Monday, January 05, 2009

Pak Lah, Dr M on Gaza

updates: Watch Dr M on Astro Awani, tonigh Jan 5 at 9 pm. Channel 501 on Gaza.

Boycott US goods and currency: Dr M

PUTRAJAYA: The world community should boycott the United States’ currency and products to pressure the superpower to stop supporting the violent attacks by Israel against Palestine, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said.

The former prime minister said while governments might not be able to support the move as many were “scared stiff” of the superpower, the people could play their part to “save Palestine.”

Original posting:

Malaysia has been taking a consistently strong stand on the Palestinian issue since back when, especially when Dr M was the PM and he had Abdullah Badawi as his Foreign Minister. It's heartening to note that Malaysia is taking the lead when the PM this morning called for a Special UN sitting to discuss Israel's invasion of Gaza.

His former boss is now holding a Press conference on the issue. Details later.

The Bar Council will host a special forum:-

You are invited to attend this special public forum this Friday, 8-10 pm at the Bar Council Auditorium in Lebuh Pasar, KL




  1. Even the United Nations cannot do much on Palestine - Israel issue in the past.... So who else can settle this problem, ONCE AND FOR ALL???

  2. The myth is Arabs are crude and disunited and the reality is the Jews are patriotic and they have that proverbial Sampson Options that they can exercise at anytime when they are cornered! What's a Sampson Options you might ask? Well if you don't know, you all have no business to pretend to know or to discuss Jew-Arab conflicts, I am not telling yuh! Nor Dr Ms or Pak Lahs of the world can help!

  3. Anonymous12:05 pm


    When the Palestinians tried to take over Jordan in September 1970 nobody called that an invasion.

    When King Hussein defended his people and killed 3,400 people (Arafat said it was 20,000) nobody called it a massacre.

    When Israel help Jordan defend against the Palestinian and Syrian insurgency, nobody said that it was ruthless.

    When the Jordanian infantry pushed the Palestinians out of Amman, nobody cried unfair and said that the Palestinians were pushed out of their homeland.

    The only reason why the Arabs continue to sound the drumbeat, is because they want the Palestinian troublemakers out of their own land.

    If not, they could easily pound joint military force on Israel, or enforce oil sanctions on Israel and its supporters.

    But they don't.

  4. Anonymous12:09 pm

    At the very least, the Palestinian Muslims have Hamas or the PLO to speak and act on their behalf.

    Who's looking after the few thousands of Palestinian Christians in Gaza?

  5. Anonymous12:13 pm

    Just as Malaysia(and of course many other nations on different levels) is now doing this good for the Palestinians of Gaza, Malaysia had previously received similar kind of hearted concern from its fellow nations during the Confrontation Days of yore with Indonesia when for instance, the then newly independent Republic of India helped cool things and hence morally guarded Malaysia's new found soverignity then.
    Cheers to such and continued display of neighbourliness among nations of the betterment of mankind.
    Old Timer.

  6. Anonymous12:55 pm

    rocky, we have 2 PM, one can be considered ex-PM but still want to run the country, another is outgoing-PM. Can Dr M just keep quite and be good muslim!!!


  7. rocky,

    ada dua keputusan kerajaan yang baik:

    1. pm sedang usahakan melalui oic untuk adakan sesi khas PBB bincang isu ini.

    2. pm maklumkan keputusan kerajaan sumbang US$1 million sebagai bantuan kemanusiaan kepada rakyat palestin.

    semoga ada lagi inisiatif seumpamanya.

    yang ini kita sokong.

    yang kita tak sokong ialah swastakan ijn! :)

  8. Anonymous1:33 pm

    En. Lit Kit Siang, the Pakatan Rakyat leader from DAP, has made a potent statement on Israel's attack on Gaza, on his blog.

    I was very interested to learn from En. Lim a few things about Gaza that most of us may not have known, such as the following:

    "Gaza is one of the most densely populated areas on the planet with roughly 1.5 million people which even prior to the most recent escalation was undergoing a humanitarian crisis as the region has been held under siege for almost 18 months and was already struggling with lack of food, medical supplies, power, and other necessities."

    It should be our collective wish that Israel's aggression against the Palestinians -- in the form of the current military conflict and its long-standing mistreatment of the Palestinians -- as well as the aggression by militant Palestinians towards ordinary and innocent Israelis be stopped and stopped for the longest term.

  9. The Bush-Blair response to the Hamas victory in 2006 is the key to today's horror. Instead of accepting the democratically elected Government, they funded an attempt to remove it by force; training and arming groups of Fatah fighters to unseat Hamas militarily and impose a new, unelected government on the Palestinians.

    Further, 45 Hamas MPs are still being held in Israeli jails.
    Six months ago the Israeli Government agreed to an Egyptian- brokered ceasefire with Hamas. In return for a ceasefire, Israel agreed to open the crossing points and allow a free flow of essential supplies in and out of Gaza. The rocket barrages ended but the crossings never fully opened, and the people of Gaza began to starve. This crippling embargo was no reward for peace.

    When Westerners ask what is in the mind of Hamas leaders when they order or allow rockets to be fired at Israel they fail to understand the Palestinian position.

    Two months ago the Israeli Defence Forces broke the ceasefire by entering Gaza and beginning the cycle of killing again. In the Palestinian narrative each round of rocket attacks is a response to Israeli attacks. In the Israeli narrative it is the other way round.

    more on

  10. Hamas and Fatah still at odd with each other as sworn enemy?.. a typical Arab nationalistic ,the peoples suffer
    Israel occupied Gaza the world only watching..Israel lobbyst too powerful in the US.

  11. Anonymous3:15 pm

    agreed, pasquale! No one can stop Israel! So, who is TDM or PM for that matter! Period! Please go tell Hamas to stop the bombings, for goodness sake!

  12. Please listen to what Dr Joel Kovel have to say on "Zionism and Its Discontents" at:

    I might add that Dr Kovel is a Jew but never a Zionist.

    And you can get more 'alternative' news on the Palestine issue at:

  13. Biarla bro,

    Kita sebagai umat Islam berdoa mudah2an Allah mempercepatkanlah kemusnahan Bangsa Yahudi di dalam dunia ni.

    Selagi ada bangsa yahudi, selagi tu dunia takkan aman.

  14. Anonymous4:27 pm

    who is Palestinian, even Arab does not recognize Palestinian as Arab. So who is Palestinian.

