Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi! Please, for the sake of all Malaysian who are still harbouring hopes for BN to remain relevant, quit now! Hand over the badly injured BN to those next in line and leave while you still have some room left. Don't continue to force the people to drop the little left respect for your position as the PM.
May God forgive you for all your blunders! Just stop it and leave while you could.
Please visit my new blog at http:\\malaysiabebas.blogspot.com if you want to comment freely on the latest happening. Bloggers nowadays now seem to be not really fair and very biased to certain party. Let's celebrate the freedom of Malaysian to speak up...
The country leaders must change Cosmetic makeup won’t make it work Coming from the same troop It is back to history
What this country needs It is a totally different way of doing things No use of crap words and slogans It has died on the people
These leaders On the way out soon When PR equips with the frogs Change the political scene
This is what the country needed A new political party to effect changes Give the people for the people And the rest they say will be history
Why pay attention on BN/UMNO? The party is going down slowly and effectively It is now salvaging its pride and heyday It has spoken……………………… Even not this year it will be GE13
I only wish it will be this year How the opposition leaders play their game The frogs will be caught in the net Then a new light for the people and country
No NAJIB!!! Remember Atlantuya...you must be SEEN TO BE CLEAN!!! If Najib is PM, we would be the laughing stock of the world. The Kangaroo court still have not decided and deliberate the case of the murder! Such a high profile cause what is the AG IS DOING?????? He should PERSONALY HANDLE THIS CASE AND NO BIAS!! unless something is wrong and NAJIB IS INVOLVED!!! The impression is HE IS!!! His files of scandals must be stack up high and awaiting to burst open.
looks like anwar is the only alternative. i quite like his ketuanan rakyat slogan. giving the country back to the people to decide and not stepping all over them, and stealing their money.
looks like anwar is the only alternative. i quite like his ketuanan rakyat slogan. giving the country back to the people to decide and not stepping all over them, and stealing their money.
Najib as PM. You must be jokinglah! Not a million year. Najib = Altantuya! How about that?
Najib is not an alternative but a disaster.
Rocky, forget about Najib. Don't tell me that they can't find a better person than Najib. If this is the case then UMNO is in hte procdess of banbruptcy!
Dont just look at this two old timer politician! the old timer politician can be mark as materialistic. Dont go for materialistic leader!. Just look at the religion leader and you would see the different..... Just my small opinion but have strong meaning. Just be fair to our Religion, Nation and our Malaysia.
I have been supporting the boycott the newspapers initiative for sometime & I have done my push & pull marketing rather we'll around my circle of family, friends & contacts. A few have stopped buying, some don't already. A lot whom still want to purchase the papers, I passed on the info - which was the worst in all mediums & urged them to switch to the least worst. For English papers, the worst was the The Star (Spinning & BN coverage). Data can be found on the People's Parliament.
Now, the story. I have noticed that some, are still purchasing the newspapers, expecially "The Star" every now & then, especially on Saturday's for... "The Recruitment Section!"
So, I urge all those whom support this cause to pass the word. Only get your recruitment information online. Do not purchase the msm & even browse through it.
PR & others (mid-long term effort), get more beginner computer classes up. Teaching people to use the comp, get the news, browse & apply for jobs, using the email, etc. Keep the fees very low, give it free to the very poor, catch the young, educate! PR, set up a IT centre in the poor areas, with news printed out & pasted there regularly. Put up a few PCs with internet connections for the poor to share & use for free during office hours.
Check out MT article "My Version of the Truth" by RPK, for some related info.
So, who does the Malaysian rakyat deserve? Would it be Najid or Muhyddin? Judging from the thinking, mood and the amount of hard work put in by the people this time around, it looks like it deserves someone better - but what can UMNO offer? No much, looking at the the line-up and the others.
Can the best choice, then, come from the opposite camp? Is Anwar the better candidate? The nagging feeling that he was also a child of UMNO causes apprehension in one!
Is, prayers, the only hope for the Malaysian rakyat or is Anwar a truly changed man?
It is at once astounding and alarming to see how a highly significant segment of mass opinion is being conditioned to attribute the failure of UMNO and Barisan National mainly to Dato' Seri Abdullah Badawi.
This is reflected by the comments made in most of the top Malaysian sociopolitical blogs that have addressed the issue of the causes of UMNO/BN's failure in the election.
It is astounding because from blog to blog, the opinions expressed seem to be fairly uniform -- that the failure of UMNO/BN is mainly the fault of Abdullah Badawi and his close advisors. A slightly broader set of top UMNO leaders is viewed as culpable by some commenters, but this is rare. It is alarming because the failure of UMNO/BN has its roots inclusive of but beyond Abdullah Badawi and his advisory coterie, and yet this seems to have gone unrecognised.
The seeds of UMNO/BN's failure were sown since widespread corrupt practices became ingrained in the workings of the government and its key party members, and the integrity of key institutions was undermined. This is circa the 1980s.
