For Umno members only. Sanusi Junid, the Mahathir loyalist, says he believescertain quarters in Umno will the former PM to resign as Petronas adviser now that he is no longer an Umno member.
"Nowhere does it say that you must be an Umno member (to hold positions in government-related entities). Idris Jala is not Umno, he's not Malay, he's not Muslim.
"But they are getting bolder and I believe they will tell the Tun he has to resign because he's no longer in Umno," Sanusi told journalists and bloggers in KL yesterday.
Sanusi, the former Kedah Menteri Besar, called the media conference to expose by certainj quarters in Umno, including a broad hint by Higher Education Minister Khaled Nordin, that he resigns from the International Islamic University as its President.
"They will have to sack me. I won't volunteer to resign. I see my job as UIA president my pious duty. I have good rapport with the Constitutional Head and I don't believe His Highness (the Sultan of Pahang) would sack me, except on the advice of the UIA's Host Member, that is the Prime Minister of Malaysia," he told journalists and bloggers in KL yesterday.
Sanusi quit Umno on the same day Dr M walked out of the party as a sign of no-confidence against PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
Last week, two ministers called for Mokhzani Mahathir to resign as Sepang International Circuit chairman after he, too, resigned from Umno.
Thursday, June 05, 2008
"Next, they will ask Mahathir to leave Petronas"
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Therein lies the root of all this rot in this country. These UMNO goons suffer from the mental disability of thinking that all national assets are UMNO assets. They cannot differentiate between the two. That is why when they rape and steal from these assets, it is justified in their warped minds that they are just taking what is theirs and what the Fxxk are you guys complaining about? They see everything in this country as belonging to them and even the non bumis are staying here because of their generosity. That is why you have retarded UMNO leaders yelling at non bumis to go back to India or China even though the subject of their bile have ancestors who has arrived in Malaysia long before the ancestors of the UMNO moron doing the yelling.
ReplyDeleteA Malaysian
Pious duty? lol
Hello Rocky,
ReplyDeleteA little off topic but it seems that there is a mass gathering of police at KLCC. Trying to prevent a demonstration? Any news on this?
Bain see how TDM exposed TSA
Idris Jala is not a malay/muslim?.. really??
ReplyDeleteHimpunan Rakyat Negeri Selangor ”Menuju Harapan Baru“
ReplyDeleteLokasi: Padang Bola AU2, Jalan AU2, Taman Keramat, Hulu Kelang
Waktu: 9 Malam
Tarikh: 8 Jun 2008 (Ahad)
Permit: LULUS
ISU-ISU: 1) Kenaikan Harga Minyak, RM 2.70!!!! Seliter
YB Saari Sungip (ADUN Hulu Kelang)
YB Azmin Ali (Ahli Parlimen Gombak/ADUN Bukit Antarabangsa)
YB Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim (Menteri Besar Selangor)
Y.Bhg Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim (Ketua Umum Parti Keadilan Rakyat)
Hubungi: Razali 016-2611389
What serious work does this Firaun crony do at the Uni, how many days a week does he go to his office there. How many papers has he written for international dissemination during the last 5 years.
ReplyDeleteBesides giving out the Degree Scrolls annually at the Convocation, does he contribute anything to real education.
How much do they pay these non-academics political appointees to warm the Chair perhaps, if at all, once a month?
Himpunan Rakyat Negeri Selangor ”Menuju Harapan Baru“
ReplyDeleteLokasi: Padang Bola AU2, Jalan AU2, Taman Keramat, Hulu Kelang
Waktu: 9 Malam
Tarikh: 8 Jun 2008 (Ahad)
Permit: LULUS
ISU-ISU: 1) Kenaikan Harga Minyak, RM 2.70!!!! Seliter
YB Saari Sungip (ADUN Hulu Kelang)
YB Azmin Ali (Ahli Parlimen Gombak/ADUN Bukit Antarabangsa)
YB Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim (Menteri Besar Selangor)
Y.Bhg Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim (Ketua Umum Parti Keadilan Rakyat)
Hubungi: Razali 016-2611389
Tak payah cakap banyak la Sanusi,
ReplyDeletebukan dapat tolong apa-apa pun. Setakat nak sokong TDM dan bagi komen itu ini, takde faedahnya. Ni semua untuk glamer. Menangguk di air keruh. Loser.
why don't we ask all of the remaining UMNO members to just leave the country? Buang negara.. sebab depa semua pengkhianat kepada agama, bangsa dan negara...hantaq pi dok Bikini Atoll senyap2... it is still radioactive...?
