"Smut" Syed Faizal Albar did not apologise for Brendan P's plagiarism because it would be seen as an admission of guilt, an embarrassing defeat for Kalimullah Hassan. The CEO of NSTP is made to say "WE ARE SORRY" in bold on the front page of the (New) Malay Mail today because it will be an admission of guilt on his part (and nobody else's, not the Editorial Adviser Kalimullah Hassan nor the Group Editor-in-Chief Hishamuddin Aun).
But Smut Syed has been around long enough and should, therefore, know that saying sorry does not absolve him of liability and responsibility.
The on-going inquiry into this "offensive and distasteful" chapter will find "editors" like "Mojo" M. Zul and "Sick" Simon Burgess guilty of carelessness, which is as serious a sin as plagiarism, or outright disregard for the acceptable notion of decency. But like I said in my last posting, Smut Syed is the one really in charge here. If they have to go down for this, he must go down with them.
SO, WHO IS THIS "SICK" SIMON BURGESS? When Smut Syed did the bidding for Kalimullah to squeeze me out of the Malay/Sunday Mail, the official line he gave me was they wanted to turn The Paper That Cares into a rag like FHM and they could see that an editor like me would not fit in. Truth is they had already spoken to Mojo M Zul from the FHM soon after my fallout with Kalimullah and the Mail did that expose on Pantai.
Sick Simon came into the picture much later and I was aware of him only a couple of months ago. In this country, we have "Mat Salleh" expats making good money and a name for themselves as editors of various lifestyle magazines.
But a "Mat Salleh" as editor of an Umno-owned paper? Singapore operatives running an Umno paper? We are learning.
Coward Kalimullah and hay-making while the sun shines Hishamudin aun are making smut syed take the fall. coward kali will have nothing to do with this sleazy sorry paper. if it goes down, it will have to take smut syed with it. no sir, not coward kali.
ReplyDeleteand smut syed will put the blame squarely on his editors. Not Mojo M Zul. But yushaimi, yusri and saiful.
it's like saying: "i apologise for the smut but it isnt my fault. blame my editors. blame them."
syed faizal, you have learnt well from Kali -- to never never take the fall.
ReplyDeletefrankly, i have no objection to "mat Sallehs" assuming positions in malaysian companies. in fact, if they can help to improve performances of these companies, well and good. even Umno-owned companies including the NST.
But they have to be better than Malaysian candidates for the position.
unfortunately, Sick Simon Burgess is not the best that we have around. he was taken in because he is a buddy of Mojo M Zul.
again, cronyism is okay, to a point. in certain situations, you need to have people in whom you trust. But, your friends or buddies MUST be able to do the job.
In the (new) Malay Mail's case. Mr Sick S. Burgess certainly was not the pick of the crop. He was a buddy of Mojo M Zul. just that.
Mat Salleh ada macam2 mat salleh, brother.
ReplyDeletetapi yang ini, yang sah-sah tak berapa bagus. kalau professional, tak kan lah sampai Malay Mail jadi rosak.
Ini kerja orang yang tak pandai lah.
orang malaysia
ReplyDeleteat least Syed Faizal
1. is not a liar.
2. can say sorry, maah.
okay lah tu.
kita forgive. tapi kita tak forget-lah.
Bro, i was told you are (were) a good friend of syed faizal. you should offer him some advice. he will not get any from hishamudin hay-hay or coward kali because they cant offer him any.
poor syed faizal. i am sure he doesnt know what hit him.
ReplyDeletei think he must have believed in the capabilites of M. Zul.
He must have been so confident that M Zul, with his background in FHM, would be able to further push the Malay Mail.
I hate to say this but : Padan Muka!
one thing for sure -- Malay Mail sale will be hot today. people will want to read what the hell this is all about.
ReplyDeletemaybe we should do this more often as a matter of strategy to boost sales.
oh well.. just a thought.
mmgal said...
ReplyDeleteone thing for sure -- Malay Mail sale will be hot today. people will want to read what the hell this is all about.
You hope.