The eruption of this disease occurred during the Abdullah Badawi administration. The blame is, of course, thoughtlessly and entirely attributed to Abdullah Badawi, either because he is considered the popular face of the party by the people, or because those within the party who want to survive find in him the saving scapegoat.
Scalping Abdullah Badawi alone is insufficient. Among the key steps for genuine change is the expelling of a large number of UMNO's tainted leaders at various organisational levels, and the expunging and replacement of the party's rejected credo.
Substituting Najib-Muhyiddin for Abdullah-Najib at the helm is illusory and does little to nothing if true reform is desired. It is to cast away attention from the unbearable burden of having to dismantle and rebuild a diseased organisation.
Rafidah said that an Umno president is not just the leader of Umno but also the PM of Malaysia.
If that is so, we should all be extremely concerned who will be the next Umno president and who will be his sidekick who may also be the next PM after him.
If that be the case, all sights and filters must be used to make sure the right information gets to the rakyat before the appointments are made. For too long, the rakyat and indeed this nation called Malaysia has suffered for at least two PMs, present and past, who have made a complete mess of everything.
Therefore before the Umno GA, get it right.
First, Najib. Here are four questions:
1. did he make any money out of the mindef contracts, in particular a sum of rm900 million (as adduced by PAS) for the sukhoi deal, and other amounts as pertains the lumut naval vessels?
2. who in this country has the authority to make an ultimate command to the UTK to terminate someone with extreme prejudice?
3. was his father caught in Singapore in a compromising position with a malaysian athlete and if yes, wouldn't that present some level of risk to this nation in the future?
4. and since behind every successful man is a strong woman, what is the character of the first lady in waiting?
Next, Muhyiddin. Does he or does he not have RM2 billion and if he has, where did it come from and to whom is he beholden in the future?
Next, Ali Rustam. Is the observation tower in Melaka town being constructed, at what cost, and paid to who?
Note that these are just questions from concerned rakyat who have seen too much shit thrown at everyone by Umno. You can put up all the frigging self-satisfying bodeking banners in the world, even get the mayor of MPKL to put up the biggest electronic portrait of you at rakyats expense but at the end of the day, are you clean, efficient, useful?
Right now, the only rakyat who can afford to ignore such concerns are those who are standing beside them, working out how to benefit from their ascension to the height of power in this country at the expense of the rakyat, the national funds, the future of Malaysia.
This is not about a deputy playing his card to smell like roses. It's not about his sidekick just talking polemics that Umno is in trouble and the head must go. And it's not about a chief minister whose hand is as smooth as that of an arab sheik that you would think he has never lifted a cangkul in his entire easy life to know how hard the rakyat have to live, a necessary piece of real knowledge in this suffering nation.
It's all about clean leaders. And we are not talking just about money.
Anwar Ibrahim continues to harp on the submarines issue and on Altantuya Shaaribuu's. He did it during the run-up to the general elections, and during the elections and now again at his so-called Black 14 gathering at Sultan Sulaiman Club in Kampung Baru last night. He has on several occasions, sounding like a broken record, accusing the Deputy PM of being involved in a murder.
PKR is so desperate to pin the allegation on Najib Tun Razak that Tian Chua now the YB (Yang Berbohong) for Batu had even the audacity to put a superimposed pictures on the internet of DPM, Razak Baginda and Altantuya having dinner together.
Anwar, and PKR, is not interested in the truth. He is so consumed in destroying another person by poisoning the mind of the rakyat, especially the young people, with falsehood especially through new media.
That the case is now being heard in court does not matter to Anwar and the likes of him. Anwar, via PKR, calls for judicial reforms but the party itself does not respect the judicial process that a person is innocent until proven guilty, Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahin(BABI), of all the people should know this. Anyway, Najib is not on trial here, it must be stressed. PKR and the Opposition is putting him on trial as they want to remove a political opponent, only politics, the truth is not important to them.
And let's not forget, although Federal Court acquitted Anwar of the sodomy conviction, the judges concurred he did engaged in a homosexual activities. Please read the judgement, if you care to know.
And yes, Anwar is still a homosexual as deduce by the Federal Court judges, and any healthy heterosexual should stay away from him.
rakyat wants the best man fit and qualified with charismatic character to be their leader...
these two (2) morons are just jaguh kampung and never speaks on podium to globalise mentality international leaders.
muhyidin and najib is far away from podium, without pre-pared text they could only whisper their speeches and let the audience Sleep like Pak Lah, the BENGGAP.
the nation must compete globally and don't we rakyat have enough of past BENGGAP leaders.
let Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim take leadership as PM of Malaysia...
these muhyidin and najib are like Mat Rempits on Public Roads, but Rodents on the Autobahn.
they just lack some reflection on mirror over themselves!
ah all these umno people talk cock. they are the ones who shout about special rights and wield krises and they are also the ones who bolot what they should be sharing with the people they champion for. all main silap mata.
