After March 8, we are more racial than ever. Former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has told those who say the last General Election was a vote to reject race-based parties and politics to stop deluding themselves. "We have become more racial than ever since the last General Election. We debate about race every day, more than before," he said. In an off-the-cuff lecture on Bangsa Malaysia in Putrajaya this morning, he said if the outcome of the March general election was a rejection of racial politics, there would be less talk about race today. Instead, race has become a central issue since March. That election has stimulated discussion about little else other than race.
"And if PAS is not a race-based party, then I am not Mahathir Bin Mohamad," he said. DAP not a race-based party? "Apart from some window-dressing, it's still the old DAP". And PKR? "It is said to be Islamic, it's also pro-Hindraf, and pro-Chinese educationists. But that's because there is this man with many faces who leads the party. After him, who will lead the PKR? If it is led by a non-Malay, it will not have the support of the Malays."
Bangsa Malaysia without Bahasa Malaysia? Dr M also chided those who clamour for a Bangsa Malaysia but are unwilling to give due regards to the national language. These people, he said, should emulate Obama and children of migrant races in the US, Switzerland and Australia.
"Obama, who must be in some ways a descendant of a slave, is today US President. The blacks had tribes in Africa but after years in the US they all speak English. English is their mothertongue. The speak English at work, at school and at home. The same as the migrant Jews. They became naturalised American citizens. But they accpet that as Americans they must speak English."
I'm not Malay Malaysian. Dr M said Bangsa Malaysia exists but mostly among Malaysians abroad, he said. "I've met many Malaysians overseas. Those who approached me introduced themselves as Malaysians, not Chinese Malaysians or Indian Malaysians or Malay Malaysians. Just Malaysians.
"But back home here, they want to go to different schools."
Sekolah Wawasan. For a Bangsa Malaysia to be born, the current race-based schooling system must go. "This is the only country where we have different streams of schools: Chinese, Tamil and National schools. The Chinese educationists think their kids should not get any close to the kids from the national schools. Or they might turn into Chinese Mat rempits."
The idea of Sekolah Wawasan was to put the 3 schools in one campus. This will compel the children of different races to meet and interact with each other. Morning assembly would be held together. The pupils will be in one assembly. When they play, they'll play together. Not Chinese school vs National school.
"I must admit the Sekolah Wawasan concept did not get support, especially from the Chinese educationist groups. They don't want to have anything to do with the Malays."
This article is very important and critical. The issue of 'sekolah wawasan' has been discussed in many occasions but this the first time as far as I concern, the issue is discussed in such an open, and frank event.
Generally, I can see NO way to make us united now but we can still instill the idea amongst the youngs. The best way to do so is through education, 'sekolah wawasan'. All these irrelevent 'ketuanan melayu', immigrant chinese, DEB etc will be gone by having everybody embraces the concept of pure bangsa Malaysia.
Let us all take a deep breath and consider what has been said by that Grand Old Man.
Let's face it, we still have a long way to go and lot of obstacles along the way but hopefully the realization for a Bangsa Malaysia, will materialized one day.
If there has to be some sort of Bangsa Malaysia - It cannot with the existence of 3 different races.. These have to cohese. Under one Language, Culture (if not religion).
Back in 1938, the Thais were forced to become coherent and adopt the Thai culture. Those not speaking Thai were caned as a punishment. Thus today in Thailand, despite Chinese (descendents) being more than Malaysia, have Thai names, speak Thai and follow Thai culture.
I think the only way one can forge this nation into one, would be by BRUTE FORCE, else in a liberal democratic system, this is never possible, they will keep tossing problems and drag this nation into chaos.
They can review citizenship on the basis of Language.. Those who insist on studying in different language can opt out of the citizenship and maintain only a PR. Their choice.. No on will harass them.
But If they agree on citizenship - They must agree on conditions.. The LANGUAGE!! Study in the national School.
I am totally agree with Tun DRM. The people who are screaming for Bangsa Malaysia in fact are the same people who do not speak Bahasa Malaysia fluently. They are not using Bahasa Malaysia everyday and they are not encouraging their kids to Bahasa Malaysia too. In fact, these same group of people championing and keep sending their children to all these Chinese school.
Again, how could we want to create Bangsa Malaysia, if Malay go to National School, Chinese go to Chinese School and Indian go to Tamil School? Let's face it, Bangsa Malaysia will not be created if we have 80% of National School's students are Malay and 99.9% of Chinese School's students are Chinese. Basically, most of Chinese are register their children to Chinese School first and when there is no place, then will go to National School.
Come on, stop talking about Bangsa malaysia if you do not even willing to communicate in Bahasa Malaysia and integrate your children into single education system.
"I must admit the Sekolah Wawasan concept did not get support, especially from the Chinese educationist groups. They don't want to have anything to do with the Malays."
Correction, Doctor Frankenstein. They didn't want their kids to listen to all that UMNO agit-prop b***s***. For example, distorted claptrap history say like, Aussie and NZ soldiers fighting commies in Malaya are suddenly re-cast as UMNOist 'heroes'. Have you ever visited Tugu Negara, or are just a quack doctor?
What Tun M said is spot on. Non Malays shouts about Bangsa Malaysia yet they, esp the Chinese still insist in Chinese schools. I would say that these people will only accept Bangsa Malaysia if we bacame like Singapore.
Tak pa la PAS Race based pun...sebab depa pu ade gak ralat...tapi yang penting depa mesti kahwin dulu...gaduh2 ni besala...asam garam berumahtangga...yang penting,apa goal kita...bersatu teguh, bercerai roboh... Pak Tun ni, aduh...
(Kang tulih nama betui oghe tu tak nak publish plak)
I would like to say this to Dr M: "Pls shut up! U have done a lot of damage to us Malaysians. Whatever u said does not matter anymore!" Malaysians, pls do not be influenced by what the Grand Old Senile Man said. I know that many of us believe the it will finally happen one fine day. To BANGSA MALAYSIA!!
Kita sepatutnya (rakyat) sudah menuju ke arah itu ( perpaduan dan Malaysian) dengan lebih jayanya selepas apa yang ditinggalkan oleh Mahathir untuk diwarisi...
Malangnya 'politician' mengalih kita ke arah 'lebih racial' untuk mereka mengaut keuntungan politik dan semuanya menjadi kucar kacir dengan kehadiran 'bapa mertuaku' dan 'anak menantunya' yang lebih 'terbuka' mengaut keuntungan negara dan memajukan sektor pelancongan dengan 'menjual pulau kedaulatan dan khazanah' negara kepada orang asing.
For all it's worth, the only thing I can accept from Dr.M is what he says about Malaysian abroad, being known as just Malaysian. Having work abroad for the past 8 years, we are known as Malaysian, no two ways about that. At least that is how the host country identify us. And in my case, Indonesians.
If what Dr.M preaches what he said, then he could have and would have championed for a "Bangsa Malaysia" when he was the PM. He had 22 long years and yet...what is he talking about now? In his years of premiership, the racial divide thrived and was in fact encouraged.
Not only the education system have to change, it is the entire system and the current UMNO/BN that need to be overhauled or be changed.
The racial divide start from our birth certificate the day we are born and we live by it until we meet our makers.
Do we then have the resolve to change when the system is full of shit?
Dr Mahathir talks a load of rubbish. He must learn to shut up.
A man who literally tied up his deputy and then started punching him blue. Then charged him for trumped up charges unproven till 10 yrs later has the audacity to give speeches and talk about righteousness.
... if we cannot force the Chinese to study in National school, we should enforce Chinese language to be taught in National school, Malay wont loose anything. Instead, they can brag their mastery in 3 languages. In addition, all the ill-feeling we Malay have towards Chinese will be diminished, since we know what they are talking behind our back. Nowadays, I personally feel that Chinese in general, have this idea of Malay like the one portrayed by the song of Namewee.
Wahai jiwa-jiwa yang tenang, jangan sekali-kali kamu Mencoba jadi Tuhan dengan mengadili dan mengahakimi, Bahwasanya kamu memang tak punya daya dan upaya, Serta kekuatan untuk menentukan kebenaran yg sejati,
Bukankah kita memang tercipta laki laki dan wanita, dan menjadi suku suku bangsa yang pasti berbeda, bukankah kita harus saling mengenal dan menghormati, Bukan untuk saling bercerai berai dan berperang angkat senjata.
I agree with Dr M, he is not Mahathir Mohammed. He is the man who did not bridge the gap between races but widen it. Now he is gapping about what should or should not be. When he was in power he was more interested in maintaining power that building Malaysia as a solid Bangsa Malaysia. He had the mandate. He had the power. But sadly no will. Why speak now when he could have done something meaningful.
I find TDM is biased again and same to most opinions here are lop-sided, blaming the non-malays of unwilling to drop their inherited culture and identity. Why not look at this issue from the opposite perspective? Are the malays willing to drop their certain offending cultures including religious prejudices and the often deafening shouts of the Ketuanan Melayu, status of bumiputra and all the dirty, unfair social and economy practices of the government? It take two hands to clap. You have to give some so that you can take some. So, pots must stop calling kettles black, period.
I have only one thing to say.The reason there is no Bangsa Malaysia is because the Malay led government is fanatically propogating that to be a Malay you should be a Muslim. I will gladly embrace the Malay culture if I dot not have to change my religion. I am an agnostic and I believe there thousands of Malaysians in the same boat. How can you have a Bangsa Malaysia when race is based on religion rather than origin and cultural practices. Mahatahir is the biggest hypocrite here
aku ingat orang tua tu nak cerita pasal bangsa malaysia, rupanya upacara menghentam anwar dan pembangkang.... woit cukup2 lah tipu melayu... dah lebih 20 tahun haprak+paria = haprakia ni tipu melayu
memang la hang bukan mahathir bin mohamad... hang dah buah perkataan kutty kat IC hang... pegi check betul2..... tak pun tanya lee kuan yew.... nama asal hang apa.... bukan ke hang mengaku keturunan india ...hang tak pakai bin pun dulu....jangan tipu melayu lagi.... kah kah kah
It's not a problem talking and writing in bahasa malaysia but it is a problem even starting to get translations into bahasa malaysia of textbooks written in english; as just one of thousands of examples out that are being accessed 24x7 by over 190 countries throughout the world, the following are the number of textbooks in english language located on just one page of links - where to get the bahasa malaysia versions of those books and how long will it take to have them translated with the context and terminology retained?
nb: each number in the bracket is the number of textbooks written in the english language you can read online from just one site; there is no duplication; each textbook is about 500 pages average; some are encyclopedias numbering 2,000 pages; all are the best; many are ahead of those you find on the shelves in borders or kinokuniya; this is just one of the smallest collections; everyone, from turkey to japan, argentina to sweden, india, china, indonesia etc. go to it and refer; there are thousands other like this.
* Architecture [1121] * Arts / Cinema / Entertainment [3949] * Astronomy / Astrophysics [1235] * Audio Books [2193] * Biographies [2639] * Biology / Zoology / Life Sciences [8727] * Business / Commerce [14115] * Chemistry [6099] * Children's [1726] * Comics / Graphic Novels [2414] * Communication / Relationship / Self-help [1582] * Computers / IT [22042] * Crafts / Hobbies [1596] * Culture / Pop / Fashion [4011] * Dictionaries / Encyclopedias [2198] * Documentaries [1436] * Economics [7780] * Education / Exams / Teaching / Lectures [6687] * eMagazines / eJournals [4647] * Engineering [11811] * Environmental / Agricultural Science [5246] * Finance / Investing [3532] * Food / Beverages [2007] * French [2051] * Games / Card / Puzzles [2845] * Geography / Travel / Adventure [3160] * Graphics / Photography [2052] * Health / Mind / Body [6055] * History [16851] * Home / Garden [828] * Humor / Comedy / Satire / Wit [513] * Instruction / Study [4200] * Language / Linguistics / Grammar [5165] * Law [4129] * Literature / Fiction [18239] * Management / Logistics [6020] * Manuals / Handbooks [2441] * Martial Arts / Self Defense [267] * Mathematics [10934] * Medicine [20345] * Military [3059] * Music [1409] * Other [350] * Pharmaceutical [1975] * Philosophy / Ethics / Morality [10031] * Physics [7844] * Politics [10227] * Psychology [7339] * Religion / Spirituality [7813] * Science Classics [568] * Science General [31361] * Social Sciences [15022] * Sports / Recreation [1621] * Statistics [1540] * Systems Science [684] * Transportation / Navigation [623] * UnCategorized [4026] * Video Training [1468] * Writing / Journalism [771]
Bro Rocky, did you notice that when ever Dr Mahathir say something especially things that some minority do not want to hear or face up to, they would usually be reduced to:
1. Asking the Old Man to Shut up. 2. Calling the old man senile or corrupted. 3. Calling him all sort of rude and unmentionable names. 3. Calling him Dr Frankenstein? Wow, That's new! 4. Describing the Dark Days under Mahathir rule.(with that kind of progress under Dr Mahathir I do not mind though)
I think it must be their schoolinglah where they are likely taught that to be "kurang ajar" to our elders especially if he is a Malay is okay. No substance or logical thinking at all lah these Dr Mahathir haters.
I would agree that the very people SCREAMING for a Bangsa Malaysia are the same people who sent their children to schools other than the National School. Who converses in their mother tongue at home and with each other and will only speak Bahasa Melayu when it is absolutely necessary.
Dr Mahathir's speech is food for thought and it is time that sensitive issues like the Chinese educationist zealously refusing to allow the Wawasan schools to succeed or how superior intellectually, culturally and economically they think they are, be discussed in public.
The Malays for a long time are too kind and because of our tidak apa attitude some non malays nowadays are very bold and does not shy away about questioning Malay Special Rights, the national Language even the Social Contract which has been embedded in the Constitution. Its about time that the Malays take out what's in their heart and discuss in Public about their happiness about the Chinese especially. A good, open and honest discussion within the Law to agree on common understanding is what the country needs to take us forward to being Satu Bahasa, Satu Bangsa, Satu Negara.
Speeches and writings by the likes of Dr Mahathir, bloggers like Yourself,Kadir Jasin, Kijangmas(One hell of a write up about Bangsa Malaysia) and other like minded Malaysians, opens our minds and hearts and is good for discussion and ultimately understanding of the sensitive issues at hand. Keep it up good sirs.
Oh, by the way this country is in dire need of leaders like Singapore's Lee Junior who can make direct and very honest statements about race commandingly, without trying to politicise the issues and getting the message across with little opposition.
I surely will support & send my kids to wawasan school, if only we all so-called "Malaysian" can be at level playing field, abolish NEP, matriculation, 7% bumi discount, etc...don't be one-sided correct-correct-correct only
Dr M for all his done for the country has created a racially polarized history of governance that cannot be ignored. He still views things racially which was what has got us in the mess in the first place.
He has failed to realize that only through a merit based society with equality for all races ensures a win for all races. Our current public education system has set it standards so low, that we are doing a disservice to our children sending them there. Dr. M fails to realize this as Chinese send their children to these 'schools' because they like any other parent want the best education for their children. If public schools provide this, I am sure they wouldn't hesitate to send them there.
Putting the blame on 'parties' not wanting to homogenize when there are clear racial policies in government and education that were setup during his administration sounds like a excuse that justifies itself.
"Obama, who must be in some ways a descendant of a slave, is today US President."
Where does the old man get his facts? Obama's "black" father was from Kenya. If you're American and black "in some way". you're a slave's descendent, is that right?
The concept of Bangsa Malaysia was never far off in the first place. When I was still in secondary school, I excel in Bahasa although my english took a slow progress owning to the fact that the curriculum then was all in Bahasa.
I never attended chinese school so my proficiency in mandarin is something I'm never proud of. But I've never once thought that it is a barrier to me in society with the progress of our nation and the direction that it took then.
Since entering the private work force, with the usage of english as the medium for communication, I've picked up this language quite steadily over the years from reading, watching TV's and simply conversing with senior colleagues.
If ever a single curriculum education system were to be put in place, the NEP itself will have to be discarded especially to higher educations. We are not just talking about chinese school here but such a system should be in place to hold true the values of a common education system where all citizens, irrespective of their background and race, be admitted into universities or colleges based on their performances and merit.
For Mahathir to narrow down the root cause to simply cultural territorial encroachment, means that sacrifices of certain religion aspect have to be addressed. While it is still a feasible idea to have a Sekolah Wawasan, the system itself must be tolerant of all prejudice of creed, races and religion.
As for political parties, the constitution itself allowed for such existent and if ever race based party were to be a thing of the past, NEP itself will have to be abolished to encourage performance and credibility based parties to thrive and prove themselves to the people.
Our politicians took the easy way out by creating sentimental attachment to garner votes and support. Something that the people, within their learned capacity, relate to without so much as to assess their capabilities.
For any of these ever to be implemented, we have to start from the younger generation and instill in them a common identity where religion and cultural practises is nothing more than a outlook differentiation. Like dressing differently.
Tun is always a true leader of the country who speaks his mind; Tun gives such simple rationale that most politicians want to ignore or forget in advancing their own personal political gains. Isn’t road signage in Chinese in Penang just another latest Malaysian Malaysia’s deception of the highest order? Under whatever pretext or argument or the twisting and turning of his tongue that the Chief Minister of Penang puts forward in its justification on behalf of the chauvinistic ideals of the DAP, the majority of the population will not be that easily fooled. Who cannot see that the DAP is playing with emotional sentiments to garner and consolidate support from their own color?
My take on Sekolah Wawasan is this: All schools in the country are to be nationalised. This include vernacular and religious schools. All nationalised schools are to follow a common curriculum i.e. the medium of instruction will be English. Islamisation of national schools is prohibited. Instead all schools will have religious studies corresponding to the student"s faith. The following subjects will be compulsory learning: Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin for chinese students and Tamil for Indian students. Failure to pass Bahasa, English, Science and Mathematics will result in failure of the entire examination. Why not give this concept a try and see whether this will make national schools a school of choice and foster national integration and racial unity.
For goodness sake, when this bugger going to shut his freaking mouth? Malaysia has had enough of all his crap for the past 20 yrs. Sudah le tu, rumah kata pergi kubur kata mari.
Mr M is a hypocrite, lets see what he has done during his tenure, suppress other races, raped the judiciary, money polity, crony, nepotism, corruption, rule and divide the country by race and religion. What else?
Who cancel the Bahasa Baku? Bahasa Baku = B Malaysia.
Still remember the Tongkah? Before the company bankrupt his son declared to quit from business field, after about 1 month the company close shop by lock up the gate, and the workers bewilder out side the factory. Whose own the Kencana? How his son can be top 10 richest man in Malaysia in short time?
I think the only way one can forge this nation into one, would be by BRUTE FORCE, else in a liberal democratic system, this is never possible, they will keep tossing problems and drag this nation into chaos.
Great let us go to for communism, where u make ur degree? (if any) In us 45% of American speaks on their mother tongue not English. Your comment just reveals u are moron.
Well said..or rather well done Tun..!! PLEASE, don't have done no damage, contrary to some who have that weird ideas of some sort !!
You are a very wise man indeed..!! And I'm proud of you...and I do missed all your wonderful years of premiership..!!
You are one of the kinds..a rare species and it is a privilege to have you here in the land call Malaysia..!! There's no words worth mentioning about all the good deeds you have Malaysia.
Those debunkers are envies of your success.
May you live long and with good sound health and please do keep on those 'hammering', it is like a nice beautiful song when you utters something..!!
heh look at the 1st picture, mahathir's hand pose is just like hitler.......maybe hes planning the next holocaust complete with gas chamber pew pew pew
For 22 years he can't make a difference to the race he represent so where does he stand to have the moral authority to speak for Malaysian?
Without the high standard of Chinese school the country would be worst off. To improve our educational standard the government should adopt the Chinese school system and let them lead.
The ultimate for Malaysia to move forward is to abolish Malays as the medium of instruction. I have spend 50 years travelling round the world to study each language and culture, sad to say Malay language is low below. Is a language fit for jungle people.
kenapa orang bukan melayu tak mahu mendekatkan diri dengan bahasa melayu?
kenapa orang bukan melayu tak mahu ke sekolah kebangsaan/mendekati org melayu?
untuk semua soalan2 seperti ini, mesti ada sebab yang munasabah. sebelum kita orang melayu melatah, baik bermuhasabah diri demi bangsa malaysia. baru ada penyatuan yang jitu, mantap dan seiringan dengan semangat nasional.
kalau nak jadi tuan di negara sendiri, kena terima teguran, walau pahit bak jadam. kalau tidak, macam mana nak belajar? kalau tak belajar, macam mana nak memperbaiki diri? betul kan?
Saya berpendapat isu yang dibangkitkan semula oleh Tun berhubung sekolah wawasan adalah suatu agenda perpaduan kebangsaan Malaysia yang gagal disebabkan sikap dan tabiat kaum keturunan pendatang Cina yang enggan turut serta menyokong usaha ini.
Walaubagaimanapun usaha murni kerajaan untuk menyatu padukan rakyat berbagai kaum juga gagal berfungsi disebabkan kelemahan BN/UMNO menjelaskan pendirian secara tegas dan berani.
Kenapa perlu UMNO bertolak ansur sepanjang masa dan memberi muka pada kaum ini.Kaum ini wajar diberikan ULTIMATUM. Nak ikut sekolah wawasan atau tak nak. Tak nak bermakna tidak patuh pada Rukun Negara iaitu Kesetiaan Kepada Raja Dan Negara dan wajib diambil tindakan melucutkan warga negara. Baru padan muka.
Lagi Melayu / UMNO bertolak ansur lagilah mereka naik tocang. Kasi betis nak paha. Sampai bila2 masalah perpaduan tak selesai. Rakyat juga yang rugi.
This is exactly what I have beeen saying all along. These people can keep screaming till their face turn blue about Bangsa Malaysia, but when asked to learn and speak Bahasa Malaysia properly, they insist that it is their culture and their rights to speak their mother tounge. They insist to have Chinese schools so forth and so on. Please, get a life. All migrants need to adapt and assimilate the host culture. Besides, these people are born and raised here, speak proper B.Malaysia for heaven's sake.
I was a victim of your policy Tun ! You want us to get a credit for the language and your language are all nothing but rojak. If the language is beautiful then no need to force people to learn, it will be use widely. The trouble with you is you have all along harbour a superiority complex in you. BE HUMBLE and people will accept you. No matter how old you are Learning never stops. Be more realistic. BEN
My spoken and written Malay is very poor because I was educated in English, the number 1 and universal language of the world. I admit I hate to speak Malay because of my limitations. Does that make me less a Malaysian? I happen to know many progressive Malays who are more at home in English. Does that them less Malays? I rest my case.
Well said. Only those who can't think rationally would not understand the whole point/message.
His remark on who after Anwar in PKR is interesting.Never thought about that before. Same applies to notion on PAS.
TDM's mistake to allow all chinese and tamil schools to grow. Not enough with that, he helped them financially. It's actually the mistake of those who agreed with the so-called 'Social Contract'.
Singapore dont have the same problem and we do not see any chinese or indian there complaining that they have lost their identity, culture or language.
He actually allowed the wishes of rakyat for vernacular schools. Him being called a dictator, should have closed all vernacular schools once and for all and forced everyone to go to the same school.
That would have been his biggest dictatorial contribution to the nation. He would not be remembered now for that but a generation later.
Can someone tell me what are the teaching values comparing to 70's and now in these national schools? Students have been brainwashed to uphold ketuanan melayu, and some came home crying on the racist issues being taught by teachers. There were so many things were not mentioned by Tun. He diverted the focus of the people from the actual scenario. I totally agree on multiracial kind of school, but what values are we getting from it. Will the children grow up and be able to compete with the world. I'm not going to touch on our Uni standards as it'll be too much to talked about. It's heart aching to experience all these to know how our country have come into. Scholarships are given to rich and the smart ones are not given scholarships, cos it's based on quota. Our country have come to this stage from the 51 years ruling by UMNO and now they try to blame others for the failures and mess it has created. There are no more trust, cos it's tainted, and it'll take a very long time to rebuild it back. Our hard earned money has been misused and we are being used. A country have reach agro and minerals can go scarce on cooking oil, rice, sugar and what else... Transportation didn't even improve, bus stops are not disable friendly, we don't have proper motorbikes lanes as it floods on rainy days. Tolls everywhere we go and increases from year to year and etc. and etc.... All these begin from the values of education. So please tell me what are the values of education we have today?
Oh, from my continuation of education values... Police are beating up innocent people and bruise helpless people during peaceful rally. They are scared to have a beat base on the most notorious place in the country. Please help!
I dont think this is true. Thirty years ago may but not now. Mahathir is out of touch.
"I must admit the Sekolah Wawasan concept did not get support, especially from the Chinese educationist groups. They don't want to have anything to do with the Malays."
Are idiot or what, don't be stupid and trying to divert the issue, I see, you can't face the truth right, the Chinese also have fault and accept it, you guys talk about Malaysian Malaysia just as smoke screen of getting getting more from the Malays and Bumis, thats all.
Nonsense, even if we were to speak one language and have similar names but if unscrupulous politicians day in and day out try to separate the races, it can still be so easily done...well by waving krises and uttering racial slurs. only the inane would think that just by speaking one language would all our problems go away. not in this country.
Since 1970, Bahasa Malaysia was made compulsory. And since 1971, all schools started using Bahasa Malaysia as the medium iof instruction.
All of us accepted BM as the national language. Chinese, Indians, Malays all went through the same school system in secondary schools and sat for public exams in Bahasa Malaysia. They were not in English, mind you. Then STPM was all in Bahasa. And we accepted it and went through it in the same language like the rest.
Then the varsities switched to Bahasa, and we accepted and went through it toegther.
The Chinese continued shining despite the switch to Bahasa Malaysia at all levels.
Yet, non-Malays who did far better than Malays in the same medium of instruction and the same exam paper were bypassed.
Non-Malays with 4As in STPM were not given medical seats while Malays with even 2 As were given medical seats at one time.
So, Mahathir, Bangsa Malaysia is not just about the languages and schools, it is about equality and meritocracy in a system where all citizens atre subjected to the same examinations, taxes, etc. That is today's reality. Bahasa or English, Chinese especially continue to shine in exams.
The crux of the problem is about accepting the reality that change is inevitable. A diplomat said recently that if Malaysia continues with its race-based policies, it will go lose all its competitiveness in 10 years.
If the Chinese schools produce quality students, so be it. Isn't it better for Malaysia as a nation?
Mahahtir is throwing in this argument to attarct the Malays to his son Mukhriz. Stop it, Mamak.
I agree with TDM that we should have one school system. My children go to Sekolah Kebangsaan. But irks a lot of non-muslim, like myself, is the Sekolah Kebangsaan is turning into a Islamic school.
One eg is having doa during assembly. I went to a Sekolah Kebangsaan (100% malay stream) but I don't remember having this kind of practice in my school. This is happening even in P.Jaya.
So before anyone makes any generalisation, please look into how the sekolah kebangsaan is being. If this problem is not arrested more non-muslim will avoid kebangsaan school.
