Belum boleh lagi, kata Hsien Loong. Asal-usul Singapura tidak menjadi pertikaian. Semasa pedagang Inggeris Stamford Raffles menjejak kakinya di pulau kecil ini pada tahun 1819, penduduknya rata-rata nelayan Melayu. Singapura pada ketika itu dtadbir oleh seorang Temenggong yang berkiblatkan Sultan Johor. Kini penduduk Melayu di Singapura hanya tinggal 14 peratus dari jumlah rakyatnya. Selain dari Yusof Ishak, teman karib Lee Kuan Yew yang menjadi Presiden pertama repablik itu, tidak ada pemimpin Melayu yang pernah sampai ke mercu kerajaan. Selama 43 tahun merdeka, Singapura telah mengenali tiga Perdana Menteri, semuanya berbangsa Cina.
Apakah kemungkinan Singapura akan diterajui oleh seorang Perdana Menteri bukan Cina? Seorang Melayu? Tak kiralah samada berdarah Jawa, Boyan, Bugis, Siam, Arab, India ataupun Minang, asal jiwanya sawo matang?PM Hsien Loong ditanya soalan ini semalam semasa berdialog dengan anggota masyarakat Melayu di Singapura.
Jawab beliau: Singapura belum bersedia untuk memilih PM bukan Cina dalam tempoh terdekat."Kemungkinannya ada, ini bergantung kepada cara penduduk mengundi dan siapa yang mendapat keyakinan rakyat. Adakah ini akan berlaku tidak lama lagi? Saya tidak fikir begitu ...".Sekurang-kurangnya Hsien Loong jujur dan berterus-terang. Seorang pemimpin negara perlu pandai menjaga hati rakyat, lagi-lagi buat negara yang berbilang kaum seperti Singapura. Tapi yang lebih penting dari pandai berdiplomasi ialah kejujuran dan kemampuan untuk memperkatakan sesuatu yang realiti yang sensitif tanpa mengguris hati sesiapa.
Bagi Melayu di Singapura, realiti kedudukan mereka memang mengharukan. Rakyat Singapura berketurunan India, yang merupakan bangsa pendatang seperti kaum Cina, adalah lebih kecil (9 peratus) tapi mempunyai peranan politik yang lebih menyerlah. Presiden Singapura ialah seorang berketurunan India manakala seorang daripada dua Timbalan PM Singapura serta tiga menteri dalam Kabinet Hsien Loong adalah dari kaum India.
Bandingkan Singapura dengan negara kita sendiri.
Dan bandingkan jawapan PM Singapura dengan PM kita sendiri. Seperti yang saya katakan, sekurang-kurangnya Hsien Loong berani berterus-terang. Perdana Menteri kita pernah ditanya tentang kemungkinan orang bukan Melayu menjadi PM Malaysia.
Jawab Pak Lah? Sesiapa saja boleh jadi Perdana Menteri. "It's up to the people to decide". Dah tentu Hsien Loong sudah membaca dan meneliti jawapan rakan sejawatnya di sini sebelum mengeluarkan kenyataannya semalam.
Sila baca:
Non-Chinese PM for Singapore? (TheStarMobile, 9/11/2008)
Isu PM bukan Cina pernah diutarakan, sila baca Who really is "not ready" for a non-Chinese PM? (11/12/2007)
Monday, November 10, 2008
PM bukan Cina di Singapura?
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Bro tolong beri pandangan atas cadanagn mamat ni di blog
boleh ke?? kenapa Pusat Zakat dan Baitulmal tak buat ?? Apa kata semua pemimpin-pemimpin islam semua parti dan apa kata alim ulama??
Tak payahlah puji perdana menteri singapura yang memberi jawapan 'text book' kepada soaalan seperti tu. jawapan pak lah pun ada kebenarannya. terpulanglah kepada rakyat majoriti untuk menentukan perdana menteri malaysia, melayu ke, cina ke atau india ke. hakikatnya orang melayu singapura tetap juga tersisih dan hanya boleh meniti di tepian saja. apakah bagusnya perdana menteri yang hanya memberi peluang kepada bangsa sendiri saja? tapi di negara ini, cina lebih banyak mendapat peluang melalui melayu keturunan ali baba dot com. dan mereka tak perlu bergantung kepada bantuan kerajaan kerana bangsa mereka sudah jauh lebih kuat daripada melayu sendiri. di singapura sampai kiamat pun melayu tak akan boleh jadi perdana menterinya. begitu juga kaum india.
ReplyDeletemata-mata pencen
Also read
ReplyDeleteOf course, our liberal frat boys like people's parl, mt, msiakini will be giving this a miss.
Yes, I like Lee Hsien Loong's reply too. Honest but politely couched. Unlike our Waffler here. sigh.
consequence of having a moron leader
Pak Lah cakap begitu kerana tidak mahu kehilangan sokongan pengundi bukan Melayu, terutamanya dari etnik cina.
ReplyDeleteSingapura pula tidak apa yang hendak ditakutkan kerana etnik minoritinya amat kecil dan keadaan politiknya, antara sebab Lee boleh bercakap begitu.
Tetapi saya fikir, jika politik Melayu tidak terbahagi kepada banyak 'puak', saya yakin Pak Lah akan 'berani' kenyataan yang lebih 'panas' dari Lee.
senang nk cakap mcm tu bila kita sebangsa dengan majoriti penduduk dan bangsa kita memegang ekonomi dan bangsa minoriti tidak menentukan menang kalah kita dalam pilihanraya. nampak nya rakyat singapura perlu lebih pendidikan dalam keterbukaan memilih pemimpin bangsa lain dan kaum minoriti (terutama) perlu lebih proaktif terlibat dalam politik dan pentadbiran kerajaan.
ReplyDeleteI do think that a non-chinese PM is possible in Singapore in the near future, perhaps in my lifetime.
ReplyDeleteIn Malaysia, post March 8, where everyone declared that change has come and pointing towards having multiracial approach on everything. We have seen everything else except that (multiracial) from both BN and Opposition.
No way will PAS and PKR will agree to a non-Malay PM or even DPM. Only hope is that a non-malay but muslim maybe accepted.
Whither the day a non-Malay/Indian-Muslim PM in Malaysia?
ReplyDeleteLet's face it - and the last Malaysian polls showed too - We live in a post-racial world where lame politics of fear are being recognised for what they are.
Good governance is ultimately about justice, equal opportunity, accountability, competent leadership and astute vision.
Enlightened electorates - maybe our children's generation - will vote this kind of effective leaders in. Ironically, so what if they happen to look like pigs wearing lipstick?
ReplyDeleteitulah realiti sebenarnya...
tetapi sebahagian org-org yg kononnya begitu terbuka dakwa bila malaysia nak jadi mcm USA...
boleh.. I will vote a non-malay PM if they really care of malaysia. Respect the perlembagaan and others too.
But.. for today.. even they said Malaysia for malaysian.. but still cannot speak proper Bahasa Malaysia after 50 years change status from "pendatang" to citizen.. so the answer is BULLSHIT!
I am not racist but some people who bringing up this issue are the real racist! Even US need few hundred years to vote a non-white President....
Sdr Rocky's Bru,
ReplyDelete1. Mula-mula sekali izinkan saya mengucapkan tahniah kepada Saudara kerana membuat posting (pertama?)dalam bahasa Melayu (Malaysia);
2. Saya tahu Saudara boleh menulis dalam bahasa Melayu dengan baik, tetapi Saudara nampaknya kurang yakin dengan bahasa Melayu Saudara atau terlalu selesa dengan bahasa Inggeris;
3. It's good to post in the Malay language. I am sure there are many non-English readers who have heard of you. They may what to hear what you have to say;
4. Mengenai orang Melayu Singapura, mereka ini cukup taat atau cukup takut kepada PAP;
5. Mereka tahu mereka bukanlah warganegara yang mendapat layanan sama rata, tetapi mereka terima kerana mereka turut menikmati kemakmuran republik itu;
6. Saya ramai juga suka sakat di sana. They are not happy. Many younger ones have migrated to Australia, Canada and Europe. The older ones bought properties in Malaysia and settled down here;
7. But they always told me that on average they're better off than many Malays in Malaysia and certainly better-off than most Indonesians;
8. There's a denial of Malay rights and contributions to Singapore. Many of Lee Kuan Yew's comrades during the independence struggle and the formation of PAP were Malays;
9. But he threw most of them in jail or exiled them. He appointed a handful to ceremonial posts as an act of tokenism;
10. On proportional basis, Malays are left far behind compared to the majority Chinese and the minority Indians, partly because Malays do not cause trouble but the strident Indian opposition politicians do;
11. Itulah realiti meritokrasi dan demokrasi ala-PAP.
Terima kasih.
There is something to be said about considering one's answer carefully before opening one's mouth.
ReplyDeleteObviously this is something that some believe while others do not.
The reason for it? some people think that words are just words, but actually words are the scalpel of society, dissecting thoughts and ideas. Of course some people treat it like a butcher's knife, not really caring where the cut is being made
then there are those who use it like a parang, slashing everywhere as if they are in an uncleared undergrowth of stupid ideas, these people think they are the only smart ones
Some of them are lawyers who attack and cast aspersions on their own clients.
Singapore will have a non Chinese PM before Malaysia has a non Malay PM ... infact, Spore will have a Malay PM before Msia has a non Malay PM :-)
ReplyDeleteThis bags the question- do we want the best PM for the people, or do we just want the best PM from a certain race/religion, which may bring misfortunes to everyone, including people of the same race/religion as the PM, as has happened in M'sia with Abdullah?
ReplyDeleteLee Hsien Loong can say anything he likes....but if it serious that S'pore must have another USA DEMANDS it..S'pore will comply.
ReplyDeleteBut S'pore is actually a "SERVICE CENTER" the world..consisting of one major it has such a small population...almost 90% are Chinese.
It's like H.Kong.
And most Chinese in S'pore have relatives from it is indirectly...part and partial of Malaysia..exactly H.Kong.
That is why...we compare the progress of S' Malaysia and note the clear reasons...why we are so far everything.
Corruptions and race politics.
Sorry off topic...
ReplyDeletebut then is this true?
This is another method for KWSP to steal our money!