How about Rafidah for Prime Minister? You guys are prejudiced against her. You call her corrupt but you are ready to accept men like Najib and Khir Toyol who are ten times worse than her. Frankly, Rafidah is the only one with balls and common sense in Umno.Besides, she's smart too and was the best Minister in both Dr M and Pak Lah's cabinet. She will do a world of good for Umno... if the petty men allow her to take charge.
Tak habis habis isu wield kris. Bila DAP kata ini, ini bukan Negara Melayu saja tapi Negara Negara Cina Negara India dan nak kuburkan UMNO (Melayu) tak marah pulak.
Kalau ini Negara Cina mana Tembok Besar yang dibina Shi Huan Ti dan Kalau ini Negara India mana dia Taj Mahal yang di bina Shah Jahan?
Sebenarnya ini Tanah Melayu, Negara untuk orang Melayu dan rakyat Malaysia dari keturunan Cina dan India tapi tidak sekali kali ini Negara Cina dan India.
Rocky, oleh kerana U kamcing dengan DAP tolong betulkan fakta ini pada mereka. Tolong juga perbesarkan macam isu wield kris supaya adil.
talak apa mo makan..? lu pigi makan babi laa.. tak lama lg kat S'gor ada kandang mega...
Boleh guna itu keris potong babi...tak apa..tak payah baca2 punya..tak payah panggil mana2 itu ustat/imam/kadi..terus boleh potong hantam kasi mati itu babi..
Sini manyak olang makan lembu, ayam, kambing tapi dia olang suma sibuk mau bela itu babi..mana lu mau bela hah? itu babi atau olang selupa itu babi?
Negara ini pun bukan negara orang Melayu atau Tanah Melayu. Yang sebetulnya ianya Negara Orang Asli yang telah sekian lama dipinggirkan oleh kita semua, terutamanya Kerajaan BN. Kita semua adalah kaum pendatang tetapi telah menetap di sini dan menjadikan negara ini negara kita dan menjadikan diri kita warganegaranya. Anonymous, tak payahlah mendabik dada. Yang penting kita cintakan negara ini dan berlaku adil terhadap semua orang, bukan seperti adanya sekarang--tipu sini, tipu sana, pilih kasih sini, pilih kasih sana, bolot kekayaan semuanya. Rakyat mati papa kedana.
Cuba kamu jadi orang yang macam kaum saya baru kamu tahu macam mana rasa tertindas tanpa keistimewaan apa-apa. Mara untuk siapa? UDA untuk siapa? Tabung itu dan tabung ini untuk siapa? Biasiswa untuk siapa? Sarawak & Sabah pengeluar minyak terbesar dapat apa? Kalau sudah jadi orang yang istimewa, duduk diam-diam dan bersyukur. Tak usah kutuk orang lain yang penuh azam untuk membangunkan negara ini. Faham?
UMNO Boleh Masuk Kubur - DAP! http://forum.mykmu.net/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=16899&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0
Strategi peminggiran orang melayu oleh orang cina http://forum.mykmu.net/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=16736&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0
Our blogging brothers and sisters from Borneo receive less prominence in the Malaysian blogosphere. Their writings could do with more attention because it would help us learn about the issues that affect East Malaysians too. It would be more holistic to consider some good bloggers from Sabah or Sarawak.
I noticed that Henry anak Joseph, who commented on this page, touches upon the sociopolitics of Malaysian Borneo in his blog. Take a look at his page, and perhaps that of other East Malaysians. Perhaps if you find some of their writings suitable or relevant you could provide web links to their blogs on your blog page.
botol hijau,(itu calsberg punya pun kaler hijau ma..)
Lu selupa spisis itu sondol jugak ka? Itu Hadi lu ingat itu baik selupa itu nabi ka? Lu talak ambil peduli dia punya celita ka masa jd MB Terengganu dulu aa...
Itu olang atas kapla juga serban , cakap pun selupa takabur, liak masa jadi itu MB...cakap itu cina Lim Kit Siang selupa dinosour, talak relevant ini zaman..last2 dia sendili bungkus talak relevant dari itu parlimen itu masa PRU sabelas. Itu cina cakap talak relevant juga naik itu MP Ipoh Timur.. boleh bising2 balik dlm itu dewan palimen.. Sendili mau ingat aa...
Lu olang aa ..itu spisis suka canang Islam kuat punya.. jgn rasa lu olang selupa Tuhan punya wakil aa...lain olang semua kotor bodoh..Itu Hadi balu takbur sikit Tuhan sudah tunjuk itu dunia... itu Pak Lah Hadari wa tatau mau cakap aa..Dia sama itu Mahathir, dia lg byk teruk pasal main2 sama itu Islam..itu olang tua nama Mahathir kurang2 talak bising kuat pasal Islam selupa itu Pak Lah.. Itu olang tua tau dia pun talak ikut 100% Islam..
Lu jgn otak mcm dlm itu kandang jugak aa, itu pasal lu cepat marah sebab bila orang mau kasi sempit lu punya kandang...lu rasa rimas.. lepas tu lu naik minyak mau hantam olang lain..