Words of expression have been twisted by Mahathir...saying we are more racialists after 12th election. It was race and religion dirty politics...promoted by him...which should have ended....during his time. It was good in the past...but certainly... out dated..during his time as PM. Instead of uniting all Malaysians...he purposely keep playing race and religion..far more aggressively than past PMs. We need to expose him...and not allow him to blame everyone..except himself. We are forced to say...Malaysian Chinese...Malaysian express and indentify ourselves as as unhappy Malaysians...since UMNO keep talking about race and religion. We have made so many thousands of young voters and less educated Malaysians...understand 12th election..we saw the results. He knows it...and now use this ...trying so hard to confuse Malaysians....what we have proven...and that is...UMNO plays race and religion politics...led by himself. It worked ...did it not?. We exposed him..did we not? We got voters.. to understand ...and 12th election result .is the living it not? Outside Malaysia....all calling themselves as Malaysians?? So simple to understand.....yet he purposely brought this confuse voters. Outside dirty why need to identify race issue there? It's automatic true Malaysians way to address themselves. We are talking dirty politics in Malaysia...and Mahathir need to use this throw us away...out of focus on the real issue....corruptions..and massive mismanagement...with his usual say others are defend himself. He is the worst racialist PM ...we ever got. Not only...he is a racialist PM......but a dam corrupted greedy Dictator....stealing to enrich party...self .. family ..and friends. Why such a smart man..cannot minds work...calling ourselves as Malaysians proudly....out of Malaysia...and here...letting UMNO know..Malaysian Chinese and Indians have enough of his nonsense? I am glad...he said...out of Malaysia..everyone call themselves Malaysians. This confirms...Malaysians are patriots to their country. Malaysians are matter how much Mahathir.. try to twist...our turn. We will vote UMNO out for a Malaysian Malaysia. Then all his mumbo jumbo way of talking...can go to hell with him. UMNO is what UMNO today..due to the smart twisting and turning...from facts to fictions and vice Mahathir. He is diverting all attentions prove he was the best PM? Why....all he needs is to swear by the Koran...he is not corrupted...he is the best....and maybe more will believe in him. UMNO is a racialist party.. If not...then I will shave my head bald. Who rooted it such a strong racialist party?...why it's Mahathir. Bring up DAP..and other parties as an art ..only cunning and sly foxes have such qualifications. Smart Malaysians will know...the need for Mahathir to accuse all...leaving himself out. Useless to talk about it. Everyone knows who is Mahathir..sacking 4 Deputy PM...putting one in jail..putting dozens in jail..under Operation real self appointed..Dictator. That's why...12th election is about change of government..all started by Mahathir. Let others much more.
First, "those people who are for screaming Bangsa Malaysia" are not consist of Non-Malays only. Please do not stereotype!
2nd, a lot of Non-Malays "who scream for Bangsa Malaysia" can speak fluent Malay too. Just because you personally never/rarely meet them, doesn't mean they don't exist. Please do not stereotype!
3rd, Chinese/Indian parents send their children to Chinese/Tamil schools because the Mandarin/Tamil teachers in National schools SUCKS. Do a survey if you don't believe me. Go ask around.
4th, if their children can learn their mother tongues well in National schools too, I'm sure more and more Chinese & Indian parents will send them there.
LAST BUT NOT LEAST, I think it is absolutely OKAY to debate about race, just like it's good to debate about our faith and religion with each other as it enable us to understand each others' needs better = less misunderstandings conflicts.
There are so much talks about racial politics today because some if not a lot of, Malaysians are fed up of it already.
Obama has been made president, time for us to look for CAPABILITY & RESPONSIBILITY instead of SKIN COLOURS. Corrupted politicians, whatever race they may hail from, are the worst!
Barack Hussein Obama, is an American name??? What is the value of being American and what is the value of being Malaysian.
Chinese also join national school and still survive and dual language or more speaking English as well whereas Malays student are usually mono language thus their more unemployable.
I was a National schooler and from what I see and my experience, for my children future, I would ask them join Chinese school as more competitive curiculum. Of course, National language is a must, but not to be emphasize so much for economic reason as able to converse is enough. English & Chinese is priority due to market demand in future.
I believe this is pragmatism and for our survival. In fact, Malaysian Malays should learn MORE ENGLISH and CHINESE for future.
Don't you think this guy is spewing alot of nonsense after what he did to race and country. Sagregating Malaysians by pitting lies that different races cannot sit together in the same table, while, in the past, he talks about our diversity as our strength?!? Today, he accuse everyone except himself for the sad state of affairs in this counry. I am Chinese by birth but considers myself a Malaysian. I have wonderful Malay god parents who accept me for the person that I am, no malice, no hate but love that can overwhelm, unconditional. That is the Malysia I envisage. I have not lost hope and no one, not even this accuser is going to take away what I hold so dera for Malaysia. God bless Malaysia.
Mahathir can't stop bullshitting can he? He was as racist and corrupt as they come when he was PM. Since that is hardly a secret, he needs to bring everyone to his level so that he does not end up punching above his weight class.
We might see racism as simply a disease Mahathir that is suffering from, but it is also a cover for his corrupt ways and lack of moral fibre in the way he ran UMNO and the country.
Now he is not only practising his self-serving form of racist rant but preaching it as well.
Mukhriz, Khir and KJ for UMNO Youth Chief? All are detestable characters which do not stand for anything particularly outstanding as far as achievements and statesmanship are concerned. This is a true reflection of UMNO and its bearings right now.
Unfortunately all his opponents, including the present PM will never admit that TDM is the inspiration and reference point.
Like many, many, many other ideas, his 'Sekolah Wawasan' was misunderstood, just like the 'English for Science and Mathematics' policy which shudders the minds of Malay linguists.
This is the man condemned by western powers for his 1998 Mahathir economics, and yet his methods are copied to save present global financial meltdown.
Mahathir, this must be another big sacarstic joke coming from only a former stateman like you. So you must be saying Barisan is indeed a multi-racial coalition best for this Nation? But now the rakyat knows Barisan is so deceptive to represent themselves as multi-racial. Barisan is all about UMNO only. All others are subservient. You know, they know, we all know. Please try a better joke the next time. Hoodwinking the rakyat for 30years is a typical trait coming form you. malsia1206
When non-Malays ask for equality, justice and freedom for all, they are racists, but when Umno Malays and bloggers, like former Utusan, NST and BH editorial comrades talk about ketuanan melayu that's fair comment and nationalistic. Oh! Please. Indians and Chinese have been here more than 500 years. Both these communities have given so much for civilisation and development of this country and for the so-called Malay community ala Austronesian family. The number of Malays in this country is not actually that high as 60 percent. On the basis of Malays alone, I put it that they should stand at 25 to 30 per cent only. The government statistics have been distorted facts made of multiple effects of counting all Muslims as Malays, a bullshit theory. Melanau and Indian Muslims for instance are Malays . . .ugh! ! ! So the Umno government gets 60 per cent to justify its ketuanan melayu stance . . . in another words racial discrimination of non-Malays, who have given so much more than Malays themselves for the well-being of this country. An independent Malaya would not have funds to feed the Malays if the Indians and Chinese did not work their life out in estates and tin mines. How much more Malays need to 'steal' from others to come up in their life? How many more years the others have to spoonfeed the Malays? Aren't Malays ashamed that they are living on other people's earnings and hardwork in the name Malay rights, privileges etc? Malays pay zakat only and the funds are spent for Malays only. Non-Malays pay taxes and the funds are spent largely for Malays too in the name of closing down economic disparities. I have searched and found that no other country in this world, except Malaysia which spoonfeeds a particular community from money forcefully collected from other communities, of course by legal means. A truly developed, civilised and matured community with self-sustained integrity, culture and religious values would not live on other people's money. Come on, advocates of ketuanan melayu . . . look around. Will you ever earn the respect of non-Malays by encroaching into their rights in this country? Goosh! Am I racist here? Will I be labelled as one for telling the truth? Malaysians will have to talk getting rid of racial discrimination in all sectors, I mean including the Chinese dominated private sector, by deliberating and breaking the racial issues and barriers. Otherwise forget about Bangsa Malaysia for we would continue to have a out-of-sort blogger like Dr Mahathir Mohamad Kutty talking about ketuanan melayu. For me Dr Mahathir was an evil to democracy, equality and freedom, and a friend to corruption, hypocricy and hate campaign. Historically, his tenure as the country's premier was a tragic curse to Malaysians. Yes! Many claimed he was to be credited for Malaysian modernisation, but at the expense of human development, moral governance, equality and democracy. During his entire 22 years in charge of the central government, Malaysia enjoyed a mere seven years of economic boom, thanks to global spillover not because of our own talents or strength. During the other 15 years, we were miserable, and suffering until today due to his extravagant spending on mega projects and mega bailouts using public funds at ease. The ever dependent Umno-typed Malays as usual cannot live without government support and backing. They cannot invent something, can't create something or manage anything. Malays can claim to be big media managers by having NSTP and Utusan Melayu. But that too with government support. Are you on your own, Umno-type Malays? Many hypocritical Malays trumpet about Islamic equality, justice and freedom while at the same advocate ketuanan melayu, malay rights and privileges. Malays look like can't win a golf match even with a 18-hole advantage. Come one. Stand up like a man and fight with others on equal ground. Let the best win! Do Malays dare!
When non-Malays ask for equality, justice and freedom for all, they are racists, but when Umno Malays and bloggers, like former Utusan, NST and BH editorial comrades talk about ketuanan melayu that's fair comment and nationalistic. Oh! Please. Indians and Chinese have been here more than 500 years. Both these communities have given so much for civilisation and development of this country and for the so-called Malay community ala Austronesian family. The number of Malays in this country is not actually that high as 60 percent. On the basis of Malays alone, I put it that they should stand at 25 to 30 per cent only. The government statistics have been distorted facts made of multiple effects of counting all Muslims as Malays, a bullshit theory. Melanau and Indian Muslims for instance are Malays . . .ugh! ! ! So the Umno government gets 60 per cent to justify its ketuanan melayu stance . . . in another words racial discrimination of non-Malays, who have given so much more than Malays themselves for the well-being of this country. An independent Malaya would not have funds to feed the Malays if the Indians and Chinese did not work their life out in estates and tin mines. How much more Malays need to 'steal' from others to come up in their life? How many more years the others have to spoonfeed the Malays? Aren't Malays ashamed that they are living on other people's earnings and hardwork in the name Malay rights, privileges etc? Malays pay zakat only and the funds are spent for Malays only. Non-Malays pay taxes and the funds are spent largely for Malays too in the name of closing down economic disparities. I have searched and found that no other country in this world, except Malaysia which spoonfeeds a particular community from money forcefully collected from other communities, of course by legal means. A truly developed, civilised and matured community with self-sustained integrity, culture and religious values would not live on other people's money. Come on, advocates of ketuanan melayu . . . look around. Will you ever earn the respect of non-Malays by encroaching into their rights in this country? Goosh! Am I racist here? Will I be labelled as one for telling the truth? Malaysians will have to talk getting rid of racial discrimination in all sectors, I mean including the Chinese dominated private sector, by deliberating and breaking the racial issues and barriers. Otherwise forget about Bangsa Malaysia for we would continue to have a out-of-sort blogger like Dr Mahathir Mohamad Kutty talking about ketuanan melayu. For me Dr Mahathir was an evil to democracy, equality and freedom, and a friend to corruption, hypocricy and hate campaign. Historically, his tenure as the country's premier was a tragic curse to Malaysians. Yes! Many claimed he was to be credited for Malaysian modernisation, but at the expense of human development, moral governance, equality and democracy. During his entire 22 years in charge of the central government, Malaysia enjoyed a mere seven years of economic boom, thanks to global spillover not because of our own talents or strength. During the other 15 years, we were miserable, and suffering until today due to his extravagant spending on mega projects and mega bailouts using public funds at ease. The ever dependent Umno-typed Malays as usual cannot live without government support and backing. They cannot invent something, can't create something or manage anything. Malays can claim to be big media managers by having NSTP and Utusan Melayu. But that too with government support. Are you on your own, Umno-type Malays? Many hypocritical Malays trumpet about Islamic equality, justice and freedom while at the same advocate ketuanan melayu, malay rights and privileges. Malays look like can't win a golf match even with a 18-hole advantage. Come one. Stand up like a man and fight with others on equal ground. Let the best win! Do Malays dare!
I remember quite clearly when i suggested the formation of single system education in Malaysia i.e no more vernacular system (tamil,chinese school), one chinese guy stood up and asked this question...
"are you ready to let go your kesultanan Melayu in exchange with us letting go our chinese schools"
i was speechless... and there goes my sekolah wawasan dream.
"I must admit the Sekolah Wawasan concept did not get support, especially from the Chinese educationist groups. They don't want to have anything to do with the Malays."
Correction, Doctor Frankenstein. They didn't want their kids to listen to all that UMNO agit-prop b***s***. For example, distorted claptrap history say like, Aussie and NZ soldiers fighting commies in Malaya are suddenly re-cast as UMNOist 'heroes'. Have you ever visited Tugu Negara, or are just a quack doctor?
7:41 PM
Correction teohjitkhiam, we too do not want to listen to your b***s*** crap and distorted prank. You are the real quack.
Mahatir has got his facts about Barack Obama wrong. His father came to the US as a college student in Hawaii. That's where he met Barack's mom. Barack's dad later left Hawaii for Harvard where he earned a PhD in Economics before moving back to Kenya. I'm surprised no one has challenged Mahatir on facts like this.
Having one or two chinese muslims like Anuar Tan as members does not qualify PAS is a party of multiracial. When it comes to recruiting members, the target groups will surely be malay youth, so called muslim and muslimah. Unless they dare to open membership to none muslims, then they are able to claim as being multiracial. A gamble that will definitely backfire.
And if DAP claims that they are not race-based party, it's like telling Khairy is angel, Najib is a god sent savior, and Karpal is the most honest lawyer.
You should prefer so-you-called 'skewed' Malaysian history rather than Mainland China history which is being taught in your Chinese schools here in Malaysia, bro.
You better be.
Why do you people complain too much and yet do too little or none.
actually, Obama is not a descendant of a slave as his father came from Kenya as a student and his mom is white. So he is definitely not a descendant of a slave. His father was in fact a Harvard graduate himself.
be careful when u think u agree to mahathir and in fact you are not. Mahathir is known for his way of writing that put current situation in very plain day-to-day events. Makes you believe that it is true.
For a country to make race discrimination illegal, they need to discuss it.
To liberal something, u need to start with a lot of communication.
after march election, not that ppl are more racist BUT ppl are more aware of racism.
For once (and only once), I agree with Dr Mahathir in his analysis, and I must give credit where it is due.
However, we must ask ourselves, how did we even come to this point, both sides having bunkered down, and lobbing grenades at each other? Every single one of us have their own camps with their own slant and biases, even writers I used to respect like Rocky here have been pretty one-sided most of the time here.
This issue with vernacular schools have become pure politics beyond reason. Its has become completely irrational and obviously bad for the nation, but it is a sacred cow that no one dares to slaughter, because the chinese and tamils will howl that even more rights are taken from them. Its like the Israelis and Palenstinians arguing over if the Israeli settlers should go home or stay bunkered in Palestinian territory or if Jerusalem should be shared. Obviously they should, but try telling that to the ultras!
So given that ultras have already dug in the issue with bunkered mentality, what can be done? Fight eternally like the Israelis and Palenstians?
What is strongly needed now is strong will from both sides to compromise, and some give and take.
Firstly, accept that doing away with chinese/tamil schools will be a vote loser for the politicians involved, just as, say, doing away with university places for bumis on the other side. No politician will be stupid enough to support this move without some meat on the table to throw to the howling voters who vote not by brain but by sentiment.
So lets be realistic. The only way this can be achieved is that it must be a give and take. No more chinese and tamil schools, but also no more bumi quotas for university (say). Will that be ok?
Many will not be ok, even if there are many compelling reasons why both should go. The reasons, in my mind, has nothing to do with the negative-sum race calculus on who-gains-more-with-which-issue, which can be debated till cows come home. Everyone ends up losing because we end up more racially segregated, the best brains get fed up and go overseas, and our university rankings go down the drain.
On the chinese and tamil side, we will be asking them to *reduce* (not eliminate) the importance of language segregation in school (which amounts to racial segregation), for malays, we invite them to accept more competitive in university places. Can both sides stomach that?
Which is why, strong leadership is required on all sides to push this through. Someone who is charismatic on both sides, one who actually believes that this can be achieve, one who can inspire and educate the people on whow it is possible if we just give to receive, and also to to be able to make everyone appreciate and accept in simple terms why this giving is important, and why it must be done.
Just like with the Israelis and Palentinians, if there is no compromise or leadership, one who can unite or inspire public opinion, there is no solution, even if one have bigger firepower than the other.
This article is a pile of horse shit. Not really surprising though, its written by Mahathir. Could it be that the Chinese prefer to send their kids to Chinese schools because of the awful shit hole that our government schools have become? Have you idiots ever thought of it in this perspective? For the record, aku nih boleh bercakap dalam Bahasa MALAYSIA. Tapi, saya berharap Bangsa Malaysia akan menjadi realiti. Susah nak percaya kan?
"Apakah mungkin pendapatan yang tinggi dan banyak ini datang daripada urusan-urusan berkaitan dengan kes-kes penswastaan Kerajaan dan lain-lain keperluan "conveyancing" Kerajaan?
Ini sangkaan saya sahaja.
Jika tidak benar tunjuk bukti yang ianya tidak benar."
Tuduh orang kemudian suruh orang yang dituduh untuk membuktikannya kebenarannya...
wow...a spin master at work.. ok, the African "immigrants" were assimilated into the American society...Yes, they speak English and proud to be American. And they are provided the Equality in Citizenship Rights! Do we have the same equality here? Non-Malays Bangsa Malaysia still end-up as 2nd class citizen. Dont compare Apple to Orange!
Bangsa Malaysia atau Bangsat Malaysia! Jgn ikut hipokrit dan pencacai bernama KALIMULLAH MASEERUL HASSAN. Dia bangga dengan status "I'm Indian but a Muslim" tapi hidup dia dari dulu sampai skrg asyik menipu Umno dan org Melayu. Kaut kekayaan negara guna platform Umno tapi kutuk maki hamun org Melayu dan bersekongkol dengan malaun2 Cina dan India. Umno tahu KALIMULLAH MASEERUL HASSAN adalah pengkhianat yang bekerja untuk musuh negara bagi kucar kacirkan Umno dan Melayu. Kalau Umno masih biarkan KALIMULLAH MASEERUL HASSAN bermaharajalela dengan balaci2 dia jaga kepentingan dan masa depan Umno maka janganlah menyesal nanti kalau org Melayu jadi Bangsat Malaysia seperti di Singapura! Najib perlu tahu bahawa binatang seperti KALIMULLAH MASEERUL HASSAN bangga menghina Nabi tanpa penyesalan. Dan Najib patut tahu KALIMULLAH MASEERUL HASSAN tidak segan silu kata Rosmah itu "BITCH" atau anjing betina!
When it comes to sharing the economy pie, the chinese all speak up to ask govt to forgo DEB, but not a single word about to forgo their chinese school. So typical of them. And yet keep saying we are malaysian..
Everybody compares Malaysia to USA especial with the recent election won by Obama. All black and white are immigrant in USA, except for red indian.. I would say USA has moved forward if the red indian being elected as their president. Hence, we should compare Malaysia with British and European for they are the 'Pribumi' on their land.
In Myanmar, muslims immigrant from India, Pakistan and Bangladash who have been stay there for few generations were being discriminated from any job opportunity except if you are Buddhist. May be it is time to see the privilege that we have in Malaysia. Then we will appreciate what we have.
This shown who is more hypocrite. Everything is talk KOK abt the Ketuanan Duit. Want to dominate 100% wealth when they think that there are smarter Ass than anybody else.
The actual Bangsa Malaysia is about changing your mother tongue. I went to Indo, Thai, and some hypocrite in PKR, MCA, and DAP think that this countries are much better than Malaysia. But when I being there its very rarest to hear any of Indian and Sino speak their own mother tongue except their national language. Ohh gotch thats why the failure of this Malaysia Race is due to the weakness of the late Tunku Abdul Rahman, if we dont eager to get Independent very early I dont think this thing will be a havoc now and maybe Singapore still remain with us. But because of he was too tolerant than this thing happen.
Anyway if the hypocrite keep being ignorant than is useless to wait after 50 yrs even 100 yrs also will not happen except if all new generation Malay become a Dumbo, drug addict or rempits...At this moment Nobody wants to tolerate than let be it, I think Malay should say never unless the people speak our mother tounge, act like us, eat like us even change religion to our religion. Then definitely 100% sure they can become PM to us.
race is a biological thing.Mana boleh ada bangsa Malaysia.Rakyat Malaysia, boleh.
The non-Malays are always selective when fighting for equal rights.They want to be more equal than others, cakap Melayu tak mau, duit Melayu nak.Then suka cakap orang melayu kuat rasuah.Orang Melayu ambik duit rasuah tu dari siapa? It takes two to tango.
Malaysians are racist because the formation of the nation was based on race/s.
To those anonymous commenters/posters (Tak berani ke letak nama sebenar? Apa dah!) here who tried to repudiate my statement on history without any substantial facts to back them up or throwing red herrings about; PLEASE READ AND STUDY MORE BEFORE COMMENTING. THANK YOU.
I think is useless to talk abt Bangsa Malaysia...As I can say SINO is hypocrite that what they learn from their generation from past until future in the chinese school. I think is better now gomen should monitor their syllabus. I can read for all SINO comments here when the Great Stateman Like Tun who give much prosperity to this country and SINO businessman so happy when they can become richer because of his intellegent in economic policy. This SINO (DAP, PKR, MCA, Gerakan) talk rubbishabt him and repeating the same thing like he is the worst mamak in the world since that they find the new GOD Anwar (former malay racist and Islamic fasist) proclaim to be the Father of Bangsa Malaysia and father of abolished DEB. Anyway Anwar who got 2.0 pointer for Malay degree in UM cannot become a DPM if there is no DEB for him.
I think next time when they want to rant abt DEB, Ketuanan Melayu, Melayu lazy, tongkat cannot compete globalization (even US economy also flop), hail mandarin kantonis because China will be the next superpower in our dream, hong kong or singapore is better than country like Malaysia, Sabah Serawak mundur, let be it.
When Malay or Bumis become too racist then the game is over.
Majoriti yang memberi ulasan di sini tidak belajar di sekolah kebangsaan dan menghantar anak anak mereka di sekolah jenis kebangsaan dan anti sekolah wawasan, sebab itulah majoriti mereka menulis dengan menggunakan bahasa yang 'kurang ajar'.
arghh.. u see rocky.. ppl are fighting bout which school is better.. Its not about the student but also the teachers. this is where all of them can work together and work out the perfect curriculum for everyone.
Right now both school still producing Mat rempit and DVD sellers.
Tun Mahathir did push the right button, as u can see from the comments..haha
walaupun dlm byk perkara saya agak kurang bersetuju dgn TDM... tapi soal sekolah wawasan saya teramat bersetuju dan menyokong idea tersebut...
jika kita ingin bicara soal bangsa Malaysia.... perkara pokok yg mesti diutamakan adalah soal pendidikan... dan bagaimana ingin melahirkan satu bangsa Malaysia jika sistem pendidikan tidak diseragamkan... soal bimbang nilai budaya sesuatu etnik akan pupus tidak sepatutnya menjadi isu kerana ia boleh diterapkan dlm silibus pendidikan yg baru... malah ia akan menjadi lebih unik apabila melayu belajar budaya cina, cina belajar budaya melayu, dan begitu juga budaya masyarakat india... selagi ia tidak bertentangan dgn syarak dan tidak menjejaskan akidah org Islam....
setelah kemenangan Obama... kecoh satu Malaya membincangkan kemungkinan PM dari bukan bumiputera... saya juga bersetuju ngan pendapat TDM, soal bangsa mana yg menjadi PM tidak penting.. ttp beliau harus mendapat mandat dari rakyat keseluruhan... dan paling penting beliau seharusnya seorg benar2 bangsa Malaysia... jadi tidak akan ada pilih kasih keatas mana2 etnik yg ada di negara ini... dan menghormati perlembagaan...
This old man is a great orater. What he said might hold truth but the problem is he never walk the talk. Sekolah Wawasan was a great idea. The government should convinced the chinese educationist then. The real problem with our nation is not because of race, religion etc but rather massive corruption by our "great UMNO Leaders". Bangsa Malaysia is a concept, it does not hold anything substancial even to be discussed about. Bangsa Malaysia would emulate itself once we get rid of all the mothers of corruption in our nation.
Last thing, becoz of their hypocrite, they are not just pendatang but bring the menace to this country by preprogating the Communist Bintang TIGA ideology up until now from the chinese school. O gotch Malay should send memorandum to British Government and Saman with 3 million pound each of every malay by leaving us with fagot and maggot to this land.
Bro Rocky, from the lively comments and banter, since some of these brilliant Chinese people are so overwhelmed about their purportedly superior culture, maybe its a good idea if the Government make it mandatory for Mandarin to be taught in ALL Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan, that way a Malay, Indian or Chinese Malaysian will be able to command three languages Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Inggeris and Bahasa Cina Mandarin.
I am not sure whether the zealots from the Chinese Educationists side will agree, but who cares this is MALAYsia and the Malays are the majority, why does this minority of minority dare to impose their will on the majority. One should not think about selfishly keeping what one have and then greedily want some more of what others have also.
1.Most Chinese students end up in Sekolah Kabangsaan in secondary schools. Chinese schools only primary level. So at the end of the day, they are back to National system. And they do very well. And even better in Bahasa than the Malaysa.
2. Why do so many Malay parents send their children to Chinese primary schools? And you too have gone on record encouraging Malay parents to send tehir children to Chinese schools.
Where parents sent their children for schooling has nothing to do with race or religion. Parents will sent their children where they think it will best benefit their child. In the old days, many parents sent their children to English schools even though vernacular schools was around. Why? Because they think that an English education will give their child a headstart in life. This thinking is proven again in Johor today where many parents sent their children to schools in Singapore to be educated in English even though they could have sent their children to vernacular schools in JB. So if the Sekolah Wawasan can prove to provide quality education beyond just racial integration, I am sure parents will support them regardless of race. The same goes the present national schools which has been perceived to have deteriorated in quality.
Isn't Mahathir himself who recently admitted that the 3 main races are too different to be recognised as one/integrated?
Chinese schools may not be the best, but they do generally produce more competent students compared to national schools. Aren't many MPs themselves sending their own children to anything BUT national schools or universities?
Dr. M is responsible for our current situation. Yes, he was the father of modernization but the modern Malaysia was built on shaky foundation. Now when we scrutinize our foundations we find lots of worms and Dr. M is just telling us what we already know but not owning up to his weakness. And many out there who are Yes Men, like in his blog, take his words like holy scriptures.
I am a national school graduate so don't come giving excuses that I don't qualify to give comments. The quality of national schools leaves a lot to be desired. Facilities are not well maintained, and the teachers are not up to standards. I was fortunate to have been enrolled to a national school with funding from Missionary organization where additional funding were provided by the missionary and old boys. But the rest of the national schools are not in good state. I agree with the Sekolah Wawasan concept. The idea is there but the execution of the plan is still unconvincing. There are too many issues not properly addressed. I believe all malaysian should still support sekolah wawasan and come up with a common understanding.
Every sides should take a step back. When the majority keep pushing on ketuanan this and that, the minorities have no choice to be defensive and voice out. There is no need for the majority to feel insecure. Please all ... lets all take a step back.
It is sad to see so many RACISTS here commenting on DR M. with regards Bangsa Malaysia. To see so many commenting without RATIONALE shows that these people are emotionally driven and not being pragmatic. Simply put it, these people are RACISTS because most of them cant even give a logical explanation.
Seeing comment from these RACISTS proves that they do not want to be part of a BANGSA MALAYSIA(attending sekolah kebangsaan)
It seems we are not intellectual at all. How are we suppose to move on if we can't even ACCEPT THE TRUTH?
Because of PEOPLE (RACISTS)like this, we are doomed as a nation. I think the Goverment should stop being LENIENT (Research and history has shown the more lenient we are, the more people will take advantage of). Instead Government should start using draconian laws to start incorporating all races into a BANGSA MALAYSIA. END IT. IT HAS TO COME TO AN END IF NOT THESE RACISTS WOULD DESTROY THE VERY FABRIC OF THE NATION.
