They found her body

Kha Man, 12, will remain lost. They found her body on a rock in the Kampar river. They also found her bicycle a few km away, in Gopeng town. The cops have classified the case as "sudden death". Which means they are not sure what happened or are afraid to commit themselves. After Nurin's case, that is both understandable and pathetic.
Here's the comment I left with Msiaman, who had started a blog to help find the 12-year old.
"i don't know if i'm more angry or more sad but how i feel is not important. what's important is to get to the bottom of kha man's end.
"i hope the cops are up to the task and don't try to sweep anything under their dirty carpet. it gets dirtier by the day, and it stinks too.
"with their dismal showing in trying to find nurin's killer/killlers, i have little confidence in the police in gopeng being able to get those responsible for kha man's death, if foul play was indeed involved.
"i agree with blogger Tembam (who came to my blog) that the least the police must first ensure that kha man's privacy in death be guarded and respected. in nurin's case, they failed to even do that.
"my condolences to kha man's family. god bless her soul."
I have received (and published) comments alerting us about three other cases of rape and violent deaths involving kids. I have passed the info to friends in the mainstream media to help verify and highlight them.
My heartfelt condolence to Kha Man's family.
ReplyDeleteMay her soul rest in peace.
Salam bro,
ReplyDeleteMy condolence to Kha Man's family.
Things are really escalating out of hand. The police it seems, are too busy sorting internal matters or warding off ACA and all. Its time things are put into order. And Malaysians can assist this by attending the peaceful 10 November gathering at Dataran Merdeka - wear Yellow!
The dark angels drive on the streets
ReplyDeletePicking up innocent children
As they go home from schools
Walking or cycling along the roads
The dark angels know
The inept policing in our neighborhoods
Fighting amongst themselves
Listening to the wills of commands
Right up to putrajaya
What these people know…………….
The shining jewels along the roads
The parents too busy making a living
What in the world has become?
The dark angels smell many preys
Roaming freely nobody commands
The wolves in sheep skins
The dark angels roam the streets
Up in the PJ hill
The leaders celebrate about space conquest
What was it so great about when innocents fallen prey?
The money can be used to find ways to protect the people
Give the cops the weapons to drive the message home
Inept leaders and corrupted wise men must go
There is nothing more to sustain them in our world
Clean up the in-fighting in the police force
Before the people take it to the streets
Many cases of children raped and murdered
Censored in the newspapers as if everything was cool
Don’t pretend to be sage leaders
Does the right thing
Let the new team takes over
Let the Lord’s grace
Shine on Kha Mun
As she goes home to her resting place
In the Garden of Eden
ReplyDeleteThis is unbelievable. We wouldnt have known that she had gone missing if it werent for the alert you put up.
Why was there no media report on her? If there had been one, the tragedy could have been avoided.
And now she is dead. How do I feel? Like many here - sad,furious & outraged!
I thought Sharizat vowed such tragedies would not happen again following the brutal murder of Nurin.
So what's the progress on The Child Protection Policy, Sharizat? Still at its planning stage?
Its frustrating when those who can make a difference just dont have any sense of urgency.
And in the meantime, two children have been found murdered (the other unreported case is Preeshena Varshiny, 9, according to tembam blog - httpp:// ), while Nurin's killer remains at large.
Yes, Rocky. Let's hasten the Nurin Alert initiative - before next child goes missing and not be saved.
Rocky said: "After Nurin's case, that is both understandable and pathetic..
ReplyDeleteThey couldnt get Nurin's killer/killers but they scored a MAJOR "success" when they caught the culprit who posted the autopsy photographs of her on the Internet.
Big deal.
What the hell with wrong with these people; murdering and raping childrens. I wholeheartly despise and hated the murder. It's sad enough to see Nurin's case. Now another one.
ReplyDeleteJustice must be brought to them.
Condolence to the Chia's family.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the Star: "...the body of a half-naked girl who has been missing since Thursday was found floating in the Kampar river in Gopeng.
Two river guides... found the 12-year-old girl's body on a rock at noon yesterday.
So why did the police classified it as ,"sudden death pending a post-mortem report."
Strange isn't?
Condolence to Kha Man's family.
ReplyDeleteF***, this really p**s me off ...
This is country is no longer safe! For God's sake..Abdullah, please take a real look at our security also! We've too many corridors already! And too many bad cops and politicians..including you and your SIL!