Lu kasi fikir manyak2...jgn ikut itu perangai babi oo..telinga manya nipis tutup lipat bawah..talak buleh dengar olang lain punya cakap.. itu babi aa talak boleh corner punya kalo lari manyak laju ..dia punya kaki manyak pendek selupa dia punya akal juga..nanti hantam sondol sama itu pokok besar terus mati.. talak fikir panjang punya.. hahaha
botol hijau,(itu calsberg punya pun kaler hijau ma..)
Lu selupa spisis itu sondol jugak ka? Itu Hadi lu ingat itu baik selupa itu nabi ka? Lu talak ambil peduli dia punya celita ka masa jd MB Terengganu dulu aa...
Itu olang atas kapla juga serban , cakap pun selupa takabur, liak masa jadi itu MB...cakap itu cina Lim Kit Siang selupa dinosour, talak relevant ini zaman..last2 dia sendili bungkus talak relevant dari itu parlimen itu masa PRU sabelas. Itu cina cakap talak relevant juga naik itu MP Ipoh Timur.. boleh bising2 balik dlm itu dewan palimen.. Sendili mau ingat aa...
Lu olang aa ..itu spisis suka canang Islam kuat punya.. jgn rasa lu olang selupa Tuhan punya wakil aa...lain olang semua kotor bodoh..Itu Hadi balu takbur sikit Tuhan sudah tunjuk itu dunia... itu Pak Lah Hadari wa tatau mau cakap aa..Dia sama itu Mahathir, dia lg byk teruk pasal main2 sama itu Islam..itu olang tua nama Mahathir kurang2 talak bising kuat pasal Islam selupa itu Pak Lah.. Itu olang tua tau dia pun talak ikut 100% Islam..
Lu jgn otak mcm dlm itu kandang jugak aa, itu pasal lu cepat marah sebab bila orang mau kasi sempit lu punya kandang...lu rasa rimas.. lepas tu lu naik minyak mau hantam olang lain..
Lu kasi fikir manyak2...jgn ikut itu perangai babi oo..telinga manya nipis tutup lipat bawah..talak buleh dengar olang lain punya cakap.. itu babi aa talak boleh corner punya kalo lari manyak laju ..dia punya kaki manyak pendek selupa dia punya akal juga..nanti hantam sondol sama itu pokok besar terus mati.. talak fikir panjang punya.. hahaha
i dont care who will replace Pak Lah because i dont want pak Lah anymore... Najib is better than Pak Lah.. Muhyiddin are bravery leader... so borh are better than the 'lembik' Pak Lah.
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dont want them both. i am a picky baby but i only want the best.
ReplyDeleteLooking at the other side of the coin, if PKR takes over the govt, who will be the no 1 and no 2 leaving this country?
I think, there is no December for paklah... what a waste...
ReplyDeleteI hope someone new will vie for the top two posts. If they do they might win.
ReplyDeleteI was there at Sheraton Subang for lunch when I saw they put up the signs. These people look more like thugs hehe.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt in my mind Muhyiddin will be Najib deputy when Pak Lah steps down before December! Before Umno being completely obliterated!
super OUCH!
ReplyDeleteYo Rocky,
ReplyDeletei have three more photos of the banners. You should have attended the meeting.
visit my blog @ somecempakan.blogspot.com for the photos.
Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi! Please, for the sake of all Malaysian who are still harbouring hopes for BN to remain relevant, quit now!
ReplyDeleteHand over the badly injured BN to those next in line and leave while you still have some room left.
Don't continue to force the people to drop the little left respect for your position as the PM.
May God forgive you for all your blunders! Just stop it and leave while you could.
Please visit my new blog at http:\\malaysiabebas.blogspot.com if you want to comment freely on the latest happening. Bloggers nowadays now seem to be not really fair and very biased to certain party. Let's celebrate the freedom of Malaysian to speak up...
ReplyDeleteThe country leaders must change
ReplyDeleteCosmetic makeup won’t make it work
Coming from the same troop
It is back to history
What this country needs
It is a totally different way of doing things
No use of crap words and slogans
It has died on the people
These leaders
On the way out soon
When PR equips with the frogs
Change the political scene
This is what the country needed
A new political party to effect changes
Give the people for the people
And the rest they say will be history
Why pay attention on BN/UMNO?
The party is going down slowly and effectively
It is now salvaging its pride and heyday
It has spoken………………………
Even not this year it will be GE13
I only wish it will be this year
How the opposition leaders play their game
The frogs will be caught in the net
Then a new light for the people and country
No NAJIB!!! Remember Atlantuya...you must be SEEN TO BE CLEAN!!! If Najib is PM, we would be the laughing stock of the world. The Kangaroo court still have not decided and deliberate the case of the murder! Such a high profile cause what is the AG IS DOING?????? He should PERSONALY HANDLE THIS CASE AND NO BIAS!! unless something is wrong and NAJIB IS INVOLVED!!! The impression is HE IS!!! His files of scandals must be stack up high and awaiting to burst open.
