Friday, September 26, 2008

Abdullah's last stand

Umno elections moved to March from this Dec. In a nutshell, the Umno president wants to see how many nominations he would be getting. He needs at least 58 divisions out of the 191 to nominate him in order to be able to defend his presidency. If he does not get enough numbers, it's settled there and then. If he qualifies but Najib gets more nominations, he's bought himself three additional months to go shopping and buy some frog meat for dinner. For many in Umno, the today's postponement is the ultimate act of futility, but one which has become necessary.

The other PM-in-waiting will have somethign to say about this. He has moved his press conference, originally scheduled for 3.30 this afternoon, to 1.30 tomorrow afternoon at his residence.

p.s. Recommended last words: "This is Your Captain Sleeping".


  1. Anonymous2:16 pm has just awakened from his slumber since 2003 after a first real threat to his throne...
    The other is so fundamentally flawed that the rakyat cannot possibly accept him as the next premier..
    Whatever happened to P.I. Balasubramaniam?

  2. Anonymous2:32 pm

    pity the songket seller/those makci ks selling their wares at PWTC. No GA, no income mah!

    Is this unprecedented bro? No GA in a calendar year?
    AAB, Najib and UMNO is a laughing stock, the end is near even if they do not realise it. Be it by opposition or self implosion, the ship is beyond salvation, total wreck. Chedet will receive this news with glee.

    Even captains at odds, how to steer Malaysia into the future?.
    and that is UMNO for now...shesshh

    mat kelantan

  3. one day the history book will do justice to aab as a leader that always think about his nation once he handover the leadership to najib this year . aab should listen to his inner feeling not to his inner circle. do it for the country .listen to the song don't cry for me argentina.

  4. I sincerely pray that through all these power plays, the leaders or the leaders to be must have the interest of the rakyat in mind.

    Day after day, we are being bombarded with more confusion not only from the ruling party, but from the PR as well.

    I clamoured for change, but it is not forthcoming, 916 has come and gone, i guess the only suffering again will be the rakyat still.

  5. Anonymous2:56 pm

    Nampak sangat la gila kuasanya orang tua tu. Selagi satu jengkil jarinya masih boleh bergayut dgn jawatan PM, selagi itu la dia bertahan.

    Tak faham-faham lagi ke Pak Lah?????

  6. Anonymous3:00 pm

    Mengapa Peralihan Kuasa 2010 Pilihan Terbaik Untuk UMNO~Malaysiakini
    Desas desus politik kini seakan-akan mengikut rentak lautan yang bergelora di musim tengkujuh. Tiada tujuan, tiada destinasi. Di dalam era komunikasi alaf baru ini, begitu banyak sumber yang menggambarkan situasi sama dengan nada yang begitu berbeda. Bermacam-macam jenis analisis yang diberikan selepas penukaran portfolio Menteri Kewangan – Menteri Pertahanan dan Mesyuarat Majlis Tertinggi UMNO.

    Namun, jika kita ikut norma-norma lazim, lantas memisahkan emosi politik, hanya satu hakikat yang boleh digunapakai oleh UMNO. Penetapan peralihan kuasa 2010 dan bukannya ‘peralihan kuasa paksa’ yang diuar-uarkan oleh mereka yang dahagakan kuasa.

    Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi membuktikan beliau akur dengan suara akar umbi dan demi survival UMNO telahpun mengumumkan pelan peralihan kuasa pada tahun 2010 yang dipersetujui oleh Timbalannya dan telah mendapat persetujuan Majlis Tertinggi UMNO. Entah semena-mena, suara-suara yang berhasrat melanggar perjanjian pelan peralihan kuasa ini demi kepentingan peribadi mula mengorak langkah politik mereka.

    Hakikatnya, demi UMNO dan nasib anak bangsa, Dato’ Seri Abdullah perlu melakukan beberapa perubahan peri sukar sebelum beliau dapat mewariskan tampuk pemerintahan kepada Dato Sri Najib. Jika Dato’ Sri Najib melakukan perubahan ini, beliau akan kehilangan banyak dana politiknya. Disebabkan ini, Dato’ Seri Abdullah memerlukan tempoh sehingga 2010. Malahan beliau telah mengatakan bahawa jika kerjanya selesai, beliau sanggup melepaskan jawatannya kepada Timbalannya sebelum 2010.

    Niat sebenar Dato Seri Abdullah terbukti dengan pemindahan portfolio Kewangan. Jelas beliau mahu memberi Dato Sri Najib persiapan yang terbaik untuk menjadi pemimpin Malaysia dan UMNO setelah pemergiannya dari tampuk pemerintahan kelak.

    Dari segi politik UMNO, kaedah memaksa Dato’ Seri Abdullah untuk pergi sebelum pencalonan bulan Oktober hanya akan menguntungkan segelintir pihak. Jika dilihat dengan kanta politik, pihak tersebut bukanlah Dato Sri’ Najib. Untuk UMNO kekal kuat, pucuk pimpinannya mestilah dapat bekerjasama. Jika ‘pelan peralihan kuasa paksa’ yang dicanangkan oleh Tan Sri Muhyiddin ini menjadi, maka dialah yang akan menjadi Timbalan Presiden UMNO.

