Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Bukit Gantang: What ban?

31/3 Ban on bringing up Altantuya case and Perak Sultan decision in campaigning was by Home Ministry and covers all 3 by-elections: Syed Hamid/STAR
We arrived in Ipoh about 7 pm yesterday (Tuesday). On the way, I got the sms about the ban. The three of us - A Voice, Bujai and I - agreed it was a stupid move. After a simple dinner in the city, we drove up into Bukit Gantang via the Kuala Kangsar exit.

We were lucky. In the same hour, we caught ceramahs by both Pakatan Rakyat and Barisan Nasional.

And know what? Ahmad Sabu of PAS was going on and on and on about Altantuya Sharibuu. He was calling for a Special Commission to investigate Najib Razak's involvement in her death. There was no respect whatsoever for the ban issued by Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar. Ahmad Sabu was even singing a tune "Altantuya, Altantuya". Damn!

A few hundred meters away from the PAS ceramah, Perak Menteri Besar Zambery Kadir was holding a ceramah. Anwar Ibrahim's former blue-eyes and PKR youth leader Ezam Mohd Nor and BN candidate for the Bukit Gantang parliamentary seat Ismail Sapian were present.

And guess what? Zambery was going on and on and on about how PAS and Pakatan Rakyat are using Bukit Gantang to get back at the Sultan of Perak and Barisan Nasional for the loss of the Perak state to the BN. "The court case filed by Saudara Nizar against me, for example. Is it really against me? I did not appoint me as MB of Perak. Who appointed me? The Sultan of Perak appointed me. So who is Saudara Nizar going against?"

Maybe both sides haven't heard about the ban?

Update: What is Syed Hamid Up To?


  1. Anonymous1:42 am

    Rock nak tanya sikit, Tahun 1999 kaum manakah yang memenangkan calon UMNO?

    Dari Stingray

  2. Come on la rocky. Tak payah la nak jadi atas pagar..

  3. Dengar pengakuan Anwar sebagai PENGKHIANAT BANGSA

  4. Anonymous5:11 am

    Bk Selambau is Very interesting.

    Should each independent manage 5% each, will be 65%. What if they bergabung? he he he

    And if PAS and BN either or get 15% and 20% each, then there too will be lots of toads jumping about.. like hot cakes.

    Pokoknya, siapa akan Jadi MAWI kat situ. Sorang dah ghaku Obama! Tercabut semua gigi MB Kedah kena duk layan hal kut situ pula..

    Bakar Kapor

  5. Anonymous5:17 am


    Apa pun, elok juga ada by election macam ni. Amboi, full force semua turun kePadang.

    Belaian kasih sayang, urutan manja kepala kanak2, bertimpuh menziarah yang sakit...Yang atap lopong, air perigi kotor, tiada letrik,,, semua baru terserlah..

    Tapi tak tunjuk Menteri naik sampan nak sampai ke BatangAi pun? Sepatutnya depa tidok kat rumah panjang, berak dan mandi kat sungai,
    ni baru ler berjiwa Rakyat!!

    Haiiiii, kalau mereka amalkan sebegini tiap bulan, kan tak payah duk kempen terok2..

    Bakar Kapok

  6. Anonymous6:35 am


    Agree with you that this Home Minister is another most stupid person in the cabinet. Otak kat kepala lutut.

    DSN MUST replace him for a better person in the next cabinet reshufle.

    -tukang perati

  7. Haha. Everyone forgot about the ban. It is quite hard since these two topics are the focus of election campaigns to win votes.

    I am sad, however, to see that politicians are just talking about macro issues.

    What about the lives of folks in Bukit Gantang?

    What will be done to help the people there elevate their income level, improve their quality of life etc?

    That should be the focus instead.

  8. Anonymous7:05 am

    To win any elections in Malaysia, the candidate must be able to sensationalise things that have nothing to do with the basic needs of the constituents.

    Personal attacks are the most favoured issues to lure votes.

    If the candidates talk about improving living standards or how to raise a better generation of kids, getting rid of poverty and other bread and butter issues, he will be booed and booted out.

    The kampung folks love to hear juicy fairy tales, and they believe in the better story teller.

    Heck, the medicine man at the local market should stand for election under a PAS or PKR ticket, because an intellectual will surely lose.

    Malaysians of today simply do not want intellectuals in the Government but prefer gangsters, hoodlums and crude leaders.

    Go ahead, vote for idiots and it will be fun to see the results in a kingdom of fools.


