update 30/3/2009 2.50 pm
Thanks for the link Zed. There was a Daulat Tuanku banner, my mistake! Here it is, courtesy of Mkini.

29/3 Tri-election: Total of five objections received and rejected; 15 candidates for Bkt Selambau, 2 for Batang Ai and 3 for Bkt Gantang confirmed/STAR
Three by-elections - including Batang Ai in Sarawak and Bukit Selembau in Kedah - will take place on the same day (April 7). But only the Bukit Gantang parliamentary by-election in Perak really matters.
A Pakatan Rakyat victory at Bukit Gantang can and will be used as proof, beyond any doubt, that Sultan Azlan Shah should not have given back the state of Perak to Barisan Nasional.
That the HRH's decision was against the wishes of his people, who want PR and not BN to represent them.
Fielding Nizar in Bukit Gantang is a political statement. If he wins, the former Perak MB, hailed by some as the modern Hang Jebat for his "mohon derhaka" antic, would be seen as having won not just against the BN but, more importantly, against the Sultan.
It will prove that this Jebat Moden was right and that the Sultan had wronged him.
Defeat is unthinkable.
PR has won all by-elections since March 2008 and is the incumbent for constituency.
Also, BN victory in Bukit Gantang will be seen as the people's support not just for the Sultan but also for Najib Razak, who's expected to be sworn in as our 6th Prime Minister on April 3, just four days before the three by-elections.
p.s. But Najib has his own problems. After the gruelling party elections last week, the fear in Umno is that the new party president may not be able to unite the members quickly enough. If Umno goes to Bukit Gantang and the other two by-elections divided over last week's election resuls, Anwar's Pakatan Rakyat will have a walk in the park.
Blogger Sakmongkol has sounded the warning in his blog, h e r e:"Our common enemies are out there in Bukit Selambau and Bukit Gantang. I don't see UMNO there as the enemy. I don't see Pemuda UMNO as the unwanted bastard child. Do you?"
why anwar vs Sultan? are u suggesting something? so sinister le...it should be PR vs bn (brg naik)
ReplyDeleteDah mula la si Rocky ni nak menipu dan menghasut orang Melayu dan rakyat jelata...
ReplyDeleteDah habis saja Najib kena lantik jadik Presiden UMNO, maka dengan beriya iya lah si Rocky ni menipu secara terbuka demi mendapat naungan dari Najib.
Hotak kau la Rocky. Bila pulak kemenangan Pakatan tu maksudnya kekalahan Sultan?
Yang penting sekali ialah sama ada rakyat menang atau rakyat kalah.
Bukan soal Sultan kalah atau Sultan menang. Lagi lagi pilihanraya ni takde kaitan pun dengan Sultan Perak.
Rocky, Rocky, bila la ko nak insaf... bila la ko nak jadi Muslim yg baik...
BS - Power means money.. so all out to make their fortune.. If win under independent, BN and PR will berebut mereka!! he he.. I should have registered myself as a candidate too..
ReplyDeleteBG - Smells trouble ahead. Loose, you are a goner, win pun you are going to be a goner! Life is not going to be easy for Nizar.. Jenuh pulun..
BA - PR win pun tak der pa pa for these farmers.. telan air liuk hingga next GE. BN menang kut buka mata kat new PM the things that he should do to uplift their basic living standards.
- Bukan selalu Menteri2 berkunjung sampai ke cerok macam ni.
- And there are so many of these similar places TODAY in Malaysia that really need all their attention!!
Dear Menteri2, as you all travel and travel first class, one travel is 2years family income for these people here.
Menteri2 bila bersarapan, ingat2 betapa miskin rakyat kita yang masih ada.
Bila pi jengok kat sana, jangan sekadar dream of pangkah saja, LIHAT dan HAYATI mereka ini juga makluk yang bernyawa di BUMI MALAYSIA INI..
saudara jangan risau, BN pasti akan menang besar.pemilihan yg baru lepas tak menyebabkan umno berpuak2 macam yg sebelum ini.lagipun pemimpin yg baru terpilih drp presiden hinggalah ke ahli MT sudah tentu mempunyai semangat yang berkobar2 utk membuktikan mereka adalah saf pilihan yang tepat. tambahan pula, media massa PR telah digantung dan tak dapat berfungsi dgn baik.ceramah di tempat terbuka pun dilarang, jadi pengundi cuma akan dapat maklumat drp RTM, Media Prima, Utusan dan berita harian. peluang BN bertambah cerah sekiranya BN menyekat akses internet buat sementara waktu sehingga habis pilihanraya, biarkan rakyat duduk di bawah tempurung. Biarlah kita undur ke belakang, janji BN menang besar dan Najib dapat jadi PM dengan lebih tenang.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteRocky, UMNO and BN has lost the battle even before it begin. UMNO Grassroot members are disatisfied with he UGA results especially the UMNO youth chief and the MT's resultd. The so called perwakilan had not been honest. They voted for those they feel they like and not those that the grassroot had nominated. SO you see the whole picture, UMNO still in denial mode. For 'perwakilan' UMNO grassroot aspiration are secondary and theirs ('Perwakilan')are primary. You see what I mean. The perwakilan here forget that they supposed to vote with the grassoot aspiration especially the non UMNO members the strongest all all aka THE RAKYAT!.The perwakilan are very arrogent people and BN will loose the batlle. They fail to do so during 2004 and they still failed now. BN has no more second chance. The 3 by election are for opposition especially Batang AI. (Batang AI belongs to Anwar Ibrahim you know what I mean ha ha!)
ReplyDeleteHow would you justify calling Nizar "former MB"? The way I see it, we have 2 MBs in Perak now. Who is the legal one will be decided in court. Calling Nizar as "former MB" is premature...
ReplyDeleteI am lost for words, you have truly sold out. Haven't you learned anything after Mukhriz lost? Now you are trying to pit PR against the Sultan. I am truly disgusted by your attitude. In my heart I know that people are not stupid enough to fall for your propaganda. Anyhow I will stop visiting your blog from today onwards. You are no different then NST, (which you seem to hate) Utusan, The Star and other main stream media.
ReplyDeletebro! tak kan Perak nak jadi Melaka!
at least Melaka ada 'Takkan Melayu Hilang Di Dunia'
Perak ???
keturunan Dzulkarnain!
It's the rakyat vs UMNO
ReplyDeleteIt's not about the sultan, but the will of the people, and it's UMNO arrongance that has caused it's rise.
It is obviously UMNO's battle to win. Let's not get entangled into UMO type Anwar bashing.
UMNO, if it truly represents the will of the people, will have asked for the people's mandate but has stubbornly refused. Why? Is UMNO afraid?
Anwar vs the Sultan? I like that. As much as the headline was simply the creation of a hateful mind, the fact remains Perakians are offended by what has happened. Don't show early signs of buffoonery like the one you displayed during the fight between Khairy and Mukhriz, only to be defeated badly and a total one for that by a man you reviled and threw even the sink at him. I'm sorry Mukhriz lost bcoz that may have gotten you a secretarial job or something of the sort. The voters irrespective of race can through the charade of Sultan this Sultan that. They will once again prove that they are too intelligent for spin and dirty work by dirty minds. Wa inna ghadan li-nadhirihi qarib (The one who is waiting for 2moro, 2moro is nigh).
ReplyDeleteYour spinning is unthinkable!!! What was the word used by MB Nizar when he had an audience with Tuanku Sultan? Don't mislead people!!! though you enjoy with your drink but be responsible and remember brother "jangan mereka cerita kerana itu fitnah"
ReplyDeleteWrite something positive la and I thought you are better than what you are doing now. What's up?
We can put in the other other way that the victory at Bukit Gantang is not against anybody but the restoration of Democracy.
ReplyDeleteNo way to lose in Bk Gantang. If that happens then maywell say good bye to politic here.
Then take a ride home and listening to the Beate's LET IT BE and drunk to the melody of -Well sera , sera whatever will be will be , the future not for you to see.. cos now everybody only see $$$$$$$...
ReplyDeleteKarpal Singh mintak pengharaman New Straits Time dalam melapor majlis-majlis kerajaan diangkat... Karpal suruh mansuhkan pengharaman ni Rocky... Kenapa kau tak lapor, Rocky? Sebab kau kan sokong free press... Kenapa bila Karpal Singh cakap, kau tak lapor?
Kau ni sakit hati ke bila orang yang kau musuhi, orang dari DAP atau Pakatan Rakyat menyebut sesuatu yg benar dan betul?
Jangan plak cam ni Rocky... jangan busuk hati, tak baik... berdosa tau...
Rocky, you have deliberately misled the rakyat with your heading words in this post. Maybe you see it fit for whatever purpose but it's clear you are no longer maintaining the neutral stand which you had earlier set out in your mission. Why should it be an 'Anwar v the Sultan'? There is credible public perception UMNO and Najib had exerted some pressure on the Sultan's decision. Yet you had made this out on PKR and Anwar to be the fall guys. In many ways, this is highly misleading. Is it not shameful on you to distort and misrepresent the situation? I had stated my case. It's your turn to refute.
Do I see early dyke building? Like talking about "Umno divided" and jokes like that? How comes one need to start listing the imminent defeat causes if one is sure of oneself and Umno relevance to the Malays? I thought also your mischievous Anwar vs the Sultan means the Malays are behind the Sultan in wrong and right and since they are the majority, no need for one to talk about defeat in B.Gantang?
ReplyDeleteWell, let's see who is more Malay between Sufian (umno) and Nizar. It is the one who will be elected by the voters. Not the moribund one who rather than generating ideas and standing on his feet need to drag the Royalty into the political dirt. The cowards will be unveiled in Bukit Gantang. The Malays will speak there. 9 days to go.
Roc, you slimy worm, you are trying to whirl and twirl on the sentiments
ReplyDeleteof the malays, using the sultan's name. This by election is about fairness and justice...no need to embarrass the sultan any further.
Trying to build your bridge with Mongolian C4? Good try!
I disagree it's PR vs Sultan.
ReplyDeleteIt's rather it is a contest for the rakyat to decide who violated the constitution.
Whoever violated and wrecked the constitution is not credible to rule if you want to preserve democracy.
A wrong is a wrong, a right is a right, and law should be followed, or else there is no purpose of having a constitutional country.
Rocky, please change your perspective, yes I agree on Mar 08, Sultan Perak made a wise choice to let PR rule. But this is a different mess all together. Just because one did something good in the past, does not mean he will not make mistake in the future.
What is also important is that Bukit Gantang is a malay majority area. Like Kuala Trengganu, A loss by BN will be an indication that the malay has rejected UMNO.
ReplyDeleteThis has nothing to do with the by-election. Just now, half an hour ago a Hilux with registration WRY 2004 wallop a motorcyclist with 2 children on it. He even walloped the 4 year old girl's head with the steering lock. Both husband and wife came down their car and scolded the motorcyclist then walloped the father and the child. I am sure the girl will be warded with brain damage.
ReplyDeleteDont know who is wrong or right but it leave my wife with a very bad feeling. I am sure the 4-year old girl and the father will suffer more than bad feelings. My wife says, police came and I hope the bully will be charge with attempted murder.
Vs The Sultan?
ReplyDeleteWhy make it such that the innocent people of Perak may have to carry this extra burden having to worry if they might be betraying their Sultan or might be treasonous if they were to vote for Pakatan?
This is also cruel against the Sultan if he feels that his fate has been put into the hands of the people. Is this his or is it a BN effort? Whether they win or lose, the BN wins then is it?
Fact is Najib would have given the assurance to the Sultan based on all the information he had that everything will be alright. Najib could never have known that an MP will die so soon while hsi shenaniganswerre going on. It was based on Najib's confidence that the Sultan acted in the way he had. Whether Najib may have also lied to the Sultan to get his acquiescence is something that only the Sultan and Najib will know. Either way, the Sultan's good name was not exactly Najib's concern when he met with the Sultan. He should have known that hey course he was treading was not something a loyal citizen would want his Sultan or ruler to tread.
And yet, all of a sudden this is now an Anwar Vs the Sultan battle!! What perverted and convoluted mind makes this to be so is indeed a wonder. If it is this kind of mindset that is to lead Malaysia in under a week, then certainly my concerns are for the country and its people.
Rocky is going bonkus. Give the yellowman a rest.
ReplyDeletenow you truly show your racism and gutter political schism.
ReplyDeleteis that how UMNO gonna win by fanning hatred thru your blog-Anwar against the Sultan?
thanks rocky. now at least I know your character.
and this is the last time I will visit your blog.
Special bunch, this is your buddy.
anwar hasn't had any chance to speak to the people of bukit gantang. at all the ceramahs he was stopped by the police from speaking. is there directive from above? anyway nizar is the people choice unless bn plays foul.
It is PR v BN. All other comparisons are just salt and spices (add to taste).
ReplyDeleteI doubt if Anwar or Najib keeled over dead tomorrow this eqationn is going to change.
The question is who will the rakyat choose. From what we have heard on the ground, the police and MSM are already doing their work for BN. This is par for the course for every election since the time of Mahathir, Pak Lah and now Najib. Rather than worry about holding clean UMNO elections (which is impossible), I would be more concerned about UMNO election tactics making their rounds into our by-elections.
Maybe some people just do not think the rakyat is smart enough to make to their own choices. I would expect it would be harder for PR to reach out this time as BN (using the police, SPR and the media) will throw them every trick in the book.
Like I have said on the ascension of Najib and the heated race for the seat of Ketua Pemuda, it's still the same old story.