    Semua di dalam UMNO tahu Dato Sri Najib kurang selesa dengan corak kepimpinan Tan Sri Muhyiddin. Tambahan pula, dengan menunjukkan taringnya baru-baru ini, ternyatalah bahawa kesetiaan kepada pemimpin bukanlah kekuatan Tan Sri Muhyiddin. Sejarah persaingan mereka berdua sudah lama diketahui oleh warga UMNO. Tidak mungkin mereka akan dapat bekerjasama demi kepentingan UMNO. Dato’ Seri Najb akan dipaksa melihat gerak geri Timbalannya yang sudah pasti mengidamkan jawatannya selaku Perdana Meneteri. Bagi menghadapi cabaran politik dari Pakatan Rakyat yang semakin meruncing ini, Dato’ Sri Najib memerlukan Timbalan yang setia dan mampu bekerjasama dengan kepimpinannya.

    Suara akar umbi sebenarnya sudah menetapkan Barisan kepimpinan Naib Presiden yang mampu memastikan UMNO terus releven. Nama Tan Sri Muhyiddin tidak terkandung di dalam barisan kepimpinan ini. Nama-nama Naib Presiden yang disebut-sebut ialah Dato’ Zahid Hamidi, Dato’ Shafie Apdal dan wakil dari Johor pula samaada Dato’ Khaled Nordin ataupun Dato’ Seri Hishammuddin.

    Ramai penganalisa politik berpendapat bahawa pilihan sebenar Dato Sri Najib untuk menjadi Timbalannya ialah bekas Setiausaha Politiknya, Dato’ Zahid Hamidi. Antara nama-nama lain yang dipercayai oleh Dato Sri Najib ialah Dato’ Seri Hishammuddin, Dato’ Shafie Apdal dan Dato’ Khaled Nordin.

    Jadi terang lagi bersuluh, taktik ‘peralihan kuasa paksa’ ini merupakan taktik terakhir yang dapat dijana oleh Tan Sri Muhyiddin untuk menentukan survival politiknya.

    Dari segi politik negara pula, Dato Sri Najib memerlukan peralihan kuasa 2010, kerana beliau sedar bayangan Anwar Ibrahim akan sentiasa menghantuinya. Sejak pembebasannya dari tahanan, Anwar Ibrahim meletakkan Dato Sri Najib sebagai musuh utama Pakatan Rakyat. Dari Ijok hingga ke Permatang Pauh, nama Dato’ Sri Najib yang selalu disebut oleh Anwar Ibrahim.

    Namun, jika Anwar disabit kesalahan di dalam kes liwat pada tahun depan, ataupun dakwaan Anwar yang menjanjikan perubahan Kerajaan Pusat tidak menjadi kenyataan ketika Dato Seri Abdullah masih kekal Perdana Menteri, maka Dato Sri Najib akan terlindung dari sebarang dakwaan konspirasi politik yang sudah pasti akan dilontar oleh Anwar Ibrahim dan konco-konconya.

    Justeru, untuk UMNO dan Malaysia, peralihan kuasa 2010 merupakan pilihan yang terbaik kerana ia peralihan yang mementingkan kesemua ahli UMNO dan bukannya segelintir pihak yang rakus kuasa.

  7. Assalamualaikum bro rock,

    Good news after friday pray, after march all rakyat should unite back under the existing govnt instead of b**llsh*t PR.

    Let's we bring back the economy problem that is more frightening compare to all bullshit politiking. Hope Pak Lah fullfil his promise but since he always flip flop in his decision. If he tried to retract his decision, I can confirm all the top UMNO will against him including Najib except the balaci suh as KJ, Shabby CHixx, MM dont know speak english, Gangster Najriz, Shahidan Power Crazy, the sunk Annuar Musa n bla2.

  8. Anonymous3:09 pm

    Looks like that PM in waiting can safely keep on waiting! LOL

  9. Anonymous3:41 pm

    Beb, apa guna kita melaung-laungkan soal ketelusan, akuntabiliti dan sebagainya jika bila tiba masa pemilihan parti, kita berdolak dalik. Orang yang telus sepatutnya juga demokratik. Bila sampai masa, maka beradu nasiblah. Apa ada hal.
    Orang yang benar-benar telus, tidak sepatutnya bimbang kepada apa juga yang akan berlaku.

    Md Nasib Yon.

  10. Anonymous3:44 pm

    Oh, Lord, Shelter Us from the Political Melt Down.

    True Blue UMNO member

  11. Anonymous4:12 pm

    Are you hinting that PM is suffering from OSA too, the medical kind?
    Maybe that's why he's dozing off so often!
    They say if you give out OSA, then you get OSA yourself...send him to doctor2008!

  12. Apapun, Awang berdoa agar seluruh warga UMNO melalui mesyuarat Bahagian tidak lagi menjadi golongan tamak, pentingkan halwa temolok sendiri,BODOH dan BANGSAT serta menjadi PETUALANG macam UMNO P.Pinang dan Kelantan pada mersyuarat bahagian bermula 9 Oktober nanti. Biarlah Pak Lah nak tangguh berapa lama lagi janji dalam bulan Oktober ini dia tidak akan dapat pencalonan yang cukup.
    Manusia tak sedar diri, dah tau ramai orang tak suka, masih nak pegang kuasa. Macam mana nak bagi dia sedar yang BN kalah teruk sebab rakyat dah menyampah dengan dia. Dalam konteks ahli UMNO. Najib pun boleh dianggap tidak bertanggungjawab kerana masih menyokong Pak Lah. Jadi kesimpulannya, Awang harap semua bahagian mencalonkan Muhyiddin dan Ku Li. Lepas tu kita tengok macam balik nak susun UMNO balik . Petualang sebebenar dalam UMNO ialah Pak Lah dan KJ serta konco-konconya.


