It's confirmed, Dr Mahathir is backing Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah to become the next President of Umno in December (read
here). It is also true that Dr Mahathir will re-join Umno for this purpose. The man credited for persuading the former PM to return to the party is Muhyiddin Yasin (read
On Saturday, Mukhriz confirmed that he will stand in the way of Khairy Jamaluddin's dream to be the Umno Youth chief (read here). Two others may enter the fray.
ReplyDeleteThis is a "dream ticket" of sorts that revives the wisdom of the veterans to guide UMNO and BN's revival. I know many Netizens are into DSAI and Pakatan; but, it will augur well for Malaysia if a 2-coalition system evolves. With Ku Li in place (hopefully, with Dr M at a safe distance in the receding background), UMNO and BN may actually have some hope of revival. This is positive news.
Why this old man can't just retire for good? Just sit back, relax and enjoy life post retirement.
ReplyDeleteIf Dr.M has so much energy, just channel it to charity, help the poor, do some good deeds for his past misdeeds (sssss) while waiting for the day of his reckoning with the Maker.
I am one of the many Malaysians who have had enough of this old man.
ReplyDeleteKemasukan semula Tun Dr M, our political maestro is most welcome and installing Ku Li as the party's president is an excellent choice as we really need a highly experienced, matured, thoughtful, caring and far sighthed leader to bring back glitters into Malaysia.
Bagus untuk masa depan Melayu yang semangatnya semakin dilayukan disebabkan oleh sikap kesombongan, kebutaan, kepekakan, ketulian dan ketongongan para peneraju yang memegang tampuk kepimpinan sekarang. Kami rakyat bawahan memberi sokongan dan mengiringinya dengan doa restu. Harap banyak pembaharuan yang akan mengukuhkan lagi hak-hak kita dan melenyapkan suara-suara biadab yang tidak tahu diuntung dan membangunkan umat Melayu supaya lebih maju tanpa mengabaikan hak-hak kaum bukan Melayu.
Mari kita bersama-sama bermohon kepada Allah semoga ia menjadi hakikat yang berkat dan membawa rahmat. Amin
now we will see how anwar and anwaristas, a party that proudly projects the Dajjal image as its logo, react to Tun's return to the fold.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleterocko, check this out :
ReplyDeleteAnwar's Trojan Horse
The Real Judas
Anwar Ibrahim wants BN to think the defections before 16 September are going to come from Sabah and Sarawak. This explains the focus and frenzy surrounding MPs from East Malaysia. Their movements are being monitored, text messages have been swirling about en bloc defections and some, like Yong Teck Lee and Bernard Giluk Dompok, have been dropping broad hints about wanting to abandon the BN ship.
But the unsuspecting BN leadership is completely unaware of Anwar's actual game plan. Sabah and Sarawak are the great diversions - Anwar's red herrings. Sure, he may eventually end up with some defectors from East Malaysia, but the real trigger that he wants to pull will be right under UMNO's nose. For Anwar, he needs to start with a bang. Something that will cause all other smaller component parties to tremble and quake in their boots leaving them with little choice but to jump en masse.
What Anwar wants to do is to show that he can go for the big scalps. Not your SAPP or UPKO small number of MPs, but from the senior UMNO front bench. What better way of triggering a mass exodus from BN than to show that you have top leaders from BN's biggest party crossing over into PKR? This is the big bang that Anwar has been working on. Two or three front benchers from UMNO plus five other second tier leaders will be enough to precipitate chaos and panic within the BN ranks. It will be the catalyst of a free-for-all ship abandonment as though sailors have spotted a plague-infested rat on deck.
So, who has Anwar marked as the real Judas in this most audacious of power grab in the history of Malaysian politics. Its not that difficult to answer. Think of someone most hard done by Abdullah Badawi and Najib Razak's gentleman's agreement to transfer power in 2010. Someone who had political wind in his sails after the March election only to now see his future in doubt as UMNO gets ready to pick younger leaders in its annual congress. Someone who way back when, had the most coziest of cozy relationship with Anwar.
Yes, Anwar is targeting Muhyiddin Yassin to be the Judas. Muhyiddin is said to have lined up at least three other front benchers and a handful more from the back benches. Many of these MPs are fed up of both Abdullah and Najib, and see the grass being far greener with Anwar. Many of them were also ardent Anwaristas when the Opposition Leader was climbing up the greasy pole of UMNO politics.