ReplyDeleteReading about defense ministry's scorpene, sukhoi and the latest Nuri deals in Parliament really makes one want to line them up and shoot them before they plunder further...and no to mention also allegations of Rosmah and the other wives' not paying duty and shopping with gomen money...up to eight loads of cars...what do we have Opposition MPs in Parliament for when they can't even get answers when they query about all the issues and allegations?
ReplyDeleteAnd half the BN MP's aren't even in Parliament...gaji buta..they mock the very people and institution they represent
to be frank, if you compare during Dr M and pak lah times. When anyone disagree with Dr M, they are force to leave the post. No one dare to critics Dr M. But Pak Lah different, everybody can critic without any set-back. Like sanusi!!
ReplyDeleteResignlah, because you did mention in 1988 election when some parties member disagree with our beloved PM during that era - hakim
Tak dak kerja lain ke ? Pecat orang ,naik harga,pecat orang ,naik harga.
Hidup Malaysia! Hidup Mahathir! Hidup Sanusi Junid! Hidup PM Abdullah! Hidup Mokzani! Hidup UMNO! See..we are only commenting on somebody who is still alive not dead. Hidup rocky,s bru! So everybody wants to survive. It does not matter how, so long what is being said and done appears controversial. Hidup Melayu! Now only I feel myself alive and kicking!
ReplyDeletePak Sanusi, dah lama tak jumpa dia. Pada saya Sanusi ni memang hebat orangnya. Kalau boleh kita minta Sanusi perincikan apa yang harus dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah kenaikan harga minyak dan menjimatkan belanja. Saya cuba bagi sikit.
ReplyDelete1) Jangan adakan kegiatan/majlis/perhimpunan Umno yang semata-mata untuk tujuan politik.
2. Jangan adakan majlis untuk tujuan apa sekali pun termasuk di kementerian/jabatan/agensi dan sebagainya untuk elak pembaziran, tak kiralah di hotel atau di dewan-dewan sekali pun,
3) Jangan beli surat khabar yang dimiliki kerajaan,
3) Jangan makan di gerai, masak di rumah saja.
4) Pulaukan tempat-tempat hiburan/kelab malam, kareokore dll.
5) Sebarang derma hendaklah ditiadakan.
6) Kerajaan kena berjimat dengan mematikan hawa dingin. Pakai kipas angin dah cukup.
7) Pulaukan rokok dan minuman keras.
Sila tambah.....
Salam brader,
ReplyDelete1. Senang ajer nak suruh 2 orang ni resign?
2. 12 Jun nanti, mula-mula 100,000 orang berkumpul di KLCC suruh Dr.M get out from Petronas.
3. Selepas tu 100,000 orang ini tolong Pak Lah berarak pergi ke UIA pulak..perambat sanusi keluar dari UIA.
Anok Oghe Tupat - AKA Org Minyak Yg Dah X leh Jadi Org Minyak Sbb Minyak Naik. Tq F**k Lah.
Dr Blog
* kerajaan kita tak berhati perut!
* tak boleh buat beransur-ansur kah?
* saya pakai kereta Perodua Kancil. Kenaikkan ini menjejaskan hidup saya
* kalau macam ni, macam mana nak pergi cuti dan jalan-jalan cari makan
* What! They think we are millionaires ah!
* I regret voting the Barisan Nasional and put them back into power
* Is this how they return our faith and trust?
* BN menang pilihanraya, rakyat menderita
* Memang betullah orang kata BN tu maknya Barang Naik!
* Kalau ya pun nak naikkan harga, takkan tak boleh buat berperingkat
* Dahlah naikkan harga minyak, RTM pula cuba nak bagi hati kita sedap tetapi mereka tak ikhlas
* Tak boleh pakailah dia ni!
* Kita kena ajar BN di pemilihan akan datang
* Menteri memang mudah cakap, tetapi kita rakyat biasa yang bisa
* Dengan cara macam ni BN harap nak kembali berkuasa di Pulau Pinang, Kedah, Perak dan Selangor? Pergi jalan dah!
* Kerajaan dah bayangkan nak naik harga, tetapi tak sangka sampai begini!
