Happy birthday, Doc. The first time I covered Dr M must have been 1986 when he launched the Malaysia-Thai deep-sea fishing project in Kuantan. I was a rookie with Business Times, having joined the paper the year before.
I've covered him - locally and overseas - many, many more times after that. Those assignments took me to the United Nations, Asean summits, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation or Apec, the Non-Aligned Movement, Southern Africa International Dialogue, and various official and working visits to foreign countries.
The thing I remember most is how proud I felt to be a Malaysian whenever I covered him at regional and international events during the late Eighties and throughout the Nineties.
p/s Dr Mahathir's official birthday is December 20, 1925. His "real" birthday is today, July 10, two days before the birthday of his wife, Dr Siti Hasmah.
Having two birthdates were common in those days. My late dad told he was born on another day (not on 1.1.1928 as stated in his passport and ID) but nobody could remember exactly what daythat was.
Update, 8pm
Young Achievers Club celebrate Dr M's birthday at Kelantan Delight.
Big Dog interviews some young ones like Sarah Chen and Amanda Sabri over a birthday lunch on what they think of the Old Man.
Click here for his story and more pictures.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Mahathir turns 83 today
With updates at the bottom.
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Happy Birthday Ayahanda
ReplyDeletezali lampai
Happy Birthday Tun. Wonder what's your birthday wish?
ReplyDeleteKetua Bahagian UMNO Telah Dibeli?
ReplyDeletePenulis merasakan ada sesuatu yang tidak kena apabila satu arahan yang kononnya dibuat oleh Majlis Tertinggi UMNO bahawa hanya Ketua Bahagian sahaja yang dibenarkan merasmikan mesyuarat cawangan. Apakah agenda disebalik arahan tersebut? Apakah hilang kuasa atau kredibiliti jawatan Naib Presiden sehingga tidak dibenarkan untuk menjenguk mesyuarat cawangan-cawangan yang di luar kawasannya.
baca seterusnya di........
Semoga Allah memberi segala kerahmatan dan petunjuk kepada Tun Dr Mahathir dan Tun Dr Siti Hasmah serta keluarga untuk terus membangkitkan kekuatan semangat Melayu yang kini kian hari kian pudar akibat perpecahan, penyelewengan, kerakusan, kesombongan dan pelbagai penyakit lain. Selamat Hari Lahir!
Bukankah hari lahir Tun pada 25 Ogos 2005. If I not mistaken.
ReplyDeleteAnyway...HAPPY BIRTHDAY Tun Dr Mahathir.
Yang mengeji Mahathir hanyalah mereka yang berkepentingan yang keciwa dengan beliau sahaja. Ia hanya sekumpulan yang kecil. Yang nyata, rakyat keseluruhannya amat bangga dan terhutang budi dengan Tun Dr Mahathir.Kami yang membersar di zaman beliau amat-amat berbangga mempunyai pemimpin seperti beliau. Kepada mereka yang mengeji, terimalah hakikat bawaha manusia yang bernama Mahathir Mohamad ini adalah merupakan anugerah tuhan untuk rakyat Malaysia.
Selamat Dunia AKhirat Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Kami amat mengaggumi dan menyayangimu.
Dear rocky,
ReplyDeleteWishing the best always for my favourite ex-pm. Wonder what's the best gift we can give to him as rakyat? Love you Tok Det.
Many happy returns of the day to TDM.
ReplyDeleteThere are very few leaders in the world who have been very outstandingly intelligent and deligent - TDM is one of those few.
You can make him sit and give any topic to talk on, he can talk on anything productively.
Surely Malaysians should revere him.
Hello rocky,
ReplyDeleteWe Malaysians will never forget his great contributions to the country.
He is indeed a great leader, probably one of the most outstanding leaders in the world.
Happy Birthday Tun. God bless you, your wife and your family.
ReplyDeleteyep! to me he is everything since my dad had left this world.
thats what what out of me!
kg solok.
He is the great Leader. I respect him so much no matter what others might say about him .
ReplyDeleteFrom nothing he make Malaysia into something . He makes me proud to be a Malaysian.
ReplyDeleteo happiness is coming,
right on my TV screen
my needs are televised,
just over channel three
wide awake, wide awake
turn off the lies
wide awake, wide awake
don’t ask me why
the “truth” that you see
are the lies that they feed
and it’s not the food that you’re gonna need
don’t tell me my life’s alright (wide awake)
free speech for one and all,
wrote all the media print
your dreams’ll be realised,
just close your minds and heed
wide awake, wide awake
turn off the lies
wide awake, wide awake
wipe out that smile
the “truth” that you read
are the lies that they feed
and it’s all the goods that they’re gonna give
don’t tell me my future’s all bright
as you keep saying your wrongs are right
don’t tell me my life’s alright
as you keep binding your ropes so tight
© 1996 - Carburetor Dung
Happy birthday Tun.