ReplyDeleteAnd where will Ali Rustam stand? He is already behaving like No.2 now!
ReplyDeleteNajib and Muhyiddin? What about Anwar and Khalid ? heheheh
ReplyDeletelooks like anwar is the only alternative. i quite like his ketuanan rakyat slogan. giving the country back to the people to decide and not stepping all over them, and stealing their money.
ReplyDeleteIf Muhyiddin has RM2 Billion, how much does Najib have?
ReplyDeleteLook at him good
Face of a crook
Having plunder the nation nude
He is just having good time
waiting for his pm hood.
A backbone-less pm for a nation.
Hope not.
looks like anwar is the only alternative. i quite like his ketuanan rakyat slogan. giving the country back to the people to decide and not stepping all over them, and stealing their money.
ReplyDeletebtw, what happened to rahim ghouse?
I prefer KJ to Najis and Muhyiddin, another Daim who is masquarading as a humanbeing.
ReplyDeleteNajib as PM. You must be jokinglah! Not a million year. Najib = Altantuya! How about that?
ReplyDeleteNajib is not an alternative but a disaster.
Rocky, forget about Najib. Don't tell me that they can't find a better person than Najib. If this is the case then UMNO is in hte procdess of banbruptcy!
Interesting article on Jewish Empire in USA http://inpursuitofhappiness.wordpress.com/2008/04/14/the-rise-of-the-jewish-empire/
ReplyDeletewhat the fuck...
ReplyDeletei only trust hj hadi...the rest..they are all bastards
How much loot did Anwar stash while he was in power - esp from his yankee friends.
ReplyDeleteDont just look at this two old timer politician! the old timer politician can be mark as materialistic. Dont go for materialistic leader!. Just look at the religion leader and you would see the different..... Just my small opinion but have strong meaning. Just be fair to our Religion, Nation and our Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteI can't understand why the majority is calling for Pak Lah to resign. Personally, I'd love to see him stay as the prime minister!
ReplyDeleteNot that I like him, but I think he's weak. He'll be the main factor on why BN is gonna fall in the PRU13!
Easy guys...those posters/banners are for Paklah to see only...
ReplyDeleteTo Anwar's comrades, this guy will say anything now, in his eagerness to be the PM at whatever cost. He sure can talk.
"Ketuanan Rakyat" my a##, he wants to be the PM coz he wants to be the "tuan"...
Dear Freedom Fighters, both Online & Offline...
ReplyDeleteI have been supporting the boycott the newspapers initiative for sometime & I have done my push & pull marketing rather we'll around my circle of family, friends & contacts. A few have stopped buying, some don't already. A lot whom still want to purchase the papers, I passed on the info - which was the worst in all mediums & urged them to switch to the least worst. For English papers, the worst was the The Star (Spinning & BN coverage). Data can be found on the People's Parliament.
Now, the story. I have noticed that some, are still purchasing the newspapers, expecially "The Star" every now & then, especially on Saturday's for... "The Recruitment Section!"
So, I urge all those whom support this cause to pass the word. Only get your recruitment information online. Do not purchase the msm & even browse through it.
PR & others (mid-long term effort), get more beginner computer classes up. Teaching people to use the comp, get the news, browse & apply for jobs, using the email, etc. Keep the fees very low, give it free to the very poor, catch the young, educate! PR, set up a IT centre in the poor areas, with news printed out & pasted there regularly. Put up a few PCs with internet connections for the poor to share & use for free during office hours.
Check out MT article "My Version of the Truth" by RPK, for some related info.
Thanks, please pass the word!
You think the UMNO people can tahan till December? I think not!
ReplyDelete'Runnung mates, running mad'!
ReplyDeleteA nation gets the government it deserves!
So, who does the Malaysian rakyat deserve? Would it be Najid or Muhyddin? Judging from the thinking, mood and the amount of hard work put in by the people this time around, it looks like it deserves someone better - but what can UMNO offer? No much, looking at the the line-up and the others.
Can the best choice, then, come from the opposite camp? Is Anwar the better candidate? The nagging feeling that he was also a child of UMNO causes apprehension in one!
Is, prayers, the only hope for the Malaysian rakyat or is Anwar a truly changed man?
It is at once astounding and alarming to see how a highly significant segment of mass opinion is being conditioned to attribute the failure of UMNO and Barisan National mainly to Dato' Seri Abdullah Badawi.
ReplyDeleteThis is reflected by the comments made in most of the top Malaysian sociopolitical blogs that have addressed the issue of the causes of UMNO/BN's failure in the election.
It is astounding because from blog to blog, the opinions expressed seem to be fairly uniform -- that the failure of UMNO/BN is mainly the fault of Abdullah Badawi and his close advisors. A slightly broader set of top UMNO leaders is viewed as culpable by some commenters, but this is rare. It is alarming because the failure of UMNO/BN has its roots inclusive of but beyond Abdullah Badawi and his advisory coterie, and yet this seems to have gone unrecognised.