* Apa dah jadi?
Yes, Idris Jala is a Christian from East Malaysia, non-Umno and what a fine job he's doing.
ReplyDeleteThis system of patronage in Umno was developed to a fine instrument by none other then MM. It was micro-managed right down to village heads and committee level.
MM is now at the receiving end of the very monster he created.
I am glad he's still alive to see sthe rot and decay he has perpetrated on our nation. I hope he feels the very real pain and frustrations of the rakyat at the mercy of a corrupt and incompetent gov't machinery.
ReplyDeleteRamai barua Paklah n KJ comment kat sini..
Previously i blajar kat UIA dan slalu jugak dengar ucapan dari tan sri Sanusi Junid ni.. sorang yang sharp dalam penakulannya..
Disukai oleeh budak2 UIa sebab die sharp dan ucapannya x pernah borin, mungking dah blaja banyak dari Tun M..
Ucapan beliau bernas dan dapat membangkitkan semangat budak2 UIA untuk berjuang dalam pelajaran kami.. Cerita beliau yang yang mana dari seorang yang susah menjadi seorng berjaya selalu menjadi inspirasi kami..
So bagi donplaypunks, Porta, kalau ko bukan budak uia, jangan nak banyak2cerita kalau x tau ape2..
N anon 3 pm, betulke semua orang boleh kritik Badawi?? Ko lupe ek?? ke ko buat2 x tau!!
This matter becomes an issue when some UMNO idiots create a "kids argument" to start a turbulent wave. UMNO likes to politicize anything. Nothing new...everybody knows their idiocracy. That's why Ketuanan Melayu so important to them.
ReplyDeleteOn Idris Jala, although he sounds like a Malay, he's actually a native Kelabit from Sarawak. He's a Christian.
MM, Sanusi dan Dollah Badawi semua sama saja.
ReplyDeleteMM dahlah tu, leave gracefully and jangan buat kacau.
Sanusi resignlah dari jawatan UIA, dont worry, without you the UIA and the world wont end.
Dollah, quit and leave the running of the country to some other capable people.
Life was good before we heard of MM, Sanusi and Dollah!!!
Orang hujung tanjung.
ReplyDeleteKamu silap la bro.Sape nak jadi barua Abdullah dan KJ. Tapi kamu lupa, Nik Aziz cakap orang UMNO dan Mahathirist ni BARUA!,BARUA!,BARUA!
Pious or Glamorous? Apa kata secara suci hati letak jawatan sebagai tanda protes. Orang kata Abdullah takdak teloq nak letak jawatan, sepatutnya orang yang protes Abdullah ni letak jawatan dalam semua jawatan atau posisi yang dia dapat semenjak dulu ketika bersama UMNO dan ketika bersama Mahathir. Lepas tu pakai basikal dan duduk dirumah teres. Ha, barulah namanya pejuang bangsa ala Mahatma Gandhi! Ni cakap tak serupa bikin apa cerita?
ReplyDeleteto all,
ReplyDeletehave a look at regarding the dismissal of TUN Saleh! it was not because of TDM, Agong got angry lei! so if u say umno dont respect agong, then how bout this?
read first!
naruto man
Besides a country...with most idiotic self decorated titles..we are also heading towards...being the smallest country with the most bankcrupt people.
ReplyDeleteSo why be shocked...being sack for those or that?
32 page of jobs are get a job...then apply for a better one with better few months.
Oh!..we are talking about Mahathir..possibly getting sack from Petronas??
Why...he does not care two hoots..being sacked or expelled...or be long a his name...good or bad is in the front keep every UMNO minister idiots...thinking and to deal with cover their own arses. forget about the corruptions of his family and cronies.... that's the objective of this smart old man.
And I think....Malaysian also created another history...with him...a ex age 83++...fucking present PM..Dollah .non stop for 4 years.
He sure is proving...Malaysia Boleh.
We are all heading to our self made ...doomsday.....and for race and class distinctions...all suffer together.
Idris Jala is a Malaysian through and through.
ReplyDeleteWhether he is Malay or not, Muslim or not, is irrelevat to any issue.
Is he qualified, can he do the job, has he done the job, is he still vapable of leading MAS?
These are the only issues that matter!
No one's race, religion or colour even gave him the brains or ability to be clever or capable!