Oh gosh!!!!!! what is becoming of our society? What the hell are the police doing? Washing dirty linens in the public seem more important than a young innocent girl's life. Please............. can we do anything to protect all these innocent young kids? Where is security these days??? Stop police going after all those small petty things like tearing down temples, tangkap basah, preventing us going for the Nov 10 gathering, etc., Put more action into providing we citizens with security. We pay your salary.
ReplyDeleteCondolence to Kha Man's family.
ReplyDeleteHow safe is our streets??????
"It is heartrending nevertheless that recent local news has once again shocked us with more stories of children abducted and viciously murdered. This alarming and unending prevalence within our community must be clogged. The police are incompetent when it comes to cases like this – they’ve not even finalized Nurin’s case and they now have two more cruel deaths of innocent children in their hands."
ReplyDeleteTo the Ministers in charge of Youth and Family, are you both angry enough yet? What are you planning to say at this Wednesday's cabinet meeting about all these cases?
ReplyDeleteJust as I had left my comment here about our sickening society, I read a case of another such happening in Selayang. Murderers of such have to be caught by all means and castrated in full view infront of public!!!!!!!!!!!! Nowhere is safe in Malaysia. Not even in your own home!!!!!!!!!! Polis Polis masih tidur ah?????????? damn sick..........
ReplyDeleteRocky, our children are no longer safe even in our own homes.
ReplyDeleteGirl, 9, beaten, raped, sodomised and killed
By : Lee Shi-Ian, Sonia Ramachandran and K. Harinderan
"Preeshena Varshiny, 9, was alone in her condo unit when she was believed to have been abducted
Preeshena Varshiny, 9, was alone in her condo unit when she was believed to have been abducted
KUALA LUMPUR: Another young child was sexually ravaged and murdered leaving her grief-stricken parents crying for justice.
Preeshena Varshiny, 9, was believed to have been raped, sodomised and thrown down from the balcony of one of the units at the up-market Casa Mila Tower Condominium in Jalan Bukit Idaman 3/1, Selayang, on Thursday.
Her body was found sprawled on the ground by a security guard about 4pm on Thursday. She was clad in a blue T-shirt and shorts and the keys to her condominium were found next to her body.
Her father who is a marketing and technical manager and her mother, who works in a human resource department, suspect that Preeshena was abducted from their unit on the ninth floor.
Her 40-year-old father, who declined to be named, said his daughter called him on Wednesday afternoon claiming someone was knocking loudly on the front door.
Preeshena was alone at home. Her elder brother was away at a boarding school while her younger sister was sent to a baby-sitter.
"I told her not to open the door. I reminded her that we have the keys to the unit and we would open and let ourselves in after work," he told the New Straits Times at his condo last night.
Her father's nightmare came true on Thursday afternoon when he got a call from police. He rushed to the condominium and saw his daughter's broken body.
The parents suspect that Preeshena was forcibly taken when she opened the door to the assailant on Thursday.
"She never leaves her house without her slippers. Her slippers are still here.
"The condominium keys were also found next to her body."
Preeshena's mother looked dazed.
"Her body looked peaceful. I am sure she is in heaven.
"I promised her that I will fight till the end to find her killer."
Her mother said it was so sad that this had to happen right after Nurin Jazlin Jazimin's case.
Preeshena is a Year Three pupil of Sekolah Kebangsaan St Marie in Selayang. Neighbours described her as a bubbly and friendly child.
The family stays in a posh, gated community with 24-hour security.
Police investigations revealed that the victim's condominium unit was locked and there were no signs of forced entry.
They were looking at the possibility that Preeshena was taken to a vacant unit on the second floor where she was attacked and murdered. The back window of the unit was open when police checked the premises.
The post-mortem report revealed she had been raped and sodomised. There were bruises on her chest, back and private parts. Her right arm was also broken.
The body, which was sent to the Kuala Lumpur Hospital mortuary for a post-mortem, was claimed at 1am yesterday by her family and cremated at the City Hall crematorium in Jalan Kuari later in the morning.
Gombak police chief Assistant Commissioner Mohd Abdullah appealed to members of the public who have information to assist the police.
This is the most brutal child murder since the Nurin case on Aug 20.
In Nurin's case, she was held captive for almost a month before her body was stuffed in a sports bag and left at the foot of a staircase at a building in PJS1/48.