Remember during Budget 2008 announcement last yr, our Finance Minister (cum PM) announced that in order to assist KWSP members to reduce the burden in housing load repayment, KWSP will allow monthly withdrawal from members' A/C II for the purpose?
Sounds like a nice goodies!
When you apply for the monthly withdrawal, you only need to provide KWSP yr housing loan & instalment details
from yr bank and the bank a/c # you like KWSP to bank the monthly
withdrawal into it. KWSP will approve yr
application based on the available amt in yr A/C II and compute the withdrawal period by dividing the approved amt with the monthly instalment amt. Application process takes about a month and you will receive the monthly payout promptly into yr bank a/c!
Well everything appear to be nice and good. It was indeed a noble plan until you take to close look at yr KWSP Statement!
The withdrawal plan is actually a SCAM!
This is how the KWSP SCAM works.......
Assuming you have RM100,000 in yr A/C II and yr housing loan's monthly instalment is RM2000/mth.
KWSP will approve yr application of withdrawal from yr A/C II of RM100,000 and pay you RM2000/mth for the next 50mths.
Everything appears to be in order BUT.......
What KWSP didn't highlight to you is that when the application was approved, the TOTAL AMT (RM100,000) is removed from yr A/C II! It appears to be transfered to an unknown a/c to effect the monthly payment from therein.
The impact to the member are as follows :-
1. You just lost RM100,000 from yr A/C II. Assuming the KWSP Dividend is 5%, you will lose >RM4,000 in dividend during the 1st year. Based on the above example you will will lose >RM10,000 over the 50 mths period!
2. There is no statement to account for the amt approved vs amt paid, hence you would need to keep the monthly payment voucher to reconcile against the approved amt over the 50mths period to ensure there is no missing amt!
Assuming there are 100,000 members who innocently fell prey to this SCAM, based on the above example, KWSP would have cheated the members of 100,000 X RM10,000 = RM1,000,000,000 (that's RM1 BILLION) over the period!
Furthermore, if you discovered this SCAM early and intend to stop the plan, KWSP would not allow any cancellation of the plan until at least 1 year. That would mean, once the application is approved, based on the above example, you would have lost >RM4,000.
100,000 members would have lost 100,000 X RM4,000 = RM400,000,000 (RM400 MILLION) in One Year!!!
If you're a victim of this KWSP SCAM, would suggest you call yr MP to raise hell in Parliament! (BN MPs won't do it)
For others who have not fallen into this SCAM, pls continue to watch out and alert yr family & friends about this.
ReplyDeleteForget about a Malay being PM in Singapore. Jauh panggang dari api. Ibarat menunggu bulan jatuh keriba. Tak mungkin terjadi selagi Chinese plus Indian control the majority. The Singapore Malays can always dream of it but it will never going to happen. But their possibility of being sideline in every categories are inevitable. Pity.
For a Non Malay to be PM of Malaysia someday cannot be ruled out. Even today UMNO almost lost grip of the government. The weakness of the Malays is $$$$. In fact they can pawn anything for $$$$. What more if the leaders are corrupt. We can only judge it from the present infighting within UMNO leadership for control of party.
Almost all the present leaderships are corrupted before they came to their present status. Now that they are filthy rich they preach others to discard corrupt practices. Bagai ketam ajar anak berjalan lurus.
The way I look at it, sorry to say that the Malays will never capture the domestic economic stature. What more to compete internationally. Without the Chinese or Indians, the Malays will rot.
It is easy for him to be so frank because the Malays in Singapore can barely make a dent in Singapore's socio-political and economic landscape. He's talking to a very emasculated group after all.
ReplyDeleteInsya-Allah one day, even how long it will take, Singapore will have a Prime Minister from other races, not because it is due time to have one, but because of his true ability and leadership. :)
ReplyDelete-Your friendly neighbour down South.
ReplyDeleteWe have UMNO to thank for for 'giving' away a state (Singapore) to some left wing politician (LKY)..I as a Malay will never forgive Tunku Abdul Rahman and his goons for what they have done..What used to be part of Malaysia and also part of the Johor Sultanate is now an independent country which unfortunately is doing better than us..because of that Malays in that country have become minorities and will probably never have any political influence....
Jawapan Perdana Menteri Singapura tidak memeranjatkan.
ReplyDeletePenting di sini ialah agar kita mengenal konteks.
Konteks Singapura sedikit berbeza dari konteks Malaysia.
Perbezaannya tidak terhad kepada demografi, politik ekonomi, kultur/budaya dan penggunaan bahasa, antara lain, malah juga menjangkau sejarah dan dinamik masyarakat masing-masing negara.
Dan oleh itu, jawapan Perdana Menteri Malaysia dan Perdana Menteri Singapura yang berbeza itu adalah lazim. Kemungkinan besar di Singapura kurang probabilitinya kaum bukan dominan menjadi Perdana Menteri berbanding di Malaysia.
Mari kita kaji sebab-sebabnya.
Di Singapura, golongan etnik terbesar adalah orang Cina (77%) manakala orang Melayu terdiri daripada 14%. Namun begitu, tidak mustahil bagi orang Melayu menjadi perdana menteri Singapura. Cuma, golongan supermajoriti Cina perlu menerima seorang Melayu, dan selain itu, perlu ada orang Melayu yang berkebolehan bukan sahaja dari segi pengurusan/pentadbiran negara tetapi juga dalam berkomunikasi dengan rakyatnya (penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris dan bahasa Cina).
Di Malaysia, golongan Melayu Muslim secara spesifik komposisinya kira-kira 40.5% dan bersama bumiputera bukan Melayu (13.5%) jumlahnya 54%, manakala golongan bukan Bumiputera pula terdiri daripada 30.1% (Cina), 9.4% (India) (Cina + India = hampir 39.5%). Yang lainnya pula 5.4%(orang Indonesia, Phil., Viet., Burma, Jepun, Thai, US/UK dan Serani). Lain-lain yang tiada klasifikasi khas ialah 1.1%.
Orang Cina dan India di Malaysia fasih bertutur dalam Bahasa Melayu. Ini jelas dapat dilihat di kalangan belia dan juga sebahagian golongan orang tua. Masalah bahasa tidak menjadi rintangan di sini, dan ini jelas walau di peringkat politik tinggi di Malaysia pun (ramai ahli-ahli parlimen bukan Melayu petah berhujah dan menyampaikan pendapat dan idea dalam Bahasa Melayu). Interaksi ADUN-ADUN dan MP-MP kita dengan seluruh spektrum kaum-kaum yang ada di mana-mana komuniti juga adalah signifikan dan merupakan suatu perkara yang biasa dilihat di Malaysia.
Di Malaysia, sebahagian orang bukan Melayu kenal dengan adat dan budaya orang Melayu. Perkelompokan mengikut kaum tidak begitu tajam di Malaysia berbanding di Singapura; di Malaysia, masyarakat kita agar tercampur jika dilihat di tempat kerja atau di kawasan perumahan.
Sebagai ukur pergaulan antara kaum, kawin campur juga lebih biasa berlaku di Malaysia berbanding Singapura (misalnya Cina kawin Melayu -- sesuatu yang lebih jarang berlaku di Singapura).
Sejarah orang Melayu dan orang Cina dan India di Tanah Melayu jauh lebih lama dan signifikan dari di Singapura yang merupakan sebuah republik yang muda.
Sekiranya kita menelaah dan memahami konteks dengan mengambil kira elemen-elemen sosio-politikal, demografi dan sejarah, maka adalah lebih munasabah peluang atau probabiliti untuk seorang bukan Melayu menjadi Perdana Menteri di Malaysia berbanding Singapura.
Maka tidak harus kita memperlekeh kenyataan Perdana Menteri kita mengenai isu ini walaupun beliau kurang popular atau dilihat kurang efektif.
Walaupun kita tidak suka dengan peribadi atau kebolehan seseorang itu, harus kita selami dan menilai idea yang disampaikan dengan fikiran terbuka.
Rocky dia terlupa dalam ucapan dia tertinggal nak sebut kut...
ReplyDeleteTak kira dari mana asalkan Cina, boleh jadi PM Singapura, asalkan India, boleh jadi President - Singapura tidak amal diskriminasi.
Nak jadi RAKYAT Singapura tak susah cara2:
Apa tunggu lagi, peluang keemasan, kan semuanya BEST kat sana bukan macam kat sini? Ayuh beramai2.
ReplyDeleteApakah yang dimaksudkan dengan satu "etnik"? Apakah ia mengikut susur-galur dari sebelah bapa, yang merupakan amalan biasa di banyak tempat, ataupun mengikut cara hidup seseorang itu?
Terlalu banyak ketaktentuan dalam definasi etnis. Nak golongkan mereka yang kahwin campur dalam etnis apa? Saperti RPK, muka bak orang puteh, tapi jiwa Melayu.
Hakikatnya orang "Melayu" satu rumpun yang amat tercampur. Darah Arab, Cina, India, Portugis, Siam, Eropah, Turki - bukan susah nak cari "Melayu" yang bermoyangkan seorang yang bukan "Melayu asli".
Malah, seseorang yang masuk Islam bisa mengaku orang Melayu dan barangkali akan diterima sebegitu oleh pemerintah. Namun ini sesuatu yang pelik kerana orang kulit hitam tak menjadi orang puteh semata-mata menganuti Kristian.
Ternyata apabila membincangkan apakah maksud "Melayu", semua orang memakai definisi masing-masing, menyebabkan terlalu banyak percanggahan. Kucingsiam pun dah pening .
Pak Sako dapat memperincikan isu ini dengan tepat.
ReplyDeleteSeperkara lagi, soalan ini adalah retorika semata-mata. Soalan macam untuk the man on the moon.Lebih menarik lagi jika retorika ini dipanjangkan kepada "antara Pak Lah dan LHL, siapakah yang akan anda pilih jadi PM? Menarik, dan saya sudah membuat keputusan!
Apa yang akan menentukan bangsa seoarang PM kedua-dua negara adalah penerimaan orang ramai terhadap calon yang diberikan. Saya berani berkata jika mana-mana calon yang dipertandingkan, jika beliau mempunyai kebolehan dan pemilihan dilakukan oleh para pemilih (pengundi) dengan cara rasional, calon yang terbaik akan menang tanpa mengira kaum. Sebabnya mudah, apa yang dimahukan adalah kebolehan memimpin, bukan nama Melayu, Cina atau India semata-mata dalam kerusi Perdana Menteri.
