Monday, March 17, 2008

When NST french-kiss New Media

The Insider's insider. Interesting, indeed, how the NST is celebrating the role of the new media in covering the 3/8 general election, but I agree wholeheartedly with Shanghai Fish that the NST shouldn't just promote one site and ignore the role of others, such as Malaysia Today and blogs.
More importantly, the NST should not have allowed someone who's related to the people at the site it's promoting to write the piece. It's not good for credibility.
Read Stephen Fish's interesting insight into the NST's Insider.


  1. Anonymous1:40 pm

    Please continue to write and blog .

    Please do not make any more nonsense petition.

    We will not follow your silly petitions.

    Please do not insult our intelligence

  2. Mydeen wonders what good credibility is when even journalists like yourself and Stephen get their facts wrong, with respect to that blog post. You see, the one problem with bloggers is that they don't really check their facts, and in some cases, it can prove to be quite embarrassing.

  3. i've read lee siew lian's article though i would hardly call it "promotion" of malaysian insider, at least not in an active sense.

    the ties between the parties and the writer if true, would perhaps make the mention of the news portal inappropriate.

    it would appear that she sought the views of P'ng simply because it was the path of least resistance (since they both sat on the 4th floor) but knowing full well that a mention or two would generate for it a little more publicity.

    but all said and done, new media or old (mainstream) media. the bottom line is integrity, credibility. and that is something many just don't get.

  4. Anonymous3:37 pm

    Made all Malaysian proud :

    Guan Eng enggan keluar RM100 ribu
    Posted by labisman
    Monday, 17 March 2008
    Abdul Halim Mohd Rashid

    KUALA LUMPUR, 17 Mac (Hrkh) - Kerana enggan membelanjakan RM100 ribu, Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang, Lim Guan Eng lebih rela tinggal di sebuah rumah berusia milik bapanya.

    Naib Presiden PAS, Haji Mohamad Sabu menceritakan perkara itu selepas bertemu dengan Setiausaha Agung DAP itu di Pulau Pinang baru-baru ini.

    Beliau ke pulau itu baru-baru ini kerana hendak bertemu Lim untuk berbincang beberapa perkara mengenai kepentingan bersama kedua-dua pihak.

    "Oleh kerana beliau sibuk, beliau meminta saya menemuinya kira-kira pukul 10.00 malam hari itu.

    "Tahu di mana Guan Eng nak jumpa saya? Di restoran McDonald," kata Mohamad Sabu yang mula mengenali Lim dengan lebih dekat ketika sama-sama di tahan dalam Operasi Lallang 1987 lalu.

    Naib Presiden PAS itu juga lebih selesa bertemu di tempat terbuka kerana "tidak ada apa yang hendak dirahsiakan".

    Bagaimanapun, katanya, Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang itu kemudiannya memberitahu pertemuan itu tidak dapat diadakan di tempat terbuka itu atas nasihat pihak keselamatan.

    Memahami perkara tersebut, beliau terus menuju ke rumah di mana Lim tinggal.

    "Di rumah, dia biasa sahaja dengan "seluaq katok" (seluar pendek). Bila saya tengok keadaan rumah yang berusia tempat dia tinggal, saya tanya dia, kenapa tak pindah ke rumah rasmi Ketua Menteri?

    "Dia (Lim) jawab: 'Susahlah, kalau nak pindah kena perbaiki. Terpaksa belanja sampai RM100 ribu. Takkan saya nak belanja duit rakyat sampai RM100 ribu untuk kepentingan saya'

    "Saya rasa sangat terharu mempunyai kawan seperti itu," kata Mohamad Sabu.

    Walaupun perkara itu bukanlah perkara baru baginya, memandangkan Mursyidul Am, Tuan Guru Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat yang menjadi Menteri Besar Kelantan sejak 1990 memilih kehidupan yang sederhana, begitu juga Presiden PAS Tuan Guru Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang ketika menjadi Menteri Besar Terengganu dahulu, Naib Presiden PAS itu tetap merasa bangga dengan sikap sederhana dan rendah diri Lim itu.

    "Saya bangga kerana dia takut nak belanja wang rakyat RM100 ribu sedangkan Perdana Menteri gasak sehingga RM15.81 juta untuk ubahsuai kediaman rasminya Seri Perdana di Putrajaya.