These crossovers are said to be mutually beneficial in more ways than one. Anwar knows that the current composition of Pakatan MPs in Parliament is almost half Malay and half non-Malay. If he only manages to woo non-Malay BN MPs to defect, he will effectively head a non-Malay dominated government. This would be hard for the Malay-majority electorate to accept not to mention institutions like the royalty, military, armed forces and civil service. Anwar, therefore, desperately needs Malay MPs to defect from BN. In order for this to happen, he needs a Malay BN leader with enough seniority to attract others to follow suit. Hence, Muhyiddin.
But that's not all. Anwar has already over-promised his buddies in DAP. He knows that he has to make Lim Kit Siang one of his Deputy Prime Ministers. That's not going to sit well with Malays, whether they are UMNO, PAS or PKR supporters. Regardless of the muhibbah rhetoric coming out of Pakatan and its acceptance by the Bangsar Starbucks Melayu, the heartland and grunt Malays cannot stand Kit Siang. To them he and his party stand for everything that is anti-Malay.
That being the case, Anwar has to counter-balance Kit Siang's appoitment as DPM with a heavyweight Malay politician as another deputy. Of course he could appoint Hadi Awang and complete the unholy trinity of Pakatan parties as PM and two DPMs, and he probably would offer Hadi the post anyway. But he knows that Hadi cannot be trusted. After all, it is Hadi and Nasharuddin Mat Isa that almost tore PAS out of Pakatan with their secret rendezvous with Abdullah. Anwar has neither forgiven nor forgotten this act of betrayal by Hadi. He also knows that during the Permatang Pauh by-election, it wasn't Hadi that came to pinch hit for him in the last few days to turn Malay opinion around in the light of Saiful Bukhari's religious oath that he was buggered by Anwar. Hadi came briefly, gave a 10 minute speech complaining of a cough and hot footed it out of there. Instead it was Nik Aziz Nik Mat that came to Anwar's rescue, using his aura as a pondok alim to persuade the faithful in Permatang Pauh not to believe Saiful's oath.
Anwar's preferred choice as DPM from PAS is not an MP. He is the man that whispers instructions into Nik Aziz's ear and he was the most senior PAS leader present when Anwar was declared winner after all the votes were tallied. Husam Musa cannot, for now, join a federal government because of state duties in Kelantan, but he is very much the bridge that Anwar wants to cultivate in PAS.
So with the bad blood between Anwar and Hadi, even if Anwar offers Hadi a DPM post it would be out of courtesy to keep Pakatan together. Which means he would need another senior Malay leader to be a third deputy and the de facto most senior deputy with Anwar's full confidence and trust. He could appoint Azmin, but many would be uncomfortable with that prospect. So who better than Muhyiddin - a senior cabinet minister with experience in government. An UMNO warlord who can attract support from UMNO Malays and prevent Anwar from looking too dependent on non-Malay support. And most crucially, someone who Anwar trusts because back in the days of Anwar as DPM, when he said jump, Muhyiddin jumped.
If BN leaders are looking at East Malaysia for potential jumpers, they are looking far away from where the threat really is. Anwar has secured Muhyiddin and its merely a matter of timing. Muhyddin has to deliver Anwar a handsome number of MPs in return for being made DPM under Anwar. That, according to sources, is underway and the count is increasing by the day.
The plan is simple yet clever. Obvious yet deceptive. BN is about to lose the kingdom from right under its nose.
Mahathir leaving UMNO and joining it back, hopping from supporting Najib to Razaleigh just shows how desperate he is to ward off Pakatan Rakyat's advancement.
ReplyDeleteImagine if Pakatan Rakyat takes over... Mahathir's 'legacy' will be unveiled to show how corrupt it was.
Sudah terlambat lah, Mahadey. Bertaubat sajer lah...
I can only pray for the best for my beloved mother land,,, Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteIf Dr Mahathir comes back to Umno and give his full support to Tengku Razalei, it will be the most precious gift happening in this holy Ramadhan. We support Mukhriz's move to challenge KJ as Chief Youth and pray KJ will be defeated in disgrace.
ReplyDeleteNasi dah jadi bubur.
ReplyDelete1. Parti-parti Komponan BN yang lain sedang giat melahirkan NEW G(New Genarations) atau Generasi Baru.
ReplyDelete2. Kenapakah UMNO masih gairah mahukan OLD G(Generasi Lama) atau Generasi Tua yang dah nak mati beberapa hari lagi?
