18 tahun penjara terlalu lama?

Adakah hukuman yang dijatuhkan ke atas pendera Nirmala Bonat terlalu zalim? Pasti anda masih ingat akan foto2 ngeri di atas. Semasa berita tentang pembantu rumah dari Indonesia diseterika dan disiksa oleh majikannya meletup, saya masih menjadi pengarang di Malay Mail. Kami membuat liputan besar2an tentang kisah ngeri serta menyayat hati ini. Hingga kini, sukar untuk dipercayai bahawa ada di kalangan kita di bumi bertuah ini yang boleh bertindak sebegitu kejam kepada insan lain.
Pasquale berpendapat penjara 18 tahun yang dijatuhkan ke atas Yim Pek Ha adalah setimpal (klik s i n i) tetapi seorang blogger Malaysia yang menetap di luar negara, Gobloking, merasakan di sini bahawa ianya suatu hukuman yang zalim kerana Yim mempunyai anak2 kecil. Katanya 3 tahun penjara adalah memadai tetapi Yim mesti bayar gantirugi yang tinggi kepada Nirmala.
Bagi saya, hukuman yang berat perlu untuk mengajar sesetengah daripada kita supaya menghormati orang lain, walaupun ianya seorang pembantu rumah dari seberang. Sama juga mesej yang perlu dihantar kepada rakyat bukan negara ini yang bikin sial di sini merampok, merogol and menipu rakyat tempatan, iaitu makhamah Malaysia kita TIDAK akan bertolak ansur dengan penyangak dan penjenayah.
Baru minggu lepas makhamah menjatuhkan hukuman 32 tahun penjara dan 18 rotan keatas seorang rakyat Malaysia yang merogol pembantu rumahnya yang berasal dari Indonesia. Isteri perogol dikenakan 6 tahun penjara kerana bersubahat dengan suaminya dan kerana menenyeh cili pada kemaluan mangsa selepas dia dirogol. Nak baca, klik sini.
Sila baca juga laporan Malay Mail, Divided Feelings.
18 years is not enough for these acts of inhumanity. She will be answerable to God when she leaves this phase of life.
ReplyDelete"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools." -- Martin Luther King, Jr.
What about the husband? He just watched this sadistic torture and DID NOTHING!!!!! He should be thrown in jail as well.
ReplyDeletebla bla
YES ! if she is salah = 54 tahun & NOT just 18 years !! ( a cina too )
ReplyDeleteYim deseves to be scalded in the same way she did to her obedient maid. She must feel the pain when someone pours hot water onto her skin. This lady, despite of her wealth and richness, is human from outside but animal from inside.
ReplyDelete18 years if just about right, the level of cruelty she exhibited was simply intolerable
ReplyDeletetak macam manusia, macam binatang perangai dia
Rocky can you do a follow up on this
ReplyDelete"Meanwhile, a Christian religious leader said Christians should avoid yoga as it was a form of exercise grounded in religious beliefs. “Why must you get involved in a practice that has an intimate connection with a religion or religious belief?” said Rev James Wong of the Basel Christian Church of Malaysia in Sandakan."
18 years are definitely not enough. Just imagine if Yim is an Indonesian and the maid is a Malaysian, do you think that it is enough?
ReplyDeleteI have written about this and I am going to write again. I am not trying to be racist, but if you see the offender of the crime, for both cases, they are Chinese.
ReplyDeleteI know many rabid racist would like to accuse some other races of the tendency to commit hideous crime. These incidents is a lesson to all of us that crime is color blind.
The next time before you accuse some other races of the liking to commit crime, please ponder these cases, period.
18 years is befitting but it was foolish to let her out on bail.
ReplyDeleteRM 200,000.00 is a very small price to pay in exchange for losing 18 years of one's life from one's family. She should wear a homing device on her ankle to ensure she doesn't leave the country.
She's probably packing her bags right now.
She was lucky to get 18 years.
ReplyDeleteShe should have been given to serve the full 54.
How can someone be so cruel. She is not a human being.
I think such abuses deserves harsh punishment.
ReplyDeleteYup.. 18tahun terbaik!! kalau bole seterika balik dia.. dah kuar penjara sure kedut seribu..
ReplyDeletekita seterika bagi tegang balik kulitnya!!
salam. penjara adalah lokasi hukuman. 18 tahun ada tempoh tahanan. tiada derita. tiada perit. tiada sengsara. hanya sedikit bosan pabila tidur ber"tilam" kan batu kerana ia hanya sebuah penjara. di dunia yanhg bebas nirmala dan insan lain yang senasib terus mengalami trauma dan menderita.
ReplyDelete"She is a staunch Christian."
ReplyDeleteThe defence counsel must be joking!!!
Tapi kes pembunuhan wanita mongolia, tak apalah.
ReplyDeleteDouble standard, tak ?
Malaysia boleh!
Saya bukan nak bela majikan yang berwajah manusia tapi berhati seperti binatang tu. Namun seperti ada sesuatu yang terselindung di sebalik kes ini.
ReplyDeleteSelepas dijatuhkan hukuman, tertuduh meraung dan menangis seperti tidak percaya hukuman yang dijatuhkan hakim. Ataupun tangisannya hanya sandiwara untuk meraih simpati?
Harap ketika melakukan rayuan, tertuduh boleh memberikan hujah yang menyakinkan bahawa dia tidak pernah melakukan perbuatan sekejam itu terhadap Nirmala.