We are all so caught up in our own rhetoric that we need the genius of a Mahathir to see the truth and nothing but the truth. And yet the mainstream media gives paltry attention to him.
I frankly don't understand this persistent effort to use Malay as the common language or for business purpose. Unless the country is big enough, with hundreds of millions in population, and trillions in GDP, or excel in technological or scientific breakthrough, very few people will want to learn your language. Even throwing in Indonesia, the market is still very small. More importantly, Malay is a very primitive and nascent language. Tradisi/ tradition, talipon/ telephone are real jokes because of the inadequate vocabulary.
The whole world is using English as the medium of trade and commerce. More are beginning to learn Mandarin as China's economy becomes the second biggest in the world.
Why would anyone in the world want to learn Malay? To know more about Ketuanan Melayu? To learn more about NEP? To learn more about KKK?
when Obama was elected President..immediately there were calls in this country for change,
what was that? To have a non-Malay PM.
Non-Malay bloggers lament that the system sucks, that he time has come for a non-Malay PM?
why? because you don't want a Malay PM?
You know, a lot of white Americans voted for Obama, i believe, out of guilt....long-standing guilt over how Blacks were treated, over the prejudices and outright discrimination. The Blacks were forced into America as slaves.
I'm sure many among Obama's were (white) apologists.
I'm sorry -- the CHinese came to Malaya for a better life, to get rich and many did get rich. many, mega rich. super-duper rich.
and the Indians -- either to work in the railway or the lower-rung of the civil service (depending on their caste).
WHy should the Malays be apologists?
Besides, until the Chinese is the majority in this country....then we can start talking change.
My father's mother was a Chinese Baba, his father was a Tamil Indian. What does that make my father, who later married my mother who is a Malay? What does that make me? A Malaysian, I guess.
I think Tun got the part about Obama being the descendant of a slave wrong. Obama's father was a Kenyan who migrated to the US.
His father was never a descendant of a slave in Kenya. In fact, his father was a well respected man.
Obama is a second generation migrant compared to the other African-Americans who have been there for many generations, having being brought over first as slaves.
if 1 is not greedy, do u think he will accept bribes given by the chinese? go and think abt it first la..
which chinese did u hear or talk to that wants more than equal rights than the malays? are u nuts or what?
and pls dont shoot urself in the foot la so often.. it makes u look stupid..
today which chinese cannot speak malay? for ur information as i dropped the similar comment in chedet, chinese score more As in BM than the Malays themselves.. You wanna dispute that? So u think Chinese cannot speak Malay?
cermin diri dulu la before wanna point finger at orang lain...
all the gomen have to do is to IMPROVE the national schools until BETTER than national -type schools. once that happens, all the parents with kids will flock from jenis kebangsaan into the national school. HABIS CERITA
all the parents ever wish for, is to provide a good education for their children, nothing to do with race or religion. this is a typical mindset of a chinese family. the parents are willing to work and save and work to save just for a good education for their child. thats why a street hawker can produce a national top STPM student 2-3 years ago, and the parents are willing to go the extra mile to secure funding for his further education. no politics here my friend. just good education.
nothing to do with race, nothing to do with religion. just good education.
but do we have the sincerity, will and political committment to change our syllabi and raise our national educational standards? that involves teacher, teaching method etc.
btw, if you think our current education system is damn good. you should wonder why there's so many tuition centre opening to good business all over this country.
if the teachers are doing their job, the tuition centre all no business!
After reading most of the comments here, I feel that majority of the society here are STUPID with a pea brain size.
1 guy says how to create a united race if one chooses to go to a school of their choosing.. My question is why not? Why wanna question the rights of the type of school one goes? It is so pathetic! Doesnt everyone have to learn Bahasa Malaysia in school irrespective of what kind of school he goes? Is that someone trying to say that if 1 goes to an English or Chinese school hence, his understanding of 1 race 1 Malaysia will be inadequate or voided? What a stupid deduction and rationale is that... Malays of the colonial days studied in various schools too, some even studied in a Christian school, did it make them any less Muslim or any less Malay or any less Bangsa Malaysia?
Then another one who claims to be a professional is asking certain races to pack their bags and go back to where they originated. I reckon this professional has an IQ of 50. Instead of contributing to the problem solving efforts he is stirring a hornet's nest. I bet he has never heard of "be part of the solution and not part of the problem"
I also came across another lame comment. To be 1 united race, we have to all speak the same common language.. I wonder who is the least capable in not trying to learn and capable to speak the universal language of the world - English?
As long as this country has this kind of people, this kind of mindset, this kind of stupid rationalization, given the day Judgement comes, Malaysia will never progress..
You like it or not that is a fact... So live with it unless you do something positive about it..
In the town where I attend my primary school (tanjong malim), i can observe two type of Chinese. Generally, the one who sent their children to mix school (methodist school) are from profesional type (cikgu, dentist etc), and the one who sent their childern to SRJK ChungSin are from totok type. Mereke ini jenis peniaga yg hanya berurusan dengan org melayu ketika process jual beli barang. No assimilation at all. They are in their own world, controlling the economy of the town.
I apprerciate some of the things Dr M did for the country but sometimes he appears to be taking this bahasa and bangsa issues way too far and it creates more and more discomforts among the different people in Malaysia. As for Bahasa kebangsaan - just ask the old man what do his own family (especially grandkids') first language, English or BM. Dan saya percaya ramai lagi pemimpin melayu dan keluarga mereka yang lebih selasa berbahasa Inggeris. kenapa ya? hell with Bangsa Malaysia lets just be RAKYAT MALAYSIA! Amacam bro, promote la konsep rakyat Malaysia.
I suggest that we should start to abolish all chinese and tamil school in Malaysia. They all are producing a lot of crab malaysian who can't even speak and behave like a real malaysian.
We should follow Thailand and Indonesia that only allow 1 type of education.
These people have deep hate towards Tun Mahathir......
Why must they still think of themselves as chinese or tamils.....
It is better for them to be imigrant in China, Singapore or India than a malaysian.
They all don't deserve to be malaysian by holding malaysian passport. Especially Hondraf problem with the british but make a lot of ruckus in Malayisia.....What the heck !!!!
Why don't they make demonstration in London or in India???? Now their leader is in London, why not make a suggestion to him to file a complaint and compensation with the british government????
Why did their supporter did not use their brain to think of it???
The answer is simple....this tamils are full of nonsense....
No wonder they want to import priest from India coz all of them , Indians in Malaysian are 3rd caste if they were in India.
Mahathir, do you know why until today Chinese doesnt want to give up chinese school. It's simply because WE CHINESE dont feel the sincerity of the immigrant MALAY who lead UMNO, PAS (who still think THEY ARE born to be here - in fact they are from Indonesia)to lead this country and treat ALL Malaysian in fair term. Should these UMNO PAS people walk the talk being fair, I'm very sure chinese, indian, kadazan etc will be very much open up. Can you imagine, in one hand UMNO PAS bullying other races, AND yet insisting other races to give up more. Or should i be "SEXY" if i know you are a rapist or act like a rapist?....simple question to all
I can see how Mahathir Irks some so badly.. He has the ability to poke them where it pricks them most.. They are running wild with degrading comments on your blog - senile crap, bullshit, shut up old fart.. all they can garble out. It makes me laugh how hot they become.. please do.. and get more perturbed.. I shall have fun seeing u distressed.. bloody morons trying to hijack this country to their whims..
As for people who have called Malays racists -- I must remind them, they are not so yet, when they really venge their REAL RACISM, that when its GAME OVER for you.. Time to pack your bags from this place.. Seems like you have had too much prosperity, freedom and peace.. nicely sitting back on your soft couch and garbling all obscenities towards the host race.
Mahathir, do you know why until today Chinese doesnt want to give up chinese school. It's simply because WE CHINESE dont feel the sincerity of the immigrant MALAY who lead UMNO, PAS (who still think THEY ARE born to be here - in fact they are from Indonesia)to lead this country and treat ALL Malaysian in fair term. Should these UMNO PAS people walk the talk being fair, I'm very sure chinese, indian, kadazan etc will be very much open up. Can you imagine, in one hand UMNO PAS bullying other races, AND yet insisting other races to give up more. Or should i be "SEXY" if i know you are a rapist or act like a rapist?....simple question to all
The blogger is not Mahathir Bin Mohamad because PAS is not a race-based party. At least, two of its ADUN are not Malay. The debates about race are more than before because the debaters are allowed to debate openly. To say that only racial issues have been mostly discussed after March is a delusion. Tun M is senile and I have no respect for him now. What is wrong in being Islamic, pro-Hindraf and pro Chinese educationists. I am not surprised by Tun's remarks (He is senile) but I am surprised by the number of commenters here who thinks highly of his remarks.
On the issue of Bahasa Melayu (no such thing as bahasa malaysia), he tries to portray himself as the guardian of the language, when in fact he stunted the development of the language by forcing the schools to switch the medium to teach Math and Science.
He admitted that when he was in power, he believed in children of different races to go to one school but did not dare to merge the schools because of political reasons i.e. he did not do the right thing because of fear of not getting the political support. Poor man.
Satu keadaan yang amat menarik adalah apabila persoalan Bangsa Malaysia timbul ramai akan menekankan bahawa (sebahagian kecil) rakyat Malaysia tidak menekankan kepentingan Bahasa Malaysia dalam kehidupan mereka. SAYA SEORANG BUKAN MELAYU yang mempunyai rakan bukan Melayu yang mampu berdebat atau melibatkan diri dalam pelbagai aktiviti akademik dengan menggunakan Bahasa Malaysia. Saya berharap para penulis yang cuba mengutarakan pandangan yang bercanggah .....itu merupakan taktik murahan.
looking at the number of sick comments in this blog and some elsewhere too, i don't think there can ever be a bangsa malaysia. all these people want to do is hentam, hentam and hentam. and their target is not really umno or dr m, but the malays. with that i say to all malays, enough is enough and hidup 'bangsa melayu'.
bro, to say that National schools are very good for the nation, may I ask why so many rich kids are sent to private schools like Garden school, International School and Tuanku Jaafar school and many rich families can send their kids to private or boarding schools in Europe and America....Have these people who preach about National schools no faith in local schools ? Maybe Tun can answer where his own family and cucu's are studying. National schools are only "very good" for ordinary people,like me, is it? My kid goes to a chinese school but she speaks excellent bahasa Malaysia and bahasa Indonesia and manderine and cantonese and of course english! Shouldn't we prepare our kids future not for doing business here in Malaysia but prepare them to communicate with the whole world ? How then can we be towering Malaysians, if we are "retarded" in conversing and communication skills ??
and to call Obama a decendent of a slave...hmmm....that is certainly unholy !
Rocky, sure the current schooling system is not ideal for national integration. if it is to go, there must be certain provisions. for one, the standards must be improved. two, students must have the avenue to learn other languages. third, the Ketuanan Melayu syllabus must be replaced with a more balanced one. fourth, NEP in its current form must go and meritocracy be implemented in all schools. I give my full hearted support for a change in the schooling system including the gradual removal of chinese hig schools if the above are implemented. By the way, Mahatir, stop being a racist. It is realy irresponsbile to say that Chinese dont want to have anything to do with Malays. Go to a national school and see for yourself the cringing low standards. The profileration of private schools is already a damning evidence of the failure of national schools. And how many children of the Ministers are enrolled in international schools?
Language is just one element of national integration. Is the UMNO-led Government prepared to do away with the current form of NEP and Ketuanan Melayu which in my opnion, is the biggest contributing factor to the widening racial fault line. Who initiated the policy to malaynised the civil service, rocky? Who wants to show the malays he is more malay than them? you better ask Mahatir, who is your idol.
Sure, you can speak your mother tongue at home or among close friends, but never in a mixed group. Sad to say, through my experience of mixing with other races, this happens all the time.
Language is a unifying factor. Use BM and English to unify all under one nation and to communicate abroad. You don`t need to change your religion or custom to be united.
In your everyday life, if you exclude certain groups in your communication by choosing to speak your mother tongue, its not only down-ride rude, its also a form of racial discrimination. And it brings about distrust and contempt among the races that are left out.
What are the messy looking signboards in the streets of Penang all about? I dont see unity in it at all. That's more like promoting isolation and segregation of the races. Its dividing society, not uniting it. Methinks its a bad idea. If this is a the tip of an iceberg of what is to come if BR rules, I think you know where my vote lies in the next GE.
>>>Everything about our country is wrong. It is all about Mahathir & UMNO. And it is never about any of us. We are ideal and perfect. It is always somebody else’s mistake.<<
Hell, this is how Mahathir ruled the country for 22 years. He has no regrets he says. He won't say sorry.
Now why should we have any? Quid pro quo....
If someone wants to listen to his rant, go ahead. Just don't expect everyone to follow. Stop bitching about his not getting media time. He did the same to his political opponents. Even those in UMNO. His anointed successor Pak Lah just followed suit. Even here, you could see what a hypocrite Mahathir was.
Sorry but he doesn't quite cut it as a leader. He questioned Zaid's source of income. Fair enough. But then his sons' questionable ways have escaped his attention somehow? Must be an UMNOPutra thingy which non-UMNO could not understand. Anyway hypocrisy at such a highest order for the saviour of the Malays?
They think his scolding the West as something outstanding and brave, it never had any effect; it was just like a dog barking at the moon. Those countries regarded him as a corrupt tin-pot dictator, and we suffered that humiliation as well.
Fact is, his critics have been criticised as being unfair and unable to discuss his points rationally. Bullshit ! Mahathir's words are just being framed in the background of what he did while he was in power. He has been found wanting.
His schools concept then and now were just a smokescreen. If he had no problems having a race based political party system, why was he bitching about the schools? In Deminegara's well written piece, there was once a time when we would be Malaysians. We actually had that !
Remember the late 1970s when the Merdeka Tournament was a feature on the football calendar? I still remembered our football heroes and the heights they took the flag in those days. WTF happened when our football was UMNOised? Our hockey team? How captain Ow Soon Kooi, Foo Keat Seong and Poon Fook Loke starred for us in so many tournaments? Look at the setup now! Even sports which had a galvanising effect on our being as a nation went down the drain.
How much of that went wrong after Mahathir's time in 1981? Within a few years, we had Najib Mongolia's (the UMNO Youth Chief I believe) keris stunt and then Operasi Lalang. UMNOPutras escaped this action of course. Any wonder race relations took a turn for the worse? Recently after a pummelling at the March GE, we have similar sounds coming form the Ketuanan Melayu fellas. Wah, a political tool of people who claim to be representing Malays but barely made little ground past the 50% vote margin among the Malays in the last GE? So much for their dishonest claims, and they are blaming others instead of really dissecting the reasons for the loss of support. Fact is, Malays are already tired of UMNOPutra policies and their corrupt ways. They want to see change. But hardly along racial lines, they want to simply see better governance.
Mahathir's UMNO bullshit has no regard at all for the truth about the direction of race relation during his time and now. It is simply shit stirring; his brand of race politics isn't wanted then, it isn't wanted now.
Dr M talks like he did not contribute to the way things are today. He was PM for so long if anything everything happening now is accumulation for everything in the past. Malaysian
How about going Swiss. Over there they have Italians Canton, French Canton, German Canton and Turks Canton. Ok in case of Malaysia, Brickfields become Hindu Canton, Jinjang become Chinese Canton and the rest of Peninsular Malaysia become Malay Canton. He, He.
There are couple of twisted logic statements by TDM:
1) "In an off-the-cuff lecture on Bangsa Malaysia in Putrajaya this morning, he said if the outcome of the March general election was a rejection of racial politics, there would be less talk about race today. Instead, race has become a central issue since March."
It's a good sign that the population can speak more freely about race and racial issues and be civil about them. This is defintely a good sign.
2) "Obama, who must be in some ways a descendant of a slave, is today US President."
African citizens were never slaves. African citizens brought to the new continent were. Obama's dad was a Kenyan, not US black. His mum was a US white.
The statement is misleading, we might as well say all overseas Chinese are communists because China is.
3)"The blacks had tribes in Africa but after years in the US they all speak English. English is their mothertongue. The speak English at work, at school and at home. The same as the migrant Jews. They became naturalised American citizens. But they accpet that as Americans they must speak English."
Malay as a language does not have the same economic utility as English. US citizens can do well economically by knowing just English and not their respective 'ancient' monther tougue. Because of this, you cannot not learn English in Malaysia, it would be suicidal for a career. English is more important than Malay for the well being of each individual in their professional life.
4)"I'm not Malay Malaysian. Dr M said Bangsa Malaysia exists but mostly among Malaysians abroad, he said. "I've met many Malaysians overseas. Those who approached me introduced themselves as Malaysians, not Chinese Malaysians or Indian Malaysians or Malay Malaysians. Just Malaysians."
Good point. You can actually help this cause by banning any data collection of race in any goverment and private businesses. Race information should only be use for statistical purpose and not for decision making of any application. My race and my God is not a business for the government. Policies are formuated to help the needy, race blind.
apa lagi orang tua yg mengkaldaikan orang Melayu selama 22 tahun ni nak?
Cukuplah selama ini dia menipu org Melayu yg kini dah mula sedar. Cukuplah. Dulu kata bila pencen nak tumpu pada ibadah tapi kini makin merapu tak tentu hala macam lembu gila.
APa yg diacakap dan dia tulis sekarang ni semuanya mengambarkan kebobrokan dirinya semasa menjadi pm dulu. APa lagi yg dia tak buat atas topeng Melayu.
Kira sudah cukup baik org tak baling dia ngan telur busuk.
Cukup la tun .... tutup mulut kau yg semakin busuk tu
Rakyat Malaysia lebih suka bergaduh dari menjaga keamanan dan kesejahteraan. Kenapa nak tamak-tamak. Asalkan boleh kerja, cari rezeki cukuplah. Mati bukan boleh bawak duit pun.
I think got many CIA agent here bring turmoil and chaos in Malaysia.
Singapura dah takde dalam Malaysia. Eloklah dibuang perkataan 'si' tersebut dan jadikan semula Malaya.
If you look at the statistics of Chinese families sending their kids to Chinese primary schools vs. national primary schools, the percentage in the former has increased tremendously since 60s and 70s. Let's set aside the views of Chinese educationist for a moment, these Chinese Malaysian families trully are calling out for better schools, better teachers, more delicated teachers, better teaching methods etc. I'm certain that many of these families do not placed learning Chinese first and foremost. It's being in that condusive environment for learning in the formative years for these kids.
Think about that. If national schools can learn from what makes the Chinese primary schools teach better, maybe we can reverse the trend in the next 50 years. Chinese primary schools will die a natural death if the alternatives are better. Government of any stripe, do you hear us? Despite the lopsided funding for SRK vs. SRJK, you still do a lousy job. If you're a private corporation, your schools wouldn't have any customers.
sbanpjman,do you know why until today Malay doesnt want to give up on hak istimewa melayu. It's simply because WE MALAY dont feel the sincerity of the immigrant CHINESE live with us.
Jangan marah ek... kalau nak tulis tu tengok-tengokla diri tu sikit.
sbanpjman said... Mahathir, do you know why until today Chinese doesnt want to give up chinese school. It's simply because WE CHINESE dont feel the sincerity of the immigrant MALAY who lead UMNO, PAS (who still think THEY ARE born to be here - in fact they are from Indonesia)to lead this country and treat ALL Malaysian in fair term. Should these UMNO PAS people walk the talk being fair, I'm very sure chinese, indian, kadazan etc will be very much open up. Can you imagine, in one hand UMNO PAS bullying other races, AND yet insisting other races to give up more. Or should i be "SEXY" if i know you are a rapist or act like a rapist?....simple question to all
"This is the only country where we have different streams of schools: Chinese, Tamil and National schools."
This is also the only country that does this in the education space:
provides a matriculation education for fast-track, place-guaranteed tertiary education to the majority of the majority race and the standard STPM for the majority of minority races. If the government wants to argue that matriculation and STPM standards are the same, do one of them: all qualified SPM school leavers go to Matriculation or all to STMP, but not both.
Many of commenter here feel the heat when DrM said those champion the Malaysian Malaysia are in fact those whose refuse to allow their children to go to national school and not even talk fluent national language. They looked STUPID by this old man statement, so just to cover up their own black faces, they go all out to ridicule DrM's view.
DrM statement have really EXPOSE those hypocrites!
Balan said: "TDM's mistake to allow all chinese and tamil schools to grow. Not enough with that, he helped them financially. It's actually the mistake of those who agreed with the so-called 'Social Contract'." Not to forget, licenses and land for private unis that won't allow membership into students' clubs and societies unless they speak Mandarin.
MRSM asked: So when is a Melayu going to be the Secretary-General of DAP?
Soon. One malay is already the vice president, if i am not mistaken. If he is capable, he can be the next secgen.
On another issue raised by Tun DM: PAS is not a race-based party, it is a religion-based party. Many could not distinguish one from the other (including even PAS members and Tun)due to the unfortunate fact that the majority of muslims are malays and not of other races. You must have certain sets of belief or ideology (i.e. islamic)to join the party.
Haha, Tun DID NOT even criticised about the other races. He merely issued a factual statement but by the looks of it, many could not adhere the truth and in rejection they became BLOODY RACISTS insulting the MALAYS frequently.
It's the other races that's starting this wildfire insulting the HOST RACE OPENLY. Warning, do not perturbed the MALAYS too much or AMOK will BE UNLEASHED!
do what you preach... and why do all those pariah ministers & mps send their kids & grandcildrens to international schools when the medium of instructions is england & same time offering gce exams?
1st thing 1st, close down all those fcuking international schools.
pordah!!! think first before spewing stinking shits.
I think it is unfair that politicians constantly harp about vision schools and we the people dont get to hear exactly why chinese school administrator were against the idea.
Dr M and the likes of him are biased and may not have the interest of everyone when he speaks about it.
Lets not jump to conclusions that the chinese school administrators were racist without hearing their reason for rejecting it. I suspect the vision school issue was deeper than these UMNO puteras put it.
Just because Dr M says so doesn't make it true. Think people...there is more than meets the eye.
Hey, why are we trying to convince each other that we are 'righter' than the other.
Cut the chase & stop all the bullshits
The constitution is there for our reading, and living.
That is our constitution, so just live with it.
Disagree with it?
Three choices
1) Use your smart brain (if you have one), and try to WIN THE MAJORITY. Then run the country as you please. Change the constitution if you want to. Change the history even if it pleases you
2) If you got enough money and think life is better elsewhere, GO and MIGRATE. Then go and celebrate their constitution.
3) Can’t produce and do both? Then BE A GRATEFUL BASTARD & SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Theshi said... "Lets not jump to conclusions that the chinese school administrators were racist without hearing their reason for rejecting it. I suspect the vision school issue was deeper than these UMNO puteras put it. Just because Dr M says so doesn't make it true. Think people...there is more than meets the eye." FYI, I embarked on a multi-culti community program to integrate the Malays, Chinese and Indian kids in my neighbourhood but to get the participation of the Chinese vernacular school administrators (which have now succeeded in moving back to their premise, which was causing congestion in that area and was given a replacement school in Tropicana, after years of operating at a nearby temple) was the most difficult. The principal who was educated in Taiwan spoke only in Mandarin and English to my Chinese colleagues. And there was more 'bureaucratic redtape' in dealing with them than with any other schools that I know of.
Once in a while I agree with what Mahathir has to say, and I full agree that we must have only one stream - the National schools for all children, irrespective of race. Thus we will encourage all to mix and understand each other. The Pupils own language could be made compulsory thus giving each child an opportunity to learn his mother tongue. Teachers in vernacular schools can be absorbed into the national schools to teach Tamil or Chinese as needed. Politicians should view this positively for the sake of a united Malaysian race, instead of playing the racial game.
The comments here exemplify what DrM says.. It proves him right..
There are people slinging mud on Malays and DrM himself. One guy mentions, Malay lang and Culture not a problem - ISLAM is a problem (Oh man!! This is stingingly anti-islam)
On the other hand, There is talk of kicking out some people out of the country, talk of "pack your bags"
i would like to see National school teach Mandarin, tamil and cantonese.. but i remember mahathir said, chinese association claimed this move was an act to eliminate vernacular school.
Pendapat aku, kalau bangsa cina tak mahu masuk sekolah kebangsaan lantak mereka la.. asalkan sekolah kebangsaan ajar bahasa cina dan india dan english.
Kita kena pupuk bangsa melayu jadi competitive dan berdaya saing bermula dengan penguasaan pelbagai bahasa. KITA KENA USAHAKAN IA MENJADI REALITI DARI SEKARANG!!!
10-20 tahun nanti, apabila generasi melayu ini keluar dan berada di alam pekerjaan, mereka dengan mudahnya dapat mengalahkan bangsa minoriti(yg ungkit kata mereka ni handal dan bijak sangat).
Dan saya mahu tengok masa itu satu demi satu bangsa minoriti ini yg kalah di tangan kita bangsa majoriti, angkat kaki cari peluang rezeki di negara lain..
You can't possibly use Bahasa Malaysia to move the country forward. This language does not have what it takes to give us the knowledge we needed to move ahead.
If the language is great you won't need to force people to learn. Everyone is learning English and Chinese is getting more important, this are the language of the future.
Why trouble your people to learn Malay? If you learn Malay you will sink but if you learn English and Mandarin you can swim any Sea and any Ocean of challenge.
People who want to champion BM doesn't know that they are making Malaysia from Boleh land to Bodoh land to Busok land.
Firstly, we have to understand why we need to go to only 1 school (not Malay/Chinese or Indian) when we are young (7yrs to 12yrs). Its for the assimilation - where the kids can understand the different ways of life of the races in Malaysia. Than only we can talk about Bangsa Malaysia. Language (BM/ BI) would be secondary.
Presently, they only mix when they enter form 1 (i.e. 13 years old). By then, they already have their own friends from primary school and would find it difficult to befriend each other, esp. of different race & religion.
>>That is our constitution, so just live with it.<<
And your listed solution was just as dumb, out of touch and obsolete just like Tun and his commments.
He was and remains a dictator who probably had the ability to lead the country to greatness but descended to petty self-serving, nepotistic and racist politics to remain in power. In so doing, he brought the country to its darkest times yet. From a country way ahead of Korea in the 60s, their economy is now 3 times of Malaysia. So much for Tun's "success". That, the social contract and Ketuanan Melayu definitions must come from UMNO's book of daft definitions.
Disagreeing with UMNO's interpretation of the Constitution is normal, even the Royal professor had some real issues with it, right? You would think we would need a constitutional law expert or maybe a judge to give meaning to it. Oh lest we forget, Tun removed the powers of the judges by amending the constitution during his time.
You think Tunku (another ex-member of UMNO) would have agreed with the UMNO intepretation of the Constitution he helped draw up back then? Now when UMNO's self-serving interpretation of the constitution comes up they find themselves unable to answer. (uh-oh, it's time for our UMNO's routine blame someone else when we lose support in GE time !)
So where does it say you have to be a racist to run the country? Racism is simply the mask behind which UMNOPutras have been robbing the country blind. Oh, under the pretext of jaga kepentingan orang Melayu. Not under my name la UMNO woi.
Lim Guan Eng wrote a worthy reply to Mahathir's rant (it's someone else's fault Mahathir tells us), and even came up with an anecdote of how the Malays in Terengganu (one of the richest states!) are not faring any better under that racist-and-proud-of-it party. Now they are even bickering over Petronas royalty. That's UMNO for you.