  14. Anonymous4:35 pm

    Mr. Bru-er, the "upper class", high soceity premier and his kuncu-kuncu will never eat the entire frog... They will only eat the legs, you know...And don't go giving the old 'hunter' any tips on buying time, now will you.. You're only encouraging him to waste more ringgit on Switzerland!!

  15. Anonymous4:37 pm

    The bottom line is, Abdullah is a dead duck, but hey, who gave UMNO the GOD damn right to decide, who should be the next Prime Minister of this nation. UMNO is now behaving as if, they own the country and can simply ignore the views of the people. What happen to all the component parties of BN, MCA, MIC and Gerakan are they silent partners?
    oooooops, I forgot, thay are merely political 'Beggars' easily satisfied with spit out crumbs from UMNO.

  16. Anonymous4:50 pm

    pak lah will try his best to remain at his seat.that's certain.this kinda action can be predicted from any leaders.ask if Muhyiddin ready to give up his post now and the answer is absolutely a big NO!.

    meanwhile for Najib,if he's really gonna be our next PM earlier than expected than he have to be extra ready for it.if he's not ready but still wanna take over from Abdullah,then he's in deep S%^t!

  17. Dear Rocky,
    Looks like one has the numbers to be PM and the other is struggling with numbers to remain PM

  18. Anonymous5:09 pm

    Abdullah Snookers UMNO. First here is a timeline. By Oct 9th '08 Abdullah decides if he is going to contest the UMNO presidency. But UMNO General Assembly has been postponed to March 09. The 2010 succession plan is also off.

    Now here is the analysis.

    Act 1 : What happens if on Oct 9th Abdullah decides NOT to run for party president in March 09? Well he still remains as PM until March 09.

    This means Abdullah has snookered UMNO and Najib again because in the original plans, UMNO will have its GA in December 08. At least by December '08 UMNO had a chance to kick out Abdullah as President. But now that opportunity has been lost. UMNO must now wait till March '09 for a chance to pick a new President and new PM.

    Act 2 : What if Dollah decides by Oct 9 that he will indeed run for party president in March 09? Well it means that he has bought himself an extra 3 months, till March 09 to remain as party president and PM. Again Dollah can sleep easy about the December '08 deadline for the UMNO GA. He now has till March 09. Again Najib and UMNO have been snookered by Dollah.

    A lot can happen between now and March 09 - 6 months away. God knows what the Altantuya and Anwar Sodomy trials will reveal? Anwar Ibrahim is a non issue already but what if Najib is significantly weakened by March 09? Abdullah will emerge as the only strong candidate in UMNO.

    Ku LI will not be any stronger and neither will Muhyuddin. Abdullah may just buy enough frog meat and get solid backing by March 09. In which case Abdullah will remain party president and PM till 2012.

    Also it is official now - the original 2010 transition plan is cancelled. It has been replaced by this incredibly stupid and mindless 'I will decide by Oct 9' Flip Flop.

    Act 3: What will be Abdullah's most likely decision on Oct 9th? It will be logical for him to say on Oct 9th that he wants to run for president in March '09. This means he will automatically remain as prime minister until March 2009. Why should he not contest? The rest is as per Act 2 above.

    Conclusion : UMNO has been snookered by a 'Sleeping Captain'. The flavour of the month is buggery.

    What can UMNO do? Well obviously, everytime Abdullah agrees on one thing with the MT UMNO, then he goes home, discusses it with the kitchen cabinet and then comes back and says something else.

    But the fact is in this last week alone Abdullah has flip flopped four times about this transitionn issue. First it was 2010, then maybe not 2010, then maybe Oct 9, now March '09. What does this mean?

    It means that Abdullah and his kitchen cabinet are at the weakest. He is certainly under a lot of pressure. If UMNO stands firm now, Abdullah will be forced to leave. The question is does UMNO have the cojones?

    Today is a major victory for Abdullah because he has snookered ALL in UMNO including Najib.

    If he plays his cards like today, Abdullah will remain in power till 2012. He is not the only one who is sleeping. The whole damned UMNO party is snoring.

    Hidup Melayu, Tidur UMNO.

  19. Anonymous5:13 pm

    Abdullah's last stand will be bloody. There will be no prisoners.

  20. Anonymous5:41 pm

    la,,,mimpi sedih lagi,,!!!!

    Sat cakap,,jangan cakap politik aja,,kerana banyak perkara belum selesi,,walhal nothing moved after the General Election,,,after 6 months,,Melayu cakap "NO THING" ta'ada benda,,

    Ngapalah si Bodowi ni banyak excuses yang diberi,,!!! Ta'faham-faham ke,,TURUN saja dari jadi PM,,,mengapa siksa diri,,,

    Lihat sahaja THAILAND,,JAPAN,, berapa ramai PM Tukaq,,tapi rakyat mewah,,ekonomi berjalan,,Malaysia dah lingkop dah,,!!!

