If you have not heard of Dolahgate, click here and read Raja Petra Kamaruddin's account on how an entire Umno supreme council had conspired against its former president Dr M during its Sept 28 meeting.
"Rahim Thambi Chik and Aziz Shamsuddin shifted uncomfortably in their seats. They knew what Rais said was right. How could the Secretary have been so stupid as to minute something like this? In the first place, the Supreme Council should not have even discussed the matter or, worse, made the decision to sabotage Mahathir’s chances of winning. But to minute it.....sheesh!"
There's a poll at the end of the article. I was the 808th voter.
And the plot thickens! Would love to read RPK's comments but having trouble getting into malaysia-today website? Anyone else with Jaring wireless account got this problem?
ReplyDeleteWebsite problems or maybe something or someone more sinister?
too bad there are no copies of those minutes. or does khairy have a copy? that would provide a lot of currency to the boy. the document can be sold for a small fortune to blackmail the who supreme council from the president to the p.ndekar to pandirkah! perhaps RPK has managed to get his hands on a copy?
ReplyDeletewho's the "stupid" secretary, anyway? if anyone has a soft copy7, it would be him!
and malay avenger, time to leave jaring man.
With brendan gone, i give the nst a few years to eke out an existence before poor circulation and bickering finally bring it down. brendan was nst's last hope but sad to say nobody appreciated it. syed nadzri doesnt have the fire in his belly to prop up a diseased giant. already there is talk a few good brains are planning to leave the nst. these people see no future in a paper which is headless and clueless. i predict syed will be replaced before he can even warm or fart in his seat to become a statistic. another puppet will replace him. that puppet will then, in the tradition of the turbulent and brutal history of nst, be executed. the end will come when the nst circulation hits ground zero. so long, nst. so long farewell ... i hate to see you go. oh, by the way, when the nst becomes history, jeff ooi wont have a target to kick around. his blog will also become history. brendan, dont cry for nst. dont cry for the malaysian idiots, morons, arse lickers.
ReplyDeleteSaudara Rocky dan para pendebat sekalian,
ReplyDeleteSaya rasa kata kunci rencana Datuk AKJ di dalam blognya yang terbaru yang saya anggap sangat tepat dan perlu diperhatikan ialah "diberi kata dua.'
Pak Lah cukup jelas dengan kata duanya kepada Tun Dr Mahathir. Bagi seorang pembesar (mengulang pakai istilah Datuk) yang jarang faktual dan kerap kabur dengan penghujahannya, saya rasa amarannya selepas mesyuarat MT Khamis lalu luar biasa.
1. Tun M tidak dilucutkan jawatan penasihat Petronas, Proton, Lada dan lain-lain;
2. Tun M tidak dikenakan sebarang tindakan disiplin walaupun mengkritik Kerajaan secara terbuka dan berterusan; dan
3. Tun M tidak kebal dan MT tidak bertindak ke atasnya bukan kerana takut.
Saya melihat keputusan MT dan nada suara Pak Lah sebagai pentanda buruk bagi Tun M dan ahli-ahli Umno yang mengkritik Kerajaan, Pak Lah, Khairy, Kamal, Kallimullah, budak-budak Tingkat 4 dan para pesekongkol yang lain.
Saya melihatnya sebagai tone atau agenda setting untuk Perhimpunan Agung mulai 13 Nov. ini. Misalnya sudah pun terdengar ura-ura Pemuda Umno atas arahan timbalan ketuanya Khairy Jamaluddin akan membahas dan meluluskan satu resolusi menggesa mesyuarat agung membuat ketetapan agar Tun Dr Mahathir dan pengkritik Pak Lah dikenakan tindakan termasuk pemecatan.
Saya rasa dendam (sakit hati) KJ ke atas Tun M tidak akan terubat jika sesuatu tindakan keras dan memalukan tidak diambil ke atas orang tua Umno itu dengan segera kerana lagi lama Tun bersuara lagi parah kedudukan PM, KJ, Umno dan Kerajaan.
Tengok macam mana Sultan Johor, walaupun secara berseloroh, menitahkan agar Tambah Johor dirobohkan. Alasannya sama saja dengan alasan Tun Dr Mahathir iaitu membuka laluan kapal dan membersihkan Selat Johor yang kotor.
Rakan-rakan para pemberita memaklumkan kepada saya bahawa Pak Lah begitu terkekut (dan boleh jadi juga malu) dengan sindiran Sultan Johor itu yang juga tidak mahu SJER menggunakan nama Baginda, telah membatalkan Press Conference dan terus balik ke KL.
Kepada KJ, Tun Mahathir is dangerous. Walaupun dia tidak berkuasa lagi dan dipinggirkan secara sistematik oleh Umno dan media mass kawalan Kerajaan, namun pandangannya masih terus didengar dan terus mempengaruhi pendapat umum.
KJ dan pesekongkolnya pasti tidak puas hati kalau Tun M tidak dijadikan pariah (paria) sekali lagi dengan mengutuk atau membuangnya dari parti.
Tetapi saya juga dimaklumkan yang Mubarak sudah tahu rancangan KJ dan Pemuda Umno ini dan sedang menyebarkan maklumat itu. Syabas Mubarak. Saya gembira Mubarak kini muncul sebagai suara waras dan kumpulann pendesak Umno yang efektif. Terima Kasih Mubarak.
Dear NSTman,
ReplyDeleteI do not care much about Brendan or NST. Why should I pay for a paper that only report one side of the coin and serves the masters, not the public. Papers with political apron strings will never survive, with or without Brendan. The days Jeff or Rocky run out of hot tropics to blog, will also be the days Malaysians rejoice. We can talk about the pleasantry of life. If the farewell of NST can bring us one step towards that goal, so be it.