Saturday, February 09, 2008

I am ... I said

Compendium of Pak Lah's "I" lines and other quotable quotes. His "I work very hard" line is just the latest headliner to tell Malaysians who's boss and what he's made of. It's how he deals with issues ranging from his son-in-law's shares in ECM-Libra and the sale of Pantai to Singapore, to newsreports of his unscheduled visit to Turkey and the purchase of a jet for his personal use.
Some examples (click on each quote for links):
Go to for about 300 more reminders of what the PM has said to cover his own ass.


  1. Anonymous1:08 pm

    Remember Zam saying actors of tv series should drop their Chinese and Indian accents when speaking Bahasa Melayu?

    The so-called former journalist said such 'loghat' belittles the well versed non Malays of today.

    Dei Zam, go listen to you boss la.

    Why must he talk like an Apek from Kampar when addressing the crowd during the Gerakan-MCA Chinese New Year Gathering in Penang???

    Lu ingat olang Penang tak tau cakap good Malayu kar?

    Cakap tak serupa bikin...Malu la!

  2. Anonymous2:18 pm

    "working hard"

    When did the monkey or 'rat' ever been working hard or seen to be working at all since the day he took office?

    What a creature is that?

  3. Some 'I's not heard (yet):

    a) I see dead people.
    b) I see, I like, I want.
    c) I want.. lots groveling minions at my beck and call.
    d) I aabducted you for ISA reasons.
    e) I pray a lot.. so that you'll like me.
    f) I see a great nation.. which is mine to keep and do as I wish. Muaahahaha!
    g) I see an emperor in the mirror.. and it's me.
    h) I bring good tidings.. hang on, the bad ones first coz that's all there is.
    i) More 'I's from the village idiot.
    j) I see more dead people, still. (Turns to aide, asking "Can they vote?").

  4. Anonymous3:02 pm

    For Pak Lah's sake, I suppose you can replace New York with Putrajaya and LA with Perth?

    I AM... I SAID
    Written by Neil Diamond

    L.A.'s fine, the sun shines most the time
    And the feeling is 'lay back'
    Palm trees grow, and rents are low
    But you know I keep thinkin' about
    Making my way back

    Well I'm New York City born and raised
    But nowadays, I'm lost between two shores
    L.A.'s fine, but it ain't home
    New York's home, but it ain't mine no more

    "I am," I said
    To no one there
    An no one heard at all
    Not even the chair
    "I am," I cried
    "I am," said I
    And I am lost, and I can't even say why
    Leavin' me lonely still

    Did you ever read about a frog who dreamed of bein' a king
    And then became one
    Well except for the names and a few other changes
    I you talk about me, the story's the same one

    But I got an emptiness deep inside
    And I've tried, but it won't let me go
    And I'm not a man who likes to swear
    But I never cared for the sound of being alone

    "I am," I said
    To no one there
    An no one heard at all
    Not even the chair
    "I am," I cried
    "I am," said I
    And I am lost, and I can't even say why
    Leavin' me lonely still
    1971 Prophet Music, Inc. (ASCAP)

  5. I just heard Neil Diamod' I am....I said, after such a long time. And I open your blog and see what I see!!! Must by lottery today la!

  6. Anonymous4:50 pm

    I am just waiting for him to blurt out "I am an a..h..e".

  7. Anonymous6:18 pm


    we have the worst PM ever.
    And if KJ ever gets to take over as PM in the future....we're all as good as dead.
    that boy is bad for the country.
    he's already so intimate with all the bad things -- shan't say what they are. but you know,

  8. Anonymous6:20 pm

    Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has taken us all for a ride. And he will be another loooong ride for us because this sorry excuse for a PM is fonna win his seat in the election.
    so, either we leave the country or make sure his party is deprived of a clear majority.

  9. Anonymous7:31 pm

    One more that has not been said. :I screw up big time..'

  10. Anonymous8:43 pm

    I'm a good muslim is another.

    anyway this PM is very active lately trying to improve his image but for some of us we know how bad is his leadership and how sleep he gets.

    Lets kick him out in next GE!!

  11. I makes a temporary compromise
    I makes a temporary promise
    I misleads the people
    I telling them lies

  12. Anonymous8:46 pm


    You left the out the gem...

    "I don't know, I'm not involved"...

    ...this he said when commenting on how is it that the Finance Minsitry of which he is the Minister can approve the sale of Avenue Capital to ECM Libra when it was clear that his SIL has direct interest.

  13. Anonymous9:38 pm

    Mr Prime Minister, Sir: You are beyond repair

    Posted by Raja Petra
    Saturday, 09 February 2008

    Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi is truly beyond repair. This is someone who came into office in 2003 as result of Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad’s “folly”.

    He ran a good campaign and received a resounding mandate. After 4 years in power, he has proven to be incompetent and the state of Malaysia is rotten. What a big letdown!!

    Pak Lah is beyond repair. Period!!!

  14. Don’t play tricks
    It is time you go
    Spinning tales of grandeur
    Hiding the truth

    Honesty must prevail
    In family in relatives
    They shouldn’t be spared
    Declare their assets
    And say how they get it there

    Want to be honestly clean
    It has to be done in the open
    Nothing to hide; nothing to ride
    Just let it sails
    Any port of call

    So don’t play tricks
    Just tell the truth
    There is something not right
    When shadows dance
    When light stays still

    Don’t play tricks
    With cheapest crack of words
    Know not the meaning
    Spinning tales of deception
    Saying how good you had been

    Don’t play tricks
    The people know the truth
    The rolling stones crack
    The holes on the ground
    Telling us the deception
    In the words you played us along

  15. Anonymous9:43 pm

    the working of a lazy idiot's brain...
    " zzz... ??? zzz... ?? zzz..."

    and the brain of the pm...
    " zzz... ?? zzz... ?? zzz..."

    see the commonalities?