We are all of one race, the Human Race. That's all that matters.
Eh order to get must perfect a bottoms-up and be a journo-prostitute for the ruling party and help mislead people and entrench racism and division...then of course he deserves it...don'tlah be jealous, Rocky...heh heh...hey you are lucky you got expunged and saved from becoming one of them...
ReplyDeleteWell,this shows that to get a post in those GLC, you have to be an AMNO member...If you're no longer a memeber...u might as well f*ck off and die.
ReplyDeleteHidup UMNO!
ReplyDeleteWhylah these UMNO people so moronic! Aku Melayu jugak, tapi taklah bodo sangat macam donplaypuks,Porta nie!
sorry sanusi has NEVER contribute anything during his days as MB of Kedah except
ReplyDelete1, tanam sayur tepi jalan
2. tanam padi atas bumbung
3. cabut uban suami
4. angkat isteri.
Ini UIA - sorry to say, NONE!
He is appointed at UIA during Mahathir time, why can pak lah appoint someone else (his kroni)
Zamri mohd nor
Utusan Malaysia
ReplyDeleteKeputusan Sanusi tidak boleh dipertikai - Khaled
SHAH ALAM 6 Jun - Tiada pihak yang boleh mempertikaikan hak Presiden, Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia (UIAM), Tan Sri Sanusi Junid untuk tidak meletak jawatannya walaupun beliau mengambil keputusan untuk keluar daripada UMNO.
Menteri Pengajian Tinggi, Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin berkata, sebarang keputusan memecat atau melantik Presiden UIAM terletak di bawah kuasa Ketua Perlembagaan UIAM, Sultan Pahang, Sultan Ahmad Shah.
"Apa yang Sanusi kata itu betul, hanya Ketua Perlembagaan berkuasa memberhentikan atau melantik Presiden UIAM, bukan menteri.
"Dalam Perlembagaan UAIM tidak ada menyatakan menteri atau orang tertentu sahaja boleh yang boleh dilantik sebagai Presiden. Kuasa ini terletak pada Ketua Perlembagaan," katanya ketika ditemui di akhir pemukiman Ahli Majlis Tertinggi (MT) UMNO di sini hari ini.
Semalam, Sanusi menyatakan beliau tidak akan meletak jawatan dan terus memegang jawatan Presiden UIAM sehingga tamat tempoh pada 2010, walaupun ada tekanan daripada pelbagai pihak.
Sanusi dilaporkan berkata, mengikut Perlembagaan UIAM Bahagian IV(20)(iii), Presiden boleh menulis surat kepada Ketua Perlembagaan untuk meletak jawatan atau jawatannya boleh ditamatkan oleh Ketua Perlembagaan atas nasihat Perdana Menteri.
Sanusi berkata, beliau percaya tidak akan dipecat kerana mempunyai hubungan baik dengan Sultan Pahang kecuali dinasihatkan oleh Host Member iaitu Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.
Kedudukan Sanusi sebagai Presiden UIAM diperkatakan ekoran keputusan beliau menyertai bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad keluar daripada UMNO.
Dalam pada itu, Mohamed Khaled yakin tidak ada pihak yang membuat desakan meminta Sanusi meletak jawatan sebaliknya bekas Menteri Besar Kedah itu sengaja mengada-adakan cerita untuk mencari publisiti.
"Tidak ada orang desak dia letak jawatan, dia sahaja buat sensasi untuk tarik perhatian orang," katanya.
Elleh ... macam tak ada orang tuntut. UMNO PAk lah penuh dengan bongok macam Azalina, Ismail SAbri, Musa Sheikh Fadzir dan satu masa dulu seorng bernama Khaed Nordin.
ReplyDeleteTo begin with it was Mahatir who instilled the idea that all GICs belong to UMNO. It was Mahatir who sold profitable GICs to UMNO related people, example Tajudin Ramli and then bought it back at over three times the stock value when it was ran to the ground. Whose money went to the construction of North South who is collecting toll, none other than UMNO related company..we can go on to name more but what good is it ?? UMNO thinks that the whole country belongs to them..who started this bumiputera grabage that got the Malays thinking that Malaysia is only for Malays. All the ill feelings between the races are created by none other than friking Mahatir. We should be glad that he is gone for good, and never be resurrected again. It will be great if he is kicked out of Petronas forever.
