Saturday, January 17, 2009

Click here to watch. It's a new blog television programme.

The first feature video, Air dan Api, discusses an issue that's been bugging many Malays since March 2008: Melayu dicabar dan tercabar.

The talk show features Khir Toyo and Mukhriz Mahathir. It would have been perfect if they had managed to get Khairy Jamaluddin (all three going for the Umno Youth chief post).

The site accepts advertisement; not bad at all. They do expect some flak for pursuing issues along racial lines but the people behind this site make no apologies for it. And I'm not about to be their apologist, either. We are, after all, a multiracial country, so things racial make our world goes round. They make us -- as the tagline has it: colourful & different.


  1. Anonymous2:55 pm

    Ah, the usual suspects -- Mukhriz and Khir... the racialism inflamers.

    Mukhriz follows in his father's footstep, Khir uses this age-old UMNO tool to catapult his popularity.

    I think it's time we moved beyond the "Melayu tercabar, dicabar" nonsense. First of all, none of these guys can answer the question of "Melayu dicabar or tercabar oleh siapa sebenarnya?".

    And why talk about "Melayu tercabar"?

    Why not speak about "Anak-anak Malaysia yg tercabar"? Iaitu, anak-anak Malaysia dicabar bukan saja oleh dunia yang semakin kompetitif, tetapi juga hak mereka tergugat dan dicabar oleh satu lapisan luas golongan elit yang dibena oleh sistem pentadbiran UMNO.

    Inilah soalan penting yang harus kita debatkan, bukan soal "Melayu/Cina/India dicabar/tercabar".

    Ini menunjukkan kelemahan Muhkriz dan Khir kerana mereka tidak berdaya menyoal dan membetulkan sistem dan cara pentadbiran negara dan hak asasi dan keadilan rakyat. Mereka lebih mudah main permainan mudah iaitu main mengumpan kaum.

  2. Anonymous2:55 pm

    Ah, the usual suspects -- Mukhriz and Khir... the racialism inflamers.

    Mukhriz follows in his father's footstep, Khir uses this age-old UMNO tool to catapult his popularity.

    I think it's time we moved beyond the "Melayu tercabar, dicabar" nonsense. First of all, none of these guys can answer the question of "Melayu dicabar or tercabar oleh siapa sebenarnya?".

    And why talk about "Melayu tercabar"?

    Why not speak about "Anak-anak Malaysia yg tercabar"? Iaitu, anak-anak Malaysia dicabar bukan saja oleh dunia yang semakin kompetitif, tetapi juga hak mereka tergugat dan dicabar oleh satu lapisan luas golongan elit yang dibena oleh sistem pentadbiran UMNO.

    Inilah soalan penting yang harus kita debatkan, bukan soal "Melayu/Cina/India dicabar/tercabar".

    Ini menunjukkan kelemahan Muhkriz dan Khir kerana mereka tidak berdaya menyoal dan membetulkan sistem dan cara pentadbiran negara dan hak asasi dan keadilan rakyat. Mereka lebih mudah main permainan mudah iaitu main mengumpan kaum.

  3. Anonymous3:16 pm

    Dear Rockybru,
    Haha, UMNO, Melayu, DAP, CABAR, BABI, etc. Seems like UMNO is going all out pushing all the HOT BUTTONS arsenal available on their weapons of "mass confusion" under the guise of a forum discussion. No matter what, KT is lost to PAS......they are really desperado now. Shadow boxing....tercabar, dicabar, mencabar, cabaran,cabarlar,...api, angin, air, tanah, kelabu asap....HAHAHAHAHAHA. Now they are using podcast to spread disinformation now....


  4. Anonymous3:36 pm

    .."discusses an issue that's been bugging many Malays since March 2008:"

    huh? really?

  5. Anonymous3:47 pm

    Abang Din,

    It's been a long way end up like this..

    Malaysiakini blocked a blogsite - [Malaysia party] (

    Deprrrressed ...!

    So, what can I say, be very smart in running blogs, obey their rules...

    It's end up like this way, who's thought ?

  6. Anonymous4:43 pm

    The same old tactic. divide and rule.
    Maaysia will never progress if we dont get this obsession out of our head.

  7. Anonymous5:15 pm

    Kudin said.... Tengku Mukhree why dont you just allow the Malays to voice out their feelings and thoughts. I see nothing wrong in discussing such issues provided it is done maturely and responsibly. Common lah, when non-Malays talk about Malay rights you never melenting pun. Apa ni... relaks lah bro. Saya suka cara Prof Zainal berhujjah berdasarkan fakta dan tidak emosional macam TM --Kudin

  8. Anonymous5:15 pm

    Tak kisah le.. tv bodoh pun ada hak juga dalam demokrasi. Tak akan pergi lagi. Bodoh dan bebal gilerrr!