  16. Anonymous11:26 pm

    Many Many "I", the only "I" PM has in mind!!
    Where are the many many of the "YOU" that "I" should serve to?
    Where are the many many "You" that "I" should have listen to?
    Where are those many many "You" who had "I" voted in?

    "YOU" the Ryakat are out of his mind!!
    So, "YOU" the Ryakat vote him no more in coming GE!!
    Should anyone taking a PM knowing "I" but not "YOU" or "WE"?

    As a PM of a Government, "We" should be emphasized!
    As a Servant, "You" should respectfully mentioned and listen to!
    As a PM for all Malaysians, "We" should be proudly and joyfully be mentioned!!
    As a responsible Public Servant, he should tell exactly what he had done and not "You know lah!!"


  17. Anonymous1:08 am


    someone needs to remind this #1 moron that -


    so far his all his actions are negatively attractive.


  18. Anonymous2:38 am

    This website paklahmudahtipu was started in 2003. Why only now promoting it?

  19. Anonymous5:33 am


    Rasuah sayang eh
    Rasuah Sayang-Sayangnya,
    He lihat Pak Lah tidur
    Rasa sayang-sayangnya.

    Budak mongolia di luar pagar,
    Ambil C4 tolong bombkan,
    Saya budak baru nak mengajar,
    Kalau salah you duduk diam - diam.

    Rasuah sayang eh
    Rasuah sayang-sayangnya
    Eh lihat Zam bodoh, rasa sayang-sayangnya

    Zainuddin kita nak marah al - jazeera,
    tapi sendiri tak berpengetahuan,
    Mungkinkah belajar dari Mara,
    Kerana jawapannya macam ketam.

    Rasuah sayang eh
    Rasuah sayang-sayangnya
    Eh lihat Zam bodoh, rasa sayang-sayangnya

    Parliment kita macam zoo negara,
    Penuh dengan banyak binatang,
    Ada beruk, monyet dan kera,
    Kalau pergi sana bawalah kacang,

    Rasuah Sayang Eh
    rasuah sayang sayangnya
    Eh lihat rempit jauh, rasa sayang-sayangnya

    Khari kata rempit sangat terer,
    Mereka ialah mat cemerlang,
    Otaknya sekarang entah mana,
    Mungkin nak jadi rempit di longkang.

    Rasuah sayang eh
    rasuah sayang sayangnya
    Eh lihat bola kita jauh, rasa sayang-sayangnya

    Dulu kita main bola peringkat antarabangsa,
    Sekarang main macam ketam,
    Kalah 5 - 1 kepada Cina,
    Semalam pula kalah kepada vietnam.

    Rasuah Sayang Eh
    Rasuah Sayang-Sayangnya
    Eh lihat Indonesia jauh, rasa sayang-sayangnya.

    Rasa sayang milik indonesia
    Malaysia kata mereka yg punya
    Otak engkau! lagu ini milik kita
    Kita punya Rasuah sayang sebenarnya

    Rasuah sayang eh
    rasuah sayang-sayangnya
    Eh lihat polis jauh, rasa sayang-sayangnya

    Bila nak tiba hari raya
    Polis kita merata rata
    Muka mereka semacam-macam saja
    Bagi IC dan ringgit Malaysia

    Rasuah sayang eh
    rasuah sayang-sayangnya
    Eh lihat Pak Lah tidur, rasa sayang-sayangnya

    Air di Johor melimpah limpah
    Pak lah beli rumah di Australia
    Bila Mahathir kita marah
    Dia kata rumah itu orang lain pula.

    Rasuah sayang Eh
    rasuah sayang sayangnya
    Eh Malaysia hancur, rasa sayang-sayangnya

    (This is the new version of Raya Sayang making the rounds in cyberspace]

  20. Oh, that haunting "I am...I Said" by Neil Diamond.

    Another song by song-sung-blue Diamond, in memory of a pioneer African-American tap dancer, follows. Mr Bojangles apologizes for its local adaption.

    I know a man, badawi’s son, said he’d work for you
    In our Putrajaya
    With slicked-back hair, a batik shirt and wide big ears
    The ’ole amno crook
    He flies so high, flies so high
    Then he not so lightly touched michelle

    I met him in a joint in down-under Perth,
    while Johor was awash
    He looked to me to be the eyes of doom
    dashed all Malaysians hopes
    He said work with me, work with me, he laughed
    clicked his fingers and moved on

    He said his name “Bodollah" and he played a trick
    On all Malaysians, all Malaysians
    Oh he played so well and then he snapped his fingers
    He let fly a lie, let fly another lie
    and his friends helped themselves all around

    Mr Bodollah, Mr Bodollah
    Mr Bodollah, works

    He danced for his friends and housekeeper, too
    throughout the land
    He spoke through tears of his many years in exile
    traveling light
    Of how he came back, how he came back
    And now its payback time

    He said I live now at every chance in splendor
    jets and yachts at my behest
    But most my time I spend overseas or under covers
    ‘cause I need to sleep quite a bit
    He shook his big ears, and as he shook his ears
    I heard many ask him please

    Mr Bodollah, Mr Bodollah,
    Mr Bodollah, resign…

  21. Anonymous12:25 pm

    Rocky you have left out
    "I won't tolerate little napoleons"

  22. Anonymous9:58 pm

    We all Love PHAKLAH....

  23. Bro,
    You forgot the ever famous PM's, people's choice tag-line....
    "I WANT TO SLEEP" ! zzzzzzzzz...