Rejoice my friends Mahatir is dead and gone from politics forever, lets hope his whole family follow suit...great ridance of pure rubbish.
Now that the Malays in general has awoken up the stupor lets hope for a better Malaysia for all races, the Malays has lots to contribute as long as they leave the stupid racist party called UMNO.
The sun has set for you Tun Mahatir so just go and live in peace with yourself.
Disgusted Citizen
sanusi junid... i dont know what he has done when he was a minister... probably another sleepy minister.
ReplyDeletea bit arrogant for him to say the sultan wont fire him. how would he know anyway. and what has he done for IIU.
government can fire him if they like. i dont see him any good either.
another malaysian.
Kalimullah, Hismuddin Aun dan wartawan lain di media tu ahli UMNO ke tak? Check sekarang? Jangan terkejut beruk ya...
ReplyDeleteIdris is a more of a bumiputra than Dr.M and what he has done thus far is far better than any Malay muslim who have lost millions of tax payers. why should it go to Malay if he is not capable..too loose more millions and Malays can be poud of another 'towering'Malay like TR?
ReplyDeleteSanusi is a nobody and this ever Malay Muslim slapped another Malay muslim at the KLIA airport. Did Islam says it is ok Datuk Sanusi and was it a pious thing to do.
your resignation is nothing to UMNO.all UMNO needs is good leaders who are pious and against corruption and really care for the coutnry instead of their self interest and if they allow good leaders to come up, UMNO will be ok.
Yg penting pemimpin kita mestilah BIJAK bukan BODOH, JUJUR bukan PENIPU serta TEGAS bukan DOLAK-DALIK:
ReplyDeleteKita tak mampu buat jambatan kerana ketiadaan kewangan - kita hendak jembatan ganti tambak walaupun bengkok,lurus... Parlimen tak akan dibubarkan esok - keesokannya parlimen dibubarkan. Kalau BN memerintah harga minyak tak akan naik - kita terpaksa naikan harga minyak kerana kenaikan harga antarabangsa. Minyak akan naik pada Ogos - minyak terpaksa naik walaupun baru 5 jun. Isshhhh! APAKAH PENIPUAN SETERUSNYA??
Seems like theres so much going wrong with the BN. I where's the rot coming from? I understand the much publicized issues with UMNO, and even more with MIC, but I can't help but wonder what's wrong with MCA? What do YOU think is wrong?
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, I think it's the least wrong party in BN; but it does need to refocus on what it is set up to do in the first place.
What would YOU do if you led them?
Sorry, Sanusi better then many others so called malays leaders. at least he worry about country well doing and directions. LIKEWISE OTHERS FULL OF EMOTIONAL FOOL
ReplyDeleteyes he also abused his power by beating someone at the kedah airport. he lost all his shine after that shameful episode. abuse of power.
ReplyDeleteThis man is short and love reading books ..non stop!
ReplyDeleteHe loves women too....but maybe now...engine is rusty.
He made his pile...with both eyes closed by Mahathir.
So lets consider at least one crook is grateful to the leader of the band....while others....all turn traitors..and fucking up the boss,
UNMO Melayu memang boleh........hahahahahahaha
ReplyDeleteBalik Kedah tanam sawah atas bumbung lah, Idea yang gila itu hang cukup pandai.
Panggil rakyat bela arnab, makan daging arnab, lalu makan ulam. ...apa macam? ini semua untuk lawan inflasi? Apa pasal tak nak cakap Ulam ulam lagi??
If all Malaysian listen to this Sanusi and plant padi on roof top than we won't be worried of price rocking. But again this Sanusi did show us how to do it. He should have lost his job long time ago.
ReplyDeleteSanusi oh Sanusi. Yes he might look a bit funny, his ideas of planting padi on the roof seem silly.
ReplyDeleteTerlupa aku ni berada di Malaysia. Jadi nak cakap melayulah.
Pernah kah anda semua menonton Discovery Channel? dan pernahkah anda terfikir?
Para arkitek kulit putih sedang memerah kepala otak bagaimana nak bina rumah dan di masa yang sama tidak mengorbankan kawasan pertanian. Mereka dapat idea, mereka cuba bina bangunan yang boleh ditanam padi di atas bumbungnya. Di mana tu? Di negeri China yang semakin kurang kawasan pertanian disebabkan pertambahan pendudk.