  9. Anonymous5:43 pm

    Melayu kena sedar....

    Melayu kena bangkit....

    Melayu kena bersatu....

    Kita sama-sama Islam....

    Tetapi semua pecah-belah....


    Kuasa makin kurang....

    Ekonomi jauh ketinggalan....

    Tanah makin tergadai....

    Jangan asyik tuding jari sesama sendiri....

    Cari jalan satukan ummah....

    Kembalikan kehebatan bangsa Melayu....




  10. Anonymous5:45 pm

    Macam ni saja lah Rocky,

    1. Yang mana tak selesa duk kat Malaysia nih, dipersilakan cari Negara yang lebih selesa, why stay on? Go find a place where you can do, say, practice whatever you like.

    2. Yang mana rasa tertindas kerana bangsa, Agama dan sebagainya, pi balik tempat dimana you will be part of the Majority there, budaya, bahasa dan cara hidup, same wavelength. I am sure you will be welcomed there with open arms.. The more the merrier.

    3. Yang menghina sangat dengan system yang sedia ada disini, cari Negara yang sistemnya sesuai dengan keperluan diri.

    4. Hampa mai sini, beranak pinak sampai ke cicit hingak tak tentu arah, apa pasai.

    ANYONE stopping you? Cepat angkat bungkus, jangan tunggu lama-lama.


    Tutup buku, habis cerita.


  11. Anonymous6:25 pm

    IS mahathiu's son a 'malay' !? he's only a MAMAK lah !! (fury9)

  12. Anonymous6:29 pm

    Bro, why talk so much about our race? Self-concious ka?, Inferiority complex ka?, just do the right things, refrain from corruption and self interest, work hard, etc...and let the world be the judge what kind of race we are - it is not for us to say.

    Why do people cabar us in the first place? We do things without thinking then start to panic and take stupid damage control. First we hentam the chinese, then when they mengamok we kelam kabut takut hilang undi. Pardon my language but now that they have our politicians by the balls semua pun boleh

  13. ya ya ya!!!

    Malays talking about Chinese eating everything and challenging their rights,

    Chinese talking about Malays, about being unfair. DEB, Ketuanan Melayu, bla bla bla

    Indian talking about ethnic cleansing eventhough they had 15,000 temples with merely 2 Millions population.

    Well this is Malaysia. Hail UMNO, MCA, MIC, GERAKAN, PAS, PKR and DAP for being selfish for so long. Non of them talking in the context of NATIONAL INTEREST. 51 yrs with full of craps.

  14. Anonymous8:29 pm

    rocky, cakap pasal iklan, ni wa terjumpa lagi satu baru punya..

  15. Anonymous9:02 pm

    just to share... my comments in malaysian insider goes against the grain and it was not posted... if bloggers start to filter sincere comments with no foul language then bloggers should not comment on govt practice of doing the same...

    and to think lawyers are doing that.. hahaha


  16. Anonymous9:51 pm

    Semua yang datang ke negara ini dengan tongkang boleh pulang ke negara asal naik tongkang. Dan yang datang ke-sini dengan kapal boleh pulang ke negara asal dengan kapal.Itu pun kalau dah tak tahan dengan pemerintahan UMNO lah!

    Kalau rasa "tertindas", harta benda di-rompak,hak asasi mereka di-cabuli,perniagaan mereka muflis,susah nak cari makan dan kebanyakan kaum mereka tinggal di-setinggan....mereka semua ini boleh belah dan berambos dari Malaysia. Ada faham??


  17. Have to agree with Adam, why raise the issue of Melayu, Cina, India, Kadazan, Iban and the rest of the races living in harmony for the last 50 years?!?!?!??! Are we not all Malaysians!!!!! I say the world is what we make of it. Stay away from corruption and lies, respect others and you shall be respected. Rejoice our multi culture community and let Malaysia be a beacon of hope to all other countries in the world that a multi racial country and progress and succeed. I myself am Chinese but Muslim by religion. However never have I or will I in the future 'InsyaAllah' impress upon my family and friends about anything racial. We are one, together we can achieve so much if only we can put our differences aside and accept the fact that only through hard work and honesty we are able to succeed and achieve anything we set out to do. Wassallam

  18. carbonara said...
    .."discusses an issue that's been bugging many Malays since March 2008:"

    huh? really?

    Well said carbonara ... umno ingat kita nie mudah ditipu ...maaflah I tak tagih NEP lah!

