May 11 Umno EGM. On the same day Mukhriz sent his letter to the Umno President, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah wrote to 18,000 Umno leaders nationwide proposing an EGM to discuss Umno's poor performance in the 8/3 General Election. He is suggesting 11/5/08. Ku Li did not ask for AAB to resign or take the blame for BN's election fiasco. He didn't have to.
Did someone say Ku Li for PM?
p/s Funny, a senior Umno leader told Umno members not to listen to rumours about a letter from Ku Li. Read here.
1. Saya kira Ku Li masih berniat menjadi PM Malaysia. Sebab itu beliau mahu Perhimpunan Agung Khas Umno membuat ketetapan...
2. Pak Lah pasti akan berundur atau dipaksa berundur. Beliau tiada pilihan lain....
3. Najib nak naik secara automatik? Ada kesulitan...macam-macam tuduhan di market....
4. Anwar mahu naik - bisa diatur. Tapi route beliau ambik masa, no-confidence vote, YB2 Sabah ( dan Sarawak) kena membelot dsbnya....
5. Ku Li ? This will be your last chance, YBM. I know that you are the most likely to succeed in becoming our 6th PM.
Never mind about the R-A-H-M-A-N theory. That 'N' could be spelt 'T' as we use to spell rahman as RAHMAT....
Ku Li sorang saja bisa pulihkan semangat Umno/Melayu/Muslim.
Takkan Hilang Melayu di dunia kalau tidak angkara Melayu sendiri. Justeru marilah kita bangkit dan meperbetulkan kesilapan yang telah dilakukan oleh kita semua, termasuk masyarakat biasa kerana kurang lantang menegur kerosakan yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin atasan sehingga membawa padah ini. Ayuh jangan tunggu lama lagi. Mulakanlah gerakan untuk bangkit kembali sekarang. YAM Tengku kami teguh di belakang Tengku.
Why is it that support has to be drummed up using racial tones??
Are all BN (UMNO/MCA/MIC) so ingrained with this racialist approach in maintaining the power base?? Can they not see that all it takes is hard work and sincerity/humility??
Kenapa tiba-tiba ramai orang bukan Melayu menyokong Pak Lah walhal sebelum ini mereka mengecamnya dan menggesa beliau berundur?
Mereka menyokong Pak Lah walaupun akur dengan hakikat bahawa Pak Lah terlalu lemah sebagai Perdana Menteri dan Presiden UMNO. Mereka juga tahu Pak Lah perlu bertanggung-jawab ke atas kekalahan teruk UMNO/ BN selain juga bertanggung-jawab kerana enggan melihat isyarat yang menunjukkan kepada kepincangan dan pelbagai penyakit dalam UMNO.
Ketara ada agenda penting apabila pembangkang pun beriya-iya menyokong kepimpinan beliau.
Bangga orang UMNO melihat perubahan ini, tetapi orang Melayu di akar umbi tidak mungkin dapat berbangga melihat akan sikap ‘masuk bakul angkat sendiri’ ini. Mereka sedar.
Kesedaran mereka tidak memerlukan kupasan intelektual oleh para profesor atau penganalisis berkelulusan Oxford, Harvard, Columbia atau Yale. Ia begitu terserlah. Hanya orang yang betul-betul biol atau dunggu tidak dapat meneyedari segala hakikat di sini.
Pembangkang yang termasuk juga golongan kroni dalam UMNO sebenarnya lebih mahukan Pak Lah kekal memegang pucuk pimpinan sisa-sisa BN/UMNO kerana mereka menjangka Pak Lah akan sentiada hidup dalam penafian (living in denial) dan meneruskan ‘perjuangan’ yang merugikan agama, bangsa (terutama orang Melayu) dan negara.
Dan dengan terus mengampu Pak lah, mereka (termasuk parti pembangkang) akan dengan mudah memberikan pukulan maut kepada UMNO dan BN dalam pilihan raya ke 13 nanti.
Kemenangan pembangkang akan terjamin dan akan terus terbina di atas keruntuhan UMNO yang hidup dalam pelbagai penafian realiti.
Pembangkang takut orang seperti tengku Razaleigh bergerak ke tengah pentas. Ini kerana semangat kemelayuan tokoh veteran UMNO itu akan sedikit sebanyak menyatukan kembali orang Melayu, lantaran akan menyulitkan status quo baru politik Malaysia.
Di atas premis ini pembangkang akan terus mengapi-apikan sokongan terhadap Pak Lah supaya ia akan lebih melalaikan Presiden UMNO itu.