ReplyDelete2008 is a very special year for you.
100th years for Sultan Abdul Hamed College
50th Year for Sultan Kedah
25th year of Proton (1983) incorporation.
10 years of F1 in Malaysia.
Special year indeed for you.
What's the actual date, Rock?
ReplyDeleteAnyway, happy birthday to Atuk!
Fish is getting so expensive. And the Thais are stealing ours while Malaysians are going for Thai Twins!
Guess we have to settle for fish sauce!:(
Happiest Birthday to our beloved Tun, semoga Allah memberikan rahmat serta hidayah, dipanjangkan umur dan dikurniakan pahala yang melimpah ruah diatas budi dan jasa Tun kepada bangsa dan negara. Amin.
ReplyDeleteIs Dr M not a December child?
Selamat hari jadi, Doc.
ReplyDeleteSaya bangga sebab Tun masih steady lagi walaupun dah 83. Caya lah.
Tapi kan Tun, susah lah nak bangga dengan negara cuma kereta Proton saja, atau Twin Tower saja, masa kan yang lain-lain semua terbiar.
Kita lagi bangga kalau rakyat Malaysia dapat kecapi taraf hidup yang baik... sistem pendidikan yang adil dan baik, sistem transportasi awam yang cekap dan lengkap (bukan dibina secara 'ad-hoc' saja lebuhraya berlingkaran sana sini sebab terlalu banyak kereta, dan LRT yang juga dibina secara 'ad-hoc' kerana terdesak... takde rancangan sistem transportasi awam yang berwawasan).
Masa Tun dulu ada peluang buat semua ini, tapi tak terjadik pulak.
Sekarang zaman Pak Lah, susah juga nak buat projek-projek asas yang baik untuk rakyat, sebab (A) Pak Lah tak cukup berwawasan dan (B) negara sejak zaman Tun sudah menanggung beban hutang besar kerana projek mega-mega dan sistem pembangunan yang condong kepada golongan kaya dan ternama yang kecil/kroni.
Macam mana nak ubah sekarang Tun? Susah Tun!
ReplyDeleteHepi Buffday Tun
ReplyDeleteselamat hari lahir dr m...semoga allah ampunkan dosa2 tun.
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine that Pak Lah wants to stay in Power and only hand over his seat to Najib in 2010 or so? By that time, our economic crisis may have worsen and we could be as good as Papua New Guinea if not Zimbabwe.
Do ypou think you can use your BLOG as platform to get politicians united (BN and PR) to cross over and call for Vote of No Confidence against Pak Lah and Najib, so that new qualified leaders be put at helm to steward Malaysia to greater heights.
Your days with Tun Mahathir was past and such moments should be guidance to avoid future mistakes like what we facing now. Read what Malaysiakini take below:-
PM to declare no contest for Umno top 2
Jul 10, 08 12:12pm
breaking news According to Umno sources, Abdullah is also widely expected to announce that he would hand over the reins to Najib in two years.MORE
Ku Li, Muhyiddin affected
PM worried about nominations
Happy Birthday to our beloved No. 1 racist and the creator of Bolehland turn Burokland turn Busokland. Happy Birthday.
ReplyDeleteDayaks & Kandazans Representative
Happy birthday Tun M.
ReplyDeleteHadiah istimewa dari kami yang masih hargai dan sayang Tun M ialah 'doa' mohon dipanjangkan usia, dimudahkan rezeki dan kesejahteraan.
Yang membenci, jangan hiraukan hati mereka yang kelam.
Hadiah dari bekas parti Tun, tentulah pengumuman
1) Dolah berundur Jun 2010 dan penggantinya tidak semestinya Najib.
2) MKT membuat keputusan dan menjadi peratoran bahawa jawatan Presiden dan Timbalan Presiden tidak akan dipertandingkan.
3) Ketibaan rakan sekutu Dolah, PM Australia.
Semua ini adalah kebenaran untuk kita kita terus berkata, Dolah sedang membawa UMNO ke arah yang tidak relevan dan negara menuju kehancuran.
Isn't Tun Dr Mahathir's birthday fall on Dec 20?
ReplyDeleteYes, Happy Birthday indeed to Mahathir. I wish him a long, long life. May he live for another 25 years as I want him to see what Malaysia will turn into.
Happy Malaysia
Alhamdulillah. I'll be glad to receive my graduation scroll from him August 2009 next year during my convocation.
ReplyDelete"Ya Allah berkatilah hari ulang tahun Tun Doktor Mahathir, panjangkanlah umurnya dan jauhilah dari hasad, dengki dan fitnah manusia.
ReplyDeleteTenangkanlah jiwanya bila melihat kekejaman nafsu dan haloba politikus-politikus yang dahulunya adalah adik-adiknya.