Jika tertuduh gagal membuktikan kesalahannya, saya baru puashati dan sah bahawa dia memang seorang manusia yang tidak berhati perut dan kejam sifatnya.
18 years is too little. She should be made to pay a huge sum of money too for the cruel and sadistic inflictions on Nirmala Donat. So what about her young kids, too bad. The husband can suffer on his own taking of the kids, tell me he did not know about it? It will be lesson to monsters like her, a deterent. I would go for double, 36years would be just nice.
ReplyDeleteif this is to send a strong signal not to treat your domestic helper like a SLAVE, then it is too short
ReplyDeletethe other real concern is the attitude of these people that it is OK to do what you like just because you pay salary
others justify paying taxes to demand all sorts of "rights"
yet some sections of society sue others for millions of ringgit
the exgratia payment was made to right a PERCEIVED wrong
All this boils down to money as the sole factor/consideration
i have money and i am powerful??
"Sama juga mesej yang perlu dihantar kepada rakyat bukan negara ini yang bikin sial di sini merampok, merogol and menipu rakyat tempatan, iaitu makhamah Malaysia kita akan bertolak ansur dengan penyangak dan penjenayah."
ReplyDeleteAh..ko memamg betul Rocky, mesej yang perlu dihantar ialah...mahkamah kita MEMANG bertolak ansur dengan penjenayah dan penyangak level tinggi.
Hang baru bangun tidoq ka? Mamai masa monaip?
Merampok tu hapa? Crime baru ka?
18 tahun - tak lama . I pity the victim. a lesson for many egoistic madame in malaysia, maid are also human like you. treat them like one not like an animal...
ReplyDeleteDear friends. Please thank Lionel Morais too even you don't like him. Forgive all the plotting and conspiring he had made to topple the seniors on the New Desk. Half of it was his fault. There rest was Brendan Preirara and Chandra the MOC. Lionel and Lee Ah Chai spent hours and days in the aquarium to come up with this promotion list.
ReplyDelete21. Alina Simon - Merit increment (have led Kota Baru office very well)
22. Lee Keng Fatt (72758) - Merit increment (last promotion 2005)
23. Shuman Vasu (121390) - Merit increment (last promotion 2006)
24. Audrey Mellanni Dermawan (116758) - Merit increment (last promotion 2005)
25. Marc Ferdinand Joseph Lourdes (125390) Merit increment (joined 2007; an execellent reporter with right attitude)
26. Evangeline Majawat (125738) - Merit increment (joined 2007; have proven to be one of the brightest prospects; including in New Media/Online)
27. Sulok Tawie (107299) - Merit increment (last promotion in 2008)
Please give Ah Chai and Lionel a bow.
Awat tiba-tiba tulih dalam BM lak ni? Apa pun, tidak ada hukum yang memadai kepada hati yang zalim. Sekali lagi, hati yang zalim.
ReplyDelete18 years against intolerable cruelty is harsh? To anybody who wants to write about that 'harsh sentence', be his or her own guess.
ReplyDeleteKok Bapak Rocky udah pandei menggunakan Bahasa Kebangsaan?
She should be publicly paraded on Merdeka padang, hung drawn and quartered...!
ReplyDeleteElvis Lives!
18 years is not enough for these animals husband and wife team. I am a non muslim but I AM A HUMAN BEING FIRST, there are people crying that this is a racial thing, because MISS NIRMALA WAS A MUSLIM, to them I say, if this was your daughter and she was scalded and tortured, would you wait for the courts, wouldn't you pick up the parang and cincang them habis for this inhumane act. YOU PAY FOR YOUR DEEDS, I say we as Malaysians should demand that whatever properties this family of animals own should be auctioned off and the proceeds should be given to Miss nirmala. KEEP THE ANIMALS BEHIND BARS, WHY is she allowed to walk about free, while waiting for her appeal, having children off her own is no excuse, what she did was unforgetable and unforgivable, after looking at the photos I say the death sentance for this yim women should be put to death for being the animal she is, what makes her different from A BLOODY NAZI.
ReplyDeleteAnwar di belasah habis habis.....hukuman yg dikenakan kpd si belash.....tak sampai 3 bulan....tak minta 18 tahun?
ReplyDeleteMalaysia has a bad name in maid abuse.
ReplyDeleteIf the maid got physically abuse it is almost certain she works for a Chinese family.
If the maid isn't paid it is certainly a Malay family.
If a maid got rape it is almost certainly her boss is a drunken Indian.
maids are human says:
ReplyDeleteA potential Yim Pek Ha case:
She asked for it!
ReplyDeleteGiven 4 years and a small fine...she refused and kept proving the wounds were self conflicted by the victim.
She have a lousy lawyer.....that may love to give advises....to lengthen a serious matter into much much more serious.....to earn more legal fees.
However...the Judge is not reasonable too. ..judging based on her feelings...and not based on fairness. How on earth a 4 years turned into...18x3...54 years??
Even 18 years is ridiculous.
Do one need to be that dramatic and unfair to send a message to all maids employees?
What about the employees have maid....ran away..stealing things...have men sleep with them.....when boss go overseas...boss out...they gather for hours and talk nonsense..no work at all.
Maids agents cheat maids and clients...why no actions??
18 tahun penjara terlalu lama? Siapa kata? Patut diberi hukuman yang lebih lama dan panjang - 20 tahun baru betul, setimpal dengan the crime she has committed.
ReplyDeleteShe deserves to spend every minute of that 18 years in jail. Better still, lock her up and throw away the keys.