Sementara itu, di penjuru-penjuru lain, orang-orang besar (kroni dan oportunis) dalam UMNO juga tidak ketinggalan memberi sokongan kepada Pak Lah kerana keuntungan mereka akan terjamin dan terbina di atas kelemahan Presiden UMNO dan Perdana Menteri itu.
Mereka tidak mahu kecundang dalam usaha meraih dan memantapkan empayar kewangan mereka di atas sokongan ikhlas dan berperkerti daripada akar umbi di kampung-kampung dan desa yang hanya mendapat sekadar tempiasan dan sisa basi yang dihulurkan pihak atasan yang menerima keistimewaan sebenar.
Dan dalam pada itu ada pihak yang menyokong Pak Lah walaupun hati mengatakan sebaliknya, kerana dengan kelemahan Pak Lah dan usaha percaturan dan pendalangan PM oleh orang-orang terdekat, mereka juga akan dapat meraih keuntungan.
Inilah senario yang sebenarnya berlaku. Mereka berkata Pak Lah baik. Ya, kita tidak dapat menafikan bahawa Pak Lah seorang yang baik dan berhemah, tetapi di sebalik kemuliaan itu tersemat pelbagai kelemahan yang begitu mudah menjadikan dirinya sebagai alat pihak-pihak terdekat tanpa disedarinya. Pembangkang berkata Pak Lah baik kerana beri banyak kebebasan, tetapi hakikatnya kebebasan itulah yang memporak-perandakan UMNO dan orang Melayu kini. Sekarang sudah jelas pembangkang sudah mendapat formula dan strategi keemasan mengawal dan menundukkan UMNO. Mereka tidak akan membunuh ‘the goose that lays the golden egg’ (angsa yang menghasilkan telur emas).
Ku Li for PM? I read the letter and it is all about Malay power. I think a PM who is still stuck in such a mind set will be a disastrous PM indeed for this country. The race of the PM should not matter, what does matter is his (or her) ability to look at this country as one that belongs to us all. I think that enough of us have sent that message in the 12th GA.
Tradition dictates that should the President and deputy president of UMNO be sidelined, that leadership position should fall on one of the 3 vice-presidents. Of the 3 vice-presidents of UMNO, I believe only Tan Sri Muhyiddin is an MP.
The time has come for all UMNO members to answer Ku Li's call for the EGM. It is very critical that the present UMNO leaders hear from it's members what the UMNO grassroots has to say on the recent debacle.
My gut feeling tells me that the UMNO members is sick and tired of the present leadership bungling for the past four years. Where is the 'Cemerlang, Gemilang and Terbilang' slogan now? It is always easy to shout slogans but NOT easy to manage a nation, isn't it? Yes it is easy to let others such as KJ and his advisors, Radzi, Kalli, Musa and Annuar(NOT Anwar) to run things but all of them have their own personal agenda. The result as everyone in the whole wide world now knows is that 4 + 1 states has gone to other parties. If the present goons are still holding on to their so called power, by PRU 13, all 13 states will be GONE.
So now UMNO members must take a hard look at themselves, do they trust the current leadership to captain the ship OR is it time for a MUTINY? Mind you UMNO members, this is not a MUTINY for the sake of MUTINY but because the present leadership has lost control of the nation albeit they have a simple majority BUT not counting Sabah and Sarawak seats, they have LOST. It is time to wake up and face reality. if there is no change in UMNO leadership then I am afraid UMNO will be history soon. The alternatives provided by the DAP's, PAS's and PKR's looks more tempting day by day. So it is a question of what do UMNO members want? Continue with the current leadership and hope they'll wake from their slumber or shake and bake the UMNO leadership NOW.
I think we really have to teach them a lesson in the next 13 GE to clear Malaysia of race based political parties. Race based politics has no place in Malaysia any more. In 1963 we earn 3 times more than the Korean and now they are earning 3 times more than us. If BN can achieve 2020 goal I will drop my pants on Merdeka Sq come 1/1/20.
Imagine if our daily life is to fight between the Malays and the non-Malays where as MIC is fighting with the non-Indian and everybody else in this country are doing the same. How is the country is to move forward? Do we hope some day in future Malaysian can earn as much as the Koreans or the Singaporean? We need leaders who can bring us forward so that Malaysian are not left behind, our income, our university ranking, Foreign investment etc etc.
People like Ku Li or Dr.M Jr are not worth our 2 cents. Is sad to see people still thinking that the ultimate goal is to champion their own race.