Tunaikanlah janjinya untuk melihat negara ini maju, anak-anak desa menjadi jurutera dan doktor, ibu-ibu menjadi sufi dan ayah-ayah menjadi bangga dan beriman.
Kerana dialah aruwah bapaku berhutang budi bila anak-anak dan kebun getah menjadi,
kerana dialah aku berhutang budi bila anak-anak ke universiti dan kebun getah telah menjadi kediaman ramai,
kerana dialah anak-anak dan cucu-cucuku berhutang budi bila minda perubahan yang di tanam kini akan di tuai di zaman industri.
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku.. berkatilah Ulangtahun Tun Doktor Mahathirku."
Long Tailed Maqcacau
Dear YABhg. Tun,
ReplyDeleteHave a peaceful and enjoyable birthday today. May Allah swt continue to bless your golden days in the remaining twilight years, with good health and happiness.
Btw, I have posted my comments on the current political situation at the behest Anwar's own conspiracy to overthrow this BN government under a weak leadership at all cost, as Anwar has no love for this multi-racial nation residing in Malaysia.He is a traitor and appropriate actions should be taken and CHARGE HIM UNDER ISA FOR TREASON.
Now, Anwar is doing another political U-TURN by going to the syariah court, which is incomplete in the court of law. I have checked that even the various state enactments differs from State
to State. Even commercial crimes committed by muslims could not be persecuted under the syarial court.
We are behind you and Najib all the way!Today's MKT will be hot and juicy, as Pak Lah wants to impose some enthical consensus re UMNO party election. Only the dlegates will decide in the votes and notjust the Head of Divisions.
Cheers, salam hormat to Tun Hasmah and all at home.
Haji Mustapha Ong.
Dear Rocky.
ReplyDeleteTurns are turning from bad to worse with regards to the politics in our country. If we can have a rally to advocate certain things, why can't we have a mass prayer and ask God to get rid of our flip-flop ruler. I hope someone can organise this mass prayer..for all religion..I am sure God listens to everybody.
Rocky, are you getting old and nostalgic and amnesiac and infirm and confused? It's scary when you wax lyrical about the guy.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday To you,
ReplyDeleteParliment is the Zoo,
With the Monkeys and kangaroos,
Hope Malaysia is good too!!
No more chinese malaysian
Call me Malaysian
Selamat ulang tahun tarikh sebenar kelahiran, Tun. Benar, membuat liputan Dr Mahathir Mohamad adalah suatu proses pembelajaran, pada kedua-dua tahap, peribadi dan profesional. Untuk itu, saya berterima kasih Tun.
ReplyDelete(sekarang pun masih menuntut - di universiti chedet.com)
Ok, sorry, maybe my earlier comment was harsh...
ReplyDeleteTun did a lot for this nation,out of a genuine love for Malaysia but being human, he also made some decisions which didn't augur well for the nation, but I think mostly he did what HE thought was best at the time, even though we don't see it the way he did...
... I do hope that while he enjoys his birthday celebration with his family, he keeps in mind that some people/families are still facing IMMENSE suffering from his past decisions..and that he will try to help to undo some of that in whatever capacity he is able to...esp in the case of the ISA detainees...one of whom whose daughter just died, being separated from her own dad for 7 years and who was to celebrate her own birthday next week...maybe the other kids will be able to celebrate their coming birthdays with their dad with more help from all bloggers, TDM included, to press this current administration for this law to be repealed...and call for the fair trial or immediate release of all detainess.
Happy Birthday Dearest Tun M,
ReplyDeleteMay ALLAH bless u alwiz :)
Yes. I'm 50+ and practically lived through Mahathir's era during my career life. I have to agree that despite what he did, I had a sense of pride at being Malaysian (until the Anwar ibrahim fiasco that is). Can't say the same thing now though.
ReplyDeleteHenrie O
I used to dislike him during his draconian days, but I appreciate him so much more now. Say whatever by whoever, there is no one whom will be anything close to him, not even his shadows. I am not a proud Malaysian now, I am ashamed of the politic-king turned circus-ring and it's going downhill from now. MK
ReplyDeleteIt is not a happy birthday for Tun.
ReplyDeleteI felt the same too when i was in UK doing my specialty surgical training. His "Malaysian Boleh" helped to give me the confidence to pass the tough exams. Happy Birthday Tun!
ReplyDeleteTun M, We wish you a happy healthy birthday with many more to come!
ReplyDeleteThe more years pass by, the more we miss your leadership, granted you were not 100% foolproof.
Added to this auspicious day I'm afraid there are more bad news to come, amongst which is the fact that the current PM wants to stay TWO MORE YEARS :-(
Selamat Hari Lahir Tun!
ReplyDeleteSemoga Allah melimpahkan rahmatNya kpd Tun...