    "Saya yakin, Menteri-Menteri Besar kita yang lain (dari PAS dan KeADILan) juag akan memilih jalan kehidupan yang sederhana yang sama seperti dua Tok Guru kita, jauh lagilah menyalahgunakan harta kerajaan," katanya.

    Sementara itu, Bernama melaporkan, kata-kata pertama Lim semasa mengadakan sidang media di Pejabat Ketua Menteri di Tingkat 28 Komtar ialah: "Saya rasa seperti melangkah masuk ke kandang singa".

    "Saya tidak menyangka dapat duduk di kerusi ketua menteri ini kerana pernah dipenjarakan. Ia merupakan transformasi sebenarnya dan pengalaman baru bagi saya," Bernama memetik Lim.

    Sebelum mengangkat sumpah, Lim berkata beliau dapati lebih ramai pemberita menghadiri sidang akhbarnya sekarang dan "saya diterangi lampu-lampu kamera".

    Dalam kenyataan kemenangannya, Lim berkata, "Kami gembira dengan kemenangan ini dan berjanji tidak akan mengecewakan penduduk Pulau Pinang.

    "Kami mahu menegaskan bahawa kerajaan baru adalah untuk rakyat Malaysia daripada semua kaum. Kami ada bersikap adil, saksama dan tidak mendiskriminasikan mana-mana kumpulan - memberi bantuan kepada semua yang memerlukan.

    "Penduduk Pulau Pinang yang berbakat akan mendapat peluang saksama daripada gabungan parti pembangkang itu yang disatukan menerusi kecintaan terhadap demokrasi dan menghormati hak asasi manusia, kekaksamaan politik dan keadilan sosioekonomi," katanya sambil mengesa orang ramai supaya "menghormati hasrat rakyat".

  5. Anonymous4:37 pm

    Jemaah Menteri malaysia 18.03.08

    Perdana Menteri :YAB Dato Seri Abdullah Hj Ahmad Badawi,
    Timbalan Perdana Menteri :Dato Kamaludin Abdullah Badawi
    Menteri Kewangan :Dato Seri Kalimullah Hassan
    Menteri Dalam Negeri :Khairy Jamaluddin
    Menteri Penerangan :Dato Seri Anuar zaini
    Menteri Pengangkutan :Dato Seri Tony Fernandez
    Menteri Perumahan, Kerajaan Tempatan dan Pembinaan Masjid
    :Dato Patrick Badawi (Lim)
    Menteri Kesihatan :Dato Dr. Vincent Lim Ah Pek
    Menteri Hal Ehwal Wanita dan Pembangunan Masyarakat
    :Nori Abdullah
    Menteri Dijabatan Perdana Menteri
    :Dato Zaki Ahmad Zahid
    Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa
    :Azim Zabidi
    Menteri Hal Ehwal kaum India :Dato Reezal Merican Naina Pottu Marican
    Menteri Hal Ehwal Warga Emas
    :Dato Hajjah Rahmah (Ibu Khairy)
    Menteri Belia, Sukan dan Kereta Terpakai
    :Dato Azeez Rahim Rempit
    Menteri Sains, Teknologi, Innovasi Dan Alam Sekitar
    :Maya Karin

  6. Anonymous4:44 pm

    he NST should not have allowed someone who's related to the people at the site it's promoting to write the piece
    or i would rather say not asia, A.....SIAL!


  7. Anonymous6:25 pm


    why Kalimullah didn't write it himself? aiyo yo..baru dapat position sikit sudah tak boleh pangkat ka.

    Itulah jadi bila kadok naik junjung.

  8. Anonymous7:09 pm

    Catwoman says: watch out for wolves dressed as sheep esp ecially now that their werewolves have lost their teeth. You can differentiate them from the other sheep by their SH.... It stinks to high heaven!