Hi all,,
ReplyDeleteIs this what we call dragging Sultan into politics? God bless Rocky.
Anwar vs Sultan? Oh c'mon rocky... thats kinda low...
ReplyDeleteYour heading does not match your content.
If people vote Pakatan, does it mean the people are against the Sultan?
- Anonymously yours
As you said, "Defeat is unthinkable".
ReplyDeletePR can't afford to lose in the by-elections.
I have taken every possible means to make sure PR win on April 7 - even presented about the corrupted government in the USA. I also interviewed some Americans on their thoughts of this government.
Click the videos in my blog if you are interested:
My congratulations to PM Najib for assuming the mantle of Premiership without the need for a vote of confidence from the Parliament and from the other minor parties of Barisan.
ReplyDeleteMy best wishes to Pakatan and MB Nizar for this coming by-election and may the Rakyat exercise their right to a show of confidence for the Right Man.
Rocky - you are the biggest spinner of all. I salute you. Ha Ha Ha!
ReplyDeleteHi Rocky,
ReplyDeleteYour headline is taking it too far. You are a journalist and you should be ashamed.
ReplyDeleteRocky's writings resembles the Utusan writers in the 60s that spark race riots in malaysia & singapore.
In fact, Rocky should be put under ISA or at least sedition act for inciting hatred.
Why are there so many candidates in Bukti Selambau? Follow this link.
ReplyDeletePlus we have some pictures of the nomination.
Judging by these postings the people are smarter than you. You are sinking dear chap.
ReplyDeleteSiti Intan Mustika,
ReplyDeleteKasarnya bahasa. Pakai nama perempuan tapi sekilas dah tahu mesti seorang bapa yang dah ada anak, umur dalam tiga pulohan macam jugak yang lain bila kena tuduh menghasut kat mahkamah, menangis nangis kononnya ada masalah peribadi. Apa nak jadi dengan penyokong PR ni semua....
This ROCKY has already turned villian! He is no difference with the umno goons, and most of all a hypocritic lallang. He is not an intelletual with principles like RPK and can be easily bought off. As a matter of fact, he has been bought off in view of what he has been writing lately. He has lost the respect of most bloggers, belive me. Now, he is writing to "ampu" the real enemies of rakyat and to "racun" the mind of his readers. Soon, the readers of satanic umno will swarm around him and hail him as a Hero but a heroic angel of HELL in the eyes of true Malaysians.
ReplyDeleteI don't quite understand why they all very angry at Rocky Bru's article. Isn't this the truth? Didn't the Phakatan Rakyat leaders said at the time that they wanted to put Nizar to contest Bukit Gantang to show that the rakyat is behind Nizar and not HRH Sultan Azlan?
ReplyDeleteI remember someone wrote that Bukit Gantang MP died beause it was divine intervention, GOD wanted to let Nizar fight for his good name, or something like that.
Bila ditulis macam ni, korang gelabah. Dasar Phakatan royak, berbelit-belit macam ular kena palu!
Tapi yang lebih tepatnya title post ni ialah Nizar lwn Sultan (mintak derhaka part 2).
Rocky is in fact a worst kind whore among prostitutes, exactly as what RPK says of how one prostitutes himself. He deserves to be spitted on.
ReplyDeletewowwww mahathirism come back very quickly eh rocky? maybe nst should give you the editor post so you could give good spin for najib.
ReplyDeletePlease STOP glorifying Rocky by calling him Najib henchman or turncoat, it is what he wants you to do, believe me.
Let's debate his point of its merits and demerits. This is about Rakyat versus the Barisan goons and it's not just about Bkt Gantang, it's about Bkt Selambau and Batang Ai also.
Focus People!
Hey Rocky,
ReplyDeleteC'mon man. You mean if the people vote PR the sultan is wrong, and if the people vote BN the sultan is correct.
It's an antique way of thinking, that people should go out of their way to justify the actions of their monarch.
It's an antique way of thinking, that people's choices in a democratic process should be decided by their monarch.
It's an antique way of thinking, that's it's 'unthinkable' for a Sultan to be proven wrong.
Get real man.
Salam, saya harapkan KJ tak usah datang ke Bkt Gantang, Bkt AI, atau Bkt Selambau. He is an embarassement to the party.
ReplyDeletevery sad to see that you are lost, lost completely...
merdekablog said…
ReplyDelete….I also interviewed some Americans on their thoughts of this government…
Aiiit, apa ke jadah Tanya omputih pulak?
Depa kat sana duk melelong unemployment and recession, jadi hal pula nak komen hal kat sini.
Comel, loteh intan baiduri, kamu ni sewel ke?
Entah tempoyak, gulai tempoyak pun depa tak ponah rasa, Bau durian pun dah muntah…
Tahu selera oghang Perak? Bawa omputih kat sini aku nak sekeh kepala otak dia dan kau pun sama juga!
I am not Anwar supporter and I am not against the Sultan. BUT I am against BN. Kenapa orang Melayu marah sangat kat BN tak ada kena mengena dengan Anwar! Hey Rocky, what is your agenda, nak menghasut orang Melayu pulak ke!
ReplyDeleteJom BALIK KAMPUNG MENGUNDI - mari kita kuburkan BN!
Orang Simpang
You should not drag the Sultan into this! If there's anything, this is seditious and you should be ISAed!
ReplyDeleteRocky allows you all to reply but he gets blasted as wEll with foul language?
ReplyDeleteAnd Rocky allows that to be featured as well?
He is exteding hospitality, inviting people out there to come and comment freely.
The least we can do is reciprocate with the host by being frank, but with MORE GRACE - since we are his guests.
No need to whack him with obscene stuff. If there is a REAL need to use obscene expressions, try in your own blogs-lah folks. I am sure Rocky can guide you all to create your own blogs. Then you can use language like the blogger parpukari.
It does not mean anyway that Rocky has remained neutral.
I agree with you all that he has steered away from this principle already, so why still try and point out to him again and again.
Accept it, that there is freedom of choice, like how Ibrahim Ali stood under a PAS ticket to get elected and then now calls himself an independent wakil rakyat supporting BN but not joining any BN party. (Who will accept him anyway?)
But keep communication lines open. We ae all Malaysians. Good to have the 'mesra' situation alive.
Rocky - and you will not answer no matter what, as to why you steered away from neutrality to your current position?
Anyone reminded you of PI Bala and the likes?
Whatever, pleasae keep coming up with such articles. The Rakyat are well informed nowadays and your articles are real catalysts for more voters to easily favour the PR candidates.
I dont think the Sultan wants to get involved in this...he rather play golf
ReplyDeletePlease don't mislead us, Rocky.
ReplyDeleteIt's DEFINATELY NOT Anwar VS Sultan .
It's RAKYAT VS Barisan Nasional .
this is what najib and UNMO would tell the people. it is customary the press would go out first to test the water.
ReplyDeleteI think you need to go back to your UMNO boss and tell them not to drag sultan into this.
Everybody needs money to live. But money isn't everything.
wow rocky..i like what you write..to PR supporters..dont be angry laa..i thought you all want him to be the first president of malasiaaa
You are becoming too cheap la Rocky!
ReplyDelete- Dollah Gendut
Hey, Rocky the spin master,
ReplyDeleteIt should be now " Rocky VS. the People of Perak "
You are such a scumbag blogger ! Ptui !!
Teluk Anson.
Anak Perak says ..
ReplyDeleteRocky why bring the HRH Sultan into this.......
and why Sultan vs Anwar...
you are touching on seditious matter.....
The fact remains....there is a constitutional error done in Perak......Pls go back to history...BN went thru the same...when former MB Ghazali Jawi also refuse to resign, as legally the only way to remove a MB is by convention....call for a vote of no confidence in State Assembly..or dissolve the State Assembly and let the rakyat decide...
I am a anak perak..ROcky I dont know if u r born in Perak..but pls go back to history and see what happen.....
We all respect the Sultan..but.....legally today in Perak...NIZAR is still the MB....
sooo true, rocky...!!!
ReplyDeletebut the illegal PR's goons
sure will not admit it...
Why are these commentators so worry about the title?
ReplyDelete1) Isn't not true that Anwar call for protest raksaksa 100,000 on the nite Sultan Azlan did not consent for the dissolution?
2) Isn't not true the Phakatan Rioters blocket the motorcade of the Sultan Azlan and Raja Nazrin?
3) Isn't not true that Nizar continously claim he is still the legitimate MB?
4) Isn't not true that Nizar, Nga and Ngeh continously harping the appointment of the new MP is not legal and that they went to court to sue?
5) and, Karpal Singh say "I can sue the Sultan"
All the above is concrete prove and enough the substantiate even for the layman on the road that Phakatan Rioters is challenging Sultan Azlan.
The title "Anwar vs Sultan" merely summarize the situation at the moment.
Inilah Phakatan Rioters, nak buat tapi tak berani nak tanggung!
Cakap tak serupa bikin!
Umno lost because of Utusan and TV3. Mukhriz lost because of bloggers like Rocky and mykmu.net
ReplyDelete"Sokong membawa rebah"
ReplyDeleteI want to see how far you can go if Najib become the next PM ..
I say 'not' too far ..
However, I salute you, at least you try ! Maybe that is something. :-)
Rocky Bro, I agree with you THE Bukit Gantang by-election is about Anwar vs the DYMM Sultan of Perak. I think all this political and constitutional imbroglio in Perak could be traced directly to one trouble maker the ex convict Anwar Ibrahim who were jailed for abuse of power. Nizar and PAS are just shameless puppets yang tidak sedar diri caught in Anwar's crazy quest to become PM before he is tried for sodomy in July 2009.
ReplyDeleteCome on Rocky, i was an ardent fan of your blog once, well, not anymore, you are no better than those fanning racial and unethical blogging. Why Anwar VS Sultan, thats hitting below the belt, low and insulting. Whts in for you, money, position, wealth or just bud kissing? I expected more professionalism from you, u not only disappointed me but i believe a whole bunch of us here. Well the good thing is, its betetr now than later that you showed your thru colours. Just another "barua" of BN. Good riddance to bad rubbish can.
ReplyDeleteAfter the dust settles (except kj issue) perak will now vote for umno and barisan nasional after realised the true colour of DAP and PAS .
ReplyDeleteIngat Orang bukit gantang tak tau ke majoriti 10,000 penyokong Pas dan PKR bukan nya orang sana ?
Ingat depa nak pangkah PAS yang jadi talibarut DAP ke?
Sedarlah sikit wahai golongan kaum nabi LUth...
spinning rocky,
ReplyDeletei can smell RM .. now
kah kah kah !
- rentakjari -
Fellow Malaysians,for goodness sake please dont involve or drag the Sultan into these by-elections.
ReplyDeleteLike it or not,whether BN wins or PR wins,the Sultan will still be on his throne. Dont create anymore mess because we have enough already.
Let this by-election be seen as a clear demonstration of true democracy,period. Dont involve the palace to get votes.
(orang lama)
Dear Another Malaysian,
ReplyDeleteThank you! Didn't expect you to come to my defence. Yes, sometimes some of my readers do get carried away. Netizens are generally very passionate. I try as much as possible to allow all comments to be published. It's a good way for them to let off steam and unleash views, I'm sure.
Btw, you asked me, "Anyone reminded you of PI Bala and the likes?".
How could I forget Mr Bala who popularized (and killed) Statutory Declarations? He was the one who declared that Altantuya was "susceptible to anal sex", right? And he read out the SD at a PR press conference?
You don't forget such things ..
this is getting cheap,i am out of here. bye!
Rock, tolong sampaikan kat pemimpin BN kalau rasa nak capai transformasi dlm perasaan rakyat...
ReplyDeleteBegitu juga, KJ cakap dia open for advice.
Ni aku nak bagi advice. Please don't show his face in all the by-election. Termasuk Mamat Taib, Ali Rustam, Rahim Tambi Chik etc...Lay lowwwwww...strategy la sikit. Lu orang punya muka liability at the moment. Macam x faham perasaan grassroot dan rakyat.
So, sila tak payah tunjuk muka. See if that helps.
My two sens.
Silent Majority
Please rocky, the way you put it looks as if you are pitting the rakyat against the sultan.
ReplyDeleteHRH has been quiet since the Perak fiasco began, so let him be. Do not try to drag the palace or HRH into the equation in this by election.
And please, the sultan did not give Perak away to BN. HRH acted on what he thought was right at that moment.
Please do not spin like a top, rocky.
En Rocky Bru,
ReplyDeleteTajuk posting ini sungguhlah evil !!!
Please do not bring the Sultan in.He is supposed to be above politics.The contest is between Pakatan Raayat, BN and the independent candidate.What are you trying to imply?Give me Hang Jebat anytime if the choice is between Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat.Don't try to be illogical.No Hang Tuah and Hang jebat is involved!Anyway, the contest is actually a referendum, and since the peoples' wishes is obvious, Pakatan should win hands down!
ReplyDeleteAnwar Vs Sultan?
Who ever poses this question has the moral stature of a worm.
Rocky I used to read your blog enthusiastically, but since you seem to have turned into a strategic media consultant for UMNO, I find it unfortunate to read your regular spins which in the past was so straightforward and honest analysis.
ReplyDeleteI hope you realize it. What do others think?
You are really being so sinister. Your suggestion sounds more like UMNO politician's. Some 20,000 supporters turn out in BG. Are you suggesting all of them against Sultan?
ReplyDeleteLooks like you have a your hidden agenda. Don't attempt to treat people like fools.