No matter how "meritocratic" Singapore is,the fact is a non-chinese PM will never be a reality.
ReplyDeleteAs for the first President of Singapore that was a was the Queen who suggested the idea to LKY.
Malaysia practises democracy more than Singapore.Anwar Ibrahim would never be given an opportuniy to enter parliament...except may be to Institute of Mental Health(Singapore).So the oppositions and their supporters should count their blessings from the Malaysian government for allowing a free democratic process to run or maybe they would prefer to become Singaporean?
ReplyDeleteI think you are too quick to heap praise on PM Lee for his honesty and to criticize PM Abdullah.
PM Lee says electing a PM from an ethnic minority depends on how the people vote and who gets the support of the people. He doesn't expect this to happen anytime soon.
PM Abdullah says it depends on the people.
The main factor in both Singapore and Malaysia which determines who is to become PM is the ruling party itself (PAP & BN respectively). It elects its party leader who becomes PM.
Thereafter, the elected PM faces general election(s) where the electorate get to reaffirm the appointment.
Now lets assume both PAP & BN decide to elect an ethnic minority as PM during party elections.
I am of the opinion that the longevity of the ethnic minority PM will not depend on voting trends in Singapore but will most certainly do so in Malaysia.
The Singapore electorate do not have a viable opposition to vote for. The ethnic majority are not that insecure about their capabilities and corruption/ patronage is not common in Singapore. Hence, whoever takes over as PM will survive as long as he/she propagates inclusive policies for all ethnic groups.
The Malaysian situation will be much different. Firstly, there will be resistance within UMNO. Even having passed that hurdle, the Malay electorate, feeling insecure, is likely to run into the hands of PAS and vote for the opposition.
Hence, while PM Lee says it depends on the pattern of voting, it is safe to say, a Singaporean PM from an ethnic minority will survive a general election. The main hurdle is at the PAP level.
With regards to PM Abdullah's comments, he is half right. Even if the UMNO hurdle is cleared to elect an ethnic minority, the electorate hurdle is unlikely to be cleared. Hence, it does come down to the people, namely Malay voters.
Having lived in Singapore for a couple of years, the time for an ethnic minority might come in the next 10-15 years when PM Lee steps down. I have yet to see a capable Chinese Minister in the mould of PM Lee emerge but at least one capable Indian Minister (Tharman) has emerged.
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ReplyDeleteI hold what i have.
ReplyDeleteContoh terbaik bagi panduan orang Melayu di Nusantara.
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ReplyDeleteApakah org Melayu Singapura sudah setanding dgn org Cina dari segi kebolehannya?.Itulah persoalan sebenarnya,kemudian barulah boleh berangan nak jadi PM Singapura.
ReplyDeletePak lah tipu! Sesiapa boleh jadi PM konon. Ceh!
ReplyDeleteCuba tanya DAP, MCA dan Gerakan apa komen mereka tentang jawapan PM Singapura??
ReplyDeleteMereka sedar diri ke tidak..
monsterball said...
ReplyDeleteLee Hsien Loong can say anything he likes....but if it serious that S'pore must have another USA DEMANDS it..S'pore will comply
But S'pore is actually a "SERVICE CENTER" the world..consisting of one major it has such a small population...almost 90% are Chinese.
It's like H.Kong.
And most Chinese in S'pore have relatives from it is indirectly...part and partial of Malaysia..exactly H.Kong.
That is why...we compare the progress of S' Malaysia and note the clear reasons...why we are so far everything.
Corruptions and race politics.
As usual this idiot monsterball gets all his facts jumbled up, contradicts himself and talks haprak! And very bad English too!!
Singapore is not a service centre and is not like HK as anyone can tell you monsterball!Chinese 77% of pop there and not 90%! If you can't get your basic facts right, don't comment monsterball! Go back and ampu/bodek Pak Lah...that's what you know best.....
agak lucu ...bodohnya orang Malaysia terutama bukan melayu...tak perlu mimpi jawatan PM....mimpi jadi Naib C di Universti pun tak dapat percayalah...wlapun prfsor bukan Melayu..bijak tetapi Prfor Kankung Melayu dapat Jawatan.....hasilnya universiti pun jadi kankung....kakakakak
ReplyDeletepengalaman pelajar dari UUM
The Singaporean Chinese know for a fact that beneath that veneer of wealth, that accoutrement of cosmopolitanism, that varnish of urbanity and that trapping of intellect hides a rapacious, racist self - the epitome of kiasuism. It is the triumph of the immigrant over the native, the conqueror who having subjugated the hapless Other by devious means proceeds to erase the last vestiges of a proud civilisation. And what better way to do that than deny the indigene his rightful place under his own sun. For to place him in the exalted position of ruler, would entail psychological kowtowing to a different race, a deed no Chinese would ever deign. To do so would amount to the harakiri of a soul imprinted with racial superiority till kingdom come.
ReplyDeleteThus stuck in this existential cul-de-sac, the Chinese take a different tack in places where they are overwhelmed by sheer numbers. They beat the cymbals of universal values, they burn the civil rights paraphrenalia of human rights, of equality, of freedom, of social justice in the altar of public space. They light the jossticks of egalitarianism, democracy and pluralis and festoon the temples of public opinion with banners of multiculturalism and universalism.
It is a subtle yet consummate metamorphosis, to appear what you are not to the eyes of reality.The mask of the Opera shielding the Imprimatur of a Racist Civilisation. The Beauty without masking the Rotten within.
Drawn to the mask, to smoke and the sounds are the chingkie lovvas.The sounds of cymbals, the scent of frankincense, the smoke of offerings befuddling logic and fogging the senses. Cast under the spell of the resident deity, the soul of the chingkie lovva is seized by bouts of "epiphany" and soon lovva boy, eyes glazed and brain dead, mouths the mantras of his new Master.Thus, a new mask is born everyday amongst the non-chingkie crowd, zombies programmed to perform the ultimate mission: wrest power from the native and what better way to go about it than using zombie natives!
Warrior 231
If you read both PM's reply - there is a common message. The people decide. Hsien Loong goes further to explain that its not because there is law saying only a chinese can be PM, but because of public sentiment. Its the same in Malaysia. It will depend on the majority race in Malaysia and Singapore to choose a leader based solely on his/her capability and not skin colour or sex.
Ah, what a relieve that you're not experiencing the blogger burnout. Is this really your first post in BM, after almost 7 million hits?
ReplyDeleteWhen I was living in Sydney in 1990-92, what struck me most was to meet so many Malay families from Singapore who migrated to Australia to earn a living there. I've tasted some of the best Malay food in Sydney, and you better believe it.
Oops, sorry where have I been, hello hello? The 7 millions was history. Duh!
ReplyDeletehanya kerana obama menang di US, kita di sini ingat it can happen too here. pleaselah. i love malaysia and the fact that it is very multi racial but i dont think i am ready to have a non-malay as our leader. in Obamaland, blacks and whites are practically the same - in their way of life etc. a majority of them go to church, they eat the same kind of food, they speak the same language etc. here malays are muslims and our ways of life is so different. it would be difficult for the chinese to totally understand us. heck, i have been to a few events during ramadhan and some chinese offered me food and drinks! or non-malay friends think that just because a restaurant overseas do not serve pork, it is halal. i respect the chinese and indian, really i do. but we are not the same
ReplyDeleteDear quikp,
ReplyDeleteYa, Tok Scribe tu betul - ini posting pertama saya dalam Bahasa Melayu.
Mudah-mudahan bukan yang terakhir.
warrior 231,
ReplyDeleteu sound like demi negara...are you?..
About this statement --> Di Malaysia, golongan Melayu Muslim secara spesifik komposisinya kira-kira 40.5% dan bersama bumiputera bukan Melayu (13.5%) jumlahnya 54%, manakala golongan bukan Bumiputera pula terdiri daripada 30.1% (Cina), 9.4% (India) (Cina + India = hampir 39.5%). Yang lainnya pula 5.4%(orang Indonesia, Phil., Viet., Burma, Jepun, Thai, US/UK dan Serani). Lain-lain yang tiada klasifikasi khas ialah 1.1% I JUST WANNA SAY SOMETHING, KADAZAN & IBAN ARE LEFT OUT, WHICH ALWAYS HAPPEN.....MOST OF THE PEOPLE IN PENINSULAR THINKS THAT SABAH & SARAWAK ARE FOREIGN COUNTRIES....SIGH...
Betul tu.
ReplyDeleteDua-dua Perdana menteri betul kata mereka.... ianya bergantung pada rakyat, sama ada mereka menerima atau tidak. di singapura mungkin situasi kurang sedia bukan saja dari segi persediaan kaum majoriti tapi mungkin juga orang melayu di singapura kena tajamkan kebolehan untuk bertanding dengan kebolehan pemimpin-pemimpin seperti lee hsien loong.
Di Malaysia sudah dapat kita lihat ramai pemimpin-pemimpin yang berbakat dan berwibawa dari golongan kaum bukan Melayu.... maka tidaklah susah sangat mengambil langkah seterusnya menjadi perdana menteri, padahal menteri besar pulau pinang tu kan Lim Guan Eng, dan secara demokratik bukankah parti DAP yang mempunyai paling banyak kerusi di negeri Perak?
Saya rasa mesej yang penting dari kemenangan Obama di USA ialah selagi seorang itu setia dan sanggup berusaha dan berkhidmat utk negara tanpa mengira kaum tetapi dengan menjaga kebajikan semua kaum, maka apa salahnya perdana menteri kita orang Kadazan, Iban Kristian atau India atau Cina? Yang penting dia kena tau komunikasi dengan golongan Melayu dan memenangi kepercayaan mereka. itu saja.
definitely better than the old lalang...
ReplyDeleteHarap lepas ini Raja Petra juga boleh membuat posting di dalam bahasa Melayu.
ReplyDelete- anak Selangor
ReplyDeleteTHAT is if you are only living in a real world.
Ours is always asleep and in a daze.....
ReplyDeleteTulis dalam bahasa Melayu? Wah, satu pembaharuan....
Basically, I feel it will be far easier for Singapore to have a non-Chinese PM than Malaysia to have a non-Malay PM.
ReplyDeleteReason is very simple.