  15. The only way to bring real, lasting justice, peace and prosperity to Palestinians and to all the peoples of the region is through common mass struggle against oppression and the pro-capitalist, corrupt regimes. The overthrow of capitalism and landlordism and the creation of a genuine socialist society – putting people before profit and ending poverty – would see real collaboration between all working people of the region, pooling together all the rich resources for the benefit of the many and bringing about real self-determination for the oppressed.

  16. Anonymous5:21 pm

    We can shout and yell till our lungs burst but nothing can be done to change the American stand on Israel. Israel and US have no respect for international opinion. Arabs are only good for putting up empty shows of bravado. Arabs are only good for holding emergency meetings to discuss Palestinian problems. Malaysians are only good for paying lip service. We dont have the guts to go and fight Israel. So in the meantime, it's business as usual - Palestians suffer, we offer our strongest support, Israel keeps hammering Palestinians = and we continue to live the good life like wolfing down satay, laksa, nasi kangkang and drinking beer. The silly season is back again. Enjoy yourselves, folks. By the way, CNN, Aljazeera and BBC attracted record viewers during Israeli airstrikes against Gazza. More viewers, more adverts.

  17. Anonymous5:33 pm

    I tot the bn gove said other nations should not criticize what we do? Whyis badawi criticising other nations?

  18. The Tun is changing his web site address from .com is this cc located? If still America, then his call for boycotting US goods might be of no use. But then if this cc is ouside the US, then, o.k. la...for once his boycott call got some credibility.

  19. Such lies, such misplaced half-truths regarding the Palestine-Israeli conflict. Interesting to note some of the Singapore-based, Israeli-inspired spinmeisters have finally arrived in the rocky shores of rocky bru. Evidence of this is when they try to hide the atrocities under the "they are all equally bad: war is war", all the while renormalizing the issue with the common denominator of "you fire at me I fire at you" falsity while forgetting and hiding the fact that the israelis kill by the hundreds, while the palestinian rockets managed to kill only a handful. For all of you who have the "you are supporting one side of the equation because they belong to the same religion with you" argument, may I interest you with what some 3rd party observers had to say about this? Read Jeremy Hammond, editor of Foreign Policy Journal, on the five lies about the israeli assault, especially on the Hamas-started-it-first thing:-


  20. Anonymous7:48 pm

    Screw you partisans. The most sensible option is to drop thousands of Yankee and Ruskie nukes into both Isreal and the Palestinians territories indiscriminantly. Turning the entire area into inhospitable land will appease both the Western neocons and the Arab terrorists. Problem solved.

    If you disagree, you're gay.

  21. Anonymous7:53 pm

    So it seems a certain event far away holds more importance than problems at home. I can see why most Arab nations haven't progress a whole of over the years. Is M'sia one of them?

  22. Anonymous8:06 pm

    bro, i hate being a loser, sejak kejatuhan Otmaniah, kita org Islam dah sekian lama di otek2kan oleh bangsa barat, orang eropah baik orang America, malahan rakan2 se Negara kita mengotek2kan org2 melayu yang beragama islam, kerana apa? Kelemahan kita sendiri. Bila berlaku serangan Israel ke Semenanjung Gaza kita marahkan America, bakar bendera America, buat apa? Sedangkan org2 America lah yang baynak datang invest berbillion kat negara kita, bagi peluang kerja kepada anak bangsa kita semua, kroni2 melayu yg kaya raya cuma besarkan perut dia org aje, nak bagi gaji lebih kat anak bangsa sendiri pun peloket, lebih baik kawin lagi dari membangunkan bangsa sendiri. Ini berlaku di mana2 didunia ini, org Arab, ada yg sangguip bunuh sesama sendiri jika diberi pilihan antara arab berbeza mahzab, apatah lagi ideologi. Tengok di Palestian, PLO, ketawa besar bila Israel bom hamas di gaza!!!. Kita disini sebuk tadah tangan, laungkan jihat. Untuk membetulkan apa yg berlaku bukan membenci America atau barat. Jaqtuhkan dulu saudi, egypt, dan kuncu2nya. Itu lah dia kunci kejayaan umat islam di timur tengah, malahan di mana2 di serata dunia.

  23. Anonymous8:13 pm

    Dear Rocky
    Mampukah kita optimis tentang pemboikotan terancang ini jika:

    a. Mercedes Benz buatan Yahudi di Jerman menjadi kenderaan para pemimpin melayu UMNO,PAS dan PKR.

    b. Levis yg asalnya di cipta yahudi jerman ini menjadi pakaian anak anak para pemimpin melayu UMNO,PAS dan PKR.

    dua faktor utama paling mudah diatas menjadi idaman melayu.

    Cakap tak serupa bikin. Jijik.

  24. Anonymous8:17 pm

    The killing ends when the Arabs love their children as much as the Jews love their children...

    As it stands now the Arabs feel proud when one of their kids blows themselves up.

    Is that sick or what?

  25. Anonymous8:18 pm

    350 million muslims in the surrounding middle east region cant do anthing to get rid of what? 6 million jews? think people think?

    don't force the ARM of GOD

  26. Anonymous8:20 pm

    tell mahathir to go lah, his time is OVER PERIOD.....

  27. Anonymous8:22 pm

    such BIG ego's our so called malaysian leaders.....i'm quite sure their "hot air' is just publicised here only, in the malaysian media and they think they are so great....

  28. Anonymous8:23 pm

    The article 'clean' links to says it well, though it may underplay the extremism of Hamas.

    For all its faults, Hamas was chosen in democratic elections and the response by Israel, America, etc. was to ditch democracy and supply Fatah arms to try to overthrow Hamas (exposed in a Vanity Fair article - extract here:

    I find what Israel is doing is shameful, and America should stop supporting their 'ally'. On the other hand, I just wish Hamas would stop firing missiles, they're pretty useless and only serve to give Israel an excuse. A peaceful mass disobedience, complete non-cooperation with Israel in all of the occupied territories could work, and also give the Palestinian resistance the moral high ground.

  29. Anonymous8:24 pm

    go lah to a place where whatever you say can be make so much noise here in malaysia, the international community dont give a damn lah, so typical of a malaysian attitude, jaguh kampung buat bising kat kampung saja, pegi luar orang pun tak pandang....

  30. Anonymous8:29 pm

    Another article on the supply of arms to Fatah - seems that Condoleeza Rice could not deny it directly...

  31. Anonymous8:31 pm

    Salam, what happen to mr. president Obama? Soyap ajo, sebab foreign policies tiada perubahan kan. Elehhh.

