Monday, November 10, 2008

All-Blogs at MMM meeting

Tuesday, 10.30 a.m. at Putrajaya. The National Alliance of Bloggers or All-Blogs has been invited to the first meeting of editors and media stakeholders to discuss the proposed National Media Council (Majlis Media Malaysia or MMM) at 10 am in Putrajaya tomorrow.
The meeting will be chaired by Home Ministry's sec-gen Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof.
Representatives of the Centre for Independent Journalism executive director V. Gayathry and Malaysiakini chief editor Stephen Gan have also been invited. I will represent All-Blogs in my capacity as its protem president.

more soon ...


  1. Anonymous8:14 pm

    Who exactly is All-Blogs? Who are its members? Is it a registered association? Who do you represent? UMNO? MSM? Malays? Mahathir?


  2. Anonymous9:47 pm

    Mukhriz Lantang Biadap, Bodoh Macam George W Bush
    Dalam wawancara bersama akhbar The Star yang dipaparkan hari ini, Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir mengeluarkan beberapa kenyataan yang tampak agak janggal. Barangkali sungguhpun menjadi anak Tun Dr Mahathir, Mukhriz belum cukup ilmu politik kerana sesetengah keterangan dan jawapannya menonjolkan seorang yang kurang matang dalam pemikiran dan rumusan terhadap sesuatu fenomena mudah, inikan kebijakan politik mahupun intelek untuk memimpin pergerakan Pemuda UMNO Malaysia.
    Pertama sekali, Mukhriz menyatakan bahawa orang yang memberi wang atas namanya sebenarnya bukan ejennya, cuma orang yang mahu memburuk-burukkan namanya. Masya Allah, kamu ingat bodoh sangatkah kita ni Mukhriz? Di Ipoh Timur di mana Khir Toyo berjaya mendapat pencalonan KP Malaysia, Tun Amar (adik kepada Tun Faisal, antara penyokong Mukhriz yang kalah di Putrajaya kepada Dato’ Zaki Zahid) telah memberi ‘peluru’ kepada para perwakilan, tetapi malang buat Mukhriz, peluru Khir lebih hebat.
    Dan di Tanah Merah, ejen utama Mukhriz, Sazmi Miah berbuat sepertimana Tun Amar di Ipoh Timur dan berjaya mendapatkan pencalonan untuk Mukhriz. Mukhriz adalah anak Mahathir, darah daging Mahathir, dibesarkan oleh Mahathir, dan ramai memberi sokongan kepadanya pun sebab Mahathir. Dan Mahathir inilah bapa kepada politik wang UMNO. Manakan logik Mukhriz ini bersih?
    Yang peliknya, Mukhriz berani mencabar sesiapa sahaja membuktikan bahawa dia ada terlibat dengan politik wang dan jika terbukti beliau akan menarik diri. Wah, lantang sungguh. Tapi lantang yang angkuh dan biadap. Umum mengetahui politik wang memang wujud dalam parti UMNO, tetapi memang amat sukar membuktikannya kerana calon akan menggunakan proksi atau ejen untuk menghulurkan rasuah kepada para perwakilan. Maka sebab itulah Mukhriz berani berkata sebegitu. Yang selamat dia berani lah, isu yang ada risiko sedikit kepadanya, Mukhriz tidak berani - debat pun tak berani! Slogan Mukhriz wajar diubah dari Berani Berubah kepada Berani Bertempat.
    Kenyataan janggal kedua dalam wawancara adalah apabila Mukhriz berkata bahawa jika beliau kalah di Mac nanti, maka suara akar umbi tidak akan tercapai kerana “jelas sekali akar umbi memang nakkan saya, ”. Mentang-mentang mendahului pencalonan, Mukhriz sudah cukup bongkak. Kini Khairy sudah 52 pencalonan, dan Khir Toyo 62 pencalonan, adakah bagi Mukhriz lebih seratus bahagian yang tidak mencalonkannya bukan merupakan ‘akar umbi’? Mengapa Mukhriz begitu sombong cuba mengatakan beliaulah suara sebenar akar umbi?
    Dan jika pun orang yang mendahului pencalonan itu adalah suara sebenar akar umbi, Mukhriz sendiri mengakui bahawa ada orang yang memberi rasuah atas namanya. Jadi sudah pasti kalau pun orang-orang tersebut bukan ejen Mukhriz - yang memang kita tak percaya - keputusan para perwakilan di peringkat Bahagian sudah dicacatkan dengan politik wang atas nama Mukhriz Mahathir. Jadi, apa maksud kau Mukhriz?
    Mukhriz perlu banyak belajar lagi. Sudah lah SPM dulu Gred 3, hujah dan pemikirannya seakan-akan budak sekolah. Hujah yang tak konsisten, yang tidak masuk akal dan tidak selari antara satu sama lain wajar merisaukan para perwakilan. Ketua Pemuda UMNO sekarang ini perlu hebat dan bijak, bukan yang penakut dan kelam kabut. Tapi bagi kami seronok pula baca wawancara Mukhriz ini - macam seronok tengok George W Bush sebab kelakar.
    Tempoh hari, Mukhriz ada ditanya soalan “Apakah pencapaian anda yang boleh dibanggakan?” Jawapannya, “Saya ada kilang fiber optik; semua fiber optik di Malaysia ini kilang saya punya”. Sudah la jawapan itu tidak ada kena mengena dengan perjuangan politik Pemuda, jawapan Mukhriz itu juga ‘mengkantoikan’ dirinya sendiri. Sebab bapak kau PM dulu la kau dapat monopoli bisnes macam tu! Kah kah kah.