Baru padan muka si Yim. Biar di merengkok di dalam penjara.
Did she think she could get away?
Apa jenis manusia ni? Tak ada hati perut, ta ada peri kemanusiaan.
In crimes nothing is too long in prison
ReplyDeleteDare to inflict pain and death
The accused must dare to face the consequences
There is no middle ground to argue about it
Every life and object
It has a life of its own
Don’t do it recklessly
Thinking it isn’t one’s own skin
The law of master and slave long time gone
If people can’t value domestic help
These people shouldn’t hire them
Don’t treat another human like slavery
It is always a tragedy
When employers lose humanity skills
Engaging domestic helpers then mistreated them
I heard so many stories about the poor helpers
Willing to sacrifice family life to earn some money
So that families back home can enjoy life
The court of law
Mete out the maximum jail sentence
We can’t afford to hear stories
About employers running amok
On the helpless domestic workers
If these people can’t honor human lives
It is better they do it themselves
People come from afar
To earn a living for their families
Though I know of stories
About domestic helpers killing employers
Of too much rules and rigidity
Of lovers and affairs……….
I am still doubtful over this case as the prosecution cannot proved beyond reasonable doubt that she abused the maid. The judge did not consider the expert testimony on possibility of self mutilation & the victim's medical history. There is no eye witness at all. There are too much pressure and public attention, so I guess the accused has to be sacrificed. Imagine if this is ordinary criminal case, most of the time they will be acquited.
ReplyDeleteA friend of mine was robbed at knife point & later they managed to catch the robber. Unfortunately he was acquited due to "lack of evidence".
Remember the case of snatch theft in Kuantan where the victim was accidentally throw down the staircase & died. The thief was only sentenced to 6 years jail. Do you think justice is served ? Which is more grevious crime ?
Against Crime
here is Yim lawyer was quoted as saying in Malaysiakini
ReplyDelete"Co-counsel Akbardin Abdul Kader said the gravity of the offence was not that serious as the victim has not suffered permanent injury or loss of limbs."
BTW, ianya tak ada dalam kamus BM la bang... ianya bahasa urdu kot, he he he
There is a very interesting piece in Malay Mail today (Friday 28 Nov) titled: SOPO BLOGOSPHERE Rocked, slashed and splintered
ReplyDeleteThere is more inside the article... the important thing about bloggers now split. And also about RACISTS at the blogs.
Malay Mail nowadays is well worth the RM1. I prefer to buy Malay Mail while keeping up with the news from the RSS feed of Star, NST etc
BTW there is also a version of it on the Internet: http://www.mmail.com.my/SoPo_fractured.aspx
Yim lawyer quoted by Malaysiakini ... Co-counsel Akbardin Abdul Kader said the gravity of the offence was not that serious as the victim has not suffered permanent injury or loss of limbs... Should we do it to his sister or mother too?
ReplyDeleteyim pek hua telah diikat jamin.
ReplyDelete1. 18 years is not enough. Let's go with the Old Testament on this one. An eye for an eye. And Yim has the nerve to say all these was self-inflicted. All those experts has the nerve to imply that Nirmala was retarded/low IQ and thus might hurt herself voluntarily. I know alot of Chinese Malaysians feel like to balas dendam due to the purported massacre of Chinese Indonesians during the chaotic days of Indonesian reformasi movement in late 1990s. But two wrongs do not make one right.
ReplyDelete2. Yoga. Funny it is a Christian leader that put things in its proper perspective for Muslims in Malaysia. Why must you engage in activity that is intimately related to another religion/belief?
Why don't Muslims promote the Solat as a good exercise to all and sundry, minus the chants/wordings, but only the physical movement. Tell the Hindus that if they think that Solat minus the chants is not conducive to their religion, we would feel insulted.
Why not haaa???
I agree with anon 1.
ReplyDeleteHer husband should get too for doing nothing. Doing nothing doesnt meant not evil.
how about kes nurul huda? dia sudah kena rogol, kena bunuh and she is only 10! and orang yang rogol dia kena penjara 20tahun saja!....she WAS only 10 years old!
ReplyDeleteso macamana undang undang kita pertimbangkan antara kes bunuh dan rogol kanak kanak 10tahun di mana perogol hanya di hukum 20tahun (and mind you , nurul huda DIED ) as compared to YIM who tortured her maid who IS still alive and well now need to serve 18 years in jail?
its like...dah alang alang nak buat dajal BUNUH je terus baru berbaloi masuk jail 20 tahun.
no doubt yim should be punished but i think the husband should be punished as well! there are two adults in the home.what happend to him? buta? tak nampak semua ni? husband dia pun turut bersubahat!
18 tahun? memang memadai.
ReplyDeleteya, yim pek ha ada anak2 kecil, sesetengah orang akan rasakan bahawa dia patut dilepaskan kerana dia ada tanggungan.
Tak terlalu lama...OK lah tu pada pendapat saya.
ReplyDeletei do not know if the sentence is "correct", if there is such a thing as correct sentence". All i can think of is that it must have been horrendously, tortuously hurting & painful like hell for the poor maid then; and that Yim must have been insanely cruel to do such a thing. At the same time i see how hurt Yim's children will be without their mother for 18 years. Are we punishing the children for the acts of the parents? does 1+1+1 =3, does two wrongs make a right? does 3 wrongs balance off all wrongs? Can't our punishment be used to bring some relief for the maid and the innocent children? why not switch the roles, let the maid be served by Yim for 18 years; & Yim to ensure maid is financially secured for life; Yim pays for all cosmetic surgeries, miscellaneous medical bills etc? Lets use the formula where "more rights will lessen wrongs".