But maybe just for today,
ReplyDeleteman, they werent listening were they? we've been sayin that the new Malay Mail aint goin nowhere. for sure, aint goin up. bad concept, poor content. heck, the signs were there.. numbers dwindlin..
how many months did you give 'em, bro, my man?
syed faizal, the CEO, dont know nothing about running a newspaper. we all know that. they all know that. only syed faizal didnt. kalimula must have told the man, that hey, if rocky can do the job, he (mr smut) can do a better job. what crock!
syed faizal is gonna find himself a very lonely man.
hip hop guy
very very sad la malay mail has become like this. once upon a time i can;t wait 3.00 pm because that was the time malay mail will reach newstall at my hometown, teluk intan. but now i don't look forward to buy malay mail anymore because i can always buy and read "Galaxy" or other entertainment magazines. Sama saja macam baca Malay Mail jugak
ReplyDeleteFHM ? Is that the magazine which published Maya Karin's pictures in her swimwear when she was still not famous ?
ReplyDeleteMaverick SM wrote (in the first posting on this MM debacle) that while we are advocating sex education for ou future generations, our debate that sex in newspapers then puts us in a paradox.
ReplyDeleteMaverick should realise that an education means controlled doses, clearly defined issues and toopics, and proper use of language and visuals (not that this may be the case in Malaysia when it is launched).
What MM put out FOR THE PUBLIC was merely sex in in a salesman kit. The front and back pages were full of either sexual references or innuendos, the content hardly material for e systematic approach to educating the children.
Everybody likes sex; it is a god-given pleasure under proper circumstances. Marriage.
By selling sex as an object of pleasure without delineating the responsibility it entails, we're making sex merely as pleasures of the flesh.
In Asian and eastern cultures and value systems, such issues should dealt with using proper mediums and channels (again, this is not the case though in Malaysia; hence the sex education plan).
In Islam, sex is highly important in pro-creation, again, under the auspices of a nuptials. If we don't unerline this importance, then sex will remain misunderstood as merely a tool for pleasure.
No. It comes with responsibility, and you attain rights to it under distinct circumstances.
The MM way was crude; it is a toned-down version of a sex magazine, but then again a rose by any other name is still a rose.
Well, if you want news, read blogs.
ReplyDeleteBlogs - 2. Mainstream - 0.
why is syed feisal apologising? shouldn't it be the editor? is it because they are not at all remorseful? sad that malay mail has turned out like this. since it became what it is now, it has been the last paper that i read in the day (most times I am not bothered at all), unlike before. Please, dear GOVERNMENT, talk some sense into Kali and remove mojo and mr sick and revamp MALAY MAIL!
ReplyDeletehave sex ,anywhere and everywhere,with anyone or anything, but don't talk about it or write about it!
ReplyDeleteam just curious ... why is that no reporter ever ask pak lah why kali lied in his june 11 column? why so difficult... after all, IT WAS A BLATANT LIE! who fed kali with the info anyway? and when is the man ever going to apologise
ReplyDeleteI think it all falls into place now.
ReplyDeleteThe singapore agent trained in place really here to screw up our Malaysia newspaper scene!! The truth and hard news never sells, in fact spinning, bodeking, ampuing the alleged half past six PM AAB gomen and NOW BOLD SEX by MM!!! What is this? Somebody higher up sleeping? News about the Pantai deal, SCOMI, ECM Libra etc get the blackout, bridge build and kensel decisions. SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!! Frust man..
Trivia: According to Mr Burgess, I am a chimpanzee.
ReplyDeleteThank God for Gmail. Hallelujah!
Now, about foreign workers. I do believe that we can benefit from outside expertise. In CERTAIN areas.
And from CERTAIN experts.
We don't need con-men running around, treating Malaysians as monkeys and use a condescending, sexist tone throughout.
Which would have been fine if they had SUBSTANCE to begin with. If they had something good to offer.
Some of these idiots employed by stupid companies have less journalistic sense than the hair on my ass.
Not to mention the hair on Rocky's ass. Or other people's hair on their asses.