Sorry Rocky.. in no less than MalaysiaKini
hey rocky,
ReplyDeleteare you still protem head or whatver of the AllBlogs ? Don't you think as matter of principle you should resign ?
you are becoming a shit-stirrer !
-Silence is Golden-
[b]Former Phakatan Rioters said...
ReplyDeleteWhy are these commentators so worry about the title?
1) Isn't not true that Anwar call for protest raksaksa 100,000 on the nite Sultan Azlan did not consent for the dissolution?
2) Isn't not true the Phakatan Rioters blocket the motorcade of the Sultan Azlan and Raja Nazrin?
3) Isn't not true that Nizar continously claim he is still the legitimate MB?
4) Isn't not true that Nizar, Nga and Ngeh continously harping the appointment of the new MP is not legal and that they went to court to sue?
5) and, Karpal Singh say "I can sue the Sultan"
All the above is concrete prove and enough the substantiate even for the layman on the road that Phakatan Rioters is challenging Sultan Azlan.
The title "Anwar vs Sultan" merely summarize the situation at the moment.
Inilah Phakatan Rioters, nak buat tapi tak berani nak tanggung!
Cakap tak serupa bikin! [/b]
Exactly my friend..couldnt agree more with u..nway let this rocky fella be la, its his blogs, so his writing would be of course written accordingly to his perspective on the matters..dont like it??go start your own blog instead of having a fit here la...
dah la numpang comment kat blog orang, pastu nk suruh ubah title le plak, dah ni blog dia, lantak dia la nk letak title apa pon kt article dia..pastu pandai lak sembang psl freedom of speech, time pengharaman harakah mula la bising kata org lain tk hormat freedom of speech..time kena tuju skit kt punya korg punya parti, tau lak marah..bodoh..double standard.
ReplyDeleteYour timing is dammed good,time to join the MSM.If not mistaken NSTP ,the juicy post is waiting for you.So "bodek" as much as you can now ,the chances for the post is bright.
Rocky = Penghasut
ReplyDeleteRakyat berhak memilih mana-mana parti - itu bukan menderhaka pada Sultan!
Rocky = Penhasut = Menderhaka pada negara
Macamana aku nak balas budi baik kau wahai pengkhianat bangsa! Jika tidak kerana keangkuhan dan ketakburan kau, maka kami rakyat Perak masih tetap dalam kegelapam wahai boneka DAP oi!
ReplyDeleteTerima kasih Nizar kerana dalam mesyuarat exco kau selalu membelakangkan hak Melayu/Islam, jika kau tak buat begitu Nizar balaci maka negeri Perak 'confirm' dah hanyut terus!
Terima kasih Nizar! Jika kau tak pohon derhaka maka kami rakyat negeri Perak akan menyangka yang kau ni seorang yang sangat alim dan baik, hakikatnya kau telah menyedarkan kami bahawa kau ni tak lebih seorang pelakon wayang kulit sahaja! Pendek kata alim kucing la, depan baik belakang tuhan saja yang tahu!
Terima kasih Nizar! kerana kau telah menunjukkan perangai seorang penderhaka apa bila kau mengingkari titah Sultan Perak yang menjadi ketua agama dan ketua negeri bagi negeri Perak. Sekiranya kau tak buat begitu maka kita tak akan tahu yang kau sanggup melakukan apa sahaja demi kuasa! Kau sanggup melawan sultan demi menjulang komunis! Hebat betul kau ni Nizar Boneka oi!
Terima kasih Nizar! Jika kau tak bagi tanah pada kg baru selama 999 tahun kami akan terus menyangka yang kau ni seorang yang adil! Kalau kau tak bagitau kat luar mesyuarat nak lulus 1000 ekar dan tukar dalam mesyuarat 1000 hektar, maka kami tak akan tahu yang kau punyai hati yang terlampau busuk Nizar! Setiap kali dalam mesyuarat Nizar kau akan menurut sahaja perintah dua bersaudara Ngeh dan Nga, terima kasih aku ucapkan lagi kerana jika kau tak buat macam tu maka semua bekas-bekas exco tak akan tau perangai kau yang menjadi lembu cucuk hidung Nizar!
Terima kasih Nizar! kerana pada mulanya nak tubuh kerajaan negeri kau sanggup ambik ahli DAP sebanyak lapan orang untuk di isi dalam barisan exco! Jika kau tak buat begitu manalah kami nak tau yang kau ni demi kuasa sanggup gadaikan agama Nizar oi!
Terima kasih banyak-banyak Nizar, jika tidak kerana kau yang begitu angkuh dan sombong, maka kesemua ahli exco dan yang lain-lain tak akan keluar dari fuckatan riot Nizar! Juga Terima Kasih Nizar kerana jika kau tak tunjuk pada kami yang kau begitu taat setia pada Al juburi Wal Liwati tu dengan memanggil si peliwat tu dan memberi ceramah di pejabat kerajaan negeri, maka kami tidak akan tahu yang kau ni jugak budak suruhan Murahguru Kunyit tu!
Terima kasih Nizar jika kau tak degil dan tak tunjuk kami perangai sebenar kau apabila BN telah mengambil alih BN dari Fuckatan Riot maka kami tak akan tahu sampai bila-bila inilah perangai komunis Nizar al Balaci wal Dee -A -Pi. Kedegilan kau menyerahkan kuasa, rumah kediaman MB dan kereta Camry, cukup dasyat sekali Nizar! Terima kasih Nizar! Disebabkan kaulah Nizar rakyat dah tau siapa Fuckatan Riot sebenarnya di PeraK ini!
Terima kasih wahai Nizar Al Balaci Wal Dee-A-Pi, jika kau tak tunjuk pada kami siapa sebenarnya kau maka kami di Perak tidak akan tahu sampai bila-bila pun kerajaan yang dok 'claim' Berkebajikan ini sebenarnya mempunyai agenda jahat! Jika kau tak tunjuk di dalam mesyuarat-mesyuarat Exco dan dalam lain-lain hal, maka kami rakyat di negeri Perak akan terus tidur di dodoi dengan lagu-lagu indah tak bermakna, alih-alih bila kami sedar maka tergadailah segalanya wahai Nizar! Bagaima harus kami mebalas budimu Nizar? Kau sudah menyedarkan kami!
Terima kasih Nizar, jika kau tak buat sidang di bawah pokok tu maka kami tidak akan tahu yang kau mempunyai bakat sebagai pelakon wayang cina Nizar! Terima kasih Nizar kerana sentiasa taat dan setia pada NGEH dan NGA selalu, sekarang kami tahulah yang siapa Imam kau yang sebenar!
Rocky, looks like you are one of the trouble makers working under the banner of UMNO, fanning the flames of hatred, shame on you!
ReplyDeletePara pemimpin BN, kalau nak BN menang dalam semua by-election, sila pastikan muka-muka yang ada liability dan korup tak tunjuk muka kat situ. Tolong duduk rumah diam-diam...
ReplyDeleteIts a bit mischevous to say its Anwar vs the Sultan.
ReplyDeleteIts straight between BN and PR - thats it. No-one on the PR side wants to bring the Sultan into it as PR's dispute is with teh Sultan.
I think all this Hang Jebat and Hang Tuah analogies are way off base.
At the same time I think we are rather foolish is assuming that Royalty is unfallible. They are human beings after all - and in Allah's eyes we are all born of the same blood.
So lets keep some sense reagrding these by-elections.
rocky bru you are coward !!!!
ReplyDeleteDear Rocky,
ReplyDeletePlease don't write such things about our PR leaders. You know, when you write bad things about our Pakatan Rakyat leader such as this "Anwar vs Sultan", tomorrow morning the police will start their investigation against Anwar. Please be considerate as we cannot do the same to your leader. For example, if I write "Najib vs Sultan", tomorrow morning the police will start investigation against me. You see, don't u "kesian" to us. U write "Nik Aziz a gay!", the police will investigate Nik Aziz's sexuality. But if I write "Najib is gay!", the police will investigate me for inciting hatred against Umno leaders.
Si Ngook Rocky,
ReplyDeleteKenapa engkau tak terus letak tajuk 'Kalau Nizar menang maknanya pengundi menderhaka pada Sultan'
Engkau jn sesekali mengaitkan Sultan dalam isu politik!
Berhentikanlah projek memperbodohkan melayu lagi!
Rocky, I know what u trying to do.
ReplyDeleteLet me remind voters of Bk Gantang that a vote for Pakatan is NOT a vote against the sultan. Its a vote against Najib, Zambri and BN. Thats it. the Sultan has got nothing to do with this.
Bro Rocky,
ReplyDeleteI am a Perakian. I know my Sultan. And I know PAS (tied by the nose by DAP) and felon Anwar Ibrahim.
And I know BN.
And I know my rights.
And I know what to do that is to do the right thing.
Our Sultan has only good interest for his rakyat. All Perakians know that. All Perakians then should know what to do to those people who are 'derhaka' to our Sultan who has rakyat in his heart.
I am with you.
rock... orang akan tolak UMNO sebab orang benci UMNO pilih perasuah jadi ketua pemuda!
ReplyDeleteKeeping Khairy away from the by-elections will surely increase BN's chance of winning!
ReplyDeleteyou should change the title bro. Ini agak kurang ajar la. apa sal pulak buh heading macamtu. Tak da sapa nak lawan sultan. this is straight PAS vs UMNO.
ReplyDeleteI believe both bukit PR will win. UMNO elections and Samy's MIC election membuatkan lebih payah BN nak menang. Batang Ai i tak tau, no komen.
ReplyDeletecheap you are..bro & yr blog tiada beza dgn Utusan Malaysia.
-buzz lightmoon-
Bro Rocky,
ReplyDeleteBoleh adik tanyakkan satu soaln sahaja...
Kau tahu apa pahala kau sebagai seorang Islam yang mulia?Yang menjaga semua kaum dan tidak mengunakan sifat ketuanan?Apa kah kata negatif Tuan?Jawapannya 'hamba'..
Apakah Islam mengajar kita untuk menganggap rakyat Malaysia sperti kaum Cina,India dan lain-lain kaum semua 'hamba'?
Kau memelaukan ornag Melayu ,Islam dan Malaysia...
Rakyat VS Sultan ....kau memang bukan penulis blog yang baik...Blogger yang cadangkan kau jai Presiden ke aper=aper ke kat blog kau..semua pasal keikhlasan mereka menyokong awak.Sebaliknay awak umpama syaitan yang mengelinap dibalik tabir internet...
Hebat Rock....tapi malu mak bapak awak...dan semua Melayu yang tak setuju dengan penulisan tidak ikhlas dan menjijikkan ini..
Saya ramai kenalan kaum Cina dan Hindu serta lain-lain...mereka meyangjungi Sultan-sultan kita sebagai raja...
Kesian sebagai seorang Islam dan Melayu...Fikirkan dosa kau malam nanti...
Whose the idiot who believe this,if it is Anwar VS the sultan then Anwar must stand in the election against the sultan,not Nizar against some UMNO man.If PR wins it simply means that the people hate BN for "buying over the frogs"and the sultan had no choice but to give the state to BN as a snap election is costly.The sultan is not a political entity,so don't try to make his royal highness one,it is BN and PR,that's all,don't think that we are stupid,we are smart and we on to your and the government tricks.
ReplyDeleteWow, you just earned your PhD kah(Permanent Head Damaged)?
ReplyDeleteyeah, after reading the comments for these post, I realized that many malaysian think of you differently.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I was worried that you have successfully turned them to become najib's supporters.
MY TAKE: My money is on you will be the a somebody in NST in the near future.
Care for a bet?
ReplyDeleteCorrection. Its the kurang ajar Ngeh and Nga versus the Sultan.
To all those talking cock about constitutionality, illegality and the whole bull...chill out. Then, with a calm mind, read this article by Malik Imtiaz Sarwar (who is pro-pakatan lawyer and who defended RPK in his habeas corpus trial). Note excepting the reference to the YDPA and the PM, the rest is exactly as what transpired in Perak. I DARE ANYONE TO REPLY TO THIS. Time permitting, another full piece penned by Mr Tommy Thomas will make its long overdue appeareance in this blog:
ReplyDeleteSaturday, September 20, 2008
Navigating The Constitutional Impasse
It seems that we are well on the way to a constitutional crisis. A deadlock looms and, as some commentators including Professor Aziz Bahri of the International Islamic University have suggested, much will depend on how proactive the Yang di-Pertuan Agong can and will be in breaking it. In this, and more, it is becoming increasingly apparent that that the line between those who want change and those who do not will be the Federal Constitution.
Let us consider the objective elements.
Firstly, any Prime Minister of the nation must necessarily be the person who commands the confidence of the majority of the members of the Dewan Rakyat. As to who it is that commands the confidence, this is a decision for the YDPA “in his judgment”.
Until the events in Trengganu shortly after the last general and state elections, it was commonly thought that this was really a matter of having the numbers, that is the person with the most number of supporters in the chamber would become the leader of the government. The interventionist position of the Regency Council, for all purposes and intents the Sultan, earlier this year shed light on how things could justifiably be viewed differently. The appointment of Ahmad Said as the Mentri Besar possibly set a precedent and gave us foundation for the argument that it was ultimately the judgment of the monarch that mattered.
This is relevant as the material provisions in the Federal Constitution are virtually identical to those in the Trengganu state constitution. The YDPA could, as such, approach the issue in a similar way. This is not necessarily impossible; the YDPA is the Sultan of Trengganu.