  9. Both side no hue your new hero.. Najib's advise.
    Change back to support Anwar la.
    Be real!!

  10. Pengundi Melayu dari Bt. Gantang7:31 am

    Ala Rocky ni.

    Pandai strategi 'spin' kau tu.

    Kau serang Pakatan pas tu cover diri kau kononnya kau komen pasal Barisan Nasional jugak.

    Najib tak memberi penjelasan yang cukup pasal Altantuya selain daripada berkata dia takde kaitan dgnnya.

    Pencuri perompak yang dah rompak bank pun boleh nafikan yg dia tak rompak bank.

    Jadi macam mana nak settlekan?

    Kita kena bawa ke mahkamah setiap mereka yang tertuduh untuk disoal siasat. Kita bawa mereka ke hadapan satu Suruhanjaya Diraja untuk disiasat dan disoal.

    Maka persoalan yang ditimbulkan PAS mengenai Altantunya dan Najib itu adalah sah. Soalan-soalan yang belum terjawab oleh keadilan dan kebenaran.

    Pasal Zambry cerita mengenai tindakan mahkamah Nizar, itu sekarang sedang diadili di mahkamah. Ianya tengah melalui proses kehakiman yang ketat untuk menentukan siapa Menteri Besar yang sah. Jadi tak payah lah Zambry bukak mulut bercerita sangat, sebab sistem kehakiman akan tentukan sudah.

    Tapi pasal Najib dan Altantuya, hubungan Najib dengan Razak Baginda, dan bagaimana kakitangan Najib pulak yang terlibat dalam meletupkan Altantuya, kenyataan yang dibuat oleh PI Balasubramaniam mengenai hubungan Najib dalam kes ini dan kehilangan PI Balasubramaniam selepas berjumpa dengan polis... ini semua satu persoalan besar yang belum mendapat penghakiman atau siasatan yang sewajarnya.

    Jadi rakyat berhak mengetahui mengenai hal ini.

    Rakyat harus berani menyoal mengenai hal ini memandangkan ianya berkait dengan seorang lelaki yang akan menjadi Perdana Menteri mereka tanpa menerima mandat terus-menerus dari rakyat.

    Tindakan polis mengharamkan isi perbincangan dan ceramah pihak pembangkang adalah satu kesalahan yang melanggari Perlembagaan dan hak asasi manusia.

    Siapa yang mengarahkan polis berbuat sedemikian kalau bukan kerajaan UMNO?

  11. Anonymous7:44 am

    Well at least all is fair in a 'war'?

    If lets say, the authorities go after Sabu only for violating this ban, would you blog and ask why BN guys are let off the hook?

    You know already how swift action is taken when it comes to non-BN parties, but otherwise when it comes to BN?

    Lets see if there is any tinge of objectivity from you on this matter.

    On the other hand, can you bolg further to explain why this ban is stupid? I would like to know also.

    And if you do , will not the authorities come after you for commenting on this matter? As it is you have made several trips for interviews with them recently - after which your neutrality on issues was becoming less evident. Want to take that risk?


  12. Anonymous8:07 am

    yes .. to mat sabu!

  13. Anonymous8:29 am

    We all laugh at Zimbabwe but look at how low our government have sunk. The Zimbabweans have every right to laugh back at us.


  14. "The court case filed by Saudara Nizar against me, for example. Is it really against me? I did not appoint me as MB of Perak. Who appointed me? The Sultan of Perak appointed me. So who is Saudara Nizar going against?"

    So says Zambry!!

    Such an idiot he is.

    Does he not know that his appointment was a result of assurances made by his boss Najib? The Sultan does not on his own accord make any appointments. The charade of a parade of ADUNS vouching for BN means nothing at all and Najib cannot deny he did not know it. Leaving the State Assembly intact as it was left the Speaker with a whole lot of power and authority. I keep wondering if in fact Najib did what he did to basically embarrass the Monarchy. Fact is, Najib did not do his homework and any amount of spinning is not going to change that.

    Any boss will tell you. If your subordinate comes back from a meeting with a prospective business partner giving you the assurances that everything is o.k for you to commit to the business arrangement; and you commit. And now it turns out the prospective business partner did not in fact convey such assurances. YOU SACK that subordinate whose assurances you relied on.

    The Sultan of Perak relied on Najib's assurances. Now he finds himself dragged into this political cesspool. Pakatan did not drag or invite the Sultan into that cesspool. It was Najib!!

    So how on earth the BN, UMNO and their leaders put the fault on Pakatan is indeed a wonder!!