We need leaders for Malaysian, all Malaysian regardless of race & religion.
haha..this annuar musa of kelantan is another apple polisher or ball carrier. try to ampu packlah to the extent of losing sight of the reality of malay politics. and this kelantan prince tengku razaleigh dont dream of becoming the next pm. your days are gone long time ago. if..if..lah you become pm, you will sell the country like this another malay kaput leader anwar want to sell the country...jika belum berkuasa semua cakap baik..bila berkuasa nanti..bersultan di mata beraja di hati..or which way is it..hehe
Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, Musa Hitam, Rais Yatim and Abdullah Ahmad Badawi are all spineless. They have no respect for themselves neither do they have any self honour.
They challenged the President of UMNO , lost the election in 1987, went to court, got UMNO deregistered, formed Semangat 46, joined up with PAS, DAP and PBS, helped PAS win the 1990 elections in Kelantan, flirted with Joseph Pairin Kitingan of PBS, got him to lose his Chief Ministership, forced UMNO to then get into Sabah due to betrayal by PBS at the eleventh hour of 1990 GE, achieved nothing in 7 years, came wagging their tails back at Mahathir.
Mahathir gave each of them a Dog Biscuit and they stayed quiet till he retired.
Now do we want to support a person who caused so much trouble to become our President.
They call these kind of people oppurtunistic pathogens ! Is the country ready for a 71 year old leader with old visions and racist agendas to taker over the helm ?
New Malay (though doubtful you are malay), how racist can Ku Li be when his agenda is to strengthen UMNO, a malay-based party. The outcome of PRU 12 is to teach Bodowi a lesson that rakyat either BN or BA supporters are not happy with the current SIL and FIL government, not a total rejection to UMNO. Anon at 12.06, your comment just shows the attitude of typical malaysian, read less but talk much.
Ku-Li, you are a bloody racist. Malaysia is for Malaysians of all races and NOT only for the Malays. Don't forget that during times of war, the chinese, indians and the orang aslis also spilt blood to fight for our country, Malaysia. How dare you talk like that? Do you take the other races as lepers? What kind of animal are you? You are not fit to represent UMNO or any other party. You should be preaching tolerance but instead you show your true colors as a bloody rascist.
I have more faith in Pak Lah being a PM than I will ever have in you.
"Budak Melayu Tua", why you cannot accept new malay boy as malay, because he is for all malaysian or becoz he is not racist enuf for. Think global.... my old mate, when you meet ur maker, HE is not gonna ask you whether u r malay or arab or cina or india or iban....ade faham !!!
UMNO is synonymous wt elitism, racism ala apartheid, so when you said strengthen it send a shiver down to the poor bumis & non-malay ..... but of course you don't really care abt this poor group of ppl rite...!!
Your comment just goes to show the supremacist thinking that UMNO is notorius off.....
For speaking out of his concern (rightly or wrongly) for the wellbeing of the Malays and the failure of the UMNO party in the recent general election, YM Tengku Razaleigh has been accused of being racist.
Understandably in this day and age we should all embrace the current sentiments of what the rakyat wants ie a single Bangsa Malaysia with no reference to any race. This idea should entail the complete disbandment of any institutions, ideas or discussions which may lead to the segregation of the Malaysian people. We should indeed be one people.
I am all for that. But let us do it across the board and NOT be selective.
Let’s do away with ALL vernacular schools and institutions which promote their ethnicity eg The Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina, the Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan India, The Chinese Chambers of Commerce, The Malay Chamber of Commerce etc.
Are not the above institutions promoting ONLY the concerns of their racial group?
It is obvious from the tone of the letter the shameless attempt to stoke insecurities amongst the Malay and extra-racial ill-feeling. Observe how the letter writer deliberately contrasts the Malay-versus-non-Malay composition of the various opposition state governments.
Is this Malaysian-ness?
Hence, if indeed the author is Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, it goes to show that he isn't prime-ministerial material. That he cannot be a true reformer of UMNO. For the author has revealed how he is indistinguishable from the old guard -- the peddlers and capitalisers of the politics of racial chauvinism and division.
For speaking out of his concern for the wellbeing of the Malays and the failure of the UMNO party in the recent general election, YM Tengku Razaleigh has been accused of being a racist.
Understandably in this day and age we should all embrace the current sentiments of what the rakyat wants ie a single Bangsa Malaysia with no reference to any race. This idea (if sincere) should entail the complete disbandment of any institutions and symbols which may still lead to the segregation of the Malaysian people.
I am all for that. But let’s do it across the board and NOT be selective.
Let’s do away with ALL vernacular schools and institutions which promote ONLY their ethnicity eg The Malay College Kuala Kangsar, The Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina, the Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan India, The Chinese Chambers of Commerce, The Malay Chamber of Commerce etc.
To Anonymous 1:22 pm, who claims that Tengku Razaleigh is "speaking out of his concern for the wellbeing of the Malays":
Is this to imply that the group of opposition parties do not have the wellbeing of the Malays at heart and will be neglectful of it?