The PAP is a multiracial political party where the top leadership is appointed by elected central committee members. So if a non-Chinese shows strong leadership qualities way and above his Chinese comrades, there is every likelihood that he may be called upon to serve as its secretary general, and hence the PM ship.
In Malaysia, UMNO will never let go of its so called God given right to rule this country.
Singapore got Tiger Airways, Malaysia got Air Asia...
ReplyDeleteSingpore everybody wanna go away,
Here, everybody can dream of ruling Malaysia...
This MIC (Malay, Indian, Chinese ) issue has been done to death and getting a bit boring.
ReplyDeleteWhy not fight for the rights of the Serani, Sikh, Ibans, Bidayuh, Orang Asli, Negrito, Kadazans to name a few?
Why can't a Negrito be PM, not necessarily in Singapore but here in Malaysia?
The answer is simple.
Majority wins.
Singapore dont Non CHinese PM. But Singapore has Non CHinese President. Singapore has Non Chinese Finance Minister. Government Bank (DBS) has Non Chinese Chairman. Singapore government give HBD to Non-Chinese.Singapore can build without difference of races and Nationality. Singapore go to globalisation.
ReplyDeleteWhy PKNS cant has Chinese Head of Company?
Iceland government can go bankrupt even proper managed. Malaysia government can bankrupt if not proper managed in globalisation today.
ReplyDeletebahasa melayu saudara lebih baik drp bahasa melayu hishamuddin aun yg merapu dan dipenuhi dengan ayat-ayat bertaraf BODEK!!!!
ReplyDeletememang betul ucapan Pak Lah tu....selepas beliau, SIAPA SAJA bisa menyandang jawatan perdana menteri malaysia!
I really do not care about who's becoming the PM, as long he/her is a muslim and have full understanding of muslim faith which eventually will lead to better relationship between all the people and better management of the country.
ReplyDeleteIt seems the malay leader performance is not up to par b'coz of their limited knowledge of comprehensiveness of Islamic politics and Hablumminannas.
btw, I'm a malay.
(heha) : GO ! tell it on the mountains,
ReplyDeleteeveryone & everywhere, GO, tell it on the mountains,
let my people GO !!
Salam Bro,
ReplyDeleteTujuan apa isu ini dibangkitkan tidaklah dikenal pasti.
Sedikit sebanyak ia mengguris luka,atau luka lama berdarah kembali.
Said zahari,A.Samad Ismail,Bizar Ahmad........
Studio Jalan Ampas,P.Ramlee......
Ramli Sarip,M.Nasir..........
Nama-nama diatas ada kaitannya dengan Singapura.
Wawancara wartawan Utusan Malaysia SITI MARIAM MD.ZAIN keatas Pak A.Samad Ismail pada tanggal Ahad 10 September 2006 telah membuat LKY(Lee Kuan Yew)melenting.
Apa yang LKY nak melenting,itu adalah hakikat sebenarnya.
Nasib baik sisa-sisa hayatnya masih dapat beliau nyatakan fakta sebenar pada generasi muda anak-anak melayu.
Terima kasih dan Al-fatihah buat allahyarham yang sumbangannya terlalu besar buat bangsanya.
Kembali kita pada acara.
Dalam gugusan melayu,apakah hati tidak terguris ada satu bangsa yang memerintah/menindas bangsa melayu ?
Satu kepulauan kecil,yang mana rata-rata sekelilingnya negara yang rasnya adalah melayu/jawa.
Ini adalah bayangan yang sentiasa menghantui LKY,hasil pembelotannya terhadap A.Samad Ismail dan orang melayu secara keseluruhannya.
British berjaya dengan misinya.
Bukan bermaksud menghasut saudara rocky's atas apa yang saya catatkan disini(please!)
Hasil bacaan,
Tengkuk Datuk Maharaja Lela dan pengikutnya telah diserahkan Sultan Johor pada British diSingapura.
Tengkuk Raja Ismail telah diserahkan oleh Sultan Kedah kepada British diPulau Pinang.
Perang Dunia Kedua melanda umat manusia dengan kejamnya.Ini dalah akibat daripada perkembangan dasar kapitalisme yang mahu memperebutkan tanah-tanah jajahan.Dengan itu terbentuklah 'Pakatan Paksi' yang dianggotai oleh Jerman,Itali,dan Jepun yang mahu merebut tanah-tanah jajahan dan merekalah pengganas perang yang sebenar.Di pihak lain,terbentuk pula 'Pihak Berikat' yang dianggotai oleh Amerika,Perancis,Soviet Union,British dan CINA untuk mempertahankan diri dan melawan perang pencerobohan 'Pakatan Paksi'
Sebelum menyerang Tanah Melayu,pihak berkuasa Jepun telah menandatangani satu perjanjian dengan Kerajaan Siam di bawah pimpinan Phibun Songkram.Perjanjian ini telah memberi laluan kepada tentera Jepun menyerang Tanah Melayu.
Pada 8 Disember 1941,sebilangan besar askar Jepun mulai menyerang dan menduduki Kota Bharu,manakala sebahagian lagi menyerang melalui Songkla dan Pattani.
Pada 4 Feb 1942,tentera fasis Jepun mulai menyerang Singapura........
pasukan askar melayu telah memperlihatkan kepewiraannya menentang fasis Jepun.Akan tetapi kerana kelunturan semangat tentera British,akhirnya Singapura telah diterobosi dan penjajah British pada 15 Feb menyerah diri tanpa syarat kepada fasis Jepun.
Jepun menukar nama Singapura menjadi Syonan-To.................
Menjelang penyerahan diri fasis Jepun,TAJRM telah menguasai lebih separuh kawasan desa dan tidak sedikit kawasan bandar dan pekan.
Akan tetapi,Setiausaha Agung PKM ketika itu ialah seorang ejen dalam selimut iaitu Lai Tek(The Plen)
Apakah LKY tidak mengenali orang ini ?
Lai Tek banyak merosakkan perjuangan.Hampir keseluruhan kader pimpinan peringkat pusat telah dikhianati.Beliau juga merosakkan program politik parti yang berjuang untuk kemerdekaan Malaya,menjadikannya memperjuangkan pemerintahan sendiri.
Oleh itu,setelah fasis Jepun menyerah diri,parti tidak mengisytiharkan kemerdekaan Malaya,sebaliknya menerima semula penjajah British dan akibatnya penjajah British kembali berkuasa semula.
Semua ini Bro,masih dapat kita menjejaknya,kerana orang yang dikhianati oleh LKY masih bernafas di bumi ini.
Betapa liciknya LKY dan British !
Mungkin hingga akhir hayat saya,kaki ini tidak akan menjejak Singapura selagi LKY masih hidup.
Dan sememangnya diri ini tidak pernah menjejakkan kaki kesana.
Kerana apa ?
Apakah bangsa lain tidak pernah mengambil kira betapa ada juga hati orang melayu yang terluka bila nama Singapura disebut-sebut pada mana realitinya satu pulau milik orang melayu terlepas ketangan satu bangsa yang sudah ada negara sendiri iaitu Negara Repulik CINA.
Sungguh licik LKY,British,Amerika,Cina....
Kenapa ini terjadi ?
Kerana tali-barut terdiri dari orang melayu sendiri yang sanggup menjual negara.
Inilah realitinya.
Biarlah Singapura dengan masalahnya sendiri,tetapi lagu 'SUMBANGSIH' nyanyian M.Bakri tetap tersemat dihati.
Dengar dan perhati bait-bait lagunya.Sungguh menghiris perasaan.
Teringat 'Gerakan anti-Arab' oleh Kesatuan Melayu Singapura.
Masih ujud bangsa ini dimalaysia dan singapura hingga kehari ini,dasar bangsa yang tak sedar diri.
Mengaibkan !
Kalau saudara perhatikan siaran National Geographic atau Explorer di Astro mengenai Singapura,amat mendukacitakan.
Terhakis sudah lambang Singapura yang sebenar.
Yang tinggal hanya 0.00001 % mengenai budaya melayu.
Terima Kasih,
'Cucu Panglima Gente'
rocky bru,
ReplyDeleteSya terbaca catatan anda...dan terperanjat apabila anda terharu melihat melayu singapura...
Boleh saya tanya kenapa?
Siapa yang berasa terharu dengan kedudukan melayu malaysia kini...??
Lebih cenderung kpd hal ehwal org lain atau sibuk mementingkan diri sendiri...
Jikalau mahu melihat dari sejarah...bukankah singapura itu kepunyaan M'sia..dahulu???
Siapa yang menendang mereka??org cina.india atau british??kerana apa??
Apa yang telah berlaku kini adalah kesan dari sejarah yang sayang hanya segelintir org melayu yang boleh melihatnya...
There you go..again. A good for nothing "Anon" put out a long post..copying everything I said....talks about my IQ.
ReplyDeleteThat's all he knows!!
Isn't that a smart ass??
ReplyDeleteYou chose to feature the Utusan version of the news?
Did you not hear what RTM was breadcasting about this yesterday?
And what about the version below that was in The Star today?
I suppose the Malay versions are more suited for you to provoke 'meaningful' discussions?
I also suppose you know that Obama is not 'kaw-kaw' black but one who is half-white and half-black, to be accurate.
And if that is something so great, why can't YOU tell the world that in Malaysia, we already have such leaders - like the MB of Perak? (I suppose he is not visible to you because he is not BN or because he is just state level?)
Better check your eyesight and do justice by showcasing to the world what we already have that others are just emulating - even if these examples are non-BN!
That makes you more credible.
Non-Chinese PM for Singapore?
SINGAPORE: The predominantly Chinese republic here may have a non-Chinese prime minister one day but that is unlikely to happen any time soon, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said on Saturday, four days after Americans elected their first black president.
Lee said race was still a factor that determines voters’ preferences here, although he noted that attitudes have shifted.
He was replying to a question from Association of Muslim Professionals board member Yang Razali Kassim at a dialogue with 350 Malay grassroots and community leaders at the Grassroots Club.
Yang Razali asked if, in the light of Barack Obama’s win, Singapore was ready for a prime minister of a minority race, and specifically from the Malay-Muslim community.
Lee said in reply: “It’s possible. It depends on how people vote, on who has the confidence of the population.”