  3. Anonymous10:32 pm

    Thanks and good luck, Rocky.


    Let's hope that the National Media Council
    Will be made up of people with unbiased wise counsel
    Without any real intention to be a 'legal' muzzle
    While bloggers try to sort out the socio-political puzzle

    (C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 101108
    Mon. 10th Nov. 2008.

  5. Would you know what's the agenda like.


  6. Anonymous11:50 pm

    Yo Bro,

    Could you also maybe since you are in Putrajaya, tell 'em we need the PUBLIC TRANSPORT COMMISSION, and maybe a COMMISSION ON CRIME AND PUBLIC SAFETY and also a COMMISSION ON DECLINING EDUCATION STANDARDS,please?

    thank you.

    And oh, also a commission on freedom of information on issues of greater public interest like food safety, health, environment, toll agreements etc2?? So that people can make informed choices and decisions?

    Terima kasih...

    (The media council obviously for political purposes only regulate more...tell 'em to win votes, the idea is to deal will issues affecting the people...the ones actually living the good old Malaysian nightmare of crime, pollution and transport woes?)



  7. Anonymous12:00 am

    good thing. pls propose for the govt to set up a special unit to monitor blogs. tell them not to pay attention to the ugly ones but some good blogs should be able to assist them in many aspects of administration.

    in some countries where the presidents and premiers got their own blogs, they are always 'on-line' to answer issues raised by bloggers and the press.

    we need such a healthy and efficient govt, too...

  8. They should invite what you are.
    Your blog and your personal self..are famous enough.
    And I believe..All still not officially I right?
    And few of your members have gone out to form....another association?
    I sincerely believe.. you are more respected and popular as RPK..than as "All Blog" President.
    This is meant to be a friendly sincere ulterior motives at open your eyes..not to be...lumped up with political bloggers..that are like described so "kickdefella" blog....right now.
    All the best.

  9. Sdra Bru,

    Elok sdra hadiri mesyuarat ini. Dan saya ucapkan tahniah kepada KSU kerana menjemput blogger dan pengendali portal berita untuk hadir sama. Saya harap Sdra akan bersuara dengan jujur dan lantang. Sdra cukup pengalaman dan pengetahuan untuk berbuat demikian. Saya menunggu laporan terbaru besok. Salam!