ReplyDeleteNurul Hani
ReplyDeleteKita harus memberhentikan andaian bahawa binatang itu lebih dashat dari maanusia, tetapi di sebalik nya.
Tidak patut kini melulu lulu untuk menyamakan Yim ini sama binatang, pada saya kadang kala binatang itu lebih berperikemanusiaan, makna nya bersifat baik. Stop equating evil human behaviour with that of animal, I have had many loveable pets as friends. Once I was a part time volunteer caretaker to that famous Wira (may he rest in peace). He was just a baby orang utan gthen and he was one of my best friends. Wira will scream and yell when he smell and knew I was nearby his pen at the zoo and then he would come out and hug me to death, I miss him.
It just shows that when the conditions are right, it can go horribly wrong! How can a person be so inhumane? To think that she did this to a fellow woman who will be scarred in many ways for life.
ReplyDeleteMaybe if she were a leader of some sort, she would have turned into those personalities that pass into history as monsters whose cruelty endure through the ages.
Society must show that this will not be tolerated; the appeal must result in the judgment and sentence being upheld. Personally I would like to see the sentence enhanced!
Nirmala has the right to restitution for her suffering; maybe another course of action can be initiated against her employer AND her husband.
She has no right to another maid, and the authorities should make sure of that!
What if this Yim is a Malay? Surely UMNO,mat rempits,Islam will be drag into the picture. But the Malays are not going to do that cos' this bitch is not human after all!!
ReplyDeleteLife sentence would be appropriate.
Ini jenis binatang yang kurang ajar. Biar dia di-cucuk kemaluan nya bila dia berkongsi bilik sama dengan penjenayah wanita Indon.Bangsat punya orang.Matilah lu!
ReplyDeleteagree with all she should be punish more then 18years
ReplyDeleteHei Rock, good attempt at writing in Bahasa Malaysia. But just between you and me, IMHO, you need a bit of brushing up lah... Nanti Lim Guan Eng complain and insist that you write in 3 languages.
ReplyDeleteBTW, if I am the judge, I would ask this woman to be Nirmala's maid for 54 years and his husband, well, he is only allowed to watch whatever Nirmala feel like doing to his wife.
She should be sentenced to longer time in jail. I hope the High Court adds more years to the sentence for her to rot there... what she did was inhumane. No one deserves what Nirmala went through. AND HER HUSBAND MUST BE CHARGED TOO!!!!!!!!! WTF was he doing? he is an accomplice for keeping silent. justice should be served to him too ...
ReplyDeleteI have personally witnessed acts of cruelty before right infront of my house. The Indonesian maid was treated like shit by this Chinese family.
ReplyDeleteThe husband will come late home and shout and shake the gates, drunk, and if the maid opens the gate late, he will kick her like dirt!
Few doors away, was home of a bakut teh Chinese restaurant operator. A very young maid, just 17, was left home, at the front porch, to do all the cleaning (chickens) under the supervision of the neighbour's elderly father, maybe around 78yrs old.
Few months later, she came crying to confide with another maid next door, that she was 4months pregnant with that old man's child!!! Said he offered her RM4K to go home and deliver the baby?
Sheeeh... these hooligans..
I hope this creature turns GILA in her cell for the cruelty inflicted on this poor girl. It brings tears to my eyes whenever I see those horrible pictures!! 18years is definitely not enough, she deserves to be WHIPPED!!
the irony i see......so many people who commented in this blog has the same characterictics as YIM.
ReplyDeleteeverybody sounds as vicious and ready to punish YIM as sadistic as she did to nirmala.
Shows that there are many more YIMs here just waiting to be pushed to their breaking point. when that happens to you, do ask for a severe punishment as what most of you commented in here. its only befitting.
- sleepless in ampang
Tahniah Pek Ha..18 tahun la ko main pakai jari jer dalam penjara tu..
ReplyDeleteTahniah Pek Ha..18 tahun la ko main pakai jari jer dalam penjara tu..
ReplyDeleteto those who think that Yim should be freed so that her children could enjoy having their mother around
ReplyDeleteif she has no maid to vent her frustration on, who do you think she will do it to?
she was formerly an air stewardess - probably well-balanced, sociable and friendly
after marriage, she became sadistic
what guarantee is there that her young defenceless children will be spared the mental torture and abuse (if not physical abuse)
mental abuse has longer lasting effects than physical ones
why the face, breasts and back - usually the legs, arms would be more easily accessible in a fit of anger
the husband's role in all this is missing - is he the main factor behind Yim's rage??
Hukuman 18 thn bagi tertuduh sudah memadai utk menjadikannya pengajaran...
ReplyDeleteApa2pun kpd mangsa, Nirmala Bonnet keadilan telah memihak kpd nya...
- baniADAM
Salam Bro. I think that in this case Justice has been truly served, 18 years in jail is a long, long time by any standard.
ReplyDeleteMengapa tidak ada berita berkenaan pembantu INDON yang di-rogol dan di-cilikan kemaluan nya oleh pasukan suami isteri CINA di akhbar2 tempatan?? Cerita ini mendapat perhatian dari akhbar Singapore dengan meluas.
ReplyDeleteSuami mendapat 32 tahun,isteri 6 tahun penjara. Ini sudah boleh di-kaitkan dengan jenayah kaum. Sebab itu kerajaan tidak membesarkan kes ini??