Has the wellbeing of the common Malay been looked after broadly, fairly and equitably so far by his party?
As a potential leader of Malaysia, where is his expression of conciliation for the other almost 40% of the (non-Malay) Malaysian population? Even if this is not expressed given that he is addressing a purely Malay political party, why is he inflaming feelings of racial antagonism?
If Ku Li is the PM than probably AP Queen will be his deputy, Samy would be Work minister, Ling Liong Sik will be back as transport minister. Najib education, Rais Yatim Home ministry... so where would we go from here?
THESE are the kind of people who claim not being racist for the reason they made racist accusation to someone else first (just like nazri aziz), but words my friend speak your mind out, and the words of yours reveal so much feeling of hatred, as if UMNO is your personal vendetta, I don't why, perhaps one of the UMNO people seduced your wife. And what globalization has got to do with meeting the maker, you sound more like Augustine Paul.
My prayer to Kuli, thought never been a member to UMNO party.
Maybe because he defied Pak Lah by not resigning as the head of a National Sports Association. He is STILL President of the Equestrian Association of Malaysia, an association that does not hold regular AGM. They have had millions pass thru the association, bought transport vehicle and even a building but have not disclose their accounts ever since JJ became President 5 years ago.
Let us say for argument sake that you are indeed right in all the claims you make about YM Tengku Razaleigh, would you accept my proposition that we dismantle all institutions and symbols which does not promote a single Banga Malaysia as many have been championing about.
The effect of my suggestion (as stated before) is that institutions such as the Malay College Kuala Kangsar, Chinese based schools, Indian based schools, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, the Malay Chamber of Commerce etc should ALL be abolished.
They are after all only promoting the interests of their respective groups based on ethnicity and definitely not in line with this single Bangsa Malaysia.
Just have a single national school, a single chamber of commerce etc. I believe you I've made my point.
Whatever it is, I do share some of your concerns. I hope I will live long enough to see a truly united Malaysia perhaps even better than Singapore.
I suppose by discussing the issues in this open manner (albeit anonymously from my part ...... I am not a well liked person so I don't intend to up the ante on people's hate list), we are heading towards the right direction.
Thank you for your comment. My answer to your question would be a 'yes'; that my preference would be that some institutions that promote racial bigotry/prejudices/division should be dismantled if our aim is to be a truly united Malaysia.
At the same time, we must also ensure that our cultural values and languages are retained. It adds to the richness of our country. To lose it means a colourless, homogenous Malaysia. Therefore, for example, our languages -- Malay, Chinese and Tamil -- should still taught in schools.
I am also proud to know that you are a fellow Malaysian like me who would like to see our country do very well together, even more so than Singapore and that we all stand united and treat each other in a genuinely caring way as fellow countrymen would.
its official. mat mat taib ketua bahagian menjilat. nobody polishes better than this fella.
SIAPA CEPAT DIA DAPAT:Najib, Anwar @ Ku Li ?
ReplyDelete1. Saya kira Ku Li masih berniat menjadi PM Malaysia. Sebab itu beliau mahu Perhimpunan Agung Khas Umno membuat ketetapan...
2. Pak Lah pasti akan berundur atau dipaksa berundur. Beliau tiada pilihan lain....
3. Najib nak naik secara automatik? Ada kesulitan...macam-macam tuduhan di market....
4. Anwar mahu naik - bisa diatur. Tapi route beliau ambik masa, no-confidence vote, YB2 Sabah ( dan Sarawak) kena membelot dsbnya....
5. Ku Li ? This will be your last chance, YBM. I know that you are the most likely to succeed in becoming our 6th PM.
Never mind about the R-A-H-M-A-N theory. That 'N' could be spelt 'T' as we use to spell rahman as RAHMAT....
Ku Li sorang saja bisa pulihkan semangat Umno/Melayu/Muslim.
Best wishes.
Salam Bro Rock,
ReplyDeleteTakkan Hilang Melayu di dunia kalau tidak angkara Melayu sendiri. Justeru marilah kita bangkit dan meperbetulkan kesilapan yang telah dilakukan oleh kita semua, termasuk masyarakat biasa kerana kurang lantang menegur kerosakan yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin atasan sehingga membawa padah ini. Ayuh jangan tunggu lama lagi. Mulakanlah gerakan untuk bangkit kembali sekarang. YAM Tengku kami teguh di belakang Tengku.
What do you expect from Mat Taib?
ReplyDeletePrestatin getting worse ... read my ole joke in my blog during RPK questining.
This ole timer needs to be rid off. He doesn't speak english and does not have an email. Macam mana punya penerangan ni?