  15. Arrogant!. By the way, ROcky can you please tell Najib to kick KJ and Ezam out from the campaign. There are liabilities to UMNO and UMNO will loose the election. On the ground we are not in favor of those two goons. Another one, Badawi hopes Najib will continue his legacy on Islam Hadhari and the corridors. This old man is still on denial mood and I hope Najib will come to his sensess on what is good for the country. Hasnt he thought about what he did to DR M. From the day Badawi became PM the first thing he did was dismantling what DR M has laid out and replacing with his dumb ideas especially the Hadhari and see what UMNO has become today, the weakess in history!

  16. wandererAUS8:50 am

    This Dick head HM is at his best again...oozing out shit from his tiny hole.
    No wonder westerners still think we live in the caves!

    Who can blame politicians going against his orders. What is wrong to question the PM-in-waiting for his link with the murder of the Mongolian lady. Should'nt he come clean?
    Who abuse the Perak State Constitution...UMNO or PAS? Is the sultan god? If he made an error of judgment, is there in the Constitutions that say, he cannot be questioned or sued? Perhaps, we should ask the great UMNO messiah Tun M.
    UMNO don't give us your shit!
    Did'nt you abused the Sultan of Trennganu and Kedah...calling them BINATANG ROYAL!
    Botak, where were you, sucking Nagis's balls?
    Just as well, your fellow UMNO goons kick you out. You are no bloody use to anyone.

  17. Anonymous8:51 am

    Whither freedom of speech


  18. Anonymous8:51 am

    Rocky bro- I think the ban is only for PKR ceramahs if you read Mkini. Which is a highly suspect move.


  19. Anonymous8:59 am

    C'mon Bro, be consistent - you said the ban was a stupid move, so nak respect buat apa???

    mat taib

  20. Anonymous8:59 am

    yes, yes, we are now given a 101%
    that the murder in our next PM. Thank you HM SYED HAMID you have just confirmed by banning it. If not why are you afraid of it.


  21. Anonymous9:05 am

    I agree with you Bro, it was a STUPID move. The country is becoming stupider and stupider each day....sigh...

    People should visit Hyde Park to see what freedom of speech isall about. You can express your true feelings and opinions without fear of being prosecuted. It is democracy at its best.


  22. Anonymous9:11 am

    Just heard on Radio - Minnal FM at 9.00am today (1 April 2009).

    Zambry was quoted as BN has no problems adhering to police directive and that Opposition should do the same.

    It means he has knowledge of the police directive, but you said that he was talking otherwise yesterday?

    You are lying? About a legally appointed MB of Perak who follows the Bersih Cekap & Amanah doctrine?

    You may be questioned by authorities again on your information source about Zambry not following the directive.

    Take care - enough of your visits for interviews with the authorities.


  23. Anonymous9:20 am

    That's what is called balanced reporting. Looking from both sides. Brief and straight to the points. And let your readers decide. So much better than 'Anwar vs the Sultan'. Words and expression are powerful tools of the journalists and they are akin to money in politics. You can use and paint an entirely different picture depending on how the artist wishes it to be.

  24. Anonymous9:28 am

    mr rocky..

    maybe they need to be re-schooling again..hehehe

    pemerhati rock

  25. Anonymous9:42 am


    In other news..RTM said Najib will be sworn in as PM on Friday morning. RTM too said Pak Lah will have an audience with Agung for his consent tomorrow, Thursday.

    The protocol is not RIGHT! Bukan an act of DERHAKA ke? Someone should apologise to Tuanku for putting words in his mouth!

    Mat Mut Mat

  26. Anonymous9:53 am

    'When a land rebels
    it has many rulers;
    but with an intelligent ruler
    there is lasting order.'


  27. Anonymous9:53 am

    The ban only applies to PKR.


  28. Anonymous9:55 am

    Here are some nagging questions on most of our minds:

    Altantuya : Who instructed Sirul and Azahari to kill her? Why is our Judiciary dragging their feet on this matter? Is our Executive involved to prevent the truth to come out?

    Sultan of Perak : Remember what Tun did to the Royalty back in the 1990s? How come nobody voice out Daulat Tuanku then?

    Syed Albar Hamid : The less he talks, the better for him and the Nation.

    Najib : I would appreciate Najib to stop buttering Chinese up for acknowledging their forefathers contribution to this nation. All MALAYSIANS contributed to this country. Period.

    Rosmah: I think we would appreciate the 'First Lady' wannabe not to do unnecessary renovations to the palacious Sri Perdana once her husband is in the office. The money could be better spent to for orphanages and old folks home in dire needs.