Salam, Rocky.
ReplyDeleteTahniah kerana menulis dalam BM. Bagus dan mudah difahami tulisannya, meskipun masih ada ruang untuk diperbaik.
Berbalik kepada pokok cerita. Kepada semua... .
Bayangkan rayuan dan ketakutan si mangsa semasa melihat pemangsa membawa air panas untuk menderanya. Bayangkan jerit lolong sakit si mangsa semasa air panas mengenainya. Bayangkan kekejaman tindakan pemangsa, bengis pada wajahnya semasa mendera si mangsa.
Bayangkan juga wajah zalim dan setan pemangsa semasa menyeterika tubuh badan si mangsa tanpa sedikit ihsan pun. Bayangkan ketakutan dan rayuan si mangsa semasa melihat seterika panas diacukan kepadanya. Bayangkan raung sakit yang tak terhingga oleh si mangsa semasa tubuhnya diseterika. Bayangkan tubuhnya yang melecur dan mengelupas semasa dikenai air panas dan juga semasa diseterika. Bayangkan rasa puas hati pemangsa selepas menghukum@mendera si mangsa.
Bayangkan trauma yang dihadapi oleh si mangsa. Bayangkan keadaan masa depannya.
Akhir sekali, bayangkan anda adalah si mangsa!
Anehnya kita kini membicarakan sama ada setimpal atau tidak setimpalnya hukuman 18 tahun penjara kepada pemangsa. Lebih aneh lagi, ada di antara kita yang berbicara dari sudut kemanusiaan apabila memperkatakan hal pemangsa yang kejam. Kita palingkan ingatan kita kepada kekejaman yang dideritai si mangsa, begitu juga nasib atau masa depannya dan trauma yang mungkin menghantuinya di sepanjang hayat!
Jika mahkamah memutuskan 18 tahun itu cukup setimpal, kita akur saja meskipun kita menuntut hukuman yang lebih berat dikenakan.
Sekian, terima kasih.
"I think the sentence was too harsh laaah. The maid was Indonesian. Low life what. Also the Malay judge must be racist to impose such a cruel punishment to the rapist and his wife. 3 days jail sentence and monetary fine, enough, no? Also what proof got rape leh? Maybe her Malay boyfriend fuck her and now claim people rape maaa"
ReplyDelete*sarcasm mode ON*
Hahahahaha ...
ReplyDeleteLet send Yim to Indonesia ... She will be executed till dead like Amrozi, Mukhlas dan Imam Samudra ..
Also don't forget to send Atlantuya's case to UK soon ... I believe they can advice us who killed and/or ordered to kill her..
The Spirit of Freedom
Lionel Morais and Chandra ran down everybody in the news room during Brendan's times.
ReplyDeleteThat includes you Rocky. He backstabs everybody.
Let's see what happens after March.
These Lionel Morais cant even write. That why NST is so useless. No body read. Because NST got people like Lionel running it.
ReplyDeleteI must admit, it is an inhumane act and she deserves that 18 yrs. The husband should be charge as well as he knows it and did nothing. Looking at the pictures, the cruelty did happen and how can they denied it. If the maid gave her big problems, she could just fired her and take new one. No need to be sadistic. Sadly to say, most of the us think every penny that we paid on the maid should be worth spending (a very typical, that's why they can afford maids), and sometimes even treating them like animals and slave. Driving around the Klang Valley housing schemes, you could see what I meant.
ReplyDeleteI sokong you. I am a Muslim. My husband does jungle clearing. We stayed right in the jungles. One huge python about 20ft was caught right behind our kitchen. Around our compound there are lots of huge scorpions, centipedes etc etc.
There was this DOG, not ours, stray dog, but acts very much human.
Whenever she saw me walking alone, out from nowhere, she will come. Walk a distance ahead of me busy sniffing around as if to protect me from danger etc!!
See even an untrained stray female dog knows how to treat a woman.
SHAME ON YIM!! And you have the cheek to APPEAL? APPEAL for a longer sentence that's what you should do.
Salam Sdr, saya ingin berkongsi pengalaman mengenai perangai Pembantu Rumah Asing (PRA) yg pernah saya ambil. Namun saya ingin nyatakan tidak semua yang tak elok. Dalam hal Nirmala B, agensi kerajaan terbabit juga perlu fahami masalah yg dihadapi majikan. Walaubagaimanapun, Yim perlu bertanggungjwb terhadap tindakan beliau dan menerima hukumannya. Saya pernah ambil PRI yg bekerja seperti biasa sahaja. Selepas 2 minggu PRA ini kata beliau sakit dada dan mahu pulang. Selepas itu beliau buat perangai gila dgn lakonan yang amat bagus. Berguling la, diserang penyakit anjing gila la sehingga saya suruh isteri bawa ke hospital. Bila isteri pulang dalam tergesa2 PRA ini pun sihat spt biasa dan kami tidak lagi melayani perangai buruk dia selepas itu. Kami marah dan tegur PRA ini tetapi tidak usik atau pukul. Tidak lama selepas itu kami hantar dia pulang. Agen tidak boleh berbuat apa2 dan duit kami hampir 6K yg dibelanjakan hangus begitu sahaja! Kerajaan perlu pastikan agen mengganti semula PRI yg buat perangai walaupun tukar 5 atau 6 kali bagi memastikan majikan tidak menanggung beban dan kerugian. Ada juga kes di mana PRI bersekongkol dgn agen utk lari dari rumah majikan jika tidak suka bekerja di sesuatu tempat itu. Kemudian agen hantar PRA ini ke majikan yang lain. Siapa yg susah dan rugi! Perlu ada suatu garis panduan bagi PRA, Agen dan Majikan tidak berbalah dan mendatangkan masalah kepada semua pihak!