3. Kita boleh faham kenapa Dr.M ingin masuk semula ke dalam UMNO. Antara sebab-sebabnya, sudah tentu kerana nak berkempen untuk Mukhriz untuk jawatan Ketua Pemuda UMNO.
4. Buka Mata - Buka Hati -Buka Minda.
Empire strikes back!
ReplyDeleteso,Tun Dr. Mahathir wanna get back in business.Tun and his clan are on the crusade to penetrate UMNO.
If Ku Li and all other Tun's counterparts get to have the high position in UMNO,then once again the Mahathir era is here to stay (without DrM as the prime minister)!.
do we view this as a good or a bad sign?.
Just wonder why I couldn't access Anwar Ibrahim's blog during these recent 3,4 days? Are you guys facing the same problem?
ReplyDeleteCertainly a better choice than what we have.
ReplyDeleteTun's endorsement means a lot to Ku Li who himself was a Team B (then Semangat 46 chief).
By now Tun must have known AAB, Ku Li and DSAI "inside out" and his pick for the challeges the party and country are facing is on the dot.
Ku Li also knew how PAS and DAP think and perceive things from his years with them.
The most crucial thing is time is running short. Ku Li with Dr M's endorsement is the best that we have as an alternative to the country's continued uncertainty and risk of downward spiral.
tak payah lah, sudah laeh, bagi orang lain pula buat kherja
Why not mukhriz ran for President, UMNO tak ada idea baru ke?
ReplyDeleteMuhyi said:
ReplyDeleteI read this and found it interesting. Just wanna share. Could be true or otherwise. It's politics after all, what do you expect?
Anwar's Trojan Horse
The Real Judas
Anwar Ibrahim wants BN to think the defections before 16 September are going to come from Sabah and Sarawak. This explains the focus and frenzy surrounding MPs from East Malaysia. Their movements are being monitored, text messages have been swirling about en bloc defections and some, like Yong Teck Lee and Bernard Giluk Dompok, have been dropping broad hints about wanting to abandon the BN ship.
But the unsuspecting BN leadership is completely unaware of Anwar's actual game plan. Sabah and Sarawak are the great diversions - Anwar's red herrings. Sure, he may eventually end up with some defectors from East Malaysia, but the real trigger that he wants to pull will be right under UMNO's nose. For Anwar, he needs to start with a bang. Something that will cause all other smaller component parties to tremble and quake in their boots leaving them with little choice but to jump en masse.
What Anwar wants to do is to show that he can go for the big scalps. Not your SAPP or UPKO small number of MPs, but from the senior UMNO front bench. What better way of triggering a mass exodus from BN than to show that you have top leaders from BN's biggest party crossing over into PKR? This is the big bang that Anwar has been working on. Two or three front benchers from UMNO plus five other second tier leaders will be enough to precipitate chaos and panic within the BN ranks. It will be the catalyst of a free-for-all ship abandonment as though sailors have spotted a plague-infested rat on deck.
So, who has Anwar marked as the real Judas in this most audacious of power grab in the history of Malaysian politics. Its not that difficult to answer. Think of someone most hard done by Abdullah Badawi and Najib Razak's gentleman's agreement to transfer power in 2010. Someone who had political wind in his sails after the March election only to now see his future in doubt as UMNO gets ready to pick younger leaders in its annual congress. Someone who way back when, had the most coziest of cozy relationship with Anwar.
Yes, Anwar is targeting Muhyiddin Yassin to be the Judas. Muhyiddin is said to have lined up at least three other front benchers and a handful more from the back benches. Many of these MPs are fed up of both Abdullah and Najib, and see the grass being far greener with Anwar. Many of them were also ardent Anwaristas when the Opposition Leader was climbing up the greasy pole of UMNO politics.
These crossovers are said to be mutually beneficial in more ways than one. Anwar knows that the current composition of Pakatan MPs in Parliament is almost half Malay and half non-Malay. If he only manages to woo non-Malay BN MPs to defect, he will effectively head a non-Malay dominated government. This would be hard for the Malay-majority electorate to accept not to mention institutions like the royalty, military, armed forces and civil service. Anwar, therefore, desperately needs Malay MPs to defect from BN. In order for this to happen, he needs a Malay BN leader with enough seniority to attract others to follow suit. Hence, Muhyiddin.
But that's not all. Anwar has already over-promised his buddies in DAP. He knows that he has to make Lim Kit Siang one of his Deputy Prime Ministers. That's not going to sit well with Malays, whether they are UMNO, PAS or PKR supporters. Regardless of the muhibbah rhetoric coming out of Pakatan and its acceptance by the Bangsar Starbucks Melayu, the heartland and grunt Malays cannot stand Kit Siang. To them he and his party stand for everything that is anti-Malay.