“Will it happen soon? I don’t think so, because you have to win votes. And these sentiments -- who votes for whom, and what makes him identify with that person -- these are sentiments which will not disappear completely for a long time, even if people do not talk about it, even if people wish they did not feel it.”
However, he also acknowledged that attitudes towards race have shifted in the last two to three decades.
“Attitudes have shifted because English provides more of a common ground, because the new generation is better educated and they can see that there are successful people of all races,” he said.
“But to reach a position where everybody is totally race-blind and religion-blind, I think that’s very difficult. You will not find it in any country in the world.”
Grassroots volunteer Muhammad Nabil Noor Mohamed, 20, said Lee’s assessment is realistic, but he also believes that people of his generation can see beyond race and religion “to assess a leader on his ability and his merit.”
Bro, satu penulisan yang amat berani di dalam Bahasa Melayu. Sudah sampai masanya kita berbincang mengenai perkara yang patut dibincang dengan secara terbuka dan jelas bukan buang masa borak-borak kosong dikedai kopi mengenai bangsa mana yang patut menerajui negara Malaysia ini.
ReplyDelete"Observer" writer.. ...observes nothing...knows nothing...see nothing..very low IQ..jump to wrong conclusions.
ReplyDeleteHe is making a fool of himself.
He thinks blogging is for judging English...character.....making a real fool of himself.
He has nothing to contribute...but want to talk cock and bull is what he is good at..choosing me.
Dear Anon 7.46 aka Be-More-Open-Minded-Bro,
ReplyDeleteWhat irks u about the Utusan paper cutting, bro? The English version sama saja dengan versi Utusan, except it names Yang Razali and the so-called grassroot volunteer. The main point is the same: Yes, Malay PM for Singapore is possible; Nope, it won't happen so soon.
How long is soon? Certainly not during Hsien Loong's generation. But at least he is brutally frank with his answer, and that's what you have to admire in a leader.
Thank you.
dear sir,
ReplyDeletei have notice your postings are gradually spinning towards the establishment after you have firmly establish your readership.
perfectly alright if you intent to position it the way you want it to be.
however i ponder the message you want to disseminate to your readers in this particular post.
you are dangerous! coz you know how to spin.
~ accountability ~
this is a first world country and they are not ready for a minority race leader?
ReplyDeleteso where is the oft-touted meritocracy?
perhaps it is a cover for power entrenchment?
Where in other country where half of the Member of Parliament are foreigners; cant speak their National language. Manyakkkk malu worrr....
ReplyDeleteI know a number of factory workers from Bangladesh, Vietnam who can speak better Bahasa those jinjang MPs in just after 1-2 years here working in Malaysia.
Talk about Malaysian Malaysia, or whateve u wannacallit.
i cant understand why peoples are still bitching about LKY. He is by far a better leader than any of previous MAlaysia PM, can you imagine developing an ISLAND yes an ISLAND without any natural resources, unfortunately many Malays is worshiping Mahathir like a he really that capable?look at the asian financial crisis, what happened to the ringgit, it used to be RM2.50 vs 1 us dollar.........yet people still think he brilliant.......seriously i can't understand.......all Mahathir know is bitching about Soros blablah conveniently blaming others for his own imcompetant
ReplyDeleteSaya tak setuju. We don't need to make it compulsory that the Prime Minister of Malaysia is Muslim.
Yang penting, he is berprinsip, amanah, dan adil dan saksama kepada semua rakyat Malaysia tidak kira agama atau bangsa.
Ini yang penting. Setuju atau tidak?
Agama tidak harus dijadikan kriteria. Itu dah kira racist dari segi agama. Kalau bangsa dijadikan kriteria, itu dah kira racist dari segi warna kulit/keturunan.
Tak perlulah kita diskrimasi walau cara macam mana pun.
Yang penting, perdana menteri kita:
1. Amanah
2. Adil
3. Jujur
4. Tekun
5. Innovatif
6. Berprinsip
7. Sopan santun
Kan semua di atas sudah memadai untuk seorang itu menjadi seorang Perdana Menteri yang baik untuk Muslim dan bukan Muslim, dan Melayu dan bukan Melayu?
Kenapa nak letak kriteria dia tu mesti Muslim atau Kristian atau Hindu atau Buddha?
Pikirkan sedikit.
What a waste of time talking about whether Singapore or Malaysia could have a non Malay PM.
ReplyDeleteWhat US has achieved a few days ago, Malaysia has done it about 27 years ago. Malaysia had a mixed Indian-Malay PM.
What's so great about having a Black-White President after more than 200 years of independence? Malaysia did after less than 30 years of independence.
Jaguh Kampung
Only weak leaders will admitt that the PM is for all races. Pak Lah said so because he's mentally very-very weak and physically very-very tired. Tun M also said the same thing but he quickly warned that this is only possible if and only if the malays are comfortable with chinese or indians. This diffrentiates between weak and strong leader. Let's wait what Najib got to say about this.
ReplyDeleteSingaporeans acknowledge that they need a Chinese to be PM for as long S'pore is still in existence. That's why S'pore is so much far advance than us!
ReplyDeletei will vote for a MUSLIM PM only.
To Sabahan 2:27 pm:
ReplyDeletePlease do not be distressed.
Kadazans, Ibans, Bajaus, the various orang Dusuns (Sungai, Sugut, Segama Keningau etc.) and the rest of the East Malaysians are captured under the rubric of "Bumiputera bukan Melayu" (13.5%).
I apologise for not giving a full and detailed breakdown for brevity's sake.
To see the specific and detailed breakdown of all East Malaysian peoples groups, please go here.
I hope that my explanation clarifies, and vanquishes your disappointment.
It seems the PM was speaking on behalf of PAP. PAP may not be ready for a non-Chinese PM but Singaporeans are ready. Just like UMNO is not ready for a non-Malay PM but Malaysians are ready. All citizens want someone who is most qualified regardless of race.
ReplyDeleteA Singapore survey found that 94% of Chinese polled said they would not mind an Indian as prime minister, and 91% said they would not mind a Malay in the top post.
From the Star mobile story which Rocky didn't want to highlight (he highlighted a very negative article instead):
"Attitudes have shifted because English provides more of a common ground, because the new generation is better educated and they can see that there are successful people of all races," he said.... Grassroots volunteer Muhammad Nabil Noor Mohamed, 20, said Lee's assessment is realistic, but he also believes that people of his generation can see beyond race and religion "to assess a leader on his ability and his merit...Last year, a survey of 1,824 Singaporeans' views on inter-racial ties by the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies found that 94% of Chinese polled said they would not mind an Indian as prime minister, and 91% said they would not mind a Malay in the top post.
Malay for S'pore PM? Hehehehehe you must be your (our) dreams, perhaps. What say you...M'sian Chinese? Got nothin' to say huh?
Aduihhh..... Tengah bayangkan YB Lim Kit Siang jadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia.... Uik! Tak jadik! Bangla kat stesen Petronas tu lagi fasih berbahasa Malaysia. Bayangkan apa jadi kalau Obama sebagai Presiden US cakap omputih macam mantan Menteri kita Dato Zainudin Maidin cakap!
ReplyDeleteSaudara Rocky;
ReplyDeleteSayu saya bila mambaca coretan Rocky kali ini.
Seperti Rocky, saya adalah seorang rakyat Malaysia tapi dibesarkan di Singapura kerana ayah saya mencari rezeki disana. Sebahagian adik-beradik saya adalah rakyat Singapura dan masih lagi menetap disana.
Seorang adik lelaki saya pernah dikerahkan perkhidmatan negara (National Service)tetapi hanya layak ditempatkan sebagai pemandu trak sahaja.Adik lelaki saya memohon untuk ditempatkan ditempat yang mencabar seperti tentera bersenjata kerana dia seorang yang berani dan 'fit'.Permohonan beliau tidak ditolak tapi beliau dikenakan ujian. Apabila adik lelaki saya gagal dalam ujian ketahanan, beliau telah berjumpa dengan komander beliau dan bertanya ,"Adakah beliau disengajakan untuk gagal kerana beliau berketurunan Melayu?" kerana adik saya konfiden beliau akan lepas ujian ketahanan tersebut.
Berapa keratkah pegawai atasan keturunan Melayu di angkatan bersenjata Singapura?. Saya tak pasti sekarang, tapi lebih 15 tahun lepas, yang ada berjawatan tinggi adalah seorang Leftenan Colonel yang ditempatkan sebagai atache tentera di Indonesia dan seorang Melayu beragama Kristian berpangkat Mejar. Pada waktu itu orang Melayu tidak dibenarkan memandu jet tentera.Tak tahulah sekarang mungkin polisi kerajaan Singapura dah berubah.
Beberapa tahun lepas saya terbaca di Berita Harian Singapura, cerita seorang pelajar Melayu cemerlang yang menjadi pelajar terbaik jurusan undang-undang di NUS. Beliau sebenarnya ingin mengikuti kursus kedoktoran tapi tidak diberikan kerana kuota (ataupun kerana beliau berketurunan Melayu!).
Baru-baru ini saya terbaca esei seorang wartawan Straits Time Singapura yang menceritakan kehidupan beliau sebagai orang Melayu di Singapura. Mengikut pengamatan beliau ' Sebagai orang Melayu di Singapura adalah ' seperti perumpamaan anak tiri yang tidak diperlukan oleh kedua ibu bapa dan untuk mendapat ihsan kasih-sayang ibu-bapa, anak tiri tersebut (orang Melayu) kena berusaha dua kali lebih baik dari anak-anak yang lain (Orang Cina dan India)'.
Begitulah hakikat kalau mejadi orang Melayu (kumpulan minoriti) di Singapura.
Lupakan sorakan 'meritorikasi' yang dilaungkan oleh pemerintah Singapura kerana ianya tak terpakai kepada orang Melayu kerana anggapan pemerintah kepada orang Melayu adalah seperti anggapan pemerintah kulit putih di Amerika kepada rakyat kulit hitam.
Anggapan yang negatif sahaja kerana 'Lebih ramai orang Melayu Singapura dipenjara, lebih ramai orang Melayu Singapura yang masuk pusat pemulihan dadah dan lebih ramai keluarga Melayu Singapura yang bercerai-berai dari bangsa-bangsa lain walaupun orang Melayu hanyalah minoriti'.
