Saturday, December 02, 2006

Blog ethics

Deflect the blogs. Zahid Hamidi does not want the public to be deceived by incorrect information and accusations by bloggers and wants the mainstream media to help government in putting the record straight. The Deputy Information Minister also wants bloggers to adopt good ethics and be responsible in their writing.
"They should have ethics ... everyone have ethics and self-respect. We hope the bloggers will also have ethics and self respect."
I am all for positive ethics and taking bloggers to account. Zahid, however, should be reminded that the mainstream media in this country aren't swell in the ethics department. Senior editors appointed by the Prime Minister to head the NSTP write blatant lies in their columns and plagiarize, and Zahid has never lifted a finger. He should know better than ask unethical journalists to deflect the blogs for the government when they could not even defend themselves against these blogs!

[read Zahid's call for blogger ethics here]


  1. Anonymous8:06 pm

    Dear Rocky

    You are right that the Deputy Minister of information, Zahid Hamidi, should call upon those who are controlling the NST to be ethical before he called upon hte bloggers to be so.

    For a start, Zahid should instruct the PM's appointed de facto editor, Kalimullah Hassan, to own up that he had lied in his famous June 11 article and print a public apology for his unethical conduct by publishing lie.

    If Zahid Hamidi hasn't got this small power to instruct Kalimullah to come up with a public apology for his lie then Zahid can forget about asking the bloggers to be ethical.

    Further, if an UMNO supreme council leader and a deputy minister for INFORMATION is not able to instruct Kalimullah, who is walking under an UMNO controlled newspapers (NST) to make a public apology for lying then it goes to show that Kalimulah is more powerful and Kalimulah needs not conform to any rules on ethic.

    Zahid, bloggers are ethicals in their blogs but NST is not - it published lies and it plagiarised.

  2. Anonymous8:42 pm

    Kelakar dan terus kelakar. Kalau Datuk A Kadir Jasin memanggil 'pemimpin2' Umno sekarang sebagai pembesar, izinkan saya untuk menggelar mereka PELAWAK. Ini kerana kebanyakan mereka lebih cenderung membuat lawak dalam ucapan/kenyataan mereka daripada mengemukakan buah pendapat yang bernas apatah lagi memberikan pandangan yang jauh ke hadapan.

    Lebih lawak lagi apabila ucapan mereka langsung tidak mencerminkan apa yang diamalkan oleh sama ada mereka sendiri mahupun konco-konco mereka.

    Tiga pembahas di dalam perhimpunan agung Umno baru-baru ini telah ditegur oleh MT berhubung ucapan mereka. Lucunya, mengapa teguran itu dibuat sekarang dan tidak sewaktu perhimpunan? Sebelum ini Presiden parti begitu mempertahankan mereka dengan alas an bahawa hanya 3 daripada 22 sahaja yang berucap agak keras. Kalau sudah begitu pendiriannya, jadi mengapa perlu diberi amaran? Takut kepada desakan luar?

    Kerajaan apakah ini? Dulu takut kepada Singapura. Apakah kita memimpin untuk mengejar populariti atau mahu memimpin? Kalau memimpin takut ditegur dan kalau memimpin asyik tunduk kepada desakan, lebih baiklah kita menjadi pengikut saja. Sebab itulah saya gelar mereka PELAWAK.

    Pemimpin yang benar-benar memimpin adalah mereka yang tinggi pendirian dan amalannya bukan yang mahu meraih simpati dan populariti semata-mata. Itulah bezanya di antara Dr Mahathir Mohamad dengan Abdullah Badawi.

    Tapi malangnya, dengan peruntukan RM600 juta yang diumumkan sewaktu perjumpaan dengan ketua-ketua bahagian sehari sebelum Umno bersidang, maka pembahas-pembahas pun terus menjadi bacul dan berucap penuh puji dan puja.

    Hari ini pula di Temerloh, Zahid Hamidi meminta akhbar arus perdana memainkan peranan menepis dakwaan liar, tuduhan dan penipuan yang disebarkan menerusi internet dan blog. Dia seterusnya menasihatkan para blogger supaya lebih beretika dan bertanggungjawab terhadap tulisan mereka.

    Kelakar tak?

    Sebabnya kita semua sudah tahu bagaimana penipuan yang dilakukan oleh MH Kalimullah dan sekutunya P Brendan menerusi tulisan mereka yang disiarkan di dalam akhbar arus perdana, The New Straits Times.