Salam Hormat,
Dear rocky,
ReplyDeleteI belong to the younger generation who grew up believing that Tun is a flawless Malysian leader. What I learned about Tun in schools portrayed him as a saviour for our nation. Lately, because of my profound interest in politics, I started researching about this this man who practically stood for Malaysia for 20 odd years. I would not say that I agree with every one of his actions nor would I judge him for it. I also do not think anyone should blindly judge Tun.
I believe Tun did what Tun thought was the best option available. Despite all the criticism people throw in his way, he is the one man army that made the world stop and look at a small developing country called Malaysia.
Thank you and Happy Birthday, Tun!
I was a journalist who had the opportunity to cover some of Dr M's visits overseas in the late 1990s and early this century. The same phrase was repeated by people in the countries we visited. "You are lucky to have Dr Mahathir as PM". In fact someone in Bangladesh said to me "We want him back". I know everyone has his own opinion on Mahathir. At least, we had a leader we can be proud of in those days.
ReplyDeleteRemember Pangasinan, the Philippine, we visited Proton site at Fidel Ramos' home state how well he was received, we were received! And in Canada how under sedation I heard the South African doctor's soothing voice when she said "Dr Mahathir is a good man a good prime minister" and I was proud and I then woke up fresh. Imagine under sedation and another name was mentioned, I will probably never wake up from the sedation!
Happy birthday the greatest destroyer of Malaysia with most fanatical racist policies, rampant corruption and with most constitutional amendments giving birth to dictatorship.
ReplyDeleteWish you long life beyong 2020 to see the vision you had ..see the destruction you have coused in this beautiful Malaysia.
My only hope is that with age you open your eyes admit your shotfalls and pray for forgiveness from the Alminghty....at least.
Happy Birthday Tun. I've always been proud to be a Malaysian when Tun was the PM. Nowadays, it is embarassing to be a Malaysian.
ReplyDeletehow come the Net has Dr. M's birthday as Dec 20?
ReplyDeletewhichever date it is, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Tun!
You're da man! ;)
Dear Rocky,
ReplyDeleteTun certainly made an impression on everyone, whether good or bad.
He must be utterly disappointed by what's going on today.
Not a fanatic of Tun, but certainly not a fan of Pak Lah.
Happy Bday Tun
ReplyDeleteI believe you have a greater love for Malaysia than anyone in the current government. Which is why though your actions seemed draconian many a times they were always with the intention to protect our beloved "tanah tumpahnya darah ku" and we were happy in the peace that we had. the current emphasis of taking to the streets every time something happens just doesn't sit well with me. I for one would gladly vote for you if you came back to politics. we miss you Tun.
A Fan.
I don't think it is TDM's birthday today. Anyway, since you blog about it 'Happy Birthday Tun'.
Like it or not. Dr M is strong headed with an iron-fist rule during his premiership.
ReplyDeleteI would say he is a real champion for the Malays/Bumiputeras but not a leader for Malaysian Malaysia. However, his support for Malays/Bumi is superficial and in my opinion a front to enrich his family and cronies. His success depends on "divide and rule" strategy among the races.
After 22 years in power, he still cant uplift most of the ordinary Malays/Bumi, his policies were wrong and why continue the same in the future?
The real benefits were the family of the premiership's family and cronies. The present PM is just continuing the same system and reap the benefits for family and cronies. The only difference is AAB's weak leadership.
May God/Allah have mercy for future Malaysians when oil runs out!
Happy Birthday and long live Dr. M to see your "wrongs" corrected - maybe justice served on your wrong doing soon before you meet your creator.
Good day,
Happy 83rd Birthday Tun Dr Mahathir, May the Almight Keep you in Great Health and Smiles Always.
ReplyDeleteBlessed Day to You.
" happy buttday !" (heehaa)
ReplyDeleterocky I can imagine that even journalists need heros. however, when your choice is an anti-semite racist and basher of cultures other than his own, you do stand a strong chance to exemplify similar traits.
ReplyDeletemay the good prevail, and may the true spirit of merdeka empower malaysians to stand against coward racists like mahathir.
he is largley responsible for dismantling the judicary, corrupting the police force, emasculating the media, imprisoning political dissidents, and demolishing the democratic foundations of a multicultural country.
let us awake from such slumber of instutionalised abuse and politicians that cover their tracks of religous fanatism, forced conversions and burials,of umnoputras that persecute and oppress the poor among their own and terrorism against minorities.
happy happy birthday to you, Tun and also to Tun Dr Siti Hasmah in advance (in two days' time, i gather).
ReplyDeletethank you for all that you've given us -- the good.....and, (oh well, nobody's perfect) the bad.
May you have good health -- body and mind!
anon (MAT 1:53PM);
ReplyDeleteapa lah ko ni....
rocky masa wartawan dulu bertikam lidah dgn Tun. rocky dan ramai lagi di BT/NST/Utusan/BH FOR the underdog. Tun sememang nye BUKAN underdog dulu.
kalau rocky sekarang simpati dgn TDM, tak heran-lah sebab Pak Lah, sebagai PM terajui komplot2 dan golongan menghentam TDM,
apa lah yang rocky dapat dgn memberi sokongan kpd TDM?
