya...

    To all the sane malays out there..just expect the same kind retaliation we would get once things no longer in their favour just like what DAP had with PAS over an illegal pig slaugther house issue in Kedah..respect them only but hell with whatever respect when it come to you..fuck!

    Hmm.. Zambri can have ear to ear smile now.. No way DAP can takeover Perak now without the malays vote channelled via PAS..its a common feature of chingkie..easily get carried away & brag over some victory...result proved when we had 13May.

    To the fanatic Hindraf.. just see your own people fate at Kampung Pala under the authoritorian rule of the chingkie granted with thought u already had your past as a nighmare? now dream on for the future.

    :D muhahaha
    -anti hindraf & ultra chingkies-

  86. Anonymous10:15 am

    Najib shall just admit that bumi is stupid and they need protection forever instead of insulting our intelligence on such nonsense merit system.

    Good! Now you had already cue the words... Stupid bumi generalization now? :) True form revealed..i now bestow u with 'the order of merit of the ultra chingkies'.. rise now sir pigbrain..

    the place where you get your early education fail to even teach basic manners like how to to piss and how to shit..and worst how to respect others...just see your own reflection in the it a savage version of school or what?

    Dreaming to go world standard with that kind or upbringing from school? hahaha...

    Hmm.. the bumi in overseas universities must be so damn stupid that the mat-salleh need to treat them with special bumi privillage compared to any other race in this world..

    they probably even waive e.g the A-Level qualification to enroll in Imperial College or whatever place i guess... banyak betul tongkat kami nice.. and nkhoo, you're a one smart chingkie, damn it. :)

    :D muhahaha
    -anti hindraf & ultra chingkies-

  87. Anonymous11:32 pm

    "If there has been so much hassle in creating a harmonious country here, why not each of the race make a tolerate move

    Chinese and Indians start wearing songkok and speak only Malay language

    We can do that.

    But what about legalizing pork selling every where?

    Can u do that?

    Jonathan "

    Jonathan, ABOLISH chinese school. Can YOU do that?


  88. skilgannon10664:03 pm

    Anti whatever

    Go read the letter "Plainly, it's about mindset" from a Singaporean Malay, Muhammad Aidil Zulkifli, that was published in the Forum Page of the Singapore Straits Times today, July 7. The paper's website is - go to the "Forum Online link).

    Let's see you rebut the points raised by Muhammad Aidil. Surely that shouldn't be too difficult for a person with your presumed intellectual capacity now, would it?

    Or would you care to comment on the report that China has set up a large fund specifically to invest in Malaysia, as per the PM?

    Where was the PM when this report was published? He was declaring open the 26th National Chinese Cultural Festival in Sibu on Sunday. He went to say:

    "The decision by the Chinese government shows that they respect Malaysia a lot and have utmost confidence in us.

    "Malaysia has historical ties with China that stretches back all the way to Admiral Cheng Ho.

    "For 500 years, we have developed such a relationship with China that our economies are intertwined."

    ("Intertwined economies"? Wah, lau - that's the stuff of wet dreams, man! Or your worst nightmares! Mua-ha-ha!).

    It appears that the PM regards the Chinese who have chosen Malaysia as their home have contributed enormously towards the development of the country, and "it is due to their hard work, entrepreneurship and innovation that they have helped to shape Malaysia's success" (according to a report in The Star).

    Oh, yah - a little appetiser: bilateral trade between Malaysia and China reached US$53.5 billion (RM188 billion) last year, according to a Xinhua report. Not exactly kacang putih, is it?

    Seems to me that there is a lot of weeping and gnashing of teeth out there from the likes of you, Warrior XXX etc over the economic facts of life.

    And, please comment on Kak Rosmah's remarks that she was "honoured" on being visited by Lee Kuan Yew. And when she said: "To me, Lee Kuan Yew is a very intelligent man. As neighbours, we have to prove that we are really honest and sincere in our relationships and he also wants the have a better relationship between the two countries as neighbours."

