Monday, September 01, 2008

Ramadhan in Malaysia

Sahur. I am re-reading Raja Zarith Sofia's For Country or for ego? and wondering who the orators and the preachers among us are. There won't be ready answers but a lot of prayers. My prayers this Ramadhan for Pak Samad, who is very ill. At the ICU last night, I saw the great man's frail body and was - and am - reminded of my own journey. And her question, Which of our present and future leaders can we trust?

The wonders of Ramadhan. In the name of Allah, the most merciful and the most kind, may we feel the magic and have the answers to our questions, too.


  1. Anonymous5:44 am

    Ya Tuhan ku,

    Ampunilah dosa-dosa kami yang terdahulu dan jauhilah kami dari kekakuan.

    Ya Rabb,ampunilah dosa-dosanya yang terdahulu dan lapangkan kesihatannya,sekiranya masanya telah tiba untuk menemui mu,ya haqq,kamu ambillah rohnya dalam keadaan baik dan ringan,keran sesunggohnya ia sewaktu hidupnya merupakan hamba mu yang baik perkertinya,menjadi contoh dan tauladan bagi semua anak bangsa untuk mengenal suatu erti kemerdekaan yang HAKIKI.


  2. In this blessed month, we must be reminded that it is Allah that we must trust upon and Allah have said that the good shall always prevail...

    Let's just pray and hope that it will...especially in this holy month.

  3. Bro,

    Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa di bulan Ramadhan al-Mubarak. Semoga ibadah kita di bulan yang mulia ini akan mendapat keberkatan daripadaNYA.

    Berdoa agar Pak Samad - guru dan tokoh wartawan, segera sembuh.

    Pilihlah pemimpin yang budiman - berbudi dan beriman.

  4. Anonymous7:16 am

    salam bro..the article was written by RAJA ZARITH IDRIS bukan RAJA ZARITH SOFIA..

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anonymous8:42 am

    My thoughts are with Pak Samad and his family. I worked as a junior reporter when he was working with Felxi Abisheganaden. Both of them were respected veteran journalists even then.

    When I realised who Pak Samad was, I often wondered what he was doing in the Straits Times, that even in those days was pro-Govt (and in my 'immature mind', afraid to publish the opposition's point of view). I gradually grew to appreciate his role in Malay left. I hope that he makes a full recovery.


  7. May we seek for forgiveness and enlightenment from Allah SWT. May the truth prevail and may we be shown the right path. Amin

  8. Anonymous9:05 am

    Salam Ramadan Bro
    Since you are more knowledgeble than most of us readers, can you compile a list of 'unkind words' that the following leaders said about each other.Start with Mahathir, Badawi, Najib and Anwar.

    the true leader is out there

  9. Anonymous9:15 am

    Selamat berpuasa Bro.

    Tengok bajet telecast tak? Banyak gula-gula di berikan, macam menawan budak menangis. Kesannya nanti gula-gula habis, gigi rosak dan budak menangis lagi.

    Terserlah juga RM35 billion untuk public transport - dah agak dah, surprise trip on train hari tu ada tujuan nya.... kalau pak lah main catur tentunya sentisasa kalah - terlalu predictable jalan nya...

    mat taib

  10. May Allah give strength to Bro.Samad in his hours of needs.

  11. Anonymous11:01 am

    Truthfully, none of the UMNO/BN Ministers can be trusted, Beginning with FLIP FLOP PM and gfn DPM. Don't even mention the brainless Home Minister, who is usless to the core, wonder if he truly passed his law degree. Trust them and they will rob you blind, most of them are corrupted. The police who are supposed to uphold the law are the most untrustworthy people in this country.
    Trust No politicians

  12. Anonymous11:15 am

    Salam Ramadhan al Mubarak buat semua. Semoga amalan dan puasa kita diterima Ilahi dalam bulan yang penuh nikmat dan keberkatan ini, InsyaAllah. Saya doakan juga negara kita diberi rahmat senantiasa dan dilindungi dari bencana malapetaka. Untuk yang telah meninggal dunia kita sedekahkan fatihah dan bagi yang sakit dan uzur kita mohon supaya disihatkan segera oleh Yang Maha Esa. Doa saya juga supaya tokoh yang saya hormati Pak Samad supaya segera semboh. Diharap keluarga dan sahabat handai Pak Samad juga berdoa dan tabah menghadapi dugaan Ilahi Yang Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu itu. Maaf, Zahir dan Batin - BUDAK KAWASAN

  13. Anonymous1:19 pm

    Saya nak tahu kepada orang yang mengutuk Dato' Seri Anwar (dan Raja Petra) secara "kiasan" cam Raja Sofia tulis tu, seolah-olah boleh baca hati manusia dan terus buat hukuman.