Secondly, a Prime Minister who no longer commands the confidence of the majority has two options. He can ask the YDPA to dissolve parliament and use that to call for fresh elections. The YDPA however has an absolute discretion to withhold consent and as such, could legitimately refuse. This would leave the Prime Minister with no option other than to tender his resignation and that of his Cabinet and pave the way to the appointment of a new Prime Minister, one who in the judgment of the YDPA commands the confidence of the majority.
Thirdly, the Federal Constitution does not say how to establish that the Prime Minister has “ceased to command the confidence of the majority”. A vote of no confidence is an obvious method but not necessarily the only one. To read the constitutional provision otherwise would not only be unwarranted (an unnecessary implication of meaning) but would also allow for unconstitutional action, such as the use of the provision to impede the expression of the majority of the Dewan Rakyat. It is possible that circumstances could arise where an incumbent government seeks to prevent the meeting of members in Parliament to undermine any attempt by the majority to form a new government. To read provisions of the Constitution to lend to such an outcome would be wholly repugnant to the scheme the Constitution puts in place.
As such, it is open to the YDPA to form a view through other means, such as direct meetings with the majority of the Dewan Rakyat, so as to satisfy himself that the incumbent Prime Minister has in fact ceased to command its confidence. Events in Perlis and Trengganu earlier this year are illustrative of this course. That this approach is not necessarily ideal, for being amongst other things, fraught with practical difficulties, does not in itself militate against such an approach having been within the contemplation by the founders of the Federal Constitution.
Fourthly, assuming the YDPA nonetheless felt it necessary to have a vote of confidence put through the Dewan Rakyat, a question arises as to how this would be approached. If parliament were sitting, this could arguably be put through the Dewan. Such a motion would be extraordinary and exceptional. Going to the very foundations of the legitimacy of the incumbent government, it would have to be treated as a matter of priority. To allows such a motion to be encumbered by the procedural requirements of parliament would be wholly repugnant to the spirit, if not the letter, of the Federal Constitution. Even though the Speaker does have control of proceedings in the Dewan, he must allow for urgent debate and a vote on the motion if there is sufficient foundation for the motion. He has taken an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Federal Constitution and, therefore, the system of governance it puts in place. Such a motion and its outcome are self-evidently matters of grave constitutional significance and impact that cannot be ignored.
This would be more the case if the YDPA gave indication that it was His Highness’ wish for the motion to be dealt with as a matter of utmost priority. Under the Federal Constitution, Parliament is constituted of the YDPA and the two houses of parliament and an expression of His Highness’ intent cannot but be given great weight.
If parliament is however not sitting, a question arises as to whether the motion should be deferred to a time when parliament reconvenes. The question of the legitimacy of an incumbent government is not a matter that can be taken lightly assuming there is reasonable foundation for a belief that it no longer commands the confidence of the majority. The government does not adjourn as parliament does and it continues to act on the basis that it has the mandate to do so throughout its term. It would therefore be only logical for parliament to reconvene on an urgent basis to debate and vote on the motion. This however raises the question of how parliament is to be summoned.
The Constitution provides that the YDPA summons parliament. This is arguably done on the advice of the Prime Minister and it is for this reason that parliamentary procedure provides for reference to the Prime Minister. The Constitution is however silent on a situation where the motion in issue is one aimed at establishing that the incumbent Prime Minster no longer commands confidence. So are parliamentary rules. Though it could be said that there is as such no power with the YDPA to summon parliament, to read the Constitution as vesting a discretion in the incumbent Prime Minister to determine whether the Dewan will meet on whether he or she commands the confidence of the majority would lend to an obviously self-defeating outcome. It would after all be in the interests of the incumbent Prime Minister not to allow for the summoning of the Dewan. This cannot be right.
It is reasonable to read the Constitution as providing for this exceptional situation in the following way: the YDPA has the discretion to summon parliament for this purpose in view of it being an incident to the absolute discretion of the YDPA to appoint as Prime Minister a person who commands the confidence of the majority. Simply put, the YDPA must be given means to ensure that the Prime Minister is a person who commands confidence if His Highness is given reason to apprehend otherwise.
As such, His Highness could direct the Speaker to summon the Dewan Rakyat to debate the motion. The Speaker would be at risk of defying a legitimate direction of the YDPA and breaching his oath of office, with all the consequences of such an act, if he refuses. Alternatively, the YDPA could direct the incumbent Prime Minister to summon the Dewan. A refusal would similarly run the risk of being an unlawful defiance of a legitimate direction or a breaching of the oath of office.
Sixthly, in the event the YDPA forms the view that the incumbent Prime Minister has ceased to command the confidence of the majority, the YDPA could then appoint a new Prime Minister. A further question arises as to whether the incumbent Prime Minster must firstly tender his resignation and that of his Cabinet. Though this would be ideal, I have my doubts as to whether it is a necessary prerequisite, especially if the incumbent government intends to undermine the forming of a new government. Though the Federal Constitution does not provide for the dismissal of a Prime Minister, the appointment of a new Prime Minister would merely be giving effect to the wishes of the majority of the Dewan and system of governance put in place by the Constitution.
But then, what if the incumbent government refuses to vacate office? If the new Prime Minister is sworn in and given the necessary instruments of power, the incumbent government would in effect no longer be the government of the day and would no longer in law be lawfully possessed of power. Those individuals who lend themselves to this situation could be viewed as trespassing and, worse still, be seen as attempting to usurp the legitimate power of a lawful government. This has grave consequences.
The analysis set out above is based on my understanding of the Federal Constitution and it goes without saying that others may take a different view of the issues. However, it must be borne in mind that as the supreme law, the Constitution defines the way in which we are to organize ourselves and arrange our affairs. This extends to transitions of power, something which the founders could not but have contemplated as being possible. The Constitution was drafted in general terms so as to ensure that it was relevant and applicable to situations in an evolving nation and remain a vibrant and living law. The answers are there if we look for them fairly and objectively.
In the difficult times ahead, it is clear that the various factions will take positions on key constitutional provisions and interpret them in a way that favour their intended aims. In this, the YDPA plays a crucial role as does the Judiciary. It is therefore vital, and I say this respectfully, that both these institutions be seen as being detached and far removed from the politics of the unfolding events. How the approaching crisis is resolved, and the way in which this is done and seen to be done, are matters that go to our ability to meet the future with the stability and conviction that this nation requires to meet the challenges ahead.
MIS :http://malikimtiaz.blogspot.com/2008/09/navigating-constitutional-impasse.html
Warrior 231
Anwar VS the Sultan ?!?
ReplyDeleteRocky Boooooo Instead of BRU!
Why Anwar vs. Sultan?
ReplyDeletetotally agree with u bro!
ReplyDeleteKalau BN kalah maknanya rakyat perak menolak sultan mereka kerana Sultan Perak dengan petimbangan baginda selepas perjumpaan sorang-perseroangan.
maknanya jika PAS menang, Anwar pula akan menjadi raja
Inilah hidup mati isntitusi diraja Melayu.... Adakah rakyat akan tolak Institusi diraja Perak..
realise or not fellas..these former NST gomen-brainwashed (no need to name them la) they will remain AMNO/BN Baruas (prostitutes RPK?)forever until they die..
ReplyDeleteForget about good values, transparency justice fairness..their only concern is spin spin, bodek..saya sokong.
They are turning themselves from bad to evil.
Dear Rocky,
ReplyDeletekalau nak cari makanpun jangan ini macam. Engkau dah kebulur ke atau susah sangat nak hidup sampai sanggup jadi "pelacur".
ahli UMNO no: 02185699
ReplyDeleteIf BN believes HRH made the right decision, then Bkt. Gantang is just another by-election, period, whatever the voting outcome.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, the die is cast! So, let the Courts unravel the issue of legal or not legal and Constitutional or Unconstitutional. Why drag HRH any further into it?
All things said and done, there is still a higher authority than any human and unfolding events will give us the verdict!!
God bless all M'sians!
Penoreh getah di Bukit Gantang berpeluang memansuhkan ISA, memperjuang hak asasi dan liberalisasi dll. bagi meningkatkan harga getah dan kelapa sawit dengan mengundi PKR!
When Anwar look into the mirror he saw KJ.....KJ is charismatic and intelligent that what make Anwar worried...
ReplyDeleteThe winner will still need to seek an audience with the palace. There will be many more occassions when the winner will need to deal with matters involving the palace.
ReplyDeleteIf the winner is on bad terms with the palace, it will be difficult to administrate.
By the way, Anwar's team has always been 'anti everybody', including all in disagreement with his agenda.
And this fight is neither for the people or the Sultan but rather for 'the one and only Anwar.'
Wonder what will happen after Anwar? Loh Gwo Burne may be the next PM in waiting???
Well...one thing for sure...Nizar really need the Chinese vote...seems most of the Perakian malays will be standing behind their Sultan...so its rather Nizar vs the Sultan...
Only one question..."where is Bala?"
ReplyDeleteNothing else matters
PR will win, thanks thru "contribution" of Anwar's protege who delivered him the passport for his back pain!
ReplyDelete".....Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar was heckled by PAS supporters when he arrived at the centre...."
".....The crowd got more riled up when Khairy waved at them....."
KJ boleh!!!!:):):)
Read full here:-
Monday March 30, 2009
A three-way fight for seat
TAIPING: It will be a three-cornered fight in Bukit Gantang among candidates from the Barisan Nasional, Pakatan Rakyat and an independent.
Returning officer Datuk Mahmod Morsidi announced that Ismail Safian (Barisan), Datuk Seri Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin (PAS) and Kamarul Ramizu Idris have qualified to contest in the parliamentary by-election.
Kamarul, 42, surprised many when he arrived at the Taiping Municipal Council hall accompanied by about 50 supporters carrying black umbrellas to file his nomination papers.
Supporters from both Barisan and opposition parties gathered within 100m of the town hall carrying banners and chanting party slogans.
Nizar, who was the first to arrive to file his nomination, was accompanied by his wife Datin Seri Fatimah Taat and leaders from the opposition parties.
They included PAS president Datuk Seri Hadi Awang, DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang and Perak assembly speaker V. Sivakumar.
Ismail was accompanied by Umno deputy president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, MCA president Ong Tee Keat, Gerakan president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon, Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi and Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Dr Zambri Abdul Kadir.
Hundreds of policemen, including Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) personnel, were present to maintain peace and security.
Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin Abu Bakar was heckled by PAS supporters when he arrived at the centre.
The crowd got more riled up when Khairy waved at them.
They had to be calmed down by PAS leaders as FRU personnel were called in to be on standby.
A small altercation broke when Barisan supporters pelted water bottles at a vehicle carrying DAP chairman Karpal Singh.
The crowd dispersed quickly upon police intervention.
Karpal Singh, who filed a police report later, said the culture of violence in Umno must stop.
“We will campaign cleanly. Threats like that will not stop us.
“We were elected on record and not sympathy.
“It is their (Barisan Nasional) weakness and our substance that allowed us to lead in five states,” he said.
The Bukit Gantang seat fell vacant following the death of Roslan Shaharom of PAS on Feb 9.
The constituency, which has three state seats in Changkat Jering, Trong and Kuala Sapetang, has 55,562 registered voters.
Of that, 62% are Malays, 27% Chinese and 19% Indians.
PR is in denial. Rocky is right.
ReplyDeleteI bet if PR win, they will say the sultan made the wrong decision.
PR, stop spinning. Telling it to yourself everyday that it aint abt the sultan, wont make it true.
Ni la orang PR. Obsessed and in denial.
If you believe in healthy intellectual discourses, thus enjoy 3 views on what actually happening in Perak; is there a crisis or not?
ReplyDeleteMr. Ragunath Kesavan
Professor Dr Shad Faruqi
Datuk Muhammad Shafee Abdullah
i don't know and don't care about other people, for me, after KJ's victory, all my hopes and dream for a reformed UMNO have died.
ReplyDeleteSemongkol is a strong supporter of KJ. It's not up to him ALONE to decide whether KJ is seen as the bastard child or not. It's the people. If he bothers to listen, the people had already shown their dislike for KJ & Dollah during the last election. If he's still blind, just read the negativities that commentators have been writing to his own blog.
ReplyDeleteDon't kid yourself, man.
Dearest Rocky,
ReplyDeleteYou are pathetic and lost whatever little objectivity you had left. You are so desperate that BN wins so that you can crow that naib has won. Your attmpt to spin to make people fear if PR wins is downright stupid.
Spinning has its limits. But you have gone beyond any sense of decency. Your a lost soul now.
I will stop subscribing to the NST the moment you take over.
Your actually a goner, Rocky. My sympathies are with you.
ReplyDeleteWhy the dishonest reporting
You say "“First, in his acceptance speech as Umno chief last Saturday, Datuk Seri Najib projected humility and made no attempt to use his new platform to take potshots at political opponents inside or outside Umno. Malaysians will like that. Not once, for example, did he mention Anwar Ibrahim, the opposition chief who has been demonising him endlessly.”
Umm...what then do you consider the following quote: "As opposition leader he claims to be as innocent as angels … like a newborn baby, but we know who he really is.”
The gloating and jeering over the persecution of Anwar Ibrahim is pretty pathetic and shows UMNO is virtually out of ideas on what to do next. Arresting Anwar in 2009 will probably accelerate its eventual demise.
This would be like test market for DAP planting seeds of hatred to Obsess PAS legions and citizens of Perak against Sultan...if they(PAS) winning the by election in Bukit Gantang...DAP agenda for bringing anarchy to topple Sultan is starting to begin and every Malays Muslim who support this action please lah don't call yourself Muslim.
