Thursday, February 08, 2007


It's Javanese for "sleep", I learnt today. Tempo, the influential Jakarta-based weekly magazine, used the word in an article on Malaysia for its current issue, Kala Blogger Menggelitik Pak Lah.
Di Malaysia muncul aliansi para blogger yang memperolok dan mengecam Abdullah Badawi. Namun, Badawi tetap berlalu.
Kliklah blog Sebuah poster nyinyir berjudul Sleepers tertanggal 15 Januari 2007 akan segera menohok. Menampilkan empat wajah Abdullah Badawi tengah terkantuk-kantuk, memperlihatkan perdana menteri itu “ngorok” di pertemuan kabinet, pertemuan dengan partainya, saat konferensi internasional, dan pertemuan penting lainnya.
Pada bagian atas poster itu tertera ucapan Dr Martin Luther King Jr, I have a dream. Sedangkan di bawahnya ucapan Abdullah Badawi, I have thousand dreams. Selanjutnya ada celetukan kalimat: Badawi, seorang perdana menteri yang meninggalkan negerinya ketika negara terkena bencana.
Read the rest of it here.


  1. Anonymous8:43 pm

    Bapak Rocky Bru,

    Ngorok dalam bahasa Jawa ertinya berdengkur. Tidur nyenyak.

  2. Anonymous9:19 pm


    U have to learn one more Javanese word, NGOMPOL . I'm not sure if word ngompol are relevence to him.
    But when baby ngompol they have to wear pampers.

    Balik semula kpd Ngorok. Di Indonesia mereka punya rakan sejawat yang sama level dan sama perangai dengan kita punya Ngorok. Siapa yang tidak kenal President Gus Dur yg jadi bhn jenaka di Indonesia, punya hobi yg serupa iaitu suka tidur dalam meeting,national conference dan lain-lain perhimpunan.Juga punya panggilan yg serupa iaitu 'ulama' dan di sini pula digelar 'ulama' Hadhari.

  3. Bila kala yang tak nyenyaknya!?

    Tinggai tak meleleh ayaq liuq basi ja!

    Hudoh-hudoh aku pun, kalu aku la orang dok heboh sana-sini dok tidoq masa kerja, masa meeting, masa perhimpunan agung, sampai satu dunia tahu, aku malu tak sangga!


  4. Anonymous9:46 pm

    Sounds good...ngorok, ngorok, ngoo..rrok!

  5. Ngorok, jangan tak ngorok.

    Lebih-lebih lagi kalau goblok juga.

  6. I could bet my last Ringgit that Pak Abdullah NGENCES (drooling) at the response and attention given to PGPO's Criminalise War Conference.

    Facing up to Saturday's, will he go KELABRUKKAN (Javanese for the Malay word kelam kabut). Perhaps, MENGARUK after that.

    Whatever it is, he has to cool it and follow the image improvement script laid out for him.

    I am just looking forward for cool cuppa of Tuanku Sultan's favourite KOPI GEBRES PENG (Messy or Unfiltered Granuled Ice COffee).

    Rock on and Hidup Tun!

  7. Anonymous3:10 am


    talk about intimidation gone wrong....stoopid people does stoopid things (again this is not referring to ANYONE or ANY EVENT in particular)



  8. Anonymous6:08 am

    Always wondering: Does he really know what he is doing to the nation now and for future generations??? Is this the way how the number one leader of Islam Hadhari should be? Selalu ngorok and poor time management???

  9. Anonymous8:32 am

    mas rocky

    kasihan Pak PM, ngorok wae.
    asal jangan di ngompol,sudah.


    Mas Adjeng
    asal dari Jawa Tengah

  10. Anonymous11:16 am

    Jangan lupa dia pon GOBLOK jugak.