    Satu lagi, kalau nak kutuk, kutuk terus-terang la. Jangan la corner-corner, itu tak best. "Asian values" la kononnya, bercakap secara kiasan. Lagi sakit hati sebenarnya. Asian values is overrated.

    -- The Batman

  14. Anonymous3:14 pm

    Selamat berpuase to you Rocky.
    For the Ramadan I am taking a break with dirty politics.
    Many a times I have done too much of mud-slinging and foul crying in fits of anger and rage, from online blogs and comments people write.

    submerging myself in worship of Allah (swt) and strengthening my imaan.

    Apologies to Zorro whom I hit with a lot of harsh words.

  15. Saya mengucapkan slamat berpuasa kepada Bro Rocky dan semua pmbaca Rocky's Bru yang berugama Islam. Bro Rocky, ada rancangan buat rumah terbuka ke? HeHeHe!

  16. Anonymous4:31 pm

    The wonders of Ramadhan. In the name of Allah, the most merciful and the most kind, may we feel the magic and have the answers to our questions, too.

    I like those sentences so much that I'm quoting them here - and TWICE.

    Let's delve a bit into things spiritual - There is "a certain power" to your sentences, Ahirudin, for they have gotten me into a retrospective mood. I feel that I have to write something ... leave a trace of "I was here", and use this as the main substance in a post at my own humble blog (less than 300 clicks).

    I'm leaving anything and everything about politics and whatever else "that are not important" today and write a bit about the above.

    This is Ramadhan 2008 ... I'm purposely using the Roman calendar instead of the traditional Arabic even if it might be `more proper' (whatever that means).

    The wonders of Ramadhan ... may we feel the magic and have the answers to our questions, too. YES, I've witnessed it, and felt it a few times during my life.

    And the surprising thing is that, I was supposedly in `the wrong places' then!... in PRISON and in a PUSAT SERENTI! Ramadhan 2005 and Ramadhan 2006 ... How I still remember the two, and yearn for the moments again.

    Ramadhan 2004 and those before - They came and went just like that, for during those moments, I was at or near to "spiritual brankruptcy". There couldn't be much spiritualism inside me - or anyone else too for that matter - when the self was filled with drugs or alcohol.

    In that state, Ramadhan was the month "to be feared" ... hoping that it'll just end "fast enough" so I could go back to eating, drinking and smoking publicly as before. Ramadhan was such a "big obstacle" and "nuisance" ... The were even the thinking and feeling at times of "Damn those non-Muslims; they can eat, drink and smoke anytime they like!"

    What an ignorant dolt and munafiqin I had turned into - of having become a "spiritual derelict". In 2004, I didn't fast at all - not even for one day! The years from 1999 to 2003 were almost similar too; of fasting for maybe four days at the most. Ya Allah, how could I have turned into such?... of menzalimi diri sendiri (doing wrong to one's self)?

    But Ramadhan 2005 was different - I was in the third month of remand at the Pengkalan Chepa prison, which many say is the harshest prison in Malaysia.

    However, `something' happened to me on the eve of that Ramadhan: I made the decision to change my self and life for the better. It wasn't "a moment of inspiration when `something' clicked". No, for me it was more of my making the conscious and purposeful effort to think about it, and force myself "to be willing" ... of surrendering to God. I no longer wanted to continue to be "the master of myself" - let God be The Master.

    I'm probably confusing those who are reading this. I don't know how to explain this, really. It might seem like "leaving things to God and not doing anything". That's not exactly right - It was more of "You, God, know what is best for me; so please let things be as such, and NOT what I want now" (which might not actually be the best deal).

    To reap the magic from Ramadhan, specifically in fasting, one must also not neglect the five compulsory daily prayers. And the latter was something that I had neglected to do too.

    I remember the guy who got me to think and make the decision - Kashah, a guy from Langgar, Kota Bharu in his early 30's (he was later sent to Pusat Serenti Raub). In that room of 40 people (classroom size), like me, he didn't pray too.

    On that afternoon, he came over and smilingly asked: "So, how will this puasa be?" I answered that, yes, I WILL fast. Then he asked: "But what about praying?... There's no `kemanisan' (sweetness) when the fasting is not done with praying too".

    Kashah, THANKS for coming up to me that day, and getting me to feel guilty and THINK. And spurring me to do something about it.

    And the decision that I made was ... I will start to pray five times daily AND fast. This decision - and implementing it - went a long way in making Ramadhan 2005, and the following Ramadhan 2006, memorable months ... there were magical moments, and I had the answers to some of the very important questions concerning my life. (Have to stop. Might continue with this at my blog later).

