Goblok government

"It's the government, not the Malaysian people". After the "latest act of stupidity", Unspun, a Malaysian in Jakarta, is malu (ashamed) of the "very goblok" Malaysian government.
Read the IHT's full article here.
Where this is all coming from, is there more?
ReplyDeletePak aku orang Patani, mak aku orang Batubara atau Batak dari Sumatera. Aku takut jumpa Rela!
Tapi... dari semua Menteri Besar Perak, hanya dua shj orang Peghak iaitu Shaari Kopi dan Ramli Ngah Talib. Yang lain semuanya orang asal Patani dari Tok Panglima Bukit Gantang, Ghazali Jawi, Ahmad Said, Kamaruddin Mat Isa, Wan Mohamad Wan Teh, Tajol Rosli Ghazali Jawi...
Kenapa Rela tak tangkap depa?!!
Salam 'Aidil Fitri kpd Bro Ahirudin sekeluarga dari bakaq a.k.a. ~penarik beca a.k.a. sang kutu sekeluarga.. من العائدين والفائزين
Lagi kelakar Dollah dulu masa jadi timbalan PM kena bukak tali pinggang masa post911 di US.
ReplyDeleteSdra Rocky,
ReplyDeleteIni sudah lebih dan memalukan Malaysia. Anggota RELA perlu diberikan latihan dan pengetahuan sebenarnya sebelum diberikan kuasa untuk "menangkap" orang sana sini.
Mereka perlu tahu apa itu "Diplomat" apa itu "Geneva Convention" dan lebih-lebih lagi perlu mempunyai sifat "kemanusiaan" sebelum menjalankan tugas-tugas mereka.
Mereka juga perlu tahu bahawa tidak semua orang Indonesia itu pendatang haram. Memakai uniform hijau dan bertopi kuning tidak bermakna mereka boleh membuat sesuka hati mereka.
Anggota rela berkenaan perlu di hukum sewajarnya kerana menunjukkan sikap "besar kepala" yang tidak kena tempatnya.
Rela D-G Zaidon wrote a letter to NST which was published on 30 Apr 07. In it, he unashamed declared:
ReplyDeleteCases of members with criminal records are something
that cannot be avoided.
Why? He was apparently happy enough that :
Up to March 31, there were 476,046 members.
This number makes it difficult for Rela to conduct a
thorough check on the background of each member.
During a Malaysiakini interview (published May 29, 2007), Zaidon added further:
Q: What is the screening process for recruits?
Nowadays we don't have to screen. Anyone can join and
become a Rela member. If we were to conduct a screening
exercise, it would take the police some time (to do so),
because they have their own priorities. Those who join will
receive a membership card within two weeks. It's as simple
as that.
Q: What kind of disciplinary action can Rela take against
The obvious one is that we revoke membership. It's as simple
as that. We cannot take members to court. We don't have that
kind of mechanism. If the member has committed a crime, it is
up to the police to investigate under the Penal Code.
It seems that the RELA D-G sees nothing wrong with the gross systemic problems which exist in his beloved RELA. And RELA wants to be given even more power.
If nothing is done to excise the cancer infesting RELA, what can be expected but more fiascoes?
ReplyDeleteBiggest brother now bullying big brother. Big brother also likes to bully little brother. What goes around comes around. Don't worry.
ReplyDeleteKawan sakelian!
ReplyDeleteSoalaan nya mengapa tidak di siarkan di dalam akhbar tempatan? Mengapa harus di siarkan! Ini bukan cerita sengit yang harus setiap detik di keluarkan di dalam akhbar?! Ini cuma pasukan keselamatan kita menjalan kan tugas. Isteri pegawai diplomat, atau orang orang pendatang lain harus tau bahawa di negara ini ada undang undang jika orang pendatang harus keluar mereka harus lengkap dengan kad identiti saperti pasport. Saya yakin bahawa Ibu Isteri Diplomat tidak ada bedza nya dengan ibu yang lain lain, jika di shaki orang pendatang pegawai keselamatan berhak meminta kepastian ya. Saperti juga ahli taekwan do yang di tahan bila di tanya beliau dengan angkuh berkata saya tetamu tidak pasti saya di siasat atau polis tidak berhak menanyakan status nya. Sebagai warga negara Malaysia saya amat berbangga bahawa pasukan keselamatan negara saya bertugas dengan tekun dan mereka tidak harus meminta maaf kepada sasiapa pun jika khidmat mereka itu di keji tanpa sebarang siasatan.
Pada waktu yang sama saya suka menyatakan di sini bahawa sudah sampai masa dan waktu nya kerajaan bertindak dengan keras untuk membendung aktiviti pendatang haram yang mengambil kesempatan menyalah gunakan tata susila kita sebagai warga Malaysia yang berbudi bahasa! Merdeka! Medrdeka! Tetapi dengan maruah ya!
Terima Kasih.
Rocky and all!
ReplyDeleteWhy do we have to apologise evrytime to other countries when ever our security people are doing their job, and they are doing such a good job! With the kind of extra curricular activities being conducted by foreigners, legal or illegal, in this country, which include black money scam, sdet prostitution, drug related, making blue movies, killing people, raping our women, hacking into computer systems to steal money, kidnapping I don't think we have to worry what foreign newspapers churned for their front pages! I don't think the Indonesian government is anybody's fool to fall for the trap by some foreign powers, probably that little red dot is one of them, trying to draw a wedge between Malaysia and Indonesia, it will not work! So Indonesia, or anyone form the Indonesian government if you read this, you must ALSO be aware that some foreign bloggers in yOUR country is working for foreign powers, such as the little red dot, trying to make us brothers fight and we know we are not stupid to fall for it! Kita harus berwaspada dan kita harus menghapuskan pengkhianat di Malaysi atau di Indonesia! Selamat berjuang! Merdeka! Tetapi dengan maruah ya!