Pilihanraya kecil kali ini memang panas, lain dari yang lain kerana ia dianggap ‘gauge’ yang paling mutakhir bagi mengetahui sokongan rakyat. Rakyat Malaysia sekarang sudah advance, bukan macam dulu lagi. Kita sudah ‘savvy’ dalam banyak segi – politik, internet, teknologi dan tak buta maklumat lagi dah. Mana-mana attempt untuk memutar belit ataupun menyembunyikan fakta, kirim salam saja… Sekarang mana boleh nak buat macam tu. Suka saya nak senaraikan bagi saya apa yang sangat menarik hati saya mengenai dua bukit ni.
ReplyDelete1) Nak tengok sama ada rakyat (sekurang-kurangnya di tempat ini) sama ada mereka menerima kepimpinan Najib.
2) Nak tengok sama ada BN nak tukar strategi atau tidak, nampak ada ubah sikit. Saya rasa bagus sebab letak Muhyidin dan tidak Najib seperti 2 Pilihanraya kecil sebelum ini. Ubahlah sebab nampak isu Najib banyak dimainkan pembangkang.
3) Bagi kes Bukit Gantang, sama ada rakyat mahu kerajaan PR atau BN. Dengan meletak Nizar, ia adalah do-or-die bagi PAS dan kerajaan PR. Adakah rakyat Perak bersama mereka atau tidak?
4) Macamana penerimaan rakyat setempat tentang pemilihan UMNO yang baru berakhir. Sama ada rakyat suka atau tidak dengan barisan baru ini. Adakah rakyat merasa UMNO benar-benar mahu ‘reform’ atau ‘transform’
5) Saya nak tengok dari 15 yang bertanding di Kedah, berapa akan hilang wang pertaruhan. Tak tahu apa yang difikirkan calon-calon bebas ini. Seriuskah mereka bertanding, atau nak glamour saja. Bagi saya mereka ini betul-betul kacau daun.
Kali in saya Cuma nak lihat dari sudut BN saja, kerana tempat-tempat ini ‘incumbent’ adalah dari PR dan sebab memang berita nak dapat pun dari media BN saja, Harakah dan Suara keAdilan kan dah kena ban!!
rocky, likewise it shouldnt be anwar vs sultan. but people vs sultan or PKR vs UMNO. main wayang ke?
Rocky, since you mentioned that you cannot forget Bala, here are some perspectives surrounding that interesting case. Conetnts mainly picked up from another blog.
ReplyDeletea. Private investigator P. Balasubramaniam and his entire family mysteriously disappeared a day after he revealed a sworn statement giving intimate details incriminating a VVIP to the murder case in July 2008. Despite promises to investigate, the perception is the authorities have remained silent over the contents of this affidavit. And the court had also barred the admission of this document. Why did the authorities and the court keep a safe distance from this document that could have led to a break-through of this trial? What has happened to Bala and family – as nobody seem to know their whereabouts?
b. Why did the court – prosecutors, defence lawyers & judge – acting in unison, block further evidence from the murdered person's cousin when she testified that a VVIP appeared in a photograph with the one who was later murdered?
c. Why did the court block further evidence upon revelation in court that Malaysian immigration records of the murdered person and her two Mongolian companions had been mysteriously erased? Shouldn’t such erasure have been considered an important lead and an indication that some VVIP was involved?
d. Why were the VVIP and his aide-de-camp not investigated and called to the witness stand, since it was the aide-de-camp who gave instruction to the first accused (first and second accused were the VVIPs bodyguards) to solve third accused's ‘woman problem’.
Now that the thrid accused (a close associate of the VVIP) has been declared innocent, the court is now left with the bizarre scenario of a murder without a motive, since the first two accused had no motive on their own to kill the victim.
But I am sure you wont want to dwell on it anyway as the matter is now in the courts.
Bukit Antarabangsa dah runtuh sebab BN
ReplyDeleteBukit batu kapur kat ipoh dah lingkup sebab BN
Bukit Gantang akan kalah sebab KJ
Bukit Selambau akan Kalah sebab Samy
Bukit Lanjan dah malu sebab Eli
Oh...Nothing Hills
From Cheif sitting bull
Melayu bodoh akan sembunyi belakang sultan bila tersepit oleh ketamakan dan kebodohan yang dibuat sendiri. How long rakyat have given you all guys to bemuhasabah and recover? All ended with rhetoric, cakap2 mengutuk diri sendiri tapi keadaan macam itu jugak...rasuah, gila kuasa, hidup KJ, jaga kepentingan diri sendiri termasuk pemimpin2 teratasnya. Jangan bagi muka pada orang2 UMNO lagi....biar rakyat mengajar mereka untuk membersihkan diri seperti apa yang rakyat mahu......HIDUP RAKYAT!!!!!
ReplyDeleteApakah perjuangan PAS yg sebenar? Saya banyak membantu PAS di dalam pertahankan pemerintahan nya di Kelantan dengan harapan perjuangan nya dalam sumpah perjuangan anak bangsa melayu mempertahankan Keselamatan Agama Islam. Sejak kebelakang ini saya mendapati perjuangan PAS telah tersimpang jalan misinya yang sebenarnya yang sanggup berkrompromi dengan orang orang DAP dan PKR yang nyata di hati mereka anti islam dan melayu. saya harap peristiwa pada 20 Jan 1874, Perjanjian Pangkor. Pemimpin melayu telah di tipu oleh orang orang asing sehingga kuasa raja perak di kawal oleh Sir Andrew Clarke. Peristiwa peperangan larut antara kumpulan cina Ghee Hin dan Hai San adalah di dalangi oleh pihak perisikan british dan peniaga peniaga cina di Singapura.
ReplyDeleteCetus nya peperangan larut membuat Raja Abdullah meminta pertolongan seorang saudagar Singapura Cina Tan Kim Ching mendapat bantuan Inggeris supaya pihak Inggeris campur tangan di dalam pemerintahan Raja Perak. Maka bermula orang asing menguasai keselamatan dan ekonomi Perak sehingga orang melayu marah dan terjadi peristiwa pembunuhan JWW Birch. Saya harap pemimpin Pas belajar dari kesilapan yang di buat Raja Abdullah. Sejarah selalunya akan berulang.
Ko juga yang kata melayu ni berpecah belah.. Ape hal nak memecah belahkan lagi rakyat?
ReplyDeleteCukuplah Rocky... semua orang tahu ko ni sibuk nak bodek si Najib, bukannya Sultan tu bertanding dlm pilihanraya.. BN lawan PAS. itu je. yang ko nak spin cerita Anwar lawan Sultan tu tak ke satu cubaan nak memesongkan fikiran orang? Come one lah. otak ko same je dgn menteri penerangan dulu..... kluk klak
-longhorn malaya-
Nope, no Daulat Tuanku banners..
ReplyDeletesorry bro bru.. plz c at..
PKR Kedah goyang kerana Anwar tikam belakang ketua cawangan Jerai
Why feed the emotions of the rakyat (on both sides of the political divide) by putting thoughts in their minds and words in their mouths to make the Bukit Gantang by-election more significant or sensational than it really is?
ReplyDeleteWhen has this become an Anwar vs the Sultan fight?
To the uninformed ruffians on both sides maybe!
But to people who really care for truth and justice, street politics and banner-carrying demonstrations are BUNKUM!
We are interested in the due processes and procedures of the law and the deliberations and judgements of unbiased lawyers and judges!
This is what you should be encouraging Rocky not feeding their lust for gutter and longkang politics! Make them understand the legal intricacies.
Instead of quelling tempers and tempering the groundswell, you are urging them to continue with the tit for tat politics that will destroy the nation!
If this is the level of thinking that Malaysians are capable of and have the capacity for, then they deserve the DERHAKA leaders they get!
I'm really disappointed!
Aku merasakan blog adalah pentas untuk mengeluarkan pendapat peribadi masing2 dan org lain perlu menghormatinya. kalau tak sehaluan tak perlulah menghentam mcm org hilang akal. Kalau Rocky di sebelah mana sekalipun, itu hak dia, yang korang nak paksa-paksa dia ikut pemikiran korang apa pasal. Dia nak bubh topik apa pun lantak dia lah.
ReplyDeleteHikayat Mamak Bendahara
ReplyDeleteThere is a diffrence if pakatan or anwar wins...it is because the effort of anwar and many others..you me and others are able to comment on the web..if not because of him and his strong commitment to democracy and freedom of speech...ypu will ne languishing by mahathir's type of policies. Now there is some freedom and we are still a long long way to meet the defination of freedom of speech or democracy. Just because we can comment or we can vote there is freedom of speech or democracy.
hua hua..nway let this rocky fella be la, its his blogs, so his writing would be of course written accordingly to his perspective on the matters..dont like it??go start your own blog instead of having a fit here la...
ReplyDeletedah la numpang comment kat blog orang, pastu nk suruh ubah title le plak, dah ni blog dia, lantak dia la nk letak title apa pon kt article dia..pastu pandai lak sembang psl freedom of speech, time pengharaman harakah mula la bising kata org lain tk hormat freedom of speech..time kena tuju skit kt punya korg punya parti, tau lak marah..bodoh..double standard.
Salam Rocky.
ReplyDeleteToo bad for you, now you know the mentality of the PR goons. If you are not with them, you are against them, and they insult you. So, actually, with them, there is no democracy .....they put you in a kind of a hostage situation ...do as I say, if not ....
Henceforth, we can imagine what kind of government we are going to have if PR gets to govern the country.
To those who condemn Rocky, please remember that this is Rocky's blog, he can say whatever he wants ...isn't this democracy? Rocky's blog is the most unbiased blog in Malaysian blogosphere. ..so, please have respect for him.....you come to someone's place, do you have to insult and disgrace the owner?....or your parents never teach you manners when you guys were young ...!!!
ReplyDeleteLet's campaign...
ROCKY for NST Chief Editor!!!
God Bless Rocky a.k.a Akhirumullah
Rocky the Chief Editor
You got it wrong again, Rocky. There was a daulat Tuanku banner from the opposition. See the link below at timecode 1.29.32.
ReplyDeleteApa beno ke' orang kata puak Cina kat Perak tukar milik tanah 999tahun?
Dan ada yang dapat tanah percuma?
Depa dah teliti habis habisan ke asal usul mereka mereka ni, apa benar ke dari kalangan 1juta yang diberi kerakyatan ATAU
1. Golongan komunis yang masuk melalui hutan dari Negara Cina
2. Golongan pelacur yang dibawa masuk untuk merosakkan Budaya sini
3. Golongan yang masuk Negara ini pakai curi surat beranak Apek tua yang dah mati?
4. Golongan yang masuk Negara ini tolong Apek ternak Babi?
Habis tu, kalau dari kalangan mereka ni dapat, apa jadi kat kami yang sebenarnya KAUM BUMIPUTRA JATI kat NOGORI ini? Boleh dapat juga ker kalau mintak...
Am I reading Utusan Malaysia and TV3, 2 in 1 by reading this blog? It has been like this for the last few months.
ReplyDeleteThank you Rocky for giving such an excellent example of what kind of reporting we will have when BN gets their way unchecked.
ReplyDeleteWhen all opposition is gone we will all be brainwashed in all these fictional and biased blogging and reporting until we delude ourselves while the rich keeps on getting richer.
You helped made up my mind. Never again will I be on BN's side with the same umno goons running the show.
-The Offspring
Anonymous Says:
If the PeeM in waiting can be implicated in Murder and Corruption then why the Police Murderers & Autopsy Pathologist & now the double faced snaky diplomat who want to keep his job cannot do the same with impunity, they are just following the footsteps of their revered leader Najis who had done very well in swearing to Allah on the Koran and every one of them can learn on how to swear their innocence despite all evidences have shown their Guilt, so only Allah can give them the real Judgement come Judgement Day as there is no escape from Allah’s real Justice for the deeds they have done.
Bandit Najis had been cheating and robbing the Nation’s Coffers for years with fictitious and non existent Defence Contracts, with either non supply necessary or supply with inferior quality products, by awarding these to his wife’s nominee Companies.
Loser, Loser & Loser Najis UMNO & BN therefore the biased EC must choose the same date so that they can try to cheat by using Phantom Voters if the Pakatan is not too careful on all three fronts.
History will repeat itself the most corrupted of all, implicated in Corruption & Murder, call Najis will helm UMNO to oblivion.
Beware of the Najis & UMNO underhand deceits, filthy lies and dirty tactics which must be exposed so that they will be shunned by all Rakyats in order to be thrown out in the next GE.
The Era of Anarchy has just begun in the coming Premiership of Najis, the most corrupted of all corrupters, all Malaysians beware that they, Najis & UMNO, will spend Government Money to buy Chaos in order to impose Dictatorial Government without election or after they have lost the Election in GE 13, we have all learnt from Perak Government’s takeover by deceit and by force of using the Police Force which could be bought and the Assemblymen who were bought either with money or in kind like no case in court for their corruptions’ cases pending trials if they defect from Pakatan and of course the sole DAP betrayer could be bought with a great sum of money as Najis knew and as well as the betrayer that she could never be elected ever again in Jelapang and of course the pension sum must be huge including allowance for her permanent retirement for making a betrayal to Pakatan for short term benefiting of Najis?