    Wassamatter, bro - Kak Rosmah's remarks stick in your gut and make you wanna puke?

    Let's see you take on the PM, Kak Rosmah and their "minders". That's not too subtle a challenge for you, is it? It should be easy for you, if you are representative of the "backlash". Or am I reading too much into your supposed valour in the face of overwhelming odds?

  89. Anonymous6:01 pm

    To skillgannon and all Chinaman arselickers and cocksuckers, read and enjoy and then get ready for your turn (not Skillgannon and his kind though):

    1.Hundreds of protesters from China's predominant Han ethnic group smashed shops owned by Uighurs, a Turkic largely Islamic people who share linguistic and cultural bonds with Central Asia.

    2.Abdul Ali, a Uighur man in his 20s who had taken off his shirt, held up his clenched fist. "They've been arresting us for no reason, and it's time for us to fight back," he said.

    3.Xinjiang has long been a hotbed of ethnic tensions, fostered by a yawning economic gap between Uighurs and Han Chinese, government controls on religion and culture and in influx of Han Chinese migrants who now are the majority in most key cities.Beijing has poured cash into exploiting Xinjiang's rich oil and gas deposits and consolidating its hold on a strategically vital frontierland that borders Pakistan, Afghanistan and Central Asia, but Uighurs say migrant Han are the main beneficiaries.

    4.A protester, a Uighur businessman who gave his name as Kabya, said the arrests in his neighborhood had been indiscriminate."We do business here," he said. "But they came through here and arrested anybody they did not think looked right."

    5.Many Uighurs (pronounced WEE-gers) haven't been wooed by China's rapid economic development, which has attracted large numbers of Han — China's ethnic majority — into Xinjiang. Some want independence, while others feel they're being marginalized in their homeland.

    Gloss over this thing as another internal chinese matter at your own peril for pigs everywhere ar of the same stripe, smell and shit.

  90. Anonymous6:19 pm

    more chinese shit to stew in:


    2.As the demonstrators entered a predominantly Muslim area and approached a mosque, police used tear gas to break up the crowd.

    3.Hundreds of Han Chinese armed with clubs marched through the Xinjiang capital of Urumqi, knocking over food stalls run by Muslims.

    4."This will bring a negative impact on China's image as a responsible power. Coercion alone will not solve the problem," said Zheng Yongnian, director of the East Asian Institute at the National University of Singapore.

    5.These incidents reflect the complete failure of government policies in ethnic minority areas, although there is no justification for the violence," said Nicholas Bequelin at Human Rights Watch in Hong Kong.

    now Skillgannon, your response please.
    Talk about appeasing a pig.....

  91. ape kata kita buang juga lah sekolah vernakular.... baru best . ape kata org cinerrrrrrrrrrrrr. hahaha. tgk la nanti ade la yg menggelabah

  92. Anonymous2:15 pm

    I seem to be missing the skilly one cent rebutting challenge, i got similar one like what Pakcik Kadirjasin had.. :D hehehe..good for your there, the most they only make u eat humble, we throw shit pie straight to your face.. i waive profanity & vulgar thing this time (sudah mau dekat bln puasa)

    For me, Muhammad Aidil Zulkifli is clearly another case of a person suffering identity crisis prolong inbreed with inferiority complex (subconcious mind crisis) similar to those pendatang here..the symtoms may vary either the sufferer look too high or too low onto himself..This guy confused of his own identity., trap in puzzle on his racial existence plus the chicken & egg dilema..pity him..he probably have a mindset of subclass thinking he is a pendatang in S'pore.

    Let me outline a few basic ground rule to engaged in any arguments tuning the mind to logical sense for this poor malay guy, before he or anything similar start to make a fool of themselves....

    1) Compare apple with apple.. not apple to orange...
    Good for him,if he managed to achieved his materialistic dream with sweat & tears.. but what next after this in his life?
    Why he really want to compare his achievement with the bumiputera of his own race in Malaysia as a basis for arguments? Why not South Africa, Sri Lanka or Australia?Then perhaps the Chingkies & Indians in Singapore or anywhere else also should also reflect the same rule with their own kind in their own motherland China & India.. how's the deal?