ReplyDeleteSaya sgt setuju dengan magpie, kita melayu terlalu cepat megutuk dan melatah, walaupun isteri Diplomat tetap tertakluk kepada segala undang2.Terlalu ramai orang Indonesia yg mengambil kesempatan atas kelembutan dan kebaikan orang Malaysia.
Okay an addendum to the last one!
ReplyDeleteIn the US, diplomats who are not well equipped when traveling documents while in the country will be hauled in and thrown in the clinker, but released after verification. Many crude African and Middle-eastern diplomats who beat up prostitutes will and have been arrested in the US. So Post 9-11, with all sorts of angst around we have every right to throw any one, diplomats or otherwise, if we suspect they are not who they claim to be, we have every rights to do our job of detaining them.
Yes! Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations is one of the marks of a civilised society, but civilised people do not take planes and rammed them into other people's countries building killing thousands, so there! Rela and the rest of the security agencies just do your jobs and do it well and the hell with the rest!
Saudara sekalian,
ReplyDeletekalau masih ingat sewaktu gawat 1997, orang Indonesia di waktu itu ada yang mahu pinjam PM kita untuk tolong bantu pulihkan ekonomi mereka tanpa gunakan IMF.
Tahun 2007 pulak, kalau kita nak bagi orang Indonesia tolong simpankan ( FOC ) PM kita, dah tentu mereka deport dia balik KL secepat mungkin.
Begitulah bezanya PM dulu & sekarang.
Rocky bro,
ReplyDeleteLooks like a lot of RELAwan here. For me, I think RELA ought to clean up their act. How can we allow enforcement to be carried out by bunch of untrained personnel with unsubstantiated background?
I am sure the RELAwan here will be able to vouch that there is no rule against breaking and entering, breaking of storage to retrieve belongings etc. What difference is it from mercenaries? You keep the loot and only produce the headcount that is illegal. Casualties who are legal goes through the process and maybe spare the enforcement but not the experience of looting.
Is there any procedure to ensure no enforcement personnel take possessions from the foreigners? Needless to say and we know the answer. What is stopping opportunist to join RELA?
At the end of the day, maybe the government take it that they need the mob (by the numbers) to suppress the seemingly mob (of illegals) at the most cost efffective way.
Ever wonder what is the motivation for these RELAwans? Is it the burning desire to defend the country's security or own benefits and power?
pasquale pasquale, I'm afraid your credibility has nosedived after your attempt to group "The Little Red Dot" with Isreal, and cooking up crazy conspiracy theories about the "The Little Red Dot"'s attempt to drive a wedge between Malaysia and Indonesia.
ReplyDeleteMight I recall "The Little Red Dot" was booted out by none other than our government because they felt it had no interest serving Malaysia, and was left to fend for itself. And look how "The Little Red Dot" did on its own, compared to Indonesia and Malaysia during the same period. Malaysia was, in essence, responsible for "The Little Red Dot"'s independence, simply because neither side refused to compromise.
But that doesn't justify your zealous comments. Excessive nationalism is counter-productive to regional stability, and you're not helping.
Either you really mean it, or you're just a troll.
I am here to support the action by the government. If the diplomat's wife has insufficient or unrecognisable documents, the custom has the right to hold her up for questioning.
ReplyDeleteThe security has done a good job making sure of the safety of this country!
Regarding her complaints about treating her like other illegal immigrants. Maybe because she thinks she is someone important's wife so could be expecting 1st class treatment like put her in a 5 star hotel, champaigne, coffee before questioning her?
If she is pushed, shouted at, or other mistreatment, I would stand by her side. Other than that, I think the authority is just doing their job.
Rela should continue to do its job: keeping illegal nationals out. People complained about too many illegals and crime related activities. You cannot eat and keep the cake at the same time. So Rela has got to do the job. As to the Indonesian episode, we don't know the details which actually happened and I agree with Kee's comments. Forget the diplmotic relations, this is a security matter. Indonesia has never been a perfect neighbor. They prosper our nation with haze and criminal acts. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteRela-x Donkey
If this had been between 'the little red dot' and Malaysia, I am sure there will now be calls to cut off water supply, deny them air space etc. But it is big brother Indonesia and the quarrel is between Indonesia and Malaysia. Why are some people again trying to put the blame for their problems on 'the little red dot'. The mentality never changes. Paranoid. Pathetic. Childish.
ReplyDeleteanonymous at 12.23,
ReplyDeleteWhich troll are you referring to whaT I might be the supernatural troll or the singing troll, I believe I am both. Let me tell you that "the hands that throw the stone can and always never be seen".
The fact that you bothered to comment at great length shows you are bothered by my supernatural and singing theory, which by the way is not a theory anymore if the files that I am sifting through is for real, I think they are!
BTW there is nothing pathetic about the little red dot trying to muscle into my country via Iskandar Development region, to accomodate little red dotters in about 20 to 30 years from now!