  10. Anonymous1:55 am


    Ada baca itu Hishamuddin Aun punya kulum ka? Itu hari ah, hari Ahad, itu Hisham ah, ada banyak itu jilat punggung Najib tau. Itu macam dulu lah. Dulu ah, dia ada jilat itu punggung Dollah Kok Lanas tau.

    Lepas tu ah, dia jilat itu kali punya belakang tau. sekarang dia ah, main kali punya belakang tau.

    Ahad lepas, dia ah, jilat itu Najib punya tau. Satu bulan lepas ah, dia kasi taruk itu Najib punya punggung tau. Itu masa ah, dia ingat, pak lah mau taruk itu Najib punya punggung. So ah, dia ingat itu Najib mahu pigi kubur.

    Sekarang ah, dia tau ah, dia sudah silap itu langkah. sekarang dia mau jilat itu najib pula.

    Jangan marah ah, rocky. Lu jangan jilat tau. tarak baik. kasi itu Hisham Aun jilat cukuplah.

    Hisham, kasi jilat sampai cuci tau. kalau tak cuci ah, lu kena cuci tau.


  11. Anonymous4:27 am

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Anonymous4:27 am

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Sdr Rocky's Bru,

    1. Tahniah kerana Blogs mula mendapat pengiktirafan;

    2. I was told the Majlis Media Malaysia is an independent body;

    3. If it is, why should a government official be calling for a meeting on the Majlis?

    4. Even the Malaysian Press Institute is not seen as independent anymore when it received a large grant from Information Ministry and changed its name to Malaysian Press Foundation;

    5. Way back in the 1980's we initiated this idea under the now defunct ONE (organisation of Newspaper Editors);

    6. It came about when the government was proposing to amend the OSA in 1987/88. ONE objected the amendments;

    7. For the Majlis to be independent and credible, it should not involve the government -- especially not the Home Ministry;

    8. I had some discussions with Journalism and media teachers of several universities. I think they can lead the agenda; and

    9. Nothing short of a respectable retired judge should be considered as chairman of the Majlis.

    Thank you.

  14. Anonymous9:06 am


    I do hope you guys will oppose to death the Printing Presses and Publications Act and the Official Secrets Act and not be bought over by this invitation. Please be firm against the Home Minister who does not know what he is saying or doing.


  15. Anonymous9:07 am

    Responsible blogging should be on the agenda.

    It's just like the days when people started reading books. They initially believed every word printed and had their own interpretations about it.

    In China, books and the print media were once considered bad and dangerous because some smart alec wrote nasty things about the ruling dynasty.

    Emperor Shih Huang Ti ordered all books to be burnt!

    Surely we could not get the Home Ministry to burn all our computers.

    Thus, responsibility plays a vital role in this meeting.


  16. Anon non-believer,

    All-Blogs was founded in April last year after NSTP sued Jeff Ooi (now YB) and I.

    It has a two-pronged purpose: to protect bloggers and the promote responsible blogging.

    More than 50 socio-political bloggers, including Anon bloggers, were there at the formation. Among the non-Anons were RPK, Sheih Kickdefella, Haris Ibrahim, and Jeff Ooi.

    The meeting elected me as the pro-tem President and Jeff Ooi as Vice President.

    Sheih was part of the interim committee but formally resigned sometime later. After the March GE, we were hoping to try and change the line-up, seeing that Jeff and Elizabeth, a committee member, are YBs.

    The All-Blogs has agreed to be non-partisan.

    Since us, we have seen several other blogging groups being formed, including the Muslim Bloggers Alliance and the Barisan Rakyat Bloggers.

    Thank u.

  17. Bro Rocky,

    What would be the main agenda for this meeting, to discuss about the proposal of MMM? or something to be propose such as blogger ethic and blogger guidelines?

    I'm very agree with Datuk AKJ. Majlis should be more independent and credible. It should not involve the government especially with the Home Ministry.

    ok, please update us on this. I believe in All-Blog to represent our deepest desire on blogging.

  18. I don't think blogs should fall under the purview of this new body.

    It is bad press for them to amend the Act or go back on their word to censor the internet, so they create a new catch-all control mechanism, probably packed with their cronies holding all the levers.