  11. Bro sounds like NGO ROKy ?
    heh...heh... thats my 2 bit bahasa Javanese for you! I could try and pronounce it thou and maybe even add some music to it !
    Cheers... even in his slumber he's got zzzzzzz NGO zz ROKy ..zzzzzzzz on his mind !!!!!(did I say "on his mind"??? sorry ..I had something else on MY mind !)

  12. hi rocky,

    Tempo on our snoring PM.
    I dont know what to say.
    The world knows about our PM's preoccupation?
    I am so ashamed.

  13. Waduh ... malu aku malu, bung ah!

  14. Anonymous12:24 pm


  15. Dear rocky,
    When PM "warned" bloggers on defamation issue, I am not too sure if he was refering to NST case or another case yet to come...

    Take care rocky. May God bless Malaysia and all of us.

  16. In Jakarta, they like to ngeblog, which means to blog. What's the Malay equivalent? Mengeblog?

  17. Anonymous2:58 pm


    Thanks for providing the Batavian word for blog, ngeblog.Assuming you are right about the Malay equivalent, i want to point out an interesting coincedance.

    Ngeblog, mengeblog and goblog

    Notwithstanding spelling technicalities i wonder if there's a hidden message somewhere there?:)

  18. Yup..

    We should 'mengeblog' about our "ngorok goblok's"..

    Malu aku weh...!

  19. Bernama:

    PUTRAJAYA, 8 Feb (Bernama) - Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi berkata beliau belum memikirkan soal pilihan raya umum kerana sedang menumpukan perhatian terhadap pelaksanaan janji-janji yang dibuat pada pilihan raya umum lepas.

    "Saya tak fikir (soal pilihan raya). Apa yang saya sedang fikir sekarang ini ialah kerja, banyak kerja ni, janji pilihan raya dulu dok tengah buat."


    Sebuah poster nyinyir berjudul Sleepers tertanggal 15 Januari 2007 akan segera menohok.

    Menampilkan empat wajah Abdullah Badawi tengah terkantuk-kantuk, memperlihatkan perdana menteri itu “ngorok” di pertemuan kabinet, pertemuan dengan partainya, saat konferensi internasional, dan pertemuan penting lainnya.

    Pada bagian atas poster itu tertera ucapan Dr Martin Luther King Jr, I have a dream. Sedangkan di bawahnya ucapan Abdullah Badawi, I have thousand dreams.

    Selanjutnya ada celetukan kalimat: Badawi, seorang perdana menteri yang meninggalkan negerinya ketika negara terkena bencana.


    ANSWER (Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad): His attention span is very short and everybody tells me... that he goes to sleep, even while cases are being presented to him... He tends to let his advisors tell him what to do.


    Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi merasmikan pembukaan sebuah restoran nasi kandar di Australia ketika negeri-negeri di selatan Semenanjung Malaysia teruk dilanda banjir.

    Menurut satu laporan akhbar Asia Times – sebuah akhbar percuma di Perth – Abdullah berada di bandaraya itu untuk merasmikan restoran‘Puteri Nasi Kandar’ pada 29 Disember.

    Laporan yang bertajuk ‘A meal fit for a princess’ disiarkan bersama dengan beberapa gambar yang menunjukkan Abdullah merasmikan restoran tersebut dan sedang merasa makanan di situ.

    Seorang pembaca akhbar tersebut – rakyat Malaysia – memberitahu malaysiakini: “(Ketika sebahagian negeri) Johor ditenggelami air (yang meragut) 17 nyawa, saya tidak dapat menerima (laporan dan foto tersebut).”

  20. Anonymous9:14 pm


    Jakarta Posted! or OUT of TEMPO
    (to all mat-mat jawa)

    seorang mantan perdan menteri
    yang nyanyok
    dan perdana menteri
    turut di tertawa
    mas tenggelam timbul seberang yang suka membakar hutan dan hisap asap keretek

    anak atan ni pun ngemabuk ngetergelak-gelak
    nge-engak lucu.
    Yudontknow bimbang
    Yudhoyono Banabang
    pun tidurrr
    sambil air-lay-gal turut
    visit malaysia year 2007.

    why do cut your nose to spite someone, ahirudin?