That being the case, Anwar has to counter-balance Kit Siang's appoitment as DPM with a heavyweight Malay politician as another deputy. Of course he could appoint Hadi Awang and complete the unholy trinity of Pakatan parties as PM and two DPMs, and he probably would offer Hadi the post anyway. But he knows that Hadi cannot be trusted. After all, it is Hadi and Nasharuddin Mat Isa that almost tore PAS out of Pakatan with their secret rendezvous with Abdullah. Anwar has neither forgiven nor forgotten this act of betrayal by Hadi. He also knows that during the Permatang Pauh by-election, it wasn't Hadi that came to pinch hit for him in the last few days to turn Malay opinion around in the light of Saiful Bukhari's religious oath that he was buggered by Anwar. Hadi came briefly, gave a 10 minute speech complaining of a cough and hot footed it out of there. Instead it was Nik Aziz Nik Mat that came to Anwar's rescue, using his aura as a pondok alim to persuade the faithful in Permatang Pauh not to believe Saiful's oath.
Anwar's preferred choice as DPM from PAS is not an MP. He is the man that whispers instructions into Nik Aziz's ear and he was the most senior PAS leader present when Anwar was declared winner after all the votes were tallied. Husam Musa cannot, for now, join a federal government because of state duties in Kelantan, but he is very much the bridge that Anwar wants to cultivate in PAS.
So with the bad blood between Anwar and Hadi, even if Anwar offers Hadi a DPM post it would be out of courtesy to keep Pakatan together. Which means he would need another senior Malay leader to be a third deputy and the de facto most senior deputy with Anwar's full confidence and trust. He could appoint Azmin, but many would be uncomfortable with that prospect. So who better than Muhyiddin - a senior cabinet minister with experience in government. An UMNO warlord who can attract support from UMNO Malays and prevent Anwar from looking too dependent on non-Malay support. And most crucially, someone who Anwar trusts because back in the days of Anwar as DPM, when he said jump, Muhyiddin jumped.
If BN leaders are looking at East Malaysia for potential jumpers, they are looking far away from where the threat really is. Anwar has secured Muhyiddin and its merely a matter of timing. Muhyddin has to deliver Anwar a handsome number of MPs in return for being made DPM under Anwar. That, according to sources, is underway and the count is increasing by the day.
The plan is simple yet clever. Obvious yet deceptive. BN is about to lose the kingdom from right under its nose.
Tun's re entry will re inforce UMNO's racism........wait a minute, Tun has to apply and wait for approval for membership.......
Bro Rocky,
ReplyDeleteLet's hope Tun hasn't jinxed TRH's bid for President. History has proven that all his pick has failed miserably.
I take this news with mixed feelings. Tun has wasted 3 months by leaving and coming back to the fold and wasting his support for Najib until recently.
I asked him to suppport TRH, the sole willing candidate three months ago when he came to JB but he was adamant about the unwilling Najib.
Better late than never I guess but I hope the curse on Tun's ability to choose an approriate leader has been lifted for the sake of TRH, for the sake of the Country.
Forget it these two old bags! Bodowi with all his might will crush this old over the hill guys.Why? because he has the means the money and all those umnoputeras sycopants .
ReplyDeleteLook TDM would have got rid of PM LONG TIME AGO! But today he is still day dreaming?What about side kick Najib?He is sure as hell going to be the next PM.He is not sitting down yet.
Anyway what can two old bags do except to be discarded.The bigget joke in town with this two!
Green hornet
Malang sungguh nasib umno kerana masih terpaksa mengharapkan kuda-kuda tua,utk kembali menjadi perkasa.Sayangnya dengan kemasukan semula Tun dan beganding bahu pula dgn Ku Li,bereti partarungan dalam Umno akan kian memuncak.Masing-masing akan 'menghunus keris 'utk membunuh antara satu sama lain.Pak Lah dan Najib pula walau kelihatan lemah,tapi masih mempunyai kuasa dan benda utk menarik pengikut.Dalam Umno wang dan kuasa menjadi pilihan utama.
ReplyDeleteSelamat berjuang dan selamat tengelam buat selama-lamanya.