Eight-year-old Nurin, who went missing after going to a night market near her house in Wangsa Maju, was also sexually assaulted. To date, no one has been charged for her murder."
WE MUST push for a stronger police presence and deterrent sentences, otherwise this madness will continue to escalate. I'm terrified for my girls, may Allah protect them...
We the rakyat can make a change...Nurin Alert was pushed by the people...we must now push for a beefed up police force and deterrent sentences!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteTotally unacceptable and someone MUST pay, the tragedies reflect the country's leadership, someone must pay for the death.
Mothers!!! Fathers!!!
ReplyDeleteLet us start the push for a beefed up police force (in numbers and basic training NOT in the purchase of out of place, useless high-tech equipment with the sole aim of lining pockets!!!)
WE want a safer Malaysia for our kids!!! Dengar tak Pak Lah? Nazri Joker? IGP? Shahrizat???
Beef up the police force with better pay and training!!!! The billions being stolen by the few can be put to better use!!!!
We want a safer place for our kids and we want deterrent sentences!!!!!
Kematian adalah kehilangan tiada ganti. Ia mengambil masa untuk sembuh dan pulih.
ReplyDeleteWhat have the authorities done since Nurin's death? Nothing that I know of. How many children must die before the proposed Nurin Alert comes to fruition?
ReplyDeleteAnd my deepest condolences to Kha Man's family. Their sorrow is the sorrow of all the caring citizens who look forward to a safe Malaysia where childen can grow up without unnecessary fear.
ReplyDeleteWe must keep one thing in mind. Nurin Alert will not work in ALL cases. It depends on the nature of the crime. In the case of the Indian girl, it was in her own home. Nurin was taken elsewhere, raising the chances someone heard or saw something. We cannot prevent each and every death of a child through violent means, but to me even one live saved through Nurin Alert is worth a whole lot.
I'm wondering, after all these cases, are neighbors still minding their own business? couldn't the girl in the condo have called her nearest neighbour when that person was knocking loudly? Number neighbour seorang pun tak de??? wouldn't that have deterred the culprit???
Are we STILL going to live in our own private little universes within this world????
I just CANNOT believe that educated parents of the Indian girl, left her at home WITHOUT a handphone to use in emergencies and she had to GO DOWN to the lobby to call her father. I'm sorry, what kind of parents are these??? Berapa sangat prepaid dan phone murah??? Nak save sangat, sampai nyawa anak tergadai????? Kenapa parents budak Chinese tu biarkan dia pergi mandi dengan kawan dia sahaja? Kenapa parents Nurin biarkan dia keluar pasar malam sendirian? Kalau accompanied by her sister pun, what the hell could a young kid do to fight off a man??????What the hell is wrong with all these people!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOrang semua kutuk Islam, takut Islam, tapi Allah lebih mengetahui, sebab itu women and children CANNOT go out unaccompanied and without mahram or guardian!!!! Tapi sayang orang Islam sendiri esp lelaki hanya pilih bahagian yang benefit them and society values freedom so much sampai tiada batasan dan control lagi....
Saya bukan support PAS ya, atau Umno atau PKR...I believe that there is no one with a keris big enough to wave to save Malaysia at this point in time...keris jer mungkin besar, tapi tak reti pakai...
My deep sondolence to little kha Man's family. May Allah bless her soul.
ReplyDeleteMalaysia security system is becoming more n more corrupted , even the police in the street takes a bribe of Rm 10 or 20 for traffic violation in the street...its shameful.
Moreover Malaysia is becoming one of the top crime zone n criminal shelters in Asia. What a disgrace!!
My deep condolence to little late kha Man's family. May Allah bless her soul.
ReplyDeleteMalaysia security system is becoming more n more corrupted , even the police in the street takes a bribe of Rm 10 or 20 for traffic violation in the street...its shameful.
Moreover Malaysia is becoming one of the top crime zone n criminal shelters in Asia. What a disgrace!!
I have a little girl and do I have to be her chaperone for 24 hours in order to keep her safe? But then again, as I am female too and nowadays, even 50 year old women are not spared from the brutality of todays criminals, I would be in a very vulnerable position too, wouldn't I? Actually, even little boys are not safe anymore. Malaysia's gone to the dogs and I'm getting out of this kennel....