    DSAI,,apa lagi,,reveal out those going to crossover,,,kasi cepat CHANGE THE GOVERMENT,,

    Bodowi,,JANGAN minta simpati Rakyat,,or call for a fresh Election,,,kasi limgkup BN,,,!!!


  21. Anonymous5:50 pm

    who the f is kulitpisang? must be one of those paid spin doctors of Pak Lah. This guy is now telling us that Muhyidin is the true victor in the Power Transfer. What bull!


  22. 3:00 PM
    Dato’ Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi membuktikan beliau akur dengan suara akar umbi dan demi survival UMNO telahpun mengumumkan pelan peralihan kuasa pada tahun 2010 yang dipersetujui oleh Timbalannya dan telah mendapat persetujuan Majlis Tertinggi UMNO.

    KulitPisang, enko ni ada sakit mental, ye?

    Sebab, bagi orang yang waras, dan kalau IQ stakat average sekali pun, tidak akan samakan Badawi dengan "suara akar umbi". Wah, suka-suka hati nak kasi "Stamp of Approval" Sirim ke MANGKOK ni!

    Orang SATU MALAYSIA pakat kata Badawi ni out-of-touch ... yang enko pulak kata mangkok tu "pilihan grassroots"! Enko ni baru balik Somalia ke, punya NGOK gini.

    Ni lah perjuangan aku untuk bulan posa - Jangan benarkan kejahilan dan kebodohan macam ni dibiarkan tanpa KENA PENYEPAK.

  23. We now live in the age of uncertainties
    With so many things in a state of flux
    We will all be failing in our personal duties
    If we merely wash our hands clean with soapy Lux

    (C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng - 260908
    Fri. 26th Sept. 2008.

  24. Anonymous6:30 pm

    If this is the case, Najib's also a gone case for me! And so with UMNO. I'll 'enter' DAP!

    Hantu Gigi Jarang

  25. Anonymous6:38 pm

    Alahai kena mainla! Let's 'enter' DAP!


  26. Anonymous6:40 pm


    umno really is a CIRCUS!

  27. Anonymous6:43 pm

    will Ku Li still challenge if it's Najib?? that should tell us a few more things =]

    wat will become of KJ??


  28. Anonymous8:07 pm

    rocky and all, check out what this guy said about our goverment checking on the china milk at he got some good points there.

  29. @anonymous 5:09 PM Hidup Melayu, Tidur UMNO

    That's a pretty good analysis of what Badawi stands to gain and how things might play out until March `09.

    I'm sure there will be other interesting variations and possible political permutations when the other analysts have their say here on this matter.

    There are a few people whose opinions, interpretations and theories I'm watching the RSS feeds for - people who I believe "should know enough" of these elite players in Umno; plus the general `Umno culture'

    Among them are Dr Mahathir (but of course), Big Dog, Kuda Kepang etc; and especially Sakmongol AK47. And the follow-up comments at Dr Mahathir's blog will definitely offer even more depth. It'll be a very interesting 24 hours...

    Anyway, the `Umno rakyat' - the group that IS "the grassroots" in whatever dictionary you look at - won't be of too much value here. Unlike the GE.

    It's exasperating and distressing that this is the group every monkey in the upper-echelon, superscale-Brahmin claim so loudly to represent.

    And that "kita mesti ikut apa yang diperkatakan oleh kumpulan akar umbi ini, yang merupakan tulang belakang dan kekuatan Umno..." But it's the division chiefs, especially; and that "Super VVIP for a few days" that the Brahmins really care about.

    What the grassroots really want might not be translated into reality when it comes to the crunch.

    All it takes is some deep-pocketed Brahmins to apply enough grease with the division chiefs, and especially with the "temporary Super VVIPs" - the Chegu's, Penyelia Kemas, specialist longkang & tandas-awam sub-contractor, `sengkek-class' lawyers whose main income are the "urine positif" dudes desperate not to `kena pusat'...

    ... the type that might tend to be easily flattered when given "royalty treatment". "Might as well grab what's offered for this chance doesn't come often".

    Like that PKR guy in Perak who "accepts sedekah" in the form of prostitutes "since it is offered"... takut nanti orang yang offer tu kecik hati pulak; BERDOSA...

  30. @wandererAUS 4:37 PM
    Ah, this IS a good time to bring that one up: Yes, this is solid evidence that goes to show that Umno - or at least those in the front row - has not learned the right lessons too when it comes to complaints about how it had treated the other component parties.

    Did Badawi and Najib especially, take into any consideration what the MCA, Gerakan and East Malaysia parties have to say about the succession plan/s? And this one of him making a decision next month and the party elections carried forward to next year?

    Yes, at first look they appear to be "Umno matters". But they WILL AFFECT OTHERS TOO! It would have been the decent thing to do to ask what the coalition partners would think about these things.

    Ah, Yes; the anti-BN elements in these parties should use this as "modal" to find another coalition to join forces with...

  31. Anonymous9:46 pm

    Why don't politicians learn from other countries eg Japan .. face up to reality - resign and let due process decide.It's so pathetic to cling on like this.


  32. Imagine Abdullah Ahmad airport...flying from one place to another....IN not know where to land.
    That's how his brain is working now.

  33. Anonymous10:00 pm

    dia suka no3, jenis pakai 3 selinder kot.