    UMNO : How are you going to get rid of corruption? Lip service abound on corruption eradication. All talk and no action.

    Rakyat : Chose your wakil rakyat wisely. Don't end up like Jelapang. Some of these independent tadpoles just want to be elected and be an Exco so they can be 'katak' later on.


  29. Anonymous10:22 am

    Apparently the ban is only applicable to PKR, if i am to believe the various news reports.


  30. Lets see it like that.
    PR has no interest in representing the people of bukit Gantang. Instead they are more interested in running for office in Mongolia. Still accusing Najib of the murder? If they do not believe in the courts (that it found that no other person was involved other than those standing trial now) then why is PR relying on the suit against Zaberi in court?
    CLearly, PR is more keen to get public sympathy then to do what they are supposed to.

    As for BN, Zamberi should know the ban applies to him too. Instead he should be more focussed and touch on the progress and devleopments lined up by his exco. But he has lost the plot too.

    And Malaysians, continue tobelieve everything that is dished out by these politicians.

    Batang Ai..anyone?

  31. Anonymous10:28 am

    Bro Rocky Bru,

    The 'Banned' applies to PKR's ceramah only in case you are not aware.


  32. Anonymous10:46 am

    First you said you agree that it is a stupid move.

    Then you wrote nobody respect the ban by Syed Hamid Albar. Damn.

    In other words you think they should respect something blindly that is stupid which will make them look stupid.

    Damn, I thought you are smart..BUT not ... so not smart./


  33. Anonymous10:52 am

    The stupid Home Minister (should have resigned after his loss )was only making an April Fool's joke. He hasn't said anything meaningful all his political life so it has to be an April Fool's joke.
    APRIL FOOL!!!!

  34. Of course there is a ban.
    It is supposed to tilt the game to favour BN.

    The whole exercise is to confuse the rakyat and hopefully, out of this state, the government will get its moral legitimacy.

    Unless the BN government frees the media, there is no fairness. Nevermind that presently they have all government services at their disposal.

  35. sigh ... spin ever more

    the point is not whether the ban is respected

    the salient issue is that such a laughable ban is even contemplated

    and to whose benefit?

  36. Warghahahahaha.... adohhh.. sakit perutt.. I love this country!

  37. Anonymous11:46 am

    But if they don't talk about those banned topics, what are they going to talk about? Our country's economy? I think that's beyond their mental capacity.

  38. Anonymous11:57 am

    monsterball said...

    Both side no hue your new hero.. Najib's advise.
    Change back to support Anwar la.
    Be real!!
    7:23 AM



    Hang monsterball by his balls

  39. proven. our botak home minister is a God. what he said must be obeyed.

  40. hahaha . Syed Hamid and his "Godly' warnings..... Even Zamry defies it.

    I do think that Ezam should just quit. everytime he tries to help, UMNO looses. Till now, there is no kotak and no substance. Kah kah

  41. Anonymous12:26 pm

    just couldnt understand..what is so special about this me she's just another high class prostitute out to cause trouble and get caught and killed..common laa people die everyday laa..nothing pelik


  42. wandererAUS1:05 pm

    Bro Bru, I was just try to see, how much of truth in you to champion for freedom of speech. In my comments, I was just stating facts, not we need to be nice to state facts?
    I am from the old school, not easily cowed by these UMNO goons...I have seen it all!

  43. Anonymous1:30 pm

    Anytime ezam bukak mulut, rakyat meluat. Anytime khairy bukak mulut, rakyat menyampah. Anytime SH Albar bukak mulut, rakyat gelak. Anytime Mahathir bukak mulut, UMNO menggeletar, and PR tambah happy sebab ada orang tembak UMNO on their behalf.

    UMNO ni faham ke tak faham pandangan rakyat? Macam delegate kedah cakap, enter right ear, out left ear.

    Najib must lead UMNO yang berintegriti bermula dari Majlis Tertinggi. Get rid of those yang dah jadi liability or tak ada integriti pada UMNO/BN. Like KJ, Ismail Sabri (he talks rubbish most of the time), Khaled Nordin (orang tak bermaya) and Noh Omar (cakap macam kutu kampung). Najib has NO CHOICE, kalau nak menang next PRU.

    Must select yang berwibawa la jadi menteri/timbalan, bring in professionals like Dr. Noressah yang dah menang MT seat, and please maintain shahrir and rais. Suruh Rais buat workshop to all ministers and deputies, on how to give press conference, how to talk with style and more importantly, SUBSTANCE.