Some are snakes who couldn't make it in their own countries and decided to take advantage of us dirty Asian monkeys.
Cause we're all stupid and can't even take care of ourselves.
I'm not saying all. Just a few idiots here and there.
I know this is on the very brink of racism, but I do believe that some people in this country are still awed simply by the presence of white people. And without good reason.
We're selling ourselves short. We're selling ourselves and our country.
Oh well.
Okay, now who wants to buy my ass? I'll be your monkey for a few pieces of banana.
ReplyDeletei agree fully with you.I think maverick was either trying to be provocative (just to get the debate going on sex education) or simply $#$%^**.
for the sake of debate, let me say this: the Malay Mail steamy sleazy presentation of SEX was not something you'd give your 10 year-old to read.
there is a clear line...between what is educational (about sex) and what is plain smut.
surely, we all know that.
the malay mail tells you what's hot about sex, what we want in sex etc etc...
that is sex education?
i rest my case.
Its difficult to forgive what Malay Mail has done. Quoting SIL said "damage has been done" when he was commenting on Mirzan apologised for the so called wrong ASLI's report. I also don't understand the government policy now.On one hand Paklah talks about Islam Hadari but on the other hand we have people who run the media for UMNO published sex stories.
ReplyDeleteThe lifestyle pages of the NST are no better. Star Two way, way better to read. I remember some months back, there was an article by a female NST writer on how she went for a Brazilian wax and her graphic description of how "clean" she felt after, etc. I was having my breakfast and lost my appetite reading it. What more, she was a Muslim woman, based on her byline. I would have been mortified if I were her parents.
ReplyDeleteAs for Brendan Pereira, read his column today. The guy has no shame, still trying to brazen it out. But it really is much subdued, compared to his usual venom-spiked, bile-dipped, poison-doused, slander-sprayed (I give up, what else?) diatribe. His writings reflect a very Singaporean attitude towards Malaysia. First mock whatever ideas we have (ie Formula One, Twin Towers, MSC, Air Asia etc), then deride, then if it proves successful, COPY!!!
And I say, long live Pak Lah. You made all the right decisions. You proudly announced the sacking of Mahathir-Era Kok Lanas.
ReplyDeleteYou apponted Kalli-Mullah (who appointed Mr Plagiarist Brendan Fry-ra, Mr Grope Editor and Mr "Mojo" M (maksiat) Zul) as your chief spin doctor.
You appointed Mr Dato' Mutalib of the famous MAC rain-making rip-off and the man who bakrupted Yayasan Pulau Pinang as Prima Media head honco.
You made your son and son-in-law your keys advisers and gave OSA-designated files to them.
Long live the PM!
ReplyDeleteDo you have any specific examples of this Singaporean attitude towards Malaysian ideas? If Pereira has had them, I'd like to see - I don't normally pay attention to his puff pieces.
Here's the official cast for the Mail Porno edition, Nov 4-5, 2006. The horny-rifics are given by the bosses to the editors and journalists.
ReplyDeleteThe bosses' names, complete with (my) suggested horny-rifics, are listed further down, where they belong.
MOJO Mohd Zulkifli Abd Jalil - Editor and COO
YUMMY Yushaimi Maulud Yahaya, Deputy Ed
SHAGadelic Saiful Azhar Abdullah, Deputy Ed
YANKIN' Yusri Azmin Abd Aziz, Chief News Ed
SICK Simon Burgess, Editor, Weekend Mail
Poor Reporters
KOKO-LICIOUS Kalbana Perimbanayagam
KUTIE-PIE Kalbana Perimbanayagam
MINXY Meera Murugesan
MASAMI Mustaza
SEXY Sujartha K
GIRLIE Grace Ong
JUICY Jeffrey Selamutu
TRAMPY Tan Hee Hui
AMOROUS Adly Syairi Ramly
RANDY Rizal Solomon
AUTOEROTIC ahmad azrai
JIGGLING Jafwan Jaafar
NOOKIE Nancy Bompey
ZIPPER DOWN Zahari Zakaria
KINKY Kim Jee Hom
And now for the bosses!!!