  32. Anonymous9:00 pm

    The original palestinian problem is a territorial issue. Despite the majority of the population are Muslim, Religion (Islam) should never be allowed to be used by certain groups or countries to champion its cause.

    As we know, politics and religion mix is highly explosive.

    Both sides are as guilty if one look from the opposite. And both are innocent viewed from its own perspective.

    Hamas knows its firepower is no match against Israel's. So why provoke a stronger enemy? - In a word - Stupidity. I guess stupidity does not exist when their actions are emotionally charged with religious doctrine.

    The world will be a better place without religion.

    - an observer

  33. Anonymous9:06 pm

    1.5 million people in small Gaza, most densely populated place in the world, starving, lacking in food, medicine etc etc.

    Yes, that's true. But did any Arab country help the Gazans in any way? Most Arab countries are filthy rich, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Libya, Iran etc etc with all the hundreds of billions of dollars in oil revenue reserves, they could have at least donated US$50 Million humanitarian aid to alleviate the Gazans plight?

    Yes, just US$ 50 million through Egypt or other neutral agencies would help a lot but no, nothing to help the suffering there. Just empty rhetorics. So Arabs and fellow Muslims, blame yourselves for not helping one bit.

    Were they all afraid of the militant Hamas who might use the money for other means? Hamas was democratically elected by the Gazans to govern. They should rule properly but instead, the administration is in shambles and no one wants to donate money to them. That's why Gaza is a failed state and they should also blame themselves.

    Even the Egyptians, fellow Muslims, were not helpful and have closed their border crossings into Gaza so the Gazans have to dig tunnels. This says alot don't you think? Why did the Egyptians close their border crossings and behaving like the Israelis? We should hantam Egypt as well for not helping fellow Muslims.

    Let us all pray for the Gazans that they will all find peace soon.

  34. Israelis are such terrible people, saw some photos of babies being killed. This is preposterous, how can they claim to be civilized and yet do this?

    How can George Bush condone this? What if this happened to his own daughter - will he condone this? Animals, that I think George Bush is....

    Arghhhhh!!!!! So upset!!!!

  35. Oh, of course. And while we are at it perhaps Dr.M will lead the way in stopping 40% of our exports from going to the bad old Us of A.

    And Dr.M paid $1.2 million of taxpayers money to a jewish lobbbyist to arrange to kiss Bush's ass for what, pray tell?

    Bloody hypocrite of the 1st order!!

  36. Anonymous10:21 pm

    We have got a bigger headache in Malaysia to worry about. The ex-PM is acting like a PM. The current PM is acting like an ex-PM. And the PM-wannabe is acting like a next PM which may not happen if some MPs switch to PR. And our economy is teetering. USA is one of our biggest investors and buyer of Malaysian goods, yet our ex-PM tell us to boycott the USA! Doesn't he know that we need USA more than USA needs us? Doesn't he know that USA-Malaysia trade is in our favour? And what do the Arabs care about Malaysia anyway? When we had the financial crisis, we didn't see any Arab help, did we? And the Arabs came to our Johor, make some promises of big investments, then disappeared for good. All the Arab millions of people in the ME and all the great powers of the world cannot solve the Israel-Palestinian problem, so what can Malaysia really do? Just make a it of noise to add to the confusion? Mr PM, can you focus on managing our country for a start, before you go champor tangan in the ME?
    PJ Man

  37. Anonymous10:42 pm

    Chow Kit Cowboy - it's true that sometimes they could do more, but it's also true that even if they *did* donate the money for humanitarian aid, that aid would not have been able to be delivered to Gaza.

    In 2006 "Israel blocked the Palestinian prime minister, Ismail Haniya, from returning home to the Gaza Strip on Thursday, asserting that he was carrying tens of millions of dollars in cash that could be "used for terror."" (Source).

    In 2007, after Fatah (with whom Israel had previously refused to deal with and blockaded Arafat until he died) seized power from the democratically elected Hamas government, "Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said she had called Salam Fayyad, the new prime minister named this week by Abbas, to tell him she was ending bans on aid and diplomatic contacts imposed after Hamas's unexpected victory in legislative elections last year... European Union foreign ministers said they also were prepared to end the 15-month embargo on direct financial aid to the Palestinian government... Some analysts have questioned the legality under Palestinian law of Abbas's dismissal of the Hamas-dominated government after Hamas seized the Gaza Strip from security forces loyal to Abbas. But Rice and other U.S. officials brushed aside such concerns, insisting he had every right to create a new government -- one that now appears willing and able to negotiate with Israel." (Source)

  38. Anonymous10:44 pm

    Bro most of your supporter cannot see the wood from the forest. It is Hamaz who invite Isreal to start the war with them. Do you expect the Israelist to sit and watch the rockets send from Gaza? Imagine what will Thailand do if Malaysia fire rocket day in and day out to Thailand? Do you think Thailand will send you flowers and fruits? Haha! Don't be stupid my Bro.

  39. Anonymous11:41 pm

    Yang Bodowi and Mamak Hadir,,bising bising buat apa,,!!! Bukankah kita satu ketika dula Chairman of THE OIC,,,Everybody in the Organisation talks "COCK"

    Isu Palestine,,no body recognise them,,,they are terrorist,,,yang dia kacau Isreal,,apasal,,!!

    Orang Malaysia yang bodo aja will support Palestine,,,lihat Pak Arab their neighbour,,,buat DEQ,,aja!!!

    Lenyapkan Palestine,,habis cerita,,!!!!

    Dari sebelum kita lahir,,,sampai sekarang,,,Palestine,!!! Palestine!!! Nothing concrete solution bole capai,,,Even the United Nation cannot pass a Resolution,,!!!!!

    Mana Orang Islam bole bersatu,,,,Mamak Hadir and Bodowi pun dah ta'cakap lagi,,!!!


  40. Anonymous12:02 am

    I am for the boycott. Lets do it.

  41. Anonymous1:02 am

    Julian, you must understand that HUMANITARIAN AID have always been allowed in for the residents of Gaza.

    Even today at the height of the fighting, Israel allowed oil and gas for electricity and cooking oils, food and medicines to enter Gaza.

    What is most feared by all is that all these aid and other financial aid are getting into the wrong hands because of the breakdown of the Hamas government who only understand fear, violence and terrorism. The Hamas fellows commit their crimes at the expense of the civilian population who voted them in in the first place.

    What has Egypt done for the Gazans, I ask. They in fact closed the Egyptian crossing preventing essential supplies to enter Gaza even today.