Ahli politik Melayu hanya layak menjadi 'Menteri Muda' dan memegang port-folio yang tiada berkepentingan. Orang Melayu Singapura kata 'Menteri Hal Ehwal Sampah' sahaja!
How seriously does Singapore take our President Nathan??? Ask our Straits Times…04Nov08
ReplyDeleteWhen the country’s President go on an offical visit to another country, I’m pretty sure it should be front page news. Asking a Filipino colleague, he said that not only would the pro-Arroyo papers in Manila put her overseas visit on the front pages, so would the anti-Arroyo papers (albeit with a smaller photo).
Go pick up the Straits Times today. Turn to not page 3, or 8, or even 12. President Nathan’s state visit to Kuwait is covered on page A18, sharing space with equally important news of Australia opening up its domestic airspace, and Heathrow getting a new runway.
Imagine if you are a Kuwaiti who had just lavished on our President a grand welcome. Then you pick up the Singapore Straits Times today and wonder if Kuwait had just over-extended its welcome to a President whose country’s main newspaper reported the visit as if it was a non-event…..
Since the seat of Singapore’s President is QUITE powerful (for instance, the President can effectively freeze government spendings and chose not to appoint certain Ministers even though recommended by the Prime Minsiter, see, perhaps our boys in white, through the Straits Times, is sidelining the President on purpose, just in case he pulls an Ong-Teng-Cheong on them (who chastised the PAP government for witholding info on our reserves).
How true.... "its up to the people to decide". Yes indeed Lee Hsien Loong -when you people finish stuffing the island with migrants from mainland China and elsewhere and make the island 95% Chinese... a Malay will be a PM... indeed.
ReplyDeleteVictim of Spore chinese racism
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI really do not care about who's becoming the PM, as long he/her is a muslim and have full understanding of muslim faith which eventually will lead to better relationship between all the people and better management of the country.
It seems the malay leader performance is not up to par b'coz of their limited knowledge of comprehensiveness of Islamic politics and Hablumminannas.
btw, I'm a malay.
Why must muslim leh? Why not a PM who's a hinduism/buddhism/christianleh?? Why leh?? This world does not runs on ONE religion ONLY, mah.
Why not a good PM who govern irregardless of religions,wor?
Now, it is people like YOU who cause riots and uncertainty to a country.
For me, I don't care about religions or races. All I hope for is to have a PM with a sound mind who can put this mind in fair and good use for everyone irregardless of race or religion!
Ah Lock
Singapura sentiasa curiga dengan rakyatnya yang berbangsa melayu. Mana ada Melayu yang memegang jawatan penting dalam tentera S'pura?
ReplyDeleteKalau tak silap ada satu jawapan rasmi daripada kerajaan s'pura yang mereka bimbang response tentera Melayu sekiranya diserang oleh tentera jiran yang melaungkan takbir.
Inilah hakikatnya. Singapura akan sentiasa curiga terhadap Melayu. Sama seperti Israel curiga terhadap Arab. Apakah realiti geopolitik memaksa begitu? Entahlah...
ReplyDeleteJust like Obama, Malaysia's 44th Prime Minister can be a son of a Malay-nonMalay parents. But, dont just blink your ugly eyes people, please do some mental arithmatic on how long it takes for 'Amerika', the free country, to accept people like Obama.
Hantu Gigi Jarang
/// I really do not care about who's becoming the PM, as long he/her is a muslim and have full understanding of muslim faith which eventually will lead to better relationship between all the people and better management of the country.
ReplyDeleteOmanjedi ///
Omanjedi, you sounded just like Hnery Ford when introducing his T models. "You can have cars of any colour, as long as it is black."
Orang cina ni memang..dia BUAT kita takpe...tapi kalau kat SINI dia DOK la dengki + kacau org Melayu....
Why compare?
ReplyDeleteAre you going to compare the accessiblility, transparency and etc etc S'pore had?
It's not apple to apple Mr Rock.
And yes, I foreseen Indon is doing alot more better than we do here, Malaysia, at this point of time.
Maybe all those racist indon as migrated to Msia i.e. T*y* la tu...
Poor Singapore, an island BLESSED with no natural resources yet an island BEQUETHED with man-made resources. From the dry docks and the harbour in Jurong and Keppel, to the financial district of HSBC, Stanchart, to the trading houses of Htchinson Whampoa, Jardines, Guthrie et al, to the railyards at Tanjong Pagar to the to the Fiver Power Defense Agreement and the free-port status, the British left behind an urban boondock of a wasteland, a bombed out hulks of wooden structures, people foraging for food amongst the mounds of rubbish housed as they were under tarpaulin and chained as they were to the Karma of life.
ReplyDeleteIt took a messiah by the name of Lee Kuan Yew to turn this wasteland into an island of prosperity after throwing his ertswhile comrades into the slammer, after neutering the Unions through Devan Nair, after pummeling the Chinese education vernacular system into oblivion and after imposing the lingua franca of the region, English, on a stubborn populace....
Sheesh.. i heard this one many times over, how a resource poor backwater transformed itself through the dint of sheer hard work, frugality and determination.. the story of a nation mirroring the story of the individual chingkie who ventured forth over the seven seas, with only RM 10? in his pocket and the shirt on his back, into the arms of Mother Fortune
Oh how romantically quaint can illusions be when swallowed whole from Queen Mother Bee. A legacy regurgigated like life saving vomit into the mouths of every Chingkie babe born a Nanyang.
Oh Singapore, thou rose phantasmlike from the jungles of ignorance, thine roads and railways the sweat of fortune, thy trading houses and banks the works of alchemy, thy port, hospitals and schools the tears of magic, thou were never here but suddenly there. Before 1819, thou were a desolate hump in the blue yonder. peopled not by men but mousedeers, wild goats, tapirs, snakes, scorpions, caterpillars, butterflies, ants and lions! yeah..lions! thou a free state colonised by Whites who whiled 144 years away sequestered in mud hovels staring at thy Mystery awaiting Epiphany till LKY delivered them from their ennui....oh rejoice for the canonisation of Saint Lee is near...
As every true yellow and yellow livered Chingkie as he raiseth the Cup to celebrate a modern day saint, will he care that he trods upon the bones of the Malay native, that he lives in a land swindled off another, that he grew fat on the sweat from the North, that he revels in the suffering he unleashed over the land, that he would not be where he is today if his land had not been the Cayman of the East- the refuge of corrupts, that he prospered on the advice of a gwailoh! not a Han chingkie
for u see my dear chingkie, in toasting Saint Lee, you would do better if you said a silent prayer for Albert Winsemius (google or wiki the name, will ya)... not the kuan yews, chok Tongs and keng swees you so revere.they were just erm...paper lions... all growl and no bite.........
Warrior 231
PS: 91% and 94% voted respectively for a future malay and indian PM.... heard of the Bradley effect (google/wiki that one ...will ya!)
Anonymous..... 11:16 pm
ReplyDeletePasai orang Melayu tak dapat pangkat tinggi di angkatan bersenjata Singapura sama juga lah seperti kat Malaysia..... orang Cina/India/Kadazan mana yang pernah dijadikan jeneral atau timbalan jeneral?
Sama la tu..... Singapura takut nak bagi orang Melayu pangkat kuasa tinggi di angkatan tentera, Malaysia takut nak bagi orang bukan Melayu pangkat/kuasa tinggi dalam tentera.
Fobia perkauman ini kena kikis.... kalu nak kikis kena tadbir dgn sama adil kepada semua bangsa... kang tak perlu la takut tak tentu hala pasal kesetiaan mana-mana bangsa kepada negara......
Tahniah atas tulisan pertama dalam BM!
ReplyDeleteKenapa sedikit sangat posting dari orang India dan Cina bila menyentuh nasib Melayu di Singapura?
Pick your child's name:
ReplyDeleteSingaporsian Singapore
Malaysian Malaysia
Limkitsian Limkitsiang
Teresakoksian Teresakok
ReplyDeleteKita takde masa memperdebatkan tentang keadaan orang melayu di singapura atau di mana-mana..
Saya sudah belasan tahun duduk di singapura....sebenarnya mengikut perlembagaan negara
'orang melayu mempunyai hak-hak mereka yang istimewa yang tidak mahu digembar-gemburkan..oleh kerajaan mereka..'
Yang istimewanya telah tertera...bukan mcm kita di sini yang selalu terpekik-pekik..
jadi harap faham apa maksud saya...
The Jakarta Post Wed, 10/29/2008 10:55 AM
ReplyDeleteThe House of Representatives has unanimously passed a bill that terms ethnic and racial discrimination as serious crimes.
Deputy Speaker Muhaimin Iskandar, who presided over the House's plenary session to approve the draft law, said Indonesia no longer had any room for any form of racial or ethnic discrimination.
Chairman of the House's special committee deliberating the bill, Murdaya Poo, said the endorsement of the bill should put an end to the long-standing dichotomy between indigenous and non-indigenous people in the country.
"A man cannot choose to be born as part of a certain race or ethnic group, and therefore discrimination must cease to exist," said Murdaya, who is Indonesian-Chinese.
He said the House proposed the bill as part of its effort to ratify the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination, which has been enacted since 1999.
Under the new law, leaders of public institutions found guilty of adopting discriminatory policies would face jail terms one-third more severe than those stipulated in the Criminal Code.
Citing an example, Murdaya said the governor or government of Aceh could not ban a gathering held by Javanese ethnics in the province.
He said the deliberation process had been delayed by a disagreement on whether imprisonment should be made the minimum punishment.
Jail as a minimum sentence is typically sought for serious crimes, such as corruption, terrorism, money laundering or drug abuse.
"We decided to set prison as the minimum sentence to deter people from committing racial or ethnic discrimination," said Murdaya, a member of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P).
The bill was passed on the same day Indonesia celebrated the 100th anniversary of Youth Pledge, which Murdaya said should encourage Indonesians to uphold the diverse nature of the nation. -- JP
Malaysia PM tu cakap sajalah, tipu sokongan saja, UMNO leaders dan cronies sikit-sikit pun dah complaint. Semua negeri asalnya ada sultan pun tak boleh ada bukan melayu menjadi menteri besar, apatah lagi PM ???