I still will not vote for any component of BN because they are part of UMNO and UMNO = racism. Simple as that. It's time for a change and I support PKR even though once upon a time, I used to despise DSAI because he was a Malay ultra but of late, he seems to be a better man and I hope he is sincere. I want to give him a chance to prove it. Why hang on to empty promises by UMNO and now they are extremely racists.
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm sure most of us still remember the picture of Ku Li with the cross-embedded tengkolok, yes? Now whose work is that? Haha.
ReplyDeleteIT is too late, the damage is already done. Its like going to the dentist for a checkup and he tells you, there is good news and there is bad news, good news is 'your teeth are in great shape' but the bad news is your gums are all rotten and you've got incurable cancer. So this means you are soon for the grave.!!!
ReplyDeleteThat is the scenario we Malaysians face, look at the example of corruption in puspakom, gaji betul baru rm 1,500, tapi GAJI UNDER TABLE SEBULAN RM 55,000.00. Macam ini pun boleh kah? what the hell is happenning with Malaysia, with ministers getting drunk and grabbing butts, than you have the champion guardian of Indians, mr samiar vellu, stealing land meant for indian school, than you have the billion ringgit mismanagement of govt funds, like PKFZ, LUMUT NAVAL YARD, $500,000,000 COMMISSION FOR used submarines, what about sukhoi jets. AP'S for cronies, KETUANAN APA INI, INI SEMUA KETUANAN LANUN DAN PEROMPAK.
I find it totally disgusting and am totally amazed that the reports by the AUDITOR GENERAl about the mismanagement of funds by government agencies. THE QUESTION ARISES WHY HAS NO CRIMINAL CHARGES BEEN FILED AGAINST THOSE INVOLVED? The excuses given by the government that ' show us the corruption' is a bloody joke, all the politicians of BN have vested interests everywhere, from SAND TO ASTRONAUT PROGRAM. Semuanya ada commission and kickback, tutup satu mata. If this had happened in the era of TUN HUSSEIN ONN, all these people would be sitting in jail. Lets be honest with our selves irrespective of race, lets call a spade a spade, IF YOU ARE CONNECTED AND HAVE POWERFULL FRIENDS AND HAVE MONEY YOU ARE UNTOUCHABLE, you can even get away with murder. LOOK at the altantuya case, where did the C4 come from? Now the claim is the c4 came from UTK STOCK. I HAVE 1 QUESTION, WHAT IS UTK DOING WITH C4 EXPLOSIVES, WHERE IS IT WRITTEN IN THEIR CHARTER THAT THEY SHOULD HOLD STOCK OF HIGH EXPLOSIVES, WHO GAVE THE DIRECTIVE FOR UTK TO HAVE CONTROL OF THIS MATERIAL? We have very stringent laws regarding firearms, explosive material and weapons, all these can only be in the hands of the armed forces, not even the POLICE (except of specialised units not body-guard units) When were the laws/ SOP changed and who changed them. immaterial of who killed whom with C4, WHAT AND HOW THE HELL DID THOSE SITTING IN JAIL NOW FACING CHARGES FOR THE MONGOLIAN MODEL'S MURDER GET THEIR HANDS ON C4? THIS HAS NOT BEEN ANSWERED. Are there special black-ops units attached to politicians??? please ANSWER UMNO AND THE BN. And now we hear that Mahathir, the person who created this mess we are in, wanting to come back to the fore, WHY, AND WHAT FOR, HAVEN'T YOU RETIRED?
anonymous(3.21),me too!Another Malaysian like you,who had enough of this old man.But unlike you,I don't think this old hawk will do charity.He doesn't have that compassion to help others.He is only interested to help himself and his son.That explains why he rejoin Umno.
ReplyDeletei think we malaysians are very stupid people. we always need some big guy, some authority to think for ourselves. and so now that mahathir voiced his support for ku li all of a suddenly ku li becomes such a knight in shining armour to save umno and BN whereas only yesterday ku li can't even get kelantan umno divisions to nominate him?
ReplyDeletei think enough is enough. we all should kick bn into the garbage bin. it's time to go a step further into a new exciting unknown.
i am NOT a fan of anwar but i think we are on the cusp of a paradigm shift here. i think malaysians should give a chance to this man.him trying to enter putrajaya through the backdoor notwithstanding.
ReplyDeleteDr M once said, "Extreme situation needs extreme measures."
And this story definitely has Dr M's signature on it.
Looks like we'll write even more in our own blogs after this.
thank you, anon615.