    The region has complex problems, yes, but when you are fighting, you will not make any progress towards peace and normalcy but will only suffer more.

    It is sad that even in Malaysia, we have demonstrators all supporting Hamas (and further violence?) and the Palestinian Ambassador had to tell them to remove all the picture placards of Hamas leaders. Just what suggestions have the Hamas leaders put forward towards achieving peace? They can't even sit down to talk so how can there ever be peace?

  42. Anonymous1:28 am

    Yes let us all boycott Citibank, CNN, DELL, Intel, Outel, Pizza Hut, MacDonald's, Mickey Mouse, AIA, BOA, MIA, KFC, MIC, MCA, MAC, Coffee Bean, Mr Bean, Starbucks, The Star, Alor Star, Burger King, King Kong, Hard Rocky, 711, 911, Dollar, Dollah....

    Let Dr M show us the way.

  43. Anonymous5:52 am

    This is the kind of stupidly that vomits out of our politicians. If we did boycott US goods. We will be left poorer as we are already in a recession. I'm so weary of Palestinian victimisation! Don't blame Israel for this. The guilty party is Hamas! The reason why Arab states want the Palestine to continue to suffer at the hands of Israel, it takes away the spotlight away from dictatorships of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.

  44. When Bush was elected...Sadam Hussein...did not expect his country to be attacked by USA. He expected United stop a war against his country....all backfired and he was hanged.
    Now..Israel is giving Obama a signal..and a farewell sign to Bush.
    Talk about these two countries makes the whole world sick to the stomach.
    Whenever Israel attack Palestine...all over the world put out demonstrations against Israel...with no good results...for years.
    Israel will not care two hoots of world they know...USA govt. is on their side.
    Jews control the economy of USA..and it takes a brave US President to stop all killings.
    Palestinians want peace so much...but Israel keep irritating them....bullying them...confuse much so..peace was so near...and last act of Arafat..he did not want peace too.
    he knew his people cannot accept peace...with such brains and mentalities...all created by Israel.
    He said peace will be his life time...and it was him..who destroy the best opportunity of a his last act....before he died.
    Just feel sorry for he helpless young ones...dying for no reasons.
    More than that..what ca one do?

  45. The apartheid regime in South Africa was brought down partly by the boycott of goods from that regime.
    There are 1.4 billion Muslims in the world. If they have the guts to boycott Coca Cola, Mcdonald's, Starbucks, Johnson and Johnson, Marks and Spencer, Nestle. L'Oreal, Estee Lauder and Tesco and Delta Industries, then they are truly behaving like the Ummah... No weapons or UN resolutions or Govt calls for action will make any difference.
    For once, just once will Muslims all over the globe make this very simple gesture - not really to show off Muslim unity but for JUSTICE. There's no need for any organising by e.g NGOs or Govts or Mosques - just ACT. Give up on your indulgences. Do a little something for your fellow humans.

  46. Anonymous8:09 am

    Why didnt Mahathir censor Indonesia for genoicide towards the Chinese when he was in power in the 1990s.
    He even did not allow MCA to sound out and also the media had to clam down on the news when Indonesia warned us to keep mum about the events of the mass killings over there!
    He should now SHUT UP!

    peace always.

  47. Anonymous9:24 am

    Boycott US goods and the US Dollar? The good Dr M must be going on one of his flights of fantasy. It is typical of his half-baked thinking that he doesn't think things through logically. Or is the frustrated rantings of a man removed from the corridors of power, who sees himself as becoming increasingly irrelevant?

    So, Dr M - why not stop all FDI from the US? Why not stop Malaysian students from pursuing university studies in the US? Why not make Bank Negara divest it's entire holdings of US Dollar-denominated assets? Why not tell American banks and consultancies operating in Malaysia that they are not welcome?

    Or why not ask those countries in Asia who have diplomatic relations with Israel to suspend or sever such relations?

    At least, the answer to the latter would be simple. He would be told in no uncertain terms to mind his own business!

    See, Dr M may be able to bully Umno into adopting his views, but he hasn't a hope in heaven of bullying countries in Asia to do likewise.

    Oh, the sheer frustration that the poor man must be feeling!

  48. Anonymous9:36 am


    1 tahun kena kepong..takde makanan, ubat, air, elektrik n duit..

    dalam genjatan senjata.. musuh masuk kawasan bunuh org yg tak bersalah n takde senjata..

    terdesak tak?... nak lari tak boleh...

    apa lagi opsyen yg ade?.. biar je musuh masuk kacau org kita suke2 hati?.. ataupun try buat masyarakat antarabangsa sedar? macamman nak buat? berita ttg mereka org lain tak pandang pun...tak kesah...

    aku rase... dalam keadaan terdesak.. apa yg boleh mereka buat mase tu sedarkan masyarakat antarabangsa.. bukan nak bunuh israel pun hantar roket tu.. terdesak... pikir sikit..


  50. WASHINGTON (AFP) – The Bush family's 18-year-old cat, India, has died at the White House, First Lady Laura Bush's office announced Monday.

    "The president, Mrs. Bush, Barbara, and Jenna are DEEPLY SADDENED by the passing of their cat India ("Willie")," press secretary Sally McDonough said in a statement.



  51. Anonymous10:19 am


    I'm 100% behind Dr M too. Sanctions and boycotts were employed against Apartheid too.

    Zahid Hamidi's Islamic Peacekeeping force is also good. Something different is needed if we want to change the status quo.

    In fact a former Pakistani general used to suggest the formation of an Islamic Rapid Deployment Force.

    Jordan should make good its threat of cutting off diplomatic tie with Israel.

    Let all pro Zionist companies and government know there are serious consequences of keeping the pariah entity alive. All international laws and conventions have been violated with impunity time and again. Destruction of mosques, civil offices, bombing of hospitals and numerous other barbaric acts cannot be condoned any more.

    Not in 2009.

  52. Anonymous10:37 am

    When the govement of the world cannot do anything...the people must do something..of course there're people who are not just shut up and enjoy life..I will support the boycot call.


  53. Anonymous10:48 am

    banned all students going to usa uni & bring back all our students from there.

    chased out all usa companies like amd, intel, ibm, microsoft, wd, macD, kfc, etc.

    banned all visitors from usa.

    closed down our embassy in usa & kicked out the usa embassador.

    jailed our people found having greenbacks.

    mamak kutty bolih! bodohwi bolih! rembau monkey bolih!...

    you 3 stooges stop jumping & shrieking like kera kena belacan in own backyard, go to gaza & fight them isreal bastards..