The seeds of UMNO/BN's failure were sown since widespread corrupt practices became ingrained in the workings of the government and its key party members, and the integrity of key institutions was undermined. This is circa the 1980s.
The eruption of this disease occurred during the Abdullah Badawi administration. The blame is, of course, thoughtlessly and entirely attributed to Abdullah Badawi, either because he is considered the popular face of the party by the people, or because those within the party who want to survive find in him the saving scapegoat.
Scalping Abdullah Badawi alone is insufficient. Among the key steps for genuine change is the expelling of a large number of UMNO's tainted leaders at various organisational levels, and the expunging and replacement of the party's rejected credo.
Substituting Najib-Muhyiddin for Abdullah-Najib at the helm is illusory and does little to nothing if true reform is desired. It is to cast away attention from the unbearable burden of having to dismantle and rebuild a diseased organisation.
Rafidah said that an Umno president is not just the leader of Umno but also the PM of Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteIf that is so, we should all be extremely concerned who will be the next Umno president and who will be his sidekick who may also be the next PM after him.
If that be the case, all sights and filters must be used to make sure the right information gets to the rakyat before the appointments are made. For too long, the rakyat and indeed this nation called Malaysia has suffered for at least two PMs, present and past, who have made a complete mess of everything.
Therefore before the Umno GA, get it right.
First, Najib. Here are four questions:
1. did he make any money out of the mindef contracts, in particular a sum of rm900 million (as adduced by PAS) for the sukhoi deal, and other amounts as pertains the lumut naval vessels?
2. who in this country has the authority to make an ultimate command to the UTK to terminate someone with extreme prejudice?
3. was his father caught in Singapore in a compromising position with a malaysian athlete and if yes, wouldn't that present some level of risk to this nation in the future?
4. and since behind every successful man is a strong woman, what is the character of the first lady in waiting?
Next, Muhyiddin. Does he or does he not have RM2 billion and if he has, where did it come from and to whom is he beholden in the future?
Next, Ali Rustam. Is the observation tower in Melaka town being constructed, at what cost, and paid to who?
Note that these are just questions from concerned rakyat who have seen too much shit thrown at everyone by Umno. You can put up all the frigging self-satisfying bodeking banners in the world, even get the mayor of MPKL to put up the biggest electronic portrait of you at rakyats expense but at the end of the day, are you clean, efficient, useful?
Right now, the only rakyat who can afford to ignore such concerns are those who are standing beside them, working out how to benefit from their ascension to the height of power in this country at the expense of the rakyat, the national funds, the future of Malaysia.
This is not about a deputy playing his card to smell like roses. It's not about his sidekick just talking polemics that Umno is in trouble and the head must go. And it's not about a chief minister whose hand is as smooth as that of an arab sheik that you would think he has never lifted a cangkul in his entire easy life to know how hard the rakyat have to live, a necessary piece of real knowledge in this suffering nation.
It's all about clean leaders. And we are not talking just about money.
Anwar Ibrahim continues to harp on the submarines issue and on Altantuya Shaaribuu's. He did it during the run-up to the general elections, and during the elections and now again at his so-called Black 14 gathering at Sultan Sulaiman Club in Kampung Baru last night.
ReplyDeleteHe has on several occasions, sounding like a broken record, accusing the Deputy PM of being involved in a murder.
PKR is so desperate to pin the allegation on Najib Tun Razak that Tian Chua now the YB (Yang Berbohong) for Batu had even the audacity to put a superimposed pictures on the internet of DPM, Razak Baginda and Altantuya having dinner together.
Anwar, and PKR, is not interested in the truth. He is so consumed in destroying another person by poisoning the mind of the rakyat, especially the young people, with falsehood especially through new media.
That the case is now being heard in court does not matter to Anwar and the likes of him. Anwar, via PKR, calls for judicial reforms but the party itself does not respect the judicial process that a person is innocent until proven guilty, Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahin(BABI), of all the people should know this. Anyway, Najib is not on trial here, it must be stressed. PKR and the Opposition is putting him on trial as they want to remove a political opponent, only politics, the truth is not important to them.
And let's not forget, although Federal Court acquitted Anwar of the sodomy conviction, the judges concurred he did engaged in a homosexual activities. Please read the judgement, if you care to know.
And yes, Anwar is still a homosexual as deduce by the Federal Court judges, and any healthy heterosexual should stay away from him.
Pak Lah,shame on you
ReplyDeleteThis has gotta be the longest election ever.
ReplyDelete1. If i'm Pak Lah, i'll show to Najib the exit door on my right.
ReplyDelete2. If i'm Pak Lah, i'll show to Muhyiddin the exit door on my left.
3. Then i'll call Shahrir to become my deputy.
rakyat wants the best man fit and qualified with charismatic character to be their leader...