Ingat, ya. TDM tak masuk campur dlm hal pemerintahan negara Pak Lah sehingga Pak Lah dan konco2 nya mula menghentam beliau melalui akhbar, yakni...Kalimullah.
walaubagaimanapun...rocky...gua tabik lu-lah.
mengkritik dgn tidak bersembunyi. mengkritik dgn terang2.
tak malu anak Melayu macam lu!
anyway -- Selamat Hari lahir, Tun!
i rather have 22 years of mahathir-ship than 5 of pak lah's shi*
wonder whatever happened to that deep sea fishing project? while thailand has progressed to become a major seafood exporter, what happened to our malaysian enterprise, MAJUIKAN WASN'T IT?, where are all the deep sea trawlers? marine engines? refridgeration facilities?, was it another grand gesture of pouring salt into the sea, whlist a few cronies got rich, and our fisherman are now datuks. akin to zakaria? or have the fishermen remained still poor and their susidies being eaten by a couple of umno sharks simmiliar to the fertiliser scandal, go ak the fishermen and the tales they will tell about the fishing industry which has been destroyed by a few.
Semoga TDM panjang umur dan dapat melihat hasil daripada 22 tahun pemerintahan beliau, samada yang baik dan yang buruk.
ReplyDeleteA simple post.
ReplyDeleteA simple birthday wish.
That's all.
Best birthday wishes, Tun. And many more to come.
Nice posting, Rocky.
ReplyDeleteTo Tun,
Happy Birthday.
Yep, I'd rather have 20 more years of TDM's rule than the current flipflop.
Alan Tsang
Dear Folks, enough of these senseless fawning. The evils that this man has done still haunt us. And his commments these days are bordering on the ridiculous and seditious.
I remember my late Grandfather telling me those days the exercise was centered on Registering the populace.
ReplyDeleteInformation improved onwards.Hence most of them that time only has year of birth with no date.
Anyway I just like to register my pride in having a Statesman like TDM who manned this country for 2 generations and improved our expectations.Yet today we are grappling with managing CHANGE.
No one wanna sop the Buck.
Happy Birthday, Tun!
ReplyDeleteSemoga panjang umur, murah rezeki.. Inshallah!
Happy Birthday Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad...
ReplyDeleteWish I could wish that as a Malaysian ... sigh
For education purposes, I wonder if Rocky or anyone can clarify on the purpose of having multiple birth dates.
ReplyDeleteTo anon Mat, and others
ReplyDeleteSamapai bila asyik2 nak kata 22 tahun punya hal adalah sebab apa yang berlaku sekarang? Apalah!!!
Kenap[a tak salahkan saja ibu mengandung dan lahirkan kita?
Just wake up and smell the coffee.
Anyway, Selamat sejahtera untuk Tun dunia dan akhirat
Happy birthday Tun!
ReplyDeleteNice to see that the personality cult you fostered is alive and well.
If only the rakyat knew about the rot that started during your time! But that's okay, we are starting to see the bangkai come out now slowly.
Take care Tun, hope you will be with us for long so that we can find out the truths that are yet unknown.
All the best,
Tun left when he was at his peak. Despite what his detractors said Tun was a world leader, a great statesman and singlehandedly transformed Malaysia from an agriculture economy to a robust industrialised economy.
ReplyDeleteHow I wished Tun had continued for a few years more.
Happy Birthday to you Tun, kami berdoa supaya Tun dan isteri sentiasa berada didalam keadaan sihat walafiat.
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Tun,
ReplyDeleteHaving you around every single day is a bonus to all of us.
Your life certainly full of treasure
May Allah Bless You
ReplyDeleteRespect man! Happy Birthday! Althought you screwed us upside down for decades but in the end you still earn my respect.
Happy Man.
Alan Tsang 6:32 pm
ReplyDeleteYou rather have TDM than Pak Lah??
I'd rather not have any of them!
One did bad things and glossed it over so nicely, the other is a bit too goofy to run a country seriously.
Susah, susah.. let's look for new talent... we Malaysians have far better potential leaders out there somewhere!
Karipap Hangus
Happy Birthday Tun...you're the BEST! PM Malaysia ever had.
Happy Birthday Tun Mahathir.You have been one of the best prime minister we ever had. I salute you sir for your hard work and your sharp mind. You are my icon.
ReplyDeleteHope M will apologise to all Malaysians for the problems created, accept his mistakes and will stop issuing racist remarks.
ReplyDeleteFind in his heart to forgive and not try to harm or bring others down. Enoughlah.
Retire and Do Good.
Happy Birthday beoved Tun M.