In my opinion the punishment of 18 years imprisonment is excessive. I think her family has suffered enough, and lesson already learnt. I do not think she would ever get another domestic helper in her life and she would be forever affected by this ordeal.
ReplyDelete18 years too long?
ReplyDeleteNaw, I think its just right.
(heha) : yim = 9 tahun, suami = 9 years, ok !?
ReplyDeleteThere must be clear cut rules and regulation regarding the hiring of foreign help. Being Indonesian, it seems she has the option of running off and going underground to escape the horrendous torture she had suffered (and in this case I wouldn't blame her). But she did not, in fact "doing the right thing" has resulted her in being scarred for life. The torture was over a protracted period; the attempt by the accused claim that the wounds were self-inflicted was despicable.
ReplyDeleteIdeally, we should have a proper framework for bringing in maids that protects the employer (from problematic maids) and the maids themselves (from problematic employers). But the authorities here seem only interested in making a quick buck and let the industry run off in whatever direction it desires.
Now, maids can abscond if they want to and "disappear" after arriving in Malaysia, and we have maids being forced to live and work under inhumane circumstances under irresponsible employers. The fees being paid up front to well-connected "agents" run into the thousands. What do these "agents" do that the prospective employers cannot do themselves?
That said, this kind of sentence should be the yardstick for all future cases of torture and abuse!
Shame the husband wasn't charged for abetting the crime. Surely that would have been possible. I wonder why they let him off the hook.....
There must be clear cut rules and regulation regarding the hiring of foreign help.
ReplyDeleteBeing Indonesian, it seems she has the option of running off and going underground to escape the horrendous torture she had suffered (and in this case I wouldn't blame her). But she did not, in fact "doing the right thing" has resulted her in being scarred for life. The torture was over a protracted period; the attempt by the accused claim that the wounds were self-inflicted was despicable.
Ideally, we should have a proper framework for bringing in maids that protects the employer (from problematic maids) and the maids (from problematic employers).
But the authorities here seem only interested in making a quick buck and let the industry run off in whatever direction it desires.
Now, maids can abscond if they want to and "disappear" after arriving in Malaysia, and we have maids being forced to live and work under inhumane circumstances under irresponsible employers.
The fees being paid up front to well-connected "agents" run into the thousands. What do these "agents" do that the prospective employers cannot do themselves?
That said, this kind of sentence should be the yardstick for all future cases of torture and abuse! The only thing I can see that can shorten her sentence is to subject her to exactly the same treatment she meted out to her maid. That should teach her a lesson!
Shame the husband wasn't charged for abetting the crime. Surely that would have been possible. I wonder why they let him off the hook.....
Some have accused the angry masses of being bloodthirsty. I call it rightfully outraged. An animal shouldn't be treated like that, what more a human being. If we are not outraged by this , we are letting the Yim Pek Har in ourselves come to the fore and again victimise the maid (God forbid).
She should have thought about her family when she committed the acts; now she wants the courts to be lenient?
i think she's a hospital case,....
ReplyDeleteneed psychiatric treatment.
Yim Peck ha & her ugly husband should be put in jail together. Let them rot together.
ReplyDeleteWhipping would be good in replace of 18 years. That would serve the Yims and the beasts like her best.
ReplyDeleteSdr Rocky's Bru,
ReplyDeleteSaya bertanya diri sendiri, makluk sebegini manusia atau haiwan?
Saya berasa begitu lega dan terlindung apabila Mahkamah menjatuhkan hukuman itu terhadap tertuduh.
Tetapi apa halnya dengan suami pesalah itu?
Kalau tertuduh itu manusia, dia pasti tidak akan melakukan kekejaman yang begitu dahsyat, bukan ke atas seorang manusia lain, malah ke atas se ekor anjing, lembu atau kerbau.
Inilah makluk yang diberi harta dan kekayaan oleh Tuhan dan dilindungi oleh undang-undang negera kita Malaysia, tetapi tidak sedarkan diri.
Perbuatan makluk seumpama inilah yang membusukkan nama Malaysia dan menyusahkan kita yang mematuhi undang-undang dan melayan pembantu rumah kita dengan perasaan peri kemanusiaan.
Saya setuju dengan ramai pengulas Sdra bahawa 18 tahun mungkin tidak memadai.
Terima kasih kepada Sdra kerana memblog isu ini dan kerana semakin HEBAT berbahasa Melayu/Bahasa Kebangsaan.
I never followed her case but is it true this creature is let out on BAIL??
ReplyDeleteLook at what happened to the Thailand lady. Absconded and ran off to HongKong??.. and left the country in chaos. What do these people care except for MONEY $$$$?
I don't trust these lots. One neighbour of mine, the daughter only 23years old, left for NewZealand, picking kiwi fruits and now went on some other odd jobs, told the parents she plan to stay on illegally and will only come back here if she is being caught by the authorities there!! These people have no respect or regards to Rules of Law of ANY COUNTRY.
Full of tricks.
AKJ feels safe (terlindung) after punishment *after* the fact.