    I would like to give equal session to Pakatan on the same topic :-)

  19. Anonymous11:26 pm

    I don't want to touch so much on the content but looking at the host/moderator makes me feel sleepy.
    It's quite obvious from the guests that this is an effort by a certain group in umno to reach out to the net savvy malaysians, malay especially and the young, future voters.
    So please lah cari orang yang bermaya dan bertenaga baru orang muda boleh sokong umno.
    ini macam program rtm 10 tahun dulu.
    buang duit & masa saja.

  20. Anonymous11:37 pm

    tercabar by who?

    even UMNO is rejected in their homeground.

    such racial proponents are a danger to humanity.

    rocky, search your soul if this is the right thing to do.

    Bangsa Malaysia

  21. Anonymous11:47 pm

    Bro Rocky,
    Seek ur permission to post this here. Got deleted at Sime Darby Watch.

    Din Samdol,
    Nothing seems to be right to you.

    May be you forget that the objective of a corporation is to create value to its shareholders. Definitely SD is trying to venture into something that will give return to all stakeholders.

    I dont see many comment in your blog on this aspect than discrediting all business proposal known to you. Tell us how SD should make money?

    Mind you that this is a new Sime Darby. Dont tell us that we just focus on Plantation. It is well taken care off. I personally dont see why SD should have plantation as the only core business.

    As someone had mentioned earlier, the LCCT is one part of SD bigger project that covers Selangor and Negeri Sembilan. I believe that there will be other property related projects within the area.

    Please google to understand more about the area. There are available infrastrures to connect potential passengers for the LCCT from KL, NS and Melaka. KTM Commuter (will be double track in future), Seremban KL Highway, ERL and existing federal trunk road. It will be a better choice of LCCT compares to MAHB's current LCCT.

    Mind you that MAHB's original plan was to have Ipoh as its LCCT (and not upgrading the existing LCCT). The plan fall apart with the change in leadership in State Government. MAHB's plan was to integrate LCCT with tourism and healthcare industry in Ipoh. They might still pursue this. I dont know. This shall be the catalyst to property development.

    We never knows SD detais project and strategy on LCCT in Labu. To me lets compete with MAHB. Not in managing airport but in developing LCCT. Who knows LCCT in Labu will eventually manage by MASB as a partner.

    I was laughing while reading the retired DCA's comment on airport safety. How far is the existing LCCT to KLIA? Hong Kong airport operates 2 runaway? Two planes land simultaneously at Terminal 1 and 2 of Sukarno Hatta Airport in Jakarta. How far apart is Terminal 1 and 2?

    Everybody seems to overly concerns on the safety based on a wrong perseption. To me it is DCA's job bring down planes safely. I prefer to let you crack your head. But please dont talk about business proposal.

    Another thing, it is easy to cut and paste someone else comment to your blog. Why dont you change your Blog's title to "Cut and Paste Blog"? It is a shame Bro.

  22. Anonymous12:03 am

    Sorry to stray from the subject. Why are you so quiet on the KT election? Brudder, you are in danger of losing your credibility.

  23. Everyone NATO no action talk only
    we have constitution we have law what we are lacking is ENFORCEMENT..

  24. Walau apa pun, Semoga dapat tadbir rakyat dengan baik dan menjaga alam sekitar ya..

  25. Anonymous8:16 am


    Rocky senyap sebab dia tak nak Pakatan Rakyat menang, tapi kalau dia sokong Barisan Nasional nanti jelas ternampak kedudukan dia yg sebenarnya. Jadi strategi yg baik adalah untuk duk senyap. Bila habis jer pilihanraya, dia akan bersuara -- misalnya, cakap bahawa kekalahan UMNO tu sebab Mahathir dan cakap orang ni tak bagus orang tu tak bagus, kononnya Mahathir tu hebat sangat. Dia lupa (Melayu lupa) bahawa korupsi dan kehancuran UMNO dan Barisan Nasional tu kepada gejala korupsi dan gila kuasa tu start masa Mahathir.

    Bila la Rocky ni nak sedar...

  26. and rocky has joined them too...Mukhriz, Khir, Rocky! tiga sekawan...melayu yang tercabar.

    rocky is a disappointment.

  27. Anonymous8:45 pm

    rumah syurgaku 5:45 pm

    your point being what, exactly?

    brain drain? don't worry - skilled, qualified and talented malaysians (regardless of race) will find a welcome anywhere. they already do - in large numbers. guess how many malay malaysians are working in singapore, for starters?

    the point is this? you lose talented people, how are you going to compete for foreign investments that bring in new technology and well-paying jobs. as tunku razaleigh has said - malaysia is caught between being uncompetitive for labour-intensive industries and uncompetitive for high-tech industries and services.

    i suspect that mukhriz and khir know the score. how many of mukhriz's children, for instance, attend national schools? where was mukhriz educated?

    bodoh, lah, orang ini!