  9. Anonymous7:27 pm

    pak rocky,

    apa khabar?

    apa yang dinukilkan oleh siew lan si cermin mata ini tidak la salah..

    dia sekadar menyebut website berkenaan...

    lagipun apa lagi yang pak rocky harus terkejut...bukan kah nst memang tempat menulis manifesto pak lah...

    itu sudah jadi rahsia umum...abang brendan pun selalu kelihatan di situ bukan...

    kita tunggu sama ada gelombang di luar akan memukul pantai atau mencuci nstp sekali harung...

    sekali air bah, sekali pasir berubah..

    kalau pak rocky baca website itu, ia agak padat dengan maklumat, seolah-olah akhbar online. mengatasi malaysiakini kerana ia ada memaparkan berita sukan dengan memetik sumber biasanya daripada bernama...

    lagi pula artikel-artikelnya terus menusuk ke jantung, yang jarang boleh disentuh akhbar-akhbar arus perdana mahupun blogs...

    cara penyampaiannya bermutu tinggi, menampakkan pengalaman penulis-penulisnya sebagai wartawan berpengalaman...namun ruang di internet memberi mereka peluang menulis dengan terbuka....

    yang penting, pembaca boleh menilai yang mana kaca, yang mana permata, bukan gitu pak rocky

  10. Anonymous8:37 pm

    Baru Berkuasa 10 hari tak mahu lah belanja 100 ribu. Lagi pun nak buat apa deangan 100 ribu, duit dia dalam bank lagi banyak. Tapi kalau 10 tahun? Macam mana?

    Mula mula pura pura lah tunjuk baik. Md Sabu pun percaya terus. Kalau dengan orang sesama Islam tak mahu percaya, semua tak betul. Semua salah,semua jahat belaka.

    Apa nak jadi dengan orang Melayu, senang betul kena goreng. Telan je dan siarkan kebaikan orang kafir tapi sesama Islam digelar kafir.

  11. Anonymous9:13 pm

    This is the time when you can really make chain-mailing a useful way to unite all the people. Please forward this mail around to your friends and family, and please post it in your blog if you have any. SAY NO TO RACISM.

    Well, I know it is hard to believe and stay calm when the people have chosen to vote you off from the throne, but please, UMNO, please be matured politicians like the Gerakan Leaders.

    I've heard rumours that, and infact, witnessed demonstrations which were held by UMNO leaders. The illegal gathering infront of the KOMTAR has shown that UMNO is a spoilt baby in a family which consists of Malaysians.

    I feel sad for Khairy's parents indeed, to have a son that act like samseng and the worst of all, a man that never fail to instil hate and suspicion among Malaysians.

    Please, I urge all Malaysians, regardless of race, sex and religion, together we say NO to racism. Together we RESIST racial demonstration. We must not be deceived by UMNO again.

    This is the time when you can really make chain mailing a useful way to unite all the people. Please forward this mail around, and please post it in your blog if you have any. SAY NO TO RACISM.

  12. Anonymous9:26 pm

    But isn't it great that NST carried the news article ~ cyberspace is now an alternative media that reaches to millions of readers.

    I see a positive message to the mainsteam medias out there ~ don't try to hide out the truths anymore. Be balanced in your reportings. That's all we ask...

    Like the Sun ~ finally I am able to read it again. Unlike during the campaign days...I shredded them for packing materials.

  13. Anonymous10:31 pm

    i'm touched by reading En Mohd Sabu experience with YB Guan Eng..... Im delighted to know that what i've believed in, the human dignity and humility Lives.

    Many we Malaysian cross many hurdles and BECOME ONE.

    To BN, the begining of the end, starts.

  14. Anonymous10:44 pm

    aaw mydeen,

    shove it!

  15. Anonymous10:44 pm

    aaw mydeen,

    shove it!

  16. Wow, mustang. What wit ! Want to try engaging in intelligent conversation and answering the question posed then ?

  17. Anonymous3:01 am


    Someone with an email address at

    is masquerading as Raja Petra and has started a blog with this addfress:

    Go and give him a piece of your mind. Whoever it is thinks we are as stupid as he/she is. Sheesh!

    Could it be that 'mydeen' guy who had been a constant dumbass and pest to bloggers? hahahahaha

  18. Last time, they have their own blog

    But where is it right now? it's dead.

    They have money man, they can pay for the writers but they sure can beat the passion of malaysia true netizen and citizen jouralist.

  19. Anonymous6:12 am

    KJ dimana?

    Aku rindu nak dengar mulut celupar kau berkokok..
    Dlm masa mentua kau dikutuk,kau mengambil pendekatan membisu..
    Adakah kau malu dengan orang Rembau yang lebih dari separuh tak mengundi utk engkau..