ReplyDeleteSingapore pula boleh pilih melayu jadi President Singapore. Cuba Malaysia pilih Chinese / India jadi Ketua kerajaan.....pasti ada 53 lagi. Sabah pula paling adil sebelum musa aman menjadi ketua menteri. Mahathir suruh berganti-ganti kerusi tiap-tiap 2 tahum tapi ini musa aman tak mahu menunai janji. sampai sekarang pun masih gila kuasa. Kita semua harap dia kena siasat kes-kes rasuah untuk semua projeknya di sabah.
Not bad for a small country in the pass 5 years had a minority holding the Finance ministry, Education, Law and Foreign.
ReplyDeleteOnly Morons Malaysian complaints, you have a Finance minister who doesn't know how to count from one to one million.
Malay or Muslim PM?
ReplyDeleteCan a Malay be a non-muslim?
Hi Rock,
ReplyDeleteTo Walla,
If what the Indonesians do is done in MAlaysia,a lot of Chinese Businessman will go to Jail for advertising "must be able to speak chinese".
Semua ini timbul kerana kes Obama, jika perkara sama hendak terjadi di Malaysia kita perlu timbangkan perkara berikut: -
ReplyDelete1. Obama menganut agama majoriti, jadi PM Cina itu harus menganut agama majoriti,
2. Obama bercakap bahasa majoriti dengan baik sebagai bahasa harian, oleh itu PM Cina itu harus bercakap bahasa majoriti sebagai bahasa harian,
3. Obama memenuhi inspirasi majoriti, PM Cina itu harus memenuhi inspirasi majoriti, (dalam keadaan sekarang ini, bukan kata memenuhi inspirasi majoriti, tahu pun belum tentu),
4. Obama hidup dengan cara hidup seperti golonganan majoriti, maka PM Cina itu harus hidup dengan cara hidup majoriti),
Dengan kata lain, Cina yang hendak jadi PM itu telah menjadi hidup seperti Melayu, berbahasa Melayu dan beragama Islam.
Secara peribadi, jika itu terjadi, rasanya orang Melayu tidak jadi masalah jika mereka jadi PM, sama seperti orang India muslim yang dilantik menjadi bendara ketika zaman Melaka dulu. Yang menjadi masalahnya adalah, orang Cina yang meminta itu ini, tetapi tidak mahu asimilasi dengan orang Melayu.
- Kuku
/// If what the Indonesians do is done in MAlaysia,a lot of Chinese Businessman will go to Jail for advertising "must be able to speak chinese". ///
ReplyDeleteYouNoRacistINoRacistButBothBothRacial, not true. Many non-Chinese can speak Chinese. No one is born with the ability to speak Malay, Chinese, Tamil or English. You learn these languages as you grow up. You are born into a "race'> But you need not restrict yourself as to the choice of languages you want to excel in. FYI - many Chinese are also not able to speak or write Mandarin.
Apa nak kata Bru..
ReplyDeleteMajoriti Cina 'Malaysia' memang bodoh bila bercakap melambung ke langit ..tetapi tak pernah lihat ke bumi..
Ada hati nak jadi PM kat negara majoriti Melayu, majoriti Islam, Majoriti berbahasa Melayu tetapi nak kekal buat perangai Cina bukit tongkang & amal budaya nenek moyang mereka?
Tolong bagi tau negara demokrasi mana ada sistem mcm tu dlm dunia ni?
Ingat majoriti Melayu mahu undi Cina2 bukit tongkang yg masih berkiblatkan negara asal sbg PM ke?
siapa yang bodoh ni..sudah tentulah yang tak faham apa itu demokrasi tapi masih nak cakap banyak.. :D
Sebab demokrasi jugaklah PM S'pore kaum Cina.. itu pun tak faham..memang bahlul.. apa nak buat..memang jenis bahlul mcm tu tak boleh ubah dlm tempoh 100thn ni...hopeless
-anti hindraf & ultra-chingkies-
I totally disagree with Hsien Loong. Singapore has a young and fantastic Minister today called Dr Vivian Balakrishnan who to me is the best person to succeed as PM, either as the next one or the one after. And he is not Chinese.
ReplyDeleteMalay is that by nature the Malay are an accommodating race that why other races is able to be the richest man, billionaire, bankers, Chief Minister, Minister, Excos, Fed Coa Hc Judges, High rank in the army-navy-air force-police, DGs etc and yet the non-malays still say they are being treated unfairly and for that the Malay has to further compromise whatever rights they have even though it is guaranteed under the constitution.
And yet others can say that they are marginalised and the Malay are racial. They can say so coz they are not in power. Hello! what the non-malays have now is 1000 x more than what I can say about what the Malay gets as a minority in a neighbouring country where the non-malays are in power and call them self the land of meritocracy, level playing field and equal distribution and what do they give the Malay there (they are not the richest man and there is no malays billionaire, bankers, Chief Minister, Minister [except for one in charge of enviroment for years], Excos, Fed Coa Hc Judges, High rank in the army-navy-air force-police, DGs, fighter pilots etc) when they are in power almost nothing and no body made a fuss out of it.
To me the sg Malay are like passenger in an air con bus i.e. they are provided with clean, comfortable seat and cool surrounding, they have no control over where they are going, the route is pre determine for them. However qualified they may be they can never be the driver or even the conductor coz ……...
Maybe the Malays here should learn from the neighbouring non-malays by not being so accommodating only then the non-malays here would appreciate what they have.
At least now Singapore have Indian President, Malay Parliment Speaker, Indian Deputy Prime Minister, Indian Finance Minister & Indian Law Minister
I can't resist in cut& paste this interesting essay written by a Straits Time (Singapore) journalist - Nur Dianah Suhaimi (copied from
ReplyDeleteAfter reading this article, my message to those Malaysian politicians who always look down south for a model country for so called 'meritocracy' irrespective of race and belief - "MY FOOT"
[Malays in Singapore
By Nur Dianah Suhaimi (
As a Malay, I’ve always been told that I have to work twice as hard to prove my worth. When I was younger, I always thought of myself as the quintessential Singaporean. Of my four late grandparents, two were Malay, one was Chinese and one was Indian. This, I concluded, makes me a mix of all the main races in the country. But I later realised that it was not what goes into my blood that matters, but what my identity card says under ‘Race’.
Because my paternal grandfather was of Bugis origin, my IC says I’m Malay. I speak the language at home, learnt it in school, eat the food and a lesser Singaporean than those from other racial groups.
I grew up clueless about the concept of national service because my father was never enlisted. He is Singaporean all right, born and bred here like the rest of the boys born in 1955.
He is not handicapped in any way. He did well in school and participated in sports.
Unlike the rest, however, he entered university immediately after his A levels. He often told me that his schoolmates said he was ‘lucky’ because
he was not called up for national service.
‘What lucky?’ he would tell them. ‘Would you feel lucky if your country doesn’t trust you?’ So I learnt about the rigours of national service from my male cousins. They would describe in vivid detail their training regimes, the terrible food they! were served and the torture inflicted upon them - most of which, I would later realise, were exaggerations.
But one thing these stories had in common was that they all revolved around the Police Academy in Thomson. As I got older, it puzzled me why my Chinese friends constantly referred to NS as ‘army’. In my family and among my Malay friends, being enlisted in the army was like hitting the jackpot. The majority served in the police force because, as is known, the Government was not comfortable with Malay Muslims serving in the army. But there are more of them now.
Throughout my life, my father has always told me that as a Malay, I need to work twice as hard to prove my worth. He said people have the misconception that all Malays are inherently lazy.
I was later to get the exact same advice from a Malay minister in office who is a family friend. When I started work, I realised that the advice rang true, especially because I wear my religion on my head. My professionalism suddenly became an issue. One question I was asked at a job interview was whether I would be willing to enter a nightclub to chase a story. I answered: ‘If it’s part of the job, why not? And you can rest assured I won’t be tempted to have fun.’
When I attend media events, before I can introduce myself, people assume I write for the Malay daily Berita Harian. A male Malay colleague in The Straits Times has the same problem, too.
This makes me wonder if people also assume that all Chinese reporters are from Lianhe Zaobao and Indian reporters from Tamil Murasu.
People also question if I can do stories which require stake-outs in the sleazy lanes of Geylang. They say because of my tudung I will stick out like a sore thumb. So I changed into a baseball cap and a men’s sports
jacket - all borrowed from my husband - when I covered Geylang.
I do not want to be seen as different from the rest just because I dress
differently. I want the same opportunities and the same job challenges.
Beneath the tudung, I, too, have hair and a functioning brain. And if anything, I feel that my tudung has actually helped me secure some difficult interviews.
Newsmakers - of all races - tend to trust me more because I look guai (Hokkien for well-behaved) and thus, they feel, less likely to write critical stuff about them.
Recently, I had a conversation with several colleagues about this essay. I told them I never thought of myself as being particularly patriotic.
One Chinese colleague thought this was unfair. ‘But you got to enjoy free eduation,’ she said.
Sure, for the entire 365 days I spent in Primary 1 in 1989. But my parents paid for my school and university fees for the next 15 years I was studying.
It seems that many Singaporeans do not know that Malays have stopped getting free education since 1990. If I remember clearly, the news made front-page news at that time.
We went on to talk about the Singapore Government’s belief that Malays here would never point a missile at their fellow Muslim neighbours in a war.
I said if not for family ties, I would have no qualms about leaving the country. Someone then remarked that this is why Malays like myself are not trusted. But I answered that this lack of patriotism on my part comes from not being trusted, and for being treated like a potential traitor.
It is not just the NS issue. It is the frustration of explaining t non-Malays that I don’t get special privileges from the Government. It is having to deal with those who question my professionalism because of my religion. It is having people assume, day after day, that you are lowly educated, lazy and poor. It is like being the least favourite child in a family. This child will try to win his parents’ love only for so long.
After a while, he will just be engulfed by disappointment and bitterness.
I also believe that it is this ‘least favourite child’ mentality which makes most Malays defensive and protective of their own kind.
Why do you think Malay families spent hundreds of dollars voting for two Malay boys in the Singapore Idol singing contest? And do you know that Malays who voted for other competitors were frowned upon by the community?
The same happens to me at work. When I write stories which put Malays in a bad light, I am labeled a traitor. A Malay reader once wrote to me to say: ‘I thought a Malay journalist would have more empathy for these unfortunate people than a non-Malay journalist.’