    That is my first reaction to this proposal. Maybe I am wrong.


    My only wish is while we fight for bloggers freedom to write; we must also fight for bloggers responsibility towards what they have written.

    Then we won’t be seeing bloggers trying hard in court to disassociating themselves from the posted articles they claimed to champion.

    Remember, the right to blog does not include LYING & MAKING UP STORIES.

    Just look a Raja Petra in court yesterday.

    He should just admit he wrote the article, and the court could go straight to the main issue!

    Why go on technical?

    Running away?

  20. Please note that All-blog has yet to be registered and at present it is still not a legal entity. I have advice against forming such organization. In cyberspace we are free, why get bog down with legislation.

    As for the Media Council I do not think it is a wise move to form one in a democracy. Leave the Mass media free of legislation like in the US. Remember legislation that introduce licensing for the Media was introduced by the British in all it former colonies to control the free flow of information and ideas. We should scrap the licensing so that the Media have a total freedom and act a forth branch in a democracy like in the US.

    Have a nice day.

  21. Anonymous10:14 am

    yups.tahniah bro..

  22. Bro,

    The so-called Media Council is probably nothing more than a body to corrupt the New Media.

    Its a classic British politics tactic/strategy. Surely you've heard of the Quangos, where Trade Unionists and who ever is anti establishments (at least their leaders) are rope in to become deputy chair or something.

    Once you are in the Committee, then you'd tend to have blinkers on: ie. looking at it from the Govt point of view.

    God knows we have enough MSN giving that view.

    Do us a favor: Give your Ringgits worth but refrain from taking up any offered post.

    Don't believe to oft quoted Umno adage of wanting to change the party to the better from within.

    It will never happen.

    Remember, Bro: Blinkers.

  23. Anonymous10:28 am

    Hey Rocky,

    Good to know that you've been invited as All-Blogs interim president.

    And if I know'd be SPEAKING and ASKING questions!


    Sock it to them, bro..

  24. Anonymous10:44 am

    Haiyya why no invite me one? Haiyya

  25. Anonymous11:17 am

    Akum Rocky

    Alahai Cina Buta huruf (Anonymous). U ni macam baru hidup dalam dunia ni. Cara u menulis U bekas Wartawan. Ipun bekas wartawan. Kita sama-sama jilat-menjilat semasa kita kerja dulukan.Kan kan? Nak hidup.Hishampun tak terkecuali. Apa yang U heran dan marah sangat. Semua blogpun kerja sama. Ada yang mengutuk Najib dah mula mengampu.Samalah mereka yang mengutuk Dollah.

  26. Dear rocky:

    "Way to go," reprising pardner JeffOoi's refrain.
    My appeal is that AllBlogs attend such meetings with an Open Mind; make decisions of the general principles of Media (old and new) independence; freedom of information and self-regulation as far as writers' independence is concerned; and as far as AllBlogs as an offical representativeentity is concerned, once the registration comes throught, call the First General Meeting to seek endorsement of key decisions wrt MMM. SHOULG THE MAJORITY THINK IT NOT POSITIVE TO PROCEED THE WAY THE GOVERNMENT PROPOSES, then it's up to the AlBlog members to decide on a democratic basis. Meanwhile, we trust the judgement of the Protem Council headed by your goodself. Keep us posted asap of what transpires...
    Cheers, YL, Desi

  27. Rocky...All Blogs agreed to be non partisan.
    But you said....zorro and Haris Ibrahim .are sponsored by Anwar......and so repeated your remark.. by kickdefella in his latest post.
    Can you enlighten us?

  28. Anonymous3:34 pm

    All Blogs non partisan? Kekekekeke....lawak betui siAhirudin...

  29. Anonymous3:36 pm

    who died and made you All-Blogs president? after two years and counting you are still protem president? still no election? are you hanging to power like your arch-enemy khairy? you forgot that susan loone was there during the birth of All-Blogs. so was rusdi mustapha, who merajuk-ed because he was not named a committee member. but no worries as he is now as happy as a barking magpie.