There must be a good reason for the Sultan well learned in law and also once holding the highest office in Supreme Court took a lowly decision in support of the most corrupted Politician call Najis, PeeM in awaiting. No offence intended to the Sultan who was highly regarded until just now only, it is either he has been threatened with some secret files on him held by Najis, or like all the other froggies that had been lured by huge sums of money offered by the most greedy of Corrupters called Najis who used the nation’s coffers as his own kitty bank. Knowing very well that Najis would not last the next GE, this is the best opportunity to make some good cash funds for keeps as the next Government under PKR will be clean and righteous for the God, King, People and Country.
Not realizing that Corruptions breed even more Corruptions and this is the vicious circle and the people of Perak are ones who would suffer in the long run and they will not forget what a Sultan they have had. If Najis and UMNO is in Power it is most likely that the nation’s coffers would be decimated and there will be nothing left for our Children’s Children, therefore make sure the UMNO along with all their goons are thrown out the next election.
May Allah bless you the people of Malaysia
No wonder the chingkie and hindulen are all fired up to humiliate the malays when the Parti Ahli Setan comprising of religion neutered eunuchs and the Parti Kelentong Rakyar made up of effeminate backside hungry ogres throw up the quintessential purbakala hero in the form of a half chingkie scum.
ReplyDeleteRemember, my Malay brethren, the name of the anointed one is not that of a saviour rather it is that of a worm-brained, chingkie shit lapping, chingkie cock sucking scum who has neither self respect nor honour and who has pawned his soul to the Chingkie demon of hades for a few taels of gold and the taste of the unwashed Chingkie cunt. Planted by the Chingkie in the heart of Malaydom, this arselicking, cum guzzling of a shitarse has seduced the likes of old keparat munafik alims and obese bespectacled turbans in his quest to foment an insurrection.
Time and again, this recalcitrant son of a bitch insists that he is still the owner of the realm even as the last wisps of smoke from a razed dream rise into the evening sky. This ma fucker pa bugger is the product of the astute tarbiyah of a bangsat alim who in his senile dotage still finds it within himself to reject the olive branch from fellow Muslims while downing yam sengs of arrack with chingkies as they feted on pig meat. Remember, my Malay brethren, two of the sons of Avraham have already made their rounds at BG. One a faggot of them Yankees while the other a maggot who is not averse to twisting the scripture and downing vodkas in the same breath....these lying, chingkie arse licking, lan chiau mouthstrokers are living proof of what the future Malays will descend to when they allow themselves to be religiously disembowelled and culturally raped by Chingkiedom. Eunuchs only fit to be upended and butt fucked while their mouths are jammed with the shaft of an unsoaped, urine drenched chingkie cock.
Though i give little truck to democratic love fests such as these, I hope that my Malay brethren in BG will cast their votes wisely to drown the lunatic ambitions of these worthless scum and by doing so chart the first steps to redeem our Malay pride and honour......Hidup Melayu!!!Allahuakhbar!!
Warrior 231
Anon 1.00pm dan sewaktu dengannya:
ReplyDeleteRumah Eli siapa punya? Eli punya
Dia boleh buat suka hati kat rumah dia?
Ya, dia bebas gitu menurut munafik bangsat Nik Aziz..nak telanjang pun boleh!
Blog ini siapa punya? Rocky punya
Dia boleh buat suka hati kat blog dia?
Ya boleh kalau nak mogok tulis pun boleh!
So bangsat2 kalian, kalau Rocky nak tulis apa mende pun, yang kamu gatal pungguk, gatai kote siapa suruh..kalau tak suka nak baca..berambus sahaja dari sini..jangan banyak songhe macam betina tua tak berkongke!
Warrior 231
Just look at these PR supporters,
Tak boleh kritik sikit pun....
UMNO boleh kritik pemimpin no 1 mereka sampai letak jawatan.
What about PR? budak budak setahun jagung le katakan... usik sikit nangis, cakap sikit pasal mak bapak, nangis...
the operator of this blog doesn'w know what he is writing about in the first place.
ReplyDeletehere, at his infantile stage and state, he masterly spins for a party called UMNO. there he says PR is against the SULTAN.
there is evidence pictured in your blog that banners showing words 'DAULAT TUANKU!'. and what does that mean? unless you are not a malay to begin with.
my piece of advice for you ahiruddin=grow up! you are just getting on peoples' nerves all the time. i promote honest and sincere reports and stories in blogs. you should be a man of principle yourself.
as now, please be guided accordingly. you are not even principled in the first place.
Dear rocky,
ReplyDeleteIt’s hard to understand the farce that is Pakatan Rakyat.
In Kelantan PAS is the government. And so it is in Kedah. In Penang DAP is the government, though it likes to pretend that it is not. In Selangor maybe there is a semblance but it is riddled with problems.
Yet so many are gullible. And cannot see PR for what it is truly is. A farce.
Ahmad Iqbal B. Zainal Azim.
Pemuda Umno celaka pernah menabalkan Tengku Ibrahim sebagai Sultan baru di Kelantan pada tahun 1993 kerana marah kepada hubungan akrab antara Sultan Kelantan dan Tenku Razaleigh (Semangat 46) pada masa tersebut. Pada hari ni, pemuda celaka yang sama cuba menjadi juara isu mempertahankan raja. Aku lebih percaya DAP mempertahankan institusi raja daripada perompak-perompak malaun ni. Ptuih!!!
ReplyDelete1. Khairy
ReplyDelete2. Khir Toyo
3. Mukhriz
The title "Anwar vs Sultan" implies that the Sultan sides with BN. This is a serious allegation against the Sultan of Perak!
ReplyDeleteIf a pro-Pakatan blogger writes something like this, ISA will be used against him. But Rocky is cyber version of Awang Selamat (editor of Utusan Celaka)
ReplyDeleteLooking at your commentators here, no wonder Anwar Ibrahim has an easy life now. We have lots of confused people around! But not to forget, we also has 304 pemuda rasuah around
Rocky, UMNO is trying to drag the sultan in for their politcal mileage, as their tool, can't you see it? I can see a clear change of tone in your blog recently, quite sad to see this. Anyway it is the freedom of speech, we the Bukit Gantang people are clear about what's happening.
ReplyDelete~Penduduk Bukit Gantang (Taman Sungai Mas, Taiping)
Rocky, Please tell KJ to sit at home.. sit sit sit. No need to go to Perak. Better chances for BN.
ReplyDeleteSo I take it Sultans' never make mistakes and are completely above humankind?
ReplyDeleteHell even our dearest loved ones make mistakes.
Much as I may respect my Sultan - I find it ridiculous that we should give blind loyalty. They are human after all and are known to make mistakes whether it be personal or professional....
Thus to say you disagree surely can't be seen as derhaka? The only infallible being is Allah... the rest of humankind is equal.
So lets have a sense of perspective here and not make these by-elections into some sort of Anwar vs. the Sultan thing. Its just not the case and I do think you are being deliberatelt incendiary here Rocky....
Much as I find some of those getting personal and insulting rather going off the point - your analysis went off the point as well.
What happened to good journalism out there...
Rocky is not reporting.
ReplyDeleteHe is taking side..instigating and insulting Anwar.
Maybe the weak mind took over?
I hope he can stand tall and be fair to Malaysians.....yearning for change in government...convincing voters to do so.
Right now...he is full of shit.
Bro Rocky Bru,
ReplyDeleteYou may like to look at the 'Daulat Tuanku' banner picture again carefully. It was hoisted by BN supporters at BN side of the field. Kah kah kah!
ReplyDeleteKalau siNizar teringin sangat nak tinggi lagi dari Sultan, apa susah...suruh dia kahwin satu lagi.
Naik pelamin, boleh jadi Raja sehari!!
Tapi jangan sampai ikut jejak yang Bukit Selambau dulu..
rocky,u're getting funnier and it is bad for a so-called media strategist
"A Pakatan Rakyat victory at Bukit Gantang can and will be used as proof, beyond any doubt, that Sultan Azlan Shah should not have given back the state of Perak to Barisan Nasional.
ReplyDeleteThat the HRH's decision was against the wishes of his people, who want PR and not BN to represent them."
I'm disappointed with you. Why are you dragging the Sultan into this fray ? This is not just a simplistic ctatement---but rather , OVER-simplistic.
tch tch tch.
Did Tun M spoke to BBC yesterday (30 Mar 2009)
ReplyDeleteIf not, why this article?
ReplyDeleteDengan mengundi PAS & PKR (PR), golongan petani dan penoreh getah di Bukit Gantang, Bukit Selambau & batang Ai akan mendapat keselesaan ekonomi yang hebat, kebebasan media yang lebih tinggi, sistem kehakiman adil dan telus, kemenangan peperang an dgn kerajaan melayu (UMNO) yang zalim serta dianggap spt Kafir Quraisy (maklum perang uhud), sistem polis dan SPRM yang lebih telus, librelisasi yang terjamin, hak asasi manusia yang luas, anak-anak kat sekolah tak payah bljar Sains dan Math dalam bahasa Inggeris, permintaan export getah akan naik drp US dan dunia sebab pada dunia jaminan kerajaan PR lebih adil & telus drp kerajaan sekarang, DEB akan dihapuskan, yang penting lepas ni Sultan tak payah buat keputusan duduk Istana shj, tanah setinggan dapat status leasehold 999 tahun, "Allah" boleh digantikan dengan nama tuhan sapa2 pun dalam BM ....bla...bla..bla..blaa....
Hebatlah janji PR macam ni semua rakyat yang cintakan spt dia ats wajib undi diaorg.
Hello Darth "Rocky" Vader:
ReplyDeleteNo, it's not Anwar vs the Emperor. It's truth vs fiction, it's democracy vs oppression.
It's PR vs Barang Naik in case you are still in the dark, oh Dark Lord Rocky.
Hi Rocky,
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for your latest posting. Judging from the responses, I am glad and relief. Majority of Malaysian are indeed rational and are able to differentiate between blatant lies and truth.
ReplyDeletefix-fit if you think you right, do some explaination ,
- blog goblok-
What an ironic comment by Warrior 231 at 6.34pm. Such filth and vuldarity and hails the Allah after spitting out so much filth, dirt and shit from the same mouth.
ReplyDeleteYou are sick and need counselling...
i feel the first picture may cause racial tension. will the police act by arresting those holding the banner?? pls..do the job..
Ala kawan2
ReplyDeleteApa nak sebuk sangat pasai bro rocky ni. Dia tau apa? Level dia takat tu je la. Baru kena kencit sikit dengan mahkahmah, dah londeh seluar dia... Besok dia kena kencit dengan orang lain, dia londeh spender pulak
Warrior 231 (self professed soldier turn farmer, built like a pugilist). I tell you what. this malaykie donkie is actually an inbreed- the result of an unholy liaison between his grankie and mumie. Like what mamak said in his book - melayu brain problem because of inbreeding. I bet he a skinny idiot or else why is he writing in the blog and acting like a brave racist. He don't even dare to reveal himself. Melayu no hope if these inbreeds are all you can produce. Have you heard of any melayu invention or scientific discovery? ahirudin must be so proud of this racist melaykie donkey - a rare breed though - because he can write some decent english. I heard that farmers have nothing much to do in the evening. I hope he does not produce more inbreeds because malays already have enough problems. Or perhaps, that is why he became a farmer.
ReplyDeleteWarrior 123
Rocky,dont be 'batu api' by draging HRH Sultan Perak.You should be the one DERHAKA by doing so.
ReplyDeleteWho ever won BG by election,has nothing to do with HRH and Anwar.
Grow up,Rocky...you are just childish.
Go and redeem your pride from the Chinkie cronies, a million plus another millions throws into your face will get your pride resurrect.
ReplyDeleteForget about BG, you will get humiliated again, and start to act like that old man, tell the same story again and again, but audience elek.
Warrior 123 3:06 PM
ReplyDeleteYou da man (or woman)!
Well said, brudder (or sister). Imbeciles and nattering nabobs of negativism (and I can't claim credit for this particularly colourful phrase) have to be taught the facts of life - preferably in simple English - as they seem incapable of understanding the basic tenets of economics or governance. Or, for that matter, politics.
Anonymous Warrior 123 3:06 PM said..
ReplyDelete…..because malays already have enough problems?
Let us analyse EliWong…
1. ADUN means Ahli Dewan Undangang Negeri. Kena panggil YANG BERHORMAT… hmmmm I saw the dark mess celah kain pelikat! Problem, problem, anak dara aku kena panggil dia yang berhormat.. tapi tak pandai jaga kehormatan diri...
2. REPRESENTATIVES – of Rakyat, (bayi, remaja, bujang lapok, anak dara tua, married, single parents, atok nenek, orang kaya, orang miskin termasuk juga lantikan telah dipersetujui oleh Sultan) and to help bring progress and prosperity to OUR NATION.
3. RACE – Chinese or what? Name not so jelas, INBREEDING OR CELOP OMPUTIH not so sure.
4. RELIGOUN – Name and perangai not so jelas, not sure. Tapi jelas Agama dia preach FREE SEX and allow anyone to have AFFAIRS with married MEN?
5. MARITAL STATUS – Proud to practice Free sex. Adat budaya/agama ASAL cara hidup tok moyang atau yang diTIRU dari Elizabeth Taylor? Tak pasti, tolong bagi confirmation. (Oooops, EliTaylor married all the husbands legally).
6. SPOUSE/SPOUSES – Tumpang suami orang dan siapa sja yang sanggup jolok.. OUTBREEDINGl!!
I like PAS, so PAS menang, period end of story - the people need the balance, the government without opposition is not a government.