ReplyDeleteMy Allah bless you forever.
Dear Tun
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday dr kami sekeluarga & rakyat Malaysia di Copenhagen Denmark...
Moga Tun sihat walafiat!
To resident.wangsamaju: Orang dulu-dulu daftar lahir lambat. Some after a couple months or even years the babies were born, baru pergi daftar. Thus, many have official birth-date (the day their father went to register) and the actual birth-date.
ReplyDeletehappy birthday tun, bila tun benar-benar nak bertaubat!!
ReplyDeleteyour are still my no 1 leader he he he he
Happy Birthday to my favourite PM Tun.How I wish you're still the PM of this country.
22 tahun memerintah anda menjadikan kaum cina dan india bertambah kaya. Lihat kawasan perindustrian di Balakong, Seri Kembangan, Cheras, Kepong, Batu Caves dan lain lain lagi.
ReplyDeleteMengapa selama 22 tahun memerintah tidak ada satu pun kilang ini dibakar akibat rusuhan kaum ?
Apa yang anda dapat? ini dia....
Racist, Dictator, umnoputra dan sebagainya.
Happy Birthday Dr. M.
Happy Birthday Dr. Mahathir. A long life to you...
ReplyDelete...because it'll be fun to hear what you think when Anwar Ibrahim is sworn in as Prime Minister. :P
While you were looking elsewhere, Badawi announced that'll he rule for another 2 years. So much for his plan to step down by 2008's end.
ReplyDeleteOne day, he'll just declare himself Prime Minister For Life. The UMNO divisions, MCA, MIC, Gerakan will just blindingly obey, like they always have.
I tried Chedet blog and just couldn't access it. Traffic must have been very busy as usual. I hope Tun will read your blog too because I would like to take opportunity to wish and Datin Siti Hasmah "'HAPPY BIRTHDAY' and may both of them be blessed with good heath and happiness always"
ReplyDeleteWith permission let me share with you my experience in Europe'tramping'during the summer vasity vacation.This is a real life expecience and I wonder at time being a 'Malaysian' and dammed proud of it.
Way back in 1981,summer vacation I decided to spent my summer hols as usual like any student 'lepaking'in Eupore.One either took the cheap inter-railing to any European interconnecting trains.Crashing at Central Station ,Grad De Nord or one could easily hitch all the way to Greece or Turkey from London.In flat one week depends we could easily reach the destination with much fun and advanture and no hussle at all.
I remember hitching from London and my destination is Italy,Pistoia caused there is an annual Pestoia Blues Festival held yearly till this day.One could cross to Italy via alternate route via Ostende(Belgium) hit across Germany via Achen border of Germany-Holland and hit south Munich cross Austria and hit Brannoro border city of Austria-Italy.Thus one hit the Italian turf.
However,one could also cross the Englisg via Calias(France and hit the road to via Anggulemme and Cote D Azu,Canness and hit the Italian border via San Rafeal and hit Milano.Which ever road.
Thus having no no visa to France I am force to hit the road via Ostend(Belgium)- Acheen (Germany) thus Ausburg-Frankfurt thus instead of taking the Austria route I took the Basel route the border city between Germany and Swissland.
This is where all the stories begin.Arriving at Basel and Immigration check point on Swissland side,as usual procedure and Passport.
The immigration officer of the Swiss as for mine and I gave him valid Malaysian Passport with valid Student Status studying in the UK.
I remember the autorative voice of his with teasing tone,
He ask me further,Reason for visit.Told him I'm on summer vacation and on the way to Italy via Swiss.
Futher the Immgration Officer ask me You got money?
Me I hardly have 20 English pound with me at the particular moment but my Barclay Card was with me and I could withdraw from any Swiss bank subject to my credit availibility.
To my surprise the Immigration Office told me bold,
'if you want to entre Swiss you must have 100 pound in your wallet'
I dont blame him'probably knowing how expensive Swiss is.
I was turned back to the Germany Basel border and hit the road via Munich and Austria and Brannoro.
I did try to reason with him but fail in vain.
Later over the years I went back for a quick social visit to Swiss arriving,the Immgraton office ask me at the airport,MALAYSIAN!!
I answered well yes.
'Dr.Mahatir your Prime Minister is a good leader' commented the Immgartion officer.I smile along the way,MENDABIK DIDADA
'Proud To Be Malaysian'
Reflecting the two constrasting event one happen before TMM was the PM,boldly to say in the early 70's the Malaysian passport hold was not the popular with European Immigration.
Propably due to the the influence of Robert DeNiro 'French Connection'film,I suppose.
In the late 90s I was made to feel Malaysia do have a spot in the world map.
Thank you Tun.You make us feel and being able to see 'eye to eye' with all world's nationality.
You make us feel proud to be born MALAYSIAN.
p/s are you sure you're 83 not 38!jes a thought tickle sir.