ReplyDeleteRemember malaysia is belongs to Malaysian not Malay. What's the problem with more non malay MP in Selangor, Perak & Penang ??
Even ur wife is Chinese..Remember that..
I find that letter highly seditious!
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that support has to be drummed up using racial tones??
Are all BN (UMNO/MCA/MIC) so ingrained with this racialist approach in maintaining the power base?? Can they not see that all it takes is hard work and sincerity/humility??
Why is this so difficult? AAB....DSAI..Irrelevant!
Lets leave it to the Putras to sought it out themselves!
EGM here, AGM there, .....
more sandiwara!
Kenapa tiba-tiba ramai orang bukan Melayu menyokong Pak Lah walhal sebelum ini mereka mengecamnya dan menggesa beliau berundur?
ReplyDeleteMereka menyokong Pak Lah walaupun akur dengan hakikat bahawa Pak Lah terlalu lemah sebagai Perdana Menteri dan Presiden UMNO. Mereka juga tahu Pak Lah perlu bertanggung-jawab ke atas kekalahan teruk UMNO/ BN selain juga bertanggung-jawab kerana enggan melihat isyarat yang menunjukkan kepada kepincangan dan pelbagai penyakit dalam UMNO.
Ketara ada agenda penting apabila pembangkang pun beriya-iya menyokong kepimpinan beliau.
Bangga orang UMNO melihat perubahan ini, tetapi orang Melayu di akar umbi tidak mungkin dapat berbangga melihat akan sikap ‘masuk bakul angkat sendiri’ ini. Mereka sedar.
Kesedaran mereka tidak memerlukan kupasan intelektual oleh para profesor atau penganalisis berkelulusan Oxford, Harvard, Columbia atau Yale. Ia begitu terserlah. Hanya orang yang betul-betul biol atau dunggu tidak dapat meneyedari segala hakikat di sini.
Pembangkang yang termasuk juga golongan kroni dalam UMNO sebenarnya lebih mahukan Pak Lah kekal memegang pucuk pimpinan sisa-sisa BN/UMNO kerana mereka menjangka Pak Lah akan sentiada hidup dalam penafian (living in denial) dan meneruskan ‘perjuangan’ yang merugikan agama, bangsa (terutama orang Melayu) dan negara.
Dan dengan terus mengampu Pak lah, mereka (termasuk parti pembangkang) akan dengan mudah memberikan pukulan maut kepada UMNO dan BN dalam pilihan raya ke 13 nanti.
Kemenangan pembangkang akan terjamin dan akan terus terbina di atas keruntuhan UMNO yang hidup dalam pelbagai penafian realiti.
Pembangkang takut orang seperti tengku Razaleigh bergerak ke tengah pentas. Ini kerana semangat kemelayuan tokoh veteran UMNO itu akan sedikit sebanyak menyatukan kembali orang Melayu, lantaran akan menyulitkan status quo baru politik Malaysia.
Di atas premis ini pembangkang akan terus mengapi-apikan sokongan terhadap Pak Lah supaya ia akan lebih melalaikan Presiden UMNO itu.
Sementara itu, di penjuru-penjuru lain, orang-orang besar (kroni dan oportunis) dalam UMNO juga tidak ketinggalan memberi sokongan kepada Pak Lah kerana keuntungan mereka akan terjamin dan terbina di atas kelemahan Presiden UMNO dan Perdana Menteri itu.
Mereka tidak mahu kecundang dalam usaha meraih dan memantapkan empayar kewangan mereka di atas sokongan ikhlas dan berperkerti daripada akar umbi di kampung-kampung dan desa yang hanya mendapat sekadar tempiasan dan sisa basi yang dihulurkan pihak atasan yang menerima keistimewaan sebenar.
Dan dalam pada itu ada pihak yang menyokong Pak Lah walaupun hati mengatakan sebaliknya, kerana dengan kelemahan Pak Lah dan usaha percaturan dan pendalangan PM oleh orang-orang terdekat, mereka juga akan dapat meraih keuntungan.
Inilah senario yang sebenarnya berlaku.
Mereka berkata Pak Lah baik. Ya, kita tidak dapat menafikan bahawa Pak Lah seorang yang baik dan berhemah, tetapi di sebalik kemuliaan itu tersemat pelbagai kelemahan yang begitu mudah menjadikan dirinya sebagai alat pihak-pihak terdekat tanpa disedarinya.
Pembangkang berkata Pak Lah baik kerana beri banyak kebebasan, tetapi hakikatnya kebebasan itulah yang memporak-perandakan UMNO dan orang Melayu kini.
Sekarang sudah jelas pembangkang sudah mendapat formula dan strategi keemasan mengawal dan menundukkan UMNO. Mereka tidak akan membunuh ‘the goose that lays the golden egg’ (angsa yang menghasilkan telur emas).