1. SMUT Syed Faizal Albar!!!
2. HUMPING Hishamuddin Aun!!!
3. KINKY Kali MAU-LAH!!!!
ReplyDeleteThe way Sayeed Fayzaal, the defacto GEIC of the NSTP has been soft-peddling the smut called the New Mojo Mail and defending the Plagiarist Mr Brendan Fry-ra can only be concluded in following manner;-
1. Hisham Aun is a puppet of Mr Kalli-mullah. But Mr kalli-mullah does not even trust him to write a good English copy;
2. Mr Fry-ra and Mr Mojo (read sexual prowess)are both Mr kalli-mullah's protege;
3. Kasi malu Mr Fry-ra dan Mr Mojo, malulah Mr Kalli-mullah;
4. Mr Fry-ra will still be paid handsome compensation if it kills the sick NSTP;
5. The Young Mr Mojo Zul, Mr Kalli-mullah's biggest young talent discovery may not survive long. The honorable NSTP boys and girls will hound him and show him the toilet door;
6. Everybody will be forgiven. Mr PM will complement Mr Kalli-mullah for turning New Mojo Mail into a smart paper (Mr Kalli-mullah will make sure that smut sounds like smart);
7. It is the poor professional journalists like Syed Nazri and Saiful who will get the obscene/angry phone calls;
8. Balai Berita will henceforth be know as Malaysia's no 1 journalism whore house where plagiarism rules and smut is the staple.
ReplyDeleteSyed Four-Inch Feizal is too smut to take the blame lah. So, sorry Mr Sick Burger, looks like it's going to be you backside they're roasting and you will be packing your bags soon!! Please don't leave behind your dirty dildos and vibrators.
And, oh yeah, take Miniature M. Zipless Zul along with you!
Good riddance!
on second thoughts, i feel malay mail has a point. if the government can tolerate corruption, why not tolerate sex? how about it , brudder rocky. over to you rocky. in the meantime, my best wishes to the MOTHERDUCKERS.
ReplyDeleteSyed Faisal should be smarter than this. Since when has the CEO been issuing statement like this? Ayoh Syed Faisal! Malu lah! You know that you are the fall guy in this episode right? Your bosses certainly know how to protect themselves.
Whatever happened to the GEIC Dato Hishamudin? He's GEIC of what? You mean that from now onwards whatever crap is put in the paper, the CEO is answerable? You fellas are a joke! Did you guys bring the Weekend Mail and show to your kids? Did you show it to your neighbours and ask them to show to their kids? I bet many of you didn't take the paper home 'cos you are too embarassed!
Weekend Mail not hadhari compliant la! Wake up Syed Faisal! They are taking you for a ride man!!
Getting amateurs to run a newspaper is a joke la!
Bro Rocky
ReplyDeleteI just do not understand after so many years of NEP and yet there is no Melayu good enough for NST and the UMNO controlled NST under Kali, the liar of the famous June 11 article, had to appoint a Mat Salleh to run it. Malulah UMNO!!
UMNO under teh present PM is most disappointing and disgusting. He had to appoint a Singapore operative - Kali, who is also a mamak and liar, to run NST and he in turn appoint a plagiarist, Brendan Pereira, to be the Group Editor.
Rocky, please do not be too happy that Brendan, the plagiarist, had tender his resigtantion effective on 31-12-06. If I am not mistaken, there was no report of NST accepting the plagiarist's resignation. May be the resignation and appointmetn of Syed NAdzri was just a plohy to take the heat out from Brendan, the plagiarist and fellow Singapore operative. Anyhting can happen between now and 31-12-06. The liar Kali, can always come out with all kind of reasons to keep the plagiarist Brendan, who is also a fellow Singapore operative.
I just want to caution you and the readers about it. Let not be distracted by Smut Feizal's apology. Kali, the liar, as the nst advisor and de facto GEIC, should be hte person who should apology and instructing Smut Feizal a small little fly, to take the wrap.