    I watched BERNAMA news yesterday, they interview Deputy Finance Minister, Chong Hong Ka..or Chong something. Dia cakap macam orang tengah nazak. Dia sakit kaaaa? Atau dia tak tau apa nak cakap.

    From: Blackwood Hill.

  44. Anonymous1:33 pm

    The people need proper answer to some most disturbing questions regarding the future PM. The nation needs answer to these questions regarding the future PM. The Nation cannot sleep in peace without knowing the involvement of future PM to the Mongolian Altuntaya. We need peace of mind that the future PM is clean and not involved in any dubious transactions on the sub deals. The nation needs to be proud that our Pm is not invoved in any dubious deal in disappearance of PI Bala. We Malaysians need to deal with this disturbing questions. This Nation needs answer to bury our past and start new.

    Truly Malaysian

  45. Ahmad Sabu yang sama yang menjaja Anwar AL-J*B*R* dulu ke?

  46. Anonymous5:54 pm

    Hari hari, hidang gulai dan sambal tempoyak with ikan pekasam kat semua yang berkempen.

    Teresa MESTI tak pi tolong kempen, anjing dia tak izin. (makan century eggs sahaja).

    Heran semua asyik kaitkan Atan Tu Dia, tapi kenapa tak sorang berani herek Najib kat Mahkamah? Look at Saiful, berani tuduh berani lawan!!

    EliWong, bangga buat tapi keluak air mata meleleh2 tau nak syok saja. Kenapa dia tak berani SAMAN bf dia tu? Takut semua kegiatan bawah kelambu didedah ker?


  47. Anonymous7:06 pm

    what UMno talking cock about in bkt ganatang?that pas is dap's dog?i tell you those who vote for umno will become their dog not those who vote for pakatan rakyat.umno fools the malays especially kampung folks that dap will take away their hak and land in perak,but actually its umno itself taking away reseve land and develop it like the new plan to develop kg baru in KL turning it into another KLCC golden triangle! guess which malay going to gain from these if not umno?umno fools the malay using the pig farm haram issue but look at those malays working in haram places selling liquors,they become waiters,managers,bouncers yet umno never mentioned about this issue?why?these shows how umno manipulate and fools the malay themselves and then blaming it on other races. umno the big liar!

    double standard

  48. zelot668:21 pm

    Agree with anon 7:06.

  49. Anonymous9:11 pm

    Why not just tangkap this monkey Mt Sabu n extradite him to the mountains of Mongolia...Tikam batu

  50. Anonymous11:12 pm

    Like the Sultan of Selangor once said many of our politicians have no quality. i cannot help agreeing.
    Most of them cannot even talk properly left alone think properly.


  51. Anonymous11:13 am

    "To win any elections in Malaysia, the candidate must be able to sensationalise things that have nothing to do with the basic needs of the constituents.

    Personal attacks are the most favoured issues to lure votes.

    If the candidates talk about improving living standards or how to raise a better generation of kids, getting rid of poverty and other bread and butter issues, he will be booed and booted out."

    really agree to this comment....

  52. Anonymous11:15 am

    "To win any elections in Malaysia, the candidate must be able to sensationalise things that have nothing to do with the basic needs of the constituents.

    Personal attacks are the most favoured issues to lure votes.

    If the candidates talk about improving living standards or how to raise a better generation of kids, getting rid of poverty and other bread and butter issues, he will be booed and booted out."

    really agree to this one..


  53. Leithaisor1:15 pm

    Alamak. If I was to look at the ban from the Pakatan Rakyat's side, I would have to say "Ribuan Terima Kasih" to Syed Hamid.

    What better ammunition can the Pakatan folks hope for than such a marvellous "Ban on Altantuya" imposed on Pakatan speakers? Massive bombshell from the arsenal of BN itself which can be used as proof positive of allegations that it is unfair and zalim.

    Worse, as many have already opined, Pakatan will say "Why ban unless you have something you are afraid of?"

    Next thing you know, Pakatan be sending a big Thank You message to Syed Hamid for yet another pivotal own-goal.

    I wonder if Najib will appoint Syed Hamid to his cabinet should he (Najib) become PM. With ministers like these, who needs enemies.

  54. Anonymous1:51 pm

    Tianamen Square, In came the tanks. 3,000 plus died that day.

    Do it once, let the world shout, guess that’s the best way to STOP all these nonsense.


    Otherwise, water cannon, gas will only be temporary measures.

    I think these are real STUPID MINORITIES who don’t deserve to live here in this peaceful Nation.

    Next time, I will have lots of marbles with me, AND LASTIK THEM FROM BEHIND.

    My point is very straightforward.