ReplyDeletethese two (2) morons are just jaguh kampung and never speaks on podium to globalise mentality international leaders.
muhyidin and najib is far away from podium, without pre-pared text they could only whisper their speeches and let the audience Sleep like Pak Lah, the BENGGAP.
the nation must compete globally and don't we rakyat have enough of past BENGGAP leaders.
let Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim take leadership as PM of Malaysia...
these muhyidin and najib are like Mat Rempits on Public Roads, but Rodents on the Autobahn.
they just lack some reflection on mirror over themselves!
ah all these umno people talk cock. they are the ones who shout about special rights and wield krises and they are also the ones who bolot what they should be sharing with the people they champion for. all main silap mata.
ReplyDeletebaron strawberrymunchen,
ReplyDeletei agree with you. well put.
umno is rotten to the core. nobody in the present administration can save them.
i'm sorry. baron guten tag and thsus
gatchaa......watch up ...it 's hot now
How about Rafidah for Prime Minister? You guys are prejudiced against her. You call her corrupt but you are ready to accept men like Najib and Khir Toyol who are ten times worse than her. Frankly, Rafidah is the only one with balls and common sense in Umno.Besides, she's smart too and was the best Minister in both Dr M and Pak Lah's cabinet. She will do a world of good for Umno... if the petty men allow her to take charge.
ReplyDeleteTak habis habis isu wield kris. Bila DAP kata ini, ini bukan Negara Melayu saja tapi Negara Negara Cina Negara India dan nak kuburkan UMNO (Melayu) tak marah pulak.
ReplyDeleteKalau ini Negara Cina mana Tembok Besar yang dibina Shi Huan Ti dan Kalau ini Negara India mana dia Taj Mahal yang di bina Shah Jahan?
Sebenarnya ini Tanah Melayu, Negara untuk orang Melayu dan rakyat Malaysia dari keturunan Cina dan India tapi tidak sekali kali ini Negara Cina dan India.
Rocky, oleh kerana U kamcing dengan DAP tolong betulkan fakta ini pada mereka. Tolong juga perbesarkan macam isu wield kris supaya adil.
kenapa bercakap tentang next PM...sekarang in nak makan pun bajet dah lari.... u up there ingat sikit kat raayat miskin ni...
ReplyDeletekenapa bercakap tentang next PM...sekarang in nak makan pun bajet dah lari.... u up there ingat sikit kat raayat miskin ni...
ReplyDeleteI agree with Pasquale (9.54 am). well said!
ReplyDeleteIf you ppl think Najib and Muhyiddin are not clean.. then do you REALLY think Anwar's clean?? Oh PUH-LEASE...
and greenbottle (12.58 am). did you just reveal one of the Pas's identities = 'suka mencarut'?
"what the FUCK" and "bastards"...
well done bro! keep it up!
talak apa mo makan..? lu pigi makan babi laa.. tak lama lg kat S'gor ada kandang mega...
ReplyDeleteBoleh guna itu keris potong babi...tak apa..tak payah baca2 punya..tak payah panggil mana2 itu ustat/imam/kadi..terus boleh potong hantam kasi mati itu babi..
Sini manyak olang makan lembu, ayam, kambing tapi dia olang suma sibuk mau bela itu babi..mana lu mau bela hah? itu babi atau olang selupa itu babi?
dear anonymous FMMZ at 4.54PM...
ReplyDeleteso you think the crime of my 'mencarut' is as big a sin as supporting crooks and thugs who will ruin the country and the malays as PM & DPM?
i stand guilty of this sin of mencarut but i think malaysians should be brave enough to really make a change.
a real change. Real change can only come when you have people with good moral & principles leading the country...
and i only trust hj hadi and other PAS leaders.
Negara ini pun bukan negara orang Melayu atau Tanah Melayu. Yang sebetulnya ianya Negara Orang Asli yang telah sekian lama dipinggirkan oleh kita semua, terutamanya Kerajaan BN. Kita semua adalah kaum pendatang tetapi telah menetap di sini dan menjadikan negara ini negara kita dan menjadikan diri kita warganegaranya. Anonymous, tak payahlah mendabik dada. Yang penting kita cintakan negara ini dan berlaku adil terhadap semua orang, bukan seperti adanya sekarang--tipu sini, tipu sana, pilih kasih sini, pilih kasih sana, bolot kekayaan semuanya. Rakyat mati papa kedana.
ReplyDeleteCuba kamu jadi orang yang macam kaum saya baru kamu tahu macam mana rasa tertindas tanpa keistimewaan apa-apa. Mara untuk siapa? UDA untuk siapa? Tabung itu dan tabung ini untuk siapa? Biasiswa untuk siapa? Sarawak & Sabah pengeluar minyak terbesar dapat apa? Kalau sudah jadi orang yang istimewa, duduk diam-diam dan bersyukur. Tak usah kutuk orang lain yang penuh azam untuk membangunkan negara ini. Faham?
ReplyDeleteUMNO Boleh Masuk Kubur - DAP!