    2008 election result translate that BAdawi is lame duck BN leader.

  20. Anonymous7:18 am

    thank you PKR, DAP & PAS

    Demolished Hindu temple to be rebuilt on new site

    SHAH ALAM: A new site for the Sri Maha Mariamman Temple in Kampung Rimba Jaya, Padang Jawa, which was demolished in November last year has been approved.

    Mayor Mazalan Md Noor said the temple would be rebuilt soon on a 10,000sq feet land near the Keretapi Tanah Melayu quarters, a much bigger site than the original temple.

    He was speaking to reporters after Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and Shah Alam MP Khalid Abd Samad visited the Rimba Jaya flats Monday.

    The Hindu temple was ordered torn down by the authorities as it stood in the vicinity of the Rimba Jaya squatter settlement.

    The 11ha site in the area is owned by Ken Rimba Jaya Sdn Bhd.

    “The developer has been directed by the state government to provide the land and RM40,000, the cost of the building construction.

    “It is up to the temple committee and the developer to decide when to start the temple construction,” he said.

    Mazalan said the Shah Alam City Council had cleared up the land to make way for the temple project.

    Earlier, Khalid and Anwar had a dialogue with the Kampung Rimba Jaya residents and the demolition of the temple was among the hottest issues raised during the 15-minute meeting.

    Khalid said the new state government was working hard to solve the squatter problems in the state.

  21. Anonymous9:39 am

    Salaam, Pak Rocky

    I refer to your commentary "Why NEP can't be wished away" in the Spore My Paper, Mar 18.

    I am a tad surprised by what you wrote:

    "...Mr Lim (Guan Eng) was not the first person to underestimate the divisive power of the NEP. The policy has brought other detractors to their knees...

    "...Malaysia's socio-political system is still pretty much race-based.

    "Tun Musa (Hitam) got away with his statement (that contracts in the Johor IDR 'will have to be awarded on merit' and 'the Malays will have to face competition') because he is a Malay.

    "Mr Lim is Chinese and Mr Rommel (Thiery Rommel, the former EU envoy to Malaysia), and their statements against the NEP were therefore seen as nothing more than attempts to meddle with affairs of the Malays, who form 65 per cent of the country's 27 million people.

    "Mr Lim's timing make the consequences of his remark potentially dangerous. It was seen by some as an act of 'dancing on Umno's grave in Penang'...

    "De facto opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim says PKR and DAP will push for a 'Malaysian Economic Agenda' to replace the NEP.

    "Bold, but Malaysians still remember that Datuk Seri Anwar did nothing about the NEP when he was DPM and Finance Minister in the 1990s.

    "Also, the fact remains that the NEP is a 'national' policy that cannot be changed at 'state' level..."

    So, what you are saying is that Malays can comment critically on the NEP, but not non-Malays. Even if the non-Malays are adversely affected by a flawed implementation of the NEP (which, in your words, is "...primarily to eradicate poverty and redistribute wealth more equitably").

    The NEP is a 'policy' enforced by the BN federal and state governments. It has not been written into the Federal Constitution, as far as I know. And therefore, like any other policy, it can be challenged in a court of law.

    Be that as it may, you have not addressed the central question of why Malaysian Malays are so enamoured of the NEP that any hint of it's revision or repeal brings them out in droves to demonstrate amidst warnings that the Malays should not be marginalised or side-lined.

    As someone posted on A Kadir Jasin's blog, Malaysian Malays who migrate to other countries are perfectly happy to compete with other races in their adopted countries for business opportunities and places in schools, colleges and universities.

    It appears that it is only in Malaysia that Malaysian Malays have a seeming "inferiority complex" in their approach to competition and globalisation.

    And these same vocal advocates of the NEP would be tongue-tied when asked to justify to MNCs and foreign investors why the latter should not regard the NEP as an obstacle to investing in Malaysia.

    Kishore Mahbubani, the dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore, has talked about the "M-P-H" approach to public policy in his lectures to students at the school. "M" - meritocracy. "P" - pragmatism. "H" - honesty.

    A simple enough formula for Malaysia, don't you think?

    Or is even that too much for the federal and state governments to grasp?

  22. Anonymous9:40 am

    He's back.
    Amir is back. To balance the force he said... Wat say you bro?