    Sedangkan Datuk A Kadir Jasin, Raja Petra dan Rocky – yang sedikit sebanyak memberi kesan kepada pembentukan pemikiran rakyat semasa dan inilah yang dibimbangi pelawak-pelawak kita – masing-masing menggunakan nama sendiri di dalam blog mereka. Ertinya mereka berani menanggung risiko dan bertanggungjawab ke atas setiap tulisan mereka.

    Kita dengar apa pula kata Abdullah selepas ini kalau penggabungan Utusan-Nst tidak menjadi kenyataan kesan desakan orang Melayu. Semalam katanya, setiap akhbar akan terus mengekalkan identiti dan peranan masing-masing walaupun selepas bergabung.

    Tapi soalnya, sejauh manakah kekuatan orang Melayu dalam mempertahankan hak mereka? Saya percaya kalau Abdullah mendesak untuk gabung, maka pelawak-pelawak yang lain pun akhirnya akan tunduk dan turut. Ini kerana mereka adalah pelawak cari makan…

  3. Anonymous8:51 pm

    Sdr Rocky,

    Saya tidak salahkan Datuk Zahid Hamidi sekiranya beliau keliru dan nampak kurang berdaya menangani isu ini.

    Sebagai pembesar pemerintah, apakah yang boleh beliau lakukan selain memberi arahan kepada media massa arus perdana?

    Beliau tentu tiada kuasa dan pengaruh ke atas media alternatif, selain laman web dan blog milik pemerintah atau yang ditaja oleh pihak-pihak yang bersimpati dengan pemerintah.

    Yang tidak Zahid sebutkan adalah bukan semua laman web dan blog dimiliki dan dikendalikan oleh pihak-pihak bebas. Banyak juga laman web dan blog dikendalikan oleh kerajaan, Umnno dan parti-parti BN yang lain.

    Pada hemat saya, yang lebih utama bukan media massa arus perdana lawan media massa alternatif. Tetapi wartawan profesional lawan wartawan payung terjun.

    Semakin banyak laman web dan blog di negara kita kini dikendalikan oleh wartawan-wartawan kanan yang dulunya mengendalikan media massa arus perdana.

    Majoriti daripada mereka disingkir atau diketepikan apabila pengarang-pengarang payung terjun dilantik mendokong media massa arus perdana sejak dua tiga tahun lalu.

    Saya bersimpati dengan sesetengah pengarang media massa arus perdana yang terpaksa berdepan dengan bekas-bekas ketua dan guru-guru mereka yang kini mengendalikan blog atau menulis untuk blog dan laman-laman berita Internet.

    Terima Kasih.

  4. Has AZH forgotten why BP resigned?

    Has AZH forgotten the lie that KH wrote?

    Has AZH forgotten that the NST refused to print an e-mail from a 'datin' complaining about BP's heavy handed portrayal of TDM?

    Has AZH forgotten that mainstream media wrote very little about the NST-Utusan merger?

    Has AZH forgotten that the mainstream 'full' disclosure on the bridge issue with RedDotCom was incomplete and until today, the public is still unaware as to who throw sand back into the negotiations?

    Has AZH forgotten the gullible public ain't gullible anymore and it became that way because they found 'some' bloggers more ethical than AAB appointed editors.

    Has AZH forgotten that for every spin that the mainstream media puts on a story, it gets unspunned in the blogs on the same day.

    Therefore, it appears our deputy information minister does not have the full 'information'(sic) in his grasp to talk about good journalistic ethics and responsibilities. Self respect is earned by bloggers doing what they think is right on their own time. Sans RM1.20 per copy!

    P.S. Rocky, this is strike no:3 on blogs in the past 2 weeks.

  5. Ha! Zahid talking about ethics. UMNO politicians have not one iota of ethics nor morals and he dare preach to others about ethics.
    I will ask him to fly kite.

  6. Anonymous9:45 pm

    Mainstream media vs Bloggers? Datuk Kali lawan Datuk Kadir? Brendan takes on Rocky's Bru. Datuk kadir is right. We should pity the payung terjun editors. We are pitying them. Look at how the blogs are making mincemeat of the operatives and their machais Hishamudin Aun, Manja, Ho kay tat, Gunasegera, Wong choon wai. Look, who are defending Utusan if not the blogs?.

  7. Anonymous9:54 pm


    More will blog when they get kicked out of the NSTP and Utusan once they are merged on the order of AAB.

    I heard that some NSTP and Utusan printing plants will be closed down or sold when the two companies are married off.

    The poor NSTP and Utusan reporters can't even defend their future. We're fighting for them.

  8. Anonymous10:18 pm

    Dear Singaporian

    You are absolutely right that the blogs, especially Rockybru, is making mincemeat out of Kalimulah, Brendan, Wong Chun Wai (op! sorry! Datuk), Gunasegran (we won't shoot your foot, you shot your own foot) amnd Ho Kay Tat. All these people are not journalist but mercenary or pemberita upahan or suruhan.