  54. Anonymous10:50 am

    The middle east problems will never be solved because :

    1) They lack unity
    2) Their minds are fixed on war
    3) They love to live difficult
    4) They provoke each other daily
    5) They dispel law and order
    6) They don't know how to manage
    their oil
    7) They are easily manipulated
    9) They are obsessed with
    misguided beliefs

    In view of these, only a miracle can solve their problems, albeit temporarily.

    If they were to stand united like the United States or European Union, sitting on the world's most wanted comodity, they might even be able to rule the world.

    So, in the interim, they should put their proud egos aside and think of ways to avoid conflicting wars.

    Both sides are wrong and both are provoking anger.

    The United Nations is no longer united and the the American bullies are having a field day.

    Yes, consumers can play a vital role by looking for alternative products ...... but will they?


  55. Anonymous11:00 am

    REMBAU MONKEY : "I am here to tell you that we, Malaysians - Muslims and non-Muslims - want to show our support to the Palestinians as this is concerning humanitarian and economic issues. This is about unity, freedom and justice of the Palestinians,"



  56. Anonymous11:01 am

    dato sharifuddin : You mean you never knew this? You got it from Lim Kit Siang? Goodness. This is common knowledge adn a known fact.
    my friend, you should start reading.....

    Hee: understand one thing... the Palestinian struggle and the conflict is no a religious war. There are many Christians among the Palestinians who are suferring. A Palestinian is a Palestinian.

    whichisthetruth: you are a bigtime ignoramous, aren't you.
    the problem did not start at the time you mentioned. and please don't be like some bigger idiot who quoted a time long gone about the israelis' right to Israel and to expel the Palestinians.

    This is military Zionism. And Israel practices institutionalised terrorism.

    Don't bore me with your twisted understanding of the conflict.

    KJ: Ducking pundek that you are. TUN DR MAHATHIR has always been vocal and in the forefront of the fight against Israeli terrorism and atrocities. YOU should be proud of him!
    Keep on blastin' 'em, Dr M....

    sorry, bro....there are just too many ducking ignoramuses or ducking pundeks who preten to be ignorant.


  57. Anonymous11:03 am

    Dear Rocky,

    What is the similarity among the Rwandan's Tutsi & Hutus, Nazi Germans, Serbs, Zionist Jews? They are Genocidal people. Watch the drone over your roof top. Mossad's Global Hawk Drone based in southern neighbour might be circling over your roof top ready turn you and your house into a cinder with its Hellfire missiles.

    YB Hisham Gemuk

  58. Mahathir in his blog a while back suggested using the Ringgit for foreign trade, arguing that Malaysia is a BIG trading country. Either he is hopeless ignorant or mislead, just one US company's turnover is bigger than Malaysia's total trade. In previous years, Mahathir had also incessantly call for the gold dinar to replace the US dollar.

    Dream on...

  59. Chow Kit Cowboy,

    Glad that you recognised that the region (middle east) has complex problems.

    Hey...come out of that 'chow kit' and see the world, read both side of the stories and do further research.

    Probably you will lose temper, and join HAMAS!

  60. Hello Bro Rocky,

    Hats off to TUN bro, he really means what he is doing, at least he got balls to sent a letter to Barrack Obama.....this you need courage, not like ANWAR, si juburi penakut....cakap macam bagus, kenapa dlm hal ni dia diam je....takut teresa cock marah ke?

    To all anti mahathir fellas, one thing i wanna tell you....FUCK OFF....he is still needed and we will always support him.


  61. the hamas attack to Israel is as not as inhumane the attack of Zionis towards Palestin.innocent childrens were killed and people were killed while performing solat in mosque.thousands have died by the bullets and attacks of the long this should continue?.day by the Palestians are suffering due to the Zionis intention to invade Palestin bit by bit and the people there only have stones to backfire.

  62. Anonymous2:40 pm

    I am sorry for the poor people of Palestine and Israel, although in my darkest moments I feel they deserve each other.

    Truth be told, the bloody mindedness of both sides will never end until a strong third party imposes a solution on both the Arabs and Jews..saying to them: "These are your borders and stay within them and we will shit on you if you make another move".

    Both sides dare not or do not have the courage to face reality and accept that the other is not going away. It will need somebody like the USA - even if the likes of Mahathir a/l Mohamed does not like it.

    Sad Human.

  63. Anonymous4:15 pm

    Boycotting is easier said than done. If we continue to boycott, surely the US companies operating in Msia kene tutup.Lepas tu, sape yang nak gajikan pekerje-pekerje McDonald, BoNYM, Starbucks dll yg dibuang tu?

    Correct me if I'm wrong tp serasenye with increase unemployment akan increase la jugak crime rates.

    Pastu nanti kerajaan la jugak yang akan dimarah with the ever increasing crime rates. Tak gitu?

    Personally, mmg la rase nak boikot tapi kalau nak boikot skarang jugak is some sort of knee-jerk reaction. A better solution (I think) would be to perkasakan syarikat/produk Malaysia then bit by bit we stop using US nye products/services.

    Janganla sebab marahkan kera di hutan (Israelis/US) anak di rumah (Malaysians bekerje dgn syarikat US) mati kelaparan. After all charity begins at home.


  64. Anonymous6:20 pm

    Chow Kit Cowboy,

    You said,: "Julian, you must understand that HUMANITARIAN AID have always been allowed in for the residents of Gaza.

    Even today at the height of the fighting, Israel allowed oil and gas for electricity and cooking oils, food and medicines to enter Gaza.

    Where did you get your facts? Did you know about the blockade even before this current fiasco? Did you know that after the ground invasion the ambulance has to get permission from Israel even to carry a single wounded person to the hospital?

    If medicines are going though, why are the hospitals short of medical supplies? Just one example, Islamic Relief UK has been trying to bring in medicine supplies but it has not been easy. Many people have donated but bringing these aids into Gaza is no simple matter.

    Do read more.


  65. Parpu kari,

    What's so good about Tun sending a letter to Obama? You think Obama's going to change America's policy in the middle-east because Tun wrote him a letter? Dream on!
    Who's Rahm Emanuel? David Axelrod? That's just to name a few. AIPAC is a very influential organization in US. Google it.Obama is in the pockets of Jews so no letter from any malaysian leader will do any good. Indonesia is smarter by not wasting time talking to the US president and straight away sending medical aid to the Palestinians. While we are busy thinking of boycotting US products, they are busy preparing their troops.