Now we see fights breaking out of their meetings. Duit punya pasal, jangankan kaum lain, Melayu satu parti pun bergaduh. You want to take the lead in unity issues? Maybe these UMNO fellas should shut the fuck up and really have a look around. It's bad enough they are so corrupt, now they turn around and preach to us about unity, nation-building and good values ?? The Jews call this chutzpah, although UMNO would probably call this "biasa la.... tak mau miss syorruuuu"
Come off your membela-Melayu soapbox, your money-stealing bluff has been called already!
Good luck in the UMNO AGM, may the richest benefator win. As if you didn't know. Just remember to pay off the Disciplinary Committee as well!
BM should be abolished from the School system because people who learn this language and without mastering English are always marginalized.
The world is moving forward and Malaysia is moving backward. Down with BN and down with the nationalist, this people does not have a clue how to move the country forward.
You can't compare to international language like English and Chinese, learning is like the "Have" and "Have not", those who don't learn this language are always the "Have not". Please help Malaysian to see the light and abandon BM.
Now everybody know the true color of some non-Malay or non-Bumi or non-Muslim who lives in Malaysia. All this while they have grudge, hatred deep inside their heart. And now (from GE12) they throw out all this shit just to tell others how they feel.
It's good when you tell other on what you feel. It make you relief. If not do this you may get soon or later a heart attack, cancer, psychopath etc. When that happen even the Dr cannot help you.
So, what is your next step? Keep complaining? Keep mumbling?
What i can suggest is you yourself must open your eye wider. Look around you. You will see a Jalur Gemilang, you can see tall building (most of it belong to your own relative), you can see your own temple, church, you can see your relative drive a Merc, BMW while most of the Malay, Bumi, drive a Proton, you can see your own relative stay in a huge house, bungalow, etc etc etc and yet you claim that all this Malay or Bumi or Muslim have make you poorer. You are allowed to vote on every GE and yet you claim that the Malay are keeping your mouth shut. You can earn as much as you can from this prosperous land and yet you claim the Malay try to limit it. Are you blind enough to see all this??????????
The problem raise due to there are more Malay in Malaysia compare Chinese or Indians. So the government need to improve the majority first. The others still earn attention only less. It just like we have 5 kids at home, it is very sure the parent wiil treat the kids each differently base on age, sex, knowledge, 'special kid' etc etc etc. Do you noticed this at home? Unless you are the only one......
So, what the havoc for? Try to be a hero? Just make love, respect and unite so this prosperous land will benefit all of us.
Hey, good idea Dr.M. Seriously, the "Jenis" schools need to be gradually integrated into the national school system, with Mandarin or Tamil as a Language subject. But thats only one step towards integration. The other(s) is to improve edu standards in our SK schools so parents (including Malays) won't have to worry about our current declining standards & racial misbehavior by teachers & principals.
But at the same time, the NEP and other race-based government policies needs to be made over to become class-based. No more of that discounts/allocations based on race nonsense. That way, you can actually achieve the integration we want.
I wonder if the Tun did notice a big contradiction calling for a Bangsa Malaysia, but defending race-based political parties in the next moment? Ever wonder what would happen to his support in UMNO if he DID support an end to race politics?
You meant the Singapore Malays were the pendatang in Singapore? and you are mad when people say alot of Chinese still cannot speak Malay properly? Which planet do you come from? You must be joking...
The numbers in this list are the number of books for you to read online 24x7; each averages 500 pages; all the latest or more relevant; some to postgraduate level; there is no duplication. People from over 190 countries visit this list every day and this list is only one of thousands others; another list has some 160,000 books you can pick and choose, and so on.
All of them are in the english language; there is none in the malay language.
If you click on say Science General [31372], you will see the first page (out of its 3,105 pages) as:
The Chemistry of Organic Germanium, Tin and Lead Compounds (Chemistry of Functional Groups) (January 17, 2003) By Zvi Rappoport ASIN /ISBN: 047149738X
The Chemistry of Organic Germanium, Tin and Lead Compounds (Chemistry of Functional Groups), (October 1995) The Chemistry of Organic Germanium, Tin and Lead Compounds (Chemistry of Functional Groups), (October 1995) By Editor: Saul Patai ASIN /ISBN: 0471942073
Inorganic Chemistry in Focus III Inorganic Chemistry in Focus III By Gerd Meyer, Dieter Naumann, Lars Wesemann ASIN /ISBN: 3527315101
Investing in Renewable Energy: Making Money on Green Chip Stocks (Angel Series) Investing in Renewable Energy: Making Money on Green Chip Stocks (Angel Series) By Jeff Siegel, Chris Nelder, Nick Hodge ASIN /ISBN: 0470152680
Topics in Current Chemistry 210, Dendrimers II: Architecture, Nanostructure and Supramolecular Chemistry Topics in Current Chemistry 210, Dendrimers II: Architecture, Nanostructure and Supramolecular Chemistry By Fritz Vogtle (Editor) ASIN /ISBN: 3540670971
Machine Learning By Tom M. Mitchell ASIN /ISBN: 0070428077
Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology 2nd ed Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology 2nd ed By Bharat Bhushan (Editor) ASIN /ISBN: 3540351728
Towards Synthesis of Micro-/Nano-systems: The 11th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE) August 16-18, 2006, Tokyo, Japan (Jspe Publication Series) Towards Synthesis of Micro-/Nano-systems: The 11th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE) August 16-18, 2006, Tokyo, Japan (Jspe Publication Series) By Fumihiko Kimura (Editor), Kenichiro Horio (Editor) ASIN /ISBN: 1846285585
Nanotechnology and Nanoelectronics: Materials, Devices, Measurement Techniques Nanotechnology and Nanoelectronics: Materials, Devices, Measurement Techniques By W.R. Fahrner (Editor) ASIN /ISBN: 3540224521
Herbal Supplements-Drug Interactions: Scientific and Regulatory Perspectives (Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences) Herbal Supplements-Drug Interactions: Scientific and Regulatory Perspectives (Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences) By Y.W. Francis Lam, Shiew-Mei Huang, Stephen D. Hall ASIN /ISBN: 0824725387
If you click on each title, you read the whole book; there are some links to entire encyclopedias, handbooks, primers, modules, etc.
My point is this:
while the rest of the world are rushing to become more progressive, open-minded and intelligent besides more knowledgeable about everything, we seem to be going completely backwards.
The above list is just an example of how impossible the task is to try and translate the entire set into bahasa malaysia. Who knows those subjects enough to translate accurately and within context let alone have the right terminology to construct the sentences? How long will translating one book take, when we have already fallen behind in so many ways? What is to become of all the younger generations if our policies make them lose focus and also push them to a blind corner, losing even more of what we had before, and then one day they find that they cannot understand, compete, produce or even get paid properly?
This post is just on one small aspect of the discussion; the other aspects others can take on.
What i want to stress and stress clearly is this:
don't let a blinkered group try to sentimentalize about anything; from history, you learn that they fall in that category of people who, not being able to adapt to the world, demands that the world adapts to them.
And someone says that it is just to make sure everyone speaks and uses bahasa malaysia and attends only one type of school and follow one type of education system, then since all these have already been done from the way the three MOE education reports have been implemented, why is there still a problem if they're so great?
The answer is plain and simple: they have failed because the citizens and students are smarter and see further than the education policy planner and that group. If the parents did not see the wrong directions and made their own corrections for their children, we will be worse off situation today in interacting with the rest of the world with whom we must work together, talk together and learn together.
Just as we have fallen behind so fast in athletics, we have also fallen behind in academics. Soon it will be other things. Do you like that? Do you want that for your children and their children?
sbanpjman is parroting what a lot of ignorant non-malays are saying.
Look at it this way sbanpjman, the Malays originated are from a region called the Malay Archipelago - go Google it up and see what region of the world it encompasses.
Whereas the Chinese and Indians originated from outside this Malay Archipelago, namely from China and India. So who is the pendatang now?
- Anti-racist but forced to take a racist stance because of idiots around me.
Begitu teruk sekali segala-gala yang berkait dengan Melayu kena belasah dan kena perleceh. Tidak sangka sampai ketahap ini jadinya... Wahai anak-anak peribumi.. Jadikanlah cacian-cacian mereka ini inspirasi..
Salam, Macamnilah kekawan, sesiapa yang tak suka orang malaysia yang masih mengamalkan bahasa pendatang,jangan pergi kedai dia kalau boleh. Pergi ke kedai yang besar kemungkinan bayar zakat. Mulakan dengan benda kecik ini sahaja. Kalau rasa kamu bayar lebih di kedai yang kemungkinan besar bayar zakat, ketahuilah yang lebih itu akan pulang kepada ummah mu. Tapi jika kamu beli di kedai yang past tidak akan bayar zakat, ketahuilah yang anda melemahkan kan ummah mu.
The national language is BM, the nation's second language is English. These two are enough to get us through as a nation united. All the comments in this blog post prove it all. Only BM and English are used by the commenters. No need for other languages. I rest my case.
setuju dengan cadangan anda, malah kalau kita mempunyai sifat bertanggungjawab terhadap agama,bangsa jika membeli barangan di hypermarket utama kan buatan kaum muslim/bumiputera sahaja.
Inumsams dan Salam (9.57pm - 13/nov) saya menyanjung cadangan anda.
Marilah bersatu, biar berbeza umur, jantina, lokasi, pandangan politik dsbnya tetapi matlamat memajukan Islam dan Melayu mesti dilaksanakan.
Bak kata seseorang yang berpesan untuk orang Islam dan Melayu "kalau pun tak mahu membantu orang Melayu, lebih-lebih lagi Islam, janganlah kita tergolong atau bertanggung jawab menyumbang pada pembunuhan kegiatan amal orang Islam dan Melayu". Mari boikot orang kafir di Malaysia ini......
I understand why Dr M wants to bring down people who supports Bangsa Malaysia.
Dr M is a man who understands a lot of things better than most of us put together, and as a wise old man, he would understand that the only way UMNO is going to continue to rule this country is when notion such as Bangsa Malaysia does not come true.
We all now know how the British divided and rules us during the colonial years and the only reason we fell to their tricks was because people of Malaya were suspicious of the other races the British brought in.
If we all admited that the British divided and ruled us, then why can't we admit that Dr M and UMNO have been doing the same thing to us for the past 50 years to rule us?
The British came to Malaya for the richness we have on our land. What makes you think UMNO and Dr M were not doing it so that they could get the maximum of our land into their pockets?
Imagine this:
1) if a young Malay boy can understand, read and write in Chinese, it will open up his career opportunities in all Chinese speaking countries.
2) if a young Chinese boy can understand, read and write in Arabic, he can now work in places like Saudi, Dubai or Abu Dhabi.
3) if a young Indian boy can understand, read and write in Chinese, he can work in all Chinese speaking countries.
Now, can you all imagine how great it would be our children if this were true?
That is what Bangsa Malaysia is all about - every boy having equal opportunity to everything in life because he has the right qualifications.
And not "kulit-fication".
Unfortunately for us, Hishamuddin understand this fact from the old man. That is why Sekolah Wawasan is never spread country-wide. And the same reason why our very own Education Minister is putting his children in some private school and not our usual Sekolah Kebangsaan.
yang bukan melayu dan bukan bumiputra kamu semua nak apa lagi... kamu cari dalam dunia nih bangsa mana yang sanggup berkorban segala gala nya...kamu bangsa yang tak tau berterima kasih ...pada kami . nak sekolah ikut bahasa sendiri lepas tu nak kan bangsa malaysia ...konon...tak tau di untung.
The numbers in this list are the number of books for you to read online 24x7; each averages 500 pages; all the latest or more relevant; some to postgraduate level; there is no duplication. People from over 190 countries visit this list every day and this list is only one of thousands others; another list has some 160,000 books you can pick and choose, and so on.
All of them are in the english language; there is none in the malay language.
If you click on say Science General [31372], you will see the first page (out of its 3,105 pages) as:
The Chemistry of Organic Germanium, Tin and Lead Compounds (Chemistry of Functional Groups) (January 17, 2003) By Zvi Rappoport ASIN /ISBN: 047149738X
The Chemistry of Organic Germanium, Tin and Lead Compounds (Chemistry of Functional Groups), (October 1995) The Chemistry of Organic Germanium, Tin and Lead Compounds (Chemistry of Functional Groups), (October 1995) By Editor: Saul Patai ASIN /ISBN: 0471942073
Inorganic Chemistry in Focus III Inorganic Chemistry in Focus III By Gerd Meyer, Dieter Naumann, Lars Wesemann ASIN /ISBN: 3527315101
Investing in Renewable Energy: Making Money on Green Chip Stocks (Angel Series) Investing in Renewable Energy: Making Money on Green Chip Stocks (Angel Series) By Jeff Siegel, Chris Nelder, Nick Hodge ASIN /ISBN: 0470152680
Topics in Current Chemistry 210, Dendrimers II: Architecture, Nanostructure and Supramolecular Chemistry Topics in Current Chemistry 210, Dendrimers II: Architecture, Nanostructure and Supramolecular Chemistry By Fritz Vogtle (Editor) ASIN /ISBN: 3540670971
Machine Learning By Tom M. Mitchell ASIN /ISBN: 0070428077
Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology 2nd ed Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology 2nd ed By Bharat Bhushan (Editor) ASIN /ISBN: 3540351728
Towards Synthesis of Micro-/Nano-systems: The 11th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE) August 16-18, 2006, Tokyo, Japan (Jspe Publication Series) Towards Synthesis of Micro-/Nano-systems: The 11th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE) August 16-18, 2006, Tokyo, Japan (Jspe Publication Series) By Fumihiko Kimura (Editor), Kenichiro Horio (Editor) ASIN /ISBN: 1846285585
Nanotechnology and Nanoelectronics: Materials, Devices, Measurement Techniques Nanotechnology and Nanoelectronics: Materials, Devices, Measurement Techniques By W.R. Fahrner (Editor) ASIN /ISBN: 3540224521
Herbal Supplements-Drug Interactions: Scientific and Regulatory Perspectives (Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences) Herbal Supplements-Drug Interactions: Scientific and Regulatory Perspectives (Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences) By Y.W. Francis Lam, Shiew-Mei Huang, Stephen D. Hall ASIN /ISBN: 0824725387
If you click on each title, you read the whole book; there are some links to entire encyclopedias, handbooks, primers, modules, etc.
My point is this:
while the rest of the world are rushing to become more progressive, open-minded and intelligent besides more knowledgeable about everything, we seem to be going completely backwards.
The above list is just an example of how impossible the task is to try and translate the entire set into bahasa malaysia. Who knows those subjects enough to translate accurately and within context let alone have the right terminology to construct the sentences? How long will translating one book take, when we have already fallen behind in so many ways? What is to become of all the younger generations if our policies make them lose focus and also push them to a blind corner, losing even more of what we had before, and then one day they find that they cannot understand, compete, produce or even get paid properly?
This post is just on one small aspect of the discussion; the other aspects others can take on.
What i want to stress and stress clearly is this:
don't let a blinkered group try to sentimentalize about anything; from history, you learn that they fall in that category of people who, not being able to adapt to the world, demands that the world adapts to them.
And someone says that it is just to make sure everyone speaks and uses bahasa malaysia and attends only one type of school and follow one type of education system, then since all these have already been done from the way the three MOE education reports have been implemented, why is there still a problem if they're so great?
The answer is plain and simple: they have failed because the citizens and students are smarter and see further than the education policy planner and that group. If the parents did not see the wrong directions and made their own corrections for their children, we will be worse off situation today in interacting with the rest of the world with whom we must work together, talk together and learn together.
Just as we have fallen behind so fast in athletics, we have also fallen behind in academics. Soon it will be other things. Do you like that? Do you want that for your children and their children?
8:04 PM Hoi Jamil1952,
Kenapa hang ni bodoh sangat. Sapa kata nak translate semua buku-buku tu ke BI? Sapa kata BI tu nak dibuang? Kan kerajaan dah tetapkan BI tu bahasa kedua! Dan matapelajaran Sains dan Matematik pun kena pakai BI. Hang ni tak pernah ke sekolah ke? Bodoh piang!
Hang ni moron ke? Buat apa senaraikan panjang-panjang benda-benda yang semua orang dah tahu? Memang hang ni bingai dumbhead! Jamil oi......
Frankly speaking, I think nothing impressive about Chinese in Malaysia. Their forefathers were traitors to their motherland, China. They left China in preference to become British coolies. Even Den Xiao Peng then refused to accept them back into China when Tun Razak wanted to send them back balik kampong.
Thats all there is about these 'rejects'. The Malays were sooooo oblighing when they took these rejects as their 'family' and look how these rejects repay.
To those anonymous commenters/posters (Tak berani ke letak nama sebenar? Apa dah!) here who tried to repudiate my statement on history without any substantial facts to back them up or throwing red herrings about; PLEASE READ AND STUDY MORE BEFORE COMMENTING. THANK YOU.
9:11 AM
1. Bro anti-jamil 1952, relax bang buat bertenang, sebenarnya saya rasa Mamat Jamil 1952 tulis salah tajuk lah. Saya syak dia ini pergi belajar kat Private Chinese School Korikulum dari Taiwan lah tu, orang cakap lain dia maksud lain. Mangkuk Hayun si Jamil 1952 ini.
2. Anonymous 12.10am, I am afraid you may be right, with the kind of moaners, ungrateful and I am more superior attitude of some of these people who calls themselves Malaysians, I would not be surprised if Motherland China would not want these minority to come back even if they are rich, brilliant and educated.
We must respect God and he had planned for us how the world should conduct ourselve. He planned many languages for this world, some are in 1st class others are not. Of course 1st class language are for those who want to join as "big boys" so that they can run a fast track. There are many other language that cannot make it to the 1st class and this kind of language are only good for local community small talk, to have some fun.
When you choose a language to learn always learn a 1st class language, this will well prepare for the challenge you will face in the coming year ahead in international stage. Is important for you children to learn English and Mandarine, you cannot subtitute this languages because if you do you would be condempted by God and you would be marginalized in this world.
Like in any particular race, you will find a few smart guy who embrace this 1st class language and they excel as leaders who eventually climb up with higher social status. That Moron Tun Dr M is one, he is good in English and see how rich is he? Look at the Afercian leaders? All of them are super rich but all the population are so poor.
Send your Chidren to English school and if that isn't available send them to Chinese school. Do not send your children to schools that only prepare them to be marginalized, those language they use are not choosen by God to use as the language of Science and Business. Be careful and think smart.
Puak puak depa ni masih nak menidakkan yang sekolah jenis kebangsaanlah satu daripada punca..lepas tu berbelit kata salah org melayu la, salah mahathir...TO ME THIS RACE THINK THAT THEY CAN DO NO WRONG..AND IF THEY THINK THEIR RACE IS TOO GOOD FOR MALAYSIA, WHY BOTHER STAYING HERE THAN BEING BITTER EVERYDAY, THINKING THAT EVERY BAD THING HAPPENING TO YOU IS BECAUSE OF MALAY..dahla rocky aku dah benci sebenci bencinya dgn perangai depa ni...
kalau nko nak tgk bangsa yang paling berbelit bangsa cina la...bukan india....
ada pulak si anonymous yang ckp bukannya cina tolak sekolah wawasan tapi pasal sekolah kebangsaan syllabus UMNO...woii tolong jgn cakap benda yang nko sendiri tak tau....berbelit belit macam ular lak
yang depa nak kita ikut acuan singapore dan jadi sebijik macam singapore (org melayu dok bawah org cina)...baru la dorang puas hati dan DIAM....
"Kenapa hang ni bodoh sangat. Sapa kata nak translate semua buku-buku tu ke BI? ..."
The books are in English Language. If you want them in Bahasa Malaysia so that people like you and 'eddy' can be smarter and more knowledgeable (not to say both of you are stupid at the moment ;P), then they will need to be translated into Bahasa Malaysia.
Now, (a) will you and eddy be capable of doing that?
(b) if yes, when finish?
(c) if no, are you saying in effect that it is alright for all Malaysians to remain as mampus in the akal from not being able to read the latest and most important works that everyone else is doing, just because you demand all Malaysians to put priority on bahasa malaysia?
Look at our students who come out in the earlier batches taught only in bahasa malaysia. Let's say it's you - can you pick any subject out of that list and present a summary in either bahasa malaysia, or any other language, on what you think that subject is all about and how it can help progress Malaysia, and you and Eddy?
I read your response and straight away i see 1. bigotry, 2. narrow-mindedness, and 3. stupidity.
You are so blinded to your own ways you refuse to see reality. What you want is that other people must follow your way because:
i. you already assume they are all pendatangs, and have no right to this country on their own;
ii. your way is the best for the country.
You and your kind are entitled to your own opinion. I present you a list to show what the world is doing and all you can do is do an ad hominem argument on me. That already shows what you are made of.
It is a waste of time to even read your responses. They show poor upbringing but most of all stupidity against facts.
And you have the arrogance to push your weight around.. habislah!
I can now understand what our non-Malay brothers and sisters are going through. They have my sympathies. You don't.
This article is very important and critical. The issue of 'sekolah wawasan' has been discussed in many occasions but this the first time as far as I concern, the issue is discussed in such an open, and frank event.
ReplyDeleteGenerally, I can see NO way to make us united now but we can still instill the idea amongst the youngs. The best way to do so is through education, 'sekolah wawasan'. All these irrelevent 'ketuanan melayu', immigrant chinese, DEB etc will be gone by having everybody embraces the concept of pure bangsa Malaysia.
Dear Bro',
ReplyDeleteLet us all take a deep breath and consider what has been said by that Grand Old Man.
Let's face it, we still have a long way to go and lot of obstacles along the way but hopefully the realization for a Bangsa Malaysia, will materialized one day.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIf there has to be some sort of Bangsa Malaysia - It cannot with the existence of 3 different races..
ReplyDeleteThese have to cohese. Under one Language, Culture (if not religion).
Back in 1938, the Thais were forced to become coherent and adopt the Thai culture. Those not speaking Thai were caned as a punishment.
Thus today in Thailand, despite Chinese (descendents) being more than Malaysia, have Thai names, speak Thai and follow Thai culture.
I think the only way one can forge this nation into one, would be by BRUTE FORCE, else in a liberal democratic system, this is never possible, they will keep tossing problems and drag this nation into chaos.
Like it or not we are very much tribal in nature. And what's wrong with it?
ReplyDeleteWe belong to clans ,tribes or races and that doesn't stop us from mingling with the others.
Somehow, when things become tough and rough, we will fall back to the way we are..... tribal.
They can review citizenship on the basis of Language..
ReplyDeleteThose who insist on studying in different language can opt out of the citizenship and maintain only a PR. Their choice.. No on will harass them.
But If they agree on citizenship - They must agree on conditions.. The LANGUAGE!! Study in the national School.
I am totally agree with Tun DRM. The people who are screaming for Bangsa Malaysia in fact are the same people who do not speak Bahasa Malaysia fluently. They are not using Bahasa Malaysia everyday and they are not encouraging their kids to Bahasa Malaysia too. In fact, these same group of people championing and keep sending their children to all these Chinese school.
ReplyDeleteAgain, how could we want to create Bangsa Malaysia, if Malay go to National School, Chinese go to Chinese School and Indian go to Tamil School? Let's face it, Bangsa Malaysia will not be created if we have 80% of National School's students are Malay and 99.9% of Chinese School's students are Chinese. Basically, most of Chinese are register their children to Chinese School first and when there is no place, then will go to National School.
Come on, stop talking about Bangsa malaysia if you do not even willing to communicate in Bahasa Malaysia and integrate your children into single education system.
Bangsa Malaysia
"I must admit the Sekolah Wawasan concept did not get support, especially from the Chinese educationist groups. They don't want to have anything to do with the Malays."
ReplyDeleteCorrection, Doctor Frankenstein. They didn't want their kids to listen to all that UMNO agit-prop b***s***. For example, distorted claptrap history say like, Aussie and NZ soldiers fighting commies in Malaya are suddenly re-cast as UMNOist 'heroes'. Have you ever visited Tugu Negara, or are just a quack doctor?
Maybe he is repenting for his divide and rule policy or trying to ensure his legacy is maintained thru his son.malaysia for malaysians
ReplyDeleteWhat Tun M said is spot on. Non Malays shouts about Bangsa Malaysia yet they, esp the Chinese still insist in Chinese schools. I would say that these people will only accept Bangsa Malaysia if we bacame like Singapore.
Tak pa la PAS Race based pun...sebab depa pu ade gak ralat...tapi yang penting depa mesti kahwin dulu...gaduh2 ni besala...asam garam berumahtangga...yang penting,apa goal kita...bersatu teguh, bercerai roboh... Pak Tun ni, aduh...
(Kang tulih nama betui oghe tu tak nak publish plak)
I would like to say this to Dr M: "Pls shut up! U have done a lot of damage to us Malaysians. Whatever u said does not matter anymore!" Malaysians, pls do not be influenced by what the Grand Old Senile Man said. I know that many of us believe the it will finally happen one fine day. To BANGSA MALAYSIA!!
ReplyDeleteKita sepatutnya (rakyat) sudah menuju ke arah itu ( perpaduan dan Malaysian) dengan lebih jayanya selepas apa yang ditinggalkan oleh Mahathir untuk diwarisi...
ReplyDeleteMalangnya 'politician' mengalih kita ke arah 'lebih racial' untuk mereka mengaut keuntungan politik dan semuanya menjadi kucar kacir dengan kehadiran 'bapa mertuaku' dan 'anak menantunya' yang lebih 'terbuka' mengaut keuntungan negara dan memajukan sektor pelancongan dengan 'menjual pulau kedaulatan dan khazanah' negara kepada orang asing.
Kita sudah hanyut jauh, kena kayuh semula..
For all it's worth, the only thing I can accept from Dr.M is what he says about Malaysian abroad, being known as just Malaysian. Having work abroad for the past 8 years, we are known as Malaysian, no two ways about that. At least that is how the host country identify us. And in my case, Indonesians.
ReplyDeleteIf what Dr.M preaches what he said, then he could have and would have championed for a "Bangsa Malaysia" when he was the PM. He had 22 long years and yet...what is he talking about now? In his years of premiership, the racial divide thrived and was in fact encouraged.
Not only the education system have to change, it is the entire system and the current UMNO/BN that need to be overhauled or be changed.
The racial divide start from our birth certificate the day we are born and we live by it until we meet our makers.
Do we then have the resolve to change when the system is full of shit?
Dr Mahathir talks a load of rubbish. He must learn to shut up.
ReplyDeleteA man who literally tied up his deputy and then started punching him blue. Then charged him for trumped up charges unproven till 10 yrs later has the audacity to give speeches and talk about righteousness.
Mahathir just shut up !
... if we cannot force the Chinese to study in National school, we should enforce Chinese language to be taught in National school, Malay wont loose anything. Instead, they can brag their mastery in 3 languages.
ReplyDeleteIn addition, all the ill-feeling we Malay have towards Chinese will be diminished, since we know what they are talking behind our back. Nowadays, I personally feel that Chinese in general, have this idea of Malay like the one portrayed by the song of Namewee.
apa pasai gambar Tun macam "heil Hitler salute" tu. hang ni betui tak pandai tangkap gambaq, Rocky oi...
ReplyDeleteAku Anon
Dear Malim,
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't have to be by brute force. And we need not dismantle vernacular schools either.
Use the media and reintroduce the subject 'Tatanegara'.
Here's my two-cents:
... my personal thoughts and some ideas from my idealistic students.
Let's continue to discuss.
Laskar Cinta Chapter 11
ReplyDeleteWahai jiwa-jiwa yang tenang,
jangan sekali-kali kamu
Mencoba jadi Tuhan dengan mengadili dan mengahakimi,
Bahwasanya kamu memang tak punya daya dan upaya,
Serta kekuatan untuk menentukan kebenaran yg sejati,
Bukankah kita memang tercipta laki laki dan wanita,
dan menjadi suku suku bangsa
yang pasti berbeda,
bukankah kita harus saling mengenal dan menghormati,
Bukan untuk saling bercerai berai dan berperang angkat senjata.