    Sorry, you all may have the columns to write weekly, nobody bother to read except yourself because all of you have no credibility.

    Malaysians are moving towards the blogs for news and not buying the mainstream papers like NST and soon the Star. So Datuk WOng Chun Wai and Ho KAy Tat please stop taking instructions from Kalimullah, who have written lie (June 11 article) and refused to admit and apologise until this day.

    A small point of cdonsolation for Datuk Wong Chun Wai, he has yet to plagiarise like Brendan the pariah. But he plays balls with Kalimullah. Datuk WOng Chun Wai, Kalimullah may be flying high but he had got a "leg on" already through ECM Libra and he is able to run to Oxford to live when ABB is forced out of office but you cannot as yet.

    So Datuk Wong Chun Wai and Ho Kay Tat please behave yourself, many people are watching both of you closely. Pleaes don't write rubbish and defend the indefensible. Malaysians are not as stupid as both of you may think!!!

  9. Anonymous10:47 pm


    our cabinet has turned into "COMEDY CENTRAL' la


    what next?


    they should air live all the general meetings of all the political parties and also the dewan rakyat to improve RTM's ratings la.

    guaranteed to shoot the ratings up la!!


  10. Anonymous10:49 pm

    I agreed with the comments above. I have stopped reading the mainstream media news.

    Why?, because this blog is more ethical and morally precise in its contents.

  11. Anonymous12:07 am

    Dear Rocky,

    What AHZ say is totaly correct. Therefore Blogger's be ethical especially to our 'Pembesar-pembesar'Negara' yang sentiasa duduk bersila mengelingi Bendahara sambil mulu kumat kamit makan sirih!. Do what you are told otherwise you will be caned .. understand. Kata orang tapi AHZ yang lebih. AHZ should exercise everday in the morning by spitting up to the air and see if he can avoid what comes down like what the peribahasa 'Meludah kelangit.....'

  12. Anonymous7:01 am

    ditto semua komen2 di atas.

    "The Deputy Information Minister also wants bloggers to adopt good ethics and be responsible in their writing."

    ciiis, menyampahnya dengar!

    hey Zahidi Hamidi, kamu tergolong pembesar UMNO yang tak empuk, tak bermaruah, tak bermalu, penipu dan pengkhianat rakyat... kalau kamu terlanggar penulisan beretika hingga jatuh terlentang sekalipun tidak akan kamu kenal apakah dia komunikasi berwibaya.


  13. Anonymous7:41 am

    Another example of 'cakap tidak serupa bikin'.

    Zahid is not to be totally blamed. He is the victim of leadership by example: what has been condoned by the so-called leaders are considered 'o.k' by those in the cabinet/party.

    The PM had just given a 'pedas and keras' slap to those war mongers. I wonder what will happen if some DAP chaps decide to test the rule and speak up in the same manner as the umno youth did (may be while holding the parang or something)...

  14. Anonymous8:01 am

    Dear Rocky,

    Zahid Hamidi should look where he came from.

    Since when has a traveller from the tourism ministry become a good information ministry spokesman? Zahid knows next to nust about ethics.

    And he dare talk of ethics? Look at the ethics of the English newspapers - NST, Star and Edge.

    The same rubbish - praising pro establishment and corporate giants - is being churned out.

    Cant blame them. They have to feed the mouths of their highly paid editors, and need ads.

    And Zahid - please look at the ethics of your comrades in Umno, close one eye MP, * million castle MP and women senator on shoulder case MP, just to name a few.

    Accept the fact that that the internet churns out more truth than your behind time RTM and Media Prima controlled media stations


  15. Anonymous9:04 am

    Dato Zahid. Tak payah lah nak ajar bloggers. Baru-baru ni TV3 siar satu emel kononnya dari seorang penonton yang belasah Tun Dr M lebih 10 minit. Banyak persoalan boleh ditanyakan lah. Tengoklah dasar di RTM tu dulu yang tak ada ethika juga. Bagi semua media perdana di negara ini, ingatlah yang semuanya teruk

  16. Bro,
    Zahid should clean his own backyard before shooting off his stupid mouth !
    He can see the tiny speck in the bloggers' eye but cun't see the damn log lodged in his own !
    Stupid remarks like this is what makes our politicians gloat in the public eye.Maybe this is the only way they know how to draw public attention to their little selves!