UMNO members defecting says Anwar...
ReplyDeletego to
Dear Rocky,
ReplyDeleteKu Li for PM? I read the letter and it is all about Malay power. I think a PM who is still stuck in such a mind set will be a disastrous PM indeed for this country. The race of the PM should not matter, what does matter is his (or her) ability to look at this country as one that belongs to us all. I think that enough of us have sent that message in the 12th GA.
best regards
'Umno's poor performance'
ReplyDeletelets the UMNO settle the UMNO, one way or another whats AAB has done will come to end.
I am disappointed that Tengku Razaleigh is still very much a 'racist', as if no party other than UMNO can represent the Malays.
ReplyDeleteApparently, the 12th GE shows that Malays are losing faith on UMNO and instead are supporting PAS, PKR or even DAP.
Tengku Razaleigh should go to the ground himself to see for himself why rakyat, particularly the Malays don't put hope on UMNO and BN anymore.
Tradition dictates that should the President and deputy president of UMNO be sidelined, that leadership position should fall on one of the 3 vice-presidents. Of the 3 vice-presidents of UMNO, I believe only Tan Sri Muhyiddin is an MP.
Dear Readers,
ReplyDeleteThe time has come for all UMNO members to answer Ku Li's call for the EGM. It is very critical that the present UMNO leaders hear from it's members what the UMNO grassroots has to say on the recent debacle.
My gut feeling tells me that the UMNO members is sick and tired of the present leadership bungling for the past four years. Where is the 'Cemerlang, Gemilang and Terbilang' slogan now? It is always easy to shout slogans but NOT easy to manage a nation, isn't it? Yes it is easy to let others such as KJ and his advisors, Radzi, Kalli, Musa and Annuar(NOT Anwar) to run things but all of them have their own personal agenda. The result as everyone in the whole wide world now knows is that 4 + 1 states has gone to other parties. If the present goons are still holding on to their so called power, by PRU 13, all 13 states will be GONE.
So now UMNO members must take a hard look at themselves, do they trust the current leadership to captain the ship OR is it time for a MUTINY? Mind you UMNO members, this is not a MUTINY for the sake of MUTINY but because the present leadership has lost control of the nation albeit they have a simple majority BUT not counting Sabah and Sarawak seats, they have LOST. It is time to wake up and face reality. if there is no change in UMNO leadership then I am afraid UMNO will be history soon. The alternatives provided by the DAP's, PAS's and PKR's looks more tempting day by day. So it is a question of what do UMNO members want? Continue with the current leadership and hope they'll wake from their slumber or shake and bake the UMNO leadership NOW.
Let those bitches in UMNO fight amongst themselves.
ReplyDeleteDimanakah Khairy yang ditakuti dan disanjungi oleh ahli umno sekarang?
Jika sebelum election, dia akan bercakap di media seolah olah dia lah PM.
Tetapi sekarang orang UMNO, MCA, MIC Gerakan dan lain lain pulak yang terpaksa defend Pak Lah. sedangkan Khairi menyembunyikan diri.
Orang macam tu pun Pak Lah nak simpan lagi....hai semata mata sebab Nori, Jibrael dan kamaludin.
Rakyat sudah bersuara, Raja pun sudah tunjuk kuasa, partner dalam BN pun sudah bagi hint.
ReplyDeleteOrang bagi peluang, tak paham juga.
Itulah jadi bila penasihat @ menantu dah menghilangkan diri.
I think we really have to teach them a lesson in the next 13 GE to clear Malaysia of race based political parties. Race based politics has no place in Malaysia any more. In 1963 we earn 3 times more than the Korean and now they are earning 3 times more than us. If BN can achieve 2020 goal I will drop my pants on Merdeka Sq come 1/1/20.
ReplyDeleteImagine if our daily life is to fight between the Malays and the non-Malays where as MIC is fighting with the non-Indian and everybody else in this country are doing the same. How is the country is to move forward? Do we hope some day in future Malaysian can earn as much as the Koreans or the Singaporean? We need leaders who can bring us forward so that Malaysian are not left behind, our income, our university ranking, Foreign investment etc etc.
People like Ku Li or Dr.M Jr are not worth our 2 cents. Is sad to see people still thinking that the ultimate goal is to champion their own race.
We need leaders for Malaysian, all Malaysian regardless of race & religion.
UMNO is no longer relevant.