Strategi peminggiran orang melayu oleh orang cina
Dear Rocky:
ReplyDeleteOur blogging brothers and sisters from Borneo receive less prominence in the Malaysian blogosphere. Their writings could do with more attention because it would help us learn about the issues that affect East Malaysians too. It would be more holistic to consider some good bloggers from Sabah or Sarawak.
I noticed that Henry anak Joseph, who commented on this page, touches upon the sociopolitics of Malaysian Borneo in his blog. Take a look at his page, and perhaps that of other East Malaysians. Perhaps if you find some of their writings suitable or relevant you could provide web links to their blogs on your blog page.
botol hijau,(itu calsberg punya pun kaler hijau ma..)
ReplyDeleteLu selupa spisis itu sondol jugak ka? Itu Hadi lu ingat itu baik selupa itu nabi ka? Lu talak ambil peduli dia punya celita ka masa jd MB Terengganu dulu aa...
Itu olang atas kapla juga serban , cakap pun selupa takabur, liak masa jadi itu MB...cakap itu cina Lim Kit Siang selupa dinosour, talak relevant ini zaman..last2 dia sendili bungkus talak relevant dari itu parlimen itu masa PRU sabelas. Itu cina cakap talak relevant juga naik itu MP Ipoh Timur.. boleh bising2 balik dlm itu dewan palimen..
Sendili mau ingat aa...
Lu olang aa ..itu spisis suka canang Islam kuat punya.. jgn rasa lu olang selupa Tuhan punya wakil aa...lain olang semua kotor bodoh..Itu Hadi balu takbur sikit Tuhan sudah tunjuk itu dunia... itu Pak Lah Hadari wa tatau mau cakap aa..Dia sama itu Mahathir, dia lg byk teruk pasal main2 sama itu Islam..itu olang tua nama Mahathir kurang2 talak bising kuat pasal Islam selupa itu Pak Lah.. Itu olang tua tau dia pun talak ikut 100% Islam..
Lu jgn otak mcm dlm itu kandang jugak aa, itu pasal lu cepat marah sebab bila orang mau kasi sempit lu punya kandang...lu rasa rimas.. lepas tu lu naik minyak mau hantam olang lain..
Lu kasi fikir manyak2...jgn ikut itu perangai babi oo..telinga manya nipis tutup lipat bawah..talak buleh dengar olang lain punya cakap..
itu babi aa talak boleh corner punya kalo lari manyak laju ..dia punya kaki manyak pendek selupa dia punya akal juga..nanti hantam sondol sama itu pokok besar terus mati.. talak fikir panjang punya.. hahaha
Jgn marah aa..Wa tatau cakap..kasi itu advice..
botol hijau,(itu calsberg punya pun kaler hijau ma..)
ReplyDeleteLu selupa spisis itu sondol jugak ka? Itu Hadi lu ingat itu baik selupa itu nabi ka? Lu talak ambil peduli dia punya celita ka masa jd MB Terengganu dulu aa...
Itu olang atas kapla juga serban , cakap pun selupa takabur, liak masa jadi itu MB...cakap itu cina Lim Kit Siang selupa dinosour, talak relevant ini zaman..last2 dia sendili bungkus talak relevant dari itu parlimen itu masa PRU sabelas. Itu cina cakap talak relevant juga naik itu MP Ipoh Timur.. boleh bising2 balik dlm itu dewan palimen..
Sendili mau ingat aa...
Lu olang aa ..itu spisis suka canang Islam kuat punya.. jgn rasa lu olang selupa Tuhan punya wakil aa...lain olang semua kotor bodoh..Itu Hadi balu takbur sikit Tuhan sudah tunjuk itu dunia... itu Pak Lah Hadari wa tatau mau cakap aa..Dia sama itu Mahathir, dia lg byk teruk pasal main2 sama itu Islam..itu olang tua nama Mahathir kurang2 talak bising kuat pasal Islam selupa itu Pak Lah.. Itu olang tua tau dia pun talak ikut 100% Islam..
Lu jgn otak mcm dlm itu kandang jugak aa, itu pasal lu cepat marah sebab bila orang mau kasi sempit lu punya kandang...lu rasa rimas.. lepas tu lu naik minyak mau hantam olang lain..
Lu kasi fikir manyak2...jgn ikut itu perangai babi oo..telinga manya nipis tutup lipat bawah..talak buleh dengar olang lain punya cakap..
itu babi aa talak boleh corner punya kalo lari manyak laju ..dia punya kaki manyak pendek selupa dia punya akal juga..nanti hantam sondol sama itu pokok besar terus mati.. talak fikir panjang punya.. hahaha
Jgn marah aa..Wa tatau cakap..kasi itu advice..
no 1 :najib
ReplyDeleteno 2: Muhyiddin
i dont care who will replace Pak Lah because i dont want pak Lah anymore...
ReplyDeleteNajib is better than Pak Lah..
Muhyiddin are bravery leader...
so borh are better than the 'lembik' Pak Lah.
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