    2) Its is easier to navigate a boat compared to a ship, no need to brag about it..
    A city state of 7 mil comparing to a 27 mil country? Why not compared their own kind in their over 1 billion own motherland if they really wanted to gauge their own superiority..? One thing is clear, Singapore is a city state, Malaysia is a country, China is a country, India is a country, even Israel is also a country (tak habis belajar lagi dgn sifu?).. there even one city state that live on merely subsidy called Vatican City....
    Apply similar anology like when u want to define wether virus is a biologically living thing or not.. virus do need host to replicate its RNA.

    3) A right person given the right opportunity will eventually succeed..
    Determine the ratio for opportunity over the population between Malaysia, Singapore, China & India.. Clearly, NEP has managed to achieved some of its objective spreading the once polarised opportunity theroughout the malays community so that they can shift themselves into the middle-class bandwidth.. the malays.. who says NEP failed? (Minus the hijack fiasco by the elite politicians..)But just compare the malay with the 'bumiputera' of China & India..see the gap of rich & poor ...the middle class bandwidth so narrow especially in India..
    So, its not about DNA alone as a gauge for success..

    4) How to compare quantitatively the quality?
    Measure the size of the middle class bandwitch among the majority population. Its determine the stability in the ethnic economic.. superimposed with the country economic perfomance to get the real social stability since its depended on the state condition of the majority population.

    If he still have doubt and look down on his own race.. look no further.. NEP has created a MNC that ranked by Fortune 500 as the 8th most profitable company in the and managed by malays standing tall in world class standard.. how's that for a thought? Why 'bumiputera' of China with more abundant petroleum reserve compared to bumiputera here cannot even be at par? Still doubting the malay capability? This imbeciles soul probably forgotten that his ancestors were once great businessmen in the past.

    p/s; At least the bumiputera here do not need to go down on street rampage against the pendatang Uighuir like the bumiputera of China over business control..

    :D muhahaha
    -anti hindraf & ultra chingkies-

  93. Anonymous1:33 am

    Brilliant one anti.Hats off to you. a bit of correction and reflection:

    1. City state of 4 million 9 of which about 1.5million are itenerant migrants).Complete with the basic wherewithal for survival, the business outfits with their regional HQs for future growth and big brother gangstas from US, UK and Australia to bank on for security. and of course, whiteman brains like Winsemius to map out the whole stuff for the arse brained pigshit chingkie.No such infrastructural luck for neglected Kelantan, Pahang, Yrengganu, Kedah and hinterland Sabah and sarawak circa 1957 and 1963.we had to built them up from scratch!!

    2.Middle class shit in Chingkieland and Kolengland earn a pittance compared to the middle class here.Secondly, their bandwidth is very narrow and with the economic upheaveal, probably shrinking. Case in point middle class consumption in Chingkieland amount to no more than 30% of the economy compared to 70% or more in developed nations like the US

    3. NEP was successful in dispersing opportunity to the disadvantaged ( except as you said when it was hijacked by the elites). In fact, its success transcends economic upliftment, the social aspect of the less fortunate has improved and there are numerous articles and studies that praise its relative success in social reengineering. The chink is afraid that further Bumi success will spell his doom so he is rubbing his palms in glee at the recent liberalisation. chink money from his homeland, Singapore etc is gonna flood these parts and he is gonna regain control of vast swaths of the economy and reignite his quest for supremacy. Read all the economic articles that appeared after the announcements in april and recently. and to think PNB was about to swallow another chink failure in SP Setia? thats off the radar now..i guess. Yet the bastard chink is playing mahal, why? The tactic is to fish for more concessions and when the Bumi is stripped naked..kaboom strike!. Thats how singpore, Penang fell, get the Brits and BN Feds (in penang's case) to build up everything there and then takeover a readymade state and talk shit that they build it up.

    the guy who could take them on at their game was Dr M n thats why they (LKY included) hate his guts. najib, Pak lah et,al., hahahahahahahaha.......easy pickings.there was no need for liberalisation actually as data indicates that chinkieland investments were miniscule to start with. probably this has more to do with LKY pressure and a deire to win back the pig.