  34. And once Najib becomes PM...Anwar will need to run like hell....and be like McArthur... saying..."I shall Return!!"..but only God and he knows when.
    And all smart Malaysians need to adjust...adapt survive again.
    Malaysian Chinese are very good at surviving..without depending on others.
    That's is the only can find in all developed countries...welcomed by those equal citizens...except Malaysia.

  35. Anonymous10:09 pm

    Don't underestimate Pak Lah.All along he said he is the peoples' PM .He might as well be,because he will make the greatest(godsend)decision of his life ;when cornered and betrayed by his UMNO warlords,rakyat Malaysia will be pleasantly surprised with his decision.He will make Malaysian history by emerging from zero to hero!Don't believe?Just wait and see.

  36. Anonymous10:21 pm

    I am very happy that it's finally Game Over for Abdullah Badawi ... Wali Kota

  37. Frankly speaking my dear...



  38. This is the ultimate flop to the flip. Can you ever hold this fellow for his words ? Can you ever believe that it WILL be March, the anniversary of his debacle ? Do the last decent thing, Dol. Just pack your bags ! You say you love Malaysia, but Malaysia is not reciprocating ! Can't you get it ?

  39. Anonymous11:20 pm

    As if things are going to change with the prime minister resigning. i doubt anything would change. the rakyat really want something different.

    shaking heads

  40. Anonymous12:24 am

    Dear Sdr Rocky's Bru,

    Malaysians and UMNO members in particular, should now accept the revised power transition plan that had been worked out between Pak Lah and Najib and reaffirmed by an hour meeting with the MKT members this friday morning.

    It was a wise political decision to have fast forward the transition plan by one year from June 2010 to June 2009, based on the wishes and sentiments representing the voice of the majority at UMNO grassroot level.

    Firstly,it is felt that Pak Lah would have sufficient time to hand over government and party matters to Najib within the next 6 months, now that the finance portfolio under Najib is slowly shaping up with new economic and financial strategies. The people should have full confidence in Najib, as I believe he is being surrounded by capable economists, dynamic group of bankers and corporate leaders to identify the weaknesses in the nation's ailing economy with workable remedies.

    Secondly, the deferment of the UMNO AGM from December to March next year, is another effective way to provide more time for the elected UMNO delegates in order to choose their preferred candidates for all the senior party posts,when the divisional meeting commence on October 9th.

    As for Pak Lah, I believe he has taken into consideration the voice of the majority, that had already being decided in the new nomination line-up of potential candidates from the President down to the supreme council members.

    Certainly Pak Lah had placed party interest above his personal crave for continued political power, based on party sentiments at grassroot level during the last few weeks of his Ramadan tour to all his favorite states.Pak Lah's final awaited announcement whether he will vide for the presidency before October 9th will pave the way for a smoother power transition to Najib, PM and UMNO President designate, with the minimum political impasse in order to avoid a serious UMNO crisis.

    Syabas to both Pak Lah and Najib for another political compromise in the wider interest and love for UMNO, which I believe is not an easy decision in view of Pak Lah's track record as one of the most sincere party leader, in times of glory and crisis.

    All UMNO members should now reconciled and be united with one voice to vote in the best candidates available,in order to assist Najib in his effort to revamp UMNO, which had been demoralised in the post March general election era.It is also a crucial move to consolidate the political strategies among the BN members, with renewed confidence and solidarity in order to face the challenges in the coming 13th general election.

  41. What would be Pak Lah’s legacy? Mr. Clean or Mr. Flip-Flopping? The PM who won the unprecedented landslide victory in 2004 or the PM who lost 5 state governments and 2/3 majority in Dewan Rakyat?

  42. Reading the transcript of the Q&A with Pak Lah after the Supreme Council emergency meeting yesterday, I was deeply saddened by his inability to articulate his views well and present his stand clearly and firmly!

    It appeared as though he was a broken man being lashed at and rejected by a tribunal comprising some of his most trusted colleagues and scrutinising journalists who were after his blood!

    As many people have remarked the UMNO leadership crisis is very much like Shakespeare's Julius Caesar being reenacted on Malaysian soil. Caesar's despair and grief was final when he turned round (after being stabbed a few times) and said " ET TU BRUTE? " (You too Brutus?). The betrayal was complete!

    Of course the clarion call among Rome's senators was " It's not that I love Caesar less but that I love Rome more!"

    I'm not sure the UMNO Supreme Council members are as noble or honourable!

    But I agree that a leader of Pak Lah's loyalty, sincerity and goodness must go with dignity!

  43. Anonymous6:59 am

    Ku Li: Ganti kuasa PM-Najib macam budak-budak

    Two clownmen (Najib & Dollah Badawi) membuat lawak terhebat zaman ini.

    Adakah mereka sedar bahawa fake support for either one of them hanya berpaksikan habuan dan rasuah....untuk hanya pengampu2 dan opportunists?

    Anyway, the credibility of both of them has been completely eroded in the eyes of most malaysians.