    Now you are telling anti-mahatir to fuck off but I think that's probably what obama said when he received his letter. Malaysia always with its feelings of self importance but never the reality.

  66. Anonymous7:47 pm

    Dr M should show by example to boycott anything US.

    1st Stop using internet, so Dr M should abandon his blog. Without US will mean without computer, without microsoft, without internet.

    2nd Dr M should row a sampan to Mecca on his next trip as airoplane are US material.

  67. Mahathir tells us to boycott coca cola..but not Kentucky Fried Chicken..owned by muslim..or McDonald..owned by his good friend..or Pepsi..also owned by a muslim.
    He should throw way his computer as all are american inventions.
    He gave US1 million to advertise his face with Bush for half hour!!
    Need I say more??

  68. Rocky, what is your comment on the following article by Dean Johns?


    More joy for Jew-haters
    Dean Johns | Jan 7, 09 9:50am

    Though an enthusiastic supporter of Israel’s right not just to exist but to thrive and prosper in peace, I’m outraged by its assault on Gaza.

    israeli air strikes against hamas gaza strip palestineJust as it did in its all-out war on Hezbollah in South Lebanon back in 2006, it is murdering and maiming innocent people along with the terrorists it is targeting. And it is creating even more resentment and militancy, if possible, among its many mortal enemies around the Muslim world.

    Far from killing and otherwise victimising the largely helpless and blameless people of Gaza and the West Bank, the territories it has occupied since the Six-Day War in 1967, Israel should long ago have helped them establish the sovereign state of Palestine.

    There’s a considerable body of opinion in both Israel and around the world that supports this proposition. But not the Israeli ultra-Zionists and the hawks in the US, and certainly not those devoted to the total destruction of Israel, like the regimes in Iran and Syria.

    And, for that matter, the Barisan Nasional (BN) regime in Malaysia. Israel is the only nation on earth, as far as I’m aware, whose existence Malaysia refuses to recognise.

    I’m not sure why, as Malaysia is half a world away from the disputed territories of the Holy Land, but I presume it’s a gesture of sympathy and support for other Jew-hating nations in the Middle-East, Africa and Asia.

    israel invades gaza strip hamas palestineBut whatever the reason for this stance on Malaysia’s part, I’m personally all for it. Because the only shred of satisfaction I get from Israel’s acts of overkill in its defence is witnessing the spectacle of BN leaders and supporters in fits of mock moral outrage.

    What a great if grim joke it is to have Abdullah Ahmad Badawi declaring that the United Nations has a “moral duty” to end the violence in Gaza, when he has so ingloriously failed in his moral duty to give Malaysia the clean, fair government and honest judiciary he’s been promising for the past five years.

    abdullah ahmad badawiWhat a spectacle Abdullah makes of himself, calling for an emergency special session of the UN General Assembly to resolve the Israel/Palestine situation when his own nation has friendly and co-operative relations with regimes as criminal and murderous as those of Burma, Sudan and Zimbabwe.

    And how laughably hypocritical he is, stating “the US has the capacity to and can stop the atrocities but they have chosen other options”, hoping we’ll forget that his own government has the capacity to and can stop atrocities like official corruption, cronyism and detention under the ISA and has likewise “chosen other options”.

    Dr M in full cry

    But as ridiculous as Abdullah’s moral posturing may be, it is nothing compared to the antics of Malaysia’s supreme anti-semite, former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

    You’ll recall that he accused George Soros and the Jewish conspiracy of causing the Asian Financial Crisis, and Anwar Ibrahim of being a Zionist stooge; and now he is blaming the US, where “there are many voters who are Jews”, for backing Israel in its attack on Gaza.

    And then, according to Bernama as quoted in Malaysiakini, he embarked on one of his trademark flights of fancy, calling for a “global boycott of the US dollar and US-made products, including Coca-Cola”.

    mahathir on gaza 05012009Why he singled out Coca-Cola as his example of products to boycott, rather than McDonald’s, say, or Microsoft, I have no earthly idea. Coca-Cola headquarters are located in Atlanta, Georgia, historically a hotbed of racism rather than Zionist support. But that didn’t give him pause.

    “People won’t die if they don’t drink Coca-Cola. If the people don’t want to drink Coca-Cola, governments can’t force people to drink Coca-Cola.”

    Having slaked his thirst for expounding on the banning of Coke, he then turned his attention the US dollar.

    “Don’t use the US dollar. The dollar has got nothing to back it and the only reason it is still being used is because people still accept the dollar as legal tender. If we stop accepting the US currency, the US can’t trade and can’t make any will become very poor.”

    Claiming that money spent on American goods is largely re-invested in “the invention, production and manufacturing of weapons that kill people”, he urged that Malaysia stop purchasing weaponry from the US.

    “We can buy weapons from the Russians as an alternative, like the MiGs and Sukhoi fighter jets,” he declared.

    Like everything Mahathir says, this latest diatribe has enough truth in it to appear plausible, but is also riddled with lies and omissions. One matter he fails to mention is that, despite his oft-voiced contempt for the US and all its works, back when he was prime minister, US$1.2 million was paid on his behalf to get him an audience with George Bush.

    So he went not only cap in hand to a president he publicly pretended to despise, but cash in hand.

    george w bushAnd the cash went not to Bush, who for all his failings has never to my knowledge been accused of bribery, but to the notorious Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff. A Jew, if ever there was one, to judge by his name, who was subsequently convicted of corruption.

    As for Mahathir’s assertion that Malaysia “can buy” weapons from Russia, what’s he talking about? The Sorkoi fighters are long a done deal, complete with the usual alleged massive ‘commissions’ and a ‘free’ trip to space for Malaysia’s first ‘astronaut’.

    And while we’re on the topic of arms purchases, I wonder where Malaysia sourced its supplies of C4 explosives, some of which were mysteriously employed in the killing of Altantuya Shaariibuu, the interpreter suspected of involvement in Russian, French or other weapons deals?

    In any event, with his powerful and perhaps even pecuniary interest in arms purchases, who does Mahathir think he’s kidding with his Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War?

    During his 22 years as premier of Malaysia he didn’t even bother to try criminalising crime. As long as it was for the purpose of keeping himself in power and his cronies in clover, he condoned and encouraged every crime in the book, from ‘money politics’ through corruption of the police, judiciary and civil service to the wholesale looting of public funds.

    None of this makes him mistaken in his assertion that Israel should get out of Gaza, and the West Bank into the bargain.