ReplyDeleteTDM should just forget it. It is irrelevant. Nothing much you can do now. Don't worry, I think majority of Malaysian have forgiven you for the selection of the man taking over your job.Leave it to the rakyat, and there are others who can do better. Everybody makes mistake so do you TUN, people want to see you enjoying whatever left for you in this world. dh9753
ReplyDeleteKerja Part Time JB-Perempuan
ReplyDeleteSesiapa berminat kerja part time sebagai pembantu am pejabat. Sila hubungi saya 0197762664.
Skop kerja:
1. Membantu dalam penyusunan fail dan dokumen
2. Membantu dalam menguruskan buku tunai
3. Membantu membuat surat rasmi
4. Membuat perkara yang disuruh ( yang berkaitan dengan dokumen / packing barang)
Tempat Kerja:
1. Kg. Melayu Majidee (pejabat sekolah)
2. JP Perdana (Rumah pejabat)
1. Disediakan. Dihantar Pergi dan balik terus kedepan pintu rumah anda.
2. Transport yang boleh dihantar pergi dan balik, kediaman anda mestilah di area berikut:
1. Taman Johor Jaya
2. Taman Desa Harmoni
3. Atau kawasan berdekatan Jaya Jusco Tebrau
4. Kg. Melayu Majidee
5. Kawasan Larkin Perdana
6. Jalan Datin Halimah
7. JP Perdana/ Taman Molek/ Taman Setia Indah
8. Bandar Baru Uda @ kawasan berdekatan
9. Desa Rahmat @ Gaint / berhampiran bandar hutan
10. Jika tiada tersenarai boleh berbincang.
Masa Kerja:
6.00 petang hingga 11.00 malam ( Isnin hingga Jumaat)
1. Perempuan ( melayu, cina atau india)
2. umur 18 tahun hingga 29 tahun
3. Boleh menaip
4. boleh mengikut arahan tanpa membantah
Tempat Solat:
Disediakan (bagi muslim) (sila bawa telekung sendiri)
1. hari bekerja RM15-00 ( hari Isnin hingga Jumaat )
2. Makanan malam disediakan
This is a marriage of convenience (DrM and Ku Li), even, if it did come true, it just a short term solution for the country.
ReplyDeleteHalf a century of UMNO-BN abuses, we need a long term solution to to move the country forward. At this juncture of Malaysia instability, we need other forces capable enough to govern this nation. Surely, the mood of the rakyat is quite sick to relive another 50 years of poor governance. A change to the present BN govt is more appropriate. A new challenge, a flow of fresh air!
The big picture is that Dr. Mahathir will do whatever it takes to stop Anwar Ibrahim from being the next Prime Minister of Malaysia ... Wali Kota
ReplyDeleteThis will only push Dollah to hand over to Anwar rather than allow Mahathir and his group to have a footing. Mark my words. And the one who instruments of power will be the one to carry the day. Let's not dream here. Mahathir coming back is of no value. He was here all along and it didn't help however much he raved and ranted. He quit AMNO for the sole reason that it will precipitate a change but only his wife and son left AMNO. What makes the emotional Mahathirists think that Dollah will be swept aside by Mahathir rejoining AMNO? What is that he will bring? AMNO is controlled by cartels and the ones who has the yam and the knife (read PM) is the one who will control cartels ala Ahmad Said. Watch this space.
ReplyDeleteKu Li as the new president and future PM for M'sia will make PAS think twice with their relationship with Pakatan. PAS grassroots are unhappy with the way they are treated by DAP and PKR especially with the way Karpal and Lim & Sons criticized them.
ReplyDeleteI bet Ku Li is only a transition PM before the next candidate emerged,might say Muhyidin. I guess Ku Li can unite PAS and UMNO under one agenda. Anwar and his malaysian malaysia dreams might be buried.
No chance in hell. It is already bad enough the country is torn with corruption and cronyism. He is better off spending his time getting donation to fix his damages over last 2 decades.
ReplyDeleteI thought Dr.M promised he'll never rejoin UMNO as long as Badawi is leader? And that was just a few months ago...
ReplyDeleteHe's basically lost it.