  44. Anonymous9:07 am

    actually the rakyats fed up with umno.who ever leading the party make no difference.the system has corrupt and rakyats suffered.let them bungkus once and for all.and m'sia will merdeka again.justice will prevail.only god knows when.

    rakyat tak bodoh

  45. If this is Dollah's last is similar to General Custer's last stand.
    UMNO is matter.

  46. Jokes aside...I do like and feel safe with Dollah as PM.
    He is a crook...but twist and turn to blame others...painting a clean image of himself. He is a team player crook.
    He is an actor...but we can see...he is a lousy we can spot his lousy acting. easy.
    He has no balls...but try to be brave..and talk cock ..and we know ....what an idiotic bull he is.
    His smile is so false ....that we know...he is fuming mad with some UMNO ministers....but put out on a stupid smile....all can feel sad for him.
    He is sincere..want to sleep in meetings.....he two ways about it. That's why I like him.
    He is such a poor liar...that when he said he got big ears and hear and see....he keep seeing and hearing nothing....except his UMNO members scolding him.
    He is so irresponsible.....that we is not intentional..but due to his low IQ. So...somwwhat.. not his faults.
    You see..when you have such a person as your friend......or feel you can handle him with ease.
    For feeling safe under him as PM..I cannot help liking him....and will feel sad...if he really is forced to leave sooner than those UMNO crooks.
    Even stupid person can learn few tricks. That's Dollah's downfall with Malaysians....applying low class tricks on us.
    Anyway..UMNO must be replaced.
    We have enough of it.

  47. Anonymous11:12 am

    In response to Kulit Pisang, I must say Muhyiddin is the true champion of the party and leadership. At the time when the crossovers might be imminent, he has provided some form of hope and assurance to the disgruntled MPs to re-consider their decisions. Singlehandedly, he has saved the leadership from destruction. He's not doing it for personal reasons because for anyone to profit from it is none other than Najib. Pak Lah must not take it personally and should draw lessons from the Khalifah days when Umar was chatised by an old woman in a large gathering he was magnimous and readily admitted that she was right. Being magnimous of course is the mark of a true leader.

    Live & let live

  48. Anonymous12:38 pm

    RM200 over billion FDI went out of this country, and we still continue watching and encouraging the drama going on & on & on... Can we all just let this country run like any EPL club, sack the manager get the right one until we back in the wining streak.

  49. Anonymous12:53 pm

    Dear all,

    You guys can come up with whatever analysis you want.

    My conviction is simple - come 2012 GE and Pak Lah and KJ still there, BN will again NOT get my vote even if they put my brothers, uncles, cousins 2 contest.

    I did it in last election & I will not hesitate to do it again.

    When I was in the boarding school, we beat up our head prefect for being biased.

    Same idea but different method.

    Thank you.

    When Rumi Sings

    p/s: Depa nak tolong melayu, kononnya. My good friend's project proposal pun depa hijacked.

  50. Anonymous3:08 pm

    Remember Iraq? When Saddam rules, 'they' said its terrible, dictator, killed innocent people, etc etc. So, USA come in. New hope, bla bla bla. Now, see what happened? Many many more Iraqis men women and children killed compare to Saddam days. Oil and other Iraq treasure like ancient artifacts etc were taken away. Most of all, no more dignity let alone peace n democracy in Iraq.

    Remember. See. THINK. Before u say the new is better.


  51. Anonymous3:08 pm

    Hj Mustapha Ong,

    Had you not worked for Najib,would you say the same tthingg!!


  52. General Custer last stand was making sure...all are dead..and he was the last one to go.
    Abdullah last stand maybe inspired by General Custer.
    But General Custer was fighting the real owner of America...the Red Indians.
    Here...UMNO members realizing...they are not the first in Malaysian history..are fighting each other.

  53. Anonymous3:51 pm

    Najib your beloved "done no wrong, after all it's just a Mongol woman, not our daughters...who cares who murdered her worse than a dog" is saying "INFLATION IS DECLINING...ONE LESS PRADA JE THIS YEAR, DEAR WIFE...NO WORRIES"

    The real world is saying:

    "The inflation rate has jumped to a 27-year high of 8.5 percent in August, driven by the escalating cost of food and fuel, according to official data released today.

    “The result was slightly higher than expected but the central Bank Negara would not raise interest rates to ensure growth,” said Wan Suhaimi Saidi, an economist with Kenanga Investment Bank."

    So now we have an equally clueless, fumbling and detached from reality PM-in-waiting Najib...

    Rakyat is saying:

    "WE ARE SCREWED EITHER WHICH AND EVERY WAY"....and one less meal a day, darling children"...(what hardship is that compared to the unrepentant UMNO wives and leaders one less PRADA or mistress, eh...did you read about the 8 siblings living in a only move around in elite circles now, Rocky...they are not the elite kids, tak payah highlight)

    Truth is All But Dead

  54. Anonymous4:12 pm

    Pak Lah mintak extratime nak abis homework. Kat skolah dulu ada ke kita dapat chans macam dia. Salah hemat Rotan la atau pun Detention Class.
    Amacam, kita hantar dia pegi DC?


  55. Hi rocky, sorry to use this space for tabling somtehing for every malaysia to ponders.

    before i go further, it is true the petrol price now US92.7 per barrel?