But such is the case when you are a Malay Singaporean. Your life is not just about you, as much as you want it to be. You are made to feel
responsible for the rest of the pack and your actions affect them as well.
If you trip, the entire community falls with you. But if you triumph, it is considered everyone’s success.
When 12-year-old Natasha Nabila hit the headlines last year for her record PSLE aggregate of 294, I was among the thousands of Malays here who celebrated the news. I sent instant messages to my friends on Gmail and chatted excitedly with my Malay colleagues at work.
Suddenly a 12-year-old has become the symbol of hope for the community and a message to the rest that Malays can do it too - and not just in singing competitions.
And just like that, the ‘least favourite child’ in me feels a lot happier.
Each year, come Aug 9, my father, who never had the opportunity to do national service, dutifully hangs two flags at home - one on the front gate and the other by the side gate.
I wonder if putting up two flags is his way of making himself feels like a better-loved child of Singapore.]
ReplyDeletejgn buang masa dengan mereka...setelah belasan thn bekerja di singapura...harap sedar..mereka melihat kita melayu malaysia skrg ini...senantiasa dlm ketakutan...tidak percaya pada diri sendiri...
Ingat...mereka melihat kita dan mereka bukan buta dan pekak...
jadi jangan anggap kita ini lurus...
A Malaysian bumi
ReplyDeleteThe Singapore Story
It's impossible to compare achievements of Malaysia and other Asean countries with Singapore's; it has good management, says Dr. Mahathir's nephew.
Oct 22, 2008
By Ahmad Mustapha
Singapore’s Minister Mentor, Lee Kuan Yew, who was Singapore’s founding father, has always been very direct in his comments.
This was the man who outsmarted the communists in Singapore (with the innocent help of Malaya then and the willing help of the British) and who later outwitted the British and outpaced Malaysia in all spheres.
Singapore practices corrupt-free meritocracy and Malaysia affirmative action. The former attracted all the best brains and the latter chased out all the brains.
The Singapore cabinet consists of dedicated and intelligent technocrats whereas Malaysia has one of the most unwieldy cabinets. Not only that, brain wise it was below par not even good for the kampong.
With that kind of composition, one that is very brainy, naturally Singapore, with no natural resources could outstrip Malaysia in every aspect of development.
Malaysia, on the other hand, was too much preoccupied with its Malayness and the illusory ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ and was also more interested in useless mega iconic development rather than real social and economic development.
Whenever Kuan Yew utters anything that was deemed to be a slight on Malaysia, voices were raised admonishing him.
Malaysia would never dare to face reality that Singapore had shown that it could survive was a slap on those who believed that Singapore would fold up once it left Malaysia.
Therefore, it was natural that these doomsayers would try to rationalise their utterances to be in their favour to combat whatever Kuan Yew commented. Its political jealousy.
Singapore achieved its development status without any fanfare. But here in Malaysia , a development that was deceptive was proclaimed as having achieved development status. It was trumpeted as an achievement that befits first world status. This was self-delusion.
Malaysians are led to believe in a make believe world, a dream world. The leaders who themselves tend to believe in their own fabricated world did not realise the people were not taken in by this kind of illusion.
Lee Kuan Yew believed in calling a spade a spade. I was there in Singapore when the People’s Action Party won the elections in 1959.
He was forthright in his briefing to party members as to what was expected of them and what Singapore would face in the future.
Ideologically, I did not agree with him. We in the University of Malaya Socialist Club had a different interpretation of socialist reconstruction. But he was a pragmatist and wanted to bring development and welfare to the Singaporeans. Well! He succeeded.
Malaysia was so much embroiled in racial politics and due to the fear of losing political power, all actions taken by the main party in power was never targeted towards bringing wealth to all. Wealth was distributed to the chosen few only.
They were the cronies and the backers of the party leadership to perpetuate their own selfish ends. Seeing the efficiency and the progress achieved by Singapore caused the Malaysian leadership to suffer from an inferiority complex.
That Malaysia should suffer from this complex was of its own making.
In a recent interview, Kuan Yew said that Malaysia could have done better if only it treated its minority Chinese and Indian population fairly. Instead they were completely marginalised and many of the best brains left the country in droves.
He added that Singapore was a standing indictment to what Malaysia could have done differently. He just hit the nail right there on the head.
Malaysia recently celebrated its 50th year of independence with a bagful of uncertainties. The racial divide has become more acute.
The number of Malay graduates unemployed is on the increase. And this aspect can be very explosive. But sad to see that no positive actions have been taken to address these social ills.
Various excuses were given by Malaysian leaders why Singapore had far outstripped Malaysia in all aspects of social and economic advancement. Singapore was small, they rationalised and therefore easy to manage. Singapore was not a state but merely an island.
There was one other aspect that Malaysia practices and that is to politicise all aspects of life. All government organs and machinery were ‘UMNO-ised’.
This was to ensure that the party will remain in power. Thus there was this misconception by the instruments of government as to what national interest is and what UMNO vested interest is.
UMNO vested interest only benefited a few and not the whole nation. But due to the UMNO-isation of the various instruments of government, the country under the present administration had equated UMNO vested interest as being that of national interest.
Thus development became an avenue of making money and not for the benefit of the people. The fight against corruption took a back seat. Transparency was put on hold. And the instruments of government took it to be of national interest to cater to the vested interest of UMNO.
Enforcement of various enactments and laws was selective. Thus a ‘palace’ in Kelang,
APs cronies and close-one-eyed umno MPs could exist without proper procedure. Corruption infested all govt departments, the worse is the police and lately even in the judiciary.
Singapore did not politicise its instruments of government. If ever politicisation took place, it is guided by national interest. To be efficient and to be the best in the region was of paramount importance.
Thus all the elements like corruption, lackadaisical attitude towards work and other black elements, which would retard such an aim, were eliminated. Singapore naturally had placed the right priority in it’s pursuit to achieve what is best for its people.
This is the major difference between these two independent countries.
Malaysia in its various attempts to cover up its failures embarked on several diversions. It wanted its citizens to be proud that the country had the tallest twin-tower in the world, although the structure was designed and built by foreigners.
It’s now a white-elephant wasting away. It achieved in sending a man into space at an exorbitant price. For what purpose? These are what the Malays of old would say ‘menang sorak’ (hollow victories).
It should be realised that administering a country can be likened to managing a corporate entity. If the management is efficient and dedicated and know what they are doing, the company will prosper.
The reverse will be if the management is poor and bad. The company will go bust.
There are five countries around this region. There is Malaysia , and then Indonesia. To the east there are the Philippines and then there is that small enclave called the Sultanate of Brunei.
All these four countries have abundance of natural resources but none can lay claim to have used all these resources to benefit the people.
Poverty was rampant and independence had not brought in any significant benefits to the people. But tiny Singapore without any resources at all managed to bring development to its citizens.
It had one of the best public MRT transport systems and airlines in the world and it is a very clean city state. Their universities, health care, ports are among the best in the world.
It is impossible to compare what Singapore has achieved to what all these four countries had so far achieved. It was actually poor management and corruption, and nothing more. Everything is done for the vested interest of the few.
Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines and the Sultanate of Brunei need good management teams. They would not be able to do this on their own steam. I would advise that they call on Kuan Yew to show them what good governance is.
Why look east to Japan when it is just next door across the causeway.
(The writer is a nephew of Dr Mahathir Mohamad, former Prime Minister of Malaysia).
ReplyDeleteThe writer is a nephew of Dr Mahathir Mohamad, former Prime Minister of Malaysia).
Dear Tpg2Sg,
Any writings by TDM's driver, maids, gardeners that you wish to publish here for us all to read?
Luckily his cats and goldfish cannot read or write, otherwise, you will publish theirs too..
Hehehe, ingatkan, the writing was by TDM himself.
If mahathir's drivers, maids, gardeners or SONS can write objectively with facts, WHY NOT?
ReplyDeleteSorry, I dont know him.
I only know Tun and MALAYSIA.
My neighbour is a Singaporean, so good enough to generalise what the quality of Singaporeans are all about.
Their shop being the dirtiest along this block.
They employ illegals to help run their business.(some even dashed into my shop to hide whenever there is an OPERASI PATI).
Paste big Halal sign that they acquired for less than RM2K from a friend. (By the way I sent people to visit them, off went the stickers).
Children and grandchildren walking as pure aliens with their noses sticking up the sky..
Bla bla... Strange for a citizen coming from a country that seems to be the MISTER PERFECT POTATO!!
Seeing is believing!
tersedia kontrakan all in,si neneng,si euis dsb.bahenol bisa masak masakan arab.bisa bahasa arab sedikit.ditanggung memuaskan.lokasi citereup dan cisarua harga mulai dari 1 juta/bln sudah pake surat kontrak dan penghulu serta wali.ditanggung halal.hub:021-87902688.bu nunung
ReplyDeletetersedia kontrakan all in,si neneng,si euis dsb.bahenol bisa masak masakan arab.bisa bahasa arab sedikit.ditanggung memuaskan.lokasi citereup dan cisarua harga mulai dari 1 juta/bln sudah pake surat kontrak dan penghulu serta wali.ditanggung halal.hub:021-87902688.bu nunung.
lee hsien loong tu org bagus
ReplyDeleteLee hsien loong jahat pura2 bgus sma org melayu singapura sial pm singapura cina
Deletemsti di tkar pm singapura sma org melayu
Cina communist la
DeleteTak payah migrate ke USA Sudah bangsa cina kulit dan perkauman Kita mesti tahu politik Kita sendiri mereka mencuri negeri Tanah air Kita sendiri mereka orng cina tidak mahu tinggal dan duduk di Negara mereka sendiri kerana Negeri mereka sendiri tidak Ada perkerjaan dan sumber2 makanan dan tanaman itu sebap mereka dtang ke Malaysia dan mencuri sebahagian dari Negara orang Melayu mereka Adalah komunis sedang kn Kita org Melayu tidak ke Negeri cina ini bukan pasal belajar atau pendidik kan yg baik ini semua Adalah politik kerana org cina asal usul bukan dari orang yg kaya mereka cemburu melihat orang Melayu atau Negeri Melayu penuh kekayaan ini Adalah sbap org british yg membawa dtang sini sebagai pendatang so ini Adalah politik untuk menjatuh kita