ReplyDeleteI do not feel safe at all with all these sick people running around masking as stewardess, aircraft cleaning supervisor (Canny Ong's case), bus driver (Malay bus driver raped & killed Malay woman).
These are all sick people and they should be killed first before they commit the crime.
Tell Canny Ong, the Malay woman, and Nirmala Bonat, whether they feel their lives have gone back to normal if and when their predators have been punished. But Canny Ong and the Malay woman cannot come back to live, can they?
Some stupid commenter said "what if Yim is a Malay?" I return back to you, what if the maid Nirmala is a Chinese?
ReplyDelete- Correct you mind please.
Bunuh 2 orang dapat 16 tahun, seksa separuh mati dapat 18 tahun.
Memandangkan post ni di tulis dalam Melayu, maka saya akan comment dalam Melayu jugaklah... tapi mungkin bahasa yang Dewan Bahasa Pustaka akan mintak supaya DELETE dari blog ni.
ReplyDelete18 tahun - Perlu ingat bahawa bahawa kita pakai sistem parole sekarang. Kalau sistem dulu, ada 1/3 potongan (remission) untuk kelakuan baik. Jadi, akan duduk 12 tahun.
Sekarang, sistem parole; selepas separuh boleh dipertimbangkan. Jadi, selepas 10 tahun dia mungkin sudah boleh keluar.
Saya tak nak kata "memadai" atau "berlebihan". Cuma apa yang saya tak berapa setuju ialah orang-orang yang kata "tindakan yang sama dengan binatang". Saya sependapat dengan beberapa orang di sini - Binatang tidaklah sejahat Yin.
(heha) : can check on the suami why & HOW his bini was 'depressed
ReplyDeletestressed, tortured, always left alone, insecured, not totally LOVED, not puas with him .....!'
and MADE her ......!?
I have seen how family members can be driven crazy by the maids behaviour. The stories these maid could conjure,is amazing and like one of the commenters, I have a family member relating the same story - where the maid rolled on the floor as if she has gone mad. She asked to be sent to the hospital. They did send her to hospital and the doctor said she was fine. Then I can't recall how the police got involved but I guess along with the supposedly mental problem the police got called and when she was questioned, the maid said the employer's children and granchildren came back for holidays (from abroad) and she does not want to take care of the children and grandschildren.
ReplyDeleteOf course, her rolling frightened the grandchildren and the old employer and they decided to send her back to the agent and spend money on getting another maid.
The Government should look at having regulations that would protect employer's. In the sense, if the maid abscond/ behave badly employers are allowed to have a replacement without paying additional monies.
I believe the majority of people employing maid services do so because they need them. Having an outsider around the house is an invasion of privacy and it also means giving up a lot of privacy. The security aspect is not all that great too because maids have been known to abuse young children and we have heard cases being reported - what about those that never got detected and hence not reported.
Hmm...... there is a dilemma, to employ or not to employ.
i agree 18 years is too long but imagine the torture the poor girl went through this sadistic experience which will be a stigma for life.......yes she came to earn a living by being a housemaid but was paid a terrible price working with this sadist....her husband included....in fact her husband should also be punished for allowing this to happen.....compensate this poor girl and lessen the sentence to 3 years....taking into consideration for her children who are still young.
ReplyDeletehello i am malaysian and these morons who makes stupid comments about the offender being chinese is racist....rocky i think this kind of racist comment you should not allow in ur blog...bodoh betul lah!!!
ReplyDeleteAku tak rasa 18 tahun tu sesuai.
ReplyDeletePatutnya si Yim tu pun kena hukum serupa macam Nirmala, kena seterika jugak. baru power!! ha ha ha.
Those who think 18 yrs is excessive are dead inside, just like that whore Yim Pek Ha.
ReplyDeleteDon't try to pimp your psychobabble here about her children's well being for her to be given shorter jail term yada yada yada.
Your fake Mother Theresa's compassion stinks, man!
A tiny jail cell with no window is where u belong, Pek Ha!
Now, go scrub the prison floor, u bitch.
- Pissed Off Prison Warden -
Not trying to be racist either, but I believe if a Malay was the one who committed this crime, he/she would get a much lesser sentance; or the case would be swept under the carpet just like the Mongolian case.
ReplyDeleteI know of a lot of cases like this which went unreported or uninvestigated due to the offenders' ethnic origin, or political connection...
cilaka punya pendera, tuang cili boh dalam lobang kau baru tau
ReplyDelete-Laskar Cinta
to posts who says that those who call yim names, and support the punishment against yim as being'animals' themselves as well:
ReplyDeleteWhere do we draw the line between compassion and justice? i don't support calling yim names either, or denying her the right to be with her children.
but what about nirmala? she's a HUMAN too! and she's a human that is physically and emotionally scarred forever by what yim -another human - did, and some kind of punishment must be served as a deterrent.
i look to a happy marriage between compassion and justice, and god knows best.
Utter cruelty.
ReplyDeleteI think the maid should be given the chance to do the same what had been done to her.
Trials in court are suppose to seek justice.
ReplyDeleteIf she is truly guilty, she deserve the punishment, what if she is not ?
When the president of Indonesia, Susilo, openly adopted an open position, making her the president's adopted daughter, the process of justice has been tainted.
Any possibility the maid out of spite self-inflicted the injuries herself? It is also not uncommon that these indon maids are not completely rational.
ReplyDeleteThis world has no place for the cruel and mean. It should be 180 years or either way Pek Ha should be made accountable for the victim's whole life welfare and expenses.