  30. Rocky,
    Pls keep us appraised of developments.
    And to all detractors:
    There is a creature of the Law called THE REPRESENTATIVE
    (ORDER 15 Rule 12 Rules of The High Court,1980}

    Godspeed, Rocky!

  31. Anonymous4:53 pm


  32. Anonymous5:53 pm

    Rocky, I have some concerns.

    Who is going to lead All-Blogs after Najib appoints you Group Editor in Chief of New Straits Times?

    There will be big shoes to fill at All-Blogs after you leave, and I don't think any other blogger will be up to it.

  33. Anonymous5:56 pm


    Thank you for attempting to clarify. In the interest of openness and credibility, I would request you to be less ambiguous and more forthcoming in answering these, which I repeat here:

    1)Who are its members?
    2)Is All-Blogs a registered association?

    Why isn't there an official blog to state, apart from the above, its aims and activities?

    Do your personal views in this personal blog Rocky's Bru reflect those of All-Blogs in your capacity as pro-tem president? Accordingly, what about the views of its members? Where's the diversity in views, the hallmark of bloggers and indeed of any free society?

    This is a most significant point given that All- Blogs is, according to you, supposedly "non-partisan", when your postings in this very personal blog very consistently reflect the opposite!!


  34. The All-Blogs has agreed to be non-partisan ? What Crap are you talking about Rock ? Have you been Reading the so called Non Partisan All-Blogs members Blogs lately ? Most of them should just group up and call themself All-AnwarPetra Blogs !And the venerable zorro can be their El-Presidente !

  35. not Elizabeth Wong a keDAILan parliamentarian?
    She should elected as DAP maintain "All Blog" is non partisan...correct??
    Leave Jeff alone...he was charged in court...and Malaysians will stand by you and Jeff all the way.
    All Blog..non partisan..should have political bloggers that are truly non partisan....such as NGOs Susan Loone..Patrick Teoh...Amin many more.
    All Blog..should not cater only for.. blog owners. You should pick and choose few honourable commentators committee members.
    I recalled Susan Loone was extremely unhappy. I will not go into that details..butshe is one blog owner...that will add strength to call "All Blogs".
    Now there is another political for Muslims political bloggers only...and it seems..that group have so many applicants.
    How many members have "All Blog" now?

  36. I think what Rocky is"All Blog" trying to change to be non partisan...NOW!!.
    But "All Blog" have yet to be officially registered. .showing clearly...."All Blog" is weak.
    Talk is cheap!!
    So throw out all the political bloggers...and start the change o be non partisan.
    You have one great welknown..non partisan blogger there..Patrick Teoh. You need to convince be your right hand be more active...and you need to pull in Susan Loone...Amin Iskandar. Invite kickdefella he has resigned from UMNO.
    "All Blog" should be brave and practical pick and choose...few committee members.
    All blog...does not mean only blog owners.....if you have that vision and far sightedness.
    Get your "All Blog" house in perfect order and live to your promise to be non partisan.
    If is better you attend all meetings as from Rockybru...which to my far far more popular than the so call "All Blog"

  37. Anonymous8:48 pm

    Read your comments on the formation of a media council in The Nut Graph.

    (Quote) National Alliance of Bloggers pro-tem chairperson Ahirudin Atan said he was opposed to the council. "I don't see how they can set up a single council to regulate print, broadcast and online media. I think the government is being overambitious."

    Ahirudin — who has a blog, Rocky's Bru — said any council should be independent. "The government must not be involved, especially the home ministry which regulates the (press) licence." (Unquote)

    Yep - the council should in no way be under any kind of ministry or government agency.

    Then again, need to think about punitive action should a member of the journalism fraternity be found by the majority of the council members to have flouted its laws/ bylaws / etc.

    In the Philippines, they set up an independent press council and later found that there was no way of enforcing any punitive action - the media organisations were so big that they just ignored the council's decisions. So there.