I agree with Dr M, he is not Mahathir Mohammed. He is the man who did not bridge the gap between races but widen it. Now he is gapping about what should or should not be. When he was in power he was more interested in maintaining power that building Malaysia as a solid Bangsa Malaysia. He had the mandate. He had the power. But sadly no will. Why speak now when he could have done something meaningful.
ReplyDeleteMahathir stop talking cock.
ReplyDeleteAs long out government made us fill forms (borang) with items like 'RACE' and "RELIGION', racial politics will never be eliminated.
I find TDM is biased again and same to most opinions here are lop-sided, blaming the non-malays of unwilling to drop their inherited culture and identity. Why not look at this issue from the opposite perspective? Are the malays willing to drop their certain offending cultures including religious prejudices and the often deafening shouts of the Ketuanan Melayu, status of bumiputra and all the dirty, unfair social and economy practices of the government? It take two hands to clap. You have to give some so that you can take some. So, pots must stop calling kettles black, period.
ReplyDeleteI have only one thing to say.The reason there is no Bangsa Malaysia is because the Malay led government is fanatically propogating that to be a Malay you should be a Muslim. I will gladly embrace the Malay culture if I dot not have to change my religion. I am an agnostic and I believe there thousands of Malaysians in the same boat. How can you have a Bangsa Malaysia when race is based on religion rather than origin and cultural practices. Mahatahir is the biggest hypocrite here
ReplyDeleteaku ingat orang tua tu nak cerita pasal bangsa malaysia, rupanya upacara menghentam anwar dan pembangkang.... woit cukup2 lah tipu melayu... dah lebih 20 tahun haprak+paria = haprakia ni tipu melayu
ReplyDeletememang la hang bukan mahathir bin mohamad... hang dah buah perkataan kutty kat IC hang... pegi check betul2..... tak pun tanya lee kuan yew.... nama asal hang apa.... bukan ke hang mengaku keturunan india ...hang tak pakai bin pun dulu....jangan tipu melayu lagi.... kah kah kah
That's a laugh, coming from a racist like him.
ReplyDeleteSword O'Might
It's not a problem talking and writing in bahasa malaysia but it is a problem even starting to get translations into bahasa malaysia of textbooks written in english; as just one of thousands of examples out that are being accessed 24x7 by over 190 countries throughout the world, the following are the number of textbooks in english language located on just one page of links - where to get the bahasa malaysia versions of those books and how long will it take to have them translated with the context and terminology retained?
ReplyDeletenb: each number in the bracket is the number of textbooks written in the english language you can read online from just one site; there is no duplication; each textbook is about 500 pages average; some are encyclopedias numbering 2,000 pages; all are the best; many are ahead of those you find on the shelves in borders or kinokuniya; this is just one of the smallest collections; everyone, from turkey to japan, argentina to sweden, india, china, indonesia etc. go to it and refer; there are thousands other like this.
* Architecture [1121]
* Arts / Cinema / Entertainment [3949]
* Astronomy / Astrophysics [1235]
* Audio Books [2193]
* Biographies [2639]
* Biology / Zoology / Life Sciences [8727]
* Business / Commerce [14115]
* Chemistry [6099]
* Children's [1726]
* Comics / Graphic Novels [2414]
* Communication / Relationship / Self-help [1582]
* Computers / IT [22042]
* Crafts / Hobbies [1596]
* Culture / Pop / Fashion [4011]
* Dictionaries / Encyclopedias [2198]
* Documentaries [1436]
* Economics [7780]
* Education / Exams / Teaching / Lectures [6687]
* eMagazines / eJournals [4647]
* Engineering [11811]
* Environmental / Agricultural Science [5246]
* Finance / Investing [3532]
* Food / Beverages [2007]
* French [2051]
* Games / Card / Puzzles [2845]
* Geography / Travel / Adventure [3160]
* Graphics / Photography [2052]
* Health / Mind / Body [6055]
* History [16851]
* Home / Garden [828]
* Humor / Comedy / Satire / Wit [513]
* Instruction / Study [4200]
* Language / Linguistics / Grammar [5165]
* Law [4129]
* Literature / Fiction [18239]
* Management / Logistics [6020]
* Manuals / Handbooks [2441]
* Martial Arts / Self Defense [267]
* Mathematics [10934]
* Medicine [20345]
* Military [3059]
* Music [1409]
* Other [350]
* Pharmaceutical [1975]
* Philosophy / Ethics / Morality [10031]
* Physics [7844]
* Politics [10227]
* Psychology [7339]
* Religion / Spirituality [7813]
* Science Classics [568]
* Science General [31361]
* Social Sciences [15022]
* Sports / Recreation [1621]
* Statistics [1540]
* Systems Science [684]
* Transportation / Navigation [623]
* UnCategorized [4026]
* Video Training [1468]
* Writing / Journalism [771]
So where does that leave "Malaysia - Truly Asia"?
ReplyDeleteShould the slogan be changed to "Malaysia - Truly Malay"?
To anonymous, please do not be rude. You should be the one to shut up, have no respect for the elders, I wonder what upbringing did you have.
ReplyDeleteBro Rocky, did you notice that when ever Dr Mahathir say something especially things that some minority do not want to hear or face up to, they would usually be reduced to:
ReplyDelete1. Asking the Old Man to Shut up.
2. Calling the old man senile or corrupted.
3. Calling him all sort of rude and unmentionable names.
3. Calling him Dr Frankenstein? Wow, That's new!
4. Describing the Dark Days under Mahathir rule.(with that kind of progress under Dr Mahathir I do not mind though)
I think it must be their schoolinglah where they are likely taught that to be "kurang ajar" to our elders especially if he is a Malay is okay. No substance or logical thinking at all lah these Dr Mahathir haters.
I would agree that the very people SCREAMING for a Bangsa Malaysia are the same people who sent their children to schools other than the National School. Who converses in their mother tongue at home and with each other and will only speak Bahasa Melayu when it is absolutely necessary.
Dr Mahathir's speech is food for thought and it is time that sensitive issues like the Chinese educationist zealously refusing to allow the Wawasan schools to succeed or how superior intellectually, culturally and economically they think they are, be discussed in public.
The Malays for a long time are too kind and because of our tidak apa attitude some non malays nowadays are very bold and does not shy away about questioning Malay Special Rights, the national Language even the Social Contract which has been embedded in the Constitution. Its about time that the Malays take out what's in their heart and discuss in Public about their happiness about the Chinese especially. A good, open and honest discussion within the Law to agree on common understanding is what the country needs to take us forward to being Satu Bahasa, Satu Bangsa, Satu Negara.
Speeches and writings by the likes of Dr Mahathir, bloggers like Yourself,Kadir Jasin, Kijangmas(One hell of a write up about Bangsa Malaysia) and other like minded Malaysians, opens our minds and hearts and is good for discussion and ultimately understanding of the sensitive issues at hand. Keep it up good sirs.
Oh, by the way this country is in dire need of leaders like Singapore's Lee Junior who can make direct and very honest statements about race commandingly, without trying to politicise the issues and getting the message across with little opposition.
I surely will support & send my kids to wawasan school, if only we all so-called "Malaysian" can be at level playing field, abolish NEP, matriculation, 7% bumi discount, etc...don't be one-sided correct-correct-correct only
ReplyDeleteDr M for all his done for the country has created a racially polarized history of governance that cannot be ignored. He still views things racially which was what has got us in the mess in the first place.
ReplyDeleteHe has failed to realize that only through a merit based society with equality for all races ensures a win for all races. Our current public education system has set it standards so low, that we are doing a disservice to our children sending them there. Dr. M fails to realize this as Chinese send their children to these 'schools' because they like any other parent want the best education for their children. If public schools provide this, I am sure they wouldn't hesitate to send them there.
Putting the blame on 'parties' not wanting to homogenize when there are clear racial policies in government and education that were setup during his administration sounds like a excuse that justifies itself.
-rational observer
"Obama, who must be in some ways a descendant of a slave, is today US President."
ReplyDeleteWhere does the old man get his facts? Obama's "black" father was from Kenya. If you're American and black "in some way". you're a slave's descendent, is that right?
The concept of Bangsa Malaysia was never far off in the first place. When I was still in secondary school, I excel in Bahasa although my english took a slow progress owning to the fact that the curriculum then was all in Bahasa.
ReplyDeleteI never attended chinese school so my proficiency in mandarin is something I'm never proud of. But I've never once thought that it is a barrier to me in society with the progress of our nation and the direction that it took then.
Since entering the private work force, with the usage of english as the medium for communication, I've picked up this language quite steadily over the years from reading, watching TV's and simply conversing with senior colleagues.
If ever a single curriculum education system were to be put in place, the NEP itself will have to be discarded especially to higher educations. We are not just talking about chinese school here but such a system should be in place to hold true the values of a common education system where all citizens, irrespective of their background and race, be admitted into universities or colleges based on their performances and merit.
For Mahathir to narrow down the root cause to simply cultural territorial encroachment, means that sacrifices of certain religion aspect have to be addressed. While it is still a feasible idea to have a Sekolah Wawasan, the system itself must be tolerant of all prejudice of creed, races and religion.
As for political parties, the constitution itself allowed for such existent and if ever race based party were to be a thing of the past, NEP itself will have to be abolished to encourage performance and credibility based parties to thrive and prove themselves to the people.
Our politicians took the easy way out by creating sentimental attachment to garner votes and support. Something that the people, within their learned capacity, relate to without so much as to assess their capabilities.
For any of these ever to be implemented, we have to start from the younger generation and instill in them a common identity where religion and cultural practises is nothing more than a outlook differentiation. Like dressing differently.
Tun is always a true leader of the country who speaks his mind; Tun gives such simple rationale that most politicians want to ignore or forget in advancing their own personal political gains. Isn’t road signage in Chinese in Penang just another latest Malaysian Malaysia’s deception of the highest order? Under whatever pretext or argument or the twisting and turning of his tongue that the Chief Minister of Penang puts forward in its justification on behalf of the chauvinistic ideals of the DAP, the majority of the population will not be that easily fooled. Who cannot see that the DAP is playing with emotional sentiments to garner and consolidate support from their own color?
ReplyDeleteMy take on Sekolah Wawasan is this:
ReplyDeleteAll schools in the country are to be nationalised. This include vernacular and religious schools.
All nationalised schools are to follow a common curriculum i.e. the medium of instruction will be English.
Islamisation of national schools is prohibited. Instead all schools will have religious studies
corresponding to the student"s faith. The following subjects will be compulsory learning: Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin for chinese students and Tamil for Indian students. Failure to pass Bahasa, English, Science and Mathematics will result in failure of the entire examination.
Why not give this concept a try and see whether this will make national schools a school of choice and foster national integration and racial unity.
For goodness sake, when this bugger going to shut his freaking mouth? Malaysia has had enough of all his crap for the past 20 yrs. Sudah le tu, rumah kata pergi kubur kata mari.
ReplyDeleteMr M is a hypocrite, lets see what he has done during his tenure, suppress other races, raped the judiciary, money polity, crony, nepotism, corruption, rule and divide the country by race and religion. What else?
ReplyDeleteWho cancel the Bahasa Baku? Bahasa Baku = B Malaysia.
Still remember the Tongkah? Before the company bankrupt his son declared to quit from business field, after about 1 month the company close shop by lock up the gate, and the workers bewilder out side the factory. Whose own the Kencana? How his son can be top 10 richest man in Malaysia in short time?
any more else...... just think
Malim said..
ReplyDeleteI think the only way one can forge this nation into one, would be by BRUTE FORCE, else in a liberal democratic system, this is never possible, they will keep tossing problems and drag this nation into chaos.
Great let us go to for communism, where u make ur degree? (if any) In us 45% of American speaks on their mother tongue not English. Your comment just reveals u are moron.
Well said..or rather well done Tun..!!
ReplyDeletePLEASE, don't have done no damage, contrary to some who have that weird ideas of some sort !!
You are a very wise man indeed..!! And I'm proud of you...and I do missed all your wonderful years of premiership..!!
You are one of the kinds..a rare species and it is a privilege to have you here in the land call Malaysia..!! There's no words worth mentioning about all the good deeds you have Malaysia.
Those debunkers are envies of your success.
May you live long and with good sound health and please do keep on those 'hammering', it is like a nice beautiful song when you utters something..!!
Thank you Tun..We're Proud to have you...!!
Don B.Jeles...!!
Mahathir is bringing in this argument to endear the Malays to his son.
ReplyDeleteSo that he wins the Umno youth chairman post and go on to become a prime minister one day.
So obvious. He is pulling the race card time and a again.
heh look at the 1st picture, mahathir's hand pose is just like hitler.......maybe hes planning the next holocaust complete with gas chamber pew pew pew
ReplyDeleteyes, after the general election, those keep discussing racial issues are who?
ReplyDeleteFor 22 years he can't make a difference to the race he represent so where does he stand to have the moral authority to speak for Malaysian?
ReplyDeleteWithout the high standard of Chinese school the country would be worst off. To improve our educational standard the government should adopt the Chinese school system and let them lead.
The ultimate for Malaysia to move forward is to abolish Malays as the medium of instruction. I have spend 50 years travelling round the world to study each language and culture, sad to say Malay language is low below. Is a language fit for jungle people.
kenapa orang bukan melayu tak mahu mendekatkan diri dengan bahasa melayu?
ReplyDeletekenapa orang bukan melayu tak mahu ke sekolah kebangsaan/mendekati org melayu?
untuk semua soalan2 seperti ini, mesti ada sebab yang munasabah. sebelum kita orang melayu melatah, baik bermuhasabah diri demi bangsa malaysia. baru ada penyatuan yang jitu, mantap dan seiringan dengan semangat nasional.
kalau nak jadi tuan di negara sendiri, kena terima teguran, walau pahit bak jadam. kalau tidak, macam mana nak belajar? kalau tak belajar, macam mana nak memperbaiki diri? betul kan?
Saya berpendapat isu yang dibangkitkan semula oleh Tun berhubung sekolah wawasan adalah suatu agenda perpaduan kebangsaan Malaysia yang gagal disebabkan sikap dan tabiat kaum keturunan pendatang Cina yang enggan turut serta menyokong usaha ini.
ReplyDeleteWalaubagaimanapun usaha murni kerajaan untuk menyatu padukan rakyat berbagai kaum juga gagal berfungsi disebabkan kelemahan BN/UMNO menjelaskan pendirian secara tegas dan berani.
Kenapa perlu UMNO bertolak ansur sepanjang masa dan memberi muka pada kaum ini.Kaum ini wajar diberikan ULTIMATUM. Nak ikut sekolah wawasan atau tak nak. Tak nak bermakna tidak patuh pada Rukun Negara iaitu Kesetiaan Kepada Raja Dan Negara dan wajib diambil tindakan melucutkan warga negara. Baru padan muka.
Lagi Melayu / UMNO bertolak ansur lagilah mereka naik tocang. Kasi betis nak paha. Sampai bila2 masalah perpaduan tak selesai. Rakyat juga yang rugi.
pssstt...bro..ada yg tak betul psl Tun Mahathir ka bro? dia semua betul, semua ada justifikasi..dia sentiasa betullll...
Sebenarnya politiklah....I mean orang politik......should be blamed.The people follow them especially when there is politik wang.
ReplyDeleteJust look around what is happening now.What is umno circus playing now ? Ku Li said some demanded RM 2 million.
This is exactly what I have beeen saying all along. These people can keep screaming till their face turn blue about Bangsa Malaysia, but when asked to learn and speak Bahasa Malaysia properly, they insist that it is their culture and their rights to speak their mother tounge. They insist to have Chinese schools so forth and so on. Please, get a life. All migrants need to adapt and assimilate the host culture. Besides, these people are born and raised here, speak proper B.Malaysia for heaven's sake.
ReplyDeleteI was a victim of your policy Tun !
ReplyDeleteYou want us to get a credit for the language and your language are all nothing but rojak. If the language is beautiful then no need to force people to learn, it will be use widely. The trouble with you is you have all along harbour a superiority complex in you. BE HUMBLE and people will accept you. No matter how old you are Learning never stops. Be more realistic. BEN
My spoken and written Malay is very poor because I was educated in English, the number 1 and universal language of the world. I admit I hate to speak Malay because of my limitations. Does that make me less a Malaysian? I happen to know many progressive Malays who are more at home in English. Does that them less Malays? I rest my case.
ReplyDeleteWell said. Only those who can't think rationally would not understand the whole point/message.
ReplyDeleteHis remark on who after Anwar in PKR is interesting.Never thought about that before. Same applies to notion on PAS.
TDM's mistake to allow all chinese and tamil schools to grow. Not enough with that, he helped them financially. It's actually the mistake of those who agreed with the so-called 'Social Contract'.
Singapore dont have the same problem and we do not see any chinese or indian there complaining that they have lost their identity, culture or language.
He actually allowed the wishes of rakyat for vernacular schools. Him being called a dictator, should have closed all vernacular schools once and for all and forced everyone to go to the same school.
That would have been his biggest dictatorial contribution to the nation. He would not be remembered now for that but a generation later.
Can someone tell me what are the teaching values comparing to 70's and now in these national schools? Students have been brainwashed to uphold ketuanan melayu, and some came home crying on the racist issues being taught by teachers. There were so many things were not mentioned by Tun. He diverted the focus of the people from the actual scenario. I totally agree on multiracial kind of school, but what values are we getting from it. Will the children grow up and be able to compete with the world. I'm not going to touch on our Uni standards as it'll be too much to talked about. It's heart aching to experience all these to know how our country have come into. Scholarships are given to rich and the smart ones are not given scholarships, cos it's based on quota. Our country have come to this stage from the 51 years ruling by UMNO and now they try to blame others for the failures and mess it has created. There are no more trust, cos it's tainted, and it'll take a very long time to rebuild it back. Our hard earned money has been misused and we are being used. A country have reach agro and minerals can go scarce on cooking oil, rice, sugar and what else... Transportation didn't even improve, bus stops are not disable friendly, we don't have proper motorbikes lanes as it floods on rainy days. Tolls everywhere we go and increases from year to year and etc. and etc.... All these begin from the values of education. So please tell me what are the values of education we have today?
ReplyDeleteOh, from my continuation of education values... Police are beating up innocent people and bruise helpless people during peaceful rally. They are scared to have a beat base on the most notorious place in the country. Please help!
ReplyDeleteI dont think this is true. Thirty years ago may but not now. Mahathir is out of touch.
ReplyDelete"I must admit the Sekolah Wawasan concept did not get support, especially from the Chinese educationist groups. They don't want to have anything to do with the Malays."
Shaking Heads
to teohjitkhiam above,
ReplyDeleteAre idiot or what, don't be stupid and trying to divert the issue, I see, you can't face the truth right, the Chinese also have fault and accept it, you guys talk about Malaysian Malaysia just as smoke screen of getting getting more from the Malays and Bumis, thats all.
- Kuku
Nonsense, even if we were to speak one language and have similar names but if unscrupulous politicians day in and day out try to separate the races, it can still be so easily done...well by waving krises and uttering racial slurs. only the inane would think that just by speaking one language would all our problems go away. not in this country.
ReplyDeleteBeating around the Bush
IQ Check.
ReplyDeletestill believe all that Mahathir says.
yOUR IQ is most definitely below average.
Shaking Heads.
Dear Mahathir Mohamad,
ReplyDeleteLet us go back into history.
Since 1970, Bahasa Malaysia was made compulsory. And since 1971, all schools started using Bahasa Malaysia as the medium iof instruction.
All of us accepted BM as the national language. Chinese, Indians, Malays all went through the same school system in secondary schools and sat for public exams in Bahasa Malaysia. They were not in English, mind you. Then STPM was all in Bahasa. And we accepted it and went through it in the same language like the rest.
Then the varsities switched to Bahasa, and we accepted and went through it toegther.
The Chinese continued shining despite the switch to Bahasa Malaysia at all levels.
Yet, non-Malays who did far better than Malays in the same medium of instruction and the same exam paper were bypassed.
Non-Malays with 4As in STPM were not given medical seats while Malays with even 2 As were given medical seats at one time.
So, Mahathir, Bangsa Malaysia is not just about the languages and schools, it is about equality and meritocracy in a system where all citizens atre subjected to the same examinations, taxes, etc. That is today's reality. Bahasa or English, Chinese especially continue to shine in exams.
The crux of the problem is about accepting the reality that change is inevitable. A diplomat said recently that if Malaysia continues with its race-based policies, it will go lose all its competitiveness in 10 years.
If the Chinese schools produce quality students, so be it. Isn't it better for Malaysia as a nation?
Mahahtir is throwing in this argument to attarct the Malays to his son Mukhriz. Stop it, Mamak.
Hi Bro Rocky,
ReplyDeleteI agree with TDM that we should have one school system. My children go to Sekolah Kebangsaan. But irks a lot of non-muslim, like myself, is the Sekolah Kebangsaan is turning into a Islamic school.
One eg is having doa during assembly. I went to a Sekolah Kebangsaan (100% malay stream) but I don't remember having this kind of practice in my school. This is happening even in P.Jaya.
So before anyone makes any generalisation, please look into how the sekolah kebangsaan is being. If this problem is not arrested more non-muslim will avoid kebangsaan school.
They need to make all schools religion free and bring back the old school system. Read Malaysian Education: Revert to old school set-up , it makes a lot of sense.
Bila dah sesat, baliklah ke pangkal
Words of expression have been twisted by Mahathir...saying we are more racialists after 12th election.
ReplyDeleteIt was race and religion dirty politics...promoted by him...which should have ended....during his time. It was good in the past...but certainly... out dated..during his time as PM. Instead of uniting all Malaysians...he purposely keep playing race and religion..far more aggressively than past PMs. We need to expose him...and not allow him to blame everyone..except himself.
We are forced to say...Malaysian Chinese...Malaysian express and indentify ourselves as as unhappy Malaysians...since UMNO keep talking about race and religion. We have made so many thousands of young voters and less educated Malaysians...understand 12th election..we saw the results.
He knows it...and now use this ...trying so hard to confuse Malaysians....what we have proven...and that is...UMNO plays race and religion politics...led by himself.
It worked ...did it not?. We exposed him..did we not? We got voters.. to understand ...and 12th election result .is the living it not?
Outside Malaysia....all calling themselves as Malaysians??
So simple to understand.....yet he purposely brought this confuse voters.
Outside dirty why need to identify race issue there?
It's automatic true Malaysians way to address themselves.
We are talking dirty politics in Malaysia...and Mahathir need to use this throw us away...out of focus on the real issue....corruptions..and massive mismanagement...with his usual say others are defend himself. He is the worst racialist PM ...we ever got.
Not only...he is a racialist PM......but a dam corrupted greedy Dictator....stealing to enrich party...self .. family ..and friends.
Why such a smart man..cannot minds work...calling ourselves as Malaysians proudly....out of Malaysia...and here...letting UMNO know..Malaysian Chinese and Indians have enough of his nonsense?
I am glad...he said...out of Malaysia..everyone call themselves Malaysians.
This confirms...Malaysians are patriots to their country. Malaysians are matter how much Mahathir.. try to twist...our turn. We will vote UMNO out for a Malaysian Malaysia.
Then all his mumbo jumbo way of talking...can go to hell with him.
UMNO is what UMNO today..due to the smart twisting and turning...from facts to fictions and vice Mahathir.
He is diverting all attentions prove he was the best PM?
Why....all he needs is to swear by the Koran...he is not corrupted...he is the best....and maybe more will believe in him.
UMNO is a racialist party.. If not...then I will shave my head bald.
Who rooted it such a strong racialist party?...why it's Mahathir.
Bring up DAP..and other parties as an art ..only cunning and sly foxes have such qualifications.
Smart Malaysians will know...the need for Mahathir to accuse all...leaving himself out.
Useless to talk about it.
Everyone knows who is Mahathir..sacking 4 Deputy PM...putting one in jail..putting dozens in jail..under Operation real self appointed..Dictator.
That's why...12th election is about change of government..all started by Mahathir.
Let others much more.
Seems like there are some confusion here.
ReplyDeleteFirst, "those people who are for screaming Bangsa Malaysia" are not consist of Non-Malays only. Please do not stereotype!
2nd, a lot of Non-Malays "who scream for Bangsa Malaysia" can speak fluent Malay too. Just because you personally never/rarely meet them, doesn't mean they don't exist. Please do not stereotype!
3rd, Chinese/Indian parents send their children to Chinese/Tamil schools because the Mandarin/Tamil teachers in National schools SUCKS. Do a survey if you don't believe me. Go ask around.
4th, if their children can learn their mother tongues well in National schools too, I'm sure more and more Chinese & Indian parents will send them there.
LAST BUT NOT LEAST, I think it is absolutely OKAY to debate about race, just like it's good to debate about our faith and religion with each other as it enable us to understand each others' needs better = less misunderstandings conflicts.
There are so much talks about racial politics today because some if not a lot of, Malaysians are fed up of it already.
Obama has been made president, time for us to look for CAPABILITY & RESPONSIBILITY instead of SKIN COLOURS. Corrupted politicians, whatever race they may hail from, are the worst!
Barack Hussein Obama, is an American name??? What is the value of being American and what is the value of being Malaysian.
ReplyDeleteChinese also join national school and still survive and dual language or more speaking English as well whereas Malays student are usually mono language thus their more unemployable.
I was a National schooler and from what I see and my experience, for my children future, I would ask them join Chinese school as more competitive curiculum. Of course, National language is a must, but not to be emphasize so much for economic reason as able to converse is enough. English & Chinese is priority due to market demand in future.
I believe this is pragmatism and for our survival. In fact, Malaysian Malays should learn MORE ENGLISH and CHINESE for future.
Don't you think this guy is spewing alot of nonsense after what he did to race and country. Sagregating Malaysians by pitting lies that different races cannot sit together in the same table, while, in the past, he talks about our diversity as our strength?!? Today, he accuse everyone except himself for the sad state of affairs in this counry. I am Chinese by birth but considers myself a Malaysian. I have wonderful Malay god parents who accept me for the person that I am, no malice, no hate but love that can overwhelm, unconditional. That is the Malysia I envisage. I have not lost hope and no one, not even this accuser is going to take away what I hold so dera for Malaysia. God bless Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteBangsa Malaysia?
ReplyDeleteWa pon ta tau wo!
Hantu Gigi Jarang
Mahathir can't stop bullshitting can he? He was as racist and corrupt as they come when he was PM. Since that is hardly a secret, he needs to bring everyone to his level so that he does not end up punching above his weight class.
ReplyDeleteWe might see racism as simply a disease Mahathir that is suffering from, but it is also a cover for his corrupt ways and lack of moral fibre in the way he ran UMNO and the country.
Now he is not only practising his self-serving form of racist rant but preaching it as well.
Mukhriz, Khir and KJ for UMNO Youth Chief? All are detestable characters which do not stand for anything particularly outstanding as far as achievements and statesmanship are concerned. This is a true reflection of UMNO and its bearings right now.
And that senile idiot's speech blends right in.
Dr Mahathir got it wrong.
ReplyDeleteObama has no slave blood in him. His father is a Muslim tribesman from Kenya and his mother is a white American.
The Man hits it where it hurts.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately all his opponents, including the present PM will never admit that TDM is the inspiration and reference point.
Like many, many, many other ideas, his 'Sekolah Wawasan' was misunderstood, just like the 'English for Science and Mathematics' policy which shudders the minds of Malay linguists.