ReplyDeleteI cannot think of someone being so sadist in torturing human fellow being, regardless of which race or religion they belong to.
May God bless us all..
Seems that justice has been excecuted, finally.
ReplyDeleteNow can we see some justice with the Indonesian criminals that are ruling the streets?
Bapak Rocky;
ReplyDeleteSaya pernah mendengar di you tube dari Bapak Ambassador Indonesia di Malaysia . Katanya lebih kurang begini ;-
i) Kes kezaliman lazimnya dilakukan oleh majikan bangsa Cina
ii) Kes sexual lazimnya dilakukan oleh majikan India
iii)Kes tak bayar gaji lazimya dilakukan oleh majikan Melayu
Diharap para bijak pandai mengkaji fenomena diatas kerana kes kes aniaya seperti diatas adalah mengikut pola kaum.
Chinese are God Chosen privilage race. They sail down to the south sea as Master Race to dominate and enslave the the natives Malays of the Nusantara. The task was handed over to them by their previous Lords, the White Anglo Saxon. LKY is their Lord and has same status as Sir Stamford Raffles. Father of all Malay Slave Drivers.
Islam tu dah cantik sebenarnya.Klu tanya nirmala bonat, mana yang dia nak, samada bekas majikan tu diadili secara undang2 civil atau undang2 Islam iaitu hukuman hudud..secara Qisas maksudnya.Klu sy ditempat nirmala...sy nak Qisas.100kali seterika kat badan,100x jgk sy nak sterika badan nyonya tu.2 nipple putus?nipple nyonya tu pun kene bagi putus jgk.
If Only You Know The Real Truth,
ReplyDeleteHang tak faham bahasa ker? Orang bincang pasai kes dera,
Apa pendapat kamu kalau orang buat kat anak perempuan kamu macam ini?
Hang tak pasai cuba nak campur aduk hal kera pula.
D E R A…… bukan K E R A.
Asyik ingat makan saja kamu ni. Otak kera pun jadi hidangan kamu!
In this regard, I support this deterrent sentence. The extent of injuries doesn't suggest self-mutilation. Human beings are not built that way. I stand corrected of course if someone has evidence to the contrary.
ReplyDeleteMaids are HUMAN beings too. In fact they fulfil a valuable service. To treat them like slaves and chattel you can do anything to, is just WRONG.
To say she's an animal is an insult to the animals. Animals attack only when threatened and they usually kill for food.
We human beings are the one species that revels in gratuitious cruelty.
Let this be a lesson to all employers in Malaysia that YOU DO NOT SCALD,BURN, HIT or injure your maid in any way. If she doesn't fulfil your expectations, send her back. If she committed a crime, the re are laws to deal with it.
How is the fact that Yim has a kid supposed to mitigate her sentence? I am doubting her fitness as a mother even, if she can just rage out on others like this.
This Nirmala is scarred for life. I wonder how she's going to pick up her life.
Another factor to consider is the perception of Indonesians of Malaysian employers and Malaysians in general.
We have no choice but to make and example of Yim.
There are millions of foreign workers who work here who will tell anyone who will listen that Malaysia has this dark side.
We should be bloody ashamed of ourselves for treating foreign workers so shoddily.
hey.... 'if only u know the truth'.......i commented on the morons who are bias against the chinese and u are also another moron...being bias against the malays....we are talking about how inhuman a defenceless person is being treated so please stick to the subject.
ReplyDeletehello maid abuse in malaysia.....i think you are like the instant coffee la......3 in 1......dont be bias ok.
ReplyDeleteHi Rocky, a lot of the comments are very harsh to Yim. She has already being sentenced to 18 years in jail and probably had sufferred for the last few years while the trial was going on. As human we do made mistakes. What has caused her to committ such cruelty, there must be a reason, for which we do not know.
ReplyDeleteShe is also a mother to her children, a daughter to her mother,she must have her loving side. Let us have some empathy here.
Hi Rocky, a lot of the comments are very harsh to Yim. She has already being sentenced to 18 years in jail and probably had sufferred for the last few years while the trial was going on. As human we do made mistakes. What has caused her to committ such cruelty, there must be a reason, for which we do not know.
ReplyDeleteShe is also a mother to her children, a daughter to her mother,she must have her loving side. Let us have some empathy here.
ReplyDeleteGrand Marquis said..."I have written about this and I am going to write again. I am not trying to be racist, but if you see the offender of the crime, for both cases, they are Chinese.
# Yeah...I couldn't agree more with you, Grand Marquis.
# 18 years is not enough! She's binatang!
ReplyDeleteTrue, I agree. But this does not give any human the exclusive right to do what she did to Nirmala!
I knew of one who kicked and bashed the maid. Police case and what not. However, she was let off since the victim's family were very compassionate!
Twenty years on, this person never changed her ways..
Finally, the husband ran off, the children were the ones who suffered most!! Neglected and ruined..
She destroyed her family including finally turning her "unashamed" ways towards her neighbours, parents and her siblings!!!
These types of characters are a danger to society.
18years in prison. Very Good for Pek Ha.."Kasihan Dehh Looe". Next to go is Michelle (today's news on Utusan..kes dera lagi!!)
ReplyDeleteI wonder why the court denied Yim's requests to have Nirmala checked by an independent psychiatrist? What is the court afraid of? I wonder why most of the comments are getting more and more racist? Not condoning the alleged abuse, but ever heard of horror stories of what maids would do just to go home and break the contract? Scared