Sekilas pandang memang idea sanusi ni nampak kelakar, tetapi hakikatnya ada juga orang lain yang sihat akal fikirannya mengguna pakai idea beliau itu . Oleh para arkitek orang berkulit putih pula tu, yang selalu kita semua agong- agongkan.
Bahasa sanusi sebenarnya memang sukar difahami oleh generasi sekarang yang sebahagiannya memang kurang bahasa.Bahasa beliau adalah bahasa sindiran ,bahasa kiasan yang memang sukar difahami.
Dan kalau kita semua lihat falsafah si sanusi ni untuk tanam sayur ditepi jalan , memang nampak kelakar dan sinis. Hakikatnya kita semua ni bukanlah orang kaya yang mampu beli segala-galanya dengan wang. Majoriti daripada kita ni sebenarnya berlagak kaya dan moden. Sombong tak bertempat.Tapi bila isu barang naik, minyak naik semua daripada kita kelam kabut, terutama yang menyindir si sanusi. Disinilah idea sanusi itu sebenarnya berguna, dan rujuk balik saranan Fomca baru-baru ini.
Daripada kita bergaduh dan buang masa mencaci cerca orang lain, kan ada baiknya kita gunakan tanah sekangkang kera yang ada untuk perkara yang berfaedah. Kan orang tua-tua pernah berkata berbudi pada tanah ni nampak hasilnya , walau sedikit. Jika anda tinggal di flet atau aprtmen, daripada tanam bunga bukankah lebih baik tanam lada misalnya. Bukankah semua kaum di malaysia hari ini semuanya gemar makan sambal belacan, yang tentunya ada lada di dalamnya?
Cabut uban dan angkat isteri, bagi sesetengah daripada kita memang idea ni nampak mengarut. Mungkin generasi muda hari ini sudah tidak ada rasa kasih sayang, romantik tetapi hanya memiliki nafsu buas. Perempuan bagi lelaki hari ini adalah sekadar tempat melepaskan nafsu, sebab itu ramai anak "pangkal pokok pisang". Kadar perceraian juga amat tinggi hari ini, mungkin disebabkan sudah kurang rasa kasih sayang antara pasangan akibat sebuk mengejar dunia.
Cabut uban dan angkat isteri adalah satu lagi sindiran, dan falsafah disebaliknya adalah kewujudkan rasa kasih dan sayang antara pasangan suami isteri. Bila pasangan ada rasa kasih dan sayang, maka barulah ada rasa kasih dan sayang pada anak, bila ada rasa kasih dan sayang pada anak-anak akan ada pula rasa kasih sayang pada orang tua , dan seterusnyalah kasih sayang pada saudara, kasih sayang pada jiran, kasih sayang pada agama, kasih sayang pada sahabat, kasih sayang pada negara dsb. Barulah hidup ini banyak kasih dan sayang dan tidak saling membenci???
Jadi, mengapa tidak kita gunakan peluang berinteraksi ini untuk mewujudkan idea-idea bernas bagi mengatasi segala permasalahan hari ini!!!!! Akal yang sihat datang dari fikiran yang sihat, dari badan yang sihat.
Berilah pandangan-pandangan yang membina agar kita dilihat sebagai 1st class citizen
I hate to say this but I think this Sanusi Junid should just disappear.This guy should go back in time and live among the barbarians.He thinks people have forgotten what he did before.
ReplyDeleteHonestly,I think the Mahathirs should resign from their positions, especially Mukhriz if has any sense of shame.
No organisation in the world,politics, business or otherwise, can accept its member to constantly attack its leadership and its policies and still want to stay on in the organisation.
Abdullah is too kind and taken advantage of by his tolerance and refusal to strike back.
On moral ground, all the Mahathirs should give up their positions.
It is not a question of whether the company belong to UMNO. Those are not employment contracts, they are political appointment by UMNO and as the ruling party it has the right to ask them to vacate the seats as they are no more in the party.
It is obvious Mahathir thinks he and his family are untouchable and doesn't care about public opinion.
Last week, two ministers called for Mokhzani Mahathir to resign as Sepang International Circuit chairman after he, too, resigned from Umno.
ReplyDeleteam i right! u want 'something' u have to be 'UMNO'.
what does UMNO means today,
untuk melayu nak ontong!
sime sembawang?
si-me sembah wang!
u want more?