ReplyDeleteReading the comments more could turn me into a cursing lunatic. Then again who really know what God installing for us? Anyone, any party could win & could kalah.
Give Khairy the benefits of the doubts - I might dislike Anwar's way, but admit it - Malaysia need this challenge to evolve, UMNO need a watch dogs - lately UMNO is doing nothing much for the rakyaat. This time round make opposition win, then we can see changes in UMNO - UMNO/Barisan win - that will be the end of changing, most people in UMNO & BN besar kepala, berlagak & terlalu yakin.
They have done nothing much since the retirement of Tun M.
me the darklord of the southern hemisphere it is not about opposition or UMNO - Ugama & kesejahteraan raayat Malaysia.
ps. kita sahaja yang bising2 disini, berapa kerat depa kat Bukit gantang, bantang ai & satu lagi kawasan apa dia, lupa - entah depa bac ketidaknya!!!
Attan...Please be a man and say you support Najib..and stop beating around the bush.
ReplyDeleteI am going to say it again.Please do not involve the sultan during political campaigns.Lets put it this way.If both parties continue to drag the palace,what if the sultan says something,just a word??
ReplyDeleteThen everybody will start speculating that the sultan is taking sides...finger pointing will start..then more contravesies will follow. If political parties want a fair fight,stop mentioning the palace.
(orang lama)
Patrick Ivanhoe ..?
ReplyDeleteWarrior 123..? (deep vengence to 231?)
sound like a smartass skilmoron performing his self-fellatio..
nabob of negativism..? masuk bakul angkat sendiri..?
:D muhahahaha...
p/s: rocky..can you pls confirm these lowlife's IP addresses & any location similarity?
- anti whatever -
Orang lama,
ReplyDeleteJudging from what you say, don't you think Rocky Bru should charged under Sedition Act for creating chaos in the country, dragging Sultan into the picture.
Or there is a double standard? If Rocky is for UMNO, no problem. Rocky for Mahathir or najib, no problem. Rocky is more equal than we are. Rocky adalah raja
Can't understand why these Phakatan Rioters have no ball to admit it is "Anwar vs Sultan Azlan" !
ReplyDeleteDidn't Nizar "mohon derhaka" from Sultan?
Didn't Anwar call for protest Raksaksa of 100,000 when Sultan Azlan did not grant the dissolution? !
So wtf with this title with clearly reflects the real aspiration of Phakatan Rioters!
If Phakatan Rioters don't even dare to admit its real intention, how can they earn Rakyat's trust to allow them to rule the country; supposedly since 16 September 2008!
To monsterball, if you like to read blogs the licks Anwar, go to Harris and his sidekick zorrow, there you can really smell the cult of Phakatan Rioters:)
ooooooooooooooo! we have an Ivanhoe in our midst.. a smart arse one too who understands economics, politics and governance so well...just like he understands and remembers very well the wrinkles, dirt filled nooks and crannies, warts, pimples, fistulas, cracks, shrivelled clit and other physical geographical features of his momma's subterranean/cave hole and who spends his leisure (away from her cunt, that is) like a mad dog selffellating his dead pecker in his eternal quest for that original phrase he can pin up onto his butt for posterity to ogle at if not to butt fuck.Ooooooo Ivanhoe indeed! ( are u real,or are u just a figment of YOUR imagination/hallucination??)
ReplyDeleteFuck youlah man/tranny/pimp? ... you have nothing up there in that cranial cavity except a shriveled schlong and some mush which once in a while gets supercharged by some freakin lightning and lights you like some christmas tree frankenstein who once awakened is compelled by his mechanical self to defecate his wisdom through the sluicegates of cyberdom into this blogsphere for our philosophical contemplation. ahhhhhhhhhhhh!..the wonders of technology!!
Hei chingkie loving bastard, i got some news for you... since we, Malays, are brain dead racists and religious fanatics, how comeah, we, MALAYSia can trump the Middle kingdom in all spheres. U see u chingkie arse licking and cocksucking male whore, all these achievements are due to the Malay dominated government right especially as the ministers helming the relevant portfolios/agencies are malays :
a. The Financial Development Index 2008 Rankings at : http://www.weforum.org/pdf/FinancialDevelopmentReport/Rankings.pdf (bank Negara and Ministry of Finance"s role)
b.The Networked Readiness Index 2008–2009 rankings at : http://www.weforum.org/pdf/gitr/2009/Rankings.pdf
again infrastructure investment is done by gomen in partnership with entities like TM (chingkie controlled??..my arse!)
c. The Enabling Trade Index 2008 :http://www.weforum.org/pdf/GETR08/index_rankings.pdf (on all 3 subindexes, Tongkang was roundly thrashed)
- again government planned and driven trade and regulatory liberalisation initiatives take the kudos
d. Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index 2009 and 2008 comparisons : http://www.weforum.org/pdf/TTCR09/TTCR09_Rankings.pdf
( heard of the tourism ministry and the big infra projects implemented or in the pipeline(airports, LRT,highways etc) by predominantly Melayu controlled entities )
Come onlah...say your piece as to where you see local chingkie input in all these...depa n u (if you aint a chingkie...or may be your full name is : PATRICK IVANHOE TAN CHEE BAI/LAP LAN TAI/TONG SAM PAH..whatever) tau exploit the opportunity and reap the profits thru their voodonomics of cheating, double dealing, tax evading, double accounting shenanigans and enjoy the high life at others' expense + stir shit everywhere just like what the two bastard cousins are doing in Perak. To them kow tow, running dogs like you?, the sons of avraham, a "singhking" lion, sundry hindulen bastards, turbanned lollipoos and their minions,nerd lawyers, brain vacuumed "intellectuals" etc.etc... the list goes on and on.........a thought zombified entourage of freaks, has-beens, pedophiles, gays, lesbians, nudists, ayah pinups, munafik mullahs ......
Governance : u read about malik imtiaz up there? read that and then read this:
Now, i dare you to reply after you have also surfed here:
or are you garden variety species of a certain Sivakumar who vaulted into global fame with this bhangra ditty: 'once-a pappa met a mamma under the rain tree (ori: jambu tree, ask the pappa to the mamma will you marry me...
All you bastards can do is moan and groan like some sick overfucked, underpaid whore or overworked, underfucked, unorgasmised housewife...and take gullible idiots for a ride with your pompous, shit laced verbiage.To rub it in, you indulge in your favie pastime of baiting ketuanan melayu, islam, the sultans etc.
I am fed up of your tiresome swipes against us supposedly stupid, ignorant melayus when all the while you just wait to up your arse and flee the land for greener pastures after going thru our system...
Come to think of it, the system works fine..wont you say? since you can globetrot the world to plunder and pillage on a Malaysian "education" passport......at secondary level at the very least (unless you ma fucked your way to taiwan in the vernacular train)
Now them oppotunities have dried up for good and you have been burnt bad by the fire engulfing of Wall Streer and Main Street..you have to trudge back here, red faced, "poker-miened", cock-shrunk and arse-fucked and try to grab whatever of the remaining stuff to whet your insatiable gluttony.
What better way to mask that asinine intent by pontificating about the nobility of transperancy, equality, liberty, justice....the same trump card you lot played with different permutations in 1945, 1964-69, 1998-99.
Nope..not all of us are buying your dope for all you hope and dont mope that u cant cope for when we rope your "pope" that will be the end of your long-running soap..get it ma fucker..now scram pundek kalathai porikee ( see the hindulen spirit got into me!!)
Warrior 231
What an ironic comment by Warrior 231 at 6.34pm. Such filth and vuldarity and hails the Allah after spitting out so much filth, dirt and shit from the same mouth.You are sick and need counselling... anon: 1.25pm
ReplyDeleteTsk, Tsk. tsk...yeah what a sick guy i am..poor me!.
Hey, you know what anon... a certain revered ulama (by zombies, that is) by the name of Nik Aziz bin Nik Mat once said:
1........ "apa salahnya mencarut kalau kena pd tempatnya. .... pun mencarut dlm ........!" (lebih kurang begitulah jawabnya) http://tranungkite.net/lama/berita12/alimuda14.htm
u c i even took the trouble to lift that from a PASsite lest certain groups of people (the betina/jantan tua tak berkongke) accuse me of twisting facts...and to balance things out, lest another group of people (the self same betina/jantan tua tak berkongke) accuse me of trolling a PASsite, i better put this lest i end up being villified like poor ol'Rocky here for just stating the facts..right Bru? u knowlah kan ;)
2."PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat has admitted before officers of National Islamic Affairs Council (MKI) that he used words like Tuhan mencarut (God uses vulgarities), Tuhan samseng (God is a gangster) and barua (lackey) in his speeches".
i dont wanna repeat the whole stuff in
(1) as i do know the bounds of trifling with the Almighty (so I removed one of His asma-ulhusna from the above quote)and His Scripture, the revered Prophet Muhammad SAW (pbuh and HF), his wives and his progeny, the other prophets, the Mahdi (as) and other truly Allah fearing personages who peopled the earth in true humility to Allah and enjoined the brotherhood and virtues of Islam..there.....cos i never liked wearing my religion on my sleeve and preaching from the pulpit when i am not perfect myself is not my cup of coffee..ha1ha!ha!. (sorry, teapot fans)
I may not be the best of Muslims [with my malikkas, jolies, shakiras et al eh...who doesnt have a skeleton?please stand up..LOL :)] but at least i do not instigate Muslims not to unite when confronted by marauding, barbaric, uncouth kafirs nor do I campaign assidously to champion the racist cause of Chingkiedom to subvert and eventually subjugate us Malay/Muslims
Neither do i tote a camera around to snap and upload shots of naked little boys and girls on my blog just for pedophile kicks(if i have one..which i dont) while at the same time proselytising about the virtues of "detanninated" tea whence seated under the umbrella and contemplating the upturned fisherman's boat at Pantai Air Tawar, Kuala Besut as Sky Kingdom cries its angst away. Nor do i espouse the cause of a British inspired mad savant by the name of Qadiani etc..etc..
Back to that bangsat, i am just using his perverted logic regarding "mencarut" and turning the tables on him and his ilk..get it and what do i get for my troubles.. a sick note from anon...
Yeah i am sick anon, nay diseased:
I got a disease
Deep inside me
Makes me feel uneasy baby
I can't live without you
Tell me what I am supposed to do about it
Keep your distance from it
Don't pay no attention to me
I got a disease
I think that I'm sick
But leave me be while my world is coming down on me
You taste like honey, honey
Tell me can I be your honey
Be, be strong
Keep telling myself it that won't take long till
I'm free of my disease
Yeah well free of my disease
Free of my disease .. (Matchbox 20: Diseased)
Care to be my "honey" counsellor, anon..Only if you are looker of a woman (not a jambu or a faggot or a tranny or a washed up washbroad...oops washboard)or at the very least a MILF....ha!ha!ha! LOL
Warrior 231
Anwar vs Sultan ? Rocky ular you twisted the fact again ! damn you !
ReplyDeletesnake hunter
Dear Rocky,
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that its nizar vs sultan perak. And i hope the sultan will win thru a bn victory.
nizar does not reflect malay thinking and pride. he sucks ngeh's and ngo's balls and happy to be their stooge.
btw ngeh and ngo not all that popular with dap leaders and grssroots. They act dictatorily in perak. go and ask fong po kuan.
Kami majoriti rakyat ingin mohon penjelasan secara rasional daripada PAS dan DAP :
ReplyDeletemengapa PAS dan DAP perlu beri tanah selama 999 tahun?
Mengapa tidak diberikan 99 tahun ataupun hakmilik kekal?
Mengapa perlu Sembilan ratus Sembilan puluh sembilan tahun?
Apakah kelebihan nya 999 tahun ini?
Mengapa pula nizar tidak membantah?
Adakah kami majoriti rakyat berfikiran sempit hingga tidak memberi peluang sama rata kepada yang minoriti ?
Mengapa pula kaum minoriti ini perlu tamak?
Sezalim Dr Mahathir, semasa pemerintahan nya kaum minoriti ini bertambah kaya.
Sezalim umno dan BN kita tahu cacat cela nya , tetapi bagaimana pula dengan pakatan rakyat ini?
Bagaimana pula jika mereka tidur di satu katil yang besar di mana anwar Ibrahim tidur ditengah, limkitsiang disebelah kiri dan hj hadi disebelah kanannya?
Persoalan nya dimana tangan bang nuar akan berada?
apa yang rakyat mahukan adalah kejujuran mereka dan berkhidmat untuk rakyat.
Sekian terimakasih
An MP passed away, and you called this PR vs Sultan?
ReplyDeleteI think i should also stop visiting your blog from today.
Damn these Phakatan Rioters. Damn these as*holes. Of course it is Anwar vs the Sultan lah STOOPIDDE! Don't try to twist and turn your tongues like your Messiah, Anwar. Why can't you people accept reality?
ReplyDeleteBtw, stop insulting Rocky. Don't use derogatory names on him....No, morons...Rocky should be respected. This is his blog after all. He can refuse to publish your comments or worse delete them, but he didn't. That's why we can still read your unflattering comments to him. If it were to be me, I would DELETE all your comments except those that I like ....muahahahaha..
Not happy? don't come here !!
One more thing,I damn you Phakatan Rioters to the Seventh Kingdom of Hell !!!
Pak Nasution
ReplyDeleteAku dah tanya Fong Po Kuan dah,
Tapi dia cakap tak benar.