This is the man condemned by western powers for his 1998 Mahathir economics, and yet his methods are copied to save present global financial meltdown.
He is Bangsa Malaysia for us.
Mahathir, this must be another big sacarstic joke coming from only a former stateman like you. So you must be saying Barisan is indeed a multi-racial coalition best for this Nation? But now the rakyat knows Barisan is so deceptive to represent themselves as multi-racial. Barisan is all about UMNO only. All others are subservient. You know, they know, we all know. Please try a better joke the next time. Hoodwinking the rakyat for 30years is a typical trait coming form you.
When non-Malays ask for equality, justice and freedom for all, they are racists, but when Umno Malays and bloggers, like former Utusan, NST and BH editorial comrades talk about ketuanan melayu that's fair comment and nationalistic.
ReplyDeleteOh! Please. Indians and Chinese have been here more than 500 years.
Both these communities have given so much for civilisation and development of this country and for the so-called Malay community ala Austronesian family.
The number of Malays in this country is not actually that high as 60 percent. On the basis of Malays alone, I put it that they should stand at 25 to 30 per cent only.
The government statistics have been distorted facts made of multiple effects of counting all Muslims as Malays, a bullshit theory.
Melanau and Indian Muslims for instance are Malays . . .ugh! ! ! So the Umno government gets 60 per cent to justify its ketuanan melayu stance . . . in another words racial discrimination of non-Malays, who have given so much more than Malays themselves for the well-being of this country.
An independent Malaya would not have funds to feed the Malays if the Indians and Chinese did not work their life out in estates and tin mines. How much more Malays need to 'steal' from others to come up in their life? How many more years the others have to spoonfeed the Malays? Aren't Malays ashamed that they are living on other people's earnings and hardwork in the name Malay rights, privileges etc? Malays pay zakat only and the funds are spent for Malays only. Non-Malays pay taxes and the funds are spent largely for Malays too in the name of closing down economic disparities.
I have searched and found that no other country in this world, except Malaysia which spoonfeeds a particular community from money forcefully collected from other communities, of course by legal means.
A truly developed, civilised and matured community with self-sustained integrity, culture and religious values would not live on other people's money.
Come on, advocates of ketuanan melayu . . . look around. Will you ever earn the respect of non-Malays by encroaching into their rights in this country?
Goosh! Am I racist here? Will I be labelled as one for telling the truth?
Malaysians will have to talk getting rid of racial discrimination in all sectors, I mean including the Chinese dominated private sector, by deliberating and breaking the racial issues and barriers. Otherwise forget about Bangsa Malaysia for we would continue to have a out-of-sort blogger like Dr Mahathir Mohamad Kutty talking about ketuanan melayu. For me Dr Mahathir was an evil to democracy, equality and freedom, and a friend to corruption, hypocricy and hate campaign.
Historically, his tenure as the country's premier was a tragic curse to Malaysians.
Yes! Many claimed he was to be credited for Malaysian modernisation, but at the expense of human development, moral governance, equality and democracy.
During his entire 22 years in charge of the central government, Malaysia enjoyed a mere seven years of economic boom, thanks to global spillover not because of our own talents or strength. During the other 15 years, we were miserable, and suffering until today due to his extravagant spending on mega projects and mega bailouts using public funds at ease.
The ever dependent Umno-typed Malays as usual cannot live without government support and backing.
They cannot invent something, can't create something or manage anything. Malays can claim to be big media managers by having NSTP and Utusan Melayu. But that too with government support. Are you on your own, Umno-type Malays?
Many hypocritical Malays trumpet about Islamic equality, justice and freedom while at the same advocate ketuanan melayu, malay rights and privileges. Malays look like can't win a golf match even with a 18-hole advantage.
Come one. Stand up like a man and fight with others on equal ground. Let the best win! Do Malays dare!
Megat Jittendran
When non-Malays ask for equality, justice and freedom for all, they are racists, but when Umno Malays and bloggers, like former Utusan, NST and BH editorial comrades talk about ketuanan melayu that's fair comment and nationalistic.
ReplyDeleteOh! Please. Indians and Chinese have been here more than 500 years.
Both these communities have given so much for civilisation and development of this country and for the so-called Malay community ala Austronesian family.
The number of Malays in this country is not actually that high as 60 percent. On the basis of Malays alone, I put it that they should stand at 25 to 30 per cent only.
The government statistics have been distorted facts made of multiple effects of counting all Muslims as Malays, a bullshit theory.
Melanau and Indian Muslims for instance are Malays . . .ugh! ! ! So the Umno government gets 60 per cent to justify its ketuanan melayu stance . . . in another words racial discrimination of non-Malays, who have given so much more than Malays themselves for the well-being of this country.
An independent Malaya would not have funds to feed the Malays if the Indians and Chinese did not work their life out in estates and tin mines. How much more Malays need to 'steal' from others to come up in their life? How many more years the others have to spoonfeed the Malays? Aren't Malays ashamed that they are living on other people's earnings and hardwork in the name Malay rights, privileges etc? Malays pay zakat only and the funds are spent for Malays only. Non-Malays pay taxes and the funds are spent largely for Malays too in the name of closing down economic disparities.
I have searched and found that no other country in this world, except Malaysia which spoonfeeds a particular community from money forcefully collected from other communities, of course by legal means.
A truly developed, civilised and matured community with self-sustained integrity, culture and religious values would not live on other people's money.
Come on, advocates of ketuanan melayu . . . look around. Will you ever earn the respect of non-Malays by encroaching into their rights in this country?
Goosh! Am I racist here? Will I be labelled as one for telling the truth?
Malaysians will have to talk getting rid of racial discrimination in all sectors, I mean including the Chinese dominated private sector, by deliberating and breaking the racial issues and barriers. Otherwise forget about Bangsa Malaysia for we would continue to have a out-of-sort blogger like Dr Mahathir Mohamad Kutty talking about ketuanan melayu. For me Dr Mahathir was an evil to democracy, equality and freedom, and a friend to corruption, hypocricy and hate campaign.
Historically, his tenure as the country's premier was a tragic curse to Malaysians.
Yes! Many claimed he was to be credited for Malaysian modernisation, but at the expense of human development, moral governance, equality and democracy.
During his entire 22 years in charge of the central government, Malaysia enjoyed a mere seven years of economic boom, thanks to global spillover not because of our own talents or strength. During the other 15 years, we were miserable, and suffering until today due to his extravagant spending on mega projects and mega bailouts using public funds at ease.
The ever dependent Umno-typed Malays as usual cannot live without government support and backing.
They cannot invent something, can't create something or manage anything. Malays can claim to be big media managers by having NSTP and Utusan Melayu. But that too with government support. Are you on your own, Umno-type Malays?
Many hypocritical Malays trumpet about Islamic equality, justice and freedom while at the same advocate ketuanan melayu, malay rights and privileges. Malays look like can't win a golf match even with a 18-hole advantage.
Come one. Stand up like a man and fight with others on equal ground. Let the best win! Do Malays dare!
Megat Jittendran
I remember quite clearly when i suggested the formation of single system education in Malaysia i.e no more vernacular system (tamil,chinese school), one chinese guy stood up and asked this question...
ReplyDelete"are you ready to let go your kesultanan Melayu in exchange with us letting go our chinese schools"
i was speechless... and there goes my sekolah wawasan dream.
What do you get when you fall in love?
ReplyDeleteRemember that song?
Now what do you get when you even deny your own father's lineage?
A guy who talks cock!
teohjitkhiam said...
ReplyDelete"I must admit the Sekolah Wawasan concept did not get support, especially from the Chinese educationist groups. They don't want to have anything to do with the Malays."
Correction, Doctor Frankenstein. They didn't want their kids to listen to all that UMNO agit-prop b***s***. For example, distorted claptrap history say like, Aussie and NZ soldiers fighting commies in Malaya are suddenly re-cast as UMNOist 'heroes'. Have you ever visited Tugu Negara, or are just a quack doctor?
7:41 PM
Correction teohjitkhiam, we too do not want to listen to your b***s***
crap and distorted prank. You are the real quack.
cina ni ayik hantar anak2 mereka ke sekolah cina. apakah sekolah kebangsaan tak cukup standard?
ReplyDeletecam ni, bagaimana hendak mencapai bangsa malaysia? ini sikap hipokrit.
just thinking aloud...i am malaysian chinese :-)
Mahatir has got his facts about Barack Obama wrong.
ReplyDeleteHis father came to the US as a college student in Hawaii. That's where he met Barack's mom. Barack's dad later left Hawaii for Harvard where he earned a PhD in Economics before moving back to Kenya.
I'm surprised no one has challenged Mahatir on facts like this.
I will call myself Malaysian (Bangsa Malaysia) when they stop calling themselves Bumipturas !!
ReplyDeleteEx Chinese from Malaysia
I will call myself Malaysian (Bangsa Malaysia) when they stop calling themselves Bumipturas !!
ReplyDeleteEx Chinese from Malaysia
Having one or two chinese muslims like Anuar Tan as members does not qualify PAS is a party of multiracial. When it comes to recruiting members, the target groups will surely be malay youth, so called muslim and muslimah. Unless they dare to open membership to none muslims, then they are able to claim as being multiracial. A gamble that will definitely backfire.
ReplyDeleteAnd if DAP claims that they are not race-based party, it's like telling Khairy is angel, Najib is a god sent savior, and Karpal is the most honest lawyer.
ReplyDeleteYou should prefer so-you-called 'skewed' Malaysian history rather than Mainland China history which is being taught in your Chinese schools here in Malaysia, bro.
You better be.
Why do you people complain too much and yet do too little or none.
actually, Obama is not a descendant of a slave as his father came from Kenya as a student and his mom is white. So he is definitely not a descendant of a slave. His father was in fact a Harvard graduate himself.
ReplyDeletebe careful when u think u agree to mahathir and in fact you are not. Mahathir is known for his way of writing that put current situation in very plain day-to-day events. Makes you believe that it is true.
ReplyDeleteFor a country to make race discrimination illegal, they need to discuss it.
To liberal something, u need to start with a lot of communication.
after march election, not that ppl are more racist BUT ppl are more aware of racism.
For once (and only once), I agree with Dr Mahathir in his analysis, and I must give credit where it is due.
ReplyDeleteHowever, we must ask ourselves, how did we even come to this point, both sides having bunkered down, and lobbing grenades at each other? Every single one of us have their own camps with their own slant and biases, even writers I used to respect like Rocky here have been pretty one-sided most of the time here.
This issue with vernacular schools have become pure politics beyond reason. Its has become completely irrational and obviously bad for the nation, but it is a sacred cow that no one dares to slaughter, because the chinese and tamils will howl that even more rights are taken from them. Its like the Israelis and Palenstinians arguing over if the Israeli settlers should go home or stay bunkered in Palestinian territory or if Jerusalem should be shared. Obviously they should, but try telling that to the ultras!
So given that ultras have already dug in the issue with bunkered mentality, what can be done? Fight eternally like the Israelis and Palenstians?
What is strongly needed now is strong will from both sides to compromise, and some give and take.
Firstly, accept that doing away with chinese/tamil schools will be a vote loser for the politicians involved, just as, say, doing away with university places for bumis on the other side. No politician will be stupid enough to support this move without some meat on the table to throw to the howling voters who vote not by brain but by sentiment.
So lets be realistic. The only way this can be achieved is that it must be a give and take. No more chinese and tamil schools, but also no more bumi quotas for university (say). Will that be ok?
Many will not be ok, even if there are many compelling reasons why both should go. The reasons, in my mind, has nothing to do with the negative-sum race calculus on who-gains-more-with-which-issue, which can be debated till cows come home. Everyone ends up losing because we end up more racially segregated, the best brains get fed up and go overseas, and our university rankings go down the drain.
On the chinese and tamil side, we will be asking them to *reduce* (not eliminate) the importance of language segregation in school (which amounts to racial segregation), for malays, we invite them to accept more competitive in university places. Can both sides stomach that?
Which is why, strong leadership is required on all sides to push this through. Someone who is charismatic on both sides, one who actually believes that this can be achieve, one who can inspire and educate the people on whow it is possible if we just give to receive, and also to to be able to make everyone appreciate and accept in simple terms why this giving is important, and why it must be done.
Just like with the Israelis and Palentinians, if there is no compromise or leadership, one who can unite or inspire public opinion, there is no solution, even if one have bigger firepower than the other.
- Non-expert
If "they" don't want to mix around, then "they" should leave the country. Period.
This article is a pile of horse shit. Not really surprising though, its written by Mahathir. Could it be that the Chinese prefer to send their kids to Chinese schools because of the awful shit hole that our government schools have become?
ReplyDeleteHave you idiots ever thought of it in this perspective? For the record, aku nih boleh bercakap dalam Bahasa MALAYSIA. Tapi, saya berharap Bangsa Malaysia akan menjadi realiti. Susah nak percaya kan?
Dari Blog Che Det..
ReplyDelete"Apakah mungkin pendapatan yang tinggi dan banyak ini datang daripada urusan-urusan berkaitan dengan kes-kes penswastaan Kerajaan dan lain-lain keperluan "conveyancing" Kerajaan?
Ini sangkaan saya sahaja.
Jika tidak benar tunjuk bukti yang ianya tidak benar."
Tuduh orang kemudian suruh orang yang dituduh untuk membuktikannya kebenarannya...
Dalam Islam ini dikatakan Fitnah.
Kepada Dr. M, selalu ingat yang ini..
kubur kata mari, bumi kata pergi...
wow...a spin master at work..
ReplyDeleteok, the African "immigrants" were assimilated into the American society...Yes, they speak English and proud to be American. And they are provided the Equality in Citizenship Rights! Do we have the same equality here? Non-Malays Bangsa Malaysia still end-up as
2nd class citizen. Dont compare Apple to Orange!
"If PAS is not a race-based party ..."
ReplyDeleteor in another word..
If UMNO/BN is not a religious based party...
Bangsa Malaysia atau Bangsat Malaysia! Jgn ikut hipokrit dan pencacai bernama KALIMULLAH MASEERUL HASSAN. Dia bangga dengan status "I'm Indian but a Muslim" tapi hidup dia dari dulu sampai skrg asyik menipu Umno dan org Melayu. Kaut kekayaan negara guna platform Umno tapi kutuk maki hamun org Melayu dan bersekongkol dengan malaun2 Cina dan India. Umno tahu KALIMULLAH MASEERUL HASSAN adalah pengkhianat yang bekerja untuk musuh negara bagi kucar kacirkan Umno dan Melayu. Kalau Umno masih biarkan KALIMULLAH MASEERUL HASSAN bermaharajalela dengan balaci2 dia jaga kepentingan dan masa depan Umno maka janganlah menyesal nanti kalau org Melayu jadi Bangsat Malaysia seperti di Singapura! Najib perlu tahu bahawa binatang seperti KALIMULLAH MASEERUL HASSAN bangga menghina Nabi tanpa penyesalan. Dan Najib patut tahu KALIMULLAH MASEERUL HASSAN tidak segan silu kata Rosmah itu "BITCH" atau anjing betina!
Bangsa Malaysia to be put simply is Malaysian nationality!
ReplyDeleteIt is neither a genetically/ biologically nor a socio-politically defined construct.
When we put down Malaysian in the Nationality column of a form what do we feel and mean?
It should mean we hail from the nation of Malaysia and share common ideals and visions for our land of birth!
It should mean we love our country and will defend it to the last drop of our blood!
It should mean we are prepared to make sacrifices to ensure the nation's progress and development are unimpeded!
It should mean we are one in the national body, mind and spirit!
Enough of the bigoted partisan/sectarian/racist sentiments that are expressed by some of the commenters in this blog!!!
When it comes to sharing the economy pie, the chinese all speak up to ask govt to forgo DEB, but not a single word about to forgo their chinese school. So typical of them. And yet keep saying we are malaysian..
ReplyDeleteEverybody compares Malaysia to USA especial with the recent election won by Obama. All black and white are immigrant in USA, except for red indian.. I would say USA has moved forward if the red indian being elected as their president. Hence, we should compare Malaysia with British and European for they are the 'Pribumi' on their land.
In Myanmar, muslims immigrant from India, Pakistan and Bangladash who have been stay there for few generations were being discriminated from any job opportunity except if you are Buddhist. May be it is time to see the privilege that we have in Malaysia. Then we will appreciate what we have.
Sick of ungrateful lot.
Dear bro,
ReplyDeleteThis shown who is more hypocrite. Everything is talk KOK abt the Ketuanan Duit. Want to dominate 100% wealth when they think that there are smarter Ass than anybody else.
The actual Bangsa Malaysia is about changing your mother tongue. I went to Indo, Thai, and some hypocrite in PKR, MCA, and DAP think that this countries are much better than Malaysia. But when I being there its very rarest to hear any of Indian and Sino speak their own mother tongue except their national language. Ohh gotch thats why the failure of this Malaysia Race is due to the weakness of the late Tunku Abdul Rahman, if we dont eager to get Independent very early I dont think this thing will be a havoc now and maybe Singapore still remain with us. But because of he was too tolerant than this thing happen.
Anyway if the hypocrite keep being ignorant than is useless to wait after 50 yrs even 100 yrs also will not happen except if all new generation Malay become a Dumbo, drug addict or rempits...At this moment Nobody wants to tolerate than let be it, I think Malay should say never unless the people speak our mother tounge, act like us, eat like us even change religion to our religion. Then definitely 100% sure they can become PM to us.
race is a biological thing.Mana boleh ada bangsa Malaysia.Rakyat Malaysia, boleh.
ReplyDeleteThe non-Malays are always selective when fighting for equal rights.They want to be more equal than others, cakap Melayu tak mau, duit Melayu nak.Then suka cakap orang melayu kuat rasuah.Orang Melayu ambik duit rasuah tu dari siapa? It takes two to tango.
Malaysians are racist because the formation of the nation was based on race/s.
To those anonymous commenters/posters (Tak berani ke letak nama sebenar? Apa dah!) here who tried to repudiate my statement on history without any substantial facts to back them up or throwing red herrings about; PLEASE READ AND STUDY MORE BEFORE COMMENTING. THANK YOU.
ReplyDeleteI think is useless to talk abt Bangsa Malaysia...As I can say SINO is hypocrite that what they learn from their generation from past until future in the chinese school. I think is better now gomen should monitor their syllabus. I can read for all SINO comments here when the Great Stateman Like Tun who give much prosperity to this country and SINO businessman so happy when they can become richer because of his intellegent in economic policy. This SINO (DAP, PKR, MCA, Gerakan) talk rubbishabt him and repeating the same thing like he is the worst mamak in the world since that they find the new GOD Anwar (former malay racist and Islamic fasist) proclaim to be the Father of Bangsa Malaysia and father of abolished DEB. Anyway Anwar who got 2.0 pointer for Malay degree in UM cannot become a DPM if there is no DEB for him.
I think next time when they want to rant abt DEB, Ketuanan Melayu, Melayu lazy, tongkat cannot compete globalization (even US economy also flop), hail mandarin kantonis because China will be the next superpower in our dream, hong kong or singapore is better than country like Malaysia, Sabah Serawak mundur, let be it.
When Malay or Bumis become too racist then the game is over.
Why should the Chinese want anything to do with a half breed culture ?
ReplyDeleteI rather die than to be educated as a half breed.
Full breed.
Majoriti yang memberi ulasan di sini tidak belajar di sekolah kebangsaan dan menghantar anak anak mereka di sekolah jenis kebangsaan dan anti sekolah wawasan, sebab itulah majoriti mereka menulis dengan menggunakan bahasa yang 'kurang ajar'.
ReplyDeletearghh.. u see rocky.. ppl are fighting bout which school is better..
ReplyDeleteIts not about the student but also the teachers. this is where all of them can work together and work out the perfect curriculum for everyone.
Right now both school still producing Mat rempit and DVD sellers.
Tun Mahathir did push the right button, as u can see from the comments..haha
ReplyDeletewalaupun dlm byk perkara saya agak kurang bersetuju dgn TDM... tapi soal sekolah wawasan saya teramat bersetuju dan menyokong idea tersebut...
jika kita ingin bicara soal bangsa Malaysia.... perkara pokok yg mesti diutamakan adalah soal pendidikan... dan bagaimana ingin melahirkan satu bangsa Malaysia jika sistem pendidikan tidak diseragamkan... soal bimbang nilai budaya sesuatu etnik akan pupus tidak sepatutnya menjadi isu kerana ia boleh diterapkan dlm silibus pendidikan yg baru... malah ia akan menjadi lebih unik apabila melayu belajar budaya cina, cina belajar budaya melayu, dan begitu juga budaya masyarakat india... selagi ia tidak bertentangan dgn syarak dan tidak menjejaskan akidah org Islam....
setelah kemenangan Obama... kecoh satu Malaya membincangkan kemungkinan PM dari bukan bumiputera... saya juga bersetuju ngan pendapat TDM, soal bangsa mana yg menjadi PM tidak penting.. ttp beliau harus mendapat mandat dari rakyat keseluruhan... dan paling penting beliau seharusnya seorg benar2 bangsa Malaysia... jadi tidak akan ada pilih kasih keatas mana2 etnik yg ada di negara ini... dan menghormati perlembagaan...
This old man is a great orater. What he said might hold truth but the problem is he never walk the talk.
ReplyDeleteSekolah Wawasan was a great idea. The government should convinced the chinese educationist then.
The real problem with our nation is not because of race, religion etc but rather massive corruption by our "great UMNO Leaders".
Bangsa Malaysia is a concept, it does not hold anything substancial even to be discussed about. Bangsa Malaysia would emulate itself once we get rid of all the mothers of corruption in our nation.
Last thing, becoz of their hypocrite, they are not just pendatang but bring the menace to this country by preprogating the Communist Bintang TIGA ideology up until now from the chinese school. O gotch Malay should send memorandum to British Government and Saman with 3 million pound each of every malay by leaving us with fagot and maggot to this land.
Bro Rocky, from the lively comments and banter, since some of these brilliant Chinese people are so overwhelmed about their purportedly superior culture, maybe its a good idea if the Government make it mandatory for Mandarin to be taught in ALL Sekolah Rendah Jenis Kebangsaan, that way a Malay, Indian or Chinese Malaysian will be able to command three languages Bahasa Melayu, Bahasa Inggeris and Bahasa Cina Mandarin.
ReplyDeleteI am not sure whether the zealots from the Chinese Educationists side will agree, but who cares this is MALAYsia and the Malays are the majority, why does this minority of minority dare to impose their will on the majority. One should not think about selfishly keeping what one have and then greedily want some more of what others have also.
ReplyDelete1.Most Chinese students end up in Sekolah Kabangsaan in secondary schools. Chinese schools only primary level. So at the end of the day, they are back to National system. And they do very well. And even better in Bahasa than the Malaysa.
2. Why do so many Malay parents send their children to Chinese primary schools? And you too have gone on record encouraging Malay parents to send tehir children to Chinese schools.
Where parents sent their children for schooling has nothing to do with race or religion. Parents will sent their children where they think it will best benefit their child. In the old days, many parents sent their children to English schools even though vernacular schools was around. Why? Because they think that an English education will give their child a headstart in life. This thinking is proven again in Johor today where many parents sent their children to schools in Singapore to be educated in English even though they could have sent their children to vernacular schools in JB. So if the Sekolah Wawasan can prove to provide quality education beyond just racial integration, I am sure parents will support them regardless of race. The same goes the present national schools which has been perceived to have deteriorated in quality.
ReplyDeleteOld School
teohjitkhiam, malayamuda, anti-apartheid, monsterball, micheal, full breed, anonymous liew, rank, megat jittendran, mut, malsia1206
ReplyDeleteThere are SRJK (Cina), SRJK (Tamil), SRJK (Negro), SRJK, (Russian) etc in USA, UK, India, Thailand, Indonesia…all over the world.
In fact the government of Singapore has special allocation for these types of schools
Everything about our country is wrong.
It is all about Mahathir & UMNO.
And it is never about any of us. We are ideal and perfect.
It is always somebody else’s mistake.
Isn't Mahathir himself who recently admitted that the 3 main races are too different to be recognised as one/integrated?
ReplyDeleteChinese schools may not be the best, but they do generally produce more competent students compared to national schools. Aren't many MPs themselves sending their own children to anything BUT national schools or universities?
Dr. M is responsible for our current situation. Yes, he was the father of modernization but the modern Malaysia was built on shaky foundation. Now when we scrutinize our foundations we find lots of worms and Dr. M is just telling us what we already know but not owning up to his weakness. And many out there who are Yes Men, like in his blog, take his words like holy scriptures.
ReplyDeleteI am a national school graduate so don't come giving excuses that I don't qualify to give comments. The quality of national schools leaves a lot to be desired. Facilities are not well maintained, and the teachers are not up to standards. I was fortunate to have been enrolled to a national school with funding from Missionary organization where additional funding were provided by the missionary and old boys. But the rest of the national schools are not in good state. I agree with the Sekolah Wawasan concept. The idea is there but the execution of the plan is still unconvincing. There are too many issues not properly addressed. I believe all malaysian should still support sekolah wawasan and come up with a common understanding.
Every sides should take a step back. When the majority keep pushing on ketuanan this and that, the minorities have no choice to be defensive and voice out. There is no need for the majority to feel insecure. Please all ... lets all take a step back.
It is sad to see so many RACISTS here commenting on DR M. with regards Bangsa Malaysia. To see so many commenting without RATIONALE shows that these people are emotionally driven and not being pragmatic. Simply put it, these people are RACISTS because most of them cant even give a logical explanation.
ReplyDeleteSeeing comment from these RACISTS proves that they do not want to be part of a BANGSA MALAYSIA(attending sekolah kebangsaan)
It seems we are not intellectual at all. How are we suppose to move on if we can't even ACCEPT THE TRUTH?
Because of PEOPLE (RACISTS)like this, we are doomed as a nation. I think the Goverment should stop being LENIENT (Research and history has shown the more lenient we are, the more people will take advantage of). Instead Government should start using draconian laws to start incorporating all races into a BANGSA MALAYSIA. END IT. IT HAS TO COME TO AN END IF NOT THESE RACISTS WOULD DESTROY THE VERY FABRIC OF THE NATION.
We are all so caught up in our own rhetoric that we need the genius of a Mahathir to see the truth and nothing but the truth. And yet the mainstream media gives paltry attention to him.
I frankly don't understand this persistent effort to use Malay as the common language or for business purpose. Unless the country is big enough, with hundreds of millions in population, and trillions in GDP, or excel in technological or scientific breakthrough, very few people will want to learn your language. Even throwing in Indonesia, the market is still very small. More importantly, Malay is a very primitive and nascent language. Tradisi/ tradition, talipon/ telephone are real jokes because of the inadequate vocabulary.
ReplyDeleteThe whole world is using English as the medium of trade and commerce. More are beginning to learn Mandarin as China's economy becomes the second biggest in the world.
Why would anyone in the world want to learn Malay? To know more about Ketuanan Melayu? To learn more about NEP? To learn more about KKK?
when Obama was elected President..immediately there were calls in this country for change,
ReplyDeletewhat was that? To have a non-Malay PM.
Non-Malay bloggers lament that the system sucks, that he time has come for a non-Malay PM?
why? because you don't want a Malay PM?
You know, a lot of white Americans voted for Obama, i believe, out of guilt....long-standing guilt over how Blacks were treated, over the prejudices and outright discrimination.
The Blacks were forced into America as slaves.
I'm sure many among Obama's were (white) apologists.
I'm sorry -- the CHinese came to Malaya for a better life, to get rich and many did get rich. many, mega rich. super-duper rich.
and the Indians -- either to work in the railway or the lower-rung of the civil service (depending on their caste).
WHy should the Malays be apologists?