    But THANKS, Ahirudin, for coming up with those sentences - They have a magic of their own.

  17. Anonymous4:53 pm

    (heha): PEACE be upon all mankinds-
    muslims & non muslims, ok !

  18. Anonymous6:49 pm

    Dear all,
    I am just wondering happy Ramadan or Ramadhan, which one is correct? any advise? tks!

  19. Anonymous7:41 pm

    "Which of our present and future leaders can we trust?"

    Like it or not I don't think we could find a perfect leader in Malaysia for now to provide the answer for the above question.

    However, we have to identify who amongst the available ones could assist us to produce such qualities in our future generation.

    That is best option available to us for now.


  20. Anonymous8:40 pm

    joyah_laser said...

    salam bro..the article was written by RAJA ZARITH IDRIS bukan RAJA ZARITH SOFIA..


    Lain Kali sebelum menyanjung dan memberi kredit kepada penulis tahu nama dan watak dia sebenar. Banyak penulis yang menayamar sebagai wisewriter....

    Don't Credit Mediocrity

  21. Anonymous9:07 pm

    For this month only , everyone will behave.After that anything goes!

    Old owl

  22. salam bro Rocky..!

    after many accidental meeting with u bro.., today.. we meet again and today..maybe with the magic of Ramadhan, i finally have courage to say hi to you and extend my hand for a sillaturrahim handshake with you..

    nice knowing you in person bro! may we meet again someday :).

    I always make a daily read at your blog here same as morning newspaper routine..

    This blog has served like a gateway to other blog that I read almost daily from the side link of this blog.

    Salam Ramadhan..


  23. Anonymous9:29 pm

    missing person, additional :
    ahmad ismail !

  24. Anonymous9:37 pm

    @Old owl 9:07 PM
    For this month only , everyone will behave.After that anything goes!

    That's very optimistic indeed!
    Many can't even do this for a month. I know what I'm talking about here for "I've been there".

    We're talking about human nature - of the tendency to "just follow what your heart desires" ... of not wanting "to surrender".

    But this is one of the blessings - or `magic' - of Ramadhan: it does create an atmosphere of KNOWING that "something needs to be done". It will only be magical if one then moves on to make that conscious effort to try and make him/her-self better.

    And this requires a lot of internal strength indeed.

    "But what if one does not have this internal strength?"

    FIND IT, BUILD IT... They don't come "free" - not something that "just clicks" inside you "and everything becomes crystal clear" and you live happily ever after; in this life and the next.

  25. Anonymous10:26 pm

    To Joyah Laser

    Raja Zarith Sofia. Baginda anakanda Almarhum Sultan Idris.

    Orang Perak.

  26. Dear Morpheuzneo,

    Thank you, may your Ramadan be great, bro. It was good meeting you, gave me a chance to say thank you for helping out with the techno headache I posted about some time ago.

    Keep it up, bro!

  27. Bro Rocky,

    Selamat Berpuasa.

  28. Salam Bro Rocky,

    Slamat menyambut Ramadhan Al-Mubarok,..heheh..wat can I say,..(,")

    SAY NO TO NWO!! SAY BYE TO AnWar & PLah!!

    p.s. Bro Rocky is rite d article is by YM Raja Zarith Sofia Idris,.. Raja Zarith Sofia & Raja Zarith Idris r both d same prson.. :)

  29. Anonymous11:54 pm

    Slamat berpuasa...

  30. Let's make this Ramadan a time to forgive and move on for Malaysia. And may God bless us all.

  31. ...selamat berpuasa to all,god bless all and not forgetting the prayers for pak samad in his hour of needs...............................

  32. Anonymous1:11 am

    "... may we feel the magic and have the answers to our questions, too."

    na'ah, Rocky... wrong!

    isn't it idiotic for people who call themselves Muslims but know next to nothing about their own religion?

    let's face it... isn't it plain idiocy to fast for the whole month of Ramadhan but to not understand what it's all for?

    time to learn Rocky... go back to basics.

    almost all born Muslims get offended when people tell them this... which is why they remain just like foams in the ocean.

    you see, one is not born to be a Muslim (at least not consciously but this a subject for later... much, much later)

    anyhow... one must learn in order to earn the right to be a Muslim in the eyes of Allah.

    remember... idiots cannot become Muslims because they are pagans... yes, idiots are pagans... because they never learn.

    Rocky, the word magic is paganistic and does not exist in the realm of Islamic thought.

    in truth, what is magic?