  28. >>We are, after all, a multiracial country, so things racial make our world goes round. They make us -- as the tagline has it: colourful & different.<<

    Spot on.

    But the police don't see it that way do they? In this instance they probably will. UMNO bigwigs here. You know lah the police oso cari makan oni. If opposition, then can take action for sedition....What a bunch of government apologists...

    Am sure glad you are not one of them apologists, Rocky !

  29. Anonymous4:29 am

    mukhriz, khir, many others are the byproducts of this racist umno ketuanan melayu, its actually inferiority & jealousy to the other races. umno is so fearful & jealous of the success of the other races thats why umno & its members always have these nightmares of tercabar & dicabar. umno is now in a so regressive state, unmo & its members will never have the dream & vision.

  30. Anonymous11:36 am

    YTMulia Raja Nazrin seorang Raja yang perihatin dgn hak rakyat. Keperihatinan beliau sentiasa dipaparkan dlm ucapannya. Kalau tak disedarkan org melayu dari masa ke masa,Melayu kan "Mudah Lupa". So langkah adalah tepat dlm usaha mengingat, menyedar dan memelayukan kembali Melayu yang dah lupa dan hanyut dgn diri sendiri. TAHNIAH

    Tetap Melayu.

  31. Anonymous1:14 pm

    Malaysia is a blessed land -- fertile, rich in resources and protected from major disasters. We have been living peacefully for generations except for few indicidents sparked by irresponsible extremists from our very own society from all the races emplaced in this land by the AlMighty God. We have learnt from history to co-exist through mutual respect and tolerance.

    But of late, the social fabric that has been holding us together all this while has been undermined by advocates who are motivated by self-interest and maybe fanned by vengeance and bitterness accumulated along their personal journies and experiences.

    It is unfair to sow anger and hatred among the younger generation just to satisfy one's agenda.

    I am a Malay who believe that every Chinese and Indian and other races has the right to breathe the air, drink the water and enjoy the resources of this beloved land of ours.

    AlI am asking of my non-Malay fellow citizens is that please understand the Malays, respect the Constitution as to their religion and rights. To Those politically inclined plse try to see things from the historical and socio-religious aspects as well and not just from your political viewpoints. Of course there are things not right politically but not all issues should be approached and resolved through political statements and polemics.

    We have to learn to deal sensitive issues with sensitive hearts so that peace will continue to prevail for our future generations. As we know the economy is heading for a downturn and a lot of unhappiness and frustations will beset our people.
    Plse do voice out whatever grivances that you may have but do it carefully so that no particular race of group is unnecessarily perturbed or antoganised.

    Plse open up your hearts and minds and listened up to genuine fears, groans and pains of the Malays and vice versa. Sit down and sort out misunderstandings and differences like we use to do before. And remember the adage Apa guna berkelahi jika Menang jadi Arang, Kalah jadi Abu. --Kudin

  32. Anonymous6:46 pm


    Mari lah kita sama-sama memboikot Air Asia kerana sikapnya yang begitu tamak dan asyik mengejar keuntungan. Langsung tiday ada sikap memberi. Saya telah menggunakan logo "I'm not flying Air Asia di blog saya:

    Saya harap saudara juga boleh meggunakan logo tersebut dalam blogsite saudara.

  33. Anonymous6:53 pm

    Anonymous 4:29 AM

    So says you?
    Look inside the mirror.
    Maybe it’s the other way round.


  34. Anonymous8:33 pm

    Anonymous said...

    1. Yang mana tak selesa duk kat Malaysia nih, dipersilakan cari Negara yang lebih selesa, why stay on? Go find a place where you can do, say, practice whatever you like....
    Tutup buku, habis cerita.


    5:45 PM....

    Anonymous said...

    Semua yang datang ke negara ini dengan tongkang boleh pulang ke negara asal naik tongkang. Dan yang datang ke-sini dengan kapal boleh pulang ke negara asal dengan kapal.Itu pun kalau dah tak tahan dengan pemerintahan UMNO lah!


    9:51 PM

    Dear rocky bru,

    Can you please tell this bastards that we are all Malaysian born here in Malaysia. Of couse if you want to talk about Grass root, I think who ever wrote this article is also from other country too. Im Malysian Indian, and to my knowledge only Orang Asli and Kadazan, sungai and others from Sabah and Sarawak is the real origin of Malaysia. So i hope this educated but uneducated bloody idiot don't be little other races as they wish. And talk about " Melayu Tercabar" When did other race mencabar mereka, tetapi merekalah mencabar tak habis habis sampai sekarang.

    From Shan anak Malaysia,
    bukan macam -lumemangbangsat-
    Thank you