    But let’s not kid ourselves that he’s motivated by compassion for the Palestinian people, or a new-found respect for freedom, justice and humanity. Or any other sentiment more noble than a burning hatred for Jewmanity.

  69. Rocky, what is your comment on the following article by Dean Johns?


    More joy for Jew-haters
    Dean Johns | Jan 7, 09 9:50am

    Though an enthusiastic supporter of Israel’s right not just to exist but to thrive and prosper in peace, I’m outraged by its assault on Gaza.

    israeli air strikes against hamas gaza strip palestineJust as it did in its all-out war on Hezbollah in South Lebanon back in 2006, it is murdering and maiming innocent people along with the terrorists it is targeting. And it is creating even more resentment and militancy, if possible, among its many mortal enemies around the Muslim world.

    Far from killing and otherwise victimising the largely helpless and blameless people of Gaza and the West Bank, the territories it has occupied since the Six-Day War in 1967, Israel should long ago have helped them establish the sovereign state of Palestine.

    There’s a considerable body of opinion in both Israel and around the world that supports this proposition. But not the Israeli ultra-Zionists and the hawks in the US, and certainly not those devoted to the total destruction of Israel, like the regimes in Iran and Syria.

    And, for that matter, the Barisan Nasional (BN) regime in Malaysia. Israel is the only nation on earth, as far as I’m aware, whose existence Malaysia refuses to recognise.

    I’m not sure why, as Malaysia is half a world away from the disputed territories of the Holy Land, but I presume it’s a gesture of sympathy and support for other Jew-hating nations in the Middle-East, Africa and Asia.

    israel invades gaza strip hamas palestineBut whatever the reason for this stance on Malaysia’s part, I’m personally all for it. Because the only shred of satisfaction I get from Israel’s acts of overkill in its defence is witnessing the spectacle of BN leaders and supporters in fits of mock moral outrage.

    What a great if grim joke it is to have Abdullah Ahmad Badawi declaring that the United Nations has a “moral duty” to end the violence in Gaza, when he has so ingloriously failed in his moral duty to give Malaysia the clean, fair government and honest judiciary he’s been promising for the past five years.

    abdullah ahmad badawiWhat a spectacle Abdullah makes of himself, calling for an emergency special session of the UN General Assembly to resolve the Israel/Palestine situation when his own nation has friendly and co-operative relations with regimes as criminal and murderous as those of Burma, Sudan and Zimbabwe.

    And how laughably hypocritical he is, stating “the US has the capacity to and can stop the atrocities but they have chosen other options”, hoping we’ll forget that his own government has the capacity to and can stop atrocities like official corruption, cronyism and detention under the ISA and has likewise “chosen other options”.

    Dr M in full cry

    But as ridiculous as Abdullah’s moral posturing may be, it is nothing compared to the antics of Malaysia’s supreme anti-semite, former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

    You’ll recall that he accused George Soros and the Jewish conspiracy of causing the Asian Financial Crisis, and Anwar Ibrahim of being a Zionist stooge; and now he is blaming the US, where “there are many voters who are Jews”, for backing Israel in its attack on Gaza.

    And then, according to Bernama as quoted in Malaysiakini, he embarked on one of his trademark flights of fancy, calling for a “global boycott of the US dollar and US-made products, including Coca-Cola”.

    mahathir on gaza 05012009Why he singled out Coca-Cola as his example of products to boycott, rather than McDonald’s, say, or Microsoft, I have no earthly idea. Coca-Cola headquarters are located in Atlanta, Georgia, historically a hotbed of racism rather than Zionist support. But that didn’t give him pause.

    “People won’t die if they don’t drink Coca-Cola. If the people don’t want to drink Coca-Cola, governments can’t force people to drink Coca-Cola.”

    Having slaked his thirst for expounding on the banning of Coke, he then turned his attention the US dollar.

    “Don’t use the US dollar. The dollar has got nothing to back it and the only reason it is still being used is because people still accept the dollar as legal tender. If we stop accepting the US currency, the US can’t trade and can’t make any will become very poor.”

    Claiming that money spent on American goods is largely re-invested in “the invention, production and manufacturing of weapons that kill people”, he urged that Malaysia stop purchasing weaponry from the US.

    “We can buy weapons from the Russians as an alternative, like the MiGs and Sukhoi fighter jets,” he declared.

    Like everything Mahathir says, this latest diatribe has enough truth in it to appear plausible, but is also riddled with lies and omissions. One matter he fails to mention is that, despite his oft-voiced contempt for the US and all its works, back when he was prime minister, US$1.2 million was paid on his behalf to get him an audience with George Bush.

    So he went not only cap in hand to a president he publicly pretended to despise, but cash in hand.

    george w bushAnd the cash went not to Bush, who for all his failings has never to my knowledge been accused of bribery, but to the notorious Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff. A Jew, if ever there was one, to judge by his name, who was subsequently convicted of corruption.

    As for Mahathir’s assertion that Malaysia “can buy” weapons from Russia, what’s he talking about? The Sorkoi fighters are long a done deal, complete with the usual alleged massive ‘commissions’ and a ‘free’ trip to space for Malaysia’s first ‘astronaut’.

    And while we’re on the topic of arms purchases, I wonder where Malaysia sourced its supplies of C4 explosives, some of which were mysteriously employed in the killing of Altantuya Shaariibuu, the interpreter suspected of involvement in Russian, French or other weapons deals?

    In any event, with his powerful and perhaps even pecuniary interest in arms purchases, who does Mahathir think he’s kidding with his Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War?

    During his 22 years as premier of Malaysia he didn’t even bother to try criminalising crime. As long as it was for the purpose of keeping himself in power and his cronies in clover, he condoned and encouraged every crime in the book, from ‘money politics’ through corruption of the police, judiciary and civil service to the wholesale looting of public funds.

    None of this makes him mistaken in his assertion that Israel should get out of Gaza, and the West Bank into the bargain.

    But let’s not kid ourselves that he’s motivated by compassion for the Palestinian people, or a new-found respect for freedom, justice and humanity. Or any other sentiment more noble than a burning hatred for Jewmanity.


  70. I dont care ralfie pussy....u gay worshippers bastard....

    It doesn't matter whether obama follows or not, it is called courage u asshole, dont u understand english...are u american or indian twister....

    People like you should be fucked off from the world man....