  21. Anonymous12:22 am


    You're in a midst of uncertainty and yet ure still going.Look at finer prints and you'll succeed. Probably, you will will not get the poinst im trying to get across but after a few cold ones, you defi get what i mean.

    Im on your side most defi.

    Keep em cold mate.


  22. Anonymous4:33 am

    Lebih baik Ngorok dari Ngumpat...goblok

  23. Rocky!

    Now every monkey and moron thinks he/she is a writer, including Shanghaistephen who ever he is, he is more of a jester rather than a person who can actuially string a meaningful sentence! It may come to a point where I will dread the thought of opening the blogsites to see so many half-speakers and half-thinkkers attempting to articulate garbage! Anything you can do Rocky? If I write with my real name can you stop delivering unnamed posters such as anonymous or datin anonymous, hubris whatever, and many many more other cowardice acts?!
    Blogsite is not meant to blow ones trumpet but rather to write the truth and to write sincerely about events and happenings that affect our lives! Rocky I think the longer I live in this country the more moronic I will become so I have decided to go back to Malta, or is it Cyprus, can't remember now, you see! Anyway, Happy CNY to all of us and may we achieve fantastic orgasm over the long weeekends! For the weekend warriors don"t forget to use good and durable condom remember HIV is a death knell, drink bottled water, dont eat chicken in Indonesia to prevent bird flu, and no cunilinggus its bad for the mouth and general health!

  24. Anonymous8:04 pm

    Are you sleeping,
    Are you sleeping,
    People edi knocking,
    All getting boring,
    We're going to hell,
    Coz things aint well.

  25. Anonymous2:39 pm

    I think it is alright for the boss to sleep on the job, provided he has the right and capable people working for him. Plus, for him, that group of tingkat 4 people must also work to fulfill all the election pledges. My former boss slept a lot but he treated me well and I did a fantastic job for him. US Clinton played a lot in the oval office, but he has a great pool of trusted and talented people. Thus, the question is whether he is sleeping for all the right or wrong reasons. And also whether he has the right people working for him or against him.

  26. Anonymous11:35 pm

    monsterball, you have called people who disagreed with you worst, so your "When a man starts calling everyone who disagree with him a moron like is very sad that he is a Malaysian...totally no respect nor manners for others." remarks is so out of context and you know what else old man?

    Pasquale, while he appeared harshed with his words, yet he presented his reasonings and arguments intelligently but you?

    Funny actually, to think that you are an old man but yet, far too many on occassions, you showed us that you truly are a small kid trapped in that body of yours.

    Your postings were so irreverent and irrelevant to those issues brought up by the blog owners that I have to conclude, the ONLY reason the blog owners publishing them were for the whole world to see and judge the real person that you are. A trapped child in an old man's body.

  27. Anonymous11:55 pm

    Monsterball, a "cultured world" in the context of blogosphere is, one where we won't get spams from MORON (sorry Pasquale) like you!

  28. Hey! Atomic Kitten and Anonymous thanks for sorta agreeing to my warped sense of a diatribe! People like monsterball there are many, they always miss the tree for the forest or is it forest for the tree!
    Here is a profile of this Monsterball:
    Middle-aged Chinese-Malaysian, would like to have a Malay for a girlfriend, lives with his mother, infact he is in love with his mother, he is impotent lost his libido or his mojo a long time ago, no friends, and an alcoholic, secretly he wants Chinese as Prime Minister and Yang diPertuan Agong of this country, he smells with nostril hairs sticking out disgustingly, he usually cringed at social interaction basically he is socially inept! So I wouldnt worry about him as he is far from being cultured, oh! another thing he is not married for obvious reason!

  29. Datuk Pasquale!aka counquerer of the Artic circle!

    Its malta.

  30. Bro Rocky,

    I found this writing from one of the Indonesian blogger.