    (well, go look it up yourself... don't expect to be spoonfed.)

    magic is what that Copper-guy or that plain-Blaine does for a living... definitely not something which a Muslim would want to feel in the month of Ramadhan... besides, it's easier to get the DVDs and also see how those guys conjure up those magic tricks.

    no... for the holy month of Ramadhan a Muslim wants to be touched by the grace of Allah... something which a Muslim should be saying at least 17 times daily anyway... and a whole lot more during this holy month.

    yes, Rocky... go back to basics.

    there are no secret powers... there are no secrets in Islam... there is No God, but, Allah.


    semantics... did I hear someone say?

    so, what is the Quran?

    in the core... isn't it just a compilation of words?

    yes... but, is it just a compilation of words?

    no... it is a compilation of exact words... each individual word is multi-functional... serving their purposes.

    so, what is this leading to, you might ask?

    from the literary level... when you read the Quran... you are reading how the Master of all scribes writes... then, you begin to appreciate the words more and, in time, will be reflective in the way that you write and, in the words that you choose to describe things/events.

    there is saying, "you are what you eat..." but, it's also equally true that you are what you read!

    as an aside... this, in a way, would aptly answer the person who wrote, "...seolah-olah boleh baca hati manusia dan terus buat hukuman..." (spoken like a true born Muslim who knows absolutely nothing about why God created man)

    yes... one can read what is in your heart (i.e. your motives) by the way you write and speak... especially, when all that you speak and write about are vile and evil!

    another example... how do you think the judges and the juries find the defendants guilty or innocent?

    other than the evidence produced in court... the conduct of the defendants on the stand is crucial.

    (now you know why defence lawyers try all the legal loopholes to avoid putting their clients on the stand)

    after all it's well-known that, one can fake insanity and evil... but, can sincerity be faked?

    so, Rocky... you are not alone on this... there are lots of idiots-about-their-own-religion out there.

    as for me, I'm not too sure if I'm a Muslim or not... but, the one thing I'm sure about is... I don't want to be an idiot about my own religion.

    so, I live and I learn...

    may we be touched by the Grace of Allah... amin.


  33. theboldanon,

    Thou artmost profound!!

    Yes, Faith without Wisdom is Ignorance..

    Muslims confuse Belief with Faith...
    They believe in the Occult...
    They believe in what any Imam tells them...
    Yet they think they have faith.

  34. rocky,

    have a blessed Ramadan/Ramadhan.

  35. Anonymous12:20 pm

    selamat menyambut ramadhan al mubarak dan selamat berpuasa.

    Puasa orang yang tidak solat, sia sia. jagalah solat sepanjang hayat kita.

  36. Anonymous1:16 pm

    another example... how do you think the judges and the juries find the defendants guilty or innocent?

    In Malaysia? A defendant is guilty if the UMNO bigshots orders the judge to produce a guilty verdict. It's really that easy!

    -- TheBatman

  37. Anonymous3:15 pm


    Check this article that came out in the NST about Raja Zarith Sofia.

    Disgraceful English!

  38. Anonymous3:19 pm


    Cut the preachy lofty mullah crap lah.

    Let each savour Ramadhan as they most like it.

    Everyone has their own way of connecting with their hearts and with God.

    It doesn't matter so long as your heart is in the right place and you have Allah's/God's love in your heart always.

    Nuff said.

  39. Anonymous3:29 pm

    The Batman kata:-

    Saya nak tahu kepada orang yang mengutuk Dato' Seri Anwar (dan Raja Petra) secara "kiasan" cam Raja Sofia tulis tu, seolah-olah boleh baca hati manusia dan terus buat hukuman.

    Satu lagi, kalau nak kutuk, kutuk terus-terang la. Jangan la corner-corner, itu tak best. "Asian values" la kononnya, bercakap secara kiasan. Lagi sakit hati sebenarnya. Asian values is overrated.

    Alahai Batman,

    Cuba baca elok2 sikit. Saya petik YAM Raja Zarith's article: "As I read news items, opinions and arguments, it became apparent that not only do we quite enjoy the mud-slinging, we now no longer make the effort to “save face” or be more sympathetic towards the wives and children of men who have been involved in scandals"

    .. "the wives and children of men who have been involved in scandals" -- ayat ini tampak bersimpati dengan Anwar Ibrahim yang telah dilanda skandal.

    Bab pantai berpidato dan pandai bersyarah, ramai lagi dan bukan saja Sdr Anwar dan RPK. Kita ada Khairy, Ezam, Azmin, Pak Lah, Mahathir, Musa .. semua handal2 belaka ..