Happy Birthday Dr.Mahathir.
ReplyDeleteAs much as I always speak against your policies I sincerely wish you good health and long life.
My hope is you leave politics...totally out and live your precious very old age ...like all normal old folks..quiet and happy alone..with your lovely wife. She deserves all the precious time you have left in this world for her...don't you think so?
I suspect...you love to live...talking politics...and that won't do....as you are thinking of yourself...and not the country...especially ..whenever you speak...there are clear agendas...you speak for yourself...your race...your party..and never on the great corruptions...under your 22 years management. you have failed the country..you know it..yet ..you don't want to face the truths.
We are willing to forgive and forget...but you keep passing the buck to others..and turn issues...upside down....playing dirty politics. Why like that?
You have your opinions...Malaysians....and UMNO ministers..have spoken theirs..so largely in numbers..... against you.
So...on your birthday...I appeal to you...to leave the future of Malaysia to Malaysians....that still depend on their futures..and not depending on you anymore.
To continue....means you will never change. How sad.
Of all the bad wishes for Tun, like having sleepless nite and bla bla bla etc, it seems that Tun appears calm and fresh as ever.
ReplyDeleteCompared to a charismatic man who 10 years ago loudly claimed the truth will prevail, Tun is still smiling while that man is now blushing!!!
Seperti kata Tun pada suatu ketika, banyakkan lafaz syukur ketika berdoa.
Semoga Allah memberi kekuatan untuk menempuh hari-hari yang tidak ketentuan.
(hehaheha): happy birdday ! your chedet not SUSCEPTIBLE LAH !
ReplyDelete1) about botox = where, how,cost,type, pls advise.
2) how ah ? your family members can
SAVE UP frugally so much $$$$$$$$ in s'pore banks !
3) what is your plan now = that fellow won't step down untill june2010 !?
4) can form new party called NOMU ?
5) do you take watermelons setiap hari ?
6) tq.
Mahathir oh Mahathir... ku buat khas bagimu kek harijadi yg istimewa... nama kek ini Kek Kroni... resipi sukaan mu... diadun wang mas ringgit... di atasnya bilangan lilin yang sama banyak dengan kroni-kroni kaya yang kau cipta dengan wang mas kami, wang hak ra'kyat... zaman mu zaman golongan kaya bermaharajalela, zaman ra'kyat tetap hidup biasa tetap terbelenggu, diberi sisa-sisa dibalut bungkusan berwarna-warni...
ReplyDeleteMakanlah Che Det jangan tak makan... iklas dari kita, anak-anak Malaysia yg celik mata,
Iskandar Alor Setar
Selamat Hari Lahir Tun dan paling penting sekarang, Tolong Selamatkan Negara Kita dan Umno dari Badawi
he is the best!
ReplyDeleteOnce he officiated the college i'm attending and it was too bz.
second, i saw him at Kinokuniya with no bodyguards in sight. Nobody approached him as it not a crowded day and prolly people didn't expect him to walk around freely on his own. i was making up scripts in my head, thinking on saying something that didn't make me look like a giddy fool. He walked pass and i was too stunned to do anything. Huge regret.
i wish my 3rd time is a charm.
Happy birthday!
Wahhhh... Tun got 2 boofdays!! Hmm.... I better go do a Marilyn Monroe rendition for him... here goes... all curvy, voluptious and in a sultry voice...
You are the best!! May you have plenty more Happy, Healthy and Gutsy birthdays!
Dear Tun,
ReplyDeleteI grew up loving you. Yes, I grew up believing all that was said on TV and our newspapers about what a great leader you are. We Malaysians were taught to believe that Malaysia=Mahathir. It must have been in my teenage years that I learned words like 'propoganda', 'dictatorship' and 'authoritarian rule.' Now, I have grown up and when I think of you, I cringe and I get angry, then I feel a sense of hopelessness, and the irreperable state of our country and the sorry state of our people. I pray to God, that Malaysia and Malaysians will one day know a better world. Is it too much to dream that one day you'd wake up and decide to right all the wrongs you have caused? Make us proud of you all over again Tun, and become a hero. Be the first politician in history to stand up and own up. You could be a legend if you wanted to.
Orangnya macam Nelson Mandela, masuk penjara bertahun-tahun, dibelasah polis, berjuang untuk negara, akhirnya dia jadi Presiden Afrika Selatan -- tak angkuh, anak-anak tak kaya-raya, sistem pentadbiran terbuka, rakyat dapat merasakan hidup baru.
ReplyDeleteBila Nelson Mandela bersara, musuh dia -- golongan orang putih Afrika Selatan -- juga menghormat beliau.
Tapi Mahathir, walaupun imej kamu seolah-olah pemimipin hebat Malaysia, kamu tidak sama dengan Mandela.
Sejarah kamu terpalit dengan kegelapan yang tersembunyi.