  17. Anonymous9:15 am

    Zahid, hayati kata-kata Pak Samad ni. Katanya: 'dulu media di negara ini Pro-Kerajaan, tapi sekarang ini media di negara ini Kerajaan'. Pro kerajaan boleh tahan lagi tapi sekarang dah. Jadi kerajaan. Pak Samad cakap benda ini beberapa tahun lalu. Sekarang tak payah ceritalah. Komen saya pula: Pak Samad kata media sekarang ialah Kerjaan tapi saya kata media sekarang sebetulnya lebih dari Kerajaan.

  18. Anonymous10:10 am

    The trouble lies in their "doublespeak". Their definition of ethics is doing what they want, giving credence to their propaganda and pandering to their hidden objectives.

    The acid test is, if Zahid Hamidi were to lose all his party positions overnight and his cabinet position, would he be still making this dubious clarion call?

  19. Anonymous10:37 am

    Here's aisehman's response to Zahid Hamidi's statement.


    Malaysia, Truly Bodoh

    Is your typical Chinaman greedy? And your typical Melayu lazy?

    Wait. Instead of highlighting the differences between us, lets emphasise our similarities.

    One thing I can say for sure is that there are Chinaman and Melayu who are stupid.

    Deputy information minister Ahmad Zaid Hamidi says:

    ... the mainstream media including the official government media should provide the correct explanation about allegations spread through the internet or blogs, especially if the allegations were targetted at the government and its policies.
    "(This is because) not all the information (and slanders) spread through internet or blogs are accurate," he told reporters here last night.

    "We do not want the public to be deceived by inaccurate information including those that are slanderous." [Bernama]

    Zaid also wants us to have ethics and self respect. The motherfucker should start with himself and his party first before he starts preaching to the rest of us.

    Ethics? Self respect? This stupid dick was once Anwar's running dog, but went running with his tail between his legs after Mahathir bitch-slapped the dude.

    So go fuck off, Zaid.

    Not to be outdone, and demonstrating that a Chinaman can be just as "smart" as a Melayu, is deputy science, technology and innovation minister Kong Cho Ha:

    Registering bloggers may be a “stricter” way to stop cyberspace writers from spreading disharmony and lies.
    Acknowledging that the registration of bloggers was a difficult task, Deputy Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Kong Cho Ha said that it needed the cooperation of other countries.

    Kong said: “We need to have stricter cyber laws to prevent these bloggers from disseminating disharmony, chaos, seditious material and lies.

    “We are talking about creating cyber laws to control those who misuse the Internet,” he added. [The Star]

    I thought Kong had more brains. But maybe he keeps forgotting to bring them along with him.

    Oi Kong, the fuckers who are "disseminating disharmony, chaos, seditious material and lies" are the Barisan Nasional (specifically Umno) and its ball carriers in the mainstream media, not the blogs.

    And the mainstream media are just as fucking stupid as the people who are buttfucking them.

    How else can you explain Bernama and The Star publishing idiotic statements made by idiots?

    So now you can truly understand why a Mat Salleh describes us as Malaysia Bodoh.

    Not just because we have stupidity in the power elite, but also because we, the people, allow such stupidy to rule over us time and time again.

    Yes. If we let this crap continue, you and I are just as responsible for screwing up this country as the people who are actually screwing it up.

  20. Anonymous10:56 am

    Yo Zahid

    I agree with what most of the commentators here say.

    You are the last person who should be preaching abt ETHICS.

    Clean the shit in yr bloody ar@se first before you wanna walk on high moral ground.

    You stink to high heaven and you wanna preach what "ethics" is all about? Cermin2lah diri dulu.

    You know nuthin abt ethics, you ingrate & kaki bodek!

    You need a thorough cleansing yourself: be it spiritually, literally and metaphorically.

  21. Anonymous11:12 am

    I just couldn't stop crackin' up rolling all over the floor laughing...

    I think i'm beginning to sympathise with zahid. The root of all of zahid's weaknesses and misdemeanours is simply his low IQ. I thought he only looked stupid but he really is stupider than he looks. And someone as stupid as that honestly wouldn't realise that he has to keep quiet to have any chance of people thinking otherwise.

  22. Anonymous11:19 am


    Is Zahid Hamidi reading the blogs? For someone like Zahid Hamidi, who thinks he has some clout, to comment on the bloggers, then he must be reading the blog. Zahid shouldn't get the mainstream media to deflect the bloggers. Unless he feels that he's in control of the media as well! That's a joke! And if the mainstream media is to follow his advice, then the likes of Hishamudin, Manja, Chun Wai and the rest are nothing more than Zahid's highly-paid machais.