    Toksah melompat cepat sangat lah sayang ...

  40. Anonymous4:42 pm

    So sorry :)

    Terfire orang salah. Ampun.

    Encik Rocky, kenapa tulus Raja Zarith Sofia kat main post tu. Kan dah silap identiti.

    Sorry again.

    -- The Batman

  41. Sri kandi said:


    Cut the preachy lofty mullah crap lah.

    Let each savour Ramadhan as they most like it.

    Everyone has their own way of connecting with their hearts and with God.

    It doesn't matter so long as your heart is in the right place and you have Allah's/God's love in your heart always.

    Nuff said.""

    Sri kandi,

    What boldanon said was not preachy, but the TRUTH.

    Islam is not about "savoring Ramadhan" and practising the deen according to our own likes and dislikes.

    If Allah SWT wanted us to "savor" and "connect" in whichever way we "smart" humans like, He wouldn't have sent down The Quran and the Prophets.

    Jangan cakap ikut sedap hati dan mulut.


  42. Anonymous9:58 pm

    This "theboldanon" is an interesting character. Try doing a Google search for this nick. I found some interesting hits.

    If he or she is the same person throughout, appears to be either an UMNO astroturfer spreading fitnah about Anwar Ibrahim, or a truly deluded individual who has no idea what he or she is talking about. Or he or she could be a really clever troll.

    Any which way, I would take his or her 'Islamic preachings' with a grain of salt if I were you.

    Posted by : GregorHaus

  43. True malaysian,

    Your words on Rocky's were:
    ""Cut the preachy lofty mullah crap lah.

    Let each savour Ramadhan as they most like it.""

    That wasn't attempting to learn about Islam, was it? Was that an attempt at interfaith discussion? Do we ask of other religions to practise their faith in any other way except theirs? Was that respect you showed to another religion?

    Explanation of Soorah al-Kaafiroon - The Disbelievers
    Imam Ibn Kathir:

    In the name of Allah the Most Beneficient, The Most Merciful.

    1. Say: "Oh, you who disbelieve!
    2. I do not worship that which you worship,
    3. Nor do you worship That Which I worship.
    4. Nor will I worship that which you have been worshipping,
    5. Neither will you worship That Which I worship.
    6. To you your religion and to me mine."

    It is narrated by Imam Muslim that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam used to recite this Soorah with Soorah al-Ikhlaas in two rak`ahs following tawaaf of the Ka`bah; it is also narrated by Muslim that he used to recite them in the two rak`ahs of fajr prayer; and Imam Ahmad narrates that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam used to recite them in the two rak`ahs before fajr prayer and in the two rak`ahs of maghrib prayer.

    It has also been narrated that Soorah al-Kaafiroon is equivalent to one quarter of the Qur’aan. The Prophet, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, also said: "Read: , then sleep at the end of it because it is freedom from shirk (associating partners with Allah)." This Soorah is freedom from shirk and it is an order to purify our faith (for Allah only) and the Words includes all those who disbelieve in the world although those specifically addressed are the pagans of the Quraish. It was said that they proposed that the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, worship their gods for a year, then they would worship That Which he worshipped (Allah) for a year, and so on. And so this Soorah was revealed containing an order to the Prophet, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam to declare his rejection of all that which they worship, and to say: , that is, their idols and the partners they associate with Allah.

    , that is, Allah, Alone without partners.

    , that is, I will not follow your mode of worship and I will worship only Allah in the way which pleases Him.

    ,means, neither will you follow the Commands of Allah and His prescribed way of worship; indeed you have invented a thing for yourselves, as in his Words: (Soorah an-Najm 53:23). And so he rejected all of their shirk, for the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam, and all those who follow him worship Allah in the way prescribed by Him; for this reason the testimony of the Muslim is Laa ilaha ill Allah, Muhammadur-Rasoolullah – None is worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. And there is no way to worship Him except that which was brought by the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam. The polytheists worship deities besides Allah in a way not permitted by Allah and so He told the Prophet sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam to say to them: >, as in His Words: (Soorah Yoonus 10:41) and (Soorah al-Qasas 28:55). According to al-Bukhaari means kufr (disbelief) and means Islaam. Abu `Abdillah Ash-Shaafi`i says that the verse shows that the disbelievers are one people…because disbelief in all its many manifestations has one thing in common – that is, falsity. This is the end of the tafseer of Soorah al-Kaafiroon, all praise is due to Allah and from Him proceeds all Grace.

  44. Gregorhaus

    Well, whatever boldanon said abt Anwar or all else,

    what he said here was true (with one or two minor debatables), but the crux of the post still holds true.