  71. Anonymous11:55 am

    I read Lim kit siang blogged commentst from readers...more on blaming the Hamas as though Hamas did the Mumbai Israel is justified with his like the mentality of the non-muslims...
    hate the muslims around the globe and the worst that their emotions is like Israel peoples...they can justify their act of killing another lives as far as all of thems are muslims.

  72. Anonymous5:07 pm

    The Muslim world especially the Arab countries just need to decide to STOP sell thier oil to the world in US Dollar and I am very sure, the Israel will stop the attack in the next day. But I doubt any Arab or Muslim countries including Malaysia has the gut to do this. The Muslim countries especially the Arabs will sacrifice the Palastienian rather their own wealth in the US banks! Until then, Israel will be always SUPERIOR than the Arabs.

    2nd class Malaysian

  73. looking at this issue theres a few points worth considering:

    1.nobody in the world is honest about helping the palestinians..especially the arab nations..these are rich old lazy sheikhs and princes who are more interested in their coffers and american dollars than anything else..these are nations that are interested in spending billions on western weaponry but only contribute peanuts to the PLO..for example arab saudi yearly contribution to the PLO was a 100mil only!!compared to their weapons deals these are small what kind of enemy do they intend to fight with their high tech weapons when they themselves gave a tidak apa attitude to the israel's atrocities? for a moment i don't think any of them think israel as their biggest enemy..

    2.Hamas or fatah, or even the hezbollah are basically simple minded thugs who has a very limited and a very narrow world view..always screaming n shouting about killing the jews and pushing them to the seas but no clear intelligent action taken to strengthen themselves..they can't even get along well with each other to begin with!!these guys are so into killing and doing the an eye for an eye thing while praying for a spot in heaven that they usually miss the whole plot..they have no long term strategy besides blowing civilians up..most of these so called jihadist had even no balls to go after the military..look at iraq, the only guys that they blow up are the locals and the do they expect to garner support and sympathy from the international community?nobody will cheer for u if u blow up civilians man, have some balls and go after their military!!if u don't have what i takes to do it then don't do it!!wait and learn to be patient..learn from the IRA or even the basque..the palestinians need someone who can scheme and plot and think long term..they need someone with a heart like gandhi, or leadership like che guevera or even crafty ones like maotzetong..if arafat was the best that they ever have, i don't see any success coming to them in another 50 years..

    3. middle east itself is still a very archaic and tribal society..most of the present boundaries were crafted by the brits and the french following the fall of the ottoman empire without considering the local sentiments..these seeded the current disunity and distrust amongst most arab nations..for example kuwait following the first gulf war disposed more than 350k of its palestinians citizens on the pretext that they and arafat supported saddam..arabs are responsible for some of the worst violence done to themselves..the turks murdered almost 2million armenians with the help of the kurds in the early 19th century..thats the first modern day holocaust..not the jewish holocaust n in turn the kurds are to be slaughtered in the thousands by the turkish following the first gulf war..

    4. what im saying is middle east is a violent place..sometimes one will wonder if the zaman jahiliah has ever ended at all..between the shias and the sunnis, the ruling families, the sauds the hashemites and everything else in between them the middle east is full of historical baggage and differences..their problem is not the jews, their problem is unity amongst themselves..the biggest misconception one will have on the middle east is that these are all muslim nations and will therefore be unite against a common enemy..but the truth is they are no more united than the ASEAN..and israel is a not a common enemy..never was

    just my 2 cents

  74. Anonymous12:27 am

    Funny thing is, i just saw Dato Mokzhani shopping here in US, San Francisco (union square) few days ago.. so, did his dad tell him to boycott US goods? hahaha..


  75. The boycott of US products will only work if it is a global effort. Not just malaysia. Who the hell is Malaysia? Just a flean on an elephant. We sell majority of our products to the US. What industry or inventons have we made that the world uses? The internet, automobiles, airplanes etc are all american inventions. I think the better approach is to find a common solution to the conflict. Why do islamic nations allow the zionist lobby groups to hijack american politics. Dont they have enough money to create lobby groups as well? I also noticed that Malaysian goverment and employers tend to favor sending students to Britain and our employers favor their graduates.I think this mindset has got to change. England is no longer a superpower. As a matter of fact it has turned into an american lapdog. Bush throws his stick and say fetch blair fetch!

    Malaysian gov should send more and more students to US ivy league universities where they can mingle and have great connection and influence with future leaders of America. These are the american leaders in the next 20 years or so. The 21st century will still be an american century whether we like it or not. Reserch all the US & Israeli goverment leaders, cabinet members etc. They are mostly from the Top US universities. These are the people who will determine american foreign policies. It starts in their college class rooms and by their professors (many of which are jewish). What better influence can one have if an important american leader is your classmate or roomate at the university? Work our way from the inside of the power structure like the jews. They know they cant get anywhere without american support. They learned this the hard way when the defied Rome which ended in ther diaspora and destruction.
    Study also their religious text, the bible and the torah to see how they think and how to counter such claims and arguments when presented to us. Study how the evangelist movement support the zionists and come up with our own answers to their interpretaions of their religios texts.

    America is not our enemy. It is a very good car which recently have had too many drivers DUI.
    What have we acheived by lompat and jerit like monkeys? Billions of dollars islamic countries have wasted on luxuries and nonsense instead of investing in technology,education and defence. The graver threat is not Hamas as an entity, but the saudi influence on Hamas. saudis practice wahabi version of Islam which have influence amny terrorist groups and extremists.If the jews and muslims want to live in peace in the holy land with the christian brothers, extreme form of zionism and islamist must be moderated.

  76. Anonymous6:31 pm

    zzz, you r also another one : boycott US !? we export billions2 to US lah ! ...oh...oh... you r leaving in march ah!? wow, so soon ......?
    so, so ...none of your business anymore lah !?
    you lagi belum tau siapa kah mr.Sil !? pls ask your daughter & she can tell u who mr Sil is lah !! by-by !

  77. Anonymous8:32 am

    (fury9) : others MUST NOT campur tangan into our internal affairs one = this is malaysia internal business
    what !! BUT...BUT, we can bcos we boleh = MALAYSIA BOLEH ma ! understand now !!

  78. Aku xkate yang Malaysia xcuba membantu..but..ITS NOT ENOUGH..Aku harap pak² menteri tidak menjadikan isu ini sebagai landasan untuk menonjolkan diri..cuba untuk membantu dimulut, terpampang muka di kaca tv dan akhbar sahaja.. Kita mesti buat lebih dari ini wahai pak menteri! Malaysia==leader OIC??? =_=