Pak Nasution, kenapa kau nak menipu? Kau ni tukang propaganda UMNO ker?
ReplyDeleteI understand your reluctance to publish the repartee i penned for warrior 123. It was pure visceral stuff, no threats mind you but nevertheless the kind that will render warrior 123 a gibbering hulk of a eunuch for the rest of his/her life...given that the he/she came posing as another poster just to cover his/her tracks. There were one or two give aways echoing a certain somebody from the bygone past in that comment which i think ' anti whatever' noted correctly.
A past in which the self same person, scared stiff out of his/her wits over another comment of mine, deigned to wear a mask and ride in here to drop his/her infantile tantrum which i laughed off as nothing more than the rant of a pipsqueak runt looking for warhol's (satisfied BE?)15 minutes of fame.
anyway, bro its is perfectly within your right to publish or delete any comments after taking into consideratin national security and public harmony factors. But, i take my hats off,bro for having published 99^ of my comments even off topic ones.. an amazing stat which even human rights charlatan wakils and advocates of freedom ( u know the low lifes who help them bunnies hop from one religion to another as if religion is a game of hop-scotch)will be hard pressed to match (even 10% of) let alone emulate.
And here I sincerely congratulate you for the election victory...albeit unopposed.. tahniah!. It speaks volumes of your unbiased professionalism that no one dared to imagine themselves to be in your league to give a run for your money... No, u need not throw the gravy around..that is for silhouttesa and other shady characters to indulge in.
Here is hoping to press freedom Rocky, and i sure hope you will be formally installed as AllBlogs first head honcho as well. Keep up the good work and dont bother about them naysayers as they are born losers anyway....LOL.. remember sticks and stones....
Kudos again Bro.
P/S: see i cn be expletive-free...ha!ha!ha!
Warrior 231
Warrior 231 is a fan of MBT ??!!! OMG!!!!!
Anwar vs Sultan?
If this were parliament, I would refer u,rocky 2 the committee of priviliges 4 misleadin the august house
let me correct u
warrior 231..
ReplyDelete110% agree...way to go..
oits bro..its me..
ReplyDeleteanti whatever is anti hindraf & ultra chingkies..
whatever = hindraf + ultra chingkies
teo siew chin ..are you the fan of *oink*.. *oink* ?
Cannot resist bak kut teh, meh?
Waiting to panggang another babi if Nizar become MB Perak again?
Ngeh & Nga already ternganga too long starving for babi feast..kesian..
Woi! makan babi buta ka? turunlah..tolong PAS kempen kat org2 kampung Bkt. Gantang..kenapa? tak berani?
:D muhahaha...
*phew* need extra energy to type my full nickname..but i don't mind coming back as long these low-life whatever keep on surfacing in blogsphere..
-anti hindraf & ultra chingkies-
Wah Warrior,
ReplyDeleteFrankly, I would not wanna waste my brain cell of replying you. Er......You that fella who do the dog trick in Malaysia parliament.
Continue your ranting just like those UMNO youths ranting on an OKU in the parliament
Wahai orang2 melayu,
Ini perangai orang2 melayu yang tulen. No wonder, Mahathir has given up.
Rocky Bru,
You know UMNO will never be in power forever. Before the tide turns, better make sure that you remove this whole lot of discussion on Anwar vs Sultan.
Or you wanna fried like Toyo in Selcat meeting. Or if your nemesis decided to do a LKY or Mareva injunction and turning you into a Tang Liang Hong. Frankly, by then, I have nothing, not even sympathy for you.
Continue to rant.....Woof! Woof! Woof!
Teo siew Chin- the one liner piggy who is a coward at heart. This pig has tried to provoke me before with its quiet grunts and squeals, and i shooed it away by ignoring the pest. i understand it is back to claim its Warholian moment in the spotlight.kesiankan if a little piglet is hanging around swishing its tail and sniffing the air for some shit..so lets give it some to slurp up. Ok here goes...
ReplyDeleteoink..oink...oink...oink..oink..oink...oink...oink....oink teo siew chin had a farm eieio and on his/her farm , he/she bred a pig..eieieiooooooooo, an oink oink here, an oink there here an oink there an oink everywhere an oink..teo siew chin had a farm eieiooooo and on his/her farm he/she bred a swine eieioo..an oink..oink here an oink oink there.....oh lord, this will go forever until i am done with the whole pig clan, u know the wild boar, warthog, bearded pig etc families..Now run crying to momma and ask her to mother you in that big dark, unwashed chingkie cave she has got between her legs..u know lah...LOL
Warrior 231
Hmm, looks like someone forgot to take his Tourette's Syndrome medication this past few days...
Warrior 231
ReplyDeleteI am as brave as you are in your pointless vile attack of me behind a nick. Suggest you stop listening to Matchbox 20 at 1000mw with ear-fones on and get your ears checked, better still an MRI-scan. Seriously.
looes74 = either loos 74 (added "e" to save face over the obvious) or loses74 (purposely misplaced the "e' and added an 'o'to cover up the fact that this a born loser)
ReplyDeleteDei pundek kalathai chou chibai toilet keeper/born loser naieh...an "oinking" and "woofy" welcome to cyberdom.
Stupid small-cocked fella issuing cheapskate threats to Rocky ..marevalah, injunction lah LKYlah..what you are some K9 lawyer in cahoots with certain arsehole wakils or are you an identity thief happily strutting around like a buttfucked cum gorged arselicking pariah dog in search of another dog for ______ (fill in the blanks lah)
Good you understand the need to preserve them fast disappearing brain cells cos you have precious few or even nothing left up there between ur ears xcept urine laced shit mingled with your own doggy poo. Save them up for your arrack fuelled equivocating sessions when you will need to lie through your unwashed wormy arse to save your puny fistulated cock.
No i aint the fellow who did that dog trick ( i would have chomped off the OKU's head, turban and all if i had been there)but i am in charge of the dog pound and am on look out to clean them streets of unlicensed mangy, shriveled cocked, worm arsed pariah strays like you who are giving this country a bad repu' for hygeine what with your trashwoof of inanities and she yelps of ecstacy when a bursting fullblown cock is rammed down your ulcerated throat.
Dei cuni pepunde mongrel.. scoot off to ur master who is languishing at the gates of some run down cyber parliament. He will give you some left over shitlaced offal for you to wolf down and some pigswill to slurp before he spreadeagles and butt fucks you to doggy eternity....i can already hear him calling for youlah : "here...here doggy..tsk tsk tsk doggy.....let poppa arseshaft you doggy dear...and you? start yodeling in response and prepare to swish them flies and maggots away as you bent over for another back breaking session at La" Bun Dui down at the foot of Brokeback Mountain @ BM.(National service ala Phakatan doggy style lah)
and since you have already woofed out your essential self in that comment..i guess these lyrics are a great day to wind down after all that panting and salivating (note the double entendres in them lyrics):
I see ya' little speed boat head up our coastShe really want to skip town
Get back off me, beast off me
Get back you flea infested monger
Who let the dogs out (woof, woof, woof, woof)Who let the dogs out (woof, woof, woof, woof)Who let the dogs out (woof, woof, woof, woof)Who let the dogs out (woof, woof, woof, woof)
I'm gonna tell {Hey, Yippie, Yi, Yo}
To any girls calling them canine {Yippie, Yi, Yo}
Tell the dummy "Hey Man, It's part of the Party!" {Yippie Yi, Yo}
You fetch a women in front and her mans behind {Yippie, Yi, Yo}
Her bone runs out now
Who let the dogs out (woof, woof, woof, woof)Who let the dogs out (woof, woof, woof, woof)Who let the dogs out (woof, woof, woof, woof)Who let the dogs out (woof, woof, woof, woof)
Say, A doggy is nuttin' if he don't have a bone All doggy hold ya' bone, all doggy hold it
A doggy is nuttin' if he don't have a bone All dogy hold ya' bone, all doggy hold it
Wait for y'all my dogs, the party is on
I gotta get my girl I got my myind on
Do you see the rays comin' from my eye
What could you be friend.That Benji man that's breakin' them down?
Me and My white short shorts
And I can't seek a lot, any canine will do
I'm figurin' that's why they call me faithful
'Cause I'm the man of the land
When they see me they doah-ooooo(howl)
Who let the dogs out (woof, woof, woof, woof)Who let the dogs out (woof, woof, woof, woof)Who let the dogs out (woof, woof, woof, woof)Who let the dogs out (woof, woof, woof, woof)
Baha Men
To office boy: Get me that loaded shotgun will ya..i have some unlicensed beast to shoot
Warrior 231
warrior231 (self professed soldier turn farmer, built like a pugilist, but actually an inbreed malaykie donkie idiot) is also a coward.Acting like a brave racist threatening and insulting behind the anonymity of the internet. It must be thinking that all melayu must be impressed by its english or rather gibberish. Its logic and reasoning is really , for a lack of a better word, stupid. Result of severe inbreeding. Ha HA HA. Trying to shoo away somebody in the internet, ha ha ha, Hee Haw Hee Haw Hee Haw. Screaming expletives and calling others animals is actually typical of animal behaviour just like inbreeding. Pls listening to advice of the most famous honorary melayu - Mamak said in his book, pls stop anymore inbreeding contamination. Go back to your farnming
Teo, this Wowo003 wrote illogically since his day in MT and tell the same old grandmother story until today. But this blog suit him well. Don’t you see him keep on licking the blog master ball in order to stay on?
ReplyDeleteAnyway, he is harmless. What you need is just another pack of Alpo. No, should be two pack, his pride worth two pack!
Dear Anonymous @ 11.24 am
ReplyDeleteYou mean he was the OtakUdang from MT some time back ??!!
He has definitely deteriorated since then...i am truly sorry if he has a medical condition and hope he has sought proper medical help.
It is sad if what BrightEyes commented about him is true.
umno jadi kafir kerana kawan dengan mca blahblahblah....what a sutipd excuses,hello kawan tak tahuke umno itu nama pun dalam bahasa kafir,ditubuhkan dgn izin penjajah kafir,melayu kahwin dengan orang putih kafir.....yg nak salahkan kaum lain di negara ni apa hal?
ReplyDeletemelayu british citizen
Warrior 321,
ReplyDeleteCOOOOOL COOOOL Bruder Warrior 321, perjuangan kita jauh dan lebih mulia .. Untuk warisan cucu cicit dan Negara kita yang TERCINTA.
KESIAN KAT MAKLUK SEMUA TU, terserlah, cara hidup mereka merempat merata cerok dunia, sekadar bertandang and show characteristics of parasites...
Go and read and learn what these parasites are doing globally..
And the tricks of their traditional trades ( TIPU, KELENTONG, CORRUPTED) is now SO exposed for all to menghayati dan mengawasi…
lagi terjerut lor business mereka.
Apadey… Malangnya nasib, beri betis nak peha!! Dah dapat peha, nak naik kepala, tapi setakat KEPALA BABI SAJA!
Rise up Bumiputras. We have been had by these crooks for far too long.
Oits... old McChingkie's farm sure is fast in breeding his filthy animal..who let loose all this babi running wild in this blogsphere again...
ReplyDeleteLast time we managed to shot down a few of these filthy creature..
Who let the pigs out..oink..oink..oink..oink..oink..
Who let the pigs out..oink..oink..oink..oink..oink..
:D muhahaha...
just hang in there bro warrior 231..nothing to worry, they cannot harm you lah..
the only thing we don't like about it just that we need to 'samak' after disemboweling these haram animal..yuck!
-anti hindraf & ultra chingkies-
Sepet, anti hindraf & ultra chingkies-
ReplyDeleteMedan, Indonesia 1998 is fast approaching. It will not be merely a question of disemboweling, it will be payback time of mammoth proportions for 63 years, which began with ethnic cleansing and mayhem before the scum were skinned and routed by 1960. Without their rag tag army cowardly skulking in the jungles and without the wherewithal of arms and willing men, the modus operandi turned to taunts against race, jibes against religion, insults against our royalty. In short the stirring of shit and beating a hasty retreat into them bushes..shades of Artiodactyla
Sus barbatus (the creature that is the living embodiment of these cretins):
I say, we Malays ( sans the arselicking and cock cuddling trannie malay boys and girl chingkie lovvas), have to stand united and say ...enough is enough! And when its done and finished, the womenfolk will be our free to fuck whores and the kids ( after they are rendered neutered eunuchs so that the scum may never propagate again) our gembala lembu, budak suruhan,night soil carriers, peons and the like....
I am not in least flustered my Malay brothers. In fact, I am at peace with myself for every sinew is taut with visceral hatred, every muscle straining with vengeance, my being ready for this task I swore at my arwah dad's deathbed....
Hidup Islam dan Melayu.. Allahuakbar
P/s: Bro, I dont think you need to dignify the chingkies by implying that they have a king-making role..it tends to inflate their piggy ego into thinking that they are worth something. By my own calculations, if the malays unite, the chingkie is nothing more than a freakshow of sorts for those people who trundle into old port weld for some flooded prawns....and their puny numbers in Bukit selambau and Batang AI...ha!ha!ha! are those really chingkies??
Warrior 231
anti hindraf & ultra chingkie
ReplyDelete"just hang in there bro warrior 231..nothing to worry, they cannot harm you lah.."
lets see if they got the cock for doing bodily harm..i am waiting.it will sure make my day if they do. But remember, I have first strike capacity as well..i aint telling.
Come on Chingkie pig..lai lai, lai chi bai!
take care, bro Ultra..if only all Malays were like you, Sepet et.al.,
Warrior 231