    Malay equity, property holdings are gonna go down the drain and we are gonna return to pre-1969. The simple fact of the matter is the income disparities are still too large as the gini interethnic indicates which means that it is not a level playing field as yet (remember the NEP was undoing about 120 years of chingkie plunder & it is not even 30% done, both nominally and figuratively. The cash and asset holdings of the chingkie is larger than that of the malays as the chingk is sitting on prime land assets and has stashes of cash from all his plundering going way back to the 19th century which he can leverage to outflank the bumi.And the chink has already split the malay 50/50 as manek urai shows that perpaduan sudah terburai which means that the bastard has all the aces= economic might, political kingmakership = checkmate is fast approaching.Yea, Petronas is the crown of our success but it will be a mere nostalgia a few years down the road.

  94. Anonymous1:40 am

    Brilliant one anti.Hats off to you. a bit of correction and reflection:

    1. City state of 4 million (of which about 1.5million are itenerant migrants).Complete with the basic wherewithal for survival, the business outfits with their regional HQs for future growth and big brother gangstas from US, UK and Australia to bank on for security. and of course, whiteman brains like Winsemius to map out the whole stuff for the arse brained pigshit chingkie.No such infrastructural luck for neglected Kelantan, Pahang, Yrengganu, Kedah and hinterland Sabah and sarawak circa 1957 and 1963.we had to built them up from scratch!!

    2.Middle class shit in Chingkieland and Kolengland earn a pittance compared to the middle class here.Secondly, their bandwidth is very narrow and with the economic upheaveal, probably shrinking. Case in point middle class consumption in Chingkieland amount to no more than 30% of the economy compared to 70% or more in developed nations like the US.

    3. NEP was successful in dispersing opportunity to the disadvantaged ( except as you said when it was hijacked by the elites). In fact, its success transcends economic upliftment, the social aspect of the less fortunate has improved and there are numerous articles and studies that praise its relative success in social reengineering. The chink is afraid that further Bumi success will spell his doom so he is rubbing his palms in glee at the recent liberalisation. chink money from his homeland, Singapore etc is gonna flood these parts and he is gonna regain control of vast swaths of the economy and reignite his quest for supremacy. Read all the economic articles that appeared after the announcements in april and recently to get the drift. and to think PNB was about to swallow another chink failure in SP Setia? thats off the radar now..i guess. Yet the bastard chink is playing mahal, why? The tactic is to fish for more concessions and when the Bumi is stripped naked..kaboom strike!. Thats how singpore, Penang fell, get the Brits and BN Feds (in penang's case) to build up everything there and then takeover a readymade state and talk shit that they build it up.

    the guy who could take them on at their game was Dr M n thats why they (LKY included) hate his guts. najib, Pak lah et,al., hahahahahahahaha.......easy pickings.there was no need for liberalisation actually as data indicates that chinkieland investments were miniscule to start with. probably this has more to do with LKY pressure and a deire to win back the local pig.

    Malay equity, property holdings are gonna go down the drain and we are gonna return to pre-1969. The simple fact of the matter is the income disparities are still too large as the gini interethnic indicates which means that it is not a level playing field as yet (remember the NEP was undoing about 120 years of chingkie plunder & it is not even 30% done, both nominally and figuratively. The cash and asset holdings of the chingkie is larger than that of the malays as the chingk is sitting on prime land assets and has stashes of cash from all his plundering going way back to the 19th century which he can leverage to outflank the bumi.And the chink has already split the malay 50/50 as manek urai shows that perpaduan sudah terburai which means that the bastard has all the aces= economic might, political kingmakership = checkmate is fast approaching.Yea, Petronas is the crown of our success but it will be a mere nostalgia a few years down the road.