ReplyDeleteThank God for my common sense in not having anymore's just not worth bringing angels into this world, only to have them exposed to all these sickos...
I posted this at Tembam's blog:
ReplyDeleteI am so sad 2 more children dead and my heart bleeds for both children and parents. I used to leave my 3 kids at home when I go to work at my nearby office, I dont think I can do that now. It’s not safe everywhere, not even our own home. Seems like we have to guard our children 24/7. I agree with you that this could be a copy cat murderer. When the Police fail to find Nurin, and failed to capture her murderer/s, they failed BIG TIME. All the wrong messages sent out to would be paedophiles and killers, that they can do anything they want and GET AWAY WITH IT. Its proven with Nurin’s case-murder unsolved!
From the website, President George W.Bush make a strong statement as follows:
“Our nation has made this commitment: Anyone who targets a child for harm will be a primary target of law enforcement. That’s our commitment. Anyone who takes the life or innocence of a child will be punished to the full extent of the law.” President George W. Bush, October 23, 2002
“We cannot, and we will not, tolerate those who seek to abuse or exploit our children.” Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, April 20, 2006
Malaysia has evolved tremendously in the past 50 years and I share the same sentiments with you as to our previous and current leaders. Before we can move on to a be a greater country in 2020, let’s start with the basic first, SAFETY FOR OUR CHILDREN, SAFETY FOR US. It is shameful and appalling to read ACA investigation on our top gun for 27millions, shameful to us Malaysian and to the world. What is happening, the Government and Police who are responsible to protect its people are more interested in their personal gains and vested interests, is this why crime rates is at the highest? Killers roams freely in our society, parents living in fear and locking up their children.
Nurin, Kha Man and Presshena was unnecessary death, irrespective of parents fault or not. It seems now their deaths have come full circle, its no longer just one Nurin, but the 3 children respresenting our 3 major races. This shows that the killers are bolder and more daring, they seemed to be very confident that they will not be caught, and extremely SAD to say, this may well be the case.
If only we have this commitment from our PM as what Bush did, NurinAlert will be up and running immediately, rather than going the usual, slower pace.
How many more deaths before we get the killers, how many more deaths before our Government and Police realised that its people are suffering. So sad
Deepest condolences to Kha Mun's family.
ReplyDeleteListen folks, these incidents have been too frequent and systematic to be the work of a bunch of sick whackos unless psychopathology has suddenly peaked in Malaysia. And that won't surprise me neither.
This reeks a lot like the work of a syndicate producing snuff and/or porn films. Given all the latest gossip coming out of Malaysia Today about the reign of organized crime syndicates, it won't surprise me the least bit. Also please remember the documentary that aired in the US recently about a vice syndicate based in Penang and trafficking women from ASEAN countries. And if you saw the video recording of how the police were dealing with the vice syndicate guys, you'll know how rotten the police force has become, especially when they have a sleeping dwarf as their boss in the Home Ministry. Once they get away with "lesser" crimes like that, it will only be a matter of time before they target more lucrative dirty business such as snuff.
The police response to Nurin's case is very much indicative that they know who the perpetrators were but created a distraction by making noise about prosecuting (persecuting?) the parents. Think about why that Indon woman who was initially arrested (and then mysteriously relased AND deported) swallowed her SIM card. Why do that unless you're trying to protect some kind of information?
This is crossing the line already. Innocent kids! I hope the 100,000 March on Nov 10th results in the toppling of Badawi and his circus act. One who is rumored to be waddling around in adult diapers should be sitting at a retirement home, and not be gallivanting around as head of state.
Deepest condolences to the families of Kha Mun and Preesheena.
ReplyDeleteI am so angry and helpless that I do not know what to say. Our Malaysian society has sunk so low that we have increasing numbers of depraved sick sex maniacs running around preying on little children. How do we stop them? How do we try to reduce these incidences without turning our lives into hermit like? Could these sick crimes have been prevented because someone could have seen them but did nothing? Can we blame the police for such crimes happening? I have no answers.
My Deepest condolences to the families of Kha Mun and Preesheena.
ReplyDeleteberapa banyak lagi yang akan jadi the ministers..jangan cakap pasal politic..kena fikir pasal sistem keselamatan...
kalau rakyat hidup dalam ketakutan buat apa...hari hari budak kena rogol bunuh ni mengapa...semua kes pun tak selesai...