  38. Anonymous8:53 pm


    True, ture Agent Provocateur. At least MSM just do not print what they deemed sensitive or unpleasant to the powers-that-be.
    Bloggers on the other hand blatantly lambast their nemesis and beatified their fave persons.
    Who is worse?
    Rocky, I sense that you and Nuraina are beginning to soften towards Paklah?
    See you also trying to curry-favour Najib.
    what happened?

  39. And the suspicion will always be..."All Blog" are indirectly financed by Mahathir.
    You have to come out and explain clearly.....who is sponsoring the "All Blog" house?
    Why is "All Blog" events...consisting almost all pro Mahathir's supporters?
    Like I said..I do not support "All Blog"....but support Rocky/Attan...with my donation to you one of your event..for auctioning.
    Again..if it takes more than 2 years...still not means..."All Blog" is but a name...not real.
    So...get real..Rockybru!!

  40. Anonymous11:44 pm


    Kau yang bodoh macam Khairy! Mukhriz tak bodoh. Berapa Khairy bayar kau?


  41. Anonymous10:52 am

    The need for a free and unencumbered blogosphere is paramount if we aspire to disseminate news and views in an unbiased manner. But with freedom comes responsibility because freedom sans responsibility equals chaos. and responsibility means a strict adherence to reporting only truth and facts.

    So if we are hauled before the courts for what we write, we must have the gumption to stand by what we write, not hide behind the skirts of technicalities and other poppycock. That would amount to a "baling batu sembunyi tangan" mentality.

    We can crap about how brave we are about putting a face and a phone number to our postings but that does not negate the fact that we have to be responsible, even more so in a society where critical appraisal and evaluation of views is sorely lacking. If the intention of running a blog is to purely denigrate individuals, organisations, communities, religions not in sync with particular worldviews, then that is even worse than gutter journalism. Pray, tell me how one can claim that one is in the business of enlightening communities of readers on socalled injustices and inequalities when what is written amounts to nothing more than the suborning of truth,the massaging of facts to fit certain agendas and the blandishment of lies. So in the end, what is put out amounts to nothing more than vile drivel designed to further a certain cause. Shades of propaganda rather than information.

    Blogosphere in Malaysia has become factionalised by the entry of poseurs posing as proponents of "information free flow" when in reality they have a sharp axe to grind. They are nothing more than scum lurking behind the foliage of security afforded by cyberspace.Frustrated individuals and groups venting their angst at all and sundry.

    I agree with you, Rocky that new media remain the last frontier of freedom of expression. Hence, a media council to police this oasis of freedom would be a misnomer. But having said that, there is a need for a loose alliance of bloggers to smoke out and expose the miscreants in malaysian blogosphere who are in it for the fame, the gutter politics, the sensationalism of it all and the kickbacks.We owe it to ourselves and visitors to blogosphere to clean this virtual environment of such vermin and pests and it is about time that the laws of the jungle be unleashed, a no holds barred onslaught against the cyberpests to reclaim this turf for the rebirth of truth. Your blog with its incisive yet matter of fact reportage is a beacon of hope and a model worthy of emulation. Kudos to you for upholding the integrity of your profession even in your "forced exile". Here is hoping more blogs will take up the cudgels to bring about a new era of truthful reporting and factual commentary in blogosphere.

    Warrior 231

  42. hahahahaha...Zorro as President of
    "All AnwarPetra Blog" is best.
    That will teach Anwar how to be smarter and not simply sponsor gas bags.
    But then...maybe for judging characters...Anwar is very poor UMNO English speakimng ministers.! Me bad enough..but better that most of those Datuks....Tan Sri and Tuns......correct correct correct...nstman??.hahahahaha
    Seriously speaking...RPK is my man hero in political blogging.
    Mahathir may hero worship him..try to sugar and milk his him up..but he stayed loyal to Anwar.
    Did he choose the other two?
    Then RPK...judging characters also very poor la.........hahahahahaha

  43. Anonymous10:21 pm

    Great! now we have a ultra malay racist representing us blogger.. so much for new media.
    nothing is sacred anymore.. fcuk!