I do not understnad why there are so many "Smut Feizal" in the NST to carry all the shits on behalf of Kali, the liar. MELAYU TAK ADA MARUAH?????
Brendan Pereira, the plagiarist, should apologise and resign now for plagiarising other people work - beside lying like Kali, is the worst type of "crimne" in journalism. Brendan, arn't you ashame of yourself and stay on working inthe nst when everyone know that you are a plagiarist.
I sam wating to see whether Kali (the liar) controlled nst dare to sue the BBC. I bet Kali has no ball to sue. BBC, well done, you have called Kali his bluff!!!
Four honorifics for Grace Ong? I knew her when she was with the Sun, very tight with Jafwan Jaafar and has a rep for being "adventerous" and "experimental", but has since lost touch. Looks like she has craved a name for herself in MM, LOL.
ReplyDeleteBravooooooooooo Najib (aka suami Rosmah),
ReplyDeleteThought you never dare to touch NSTP 'cause the big guy Kalli was appointed by the Nice Guy Pak Lah and you're too timid a chap to even squeak.
Alas you spoke up.
Please don't let up.
You can't let us down.
NSTP is a big shithole.
Umno is being urinated upon.
Pleaseeeee down let us down.
ReplyDeleteThe Melayu at the NST are the most pitiful. Where is the Ketuanan Melayu? Down the drain that's why the Singapore operative, kali - the liar mamak, had to appoint a mat salleh to head the Melayu.
The UMNO boys are also asleep like their President, Mr undurLAH.
Syed Feisal apologised. That was not good enough. The CEO of NST, Kali, should be brave enough to take the responsibility and resign. But Kali cannot resign because he had to be there to spin the stories to defmae others for his poltiical master, Mr undurLAH. Kali cannot resign because he had to be there to protect himself over the ECM Libra scandal. Kali cannot resign because he had to protect many of his friends in business otherwise they will be exposed. One of them is Datuk Tony Fernadez of AirAsia.
Problems with MAS will be highlighted in NST but none on AirAsia - like flights delay as long as 6 hours never got reported. The NST was publishing postive articles after articles before AirAsia got listed.
Please observe that problems with AirAisa never seen print in the NST or Star. They are all controlled by Kali indirectly.
No one is infallable. Trust me Kali, you have done a disservice to journalism in NST and you have bled our wealth through the ECM Libra scandal, your final home is in SUNGEI BULUH!!! Of course, you will have Kamaludin and Khairy as your cellmates.
The days when Kalli and Brendan were appointed marks the beginning of the end of the NST which began to spiral downwards when it went tabloid.
ReplyDeleteAs for the Malay Mail, when Kalli and gang decided to change The Paper That Cares into the smut that it is, that also spelt the end of this once great afternoon newspaper.
How could anyone think that they can turn a newspaper into a fashion, entertainment and gossip daily and expect people to buy? So when they found that its circulation continues to slide they tried to spice it up with sex, knowing that sex sells.
First it was quite sober but it became more and more daring when the the figures refused to improve.
That culminates in the smut weekend issue.
I am also surprised that the NST management sees fit to hire a Mat Salleh to spice up the paper. But then it is not that surprising considering their liberal values about sex and matters of carnal interests. What do this fellow know of Asian/Malaysian values and sensitivities.
I am sure if he had his way he would
have turned the paper into something like the Murdochs' UK Sun. Knowing that they could not do with visuals, they did the next best thing using words.
What perplexed me is why hasn't the Publications Department of the Ministry of Internal Security (or is it the Ministry of Home Affairs) called up those responsible for publishing the smut, something which they would do to other lesser-known publications. Or was it a deliberate effort to give rope to the paper to hang itself?
What the NST management should do now is to sack the two editors, that Mojo fellow and the Mat Salleh without giving them any compensation bringing the paper into disrepute. In fact they should apologise to Malaysians and the Staff for bringing the paper into such a despicable state.
The same should apply to that Kalli fellow. In fact if the Indian Goddess-Islamic Cleric has any sense of decency and shame he should resign as the Vice Chairman and Editorial Advisor of the NST.