Generasi muda tidak sedar akan semua ini -- mereka mudah memuji tanpa pikir dalam dan masak-masak. Segolongan lain pula terlalu asyik dengan aura dan imej kamu, dan mereka juga terpedaya, hilang daya fikir. Ada juga yang menjustifikasi perlakuan zalim sebagai 'sesuatu yang perlu dilakukan'. Ini tanggapan yang mungkar dan bersimpang di sisi Islam.
Ingatlah, dosa kezaliman dan penyelewengan tidak dapat dipadamkan, dan sesiapa pun tidak diampun dan bebas dari hukuman kerana dosa yang dilakukan walau apa pun pahala lain yang dibuat, kecuali kalau maaf dipinta dan yang salah dibetulkan. Ingat-ingatlah.
Semoga Allah SWT melembutkan hati kamu, menghapuskan keangkuhan kamu, agar kamu bertaubat ke atas kezaliman dan penipuan yang berlaku sewaktu pemerintahanmu.
Semakin hari, semakin sayang... semakin sayang nak tinggalkan arena politik negara. Itulah Tun Dr M. Dalam umur sedemikian masih lagi nak campur urusan politik negara. Eloklah duduk rumah berehat. Banyakkan amal ibadat... Apapun, SELAMAT MENYAMBUT HARI LAHIR YANG KE 83.. Semoga panjang umur..
ReplyDeletedalam diam2.Tun telah 2 kali beribadat di dalam KAABAH(bukan setakat dalam MajidilHaram).
ReplyDeletedalam keghairahan orang2 melayu mencela,menyuruh Tun memperbanyakkan ibadat.mereka terlupa adakah mereka sendiri cukup amal pahala.
setelah dimaki hamun mahazalim,mahafiraun.MB kedah pulak offer suruh jadi penasihat negeri.buat apa nak suruh firaun jadi penasihat ? tak ke gelihati melihat gelagat mereke.
bertapa bahalol nya melayu pada hari ini.Yang kaca di tatah bagai permata.Yang permata sebaliknya.memang patutpun melayu tak ke mana.
saya fikir orang melayu suka sangat terpengaruh dengan SUPERHERO.SUPERHERO hanya di layar perak sahaja sedara2.Dan SUPERHERO yang paling berjaya adalah SUPERHERO yang paling hebat bakat lakonannya dan bukan kebijaksanaannya atau kekuatannya.Dan dalam konteks politik semasa kita hari ini,ahli politik yang paling berbakat untuk menjadi SUPERHERO adalah......... ?
Jeng Jeng Jeng...
ReplyDeleteSelamat hari jadi Dr. M..
ReplyDeleteJumaat (11 Julai 2008) ada celebration besday Dr. M kat Yayasan Bukhary, KL. Semua geng2 Perdana Peace Organisation ja yang terlibat.
happy (belated) birthday; may God bless you
ReplyDeleteTUN, YOU ARE THE PEST, oops ! sorry
ReplyDelete..the best !..minta maaf, ok?(heha)
Kepada Le Emile, 1:01 pm:
ReplyDeleteSaudara berkata yang berikut mengenai Dr. Mahathir:
dalam diam2 Tun telah 2 kali beribadat di dalam KAABAH(bukan setakat dalam MajidilHaram).
Kekadang orang yang lengkap solatnya 5 kali sehari pun masih makan rasuah.
Dan yang pegi umrah pun tak tentu dia tu baik atau bersih perbuatannya.
Sila baca diskusi menarik mengenai isu ini di blog Haris Ibrahim di sini:
(heha) : reminds me of a song :
ReplyDelete'happy birdday to you, you were born in a zoo .......!!'
Please, he had done some 'good' things to Malaysia but he has suppressed the rights of many also along the way. Let's not just kiss ass.
ReplyDeleteTun, the nation owes you a lot.
ReplyDeleteYour immense contributions will not be forgotten.
Happy birthday Tun and may God bless you, your family and your family always. solidleong
Tun, the nation owes you a lot.
ReplyDeleteYour immense contributions will not be forgotten.
Happy birthday, Tun and may god bless you, your wife and family always. solidleong
(heha) : still wondering how & why your frugal family could have so much $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
ReplyDeletein s'pore banks lah !!
ReplyDeleteHi ! Rocky,another pro " CheDet " article appeared !
Hope no offence.
Be a true blogger or a "Troy" blogger ? !
refer to
Troy [troy]
1. city of ancient Greece on the Aegean seacoast, in present-day Turkey. Site of the ten-year Trojan War described in the epic poems of Homer, the city, also called Ilium, was thought to be purely legendary until ruins were discovered by the archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann in 1870. It is now believed to have been founded during the Bronze Age in 3000 bc.
2. city in eastern New York northeast of Albany.
Population: 48,310 (2005 estimate)
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