    I read this in one of the bloggers file:

    Mengikut formula kerajaan ketika menaikkan harga minyak :
    Harga Minyak Global 1 Tong = USD 92.70 (bersamaan dengan RM 319.82)
    1 Tong bersamaan dengan 159 liter
    Nilai Ringgit sekarang berbanding Dolar = RM 3.45
    Harga satu liter > RM 319.82 / 159 liter = RM 2.01
    Subsidi kerajaan = RM 0.30
    Harga sepatutnya > RM 2.01 - RM 0.30 = RM 1.71 (harga sepatutnya)
    Harga sekarang = RM 2.45 sen
    Beza kerajaan tipu Rakyat Malaysia = RM 2.45 - RM 1.71 = RM 0.74 per liter. - mr_

    Just for us to ponder

  56. adakah umno hanya milik EmpTy UMNO. Adakah hanya 25 orang ahli EmpTy yang menentukan segala-galanya? Kesemua keputusan yang dibuat ini hanyalah utk anggota EmpTy. Jangan lupa, pak lah dan najib adalah anggota EmpTy. Ini adalah kes conflict of interest. saya tak nampak sebab mengapa nak tunda sampai mac. nak jaga air muka pak lah? orang lain tak ada air muka ka? ahli umno yang 3 juta tu tak ada air muka ka? cukuplah sandiwara bodoh tu. buat perhimpunan agung pd disember seperti dijadualkan. kalau pak lah tak nak bertanding, good. kalau nak bertanding, silakan. janganlah buat ahli umno macam lembu yang boleh dicucuk hidung, ditarik ke sana-sini. apa benda ni? bodoh sangatkah ahli umno?

  57. Anonymous11:00 pm

    I strongly believe on the desperate attempt by Pak Lah/Najib on playing racial card for their survival in UMNO.......use Teresa Kok as a pond in their game. Shame on you Pak Lah/Najib......I hope you will not create damage further by exploiting PEKIDA......

  58. Bro, just a case of 'POT CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK'. If Pak Lah can say that Anwar is nothing but a liar so by saying he will take over by 16th September what difference is there compared to him??? First he says he will hand over power by 2010 now it's March 09, is he not the same??? Further to that I agree with one of the other comments posted here in saying that who are these two characters to determine who will be Prime Minister of Malaysia??? Is it not up to the RAKYAT to determine who is to lead us??? What right have they to toy around with the leadership of our beloved Malaysia!!!! Not that I support Ku Li fully as well but he is right to say that it's up to the RAKYAT to determine who should be PM not a group of selfish and self serving individuals!!!!All I can say is that if this continues Malaysia will be no different from many countries in Africa where the wealth of the nation is sucked away by 'individuals' who could not care less about the rest of the country but only concerned about their status and wealth. I pray and hope we wake up and not allow this to happen!!!!!

  59. Anonymous2:07 am

    NST says:

    KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi will step down as prime minister much earlier than the planned date of June 2010, possibly by March next year.
    At an emergency Umno supreme council meeting, Abdullah declined to expressly state when he would vacate the prime minister's position.But he said the transition plan that he had outlined in July -- where he would hand over power to his deputy Datuk Seri Najib Razak in June 2010 -- was "no longer in place".

    The STAR says:

    Najib to take over sooner
    Umno special supreme council meeting
    KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi will hand over power to his deputy Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak earlier than June 2010, it was announced yesterday.
    Umno has also postponed its annual general assembly and supreme council elections to next March to facilitate the “early transition of power,” said Umno president Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi after chairing a special supreme council meeting yesterday.

    Racun says:

    Can somebody please tell Pak Lah and Najib that they do not decide on UMNO's future. UMNO's future is to be decided by UMNO (the branch delegates to the divisional meetings and after that the divisional delegates to the UMNO General Assembly). There are occassions when leadership guides the decision. This is allowable when the party is in a commanding position and respected.
    But the situation now is very different. UMNO is not in command and the people is rejecting the Leader. So rightfully UMNO's grassroots will have to rally behind a strong leader which will be given a chance to prop up the confidence of UMNO members and also its component partners in the Barisan Nasional.

    Penawar says:

    Its good that the leadership postphonement is scheduled for March, 2009 so that Pak Lah can really prepare for his retirement. The Divisions can then nominate and vote in the new leaders from 9th October to 9th November. When these new leaders won uncontested, (because the grapevine says that if Najib doesn't want to go for the number one post then there will be retractors who will back KuLi, if all the divisions agreed to Nominate Najib to take over, the nominations in the divisional meetings from 9/10 to 9/11, then KuLi will not get the splinter nominations.

    UMNO will be strengthened with the new leadership and all UMNO members will rally behind and be united to face the future challenges together with renewed confidence and influence of their component partners in the Barisan Nasional.

    Conclusion says:

    Pak Lah is very wise to suggest this option, so that within now until March, 2009 (about 6 months time) he can systematically hand over the reign of the country to Dato Seri Najib.

    The ideal situation says:

    If this is the case, then the handover should be done by the 9th of October, 2008 so that UMNO is in a position to lead the BN pact before the other component parties had sorted out their leadership changes. UMNO is the backbone and it still has to be the spine for the reconstruction of Malaysian politics.

  60. Anonymous8:02 am

    In real democracies, troubled leaders fall on their on sword and resign. Msia is not there yet by a longshot. More like Myanmar -- fucking corrupt and power hungry to the core.
    UMNO = Useless Men with No Otak


  61. Anonymous9:20 am

    Thinking of your country is now headed by an out going PM who lost all respect in the job make one sick. Knowing that your country next PM in waiting is one who perform badly in his previous position make one almost puke.