A couple of years ago I was supporter of Tun Mahathir.I am still look upon him a great leader.A coin got two side so do TUN.Why do people tent only to look some wrong and forget whole more good one had down.Even some Indian said india could better off without Ghani.Afew years back under our current PM ABB time over a Raya gethering Quite a number was UMNO/BN member.Its look like I was the only one who fear UMNO will not that well base on current happening of course many said I talk stupit,silly,nonsense.We are your relative/friend we bear with you but if are at a stage if you talk this manner you will thorw of rootten eggs.Maybe this may happen over 50 years time.I told them wait till the next election Will not lose all but a major set back.Their was another question pose upon me.Who is the likely person You think can take ABB post or could be.Then i mention KU LI all laugh more remarks.!st part did come true for the 2nd part can be a good/replace ABB.Why He took on TUN lost by only 43 vote.Who follow him to form 46.ABB,Rais etc.This remains me he had the leadership quality.Under the current circumtances ABB is a sinking ship.Najib to much bad talk about him with PD and paris,submarine.Once people have a ? marks it will hard to erase the people mindset.What does the Malaysia left with.Anwar.Go her go there all Talk off PKR/PR He is the raising star.Membership application is huge in numbers.The ground is moving and ticking....Only one setup for Anwar is the sodomy.....if not BN will be sailing out/PKR sailing in.
ReplyDeleteThe only Habour Master can stop this for the PKR SHIP in Is with KU LI.He did not push thru much after his entry to UMNO.Mathair was still in charge.If he got gone non stop with came may.....He could have the charge then.He got not issue like ABB,Najib,Anwar only Age caught up other then that Fine.Do not forget PR had already make the in root.So my final opinion 50/50 change under the current political senario.For KU LI/DSAL may the Best Man win/Malaysiakini
In the first place...its not easy joining back umno as it was leaving. Tun must put in application first subject to approval of MT. Why would they want him back for the purpose of toppling the current regime?
ReplyDeleteTun now has to admit that he had made a mistake by leaving Umno, he must first apologise to Umno...hehe
Two grumby old men, send them to the old folks home, "Rebels without a cause"
ReplyDeleteOle man river
Count on me......I have enough of him too.
ReplyDeleteAiyah.... as most of us have predicted earlier, bingo !
This "hopeless" old guy for sure he would joined back the "half sinking phantom ship", because he has nowhere else can go or hide or migrate.
It's a common season in Malaysia's political circle now .
Just like,
You jump I jump !
You frog I frog !
That's life of our Umno-BN the bigot the racist the devil.
“Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it.”
By : Edmund Burke quotes (British Statesman and Philosopher, 1729-1797)
wow Anwar is a smart guy. I like this Muhyiddin fella. I think they will make a great team for a New Malaysia to emerge. Let's forget the old one, it is not worth remembering.
ReplyDeleteGhost of Onn Jaafar
TDM mendesak Pak Lah letak jawatan sebab nak Ku Li naik. Mungkin Pak Lah ni bukan senang nak dikuda2kan oleh TDM kot, Ku Li ni senang sikit nak dikuli2kan. Boleh suruh buat macam ikut kepentingan dia..Kot...
ReplyDelete( heha) : has kuli qualified !?
ReplyDeleteKembalinya TDM untuk menjatuhkan Pak Lah secara hebat dengan menggunakan Ku Li. Ku Li tidak sehebat mana pun, warisan katak juga dulu ni..Kalau hebat mesti S46 masih bernafas sehingga kini.
ReplyDeleteJangan masuk balik sebab nak jaga kepentingan sendiri sudah. Nak jatuhkan Pak Lah lepas tu bagi naik orang sendiri, orang yang boleh dengar cakap dia.
ReplyDeleteIt's about time...
ReplyDeleteBeen waiting for this damn good news.
When will we ever be 'independent' enough from the 'orang lama'? Don't get me wrong, Tun M is a very well respected and capable man but for us to run to him every time we have problems is not the solution. It may satisfy the current needs but how about 5 years or even 10 years from now?
ReplyDeleteDo you think Tun M will be around and still that capable in helping us?
To find the perfect solution we must not be to afraid to look into the party itself and see it weaknesses, acknowledge it and try to fix it from within.
I dont know much about the intrinsic analysis of politics but from my simple mind - Would this move help?
ReplyDeleteBN has shown that it does not have credible governance and from my perspective I am very disgusted with all the money politics, wastage of govt funds, arrogance and protecting certain warlords. I am willing to transition to a new government and give it a chance.
I want CHANGE.
Raja Hanim
When he left Umno, it was said cos he was disgusted with the goings on in Umno.
ReplyDeleteLast week he blogged rather irresponsibly about the apologetic DPM and how Malays are being made to apologize for everything these days.
Now he wants to rejoin the party, just to back Ku Li.
Ok. Old guy wants to be part of the fray. That's fine.
But in my eyes, Dr M is looking less a statesman by the day.