Besides, until the Chinese is the majority in this country....then we can start talking change.
My father's mother was a Chinese Baba, his father was a Tamil Indian. What does that make my father, who later married my mother who is a Malay? What does that make me? A Malaysian, I guess.
ReplyDeleteMohd. Ramesh
Tun Dr M practiced divide and rule by race and religion?
ReplyDeleteWhich planet u come from?
the country is already divided by race and the religion of the federation is Islam.
Dr Mahathir raping the judiciary?
ReplyDeleteNow I can reflect on that and see that the judiciary raped itself....
Dr Mahathir did not make the judges corrupt or whatever....
now even if he messed up a bit...i don't quite care because he gave us MORE....
The West hated him because he fucked them all. He feared none of them.
And in my book,he was d man and still is.
I was and am still proud of him.
look at the judiciary now and the bar council-lah...
easy to blame Dr M for everything...
ReplyDeletethis is not my first time coming across the idea of "Malaysian" in the newspaper & internet.
Obviously, they have no idea what "malaysian" is. this year is our 51st year under BN. and we are not "malaysian" yet.
it's a bloody joke.
I think Tun got the part about Obama being the descendant of a slave wrong. Obama's father was a Kenyan who migrated to the US.
ReplyDeleteHis father was never a descendant of a slave in Kenya. In fact, his father was a well respected man.
Obama is a second generation migrant compared to the other African-Americans who have been there for many generations, having being brought over first as slaves.
haha wat a joke... he hell sure aint mahathir bin mohammad... he called himself mahathir a/l something when he was in singapore studying
ReplyDeleteto supermalay
ReplyDeletewah u sound very saintly leh..
ur msg is about i, i, i and i.. nothing but i...
hell sure it takes two to tango..
if 1 is not greedy, do u think he will accept bribes given by the chinese? go and think abt it first la..
which chinese did u hear or talk to that wants more than equal rights than the malays? are u nuts or what?
and pls dont shoot urself in the foot la so often.. it makes u look stupid..
today which chinese cannot speak malay? for ur information as i dropped the similar comment in chedet, chinese score more As in BM than the Malays themselves.. You wanna dispute that? So u think Chinese cannot speak Malay?
cermin diri dulu la before wanna point finger at orang lain...
wah zainal kasim, am i hearing you wrong? u are asking us to leave the country again just like any other umno politicians would do?
ReplyDeleteyou definitely have forgotten ur roots.. no wonder DrM said Melayu mudah lupa..
i wonder what will be the reaction when Singapore tells their Malays to go back where they came from...
all the gomen have to do is to IMPROVE the national schools until BETTER than national -type schools. once that happens, all the parents with kids will flock from jenis kebangsaan into the national school. HABIS CERITA
ReplyDeleteall the parents ever wish for, is to provide a good education for their children, nothing to do with race or religion. this is a typical mindset of a chinese family. the parents are willing to work and save and work to save just for a good education for their child. thats why a street hawker can produce a national top STPM student 2-3 years ago, and the parents are willing to go the extra mile to secure funding for his further education. no politics here my friend. just good education.
nothing to do with race, nothing to do with religion. just good education.
but do we have the sincerity, will and political committment to change our syllabi and raise our national educational standards? that involves teacher, teaching method etc.
btw, if you think our current education system is damn good. you should wonder why there's so many tuition centre opening to good business all over this country.
if the teachers are doing their job, the tuition centre all no business!
Chinese muslim convert is Azhar Bin Abdullah Yong.
ReplyDeleteIs Indian muslim convert Azhar Bin Abdullah Vellu ?
After reading most of the comments here, I feel that majority of the society here are STUPID with a pea brain size.
ReplyDelete1 guy says how to create a united race if one chooses to go to a school of their choosing.. My question is why not? Why wanna question the rights of the type of school one goes? It is so pathetic! Doesnt everyone have to learn Bahasa Malaysia in school irrespective of what kind of school he goes? Is that someone trying to say that if 1 goes to an English or Chinese school hence, his understanding of 1 race 1 Malaysia will be inadequate or voided? What a stupid deduction and rationale is that... Malays of the colonial days studied in various schools too, some even studied in a Christian school, did it make them any less Muslim or any less Malay or any less Bangsa Malaysia?
Then another one who claims to be a professional is asking certain races to pack their bags and go back to where they originated. I reckon this professional has an IQ of 50. Instead of contributing to the problem solving efforts he is stirring a hornet's nest. I bet he has never heard of "be part of the solution and not part of the problem"
I also came across another lame comment. To be 1 united race, we have to all speak the same common language.. I wonder who is the least capable in not trying to learn and capable to speak the universal language of the world - English?
As long as this country has this kind of people, this kind of mindset, this kind of stupid rationalization, given the day Judgement comes, Malaysia will never progress..
You like it or not that is a fact... So live with it unless you do something positive about it..
In the town where I attend my primary school (tanjong malim), i can observe two type of Chinese. Generally, the one who sent their children to mix school (methodist school) are from profesional type (cikgu, dentist etc), and the one who sent their childern to SRJK ChungSin are from totok type. Mereke ini jenis peniaga yg hanya berurusan dengan org melayu ketika process jual beli barang. No assimilation at all. They are in their own world, controlling the economy of the town.
I apprerciate some of the things Dr M did for the country but sometimes he appears to be taking this bahasa and bangsa issues way too far and it creates more and more discomforts among the different people in Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteAs for Bahasa kebangsaan - just ask the old man what do his own family (especially grandkids') first language, English or BM. Dan saya percaya ramai lagi pemimpin melayu dan keluarga mereka yang lebih selasa berbahasa Inggeris. kenapa ya?
hell with Bangsa Malaysia lets just be RAKYAT MALAYSIA!
Amacam bro, promote la konsep rakyat Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteI suggest that we should start to abolish all chinese and tamil school in Malaysia. They all are producing a lot of crab malaysian who can't even speak and behave like a real malaysian.
We should follow Thailand and Indonesia that only allow 1 type of education.
These people have deep hate towards Tun Mahathir......
Why must they still think of themselves as chinese or tamils.....
It is better for them to be imigrant in China, Singapore or India than a malaysian.
They all don't deserve to be malaysian by holding malaysian passport. Especially Hondraf problem with the british but make a lot of ruckus in Malayisia.....What the heck !!!!
Why don't they make demonstration in London or in India???? Now their leader is in London, why not make a suggestion to him to file a complaint and compensation with the british government????
Why did their supporter did not use their brain to think of it???
The answer is simple....this tamils are full of nonsense....
No wonder they want to import priest from India coz all of them , Indians in Malaysian are 3rd caste if they were in India.
That the TRUTH!!!!!
aku memang bengang tul ngan madey nih !
ReplyDeleteadake patut nuo aljub tu di penjara 6 tahun aje ..ciputnye .. pengkhianat melayu mcm tuu kalau dipenjara 60 tahun pun tak cukup.
selain pada tu madey ni bolehlah. kalau dia nak perintah mesia lagi 44 tahun aku tak kesah.
Ppl seems exited that black Obama is president of USA and ask when is non-malay will be the PM.
ReplyDeleteSo when is a Melayu going to be the Secretary-General of DAP?
We are all farking rasist, la.
MRSM Kalae Chepo 66/73
Mahathir, do you know why until today Chinese doesnt want to give up chinese school. It's simply because WE CHINESE dont feel the sincerity of the immigrant MALAY who lead UMNO, PAS (who still think THEY ARE born to be here - in fact they are from Indonesia)to lead this country and treat ALL Malaysian in fair term. Should these UMNO PAS people walk the talk being fair, I'm very sure chinese, indian, kadazan etc will be very much open up. Can you imagine, in one hand UMNO PAS bullying other races, AND yet insisting other races to give up more. Or should i be "SEXY" if i know you are a rapist or act like a rapist?....simple question to all
ReplyDeleteI can see how Mahathir Irks some so badly.. He has the ability to poke them where it pricks them most..
They are running wild with degrading comments on your blog - senile crap, bullshit, shut up old fart.. all they can garble out.
It makes me laugh how hot they become.. please do.. and get more perturbed.. I shall have fun seeing u distressed.. bloody morons trying to hijack this country to their whims..
As for people who have called Malays racists --
I must remind them, they are not so yet, when they really venge their REAL RACISM, that when its GAME OVER for you.. Time to pack your bags from this place..
Seems like you have had too much prosperity, freedom and peace..
nicely sitting back on your soft couch and garbling all obscenities towards the host race.
Mahathir, do you know why until today Chinese doesnt want to give up chinese school. It's simply because WE CHINESE dont feel the sincerity of the immigrant MALAY who lead UMNO, PAS (who still think THEY ARE born to be here - in fact they are from Indonesia)to lead this country and treat ALL Malaysian in fair term. Should these UMNO PAS people walk the talk being fair, I'm very sure chinese, indian, kadazan etc will be very much open up. Can you imagine, in one hand UMNO PAS bullying other races, AND yet insisting other races to give up more. Or should i be "SEXY" if i know you are a rapist or act like a rapist?....simple question to all
ReplyDeleteKenapa la semua tension sangat..
ReplyDeleteTeringat lawak dulu2...tapi dah ubah sikit..
Tokay Cina selalu cakap..
Takda untung ..takda untung..
India pulak cakap..
kadang kadang untung ..kadang kadang untung..
Sekarang Melayu nak cakap..
Cina balik Kwangtung..balik Kwangtung..
baru Melayu boleh untung...
hehehehe jangan mareh...
Dear All,
ReplyDeleteCorrection & Apologies.
In the 4th para of my posting, I wrote: "Obama, who must be in some ways a descendant of a slave, is today US President."
It should read:
"Obama, who must be in some ways related to a descendant of a slave, is today US President".
Thank you.
hahaha lol.. Jonathan .. you are witty...
ReplyDeleteYeah when HINDRAF can send a memorundum to British..
I guess...
Malays should send a memorandum to the British, yup.. 3 million pounds each day for every faggot and maggot they left with malays..
So Hindraf.. what say..
The blogger is not Mahathir Bin Mohamad because PAS is not a race-based party. At least, two of its ADUN are not Malay. The debates about race are more than before because the debaters are allowed to debate openly. To say that only racial issues have been mostly discussed after March is a delusion. Tun M is senile and I have no respect for him now. What is wrong in being Islamic, pro-Hindraf and pro Chinese educationists. I am not surprised by Tun's remarks (He is senile) but I am surprised by the number of commenters here who thinks highly of his remarks.
ReplyDeleteOn the issue of Bahasa Melayu (no such thing as bahasa malaysia), he tries to portray himself as the guardian of the language, when in fact he stunted the development of the language by forcing the schools to switch the medium to teach Math and Science.
He admitted that when he was in power, he believed in children of different races to go to one school but did not dare to merge the schools because of political reasons i.e. he did not do the right thing because of fear of not getting the political support. Poor man.
Satu keadaan yang amat menarik adalah apabila persoalan Bangsa Malaysia timbul ramai akan menekankan bahawa (sebahagian kecil) rakyat Malaysia tidak menekankan kepentingan Bahasa Malaysia dalam kehidupan mereka. SAYA SEORANG BUKAN MELAYU yang mempunyai rakan bukan Melayu yang mampu berdebat atau melibatkan diri dalam pelbagai aktiviti akademik dengan menggunakan Bahasa Malaysia. Saya berharap para penulis yang cuba mengutarakan pandangan yang bercanggah .....itu merupakan taktik murahan.
ReplyDeletePencinta BM
Alah, orang Melayu bodoh pun berlambak2 antar anak ke sekolah Cina...bangga sangat anak depa boleh pikir macam Cina kapir...
ReplyDeleteAku Anon
looking at the number of sick comments in this blog and some elsewhere too, i don't think there can ever be a bangsa malaysia. all these people want to do is hentam, hentam and hentam. and their target is not really umno or dr m, but the malays. with that i say to all malays, enough is enough and hidup 'bangsa melayu'.
ReplyDeleteto say that National schools are very good for the nation, may I ask why so many rich kids are sent to private schools like Garden school, International School and Tuanku Jaafar school and many rich families can send their kids to private or boarding schools in Europe and America....Have these people who preach about National schools no faith in local schools ? Maybe Tun can answer where his own family and cucu's are studying.
National schools are only "very good" for ordinary people,like me, is it?
My kid goes to a chinese school but she speaks excellent bahasa Malaysia and bahasa Indonesia and manderine and cantonese and of course english! Shouldn't we prepare our kids future not for doing business here in Malaysia but prepare them to communicate with the whole world ? How then can we be towering Malaysians, if we are "retarded" in conversing and communication skills ??
and to call Obama a decendent of a slave...hmmm....that is certainly unholy !
ReplyDeletesure the current schooling system is not ideal for national integration. if it is to go, there must be certain provisions. for one, the standards must be improved. two, students must have the avenue to learn other languages. third, the Ketuanan Melayu syllabus must be replaced with a more balanced one. fourth, NEP in its current form must go and meritocracy be implemented in all schools.
I give my full hearted support for a change in the schooling system including the gradual removal of chinese hig schools if the above are implemented. By the way, Mahatir, stop being a racist. It is realy irresponsbile to say that Chinese dont want to have anything to do with Malays. Go to a national school and see for yourself the cringing low standards. The profileration of private schools is already a damning evidence of the failure of national schools. And how many children of the Ministers are enrolled in international schools?
Language is just one element of national integration. Is the UMNO-led Government prepared to do away with the current form of NEP and Ketuanan Melayu which in my opnion, is the biggest contributing factor to the widening racial fault line. Who initiated the policy to malaynised the civil service, rocky? Who wants to show the malays he is more malay than them? you better ask Mahatir, who is your idol.
Bangsa Malaysia
My opinion about the use of languages :
ReplyDeleteSure, you can speak your mother tongue at home or among close friends, but never in a mixed group. Sad to say, through my experience of mixing with other races, this happens all the time.
Language is a unifying factor. Use BM and English to unify all under one nation and to communicate abroad. You don`t need to change your religion or custom to be united.
In your everyday life, if you exclude certain groups in your communication by choosing to speak your mother tongue, its not only down-ride rude, its also a form of racial discrimination. And it brings about distrust and contempt among the races that are left out.
What are the messy looking signboards in the streets of Penang all about? I dont see unity in it at all. That's more like promoting isolation and segregation of the races. Its dividing society, not uniting it. Methinks its a bad idea. If this is a the tip of an iceberg of what is to come if BR rules, I think you know where my vote lies in the next GE.
- All for a united Malaysia.
>>>Everything about our country is wrong.
ReplyDeleteIt is all about Mahathir & UMNO.
And it is never about any of us. We are ideal and perfect.
It is always somebody else’s mistake.<<
Hell, this is how Mahathir ruled the country for 22 years. He has no regrets he says. He won't say sorry.
Now why should we have any? Quid pro quo....
If someone wants to listen to his rant, go ahead. Just don't expect everyone to follow. Stop bitching about his not getting media time. He did the same to his political opponents. Even those in UMNO. His anointed successor Pak Lah just followed suit. Even here, you could see what a hypocrite Mahathir was.
Sorry but he doesn't quite cut it as a leader. He questioned Zaid's source of income. Fair enough. But then his sons' questionable ways have escaped his attention somehow? Must be an UMNOPutra thingy which non-UMNO could not understand. Anyway hypocrisy at such a highest order for the saviour of the Malays?
They think his scolding the West as something outstanding and brave, it never had any effect; it was just like a dog barking at the moon. Those countries regarded him as a corrupt tin-pot dictator, and we suffered that humiliation as well.
Fact is, his critics have been criticised as being unfair and unable to discuss his points rationally. Bullshit ! Mahathir's words are just being framed in the background of what he did while he was in power. He has been found wanting.
His schools concept then and now were just a smokescreen. If he had no problems having a race based political party system, why was he bitching about the schools? In Deminegara's well written piece, there was once a time when we would be Malaysians. We actually had that !
Remember the late 1970s when the Merdeka Tournament was a feature on the football calendar? I still remembered our football heroes and the heights they took the flag in those days. WTF happened when our football was UMNOised? Our hockey team? How captain Ow Soon Kooi, Foo Keat Seong and Poon Fook Loke starred for us in so many tournaments? Look at the setup now! Even sports which had a galvanising effect on our being as a nation went down the drain.
How much of that went wrong after Mahathir's time in 1981? Within a few years, we had Najib Mongolia's (the UMNO Youth Chief I believe) keris stunt and then Operasi Lalang. UMNOPutras escaped this action of course. Any wonder race relations took a turn for the worse? Recently after a pummelling at the March GE, we have similar sounds coming form the Ketuanan Melayu fellas. Wah, a political tool of people who claim to be representing Malays but barely made little ground past the 50% vote margin among the Malays in the last GE? So much for their dishonest claims, and they are blaming others instead of really dissecting the reasons for the loss of support. Fact is, Malays are already tired of UMNOPutra policies and their corrupt ways. They want to see change. But hardly along racial lines, they want to simply see better governance.
Mahathir's UMNO bullshit has no regard at all for the truth about the direction of race relation during his time and now. It is simply shit stirring; his brand of race politics isn't wanted then, it isn't wanted now.
Dr M talks like he did not contribute to the way things are today. He was PM for so long if anything everything happening now is accumulation for everything in the past.
Abang Blu,
ReplyDeleteHow about going Swiss. Over there they have Italians Canton, French Canton, German Canton and Turks Canton. Ok in case of Malaysia, Brickfields become Hindu Canton, Jinjang become Chinese Canton and the rest of Peninsular Malaysia become Malay Canton. He, He.
Abu Hassan
Old Boy SMK Pak Bado,
Pasir Putih.
There are couple of twisted logic statements by TDM:
ReplyDelete1) "In an off-the-cuff lecture on Bangsa Malaysia in Putrajaya this morning, he said if the outcome of the March general election was a rejection of racial politics, there would be less talk about race today. Instead, race has become a central issue since March."
It's a good sign that the population can speak more freely about race and racial issues and be civil about them. This is defintely a good sign.
2) "Obama, who must be in some ways a descendant of a slave, is today US President."
African citizens were never slaves. African citizens brought to the new continent were. Obama's dad was a Kenyan, not US black. His mum was a US white.
The statement is misleading, we might as well say all overseas Chinese are communists because China is.
3)"The blacks had tribes in Africa but after years in the US they all speak English. English is their mothertongue. The speak English at work, at school and at home. The same as the migrant Jews. They became naturalised American citizens. But they accpet that as Americans they must speak English."
Malay as a language does not have the same economic utility as English. US citizens can do well economically by knowing just English and not their respective 'ancient' monther tougue. Because of this, you cannot not learn English in Malaysia, it would be suicidal for a career. English is more important than Malay for the well being of each individual in their professional life.
4)"I'm not Malay Malaysian. Dr M said Bangsa Malaysia exists but mostly among Malaysians abroad, he said. "I've met many Malaysians overseas. Those who approached me introduced themselves as Malaysians, not Chinese Malaysians or Indian Malaysians or Malay Malaysians. Just Malaysians."
Good point. You can actually help this cause by banning any data collection of race in any goverment and private businesses. Race information should only be use for statistical purpose and not for decision making of any application. My race and my God is not a business for the government. Policies are formuated to help the needy, race blind.
apa lagi orang tua yg mengkaldaikan orang Melayu selama 22 tahun ni nak?
ReplyDeleteCukuplah selama ini dia menipu org Melayu yg kini dah mula sedar. Cukuplah. Dulu kata bila pencen nak tumpu pada ibadah tapi kini makin merapu tak tentu hala macam lembu gila.
APa yg diacakap dan dia tulis sekarang ni semuanya mengambarkan kebobrokan dirinya semasa menjadi pm dulu. APa lagi yg dia tak buat atas topeng Melayu.
Kira sudah cukup baik org tak baling dia ngan telur busuk.
Cukup la tun .... tutup mulut kau yg semakin busuk tu
Rakyat Malaysia lebih suka bergaduh dari menjaga keamanan dan kesejahteraan. Kenapa nak tamak-tamak. Asalkan boleh kerja, cari rezeki cukuplah. Mati bukan boleh bawak duit pun.
ReplyDeleteI think got many CIA agent here bring turmoil and chaos in Malaysia.
Singapura dah takde dalam Malaysia. Eloklah dibuang perkataan 'si' tersebut dan jadikan semula Malaya.
If you look at the statistics of Chinese families sending their kids to Chinese primary schools vs. national primary schools, the percentage in the former has increased tremendously since 60s and 70s. Let's set aside the views of Chinese educationist for a moment, these Chinese Malaysian families trully are calling out for better schools, better teachers, more delicated teachers, better teaching methods etc. I'm certain that many of these families do not placed learning Chinese first and foremost. It's being in that condusive environment for learning in the formative years for these kids.
ReplyDeleteThink about that. If national schools can learn from what makes the Chinese primary schools teach better, maybe we can reverse the trend in the next 50 years. Chinese primary schools will die a natural death if the alternatives are better. Government of any stripe, do you hear us? Despite the lopsided funding for SRK vs. SRJK, you still do a lousy job. If you're a private corporation, your schools wouldn't have any customers.
sbanpjman,do you know why until today Malay doesnt want to give up on hak istimewa melayu. It's simply because WE MALAY dont feel the sincerity of the immigrant CHINESE live with us.
ReplyDeleteJangan marah ek... kalau nak tulis tu tengok-tengokla diri tu sikit.
sbanpjman said...
Mahathir, do you know why until today Chinese doesnt want to give up chinese school. It's simply because WE CHINESE dont feel the sincerity of the immigrant MALAY who lead UMNO, PAS (who still think THEY ARE born to be here - in fact they are from Indonesia)to lead this country and treat ALL Malaysian in fair term. Should these UMNO PAS people walk the talk being fair, I'm very sure chinese, indian, kadazan etc will be very much open up. Can you imagine, in one hand UMNO PAS bullying other races, AND yet insisting other races to give up more. Or should i be "SEXY" if i know you are a rapist or act like a rapist?....simple question to all
USA has no national language la...
"This is the only country where we have different streams of schools: Chinese, Tamil and National schools."
ReplyDeleteThis is also the only country that does this in the education space:
provides a matriculation education for fast-track, place-guaranteed tertiary education to the majority of the majority race and the standard STPM for the majority of minority races. If the government wants to argue that matriculation and STPM standards are the same, do one of them: all qualified SPM school leavers go to Matriculation or all to STMP, but not both.
Many of commenter here feel the heat when DrM said those champion the Malaysian Malaysia are in fact those whose refuse to allow their children to go to national school and not even talk fluent national language. They looked STUPID by this old man statement, so just to cover up their own black faces, they go all out to ridicule DrM's view.
ReplyDeleteDrM statement have really EXPOSE those hypocrites!
Do this guy 'sbanpjman' deserve to be a Malaysian? This is a fine example of a parasite in the proposed Malaysian Malaysia.
ReplyDeletedr m is still the masterman of the day. Others are just bird-brain. Ade.
ReplyDeleteBalan said:
ReplyDelete"TDM's mistake to allow all chinese and tamil schools to grow. Not enough with that, he helped them financially. It's actually the mistake of those who agreed with the so-called 'Social Contract'."
Not to forget, licenses and land for private unis that won't allow membership into students' clubs and societies unless they speak Mandarin.
ReplyDeletewhat a pathetic correction and apology to cover up for your idol. sigh
MRSM asked:
ReplyDeleteSo when is a Melayu going to be the Secretary-General of DAP?
Soon. One malay is already the vice president, if i am not mistaken. If he is capable, he can be the next secgen.
On another issue raised by Tun DM:
PAS is not a race-based party, it is a religion-based party. Many could not distinguish one from the other (including even PAS members and Tun)due to the unfortunate fact that the majority of muslims are malays and not of other races. You must have certain sets of belief or ideology (i.e. islamic)to join the party.
Haha, Tun DID NOT even criticised about the other races. He merely issued a factual statement but by the looks of it, many could not adhere the truth and in rejection they became BLOODY RACISTS insulting the MALAYS frequently.
ReplyDeleteIt's the other races that's starting this wildfire insulting the HOST RACE OPENLY. Warning, do not perturbed the MALAYS too much or AMOK will BE UNLEASHED!
do what you preach... and why do all those pariah ministers & mps send their kids & grandcildrens to international schools when the medium of instructions is england & same time offering gce exams?
ReplyDelete1st thing 1st, close down all those fcuking international schools.
pordah!!! think first before spewing stinking shits.
I think it is unfair that politicians constantly harp about vision schools and we the people dont get to hear exactly why chinese school administrator were against the idea.
ReplyDeleteDr M and the likes of him are biased and may not have the interest of everyone when he speaks about it.
Lets not jump to conclusions that the chinese school administrators were racist without hearing their reason for rejecting it. I suspect the vision school issue was deeper than these UMNO puteras put it.
Just because Dr M says so doesn't make it true. Think people...there is more than meets the eye.
ReplyDeleteHey, why are we trying to convince each other that we are 'righter' than the other.
Cut the chase & stop all the bullshits
The constitution is there for our reading, and living.
That is our constitution, so just live with it.
Disagree with it?
Three choices
1) Use your smart brain (if you have one), and try to WIN THE MAJORITY. Then run the country as you please. Change the constitution if you want to. Change the history even if it pleases you
2) If you got enough money and think life is better elsewhere, GO and MIGRATE. Then go and celebrate their constitution.
3) Can’t produce and do both? Then BE A GRATEFUL BASTARD & SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Just learn how to live happily like the majority
floyd or anon 3.15,
ReplyDeletekalau ada mistake kena lah mengaku beb, macam nazri aziz ... uptight betullah kowe.
biasa la bro rocky.. mereka ni bukan nak jaga kerharmonian dan kesejahteraan malaysia sampai kesilapan kecil pun jadi isu besar.
ReplyDeleteI bet if all the above blogger be in goverment are they better than the current? Try your luck on next GE.
It's easy to talk but difficult to do.
Rocky's Bru said...
floyd or anon 3.15,
kalau ada mistake kena lah mengaku beb, macam nazri aziz ... uptight betullah kowe.
Theshi said...
ReplyDelete"Lets not jump to conclusions that the chinese school administrators were racist without hearing their reason for rejecting it. I suspect the vision school issue was deeper than these UMNO puteras put it.
Just because Dr M says so doesn't make it true. Think people...there is more than meets the eye."
FYI, I embarked on a multi-culti community program to integrate the Malays, Chinese and Indian kids in my neighbourhood but to get the participation of the Chinese vernacular school administrators (which have now succeeded in moving back to their premise, which was causing congestion in that area and was given a replacement school in Tropicana, after years of operating at a nearby temple) was the most difficult. The principal who was educated in Taiwan spoke only in Mandarin and English to my Chinese colleagues. And there was more 'bureaucratic redtape' in dealing with them than with any other schools that I know of.
Once in a while I agree with what Mahathir has to say, and I full agree that we must have only one stream - the National schools for all children, irrespective of race. Thus we will encourage all to mix and understand each other. The Pupils own language could be made compulsory thus giving each child an opportunity to learn his mother tongue. Teachers in vernacular schools can be absorbed into the national schools to teach Tamil or Chinese as needed.
ReplyDeletePoliticians should view this positively for the sake of a united Malaysian race, instead of playing the racial game.
The comments here exemplify what DrM says.. It proves him right..
ReplyDeleteThere are people slinging mud on Malays and DrM himself.
One guy mentions, Malay lang and Culture not a problem - ISLAM is a problem (Oh man!! This is stingingly anti-islam)
On the other hand, There is talk of kicking out some people out of the country, talk of "pack your bags"
i would like to see National school teach Mandarin, tamil and cantonese..
ReplyDeletebut i remember mahathir said, chinese association claimed this move was an act to eliminate vernacular school.