    If Zahid is to read the blogs, then he'll see that there's more truth and perspective presentedin the blogs than in mainstream media. Zahid should read Rocky Bru and at least some real feedback about himself. Maybe he should just get onto his big bike and roam the country to promote tourism, or seen to be promoting tourism. You and I know that promoting tourism is more than just hopping onto a big bike and go round the country. And he must have convinced his Boss, Zato Zainudin Maidin, that Kembara Merdeka is one sure way of promoting tourism and promoting the merdeka spirit.

    What Zahid failed to realise is that his Boss would rather see him off riding the big bike than causing more nuisance in the office.

    Zahid oh Zahid - surely you can come up with a better statement than asking the mainstream media to deflect the blogs! Heheheh! Maybe he doesn't know that the mainstream media are also enjoying reading some of the blogs!

  23. Anonymous4:43 pm

    Isn't Zahid Hamidi the guy who complained about cronyism during the Mahathir era only to find out that is name was also on the list of beneficiaries ? He has put a foot in his mouth before and at the rate he is going, it won't be long for it to happen again.

  24. "... everyone have ethics ..."

    Hey "everyone" is singular noun therefore followed by singular verb "has". Instead of minding Bloggers' ethics, deputy minister (plus stupid reporter/editors clearin cppy), go back to primary school English tuition, can?

    Rocky: pls ignore preceding copy. Tks

  25. Anonymous7:37 pm

    Zahid, your are moron. Dont talk about ethic. We know better than you!

  26. Anonymous6:15 pm


    Wartawan Negara Zam says Bloggers like you must Uphold tenets of Journalism. What a joker, that Zam is.

    Pi beri amaran to NST dululah. Ayo camne dia dapat Anugerah tu, huh?

    Probably, he's referring to Pro-Paklah websites like that macai*&@# net and that carbon copy of yang tiru the latter's lay-out but tapi contains a bucketful of sh*t.


    December 04, 2006 17:49 PM

    Bloggers Must Uphold The Tenets Of Journalism Too, Says Zam

    KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 4 (Bernama) -- Blogging, or better known as citizens' journalism, must uphold the tenets of journalism which is a noble profession, Information Minister Datuk Seri Zainuddin Maidin said Monday.

    He said bloggers, as corporate citizens, had a great influence in moulding public opinion and bore the same responsibility as the mainstream media.

    "This responsibility cannot be compromised for the sake of short-term popularity and gains," he said at the Asset Magazine's 2006 Triple A (Asset Asian Awards) Country Awards presentation here.

    His speech was delivered by Deputy Information Minister Datuk Seri Chia Kwang Chye.

    Zainuddin said the government was aware that the number of Internet blogs had increased and the situation might change the face of Malaysian journalism in the near future.

    Despite the rise, the government was happy to note that the Malaysian media was responsible and had sustained its practices for the greater good of the nation and its people, he said.

    "The government today has a positive view of the media and wishes to see it demonstrate maturity in balancing its roles through the building of healthy media practices, understanding of the people's problems and sensitivity towards the challenges of the nation," he added.

    Later, Chia presented the Best Domestic Bank in Malaysia 2006 award to Public Bank represented by its managing director, Datuk Seri Tay Ah Lek.

    The Asia Banker of High Distinction award went to Public Bank's chairman and founder Tan Sri Dr Teh Hong Piow.

    The ceremony was witnessed by Daniel Yu, editor-in-chief of the Asset Magazine, a well-respected international publication.

    -- BERNAMA

  27. Anonymous8:32 pm

    D.Zainuddin Msaidin says:

    "The government today has a positive view of the media and wishes to see it demonstrate maturity in balancing its roles through the building of healthy media practices, understanding of the people's problems and sensitivity towards the challenges of the nation," he added.


    Dear Pak Zam,

    I think this advice should be for the mainsteam media like the New Shit Times, Berita Harian, TV3, NTV7, and all others owned by Prima Media and Pro- Pak Dollah Badawi Blogs.

    Thks, no thks for yr advice.

  28. Anonymous4:42 pm

    Rocky, I am sick, sick, sick of the posturing of some of our Minister and Eeputy Ministers.Where, where , where did we pick up these creatures. I can underestand if a person is born stupid, but if you "selected" and act stupid, then you ARE stupid. I have been and unthinking non-bumi patriot all along, but you kn ow where muy vbote is going to come the next GE. I registered my self, a PJite, in Bandar Tun Razk to help my MCA candidate. I m coming back to PJ and if there isnt a credible candidate worth my precious ( yes precrtious) vote, then I abdicate my right. But I know I am wrong, but for the right reason. Cheers...saudara...keep at it and more power to Rocky's Bru.SORRO

  29. Anonymous3:28 am

    It has surprised me.