ReplyDeletethe old devils are back again.
another screw, another turn, another lie to learn, another set of scar to boast, another millions to waste.
ReplyDeleteAs the old chinese saying goes "ONLY A ROTTEN HORSE WILL RETURN TO THE GRAZING PATCH"
Gua baca statement 3 org pemimpin PKR rasa nak gelak. Konon respek prinsip Perlembagaan. Geng mana yg mabuk "kemenangan" PRU 12, lani duk nak perebah DEB, ugama Islam, Raja-Raja dsbnya mutakhir ini?
ReplyDeleteTengok Teresa Kok dgn petisyen azannya dan aksi pelekeh tulisan jawi. Hang ingat ni S'pore ka? Geng mana yg sekongkol dgn Majlis Peguan isu Murtad? Geng mana yg duk bantah Tengku Mahkota Kelantan punya ucapan. Baru-baru ni pulak Raja Muda Perlih.
Hang tengok ucapan Anwar berlambak dlm "AIDC".blogspot.com. Apa dia bilang pasai Melayu punya kedudukan depan audien bukan Melayu? Geng mana yg duk kutuk dan gertak Dato' Ahmad (kerana berani mempertahankan marwah dan hak Melayu)
Hampa main racist/ religious kad, ok demi nak terus pancing sokongan bukan Melayu. Melayu nak angkat muka sikit pun tak dapat ka?
Awat berdosa kah Melayu suara sikit di bumi Malaysia ini?
Kalau Ku LI masuk gelanggang bersama Tun M dan MY:
1. Endorsement terbuka Tun bakal menguatkan cabaran Ku Li; sbb Tun dah tengok perati kekuatan dan kelemahan AI, AAB dan Ku Li. Ini jam dah tak salah lagi, yg terbaik, ikut Tun ialah Ku Li.
2. InshaAllah SPB Agong besaq kemungkinan akan endorse Ku Li sbg pewaris perjaunagan yg belum selesai dgn sokongan majoriti ahli2 biasa UMNO.
3. MY telah memperlihatkan keberanian yg diperlukan dlm menghadapi cabaran2 pasca-PRU 12.
4. Ku Li sudah biasa dgn sepak terajang DAP dan PAS semasa oposisi dulu.
5. Ku Li boleh match malahan mengatasi AI dlm banyak sudut.
Hang nak belittle perikatan ini hang punya pasai. Awat, takutkah?
Didn't Dr M say he won't rejoin UMNO unless there is a change of leadership?
ReplyDeleteLooks like going back on his words again. Like he said he won't interfere with the government when he resigned as PM.
The current PM was hand picked by him.
The current DPM was earmarked by him as the next PM, and then dropped.
Now, he is handpicking Ku Li.
How can we ever trust this man?
bro rocky,
ReplyDeleteas far as im concern, all anwars supporters hate BN rite? but what about this BN MPs joining PR (if what they say is true about this 16 sept)? they are from BN....and...topple the G like this ...is this what democracy is all about? if u say previous G is not democratic enough...what about this?? i think this is even worse than TDM!
ladyfromhell (scotland)
Dengan sokongan TDM diharapkan politik negara berubah dan yang
ReplyDeleteberikut menjadi nyata:
-PM dan TPM tak semestinya dari Presiden/Timb Presiden parti... MYassin/ZHamidi/Hussam?? tapi jangan DSAI atau KJ... susah nak tebus balik negara
-PM tak boleh kekal lebih dari 2 Penggal
-Setiap ahli parti diberi hak mengundi untuk semua jawatan parti.
Dengan sokongan TDM diharapkan politik negara berubah dan yang
ReplyDeleteberikut menjadi nyata:
-PM dan TPM tak semestinya dari Presiden/Timb Presiden parti... MYassin/ZHamidi/Hussam?? tapi jangan DSAI atau KJ... susah nak tebus balik negara
-PM tak boleh kekal lebih dari 2 Penggal
-Setiap ahli parti diberi hak mengundi untuk semua jawatan parti.
ReplyDeleteThe best news I heard in the fasting month..The great old man is come back to save Malaysia. I hope this time ard he will kick Pak Lah, Trinity Goverment, Idiot Minister (Zaid, Azalina, Nazri, Bapak Dafi, Shabbery ChiXX, Shahril Tin Kosong, MMT donno to speak English, Rizal Merican, Azzeez dol bla2.) plus the QUEEN AMELDA ROSMAH what the heck she's in the cabinet meeting room does she a minister???