Pendapat aku, kalau bangsa cina tak mahu masuk sekolah kebangsaan lantak mereka la.. asalkan sekolah kebangsaan ajar bahasa cina dan india dan english.
Kita kena pupuk bangsa melayu jadi competitive dan berdaya saing bermula dengan penguasaan pelbagai bahasa. KITA KENA USAHAKAN IA MENJADI REALITI DARI SEKARANG!!!
10-20 tahun nanti, apabila generasi melayu ini keluar dan berada di alam pekerjaan, mereka dengan mudahnya dapat mengalahkan bangsa minoriti(yg ungkit kata mereka ni handal dan bijak sangat).
Dan saya mahu tengok masa itu satu demi satu bangsa minoriti ini yg kalah di tangan kita bangsa majoriti, angkat kaki cari peluang rezeki di negara lain..
sapa sokong angkat tangan!!
You can't possibly use Bahasa Malaysia to move the country forward. This language does not have what it takes to give us the knowledge we needed to move ahead.
ReplyDeleteIf the language is great you won't need to force people to learn. Everyone is learning English and Chinese is getting more important, this are the language of the future.
Why trouble your people to learn Malay? If you learn Malay you will sink but if you learn English and Mandarin you can swim any Sea and any Ocean of challenge.
People who want to champion BM doesn't know that they are making Malaysia from Boleh land to Bodoh land to Busok land.
I read all the comments here and some of the are really nasty. I think it is a case of "siapa makan cili terasa pedasnya".. hehe
ReplyDeleteEddy, you couldn't have put it better!
In this world some people are always marginalized, be it for the next 50 years or 1000 years.
ReplyDeleteBM is a language for the marginalized. Dr M is smart because he learn English and he is also selfish because he want everyone else to learn on BM.
He doesn't want to be marginalised but he want everyone else to be trap so that this people are always poor, always calling him Tun.
Say no to BM!
Firstly, we have to understand why we need to go to only 1 school (not Malay/Chinese or Indian) when we are young (7yrs to 12yrs). Its for the assimilation - where the kids can understand the different ways of life of the races in Malaysia. Than only we can talk about Bangsa Malaysia. Language (BM/ BI) would be secondary.
ReplyDeletePresently, they only mix when they enter form 1 (i.e. 13 years old). By then, they already have their own friends from primary school and would find it difficult to befriend each other, esp. of different race & religion.
>>That is our constitution, so just live with it.<<
ReplyDeleteAnd your listed solution was just as dumb, out of touch and obsolete just like Tun and his commments.
He was and remains a dictator who probably had the ability to lead the country to greatness but descended to petty self-serving, nepotistic and racist politics to remain in power. In so doing, he brought the country to its darkest times yet. From a country way ahead of Korea in the 60s, their economy is now 3 times of Malaysia. So much for Tun's "success". That, the social contract and Ketuanan Melayu definitions must come from UMNO's book of daft definitions.
Disagreeing with UMNO's interpretation of the Constitution is normal, even the Royal professor had some real issues with it, right? You would think we would need a constitutional law expert or maybe a judge to give meaning to it. Oh lest we forget, Tun removed the powers of the judges by amending the constitution during his time.
You think Tunku (another ex-member of UMNO) would have agreed with the UMNO intepretation of the Constitution he helped draw up back then? Now when UMNO's self-serving interpretation of the constitution comes up they find themselves unable to answer. (uh-oh, it's time for our UMNO's routine blame someone else when we lose support in GE time !)
So where does it say you have to be a racist to run the country? Racism is simply the mask behind which UMNOPutras have been robbing the country blind. Oh, under the pretext of jaga kepentingan orang Melayu. Not under my name la UMNO woi.
Lim Guan Eng wrote a worthy reply to Mahathir's rant (it's someone else's fault Mahathir tells us), and even came up with an anecdote of how the Malays in Terengganu (one of the richest states!) are not faring any better under that racist-and-proud-of-it party. Now they are even bickering over Petronas royalty. That's UMNO for you.
Now we see fights breaking out of their meetings. Duit punya pasal, jangankan kaum lain, Melayu satu parti pun bergaduh. You want to take the lead in unity issues? Maybe these UMNO fellas should shut the fuck up and really have a look around. It's bad enough they are so corrupt, now they turn around and preach to us about unity, nation-building and good values ?? The Jews call this chutzpah, although UMNO would probably call this "biasa la.... tak mau miss syorruuuu"
Come off your membela-Melayu soapbox, your money-stealing bluff has been called already!
Good luck in the UMNO AGM, may the richest benefator win. As if you didn't know. Just remember to pay off the Disciplinary Committee as well!
BM should be abolished from the School system because people who learn this language and without mastering English are always marginalized.
ReplyDeleteThe world is moving forward and Malaysia is moving backward. Down with BN and down with the nationalist, this people does not have a clue how to move the country forward.
You can't compare to international language like English and Chinese, learning is like the "Have" and "Have not", those who don't learn this language are always the "Have not". Please help Malaysian to see the light and abandon BM.
Havard Scholar
hi rocky's bru,
ReplyDeleteNow everybody know the true color of some non-Malay or non-Bumi or non-Muslim who lives in Malaysia. All this while they have grudge, hatred deep inside their heart. And now (from GE12) they throw out all this shit just to tell others how they feel.
It's good when you tell other on what you feel. It make you relief. If not do this you may get soon or later a heart attack, cancer, psychopath etc. When that happen even the Dr cannot help you.
So, what is your next step? Keep complaining? Keep mumbling?
What i can suggest is you yourself must open your eye wider. Look around you. You will see a Jalur Gemilang, you can see tall building (most of it belong to your own relative), you can see your own temple, church, you can see your relative drive a Merc, BMW while most of the Malay, Bumi, drive a Proton, you can see your own relative stay in a huge house, bungalow, etc etc etc and yet you claim that all this Malay or Bumi or Muslim have make you poorer. You are allowed to vote on every GE and yet you claim that the Malay are keeping your mouth shut. You can earn as much as you can from this prosperous land and yet you claim the Malay try to limit it. Are you blind enough to see all this??????????
The problem raise due to there are more Malay in Malaysia compare Chinese or Indians. So the government need to improve the majority first. The others still earn attention only less. It just like we have 5 kids at home, it is very sure the parent wiil treat the kids each differently base on age, sex, knowledge, 'special kid' etc etc etc. Do you noticed this at home? Unless you are the only one......
So, what the havoc for? Try to be a hero? Just make love, respect and unite so this prosperous land will benefit all of us.
Don't blame the Chinese, they only choose the best for their children.
ReplyDeleteIn the 1960s the English School are the best so the Chinese send their children to English school.
In the 1980s till now the Chinese School are the best so the Chinese send their children to Chinese school.
If the National school can be the best school for tomorrow I am sure they will convert them to National school.
So why blame them if you can't make your school to be No.1? Try harder my friend.
Is Ketuanan Melayu only good enough to make 3rd rated school? This is not Ketuanan Melayu but Keturunan Melayu.
Hey, good idea Dr.M. Seriously, the "Jenis" schools need to be gradually integrated into the national school system, with Mandarin or Tamil as a Language subject. But thats only one step towards integration. The other(s) is to improve edu standards in our SK schools so parents (including Malays) won't have to worry about our current declining standards & racial misbehavior by teachers & principals.
ReplyDeleteBut at the same time, the NEP and other race-based government policies needs to be made over to become class-based. No more of that discounts/allocations based on race nonsense. That way, you can actually achieve the integration we want.
I wonder if the Tun did notice a big contradiction calling for a Bangsa Malaysia, but defending race-based political parties in the next moment? Ever wonder what would happen to his support in UMNO if he DID support an end to race politics?
ReplyDeleteYou meant the Singapore Malays were the pendatang in Singapore? and you are mad when people say alot of Chinese still cannot speak Malay properly? Which planet do you come from? You must be joking...
The numbers in this list are the number of books for you to read online 24x7; each averages 500 pages; all the latest or more relevant; some to postgraduate level; there is no duplication. People from over 190 countries visit this list every day and this list is only one of thousands others; another list has some 160,000 books you can pick and choose, and so on.
ReplyDeleteAll of them are in the english language; there is none in the malay language.
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If you click on say Science General [31372], you will see the first page (out of its 3,105 pages) as:
The Chemistry of Organic Germanium, Tin and Lead Compounds (Chemistry of Functional Groups) (January 17, 2003)
By Zvi Rappoport
ASIN /ISBN: 047149738X
The Chemistry of Organic Germanium, Tin and Lead Compounds (Chemistry of Functional Groups), (October 1995) The Chemistry of Organic Germanium, Tin and Lead Compounds (Chemistry of Functional Groups), (October 1995)
By Editor: Saul Patai
ASIN /ISBN: 0471942073
Inorganic Chemistry in Focus III Inorganic Chemistry in Focus III
By Gerd Meyer, Dieter Naumann, Lars Wesemann
ASIN /ISBN: 3527315101
Investing in Renewable Energy: Making Money on Green Chip Stocks (Angel Series) Investing in Renewable Energy: Making Money on Green Chip Stocks (Angel Series)
By Jeff Siegel, Chris Nelder, Nick Hodge
ASIN /ISBN: 0470152680
Topics in Current Chemistry 210, Dendrimers II: Architecture, Nanostructure and Supramolecular Chemistry Topics in Current Chemistry 210, Dendrimers II: Architecture, Nanostructure and Supramolecular Chemistry
By Fritz Vogtle (Editor)
ASIN /ISBN: 3540670971
Machine Learning
By Tom M. Mitchell
ASIN /ISBN: 0070428077
Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology 2nd ed Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology 2nd ed
By Bharat Bhushan (Editor)
ASIN /ISBN: 3540351728
Towards Synthesis of Micro-/Nano-systems: The 11th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE) August 16-18, 2006, Tokyo, Japan (Jspe Publication Series) Towards Synthesis of Micro-/Nano-systems: The 11th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE) August 16-18, 2006, Tokyo, Japan (Jspe Publication Series)
By Fumihiko Kimura (Editor), Kenichiro Horio (Editor)
ASIN /ISBN: 1846285585
Nanotechnology and Nanoelectronics: Materials, Devices, Measurement Techniques Nanotechnology and Nanoelectronics: Materials, Devices, Measurement Techniques
By W.R. Fahrner (Editor)
ASIN /ISBN: 3540224521
Herbal Supplements-Drug Interactions: Scientific and Regulatory Perspectives (Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences) Herbal Supplements-Drug Interactions: Scientific and Regulatory Perspectives (Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences)
By Y.W. Francis Lam, Shiew-Mei Huang, Stephen D. Hall
ASIN /ISBN: 0824725387
If you click on each title, you read the whole book; there are some links to entire encyclopedias, handbooks, primers, modules, etc.
My point is this:
while the rest of the world are rushing to become more progressive, open-minded and intelligent besides more knowledgeable about everything, we seem to be going completely backwards.
The above list is just an example of how impossible the task is to try and translate the entire set into bahasa malaysia. Who knows those subjects enough to translate accurately and within context let alone have the right terminology to construct the sentences? How long will translating one book take, when we have already fallen behind in so many ways? What is to become of all the younger generations if our policies make them lose focus and also push them to a blind corner, losing even more of what we had before, and then one day they find that they cannot understand, compete, produce or even get paid properly?
This post is just on one small aspect of the discussion; the other aspects others can take on.
What i want to stress and stress clearly is this:
don't let a blinkered group try to sentimentalize about anything; from history, you learn that they fall in that category of people who, not being able to adapt to the world, demands that the world adapts to them.
And someone says that it is just to make sure everyone speaks and uses bahasa malaysia and attends only one type of school and follow one type of education system, then since all these have already been done from the way the three MOE education reports have been implemented, why is there still a problem if they're so great?
The answer is plain and simple: they have failed because the citizens and students are smarter and see further than the education policy planner and that group. If the parents did not see the wrong directions and made their own corrections for their children, we will be worse off situation today in interacting with the rest of the world with whom we must work together, talk together and learn together.
Just as we have fallen behind so fast in athletics, we have also fallen behind in academics. Soon it will be other things. Do you like that? Do you want that for your children and their children?
sbanpjman is parroting what a lot of ignorant non-malays are saying.
ReplyDeleteLook at it this way sbanpjman, the Malays originated are from a region called the Malay Archipelago - go Google it up and see what region of the world it encompasses.
Whereas the Chinese and Indians originated from outside this Malay Archipelago, namely from China and India. So who is the pendatang now?
- Anti-racist but forced to take a racist stance because of idiots around me.
Begitu teruk sekali segala-gala yang berkait dengan Melayu kena belasah dan kena perleceh. Tidak sangka sampai ketahap ini jadinya... Wahai anak-anak peribumi.. Jadikanlah cacian-cacian mereka ini inspirasi..
Hope when Najib took over as PM he will show the non-bumi the true word of racism. Go Najib go...
ReplyDeleteMacamnilah kekawan, sesiapa yang tak suka orang malaysia yang masih mengamalkan bahasa pendatang,jangan pergi kedai dia kalau boleh.
Pergi ke kedai yang besar kemungkinan bayar zakat.
Mulakan dengan benda kecik ini sahaja.
Kalau rasa kamu bayar lebih di kedai yang kemungkinan besar bayar zakat, ketahuilah yang lebih itu akan pulang kepada ummah mu.
Tapi jika kamu beli di kedai yang past tidak akan bayar zakat, ketahuilah yang anda melemahkan kan ummah mu.
Dear Bro,
ReplyDeleteHow can people say that this old man is mad, crazy etc. Dia nampak dan tunjukkan kita yang bahlol ni banyak benda yang kita semua belum nampak lagi.
If the blues people can call Eric Clapton 'God', then I have the right to say 'Mahathir is God'.
You can accuse me of being a murtad, but who cares. God and Allah are two entirely different things, if you catch my drips.
inumsams, you are a moron.. you are missing my point entirely.. no point wasting my time arguing with shallow minded person like you...
ReplyDeleteThe national language is BM, the nation's second language is English. These two are enough to get us through as a nation united. All the comments in this blog post prove it all. Only BM and English are used by the commenters. No need for other languages.
ReplyDeleteI rest my case.
anon 9.57pm,
ReplyDeletesetuju dengan cadangan anda, malah kalau kita mempunyai sifat bertanggungjawab terhadap agama,bangsa jika membeli barangan di hypermarket utama kan buatan kaum muslim/bumiputera sahaja.
mudah saja tu kan....
ReplyDeleteInumsams dan Salam (9.57pm - 13/nov) saya menyanjung cadangan anda.
Marilah bersatu, biar berbeza umur, jantina, lokasi, pandangan politik dsbnya tetapi matlamat memajukan Islam dan Melayu mesti dilaksanakan.
Bak kata seseorang yang berpesan untuk orang Islam dan Melayu "kalau pun tak mahu membantu orang Melayu, lebih-lebih lagi Islam, janganlah kita tergolong atau bertanggung jawab menyumbang pada pembunuhan kegiatan amal orang Islam dan Melayu". Mari boikot orang kafir di Malaysia ini......
I have all the respect and admiration for TunM. He is THE BEST, the very BEST.
ReplyDeleteThose of U using "SENILE" to address him, go and say that STRAIGHT to his face. Ayoyoyoyo.. nak tengok sikit?
Terberak dalam seluar nanti.Silap2 you will suck your toe infront of him out of pure shame. Sendiri turned nyanyok!!
So make sure before meeting him, use adults pampers, double layer!!
hehe, dia jentik dari jauh pun dah melenting!!
I understand why Dr M wants to bring down people who supports Bangsa Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteDr M is a man who understands a lot of things better than most of us put together, and as a wise old man, he would understand that the only way UMNO is going to continue to rule this country is when notion such as Bangsa Malaysia does not come true.
We all now know how the British divided and rules us during the colonial years and the only reason we fell to their tricks was because people of Malaya were suspicious of the other races the British brought in.
If we all admited that the British divided and ruled us, then why can't we admit that Dr M and UMNO have been doing the same thing to us for the past 50 years to rule us?
The British came to Malaya for the richness we have on our land. What makes you think UMNO and Dr M were not doing it so that they could get the maximum of our land into their pockets?
Imagine this:
1) if a young Malay boy can understand, read and write in Chinese, it will open up his career opportunities in all Chinese speaking countries.
2) if a young Chinese boy can understand, read and write in Arabic, he can now work in places like Saudi, Dubai or Abu Dhabi.
3) if a young Indian boy can understand, read and write in Chinese, he can work in all Chinese speaking countries.
Now, can you all imagine how great it would be our children if this were true?
That is what Bangsa Malaysia is all about - every boy having equal opportunity to everything in life because he has the right qualifications.
And not "kulit-fication".
Unfortunately for us, Hishamuddin understand this fact from the old man. That is why Sekolah Wawasan is never spread country-wide. And the same reason why our very own Education Minister is putting his children in some private school and not our usual Sekolah Kebangsaan.
yang bukan melayu dan bukan bumiputra kamu semua nak apa lagi... kamu cari dalam dunia nih bangsa mana yang sanggup berkorban segala gala nya...kamu bangsa yang tak tau berterima kasih ...pada kami . nak sekolah ikut bahasa sendiri lepas tu nak kan bangsa malaysia ...konon...tak tau di untung.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThe numbers in this list are the number of books for you to read online 24x7; each averages 500 pages; all the latest or more relevant; some to postgraduate level; there is no duplication. People from over 190 countries visit this list every day and this list is only one of thousands others; another list has some 160,000 books you can pick and choose, and so on.
All of them are in the english language; there is none in the malay language.
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If you click on say Science General [31372], you will see the first page (out of its 3,105 pages) as:
The Chemistry of Organic Germanium, Tin and Lead Compounds (Chemistry of Functional Groups) (January 17, 2003)
By Zvi Rappoport
ASIN /ISBN: 047149738X
The Chemistry of Organic Germanium, Tin and Lead Compounds (Chemistry of Functional Groups), (October 1995) The Chemistry of Organic Germanium, Tin and Lead Compounds (Chemistry of Functional Groups), (October 1995)
By Editor: Saul Patai
ASIN /ISBN: 0471942073
Inorganic Chemistry in Focus III Inorganic Chemistry in Focus III
By Gerd Meyer, Dieter Naumann, Lars Wesemann
ASIN /ISBN: 3527315101
Investing in Renewable Energy: Making Money on Green Chip Stocks (Angel Series) Investing in Renewable Energy: Making Money on Green Chip Stocks (Angel Series)
By Jeff Siegel, Chris Nelder, Nick Hodge
ASIN /ISBN: 0470152680
Topics in Current Chemistry 210, Dendrimers II: Architecture, Nanostructure and Supramolecular Chemistry Topics in Current Chemistry 210, Dendrimers II: Architecture, Nanostructure and Supramolecular Chemistry
By Fritz Vogtle (Editor)
ASIN /ISBN: 3540670971
Machine Learning
By Tom M. Mitchell
ASIN /ISBN: 0070428077
Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology 2nd ed Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology 2nd ed
By Bharat Bhushan (Editor)
ASIN /ISBN: 3540351728
Towards Synthesis of Micro-/Nano-systems: The 11th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE) August 16-18, 2006, Tokyo, Japan (Jspe Publication Series) Towards Synthesis of Micro-/Nano-systems: The 11th International Conference on Precision Engineering (ICPE) August 16-18, 2006, Tokyo, Japan (Jspe Publication Series)
By Fumihiko Kimura (Editor), Kenichiro Horio (Editor)
ASIN /ISBN: 1846285585
Nanotechnology and Nanoelectronics: Materials, Devices, Measurement Techniques Nanotechnology and Nanoelectronics: Materials, Devices, Measurement Techniques
By W.R. Fahrner (Editor)
ASIN /ISBN: 3540224521
Herbal Supplements-Drug Interactions: Scientific and Regulatory Perspectives (Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences) Herbal Supplements-Drug Interactions: Scientific and Regulatory Perspectives (Drugs and the Pharmaceutical Sciences)
By Y.W. Francis Lam, Shiew-Mei Huang, Stephen D. Hall
ASIN /ISBN: 0824725387
If you click on each title, you read the whole book; there are some links to entire encyclopedias, handbooks, primers, modules, etc.
My point is this:
while the rest of the world are rushing to become more progressive, open-minded and intelligent besides more knowledgeable about everything, we seem to be going completely backwards.
The above list is just an example of how impossible the task is to try and translate the entire set into bahasa malaysia. Who knows those subjects enough to translate accurately and within context let alone have the right terminology to construct the sentences? How long will translating one book take, when we have already fallen behind in so many ways? What is to become of all the younger generations if our policies make them lose focus and also push them to a blind corner, losing even more of what we had before, and then one day they find that they cannot understand, compete, produce or even get paid properly?
This post is just on one small aspect of the discussion; the other aspects others can take on.
What i want to stress and stress clearly is this:
don't let a blinkered group try to sentimentalize about anything; from history, you learn that they fall in that category of people who, not being able to adapt to the world, demands that the world adapts to them.
And someone says that it is just to make sure everyone speaks and uses bahasa malaysia and attends only one type of school and follow one type of education system, then since all these have already been done from the way the three MOE education reports have been implemented, why is there still a problem if they're so great?
The answer is plain and simple: they have failed because the citizens and students are smarter and see further than the education policy planner and that group. If the parents did not see the wrong directions and made their own corrections for their children, we will be worse off situation today in interacting with the rest of the world with whom we must work together, talk together and learn together.
Just as we have fallen behind so fast in athletics, we have also fallen behind in academics. Soon it will be other things. Do you like that? Do you want that for your children and their children?
8:04 PM
Hoi Jamil1952,
Kenapa hang ni bodoh sangat. Sapa kata nak translate semua buku-buku tu ke BI? Sapa kata BI tu nak dibuang? Kan kerajaan dah tetapkan BI tu bahasa kedua! Dan matapelajaran Sains dan Matematik pun kena pakai BI. Hang ni tak pernah ke sekolah ke? Bodoh piang!
Hang ni moron ke? Buat apa senaraikan panjang-panjang benda-benda yang semua orang dah tahu? Memang hang ni bingai dumbhead! Jamil oi......
Frankly speaking, I think nothing impressive about Chinese in Malaysia. Their forefathers were traitors to their motherland, China. They left China in preference to become British coolies. Even Den Xiao Peng then refused to accept them back into China when Tun Razak wanted to send them back balik kampong.
ReplyDeleteThats all there is about these 'rejects'. The Malays were sooooo oblighing when they took these rejects as their 'family' and look how these rejects repay.
teohjitkhiam said...
ReplyDeleteTo those anonymous commenters/posters (Tak berani ke letak nama sebenar? Apa dah!) here who tried to repudiate my statement on history without any substantial facts to back them up or throwing red herrings about; PLEASE READ AND STUDY MORE BEFORE COMMENTING. THANK YOU.
9:11 AM
1. Bro anti-jamil 1952, relax bang buat bertenang, sebenarnya saya rasa Mamat Jamil 1952 tulis salah tajuk lah. Saya syak dia ini pergi belajar kat Private Chinese School Korikulum dari Taiwan lah tu, orang cakap lain dia maksud lain. Mangkuk Hayun si Jamil 1952 ini.
ReplyDelete2. Anonymous 12.10am, I am afraid you may be right, with the kind of moaners, ungrateful and I am more superior attitude of some of these people who calls themselves Malaysians, I would not be surprised if Motherland China would not want these minority to come back even if they are rich, brilliant and educated.
We must respect God and he had planned for us how the world should conduct ourselve. He planned many languages for this world, some are in 1st class others are not. Of course 1st class language are for those who want to join as "big boys" so that they can run a fast track. There are many other language that cannot make it to the 1st class and this kind of language are only good for local community small talk, to have some fun.
ReplyDeleteWhen you choose a language to learn always learn a 1st class language, this will well prepare for the challenge you will face in the coming year ahead in international stage. Is important for you children to learn English and Mandarine, you cannot subtitute this languages because if you do you would be condempted by God and you would be marginalized in this world.
Like in any particular race, you will find a few smart guy who embrace this 1st class language and they excel as leaders who eventually climb up with higher social status. That Moron Tun Dr M is one, he is good in English and see how rich is he? Look at the Afercian leaders? All of them are super rich but all the population are so poor.
Send your Chidren to English school and if that isn't available send them to Chinese school. Do not send your children to schools that only prepare them to be marginalized, those language they use are not choosen by God to use as the language of Science and Business. Be careful and think smart.
Truly agree with eddy
ReplyDeletePuak puak depa ni masih nak menidakkan yang sekolah jenis kebangsaanlah satu daripada punca..lepas tu berbelit kata salah org melayu la, salah mahathir...TO ME THIS RACE THINK THAT THEY CAN DO NO WRONG..AND IF THEY THINK THEIR RACE IS TOO GOOD FOR MALAYSIA, WHY BOTHER STAYING HERE THAN BEING BITTER EVERYDAY, THINKING THAT EVERY BAD THING HAPPENING TO YOU IS BECAUSE OF MALAY..dahla rocky aku dah benci sebenci bencinya dgn perangai depa ni...
kalau nko nak tgk bangsa yang paling berbelit bangsa cina la...bukan india....
ada pulak si anonymous yang ckp bukannya cina tolak sekolah wawasan tapi pasal sekolah kebangsaan syllabus UMNO...woii tolong jgn cakap benda yang nko sendiri tak tau....berbelit belit macam ular lak
yang depa nak kita ikut acuan singapore dan jadi sebijik macam singapore (org melayu dok bawah org cina)...baru la dorang puas hati dan DIAM....
I agree with Ahmad 11.55am.
ReplyDeleteSince the term word "bangsa" in "Bangsa Malaysia" is causing so much confusion, we should use a term which is not ambiguous.
"Rakyat Malaysia" is an all-encompassing term and removes the racial element from the equation.
Besides the word "rakyat" also denotes the egalitiarianism and equalities that we aspire to regardless of our ethno-racial backgrounds.
Bloggers led by Rocky Bru must create a new discourse centred around neutral concepts and constructs!
If Umno is not a race-based party then I'm not the long-lost brother of Ahmad Ismail and cousin of Khir Toyo.
ReplyDeleteEl Toro
anonymous (11.52) aka 'antijamil1952'
ReplyDelete"Kenapa hang ni bodoh sangat. Sapa kata nak translate semua buku-buku tu ke BI? ..."
The books are in English Language. If you want them in Bahasa Malaysia so that people like you and 'eddy' can be smarter and more knowledgeable (not to say both of you are stupid at the moment ;P), then they will need to be translated into Bahasa Malaysia.
Now, (a) will you and eddy be capable of doing that?
(b) if yes, when finish?
(c) if no, are you saying in effect that it is alright for all Malaysians to remain as mampus in the akal from not being able to read the latest and most important works that everyone else is doing, just because you demand all Malaysians to put priority on bahasa malaysia?
Look at our students who come out in the earlier batches taught only in bahasa malaysia. Let's say it's you - can you pick any subject out of that list and present a summary in either bahasa malaysia, or any other language, on what you think that subject is all about and how it can help progress Malaysia, and you and Eddy?
I read your response and straight away i see 1. bigotry, 2. narrow-mindedness, and 3. stupidity.
You are so blinded to your own ways you refuse to see reality. What you want is that other people must follow your way because:
i. you already assume they are all pendatangs, and have no right to this country on their own;
ii. your way is the best for the country.
You and your kind are entitled to your own opinion. I present you a list to show what the world is doing and all you can do is do an ad hominem argument on me. That already shows what you are made of.
It is a waste of time to even read your responses. They show poor upbringing but most of all stupidity against facts.
And you have the arrogance to push your weight around.. habislah!
I can now understand what our non-Malay brothers and sisters are going through. They have my sympathies. You don't.
rockybru, this is my last post here.