    This is the making of Bolehland, to Burokland to Busokland.

    UMNO style.

  62. Anonymous11:31 am

    Habis lah ini country, Kalau itu macham nak tungu Pak Lah to finish his acting the country will be habis dan mati.

    All the MPs are good for nothing, sitting and waiting for the musical chair to move, habis lah Malaysia! Die, die....

    I am selling my rumah dan Proton, moving away from this getting from bad to worst country.

  63. Anonymous2:36 pm

    when rumi sings,

    i have a problem with najib's wife. unlike hasmah mohd ali who was not only a respected doctor but also an obedient wife and first lady who knew her place, always behind the PM, rosmah wants to always walk alongside najib. najib has to curb this. already his standing in the eyes of his fellow malaysians has taken a lot of beating these past few years. rosmah too has to fight perceptions and allegations of wanton excesses in spending taxpayers' money shopping all over the world. otherwise najib possesses the pedigree, charisma and leadership qualities to lead the country. and najib, please...don't let rosmah sing at functions all the time.

  64. Anonymous2:44 pm

    rocky in the star today i wonder what anwar ibrahim thinks of tunku aziz's statement that it was unethical for MPs to crossover to join other parties to bring about a change of Government. tunku aziz's sentiments were shared by Lim Guan Eng. Lim said the opinion was in line with the party’s views on the matter. So how did they get 40 MPs to crossover when DAP is not agreeable to the idea?

    GEORGE TOWN: The power transfer from Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak may just be “a change of soup rather than medication.”

    Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said the country’s situation would remain the same if the transition failed to herald policy changes.

    “The decision to speed up the power transition by the Umno supreme council special meeting on Friday also indicates a power struggle within the party,” he said during a press conference after attending a signing ceremony between Penang Development Corporation and Farrari Mutiara Medical Group in Bayan Baru.

    Lim, who is also DAP secretary-general, was commenting on Umno’s postponement of its annual general assembly, and supreme council elections to March next year, to facilitate an early power transition.

    On DAP vice-chairman Tunku Aziz Tunku Ibrahim’s comment that it was unethical for MPs to crossover to join other parties to bring about a change of Government, Lim said the opinion was in line with the party’s views on the matter.

    “If an individual MP wants to leave his party, then he should return his constituents and get a new mandate.

    “Tunku Abdul Aziz’s view is not inconsistent with the party’s,” he said.

    Lim also condemned the molotov cocktail attack at Seputeh MP Teresa Kok’s parents’ home in Kuala Lumpur early yesterday morning.

    He hoped the police would take stern action.

    He also called on Home Minister Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar to be as quick to act against those committing violent crimes as he was in arresting non-violent Malaysian citizens.

    PAS vice-president Mohamad Sabu also condemned the attack. He said harmony within the country must be upheld.

    - The Star

  65. Anonymous5:26 pm

    saya amat menyokong penundaan GA umno ke mac tahun depan. ini bagi melicinkan peralihan kuasa dari Pak lah ke najib. kita semua mesti beri peluang kepada najib untuk mencuba jadi pm sekejap. tengok pandai tak dia kira-kira pembahagian keuntungannya dengan pak lah macam yg sakmongkol sebut dalam dibawah tajuk 'Badanwi dan Nyawajib'. Very interesting. must read everyone.


  66. By now UMNO have proved it the most undemocratic political party in the world when the grassroot have no say who to lead them. Today we know UMNO do not belong to the members, it belongs to the PM, TPM and Supreme Council. UMNO got nothing to loose if all post are openly contested this December, instead for no reason except to safeguard the No 1, No2, Vice president and Umno MT positions a transistion plan is layout and the election postpone to March next year.

    One wonder what the different Dec 08 and March 09?, damage already done!.UMNO should follow the MCA , after the PRU12 result, the leaders have decided to let the grassroot choose who to lead them. Shame on you UMNO. Wake UMNO citizen, say no to March 09.

  67. kulitpisang, apabila beli pisang dari kedai pisang, antu antu semua percaya bahawa kulitpisang akan makan kulitpisang dan membuang isinya dan kerana itu kulitpisang tergolong dalam kumpulam dol sampdo

  68. Anonymous11:52 pm

    "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir Batin!" to you and family, Rocky!

  69. And to be serious...when Abdullah is no more PM...many UMNO supreme council members....supporting Abullah..will join Anwar.
    The numbers Anwar was talking about...was all along...largely from UMNO.
    That's why Dollah dare not meet know the truths..and that is emergency meeting was called by UMNO supreme council members...and not by decide...what to do.
    In short....Najib...becomes PM...they resign.

  70. Monsterball:

    Agree. They all should follow suit. In fact, if Najeeb were indeed to become PM (note this phrase as who knows what could happen between now and god knows when), he should start with a clean slate.

    In fact he himself should come clean.

    And that is the billion ringgit question, isn't it?

    Can he ever do so?

    God bless and Salam Aidil Fitri all.

    Maaf Zahir Batin and Salam Aidil Fitri to you Bro Rocky from me and the whole family. Thanks for all the huge favors you gave whilst being your reporter. :)

  71. It's just another game plan.

    Or maybe they want to have longer "open houses"...until after Chinese New Year as well???