ReplyDeletehaha..this annuar musa of kelantan is another apple polisher or ball carrier. try to ampu packlah to the extent of losing sight of the reality of malay politics. and this kelantan prince tengku razaleigh dont dream of becoming the next pm. your days are gone long time ago. if..if..lah you become pm, you will sell the country like this another malay kaput leader anwar want to sell the country...jika belum berkuasa semua cakap baik..bila berkuasa nanti..bersultan di mata beraja di hati..or which way is it..hehe
Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, Musa Hitam, Rais Yatim and Abdullah Ahmad Badawi are all spineless. They have no respect for themselves neither do they have any self honour.
ReplyDeleteThey challenged the President of UMNO , lost the election in 1987, went to court, got UMNO deregistered, formed Semangat 46, joined up with PAS, DAP and PBS, helped PAS win the 1990 elections in Kelantan, flirted with Joseph Pairin Kitingan of PBS, got him to lose his Chief Ministership, forced UMNO to then get into Sabah due to betrayal by PBS at the eleventh hour of 1990 GE, achieved nothing in 7 years, came wagging their tails back at Mahathir.
Mahathir gave each of them a Dog Biscuit and they stayed quiet till he retired.
Now do we want to support a person who caused so much trouble to become our President.
They call these kind of people oppurtunistic pathogens ! Is the country ready for a 71 year old leader with old visions and racist agendas to taker over the helm ?
If it's Ku Li, I'll vote for Pak Lah
YES to Ku Li, the Prime Minester!
ReplyDeleteIf i read it correctly.
ReplyDeleteDAP= Parti Perkauman Cina???
Racist Chinese Party???
DAP consist of more Chinese and also a large number of Indians. It speaks more tightly for minority and shouldn't be considered Parti Perkauman.
Apahal lar KU LI. Never want him to be PM anyway.
apa ni ku li?
ReplyDeleteracist betul hang ni.
kekalahan bn ni bukan ada kene mengena dengan cina...
mlayu sendiri pun dah x sokong umno dah !!
sorry, who is ku li again? my father said look into the history books but couldn't find him.
ReplyDeletedont worry, finally found him in the "LOSERS" section way before jurassic park.
interesting times ahead for malaysia but it's a step in the right direction as long as there's no major shock to the system in the short term
New Malay (though doubtful you are malay),
ReplyDeletehow racist can Ku Li be when his agenda is to strengthen UMNO, a malay-based party.
The outcome of PRU 12 is to teach Bodowi a lesson that rakyat either BN or BA supporters are not happy with the current SIL and FIL government, not a total rejection to UMNO.
Anon at 12.06,
your comment just shows the attitude of typical malaysian, read less but talk much.
Old Malay Boy
Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah where are you living???
ReplyDeleteStill in the jungle?????
Still depserate to be PM after so long??????
What have you contributed to Malaysia?????
Stopped using the racial sentiment to achieve your devilish plan.
Ku-Li, you are a bloody racist. Malaysia is for Malaysians of all races and NOT only for the Malays.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget that during times of war, the chinese, indians and the orang aslis also spilt blood to fight for our country, Malaysia.
How dare you talk like that?
Do you take the other races as lepers? What kind of animal are you?
You are not fit to represent UMNO or any other party. You should be preaching tolerance but instead you show your true colors as a bloody rascist.
I have more faith in Pak Lah being a PM than I will ever have in you.
ReplyDeletehe is getting stuck in a rut .. LoL
arming himself with rotten policies
hope to put the good malays in the
same old useless rotten rut he
himself couldnt get out of.
old habits die hard.
pride of unmo.
"Budak Melayu Tua", why you cannot accept new malay boy as malay, because he is for all malaysian or becoz he is not racist enuf for. Think global.... my old mate, when you meet ur maker, HE is not gonna ask you whether u r malay or arab or cina or india or iban....ade faham !!!
ReplyDeleteUMNO is synonymous wt elitism, racism ala apartheid, so when you said strengthen it send a shiver down to the poor bumis & non-malay ..... but of course you don't really care abt this poor group of ppl rite...!!
Your comment just goes to show the supremacist thinking that UMNO is notorius off.....
Dark Vigilante
anyone know where i can find an english translation of this??
ReplyDeleteFor speaking out of his concern (rightly or wrongly) for the wellbeing of the Malays and the failure of the UMNO party in the recent general election, YM Tengku Razaleigh has been accused of being racist.
ReplyDeleteUnderstandably in this day and age we should all embrace the current sentiments of what the rakyat wants ie a single Bangsa Malaysia with no reference to any race. This idea should entail the complete disbandment of any institutions, ideas or discussions which may lead to the segregation of the Malaysian people. We should indeed be one people.
I am all for that. But let us do it across the board and NOT be selective.
Let’s do away with ALL vernacular schools and institutions which promote their ethnicity eg The Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina, the Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan India, The Chinese Chambers of Commerce, The Malay Chamber of Commerce etc.