  23. Anonymous10:09 am

    Kehadapan saudara Anonymous 8:37 pm:

    Apa pula dengan kau yang dengan mudahnya menggelar saudara se-tanahairmu sebagai kafir dengan nada yang mencaci?

    Sekiranya seseorang itu sederhana hidupnya, sama ada Lim Guan Eng atau Tok Nik Aziz, mengapa pula dituduh ianya itu satu pertunjukan tipu helah?

    Apa bila Tok Nik Aziz dikenali dan dihormati kerana kehidupannya yang mudah itu oleh saudara-saudara kita yang bukan Muslim, susahkah untuk kau terima bahawa Lim Guan Eng juga seorang yang berprinsip begitu?

    Mengapa pula kau cuba mengapi-apikan perasaan curiga dan kekecohan?

    Adakah ideologi atau pegangan kau sudah mengkabur-butakan mata kau, sehingga prinsip-prinsip asas -- keikhlasan, tolak ansur, rasa sayang terhadap negara dan rakyat tak kira bangsa, sikap mahu kerjasama untuk kebaikan bersama -- segala ini sudah kau lupa?

    Apakah terjadi pada lilin kasih sayang dihatimu yang di zaman muda cerah ternyala? Sudahkah ianya terpadam oleh angin ideologi dan pegangan?

    Tidakkah kau sedar atau enggan terima bahawa nilai-nilai hidup murni itu bukan saja boleh diamal oleh umat Muslim malah oleh saudara-saudaramu yang bukan Muslim juga?

    Bertaubatlah. Toksah curiga dan pecah-belahkan umat manusia dan rakyat Malaysia mengikut warna kulit atau pegangan. Cukuplah dengan kejahilan dan prasangka. Kuburkan sahajalah kedua-duanya.

  24. See Rocky's article at Mypaper Singapore or go to

  25. Anonymous8:48 pm

    The downfall of the wretched BN regime is brought about in part by the power of the bloggers especially someone in the likes of Raja Petra Kamaruddin (RPK)of Malaysia Today. He singlehandedly shape the opinions of every web visitor who frequents his site.

    He's proven his mettle and henceforth earns the title: The Mainstream Media Slayer.

  26. Anonymous12:00 pm

    With regard to the comment by Every Dog Has His Day at 8:48 pm, it is crucial to remember that whatever the opinions (definition: personal view or attitude) of bloggers like Raja Petra Kamaruddin and others, they should not be accepted holus bolus without thinking. Some opinions may be sound, yet others may not be. Opinions may be coloured by personal convictions, belief systems or motives. Opinions should not be regarded as axiomatic and irrefutable. The arguments propelling a seemingly reasonable opinion could be seriously inadequate or incompletely informed.

    So the opinions of bloggers, as with all opinions in general, should be taken with a pinch of salt. Subject it to one's own reasoning. Decide whether the argument made is sound or valid. Accepting opinion for gospel truth, just because it strikes a chord or accords with personal sentiment, can be dangerous.

  27. Anonymous6:32 pm


    with you?

    er, don't think so..

  28. Anonymous10:41 am

    As a barometer of the worry - panic even - within the new Federal Government one can hardly do better than peruse the NST. More than perusal can cause bad headaches and high stress levels.

    Less than two weeks after the electorate had its say NST - and Star et al - are flicking back to the pre-election mirage reporting. Now we have the 'opposition' trying to buy fine BN men and women. Pardon? Who does the spending when it comes to Malaysian politics? They still cannot acknowledge that this opposition is in fact the government in five states. By their ridiculous lines, not to mention the hearty daily letters in support of the EC, one can measure how worried the good folk of BN and especially UMNO are; and their worry that there might still be an honest examination of the disgraceful postal votes issue.

    KJ, you are the past. Dear Education Minister - it's back to school time for you. Baby Mahatir, please run across your SIC playground aground 3.15pm Sunday; give the race fans something to really cheer for.

    And Mr Defence Minister; consider the potential 'service contracts' for an aircraft carrier. Helicopters and subs are bargain basement by comparison.

  29. Anonymous11:21 am


    "The party (not the lower case 'p') still goes on...We will rise again.": Diamonds are Faridah

    "You can fool the people some of the time, but you cannot do it all the time": The kerismatic 'Education' Minister Shh. Failed even in plagiarism!