ReplyDeleteThe present Malay Mail is a disgrace to the nation. Was there a research done in the beginning to determine the needs of the readers or what? I believe, at the end of the day it's all about fulfilling the needs and wants of the consumers. But surely Malaysians are not a horny lot. Or is it because 'thinking readers' have migrated to the net and the paper-people had to go for a new non-thinking market for sone silly-loyalty programme?
When I was young, there was a paper murahan called New Thrill -- Ha, Malay Mail today macam tu lah.
ReplyDeleteI am angry and a sceptic now! Are you also a Singapore agent!? Why are you blowing up this Malay Mail or Smut Mail or Smut Syed Faisal issue out of proportion! Are you trying to deviate the real issue here? And again to make the Malays forget about the real issue! You bloody well know how emotional this sex mail issue will be, but enough already as the government will now do its part. But, let you not allow the people to forget that the causeway will now be allowed by Singapore to be reconstructed or demolished for a new one since Malaysia, or rather KJ and Kali using Pak Lah persona, has given Singapore a new metropolitan which is three times bigger than the island republic! Yes we are talking about the South Johore Regional Economic Region (SJER!) to be part of Singapore and this is the real and the main issue that all Malays and Malaysians (if they care that is) to take up upon so that this SJER must not be allowed to materialise! We are not talking about Limbang to be sold to Brunei! (at least they are Malays) We are talking about the "sale" of out territorial integrity to Singapore Chinese under a guise of economic venture, cheating the people again! So Rocky forget the Smut Mail I know you are angry, put a cap to it! Please! We are facing a bigger isue here we are going to lose a big chunk of Johore Bro!
Yes Pasquale. I agree with you. There are bigger issue at hand.
ReplyDeleteThe SJER! I thnik many of us are concerned...what is it all about?
All I know is that the plan includes the FAZ...the giving away of our land to Singapore.
Not many know the implications...allowing Singaporeans to enter this land without having to go through the immigratiosn...no need to produce passports. Apa ni?
Its like, someone in aisehman.org says, building a beautiful Jewish settlement/outpost in a Palestinian land, except that she/he forgets to add - "an occupied" Palestinian territory.
The difference is that...Singapore will get it without having to fire a single shot!
Regarding SJER which Pasquale brought up. Has a thorough study been made?
ReplyDeleteThe Khazanah CEO told reporters after the launch of the mega project that it was conceptualised by the " That's My Idea" PM 15 mths ago.
This is billion dollar project, massive, why didn't "I am in Control" Pak Lah briefed the reporters since its is his idea.
Why did he cabut lari & not meet the press?
The Khazanah CEO was quoted as saying that Johareans must be open minded.
Open minded as to a give a chunk of our land to Singapore?
So far we get bits & pieces of information regarding the SJER.
Bottomline is. Will the project benefit us or Singapore?
Hey pasquale
ReplyDeleteThis might be of interest to you.
And to think this guy is Singapore-based.
Is Johore giving up its sovereignty??
horny-rifics? haha! Well, from what i heard, at least one reporter was not amused by having a horny-rifics to her name!
ReplyDeleteyep, i too wonder WHY it was Syed Faisal who apologised but not Mojo MZul since it's he and his team who were responsible for it!
Then I was told that most people, including the gov still associate MM with the NSTP group.. which it still is part of despite its autonomous running..
Anyway.. bottom line is, this is sad. I am real glad i am no longer there!!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Pasquale. There is a bigger issue here in regards to SJER. The original idea is good but it seems that some people are too ambitious too soon and they are going about it dangerously. So let's scrutinize every piece of land and policy.
Is there a need for another F-1 track? Yang sudah tu sudah le.
Eh Bang Rocky, How come so many of your fans post as anonymous? Takde hut ke? Baling batu, hide tangan? Buat malu je. Baik you jaga-jaga. One of these days one of these anonymous buggers gonna turn around and bantai you. You know, like your kawan who turned their backs at you when you were down and out? Jaga-jaga lintah tu.