Are not the above institutions promoting ONLY the concerns of their racial group?
A Malaysian
It is obvious from the tone of the letter the shameless attempt to stoke insecurities amongst the Malay and extra-racial ill-feeling. Observe how the letter writer deliberately contrasts the Malay-versus-non-Malay composition of the various opposition state governments.
ReplyDeleteIs this Malaysian-ness?
Hence, if indeed the author is Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, it goes to show that he isn't prime-ministerial material. That he cannot be a true reformer of UMNO. For the author has revealed how he is indistinguishable from the old guard -- the peddlers and capitalisers of the politics of racial chauvinism and division.
For speaking out of his concern for the wellbeing of the Malays and the failure of the UMNO party in the recent general election, YM Tengku Razaleigh has been accused of being a racist.
ReplyDeleteUnderstandably in this day and age we should all embrace the current sentiments of what the rakyat wants ie a single Bangsa Malaysia with no reference to any race. This idea (if sincere) should entail the complete disbandment of any institutions and symbols which may still lead to the segregation of the Malaysian people.
I am all for that. But let’s do it across the board and NOT be selective.
Let’s do away with ALL vernacular schools and institutions which promote ONLY their ethnicity eg The Malay College Kuala Kangsar, The Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina, the Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan India, The Chinese Chambers of Commerce, The Malay Chamber of Commerce etc.
A Malaysian
To Anonymous 1:22 pm, who claims that Tengku Razaleigh is "speaking out of his concern for the wellbeing of the Malays":
ReplyDeleteIs this to imply that the group of opposition parties do not have the wellbeing of the Malays at heart and will be neglectful of it?
Has the wellbeing of the common Malay been looked after broadly, fairly and equitably so far by his party?
As a potential leader of Malaysia, where is his expression of conciliation for the other almost 40% of the (non-Malay) Malaysian population? Even if this is not expressed given that he is addressing a purely Malay political party, why is he inflaming feelings of racial antagonism?
If Ku Li is the PM than probably AP Queen will be his deputy, Samy would be Work minister, Ling Liong Sik will be back as transport minister. Najib education, Rais Yatim Home ministry... so where would we go from here?
ReplyDeleteDark Vigilante
ReplyDelete10:47 AM
THESE are the kind of people who claim not being racist for the reason they made racist accusation to someone else first (just like nazri aziz), but words my friend speak your mind out,
and the words of yours reveal so much feeling of hatred, as if UMNO is your personal vendetta, I don't why, perhaps one of the UMNO people seduced your wife.
And what globalization has got to do with meeting the maker, you sound more like Augustine Paul.
My prayer to Kuli, thought never been a member to UMNO party.
You ask "JJ dropped. Why?"
ReplyDeleteMaybe because he defied Pak Lah by not resigning as the head of a National Sports Association. He is STILL President of the Equestrian Association of Malaysia, an association that does not hold regular AGM. They have had millions pass thru the association, bought transport vehicle and even a building but have not disclose their accounts ever since JJ became President 5 years ago.
That was a big black mark for JJ.
Dear Strawberry,
ReplyDeleteLet us say for argument sake that you are indeed right in all the claims you make about YM Tengku Razaleigh, would you accept my proposition that we dismantle all institutions and symbols which does not promote a single Banga Malaysia as many have been championing about.
The effect of my suggestion (as stated before) is that institutions such as the Malay College Kuala Kangsar, Chinese based schools, Indian based schools, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, the Malay Chamber of Commerce etc should ALL be abolished.
They are after all only promoting the interests of their respective groups based on ethnicity and definitely not in line with this single Bangsa Malaysia.
Just have a single national school, a single chamber of commerce etc. I believe you I've made my point.
Whatever it is, I do share some of your concerns. I hope I will live long enough to see a truly united Malaysia perhaps even better than Singapore.
I suppose by discussing the issues in this open manner (albeit anonymously from my part ...... I am not a well liked person so I don't intend to up the ante on people's hate list), we are heading towards the right direction.
Dear Anonymous 11:59 am:
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comment. My answer to your question would be a 'yes'; that my preference would be that some institutions that promote racial bigotry/prejudices/division should be dismantled if our aim is to be a truly united Malaysia.
At the same time, we must also ensure that our cultural values and languages are retained. It adds to the richness of our country. To lose it means a colourless, homogenous Malaysia. Therefore, for example, our languages -- Malay, Chinese and Tamil -- should still taught in schools.
I am also proud to know that you are a fellow Malaysian like me who would like to see our country do very well together, even more so than Singapore and that we all stand united and treat each other in a genuinely caring way as fellow countrymen would.